Citizen/IBM To Make A Linux Watch 279
backtick writes: " Yup, they're making the Watchpad.
'Besides telling time, the WatchPad comes with a calendar-scheduling application, a pager-like application for sending and receiving short messages, and a Bluetooth chip for wireless communication with notebooks, handheld computers and cell phones'" If they'll make a watch that runs Linux and takes pictures like Casio's camera watch, I might just switch back to a digital. Gerdts points out that the watch's battery life is either up to six hours, or only six hours, depending on how you look at it.
I knew it was only a matter of time (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I knew it was only a matter of time (Score:2, Insightful)
Eventually, the inventors went to Japan and approached Seiko. The Swiss have now gone from 60% of the market to less than 30% and the classical mechanical watches represent status symbols rather than timepieces. I recently heard a speaker declare that he had a $5000 Swiss watch that couldn't tell time. He then went on to say that he had to put on his cheap watch so that he would know what time it was. He didn't mention the brand name, but one can guess who makes $5,000 Swiss watches.
Some people buy $5,000 Rolex Watches to impress people, I wear a Citizen myself. It keeps pretty good time.
Re:$5000 rolex = cheap! (Score:2)
BTW, my house is for sale [erealty.com] and is listed at $100 short of $250,000.
Didn't you read the GPL? (Score:2, Funny)
GNU/Citizen and GNU/IBM to make a GNU/Linux GNU/Watch
Damn (Score:1)
Oh hell, why not. (Score:2, Funny)
- Does it have a picture of Tux on the watchface?
- Imagine a beowulf cluster of these.
- [Insert "If MS made watches joke here]
Yes, it does have a picture of Tux (Score:1)
You should have used the DOD Linux version. Of course, the watchband is green then. Bastille Linux - maybe the Swiss Army Linux Watch will have that.
- Does it have a picture of Tux on the watchface?
Yes, which you would have seen if you had followed the main story link.
- Imagine a beowulf cluster of these.
Probably find one at Times Square - look for the guy with the raincoat.
- [Insert "If MS made watches joke here]
Then they would run backwards at times, you would have to pay more money each year for the same watch with the bug fixes, and sometimes it would just stop and you'd have to replace the battery to start it again.
Re:Yes, it does have a picture of Tux (Score:5, Funny)
Let's not forget:
The Datalink (Score:2)
The closed API did suck. I would have loved to program my own wrist apps.
I just picked up a PC-Unite from Casio and it is pretty good so far. I like the fact that it syns up with the computer data. I stil lneed to get it to work with other applications then just the one it came with, but that doesn't look too hard.
Baterylife = 6 Hours (Score:4, Interesting)
Hell, I sleep with my watch on. If it's on the charger, I can't tell time.
Hmmmmm, maybe i'm just in a bad mood, but the geek factor doesn't overweigh the stupidity of this.
Re:Baterylife = 6 Hours (Score:1)
Re:Baterylife = 6 Hours (Score:2)
The watch was a little pricy, but mine looks subtle while still being pretty nice. All brushed titanium construction, water resistent far deeper than I'll ever dive (considering that I don't dive), and that whole "never needs a battery" thing...
I'd provide a link to citizen's web page, BTW, but it sucks *so* bad that I refuse to do so. It's straight flash, and for some reason wouldn't even take me to the english page. The watch still kicks ass, thoug.
Re:Baterylife = 6 Hours (Score:1)
Re:Baterylife = 6 Hours (Score:2)
It's really just a PDA with a really small screen. I guess that I could run it with one of my external battery packs.... A 2 pound hip unit with the wire running up my sleeve, I should be able to get all-day power for the unit. Maybe I could even put together a waist level inductive charger and remove the need for a wire.
Re:Baterylife = 6 Hours (Score:2, Interesting)
Mains adapter (Score:2)
"To counter claims of their Linux wristwatch having only limited usefulness because of a 6 hour battery life, IBM today announced the shipping of a mains adapter for their wrist watch..."
Then they can do an IR mobility kit so you can access your watch remotely using a "wrist mounted X11 server".
solution (Score:2)
1. Remove strap.
2. Attatch larger battery.
3. Place in shirt pocket.
Tiny is nice. Think of all the places you could fit it. Remote control by ssh? If this is really hackable it will be fun.
More is better. Mass production will surely drive prices down later. More toys!
Re:Baterylife = 6 Hours (Score:2, Funny)
"Hey Steve.. I see you down at the gym an awful lot these days running on the treadmill. Trying to get in shape?"
"No, just charging up my $^@#@!* watch again."
Interface (Score:2, Insightful)
Once we have the interface down, things can be as small as we want.
Not that impressive... (Score:1)
I'll stick to a PDA or pocket PC.
6 hours and deja-vu (Score:3, Interesting)
Second, the fully loaded digital watch was all the rage back in the 80s (you kids may not remember that decade very clearly, so I'll let you know that those watches covered a substantial part of your wrist and then some and if you had the muscles to wear them for long you could probably get tennis arm...). It died out pretty quickly then, partly due to their weight, but also because it really isn't very convenient to handle lots of buttons or operations when 1 hand is incapacitated (the one the watch is on) and the other is busy activating the device....
Re:6 hours and deja-vu (Score:2, Funny)
Or, more to the point, if you had the muscles to wear them, you probably weren't the type of person to wear them...
Re:6 hours and deja-vu (Score:1)
It worked ok for the Predator. I hope the next version of this watch also has the Predator's tactical-nuke self-destruct capability. Not that I'd use it... but you know, just to know it's there.
Re:6 hours and deja-vu (Score:4, Funny)
To get back to the topic: while putting a tactical nuke inside a Linux-powered wristwatch is beyond IBM's current technical capability, it will certainly be possible in the hopefully not too distant future. One can only hope that the unfortunate events of 9/11 will not cause unconstitutional legislation to be passed that would keep these devices away from the reach of the common man, making it impossible for him to protect his home and family.
Remember, when tactical nukes in wristwatches are outlawed, only Predator will have a tactical nuke in his wristwatch!
Blue-tooth answer? (Score:2)
Well, maybe a password reset button on the watch would be good.
Re:6 hours and deja-vu (Score:2)
"First, what's the point of a watch whose battery life is measured in hours, as opposed to months? It's nice as a concept toy, I guess. "
Presumably engineers smart enough to build this are smart enough to decouple the time-telling interface, including power supply subsystem, so that the Linux running computer part has a 6 hour limit with easily swappable batteries, or failing that quick charge times, while the watch part does have a year+ battery life.
Remember, whenever you think something a bunch of IBM or similiar engineers are doing is absurd, it generally speaks more to your own understanding of the problem and solution rather than theirs. If they aren't yet doing it in this version, there is likely good reason, and they are probably planning on implementing it in a near future generation. Believe it or not, most IBM engineers aren't stupid. Seriously.
yeah, vi would be cool on one of these things (Score:2)
I don't even want to begin imagining what a pain in the ass using vi would be with pen-input !!! ESC-w-q-!, by the time I'm finished making all the penstrokes to save my file the damn battery would already have run out. Of course, the battery would have run out just launching emacs, but still...
Only six hours? (Score:1)
Concept is promising, but... (Score:1)
Six hour battery life-big minus
This watch has a big potential, as the technology matures and the battery life improves.
Switch BACK to digital?? (Score:1)
Timothy doesn't use a digital watch? Why??
I couldn't live w/o the handy countdown timer
(for muting ads on radio and knowing when to turn it back up. In what I listen to the break for ads are always exactly 4 minutes long) or the stopwatch for benchmarking stuff.
Re:Switch BACK to digital?? (Score:1)
Re:Switch BACK to digital?? (Score:4, Insightful)
- thinner
- lighter
- looks more professional in my white collar job
- can find north when the sun is shining
- i like the ticking sound (it's a primitive instinctive thing harking back to my first nine months of life)
- metal wrist bands fit much better and last longer (why are adult male plastic watch bands sized for kids? is an eight-inch wrist really that abnormal?)
- like telling time in terms of neareast quarter hour compared to the 80s/90s to-the-minute. i'm older now, and enjoying the here and now more.
when commercials come on, i mute. after a period of time passes, i unmute. if i miss a song, it's not a big deal. between cummulus and clear channel owning my town's RF, i'll be sure to hear the same songs all bloody day long. god to have an AOR radio station like back in college.
You can have your geeky watch (Score:1, Funny)
I imagine this will match your Linux t-shirt and Apple bumper sticker well.
People and Watches (Score:1)
Re:People and Watches (Score:1)
Cool Iinux devices.. (Score:2, Informative)
You can check out the link here.. [linuxdevices.com]
**Karma Killing Whine Alert**
BTW: I reported on this three days ago, and the article was rejected.
**End of Karma Killing Whine Alert**
Read the article (Score:1)
Perhaps one of those kinetic powersources in some of todays watches could further prolong battery life. I think slashdot carried a story about those while back, but a quick search didn't turn anything up.
To Do list (Score:5, Funny)
18:00 Charge Watch
24:00 Charge watch
06:00 Charge watch
Re:To Do list (Score:2)
I find that TERRIBLY annoying. I could even imagine having to make sure that the damn thing was charged.
(as a side note: I don't wear watches, I find no need for them, I hate them almost as much as I hate cell phones and their users)
What good is a clock if it doesn't set itself automatically (ala over the net) and it needs to have new batteries (recharged) more often than every several years?
I can't even remember what I had for dinner last night nevermind that I need to re-charge my clock every 6 hours or whatever...
Re:To Do list (Score:2)
cell phones are worthless when used by idiots. they are not toys. don't use them like one.
Re:To Do list (Score:2, Interesting)
Here's what I'm wondering, though. Why does my wristwatch have to be so damn smart? This thing has bluetooth. In theory, so should my visor/palm/newton/pocketpc/agenda/whatever. Right? Why, then, can't my wristwatch just act as a wireless display/input device (using that nifty Bluetooth piconet!) for a slightly larger, more intelligent device that I keep in my pocket/purse/backpack/etc, which can have *much* longer battery life?
I think that would be cool, and I think they could squeeze a bit more battery life out of the watch this way - it wouldn't need any CPU or RAM to speak of, just enough to talk Bluetooth to some other device.
This post is fully buzzword compliant.
Battery Life (Score:5, Informative)
I would hope so.
That kind of battery life I would expect from another OS.
Sadly, the IBM page link is ead:
dead link -> http://www.research.ibm.com/MobileComputing/WatchP ad.html
But there is some info in this earlier Infoworld article [infoworld.com]:
Nice technology!Re:Battery Life (Score:2)
By tinkering with Linux, IBM has reduced the amount of memory required to run the OS. In turn, this has helped increase the battery life to six hours. IBM has predicted all-day battery life will appear in a year or so.
then how in the world?!?!
/. in my wrist... (Score:1)
But does it show the time ???
Number of the beast (Score:1)
Beats hell out of a barcode tattoo.
Real potential If (Score:1)
Cheers to IBM for pusing forward! Here's to the next few years!
Six hours (Score:3, Funny)
The linux watch... (Score:5, Funny)
Text Input, Size, Touch screen..I don't think so (Score:2)
I can't believe they only have three buttons on the thing and expect text to be entered. I thought for sure they would have something like the timex watches that has a ring that can easily be rotated to make selections or set the time, using only just one hand. When everyone is born with a stylus instead of an index finger, we'll talk about that option of a touch screen on this tiny thing. Most of the (older)people I work with have an extremely hard time using a regular PDA, you can forget about these things ever being more than a prototype or neat toy.
ok, who the hell would buy this? (Score:2)
The pros:
So, um, who would buy this, seriously?
- A.P.
Leave Work Early (Score:1)
Tired of those long, tedious 8-hour days at work? Introducing the 6-hour watch! Leave work early!
Battery life (Score:2, Interesting)
Finally (Score:1)
Battery life shouldn't be an issue (Score:1)
The real issues will be what features can be supported in a device the size of (a presumably largish) wristwatch.
This may be the PDA equivalent of the dancing bear. It's not that it dances well that's amazing. What's amazing is that it can dance at all.
Re:You're kidding, right? (Score:5, Funny)
I am currently researching the use of ejaculate as a paste for magazine paper.
Re:You're kidding, right? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:You're kidding, right? (Score:5, Funny)
Good point. The type of person who would buy this "watch" wouldn't have much trouble recharging it through kinetic means.
All your gear are belong to us! (Score:1)
I imaging in a few years:"Just a second, I'm downloading new drivers for my Car" will be a common phrease, and mechanics are now reduced to recompiling the kernel.
Linus then states that the brakes WILL be fixed in the next release.
- Knut S.
Dear Casio, (Score:2)
The rewinding thread (Score:2, Funny)
I can just picture the next time you go to a bar. You'll be able to tell all the Linux Geeks - they'll be the ones shaking their wrists all the time
Extend Battery Life (Score:2, Interesting)
From Citizenwatch.com ---
Citizen Eco-Drive watches use the simplest, yet most technically advanced power generating and storage system in the Watch Manufacturing Industry. A Solar Cell and a rechargeable battery are the power provider for these Quartz Watches. Eco-Drive's ability to use light from any source to generate electrical power means that the supply is limitless and free. The absence of any added complex power generating machinery that would require additional upkeep is another big advantage. ---
Including this type of technology might help to extend battery life. Recharge while in use during the day, drawing on the 6hr life at night.
OR--- Some type of kinetic energy transfer. Will add to the bulk, but this is in Dev as it is.
Just a thought---
When can I get Spider Jerusalem's glasses? (Score:1)
Wow! I've got to upgrade! (Score:1)
Seriously though, I think this would be awesome if they could get the battery life up. If it was ~24 hours that'd be fine, I could recharge it every nite. But 6 is just inconveinent. Unless of course that 6 hours of DOING things, it can act as nothing more than a watch for maybe 48 hours straight. That'd be good.
IDEA: Maybe we could get GPS built in and use that as an Etch-A-Sketch! I'd look weird walking around staring at my watch to see if I'd made a good smiley face yet though ;)
IBM reduced the memory requirements? (Score:2)
Properly speaking, elks isn't linux (Score:2)
Cute idea, but... (Score:1)
2. Privacy! Yes, it's damn convenient to have your watch act as your EZ-Pass when you go through a toll gate (either highway or public transportation), but the privacy types will be all up in arms over this (If 'they' can track you at Grand Central, they can track you ANYWHERE!!!).
Just my $0.02 worth!
IBM Linux watch (Score:1)
Well, for instance, he was doing a slide presentation with it (remotely if i recall correctly).
Anyhow, what struck me at the time was that it would be very cool to have a watch with a firewall
Calender Program? (Score:1)
Today: Okay watch, I gotta job interview tomorrow evening at 6:30 PM.
Day-after-tomorrow: "Sorry I didn't come, sir. My watch battery went dead!" == Lamest excuse ever.
Hopefully advances in mini-fuel cells and the like will be able to push battery life to at least a week, if not a month.
Other things I wonder about
What kind of input device does this use? I'm assuming that you would not be able to directly input data, but that this would work in tandem with a Palm, Visor, one of those PDA/Cell phone concoctions, or maybe a home/office computer.
If that's true, then all the people with Palm, Visors, or PDA/Cell phones would just use those for most tasks. The only people who would buy these watches are those who have a computer at home but don't own another PDA.
They COULD figure out a way to input data into the watch, but this probably means some sort of attachment to the watch (like one of those nifty foldable Palm Keyboards) but then why not just get a PDA in the first place?
AWESOME TOY. (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes it will be cumbersome to wear. But this is a step in the right direction for a toy that is long overdue in my opinion. Now it needs a motion sensor and digital camera...
People looking for serious tools like PDAs should look elsewhere.... in the meantime, I'll be writing the code for an animated avatar who tells me the time, waves at me when I have an email, and gets jostled when I move my wrist quickly (to be implemented when that motion sensor gets included). Insert Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas song... here.
Appropriate evolution for Palm (Score:1)
Who needs a PocketPC when all the palm apps run on your wrist?
160x160 square LCD would make a nice analog watch screen saver.
Who cares what OS it runs? (Score:5, Insightful)
The OS it runs comes about 93rd between whether it plays the Star Spangled banner and it's ability to float in orange juice.
Manufacturers who tout Linux as a PDA's main feature or expect the open source community to fix their crappy software may as well give up before they start. Geeks might care about such stuff but no one else does. Get the other stuff right and the fact it runs Linux is just icing on the cake.
Re:Who cares what OS it runs? (Score:2)
-Paul Komarek
I care (Score:2)
This is a great new toy and the OS makes all the difference. It's tiny embeded controler with a nice screen and, hopefully, a hackable OS. If IBM uses GCC for it, it will be just awsome. Why would anyone want to develop for non free alternatives when they have something like that sitting around to exploit? Propriatory $DK goes in the garbage.
Get out of the PDA mental straightjacket (Score:2)
Think, for example,industrial applications.
Connectivity- Bluetooth. Now I'll just connect it to my bluetooth-enabled PalmPilot to input data more efficiently, and when I get home I'll compile a new linux app for it on my bluetooth-enabled PC...
I happen to know a manufacturer of pesticide sprayers (the kind that are mounted on trucks) who want to put bluetooth on his equipment. The ideal scenario is this: a bluetooth enabled GPS, bluetooth enabled truckmounted pesticide sprayer. The day's mission is downloaded onto the watch when the driver signs in in the morning. As he drives the watch uses the mission profile to turn the sprayer off when he approaches no-spray zone (e.g. the house with the asthmatic kid or the field where the beekeeper has his hives). At the end of the day the watch upload the GPS and device telemetry to the tracking database. That way, when the beekeeper sues you, you can produce GPS maps. In fact, the manufacturer of the software could even build a cryptographic signature into records indicating that a particular command was issued and responded to at a given time, and this could be transmitted wirelessly to a national data warehouse for pesticide usage telemetry. Something like this is not only desirable for environmental reasons, but also now because of the concern that this equipment could be used to spread aerosolized biological warfare agents.
Bits and pieces of mission tracking software have been created for aircraft systems, but they do not integrate very well and are expensive. Distributing intelligence throughout the system using prebuilt components (e.g. bluetooth chips, system software components) gives designers an additional degree of freedom, with which they can improve overall usability and flexibilty. The fact that the major components of integration (the bluetooth chip, the network protocols) are prebuilt, off the shelf, you also get more intelligence for less money.
This kind of system also simplifies the process of writing control software. Instead of writing in assembly or C, the designer could use a stripped down Apache with perl CGI scripts. This would allow them, in a sense, to use commodity programmers as well as commodity hardware.
Sure, it's a brick strapped to your wrist, but crank Moore's law three or four more times and it will start to look a lot more like a normal watch with reasonable. What I'd like to see in a few years is one of these with some kind of biometric recognition built in, say thumbrint recognition. You could then, for example, keep all your medical records with you at all times (assuming the battery problem is fixed, as it is certain to be within ten years or so), and authorize their release to your doctor with a thumbpress.
Good geeks and bad geeks... (Score:2, Funny)
And then there's the bad geeks. The ones that give the rest of us a bad name. They don't bathe often enough, they wear thick glasses (when thin ones would do), they have pocket protectors, and they wear big honkin' Dick Tracy watches on their wrist.
switch to digital? (Score:2, Funny)
ViaVoice (Score:5, Funny)
Me: KITT! Get me outta here!
KITT: Yes Michael *wooh-wooh*.
KITT Turbo-boosts into room and slides up beside me.
Me: Thanks buddy.
Battery Life (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Battery Life (Score:2, Interesting)
Vuja Dey (Score:2)
Great. Now we have something to battle Ballmer with during the tech slump.
Don't be so down on it (Score:3, Insightful)
It seems unfair to have so many negitive posts about this. The ./ posting for the original IBM Linux wristwatch was full of fervent assertions that the poster would buy one like a shot if IBM could just be persuaded to turn it into a product.
Well, now the guys at IBM have done there bit, possibly in part because of that ./ feedback, and they probably had to work hard to do so as it's not easy to get a product promoted from lab toy to product over at Big Blue.) So if you were one of posters who encouraged them by saying you'd buy one then maybe it's time to consider making good on your promise instead of whining about details of the design.
Having said that - and in direct contravention of the previous sentence - I'm assuming that they'll have the battery life up to something usable by the time it ships. (Say 24 hours or better along with a fast-charge cradle)
What do we use tech watches for? (Score:3, Insightful)
scientific calculator: (for figuring the tip)
remote control (for TV and X10 modules)
IrDa link to PC for Time syncing to Atomic Time
List of important phone numbers/appointments
Re:What do we use tech watches for? (Score:2)
Nice but... (Score:4, Funny)
Login: user
Linux Watch 2.4.11.
watch~$ date
Thu Oct 11 17:40:32 EDT 2001
watch~$ exit
Kinetic energy? (Score:3, Interesting)
Or am I missing something?
New way to measure time. (Score:2, Funny)
Comparison: a similar watch already available (Score:5, Interesting)
Most important, the onhandpc has a free SDK [matsucomusa.com]. The specs [onhandpc.com]: It has a 16-bit CPU (V20ish I think), running a dos look-alike. It has 128KB RAM, 512KB ROM, and 2MB FLASH. The display isn't nearly as nice as IBM's prototype OLED: 102x64 backlit STN LCD. But it does have IR and wired serial ports. The battery life is rated at 3 months (assuming display one hour per day). The big thing missing is the bluetooth. (Well, that and linux).
The nice part: Price = $300. But still (in my opinion) a toy. For more info, here's a nice review [geocities.com] (from late '99).
funny looking watch (Score:2)
Built-in charger via internal gyro (Score:2)
Would certainly help with the battery life eh?
Why I prefer Analog. (Score:2)
But one thing I really love is my watch. I only wish it was wind-up instead of electric.
It's one of those Navy-Seals Luminox dive watches.. with the tritium gas-lights. Very tough, very robust.. glows in the dark for 25 years.. and it's analog.. jewels and everything.
What's next? (Score:3, Funny)
Epoch (Score:2)
OS/2 Pacemaker (Score:3, Funny)
dialogue (Score:3, Funny)
./'er: (shaking) uhh, the time is eleven o'kernel panic...
(chick leaves)
Timex Datalink (Score:2)
Nice and useful watches were the Timex Datalink series. They have a light sensor so that you can program them just by lifting them in the front of your monitor (data is transmitted through blinking lines) . And yes, it works on Linux with Watchlink [claranet.fr] .
Program? Yes, Timex Datalink watches can be programmed in assembly language. There are a lot of applications for it, ranging from games to utilities to do golf scoring, as well as new watch features (better chronographs, multiple repetitive alarms, etc) . Of course you can also fully customize alarm melodies, and synchronize your appointements with Outlook or Ical.
Plus these watches are cheap.
Ehm... were cheap. Timex doesn't sell these good'ol 150 and 150s datalink watches any more. But some local vendors still have stock, so if you can get one, go, go, go!
Not only this is a geek watch, but it's also an useful watch. And it looks like an ordinary watch on your wrist, not like a PDA.
Obsession with battery life (Score:2)
Re:Obsession with battery life (Score:2)
I can't imagine being pleased with a watch that would last for 3.5 days between charges. I like to strap them onto my arm, and forget about them until I need to do something with it.
Dealing with the battery every few years is bad enough for something as easily depended upon as a wristwatch, let alone having to do it twice weekly .
...Nevermind that we'd need to wait 20 years to get such impressive stamina out of the thing.
Display = GOOD LORD!!! (Score:2)
Good lord - GIVE ME THAT DISPLAY! 640 pixels in less than an inch? It's a 736-DPI organic LED!
Can you imagine a 24" display at that dot resolution? That'd be roughly 14,000 by 10,000 (using a 3:4 aspect) - or, roughly enough to see the famous 9k by 9k WTC satellite photo and still have plenty of space to code and surf.
Re:6 hours? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Deja Vu! (Score:2)
Open mouth, insert foot.