Intel's Answer to AMD's Hammer - Yamhill 544
bdolan writes: "Today's San Jose Mercury News is reporting that Intel is going to put a 64 bit architecture extension in upcoming Pentiums if it turns out the Itanium doesn't take off. Hmm. Apparently they intend to only turn this on if AMD's 64 bit processor make major inroads against the Itanium architecture. Aren't we glad that competition is keeping everyone on their toes."
Uhh..naming? (Score:5, Funny)
Intel Guy: have a *unintelligible*
AMD Guy: What is that? Mumblican? Speak up!
Intel Guy: *coughYamhill*
AMD Guy: YAMHILL? Buwhahahahaha! Intel marketing loves you!
Intel Guy: *cry*
Re:Uhh..naming? (Score:5, Informative)
For example, there's the Willamette (a major river, incidentally one of only a handful in the world that run south to north), the Klamath (a county) and the Deschutes (another county and also a national forrest).
There may be others, but they don't come to mind at the moment.
As a former Oregonian, I find this kind of cool...
Best regards,
Re:Uhh..naming? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Uhh..naming? (Score:2)
Re:Uhh..naming? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Uhh..naming? (Score:5, Funny)
I can't wait for the beaver... all 64 naughty bits of it!
It's called the "Prescott" [Re:Uhh..naming?] (Score:2, Informative)
The chip is code named Prescott. From the article:
The Yamhill features are being built into the next version of Intel's Pentium chip, code-named Prescott, with an option to turn the features on or off. In 2003 or 2004, when the Prescott chip is expected to be available, Intel will evaluate AMD's offerings and the success of the Itanium and then decide whether to activate the Yamhill code.
There you have it.
The free market at work (Score:3, Insightful)
If this isn't proof that all "big businesses" can be affected by smaller ones, and to let consumers make and break businesses, rather than regulations, I don't know what is...
Innovation IS CRITICAL to progress. Consumers also want a good product at a price they can afford. While I personally haven't had much luck with AMD products, I know a lot of people who have, and I commend AMD on doing something by themselves that many socialist (democrat) Americans wanted the government to do -- make Intel realize they're not the only fish in the sea.
Re:The free market at work (Score:4, Informative)
There is one critical difference: it's possible to clone an x86 processor. They are standard and well documented.
You can't clone Windows. It is only partially open, with closed file formats and APIs all over the place. Open APIs are often not documented well, or may have undocumented bugs which applications depend on.
It is possible to make a chip that will run all the same applications as Intel's, and to do so in a reasonable timeframe. However, Wine and LindowsOS are clear counterpoints to that, showing that that CANNOT be done with an OS.
Re:The free market at work [My response is OT] (Score:2, Troll)
Microsoft has many MANY MANY competitors -- the varieties of Unix, the Apple O/S's, etc. The fact of the matter is, the market and the businesses and the consumers PREFER Microsoft's products. I've tried for years to find a product that runs better, faster, and is easier to use than Office, and I have yet to find one. Netscape over IE? Netscape was a P.O.S., on ANY OS I ran it under.
If your competitors make crappy products, its their own fault. Eventually, M$ WILL HAVE THEIR DAY. They will get hurt, just like Chrysler did without Government intervention, just like many others. Look at MS Network, what a (billion dollar) failure that was.
OTOH M$ keeps the Computer Consulting industry in business. If everything ran well, do you think the industry many of you is in would be as healthy? Thank God for Nimda I say! Job security for geeks.
Re:The free market at work [My response is OT] (Score:2)
Try Cetus Wordpad.
Re:The free market at work [My response is OT] (Score:3, Offtopic)
You display your ignorance here. You're not honouring the reality that since we, the people, have been more than happy to chip away at our goverments' ability and legal powers to mandate, regulate and punish (an idea that seems to make most rabid free-markerers piss thier pants in fear). Even a passing knowledge of the changes in trade laws and treaties over the past 40 years would allow you to comprehend that companies have more legal rights and powers on the international market scenes than governments themselves. It's real. People don't want to believe it, but it's real. Read up on NAFTA. Read up on any of the recent lawsuits being launched against governments world wide by private corperations, both domestic and abroad. The point is, it's harder than ever for a government to actually regulate the market or a company, due to the enormous size of corperations (and thus their economic leverage), and their successful con of the public at large in convincing Joe Blow that the government is a corrupt, antiquated insitution that does nothing but collects taxes and wastes money. In short, there is neither public support nor legal support for governments to control the markets much, even if they wanted to. The MS case is a good example of this. Another good example is of a Canadian company suing Santa Monica for 1.3 billion dollars in punative damanges, because Santa Monica was forced to buy 80 of their drinking water at a cost of 3 million dollars per year becuase this company's unsafe product contaminated dozens of free water wells. The State of California (along with 9 other states) has banned their product, and thus, is being sued for it. See? It's way beyond governments regulating anything right now
Re:The free market at work [My response is OT] (Score:2)
The WTO has the legal powers in place to enforce foreign investor state dispute judgements, (read: governements being sued by companies) and do so. A company can get their case heard and settled in under a year.
The UN can judge on human rights violations, but hasn't one single way of attempting to enforce their judgements. There are simply no international treaties in place to ensure the enforcement of human rights violations. They nailed Peru on wrongfully jailing a woman under terrible conditions for 10 years. They told Peru to let her out last year. She's still in jail.
Re:The free market at work [My response is OT] (Score:3)
Legally, they are. Common sense also says that they are a monolpoly.
The only monopolies we've had historically are ones where the government either mandated a private corporation (telcom, energy, etc), or the government subsidized one corporation and tariffed, penalized, or regulated its competition (Standard Oil, etc).
Huh? Pray tell, where was the Government Mandate or Government Subsidy in the United Shoe Machinery case (to pick one past monopoly)?
United Shoe Machinery (USM) had between 75% and 85% of the shoe machinery market. USM refused to sell it's machinery but only leased, on ten year leases. It also compelled leasees to agree that if they required an additional machines they must lease from USM. USM also provided free maintenance to their machines (or, alternatively, the lease cost included maintenance). The court found that the restictive lease and the free maintenance were barriers to entry by other companies, and removed them from the agreements.
Not a hint of mandate or subsidy here, yet USM were clearly a monopoly (which is quite legal), and were using that monopoly position to quench competition (which is quite illegal).
Re:The free market at work [My response is OT] (Score:2)
You clearly did not read the comment to which you are replying.
No one else _could_ make a competing machine and succeed, because the other company's contract prohibited people from buying a competing machine.
This is (drum roll) against the law!
Re:The free market at work [My response is OT] (Score:2, Informative)
i am all for competition and think people should try to make a better product. but it seems that the only reason you are willing to accept for why a monopoly might exist is that they make better stuff. companies have made products that were as good as or better than windows.
take Be. they made BeOS, which people still use even though it is dead. microsoft crushed it as it was just getting off the ground. they didn't just out-design Be, they told their vendors that they were not allowed to sell computers that did not also contain windows. microsoft also required them to diable BeOS by default. i fail to see how that makes windows a superior product. maybe it didn't have all of the features of windows, but operating systems to take time to develop. if they are stamped out in their infancy all of the innovation they might have had is lost. things like this also serve as a warning to others who would enter microsoft's turf. apple and the smorgasbord of *nixes survive because they are in different markets.
they innovate to the extent that you will be enticed into upgrading. make it cheaper in the short run to win in the long run.
Re:The free market at work [My response is OT] (Score:2)
People don't call tech support as much anymore about BSODs. 5-10 years ago, they were a new thing, now everyone knows to just reboot, even the idiot newbie in the mail room.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2, Troll)
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
You design toasters. Problem is, most bread will only bake in MicroToast toasters(why is irrelevant at this point, but I point the blame to International Bread Machines). Those toasters rely on undocumented mechanisms to toast the bread, which includes a complex chemical process. Now, the battle becomes that nobody can design a toaster, and MicroToast quickly gets a huge market share; they use their monopoly to make you buy MicroToast bread. Now, the problem for you becomes that you must either produce your own bread to begin with and try to get others to invest in baking bread for your toaster, or try to reverse engineer the MicroToast toaster so your toaster can toast MicroToast(and MicroToast Toaster compatible) bread, but the second is impossible thanks to the undocumented bread toasting mechanism.
Re:The free market at work (Score:3, Insightful)
It seems like no one here understands that Intel and M$ and the other so called "monopolies" have not prevented anyone from being a competitors. GO OUT AND COMPETE. Stop working in your cubicles downloading pr0n, and go out there and compete. Stop asking the daddy-state to help you out of your quandry about hating "big business" because some inventors had the balls to go out there and take a chance.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2, Funny)
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
But they're better at it than major league baseball owners.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
last a week.
Libertarians, pah. All the analytical skills of
a Chia Pet.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
Benedict, all the analytical skills of someone who went through public education. My Chia Pet at least has the sense to understand its mental limits.
Re:The free market at work (Score:3, Informative)
Microsoft also operates in many different areas of the computer industry. Almost all of them, in fact. And the fact that they own the operating system means that they get to plaster Windows with "Buy MS Office!" and "Use MSN!" messages. And now, everyone uses MS Office, so it's the same problem. There has to be some standard interface between companies, and file formats have to be compatible and work *exactly as they are expected to*. Thus, people use Windows and MS Office.
Also, have you looked at Microsoft's pricing lately? I'm currently in college, and MS has some incredible discounts (as in $5 for Office, though this is also to train an entire generation to use their software, so the businesses that hire them will use it as well;) but Windows 2000 was something on the order of $300, Office is about the same. They really can charge whatever they want, and people will pay it, but they keep pricing at these levels so that they can defend themselves as "reasonable" in court.
Microsoft does have many competitors. Many small ones. If someone tried to develop an office suite comparable to MS Office, Microsoft would just buy the company for an insane amount of money. They're so big, they can crush the smaller players. They're having some trouble with Sony in the console wars, but only because Sony uses many of these same tactics (VGS and Connectix ring any bells?)
Intel never really had quite the monopoly Microsoft had. AMD/Cyrix/VIA have always been there, just not as a large presence, but large enough that Intel couldn't sweep them away. Intel just got unlucky actually, AMD decided to make a strong push on an existing market as Intel was trying to force a major (and expensive) technological change down the consumers' throats (RDRAM.)
And AMD's success is also largely due to consolidation within the marketplace. When Compaq bought Digital, most of the Alpha engineers bailed and went to AMD. The Alpha was an extremely advanced chip, so they brought their experience with them to AMD and helped design the Athlon, which was finally a product which could challenge Intel for real (they had been a major player in the budget market for years with the K6 series.) The Athlon is not just a "fight the man" sort of thing, it really is a good piece of engineering at a fair price.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
They do. About 100% according to Jackson.
> and they didn't allow competition
They don't. Either buy bundling, or dumping, or simply buying them out, Microsoft has effectively eliminated any competition.
> and the government forced you to buy their product
There are government departments that only accept document submissions in
> then it would be a monopoly
For some definitions of the word monopoly, yes. However, you don't have to have complete control of a market to exert monopoly influence (mainly due to network effects), and that is the definition most commonly used by people talking about Microsoft.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
For example, if intel had refused to ship processors to anyplace that sold amd processors, then intel would have been abusing it's monopoly position and would have gotten it's pants sued off.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
Re:The free market at work (Score:3)
No one is stopping you. No one will stop you.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
Wait. So Intel says, "/If/ smaller company is successful in gaining significant market share and our product doesn't sell, we'll compromise our own technology by slapping down our next generation technology on an already embedded platform that already has a near monopoly despite it being the more expensive, slower (in most benchmarks) choice." I'll give you that the Ps are more stable, but, in general, stability is more of a function of the time the product has spent in the market and its user base rather than pure off-the-factory-line stability.
How can you possibly claim this is proof of your incredibly sweeping statement that the free-market is the best way when this story is about compromising an innovation by saddling it over an aging platform because of market dynamics and perceptions? This ongoing confusion about what 'innovation' really is irks me. Hint: it's not successfully selling a product
Probably the funniest thing is that this whole story is about the LACK of success of the Itanium. If free-market economics is the best way, and drives 'innovation', why has the Itanium, having enjoyed an insanely large 1 billion dollar r&d budget, and 7 years of unfettered un-government-meddled un-regulated development turned out to be the kind of flop that has the potential to force Intel into going backwards technologically?!
Re:The free market at work (Score:3, Informative)
Products that are before their time, or cost too much, or don't perform any differently than others (in the consumers' eyes) will not sell.
What happened to Itanium? The average consumer is very happy with a P2 even today, thank you very much, and probably doesn't need more. Why do we need to see the Itanium succeed in order to prove that the free market works?
I claim this is proof that the free market works because in 1999, the FTC was seriously considering hurting Intel, and what in the end hurts Intel, causes them to innovate, and causes them to make their products inexpensive is COMPETITION from AMD, not regulation from the FTC. Duh.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
Ahhh! You idiot!
But that's just my take. My only frusteration is that very few people actually have an idea of how the international market has developed since WWII, and how trade agreements have reshaped the power dynamics between companies and governments over the last 20 years. This is a completely different landscape than it was 30 years ago, and I don't think too many people appreciate that. Much of the true changes in market dynamics has happened under the radar, while people have eaten up the idea of free-market tarriff-free trade as some sort of 'magical' potion to whatever challenge and purpose people perceive the human race exists to serve.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
Making a product "more technological" is not the only form of innovation. Maybe REDUCING features in order to reduce the price is innovation. Maybe marketing the product in a certain market is innovation. Maybe co-oping with other markets (XM radio in Chryslers or whatever) is innovating. Innovate means "to introduce somethign for the first time." That could mean introducing a fast do-it-all computer for $100, that would be innovative. Or, you could try to sell a fast do-it-all computer that did MORE than everything the average consumer needs, and sell it for $2000. That would be innovating. But if it doesn't sell, and you cut out a few programs, a few hardware peripherals, and sell it for $100, is it deinnovating now?
Look at the drug companies. When a new drug idea comes out, they spend $20 MILLION to test it. Many of these drugs FAIL. So they continue to test more. Vicodin costs $0.50 a pill to sell, and only $0.005 to make, because you are paying for them to INNOVATE in other ways. How many innovating FAILURES has Intel NEVER told the public about? The cost of the product includes their R&D, and all their failures, but if they make one innovation and 50 failures, we're still ahead.
Now, if there is NO competition at all, then the company doesn't need to innovate. Regulate an industry, and innovation dies. Companies now make less money, spend more time tied up in red tape, and may even be profit capped. What's the incentive to innovate? Why bother with R&D?
In the free market, innovation means you may serendipitidly (sp?) invent something that makes you billions. But you need to spend a lot of R&D time in order to find that item before your competition does.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
-- tying themselves to RDRAM
-- betting the company on the wrong 64-bit CPU architecture
Futhermore, Intel is not as skilled at abusing its monopoly as Microsoft is. Over the years Microsoft has mastered the art of leveraging dominance in one market into dominance of other markets: from operating systems into office suites, development tools, and Web browsing, and now working their way into servers, ISPs, gaming consoles and the media. Intel has tried to do something similar, moving into network chips, graphics chips, motherboards, and even software, but they haven't been able to sucessfully diversify. I think the main reason is that the interfaces between pieces of software are very complex and easy to change at a rapid pace, whereas the interfaces between hardware components are not as complex and change more slowly, so it's easier for competitors to make compatible stuff. Also, way back at the dawn of the PC, Microsoft was the sole source for the operating system but IBM insisted on having multiple sources for hardware. This is in fact how AMD first got the right to produce x86-compatible hardware.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
The Itanium is a flop because it isn't what consumers want. Intel's Itanium is basically an expensive 64 bit chip that runs no popular software. Furthermore, the unpopular software that it does run it generally runs slower than if you were to just go and buy some Pentium chips at your local WalMart. Who in their right mind is going to pay a premium price for a chip that only runs beta versions of Windows and Linux? Not only that, but it runs both of those operating systems slowly.
In fact, if Itanium were to take off I would take it as proof positive that the free market system is broken. If Intel's clout, money, and marketing were all that mattered then Itanium would be all the rage, but it isn't. Nor is it likely to be all the rage anytime soon.
Your innovation remarks are another point entirely. Sometimes the market rewards innovators, but only if the innovation is something that people will pay money for. For example, the inventor of the "innovative" new MicroHat (it's a Microwave and fashionable headgear all in one) isn't likely to make billions. Likewise, the Itanium might have an innovative design, but current implementations are almost completely useless. You can run Windows 2000 advanced server on it (slowly), with almost no applications, or you can run Linux on it (also slowly), with a respectable amount of Free Software. Of course, if you are running Linux you have your pick of platforms, and Itanium probably won't be at the top of the list.
Once again, if the free market system were broken, then it wouldn't matter. Intel could simply force us all to migrate to Itanium.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
Actually that's how my economics textbook in college defined it. Go figure.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
If this isn't proof that all "big businesses" can be affected by smaller ones
I commend AMD on doing something by themselves that many socialist (democrat) Americans wanted the government to do
There is a world of difference between AMDs success against Intel and the issue of Intel's anti-competitive practices. Maybe that is why you had to use all of those ad hominem attacks to encourage folks to judge ideas by the holders of those ideas, instead of the merits of those ideas.
Editors, do your job and mod that librarian back down.Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
believe in patents?
Without intellectual property protection of any
kind, the chip race would simply be: who can fab
the most cheaply? And, I guess, who can protect
their secrets?
Stupid libertarians.
Re:The free market at work (Score:3, Interesting)
Do you honestly believe that Intel, if it were legal, wouldn't snap up AMD in an instant just to do away with the competition? Come now.
Re:The free market at work (Score:2)
It is undeniable from even a cursory study of US business history that government support is not necessary to a monopoly. It is certainly possible for government to create monopolies (such as the cable and telecom franchises that cities award). It is also possible for a company to take advantage of an early lead and ruthless business practices to lock up a market which naturally tends to monopoly or oligopoly (GM/Ford/Chrysler, Microsoft, Standard Oil, etc).
In such a case, it is not always possible for a consumer to decide the outcome. For example, every bit of oil shipped by train at the height of Standard Oil's dominance required a payment by the rail shipper to Standard Oil. Yes, you read that right, the rail companies had to pay Standard Oil to ship oil from Standard's competitors, or lose Standard's business entirely. Similarly, if I wanted in the mid-80s to buy a machine pre-installed with CP/M, I was still paying to get MSDOS: each computer manufacturer paid MS for every machine produced, or did not get good prices for MSDOS for those customers who wanted it.
It is necessary for the government to take a largely hands-off approach to businesses - and certainly the government should not be granting monopolies. However, it is also necessary for the government to step in when a market becomes so uncompetitive that consumers cannot change the market because of the use of the monopolist's market power to force acceptance of their products. The alternative is that innovation *doesn't* happen, because there is no incentive for a monopoly to innovate.
Turn it on? (Score:3, Interesting)
Presumably they mean that they would have the design ready to add to the chips very quickly should it prove commercially necessary.
It's nice to hear they have a backup plan. I've always liked intel chips better than AMD for some reason. (Yes I know I'm probably the only one, and I know there isn't any good reason to so don't flame me for that).
Re:Turn it on? (Score:3, Insightful)
The Great Irony Here Is... (Score:3, Insightful)
The great irony here is the following:
When AMD released the specifications of its upcoming 64-bit chips in the summer of 2000, these ``cowboy'' engineers decided that Intel needed to match its rival. They began developing their own 64-bit extensions to the Pentium line, making sure the code was compatible with AMD's design.
This is Intel imitating AMD, the very same company Intel execs have derided as immitators, recognizing the threat of the upcoming AMD Claw and Sledge Hammers. Another post suggests this compatibility is Innovation. What's innovative, as you noted, is selling something with the big feature turned off. How long before the enlightened OCP weasels figure out how to turn it on and spoild Intel's party?
Other Links (Score:5, Insightful)
This has been the focus of some stories [] at the Inquirer as well.
Personally, I thought that Intel would have been in a good position to just relabel the Alpha 21364 as IA64 and be done with it.
Re:Other Links (Score:2)
Don't forget the fact that some years ago the Alpha was able to run some version of Windows NT. There would certainly have to be some cobweb dusting to get Win2K or WinXP to run on the new Alphas, but I bet it really wouldn't take too much effort.
Also, DEC had developed something called FX!32 in order to run the 32 bit IA32 apps on their new 64 bit chip, when emulation was necessary. (Sounds a lot like the strategy in Hammer, actually).
So, you see, Intel really is in a good position to dust off the EV7 as if it were their own chip and be able to make it succeed.
Not only that, IIRC, some of the bus technology for the K7 came out from the Alpha project. That would seem to mean that some of the motherboard makers could more easily interchange between AMD and Alpha than they could, say, between the Hammer and what is currently called IA64.
But I agree with you. The NIH syndrome is very powerful.
Hedging bets. (Score:2, Insightful)
Non-backwards compatibility was supposed to be a *benefit* for their new chip.
And now they're suddenly looking at backwards compatibility? Give it ten years *after* and they'll probably be able to *use* a non-backwards compatible chip.
Score one for AMD's clear thinking. No wonder they're breathing down Intel's neck.
Non backwards compatable? (Score:2)
That's a rather extrodinary claim, and one I'd never heard anything about before. Do you have any sources you could refrence? The only thing google turns up is info on Athlon XP mobos with backwards compatable PCI slots that work with non-ECC DRAM.
Or are you trying to say Intel's chips are not backwards compatable? I find that equaly unbeliaveable
vegetariens or what?? (Score:3, Funny)
Windows $YEAR.
Boso..err, wrong field.
Okay guys, I don't know about you, but, holding with my "ooh, blinkenlights" philosophy, I miss the days when you could properly identify your processor as an [80]486DX266, and not be overtly pedantic.
I mean, we've even taken a step further in the wrong direction - now AMD doesn't even specify processor Mhz! *WAH!*
Inaccuracy in media (Score:3, Interesting)
Haven't they heard of pipelining and superscalar architecture? Is that statement a result of:
Re:Inaccuracy in media (Score:2)
"RISC chips not only process multiple instructions at the same time but also run at 64 bits"
Re:Inaccuracy in media (Score:2)
Re:Inaccuracy in media (Score:3, Insightful)
Multiprocessor? (Score:4, Interesting)
And interprocessor communication and cache coherency control would all be on the same chip and so probably easier than normal multiprocessor design.
There is probably a good reason I don't know about so it's a good thing I don't design cpus for a living.
Re:Multiprocessor? (Score:2)
Umm, they already do that? Haven't you ever heard of 'integer execution units' and 'floating point execution units' and noticed that there seem to be more than one of each on the chip?
Re:Multiprocessor? (Score:2, Informative)
But you don't need 2 processors for multiprocessing. "Barrel processors" had one core with multiple contexts (register sets). The contexts would use the execution unit in round-robin fashion. Barrel processors were controlling I/O, where mainframes needed parallelism but not speed. I think CDC PP's and Amdahl channels used them.
Re:Multiprocessor? (Score:2)
(Yes, I know, I'm living in a dream world and this will never actually happen. Still, it'd be damn cool.)
Re:Multiprocessor? (Score:3, Insightful)
However, its at least possible in theory, and with the right Bios to use Athlons and Alphas on the smae Motherboard...they use the same Bus protocol. Alwas thought that would have been interesting if someone had done that....:>
No real compeling reason to however.
Re:Multiprocessor? (Score:2)
Granted, the cost would be huge, and the reason small, but that doesn't exactly meet the definition of impossible. Just pick one of the protocol's as the default, and put a BTU (Bus Translation Unit) on the board and let it talk to the other processor.
They do. (Score:2, Informative)
Jackson (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Multiprocessor? (Score:3, Informative)
Basically, every intel chip since the pentuim has had more then one 'execution' unit. The original pentuim had 2, but the second one was crippled.
The Pentium 2 was the first full superscalar intel chip. Now they throw all the 486 away though, as they take the instructions and turn them into many micro instructions, then have another internal execution engine that executes the new instructions, then reassembles them at the end. Why? because the x86 instruction set is too complex to build a processor that can handle all instructions in HW alone. So they turn the large instruction into many small ones. Then they have a core that is very superscalar and can execute the micro instructions very fast.
Re:Multiprocessor? (Score:2)
Consider yourself skewered.
You are wayyy wrong
A few questions (Score:3, Insightful)
Would you name all the popular programs you can that scale well onto even 2 processors, and then define the word "parallelizable"?
Would you calculate the amount of time (expressed in trillions of years, exponential notation, or however you prefer) it would take to brute force a mainstream 128-bit encryption algorithm on this cluster?
Are you aware that current sound cards use 16 or 24-bit, 2, 4, or 5 channel, 44.1 (not 144) Khz technology? (I'm probably missing lots of combinations myself).
Would you please do a Google search for "Nyquist", and then explain to us exactly why you want "920 KHz" sound output?
Do you understand now why nobody is willing to "give you a chip plant"?
Do you mind if I use your post as an example, the next time someone else with a 4 or 5 digit UID complains that all the more recent Slashdot accounts are driving the quality of discussion downhill?
Itanium. (Score:2)
You know, the more I've heard about Intel's exciting new architecture over the last few years, the more I think someone's been embezzling the R and D funds, and they don't have a goddamned thing to show for it.
"Johnson, did you finish designing that processor yet?"
"Johnson's not here, sir. He's on a research trip to Barbados with Jan from marketing."
Re:Itanium. (Score:2)
Apparently someone has never spent much time in a large semiconductor co's design division. This scenario is much more likely assuming an employee event gets to go on a business trip:
Manager to Employee: "Your expense report shows you exceeded your $25 per diem for food by $0.75. Next time, please select from one of the corporate-recommended food establishments: Denny's, Carrows, Marie Calendars. Oh yes, and if possible, we encourage you to stay with friends to reduce lodging costs."
Everyone's getting in on the LOTR craze! (Score:2, Funny)
If... (Score:4, Insightful)
If it doesn't take off? It takes years to develop that kind of new architecture. By then AMD will have it swept.
Don't follow AMD. X86-64 is a follow on architecture, and whatever Intel comes up with wouldn't be much better even if it was different. Computers need to move away from that old decrepid IA32 instruction set eventually.
Intel has a new road and it is not entirely stupid. They are facing the same problem that everyone trying to compete with them has been facing for a long time: compatibility with the installed software base. Either you're compatible and can run IA32 or you're not and you have to come up with lots of other software (enter open source).
Eventually, CPUs needs to move to better architecture. backwards compatability is good during transition, but shouldn't hold you back too much. Go forth Intel and do what everyone else has had to do for a long time, (gasp) struggle for market share.
Re:If... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:If... (Score:2)
Re:If... (Score:2)
Just not fast.
Re:If... (Score:3, Insightful)
Intel is simply cloning AMD's 64-bit extensions to the ia32 architecture. They've already got it working in-house, evidently, so there's no architecture development needed. The advantage to the users is that "x86-64" code will be portable across both.
But it would be really humiliating for them to be in the business of selling a clone of AMD's design; it would mark them as a follower rather than a leader. On the other hand, their process technology is better than what's available to AMD, so they could still win with such an approach.
Re:If... (Score:2)
Just like Intel owned the Pentium market, or the older x86 market for that matter?
The 64 bit architcture will have an enormous shelf life, and Intel knows that the battle for market share won't be fought now, but in a few years as the chipsets mature, and demand increases.
So it is well within Intel's interests to follow the Itanium and x86-64 architecture (and hell, they've got the money to do it).
AMD Hammer will , HAMMER Itanium , play catchup (Score:3, Interesting)
Itanium, the result can be seen here [] This may sound loopy at firt but when you look at the backward IA32 incompatibilities, I need a way to test those from within the SAME enviromet.
The IA64 is a pretty lame first attempt from Intel, In my opion, I actually unlike others who will comment have direct experience, I should be getting access to a Hammer shortly, I have heard VERY good things, AMD's effort is much more likley to be a success for several reasons,
But the point I am trying to make is it looks like intel has really dragged its feet here, it cant decide if this is a market to be in or not, If AMD come through as I expect they will Intel will have a HELL of a time playing catchup.
AMD will play to a MUCH broader market than intel can envision, YES I WANT ONE ON MY DESKTOP, And Intel dosent see that market exists YET, then again Intel has never pushed bit copmputing capability, it has almost always lagged at LEAST 2 generations (16 bit when 32 and 64 were availabe) Some of this is vendor support, some of it lack of commitment to it, look at the clock speeds on the Itanium's and tell me, do they really expect this 64 bit pig to fly ?
Itanium (Score:2)
Re:Itanium (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Itanium (Score:3, Insightful)
The SJMN article specifically says that Intel's Plan-B chip is being designed to be compatible with AMD's x86-64.
-- Guges --
Yamhill (Score:5, Informative)
Fascinating info can be found at [], naturally.
Re:Yamhill (Score:3, Informative)
Doubtful that Yamhill refers to the town. Every other Intel codename in the last several years has referred to a NW US river (Mendocino, Klamath, Merced, Willamette, Tualatin, Coppermine, etc...). It seems much more probable that Yamhill refers to the Yamhill River.
Re:Yamhill (Score:2, Informative)
o It is a river in the Willamette Valley
o It is a county in Oregon
Like most Northwestern names, it has Native American roots.
Prescott, the other code name, was an historical figure in Portland. There is a Prescott Street in North Portland and his picture hangs in the Downtown Central Libarary.
Intel naming. (Score:5, Funny)
Will it be a true 64-bit (Score:2, Funny)
Compatibility. (Score:2)
So when Intel releases Prescott and turns on the Yamhill features, AMD's 64-bit system will suddenly be incompatible with Intel's 64-bit system.
There is no chicken and egg, here. Intel will still sell more chips than AMD regardless of compatibility design; then those interested in compatibility will choose Intel to get the larger market to sell their SW into. This will also happen if Itanium prevails, though AMD will have the backward compatibility to help it a little with some markets.
Intel will win, no matter how many people say on message boards they want AMD.
The apt comparison is Microsoft and Apple. Enthusiasm and commitment are not the dominant forces of economics.
Re:Compatibility. (Score:2)
"They began developing their own 64-bit extensions to the Pentium line, making sure the code was compatible with AMD's design."
Basicly, for once Intel is trying to make their processors follow a standard defined by another company. My, how the tables have turned. It's really surprising that intel would be this scared, AMD seems very popular among homebrew and budget systems, but in expensive home and business servers, Intel still really outsells AMD.... I guess their Itanium strategy could easily have been blindsided by AMD's better legacy support and they realize that now...
If that doesnt cast doubts on itaniums future... (Score:2, Insightful)
Reminiscent of 'The Soul of the new Machine' (Score:2)
In the book, Data General starts to design a fabulous new machine, breaking new ground in a lot of areas, when going to 32 bits. This new effort was called 'The Fountainhead Project', and had all of the best and brightest engineers working on it. At the same time, the hero of the book, Tom West, instituted a new project to do a simple extension of the Eclipse architecture, in parallel.
There was massive infighting between the two camps, and West had to fight tooth and nail for every scrap of resources to build the 32-bit Eclipses; to the point that the machine was almost entirely designed and built by kids fresh out of college because that's all he could afford.
Needless to say, the FHP failed, and Data General released West's machine to reasonable success.
The similarities here are almost eerie, except that, of course, Itanium actually made it out the door.
If you haven't read Kidder's book, it's definitely a great one. Beautifully written, and while the technology has changed dramatically over the last
fifteen years, the social and business rules are still the same.
Intel Playing Catch-up! (Score:2)
Yams (Score:2, Funny)
This is bad news for Intel (Score:5, Insightful)
If Intel publically implements the x86-64 architecture, while more-or-less simultaneously dropping the IA64 architecture, it will be diaster. It would be publically admitting, in deed if not in word, that AMD controls the future evolution of the x86, not Intel. The best Intel could hope for would be for AMD to gain an incredible amount of credibility- which translates as sales in the lucrative but conservative buisness markets. Even worse, the current positions of AMD and Intel might even be reversed, with AMD being perceived as the flagship processor company and Intel the clone maker.
Going to 64-bit is rapidly becoming not an option. Many desktop systems are having a gigabyte of memory installed. Even x86 servers often have three gigabytes of ram installed. The server market is even worse off than the desktop market, as all the ram is generally given over to a single application (Exchange, or a database, for example)- and a 32-bit processor simply can not access more than about 2-3 gig of memory in a single application. The big-iron Unix cpus (Sun's SPARC, HP's PA-RISC, IBM's Power-4, etc) all went 64-bit years ago. It's not unusual to see even "moderate" servers of 4-, 8-, and 16- CPUs having tens of gigabytes of RAM already. The only market that still supports 32-bit CPUs is the embedded market- not a market Intel has ever displayed much interest in.
I figure that the x86 has maybe 3 years to go 64-bit across the board, or we'll be facing another 640K like situation. 3 years is two Moore's Law generations- meaning the people with 1G of memory today will be wanting 4G in 3 years, and the people only getting 256M today will be getting 1G. They'll continue to be hurt in the server market, but they won't lose much in the desktop. Unfortunately, to be 64-bit across the board means the high end needs to be 64-bit within about 18 months (allowing for a Moore's Law generation to push the 64-bit CPUs down the price scale).
Hammer is in a position to do that. McKinnley is the succeed or die point for the IA64. To use an analogy, Intel will have run out of runway- either it flies, or it'll hit the trees.
The successors don't matter- if McKinnley doesn't succeed, Hammer will be there to take the sales. If Intel stays in denial and doesn't offer a viable 64-bit path, they'll be in worse shape than simply admitting that they lost.
At that point, the best thing Intel could do is roll out a Hammer of their own, and plan on less than 50% market share.
Stop making fun of the names (Score:4, Funny)
Now you are making fun of Yamhill. Not only a river, but a city as well, and a major east-west running street in Portland. If you ever come to Portland, check out Yamhill street. Lots of cool stuff, nice place to get drunk.
Would everyone please lay the fuck off already. We're proud of Intel around here and we're proud of our rivers, cities, and streets. I don't make fun of people who live in New York, even if "York" is a pretty stupid sounding word.
Grow up, assholes.
The Inanium, or why VLIW sucks (Score:5, Insightful)
VILW is an old idea. It's been obsoleted by superscalar processors. It turns out to be better to find parallelism at run-time in hardware than to find it at compile time.
The real reason for the Itanium was to have something that had some intellectual property that AMD couldn't clone, allowing Intel to crank up the price and get their margins back up.
As for the AMD 64-bit machine, it's entirely vanilla. It's very x86 like, with the same instruction set, a few more registers (yay!), and of course the registers are longer. It has all the obvious backwards compatibility stuff. It comes up emulating a 32-bit x86 machine, so old OSs will run, but can be put into 64-bit mode. In 64-bit mode, it can simulate multiple virtual 32-bit machines, so you can have a 64-bit OS running both 64-bit and 32-bit processes. (Run 32-bit Windows under 64-bit Linux!)
Wierdly, the x86 instruction set isn't viewed as that bad today. The variable-length instructions aren't that much of a problem to decode any more. Speculative decode takes care of that. One big advantage of RISC architectures was that making all the instructions the same length simplified decode and allowed more look ahead. That's a dead issue. Making the instructions all the same length causes about a 2x code bloat, which is now unnecessary.
The other big RISC advantage was having lots of registers. Register renaming and caches have killed that advantage. Today, a register is just a short name for a recently referenced variable. There are far more registers inside a Pentium Pro and later than the few explicit ones you can mention in x86 code. In fact, one advantage to not having too many registers is that it shortens subroutine calls and context switches. The machines with huge numbers of explicit registers, like SPARC machines, put a lot of effort into saving and restoring them.
Re:Toy computers (Score:2)
If you mean that the mac can handle a number that is 128 bits in length. Then no, they can only handle 64 bits. Most of the time they only use 32 bits of data though.
However, if you want to know the maximum amount of DATA that a G4 processor can handle at a time, then yeah, 128 bits is correct. Because the G4 has the 'amazing' altivec unit that can process 128bits of data at one time. The lengths of the data can vary (8,16 or 32 bits), to fill the 128bits of processing.
Not exactly (Score:4, Informative)
To start things off, intel releases the 8086, and the cheaper 8088 (8086 with a 8, rather then 16 bit bus interface). And thus begins the x86 era.
A little later intel decides they need a 32 bit CPU, but rather then design a totaly new chip, they just add a bunch of extensions to the 16 bit one. They call this new chip the 386, and it's supposed to revolutionize everything. The chip is totaly backwards compatable with the old 8086's and 286s (so the old register AX becomes EAX, but you can still access the first half as AX).
for a long time (windows 3.1) most software still ran in 16 bit mode, not really utilizing the software. IIRC It wasn't untill windows95 and NT started getting used that people really started to take the full potential of their machines in every day tasks.
Now, this is also around the time of the Pentium and the Pentium pro. The pentium ran both 32 and 16 bit software quickly, but the ppro ran 32 bit software faster, and 16 bit software more slowly (of course, the p-pro core became the pentium II, then the pentium III and ran at much higher clockspeeds, so it eventualy became a non issue, a 1.3ghz pIII is going to crunch 16 code faster then a pentium233mmx no mater what
Now, when you look at what AMD is doing and I guess intel now with their rather odly named Yamhill is taking the orgional design and adding 64bit extensions the way they added 32 bit extensions to the 286. EAX becomes RAX, and you can get at the first half by calling it EAX and the first quarter by calling AX, etc.
Itanium is a totaly diffrent thing, it's a whole new system with x86 support tacked on extra, rather then tacking on 64 bit support to an aging archetecture.
Hrm, I hope that explains things.
Re:Not exactly (Score:4, Informative)
But the PII doesn't suck at 16-bit code because Intel done some little changes in the p-core so that the PII could crunch 16-bit code much faster. In fact there was only one problem with p-pro core design that caused the p-pro to suck at 16-bit code. The p-pro misses the segment register caches, that were included in the pentium and reincluded in the pII. Because of that 16-Bit programms that use segments will generate one additional memory access for every memory access they were doing. When Intel saw that that there was a need to run 16-bit programms they reincluded this caches and because that the performance of the pII doesn't suffer anymore from 16bit code.
There is also something important to note on AMDs x86-64 extensions. On the integer side they are really compareable to the 32-Bit extensions made in the 386 but the x86-64 extensions also change the working of the floating point unit.
All current x86 CPUs could reach very good benchmark scores on benchmarks that work mostly with integer numbers but they get bad scores at many benchmarks that use floating point numbers a lot. Intel and AMD are already trying hard to make their FPUs faster, but they couldn't reach really good improvements because the x86 fpu intestruction set isn't good for modern cpus. The x86 fpu doesn't have a normal register set with registers that could be addressed individually but it uses an register stack. You could only address the top of the stack(TOS), the register under the TOS,TOS-2 and so on. If you used a RPN calculator, you know what i'm talking about. This design isn't that bad if you execute one instruction at a time. It even makes programming fpu asm a bit easier.
The problems came with the introduction of cpu that executes more than one instruction at a time. To make full use of that feature the compiler or assembler programmer must often interleave multiple calculations. The fpu stack is very hostile against such optimizitions.
Because of that AMD has done a almost complete rework of the x86 fpu instruction set that matches the internal working of moderne fpus much more.
Re:64-bit (Score:3, Informative)
The absolute amount of memory which can be addressed in 32 bits, sans tricks, is 4GB. That's combined memory and swap. Quite a few people care about that kind of thing, namely just about anyone who runs any decent sized server.
Further, consider the rate at which system memory has been increasing, and project it a few years. If it continues, and I realize that maybe it won't, there's a problem.
Re:Stupid name, but... (Score:2)
In particular, they seem much better than "Pentium" and "Celeron". Years ago people really berated Intel's marketing for using those names, but I guess everyone's so used to hearing them now that they've forgotten how awful they are.
Re:How much did it cost (Score:2)
Of course we all know the difference between a 486 SX and DX was the fact that one did have an floating point co-processor and one didn't.
What is not bandied around so much... although it should be... is the fact that the SX and DX chips were structurally identical. The FP coprocessor was simply 'turned off' either on purpose or because it was non-functional on the SX chips. Co-processor chips for SX chips were in reality complete 486 DX chips that cirumvented the SX core.
Will this be the same case with the Yamhill? If it is, will there be a simple (Pencil-overclocking?) method for enabling the extra processing units?
I doubt it.
Re:"8086 took 3 weeks to design"-easy to believe! (Score:4, Informative)