
Comment Re:That black book is a bitch (Score 1) 273

Walking in on Miss Teen's dressing rooms may be lame, but it's a very far cry from what Epstein allegedly did.

IANAL but from what I understand, in order for there to be statutory rape charges, there must be penetration. Epstein & associates are accused of having sex with (penetrated) girls under the age of consent. That's very different from simply walking through a dressing room and not touching anybody.

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Steve Eisman says Hong Kong protests are his biggest worry with economy, a possible 'black swan' - CNBC (cnbc.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Trump full steam ahead on more background checks - Fox News (foxnews.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Armed man at Springfield Walmart charged with making terroristic threats - KCTV Kansas City (kctv5.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: North Korea fires two more projectiles into sea: South | TheHill - The Hill (thehill.com)

Comment Re:I can't wait (Score 1) 345

Do you even understand what you're saying here?


Affirmative action is having a lower bar for some skin colors,

No it's not. It's about having the same bar. If the bar is higher for black people (it really does appear to be) then you need to lower the bar actively to make it the same.

It does matter, because we're often on the same side. There's a difference between SJW complaints coming from the right versus the left.

Are we? I have a hard job taking anyone seriously who uses the term "SJW" (unless ironically or in reply to someone already talking about). It's a mishmash of random things, more or less "shit I hate on the internet" with weird overtones, like SJW do X, you're an SJW therefore you do X.

Always puts a smile on my face when someone challenges me for a citation, because I've always got em :)

Hmm that seems unlikely. Actually that seems really, really unlikely. Fine, I'll bite. Well, you need to wipe that smile off your face because that citation doesn't remotely support your original point. Let me remind me of your original claim:

You're going to sit there and tell me with a straight face that it's ok to have[...]

I did not "sit there and tell you anything". That quote has nothing to do with me or anything I said. So, pics or GTFO and stop making stuff up about me because you think it's likely I said it. I didn't. Now it's time to be honest and for you to admit that you were flat out wrong and have no evidence of me saying any such things. On the other hand, I am an SJW and that's just guilt by accusation...

"Feminism" is overly broad, I'm not against it as a concept, I'm against it where it seeks inequality.

It doesn't. There's a few whackjobs out on the fringes, but it you categorise every movement by the most extreme members then everyone looks like an idiot. The goal of feminism is equality for men and women.

I'm unclear on how what counts as it on the progressive left

How the fucks am I supposed to know precisely what boogey men you believe constitute the "progressive left"? But this is exactly what I'm talking about it. You're not interested in my point, you're trying to find some segment of the political landscape you think is nutty enough then generalising that to the whole.

I can see how this is going to unroll. I will lay out the principles, then you'll chime in with either "nuh uh, this nutcase did X" (or even better "you personally did X") therefore you're wrong about everything. I'm not going to engage in that waste of breath. If you do something, anything to show you're interested in discussing this in good faith, then I'll continue. Until that point I will not take the effort.

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Comment Re:Inflation does not "predate the big bang" (Score 1) 112

I've seen some attempts to explain inflation as an emergent phenomenon that occurs at extreme mass-energy densities, which has always struck me as more "comfortable" - like you, the notion of a field that just "shuts off" after some time period just feels wrong. Inflation as an emergent phenomenon of high densities simultaneously prevents singularities (including at black holes), and the phenomenon of evaporating black holes becomes equivalent to that of the Big Bang.

However, I know enough to know that I don't know enough about this topic. ;)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: As workplace raids multiply, Trump administration charges few companies - The Washington Post (washingtonpost.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Good guy with a gun strikes again to protect the public - Washington Examiner (washingtonexaminer.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: After El Paso shooting, Walmart removes violent video game displays but still sells guns - Stuff.co.nz (stuff.co.nz)

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Comment Re:Bad headline and summary (Score 2) 52

Not on asking a person to walk in as a person with photo ID and then get the information in person.

This would be unpractical to the point of making the GDPR moot. Most people from, say, Romania wouldn't be able to just make a trip to Irland to appear in person at the Facebook offices there to prove their identity. And that's just looking at the GDPR within the EU. The GDPR also governs companies from all over the world that do business within the EU. Travelling to the States or to Asia just to prove ones identity would be impossible to practically everyone.

Comment Re:Surprisingly competent suggestion (Score 1) 333

If a human cannot solve a problem given sufficient time, then you cannot train a ML algorithm to do it. The best ML algorithms out there are maybe as intelligent as lizards.

Now imagine if I handed you a stack of files with somebody's search history, how accurately can you predict if the person is going to go on a murderous rampage? 60%? 80%? Now what if I told you the person in question has an incomplete draft of a crime novel on his desk?

Let's say, very generously, that you're only wrong about someone being a murderer 0.1% of the time. Then across all 320 million Americans, 320 thousand people will be imprisoned because of your mistakes. And that's assuming you're Sherlock Holmes, not a lizard.

I'd rather take my chances at being one of the 500 people shot by mass shooters each year.

Comment Re:Bad headline and summary (Score 4, Interesting) 52

I have no sympathy for these companies. They had years to get their systems straightened out, the rules are clear and compliance isn't difficult at all. They just didn't bother, and even a few years down the road are often incapable of servicing these legal requests properly.

That tells us that they probably aren't handling our personal data properly either. We need to get to a point where personal data is properly protected, and any company that can't reach that low bar needs to stop processing it.

I've submitted nearly 100 SARs so far. Some of them are very smooth and properly managed, but many are not. I had trouble with PayPal, for example, because they needed me to log in to make the request. I don't have an account. That one had to go through two national regulators to get fixed. Apple had the same problem but were able to fix it rather more quickly.

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Feed Google News Sci Tech: Twitter re-activates Mitch McConnell's account after GOP threats - New York Post (nypost.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: James Carafano: India-Pakistan Kashmir dispute – Here's why things could get very messy, very fast - Fox News (foxnews.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: ‘A Civil War Within a Civil War’ as Fighting Rages in Southern Yemen - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Sensor Tower: PUBG Mobile is making more money than Fortnite - Pocket Gamer.Biz (pocketgamer.biz)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: What It's Like Working With Shia LaBeouf, According To The Peanut Butter Falcon Directors - Cinema Blend (cinemablend.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: What the Beatles Did After 'Abbey Road' Cover Shoot - Ultimate Classic Rock (ultimateclassicrock.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Harper speaks loudly with 2-homer game - MLB.com (mlb.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Perseids NASA live stream: How to watch the Perseid meteor shower online - Express.co.uk (express.co.uk)

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A professional meteorologist shares how he uses our weather software to provide real-time weather reports to clients and the National Weather Service https://www.presentationpoint.com/blog/weather-software-used-by-a-professional-meterologist/

Comment Re:Not surprised... This always happens. (Score 3, Insightful) 52

I’m not so sure the cookie law had a lot to do with good intentions. Everyone remotely knowledgable about IT warned beforehand that the law would only lead to annoyance while solving nothing.

The GDPR is another matter. And what TFA deceives is not so much a problem of the law, but of companies not properly verifying identities or even understanding basic authentication or security. It’s nothing new either, hackers used similar methods to obtain SIM clones from providers in order to hijack high profile social media accounts. The solution is not do do away with the GDPR.

Comment Re:Evidence vs Accusation. (Score 4, Insightful) 273

What is getting old is how easy it is for some to ignore the difficulty, trauma, and shame that a young woman must endure after having been raped and enslaved.

There are still too many people in this world who think it's OK to force a woman to give birth to a child they do not want, while living in a society drenched in sexual exploitation at every level. Descendant of black slaves in the US have been able to vote longer than women.

From what I read even Ms Menninger and the rest of the judiciary are having a hard time believing anything she says...

If that were the case then Epstein would be out walking around on bail until his trial.

These are the types of girls that ridicule other girls who study hard and try to make something of themselves, the female equivalent of the jocks that beat up the nerdy guys at school. These are the popular people who turn out to be losers in life because they want to be 'cool'.

She knew exactly what she was doing then and now she is playing the victim to try to make a buck by jumping on the shaming bandwagon.

Wow. Just wow. I pity any woman in your life. Your sentiment above is exactly why poor and vulnerable young women end up being someone's sex slave.

There is no way any 16 year old girl can know what she is doing or getting in to when she is lured into a private jet, surrounded by opulence, and 'convinced' to perform. Epstein, on the other hand, knew exactly what he was doing, which is why he went through great lengths to create secluded places to engage in his illegal activities. He could have simply walked into a brothel in Nevada or Amsterdam, but apparently that didn't offer him the power trip and pedophile experience that psychopaths like him seem to crave.

Comment Very interesting (Score 4, Interesting) 63

A couple weeks ago I was gifted an amateur telescope by my significant other. I have been watching Saturn and Jupiter almost every night since then. Of course, they are very small on my telescope but large enough to recognize. Last night, Jupiter and the Moon were very close to each other in the sky and they both looked very nice.
Unfortunately, with the intense light pollution in my area, using a better telescope is money thrown, so for now I am satisfied with watching them as they show and reading astronomy news. And this piece of news right here is amazing.

Comment Re: That black book is a bitch (Score 4, Informative) 273

While Bill Clinton was impeached, he was not convicted. He was acquitted of the necessary "high crimes" due to lack of evidence. There was no question that he had a lengthy sexual relationship with an intern, a direct employee of far less age, power, and status who reported directly to him. Bill Clinton lost his law license for getting Moniica Lewinsky to lie for him in the Paula Jones case, where she denied that relationship under oath.

The impeachment was not completed because he was not convicted. He continued to receive strong Democratic support: the Democratic party treated him much as Hillary Clinton did, by continuing to support him politically and publicly even if they were embarrassed by his personal sexual activities.

Comment Re:Bad headline and summary (Score 0) 52

Now we are seeing the results of "remote requests" thanks to EU laws like the GDPR.
The proper procedures would be not to have a GDPR.
Want the data set? Show ip in person with photo ID and ask in person.
Get the data sent out, printed out only after showing photo ID.
Is the person asking for the information the same person the information is about?
The EU made it simple to demand information. Now wanton can have a go at asking for information.
Thats the result of the EU law and using its GDPR not the "Data Protection Act in the UK"....

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Armed man who sparked panic at Missouri Walmart is charged - NBC News (nbcnews.com)

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