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The "Find Your Old BBS Buddies" Database 184

sloop writes "Everyone wonders what happened to the old geeks we used to see on the local bulletin boards. With "cool" aliases like Lord Nikon and Zer0 C00l they often can't be found in a phone book. Enter BBSmates, a database of most every published BBS. You can associate yourself with BBS's you were on and find other users." Or you can go on to found a website with one of 'em.
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The "Find Your Old BBS Buddies" Database

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  • by damieng ( 230610 )
    Once again it is assumed that nothing happened outside the USA.

    Believe it or not there were, and still are, plenty of BBS's out here.

    Before you say "well add it" - the site requires USA area codes...

    • and you can bet that if we create that sort of site outside the USA, they will get on our nerves untill we also accept the US. =)

      i don't wanna know anything about that, i will only accept people from my hometown! ;P
    • My area code, 519 from London, Ontario, works just fine and in fact returned 623 results. The site iA only.
    • They do have a search by country deal on their BBS search, so why don't you email them if it is requiring a US Zip instead of complaining here?
    • by kzharv ( 175360 ) on Thursday September 19, 2002 @05:04AM (#4287478)
      Whilst I do dislike the US centricity of slashdot sometimes I actually looked for more than 2 seconds on the page and clicked the "Advanced BBS Search" button. Here you can find a Country field, filling only this in with "UK" or "Australia" returns relevant results (few though there might be).
      So yes on the front page it requires US codes (as do alot of forms I am asked to fill in) but they do have a Country option.
    • Once again it is assumed that nothing happened outside the USA.

      An American tech news site discussing an (obviously) American site, designed by an American, mainly for American BBSes. Making sure that there is some content that appeals to Burkina Faso is likely not a priority in situations such as this.

      It's great that you're pushing for more content that appeals to places outside of America. Just please understand that... well... you probably need to go find (or make) or something similar.

      Why does it matter to you anyway? And why does one small quote, some guy (likely redneck, I will agree with that) EXPRESSING HIS OPINION ON THE SITE HE'S PAYING FOR, turn this whole conversation into "Americans are so nationalistic that they're blind to everything else" tripe?

      Believe it or not there were, and still are, plenty of BBS's out here.

      Proportionally, no. The internet drove a lot of them out. Lots of us (myself included) couldn't make too many long-distance calls when we were younger - essentially, you couldn't communicate with people in another state/province, let alone another country or continent. (To put that into the anti-American perspective you are looking for, most Americans couldn't acknowledge anything outside their City, instead of their own country).

      (If I misread "here" to strictly mean your home country, forgive me. I was acknowledging something outside the borders of your country, because you weren't.) ;)
      • An American tech news site discussing an (obviously) American site

        It's great that you're pushing for more content that appeals to places outside of America. Just please understand that... well... you probably need to go find (or make) or something similar.

        Since when is this If you want a us centric website ... well... you probably need to go find (or make)
        .com/.org/.net != US
    • Create your own site then. The .com domain is a United States domain. Just like is the biritish equivalent to .com . Stop being such a whiney brat and start your own site if you don't like it.

      Besides, the three digit Area code system is unique to North America.
  • by jchawk ( 127686 ) on Thursday September 19, 2002 @03:24AM (#4287327) Homepage Journal
    From the site -

    "PLEASE NOTE: I am currently in the process of switching servers. If you notice anything funny, please email me."

    I think something funny is going on.
    • Not only funny, it's slow too.. i believe it's made on purpose to emulate my good old 1200bps modem.
      • Thats because he's using Windows 2000/IIS with ASP. I wonder if he realizes he'd be more secure and have a HELL OF A LOT better performance if he'd switch to Linux/*BSD with Apache and PHP.

        • STFU- It is a server providing a service to YOU. GET A DAMN LIFE. Oh yea, silly non-American's complaining bout everything, if they are not the "primary" on a site that is run by Americans.

          So it is running IIS. Great. Maybe because uhm, he is a incompentent American, he doesn't know how to run BSD. Maybe he is running a virtual server..... and paying very low prices for hosting.

          Take five min to look at what he/she HAS done, and not what webserver he is hosting with. "it crashes all the time" blah blah blah. You don't like IIS, then because of your disire to see it on another platform, Why don't YOU rewrite the site, and put it on the platform of your choice.

  • There goes my interest in the site then...

    Hopefully he'll get some UK content sometime soon.

    Still a great concept, similar to in the UK, but aimed at geeks.
  • by MuMart ( 537836 ) on Thursday September 19, 2002 @03:33AM (#4287343) Homepage
    With "cool" aliases like Lord Nikon and Zer0 C00l
    Oh no, Hemos just watched "Hackers".


  • Sarcastic Existence - FidoNet 2:200/612

    That's me, or, was.

  • Future .. (Score:2, Funny)

    by BESTouff ( 531293 )
    In a related note, MSN will have a board titled "find you old Slashdot buddies" ...
  • E-mail addresses (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anders ( 395 ) on Thursday September 19, 2002 @04:05AM (#4287404)

    I would settle for a database mapping old, non-working e-mail addresses into current ones.

  • So slow (Score:2, Funny)

    by rat7307 ( 218353 )
    Hey, this site is as fast as my old 1200 baud days....

    or my old 300 Baud.....actually, i think semaphore would be quicker than this site right now..
    • give 'em a break - you're probably downloading 64k in images from there. 213 seconds by the old 300 baud modems (well, not technically - you could have turned on modem hardware compression and gotten it 2-3 times faster). Actually, you're right - 1200 baud is a good estimate :)

      I miss my 300/110 with autodial (but not autoanswer)... no, I take that back.
  • Where are all the underground H/P boards... :(

    Long Live 2i5!
  • Fidonews has more (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 19, 2002 @04:43AM (#4287450)
    This one is maybe even better for this:
  • by GC ( 19160 ) on Thursday September 19, 2002 @05:11AM (#4287486)

    In the dark distant past, prior to IRC, WWW (We had Gopher though!!) - I frequented talkers such as Cheeseplants house, usually accessed by telnet on a high port, like a MUD.

    I was intrigued whether there was any record of the talkers on the net and here is some of what I came up with:

    Talker History []
    Cheeseplant's House [] []

    I noticed that crazylands acutally ran a talker so I connected to see who would be online. Pity though, only 2 people were there. The strangest thing was that Grim, who I remember from Cheeseplant's house in 1991 was actually still online!!! what a spod! (we chatted for a while, then I got idle). I found another, although the name goes away, which had a few more people online, but none of the ones from before.

    I look back as this being the golden age of the Internet, back in the days before AOL, while so much has changed, it's actually interesting to see that the smaller communities still exist down there in the talker underground.
  • You know, there are a couple things from my BBS days (when I was like, 12-16) that I still haven't lived down.

    Looks like I many not have the chance, now.

    So anyone reading remember "Call the Vanguard BBS"?

    • Hell yeah!

      I remember frequenting that a bit back in 1987-90...

      I used to live in Edmonton, so I think it was long distance for me... Hard to remember.

      Who remembers using QModem?

      I ran my own board for 2 years, strictly gaming and lite fidonet back in 1990.... Good old days.

      It was called Micro-City BBS... we had THE best games at the time, with people paying us for a chance to dial in at 1200 and play Operation Overkill ][

      Miss that game the most, probrably... /me wonders if they made improvements/ports... hrm.


      -Chris Simmons,
      Avid BeOS User.
      The BeOSJournal
  • What a nice trip down memory lane. Sitting at home with a Apple //e, a 300 baud Hayes modem (It was important to remind people that it was a genuine Hayes), and a big gulp from 7-11 autodialing a half dozen BBSs trying to get in.

    In certian respects, the golden age of BBSs was better then today's Internet. For example, no logging on at 3.30 in the morning only to find 20+ posts by clueless Europeans bitching about how some website didn't include them.
    • At least the content was a lot better. More community based, more personal. I had a Tandy Color Computer with a 300 baud push button modem. When you heard the tones you had to push this button and hang up the phone real quick. I think I can actually type faster than the time it took text to scroll. I've been seriously considering setting one up again here in st. louis, but just haven't gotten around to it.
    • What a nice trip down memory lane. Sitting at home with a Apple //e, a 300 baud Hayes modem (It was important to remind people that it was a genuine Hayes), and a big gulp from 7-11 autodialing a half dozen BBSs trying to get in.
      Oh my god. The memories. The wierd thing is, the early days of the crappy ISP I first got onto the internet with was just like the BBS days. I'd come home from school, hit enter and watch TV till I got a connect, download my bluewave mail packet, queue up my downloads, and let 'er rip while I read mail (it hadn't yet called "email" I don't think).
  • 11/9 ribbon. (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by rasjani ( 97395 )
    Did anyone found that 11/9 ribbon in the first page just a bit disturbing ?

    Or is it just me..

  • by Chanc_Gorkon ( 94133 ) <> on Thursday September 19, 2002 @06:11AM (#4287621)
    Computrek (used to be able to Telnet to

    Starfleet Academy

    Rusty and Edies (the place to go for porn in OH)

    BBSing was fun. The wildest thing was when we'd all get into TC (MajorBBS was the greatest) and then we'd chat about of all things, the weather. Tc was better then IRC cause it had actions. You could drop a nuke on someone or send someone was pretty neat! Then there were my legendary BBS parties where I would get snockered and then get online and try and find folks to get snockered with, or to go to Waffle House or Tee Jayes and have breakfast and get sober. Fun fun! MajorBBS dropped the ball when they went to that weird GUI thing. They did not make it a requirement to get in, but after being text based so long, it just seemed, well, weird.
    • Locally, it was amazing how much you could read and post when given a 30 minute/day limit, so not to tie up the phone line.

      One BBS I was on (Boston Bullet) was kept alive with a provision that the account of a luser ("Skull Bearer") was kept open and available to everyone. His infrequent ramblings were sometimes more entertaining than some of the Discussions/flamefests, and was the source of much NC-17 parody.
    • I was on Computrek.. That was a cool board. My main handle on there was "Jaxom". Used to play TeleArena all the time. I remember chatting a lot too, that was definitely one of the best things about that board. My favorite action was "taknuke"... :)

  • Having been a part of the h/p/a/v/w scene back in tha' day and knowing the things that went on there (even on the "legit" boards), is there anyone that sees this as a Bad Thing?
  • I've been trying to remember a BBS for a while now. It was originally based in Windsor Ontario and later moved to (I think) Toronto Ontario. At the time it was the largest BBS in Canada. The one particular feature I remember is that the SysOp had a pair of cash challenges. Each revolved around breaking a cypher. If I remember right the cyphers were based around concentric code wheels. For the first contest I believe some details were revealed about letters on the wheel. For the second contest you didn't get any information other than the encrypted text.

    The only reason I this surfaced in my memory is because I remembered the contest and was wondering if it ever was solved.
  • It's quite a while since I got bored of BBS:s and started using our local Freeport dialup to read usenet (1991 or so..)
    However, there were some BBS:s I used to something like 1995, Deaf Leopard and MITS and CofD.
    I cant remember what nickname (handle) I used back then..
  • ... blow the old BBS buddy listing site off the 'net with one of 'em!

    (My apologies if this doesn't seem funny. It did to me, but that may have something to do with my lack of sleep, and it being 04:30. Enjoy! :)
  • So now we can track via one website all the connections made between early hackers. There are probably a few aliases that shouldn't be reconnected to some of us.

    Let this sleeping dog lie. One can always drum up old BBS mates another way.

    • i hope you're kidding. you think this is some how related to the FBI? i work for an electrical engineering firm! nothing to do with the US government. i'm not even a very political person. however, i do have respect for my country and our president.

      like i said, i hope this was just a joke...
  • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Thursday September 19, 2002 @07:42AM (#4287883) Homepage
    Funny though... most of what the BBS's were about are still around here on the net.. your mailing list for your LUG or other group, and slashdot it's self in essence is nothing more than a PBBS forums board with topics thrown out by the board masters.

    the biggest thing I miss most is tradewars.. Yeah you can download it and play it now, but it meant more and made the game more when you not only had your limited turns that day but you were sucking down your precious last few minutes alloted on that board for that day. Couple that with the fact that you knew that most of the players were within a 20 mile radius of you and it really got exciting... your friends were players so you could yack about it at school.

    I dont miss 300bps, 1200bps or even the rich kid 2400bps modem days... It was horrible.
    • the biggest thing I miss most is tradewars

      Well, you're in luck. TradeWars has been ported to a Win32 app, and there's still lots of games around. Just telnet [] to any of the games listed here [].
      • What about us Barren Realms Elite fans?

        BRE had a few problems, but all in all it was the best strategy game I've ever played. Interplanetary, of course. Strategy games should be about sending messages to the players to organize attacks, alliances, allegiances, etc. even more than building units; and that's something that only BRE seemed to master.

        I still have fond memories of, some 6-7 years ago, I told everyone on my planet I was going to try to infilitrate the enemy planet (two planet world) by letting them think I would be willing to turn on my home planet if they reinforced me, and I told everyone on my planet that I was going to convince the other planet that I was working for them and then take advantage of them.

        In the end, I was receiving countless tanks and money from the populations of both planets, and nobody attacked me. Good times.

  • This must be the geek version of "Find your old classmates!" since most geeks were BBSing rather than talking with real people at school.
  • FIGURES! (Score:5, Informative)

    by nullvaper ( 565262 ) on Thursday September 19, 2002 @08:27AM (#4288144) Homepage
    One week after i switch from a professional hosting service with redundant OC3's, i opt for the cheaper solution of hosting the site in my basement on a 144k DSL line. I can't even connect to it now from work, so please.. check back in a couple of days...

    And for those of you saying this is a US-only site, there is a country field (in the advanced search page), however i will add better world-wide support in the near future.

    • That'll teach ya :)

      But it sounds like a great idea. There are plenty of people who I've lost contact with when their local BBS access went under.

      BTW our dialup BBS is still alive and well, if very small :)

    • cool, add your BBS in a few days when you can connect ok? that is.. as long as you're not worried that the FBI is going to track you down... (lol.. someone's stupid ass comment)
  • by IGnatius T Foobar ( 4328 ) on Thursday September 19, 2002 @08:33AM (#4288196) Homepage Journal
    Arrgh. I am sick and tired of the Slashdot editors pushing this idea that the BBS is a thing of the past. The BBS community is alive and well on the Internet. It's single-line dialup systems that are dead.

    BBS's still provide the greatest sense of a cohesive online community out there. Better than "blog" type nonsense, and certainly better than what the likes of MSN and AOL have to offer.

    I've run UNCENSORED! BBS [] for 14 years and I'm not about to stop now. And the 200+ users aren't going to stop logging in, either. Modern BBS's offer access via telnet/ssh or web, your choice. And the Internet-connectedness of it all has made it possible for BBS communities to attain geographic diversity, something which was not possible when you had to deal with long distance modem calls.

    Please, people, let's get the perspective straight. The BBS is alive and well, so stop pushing this "bygone era" myth.
    • While what you say is very true, and commendations to your efforts for all these years, you will find that most computer veterans have not used a BBS for ten years or so. Until recently I hadn't logged into a talker for well on ten years, but I did again just to experience the old nostalgia.

      The good times were when BBSs were new and cutting edge, which, I'm afraid, they no longer are.

      I do like your comment about the sense of a cohesive online community - that is so true and really cannot be disputed.

      To draw an analogy: BBSs and Talkers are however, caves, generally small sites hosting 30-100 concurrent connections, compare that to the cities of IRC or web-based chat forums hosted by and the like.

      Some of the best places to go are the hardest to get to.
    • I think the era of BBS is, in fact, dead and buried.


      Because one of the best things about BBSing was the fact that not everyone was doing it, corporations hadn't discovered it, and Hilary Rosen was still kicking kickballs in the playground.

      Any web-based BBS is insane. It misses the point. Maybe you or your 200 users don't feel that way, but now we're all in the shadows of the hegemon(s): Microsoft, Amazon, you name it.

      Even in podunk Ames, Iowa -- where I spent a couple years in graduate school -- the BBS scene was alive and well. (I have fond memories of a bbs called GolfSucks...)

      True, I didn't exactly want to participate in the numerous "Meet and Greets" for fear of actually, um, meeting some of the people in person I met online, but still: the scene was pretty interesting.

      But now?

      We all play in the playground under the watchful gaze of Rosen, Valenti, Ballmer, and Gates.

      It ain't fun no mo', friend.
      • ...before commenting on Web boards. He's running a REAL BBS (Citadel UX) as in dial-up capable and all.

        It may be that what you're saying is true, but you seriously diluted the impact of the claim by that little missing detail in your argument.
      • >I think the era of BBS is, in fact, dead and buried.

        The only reason you would think that is because you don't still use them. I used to be a SYSOP of a BBS in Nashville, TN, but shut it down when I moved. I still call a BBS up in Nashville, to chat with my friends that I met both online AND at "meet and greets".

        I am also getting ready to set up a Citadel/UX system of my own. WHY you ask? Because more and more people I chat with are getting tired of the crap in chat rooms. You can't really chat in them anymore, for all of the spam. BBSes offer a SPAM FREE zone in which to converse and make new friends. I already have 15 people who used to use my old CP/M Citadel BBS that are eagerly awaiting my Citadel/UX system.

        The BBS DOES LIVE ON.... It may be "old school" to you kiddies, but the BBS "scene" is making a comeback. The World Wide Wasteland is making sure of it!

        Beta Mountain BBS.... Coming soon to a URL near you!
        • Citadel/UX? Bah, Bah I say. Citadel.NET is the future. I should know, I wrote it. (sources available at Best thing about it is now Unix system to maintain. It's also fully compatible with Webadel. telnet to try it out. :) (Note, the sources are a little out of date. I plan on putting the newer revisions up soon.)
    • Shouts out to Phil at since 1996 and still reachable by modem or telnet!

      BBSes LIVE, daddy-o!
  • Wow. I ran a piddly little BBS in Newport News, VA called Afternoon Delight [] (yes, I know the site is slow). I let out a, "Holy shit!" here at work when I saw I was listed. They have my listing wrong, which I'll correct.

    Yes, this does bring back the good old days. I was in high school (you can imagine what a hit I was with the ladies running my own BBS). So this was the early 90's. I can't remember what years I ran it. It was kind of popular. I started out on 2400 baud and upgraded to 14.4. I was considering adding a second node and was working with another local bbs, Widomaker (who is now an ISP in Hampton Roads) on adding internet e-mail right before I bit the dust. I ran a VBBS system and created my own message network. From what I remember it was called AfterNet or DelightNet. one of the two. We had about 3 participating BBSes. One local and one in the midwest.

    And I had a dumb nick. I Am What I Am. That was it. People got tired of /whisper"ing" to I Am What I Am (too much to type) so I shortened it to IaWIa. My little brother I named as co-sysop, CiscoKid.

    VBBS was a great BBS program. And the programmer, Roland DeGraaf (sp?) was a great guy. I didn't deal with him too much, but he was legally blind. He had a special monitor rigged so he could program

    I also ran VGA Planets which is why a majority of the people were calling in (that and LORD). I'm glad to see this game is still going []. I need to check it out.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hey, I'm looking for a guy I used to know. He went by the nick of "Sysop". I never figured out what that meant. Does anyone here know him ? ;-)

  • This was featured a while back. Someone was creating a similar archive of old BBS's. Surprised nobody else remembers it...

    Every BBS That Ever Was []
  • Try getting to website...

    Try again

    and again

    Okay, turn on the war dialer... Wget do your job...

  • With "cool" aliases like Lord Nikon and Zer0 C00l they often can't be found in a phone book.
    Oh, and let's not forget:

    "Crash Override" and "Acid Burn"
    • "Linoleum Blownaparte"
      "Heywood Jablome"
      "Pikov Andropov"
      "Marge N. O'Error"
      "Chuck U. Farley"
      "Hans Upperblauz"

      And they need a good group name like "Hackers of Dark Chowder".
  • BBS led the way in online community gaming IMHO. I'm not a follower of Talkers, but I have been an avid MUD addict for shortly over 7 years. MUD first arose
    back in 1979 []. Mud games promote online interaction through a text interface. Now adays, you have client software which makes the playing more enjoyable.Today's MMORPGs such as Everquest offer but a brief glimpse of the imagination and interaction that occurs on your standard text interactive games.

    A prior commentor was abit upset, stating that they had 14 years addiction to BBS, this is the same for the text game community. I do not forsee the online text interaction such as BBS, Talkers, Muds and now IRC becoming a thing of the past. When you put your own imagination, against that of a group of developers and artists, your imagination will win every time.

    My Thoughts, Kyndig []
  • I use ISCA BBS (one of the oldest, largest telnet BBSs out there), and came across a great user browser called ISCA Big Brother ( []), that tracks BBSers login habits. I wonder what other BBSs out there have similar tools available? Searching through user profiles for their home pages can provide countless hours of entertainment.
  • Oh, hey, while we're talking: Might as Well Mention the BBS Documentary Again [].
  • at least bbs's had lots of busy signals. to me that's better than trying to connect to a slashdotted site.
  • Heh heh, back when the Computer Shopper listed all major BBSs (and was the size of a phone book). Oh the porn we had -- 320x200 CGA, baby!

    Anyone remember what that BBS game was that involved you taxing peasents and training lords and taking over other people, but you could only play once a day? It was on a whole bunch of BBS's...

    • I remember the game, but not the name. At least the one I played. You could go to the cathedral and pray to the gods. If your prayer was owen citadel you got mad loot.
    • Re:Computer Shopper (Score:2, Informative)

      by nd ( 20186 )
      "Anyone remember what that BBS game was that involved you taxing peasents and training lords and taking over other people, but you could only play once a day? It was on a whole bunch of BBS's..."

      Exitilus? BRE?
  • That was name of the BBS in my home town, Sioux City, Iowa. Set up by a kid that skipped a couple of grades, Stavens, I think.

    Those were the days...only 10 people on at once... Playing LORD.... right before he left for college and shut it down, we even had e-mail to the outside world. I thought it was so cool at the time...
  • In the 805 AC we had some guy named Chaun who went by the handle Locutus. Man that guy sucked. He had his own BBS that was known as the worst BBS in the 805. Every board had him black listed. Some boards would let him create an account so that he would post something that would cause everybody to go apesheeznit.

    Oh the good old days. I sometimes wonder what happened to some of the more respected 805 BBSers like G.Washington, Crushed Ice, Uncle Ivar (you stupid canadian, how dare you move back to .ca) Oh and the old "ANSi Art Groups" like ACiD and CiA and all the other names spelled with a lower case 'i' in them.
  • Ok.. I ran BBS's for about 12 years... Totally love this. Now, I've got a quest for some of you "so 'leet" peeps out there. Been trying to find an OLD BBS Door/p-file that I loved and played for a long time. Problem is, I can't remember whether it was C=64 or x86 game. I believe it was called "The Seven Seas", though it MIGHT have been something different.

    You'd buy a ship, food, arms, etc. and run around making deliveries. On occassion you'd get attacked by pirates. If you destroyed the ships, you'd get some extra booty to buy more guns/bigger ship with. You could also choose to attack one person per day. I loved the game, but can't find it anywhere. Anyone got a link?
  • For Sysops... (Score:2, Informative)

    by dtdns ( 559328 )

    For those of you still running BBSes.. let's not forget the bbs archive [] where you can find every utility, door game, and bbs package ever created (well, almost).

    Also there is the BBSnet IRC chat server [] where a lot of BBS authors and sysops, including the current maintainer of LORD, frequently hang out.

  • There's a hell of a lot of text files from the old BBS days at []

    Cheers, Orange

Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
