Riot Control Ray-Gun for Use in Iraq 1317
team99parody writes "An 'Active Denial System' weapon that 'fires a 95GHz microwave beam at rioters to cause heating and intolerable pain in less than five seconds'
is scheduled for service in Iraq in 2006
according to CNET and the print version of New Scientist. It was recently tested on people playing the part of rioters at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico where they asked the subjects to remove glass and contact lenses to protect their eyes. Hopefully real rioters will get the same courtesy. Police and the Marines are working on portable versions. Sandia Labs also has a nice writeup on this system with pictures of smaller versions of the weapon."
Coming to America (Score:5, Insightful)
Prediction: the ray-gun is on the streets in America in time for the 2008 Republican National Convention.
I can't wait to hear what they consider to be acceptable levels of casualties as the result of using this thing on people.
The thing I regret most in this life is that of all the science fiction movies I loved watching as I grew up, Soylent Green [imdb.com] ends up being the one that most closely depicts the future.
(I'd rather take my chances on the Nostromo.)
Why didn't you know? [tinyurl.com]
Re:Coming to America (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm glad that devices like these exist because as much as it's important for people to peaceably assemble, if a mob of people gets rowdy and starts destroying peoples' property en masse, they have abused their right and ought to be dispersed.
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Coming to America (Score:4, Insightful)
At the Central American Free-Trade Agreement minesterial in florida last year unarmed and non-violent protestors were shot with bean-bag guns and rubber bullets (in theory non-lethal but they can in fact kill or at least cause permanent soft-tissue damage). Judges there are still sorting out the damage.
Wake up!
Re: Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
> Since when are riots considered peaceable assembly?
A more interesting question is, why is riot control a problem in a country just liberated from an insanely bloodthirsty dictator?
There's something wrong with this picture, and I don't think the trouble lies in my set.
Re: Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
You think that "bloodthirsty dictator" was operating alone ?
Re: Coming to America (Score:4, Insightful)
Re: Coming to America (Score:5, Informative)
USSR 17503 50.78%
France 5221 15.15%
China 5192 15.06%
Czechoslovakia 1540 4.47%
Poland 1626 4.72%
Brazil 724 2.10%
Egypt 568 1.65%
Romania 524 1.52%
Denmark 226 0.66%
Libya 200 0.58%
USA 200 0.58%
But don't take my word for it. Refer to the report from SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) here: http://projects.sipri.se/armstrade/Trnd_Ind_IRQ_I
If you're going to blame the US for something, go ahead, but a least blame us for something legitimate.
Re: Coming to America (Score:4, Informative)
You gotta be kidding. I am not gonna waste a day looking for primary sources, I will point you instead to this [counterpunch.org] report, they cite their sources, go check them yourself. They mention figures totalling over $5 billion.
USSR sold weapons to Saddam as he was not part of the Warsaw Pact and USSR was in no position to give him stuff. As a matter of fact when Saddam fell, he was $8 billion or so in debt to USSR/Russia for all that junk.
Note that while the US money was earmarked for weapons, it was funnelled through various covers like the agriculture department. This is a standard practice with clandestine military aid, serving among other things to hide it from the taxpaying public.
Also from the article:
Look, I'm not excusing the fact we provided this materiel to Iraq, only that we were hardly alone, and weren't nearly the worst offender.
The difference is that all the other participants were just trying to peddle their wares to Saddam (which still makes them covered in blood snakes) although of course they had their agendas. Particualry amusing is the fact that Saddam was falling out with the USSR over his war with Iran, which is what made him such a great buddy of the US. But unlike even the USSR (although they did sell him arms on credit - which ended up costing them dearly), the US was actively funding him during his attrocities, which is worse. Doubly so now, when the hypocrisy is of cosmic proportions, with all the "liberation" and search for WMDs crapola.
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Insightful)
Have you ever been in a public demonstration? The actual treatment of your rights - ignoring them - is enough to wake up practically anyone. Especially when you see how different it is from TV and the movies. This raygun is going to get abused even worse than batons and tear gas, because its effects are mostly invisible. So the person leaning on the trigger, farther away from the action, won't be as inhibited by feeling personal responsibility. This thing is a nightmare from hell for people who actually care about exercising freedom, rather than just hiding behind a police fantasy, fearing for their property over crowds that will never threaten them.
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
The trouble is that the mood of crowds is unpredictable, can change *very* quickly, and cannot be reasoned with. Added to that people in packs tend not to act with the same restraint they would individually. When a crowd turns nasty, the people they're targeting are usually vastly outnumbered and have no chance of defending themselves "fairly".
This thing is a nigh
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
This might be a reason to deny the right to assemble. But the right to assemble is graned by Your constitution, so this argument does not count.
A mob of lunatics rampaging through the streets burning cars, smashing in windows and robbing houses
Agreed. But on most demonstrations I was, it was only ve
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Interesting)
This isn't a counter-argument to either you or the next comment up, merely an observation of a rally I was in several years ago.
It was a rally for the decriminalization (sp?) of cannabis.
We sang songs, smoked dope (quite illegaly) with a couple of coppers on the job watching us, and generally just annoyed people by holding up traffic and chanting corny slogans.
The few people I noticed who did try to get everyone all fired up and bloodthirsty got one of two things - the first few were, very inconspicuously, beaten up by a couple of the bigger, "gentle giants" in the crowd, and the other wankers were shoved straight into the arms of the police, who arrested the dickheads for "assaulting an officer", with a wink and a smile from the rest of us.
We'd decided on having a peaceful rally, with some civil (polite too) disobedience by our pot smoking, and we'd kept that peace through some subtly violent methods. There was no damage to property, nor people who weren't being morons.
We were Brisbanites, quietly, seriously, exercising our possible - still dunno if there's anything in the books that says we're entitled to it - right to peacefully assemble and express our displeasure at the government, and that's what we did, and because we were civil-minded, peaceful folk, we beat mary-hell out of the dumb fucks that tried to ruin it for us and then we handed them over to the police while wearing big, doped smiles.
It was a pleasant day.
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
Your right to peacefully assemble is not unlimited, it is limited by other people's rights, like the right to protect their property.
The answer is: TINFOIL! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The answer is: TINFOIL! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:The answer is: TINFOIL! (Score:5, Interesting)
All the outside special effects, sparks and lightning, just make the demonstrators look like they have been attaced by The Dark Lord of Sith (tm). Great way to get prime time TV-coverage for the cause.
Re:The answer is: TINFOIL! (Score:4, Interesting)
So, this countermeasure would require an extra-ordinary measure of dedication on the part of the activist. It converts "a gun that causes momentary (but severe) pain, but leaves no trace" into "a gun that leaves causes lasting pain, along with burns".
So, best wear some sort of heat protection underneath your tinfoil suit.
Re:The answer is: TINFOIL! (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Media turning a blind eye to protests/abuse (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Informative)
And yes, this does happen. It has been videotaped.
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
They mostly start out peaceful - except, of course, for G8 protests - but rapidly escalate. A row of police standing between the protestors and their target becomes a noisy protest with much fist shaking and placard waving. Pushing and shoving from both sides occur as the protestors attempt to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Then something gets thrown or someone gets hit - not seriously, but enough to inflame passions. After that every
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Informative)
Native americans were not the first people in the Americas, and the people they displaced weren't either.
I still think the "stolen land" critique is valid, as these were active policy and millitary moves by the US goverenment. Unfortunatly, that was then and this is now, and there's not much the US can do but build a me
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Insightful)
Riot != Protest
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
Why do you insist that if one group is in the wrong, then anything done by the other group must be right and justified? Is it not possible that both groups committed unjustified actions?
What about the group of blacks that pulled Reginald Denny from his truck and savagely beat him, smashing his head against the ground with a cinder block? Are they justified in be
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
Picture a man in black - because it's fashionable - holding a poor, misguided young geek wanna-be in his arms, a.l.a. world aid advertisements.
"The young man you see before you is in dire need of rations of reality, but he is only one of many poor, unfortunate children who go by every day not knowing whether they'll see the clue tomorrow or not. Please, don't send these children your flamebait, but send them your clues. They dearly need the healthy guidance of a clue-stick."
It's very simple Andrew. A
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Insightful)
The reason is that assembling to call the government to task for the wrongs they've done is instantly reclasified as rioting and pillaging.
Boston tea party. A bunch of guys rioted and pillaged to decry the wrongs of the government.
Rodney King verdict riots. A bunch of people rioted and pillaged to decry the wrongs of the government.
What's the difference? Was one violent and the other peaceful? Did one involve property damage while the other did not?
How about the WTO protests in Seattle that were broken up with rubber bullets and tear gas? Were they causing property damage? Were they pillaging?
And then of course there's all the pillaging that was going on in Tiananmen square.
Whenever you have a government force putting down "riots", you better take some time to figure out why so many people are so god damned upset. Calling them a bunch of pillagers is moste definately missing the point.
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Insightful)
Everyone has the right to assemble peaceably to protest what they consider a grievance against our duly elected and representative government.
The Boston Tea party did not protest against a democratic and elected government, but against a monarch taxing unrepresented citizens.
The Rodney King rioters damaged and looted the property of their fellow private citizens in protest of government action. That's completely unjust to those that had their homes and stores wrecked. A march, a rally, fiery public speeches, petitions, a sit-in at the court or city hall--all of these would have been acceptable. But the rioters damaged their neighbors in their anger at the government, and such action is rightfully stopped. It is one thing to protest against a monarch and another to protest against an elected and accountable government.
WTO protesters in Seattle were not uniformly non-violent. Many private citizens, once again, had to pay the price for someone else's anger at the government. That's fundamentally unjust, that I might have my property destroyed by someone angry, not at me, but at the government.
Tiananmen square was certainly peaceful to begin with, although I don't doubt that as it went on the protesters engaged in provocation with the police. But, you cannot draw equivalency between protest in a public square against a totalitarian government and protest in the streets of LA against an elected government's decision which involves destruction of private homes and stores. There is no moral equivalence there, whatsoever.
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Interesting)
Because shotguns can't be used by one or two people against tens of thousands.
Because shotguns aren't (usually) used to deny large crowds their fundamental right to assemble in peaceful process.
Because shotguns weren't developed for crowd 'control'.
Because before George "Fucking Haliburton" Walker Bush there were no "Free Speech Zones", and hence no "No-free-speech zones".
Re:Coming to America (Score:4, Insightful)
A good cop ain't going to shoot me in the face with a shotgun (unless I'm doing something _really_ bad). A good cop will shoot me in the face with this gizmo if he has been told that it is "just a little pain" with "no permanent damage".
The real danger comes from divorcing the damage inflicted from the percieved damage inflicted.
And even if we train the riot cops, we don't know the worst case scenario. Riot cops get tear gassed during training - but that didn't save the life of the girl who was tear gassed during the red sox riots last year.
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Informative)
No. They don't. Your potential employer only has the right to know if you have been convicted of a crime. And most states limit that to a period of years.
Try again.
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
I imagine that any casualties will be subject to incredible levels of propaganda. Human nature is such that we are very very good at accepting the most hateful propaganda if it matches what we want to believe - and Americans still desperately want to believe that we are not monsters. So any casualties that result from this will be painted (and widely believed) to have got what was co
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
Sad to see trolls like this proving the grandparent right.
Re:Coming to America (Score:5, Insightful)
But I didn't realize we were supposed to give people a hard time about their sigs.
The fact is, crap like this is bad. I don't care how violent a small minority of Iraqis are. There is no sense in burning them and giving them cancer just for being in a crowd.
And yes, if it were applied domestically, crap like this would be just as bad. The grandparent raises a good point. Recent attitudes of law enforcement towards political protesters post Patriot Act have been alarming. Add this "ray gun" crap, and you've got something bad.
Maybe the grandparent shouldn't have singled out the RNC '08 convention, (would that offend you less?) but he is definitely right.
In my opinion, anyone who sees a distinction between using this in Iraq and using it in the USA is extremely ignorant, naive, or worse. People are people, regardless of nationality. There are a few bad apples in Iraq but the majority are normal people like you or me. Something like this has far too much potential for misuse.
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Interesting)
You have every right to be cynical. But have you looked into the history of this device? I remember hearing about it several years ago, where it was touted as a better means of crowd control for the police. This isn't some paranoid delusion of the grandparent, it's what the device was designed for.
And honestly, the original intention is good. Current riot control measures can damage and injure protestors. This is supposed to replace that w
Re:mod these trolls down. (Score:5, Funny)
What could be more on-topic than a flame-war?
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Coming to America (Score:3, Insightful)
Now, I know what you're thinking. "But dude, these aren't Americans like us. We're talking about towel heads. They're all a bunch of douches. Fucking terrorists, they are."
Well, fuck, son. There's no difference. I'll give you a hint: most Iraqis want nothing to do with terrorism. Meanwhile, we blast them all with depleted uranium and ray guns. Environmental risk? Cancer? Well fuck, it's not our soil.
Man. Can you imagine what it'd be like if
Re:Right... I'm sure that's it (Score:5, Insightful)
The average person, when placed in a position of power, wishes to use that power to improve his own situation. Such a person, in a government position finds that the best way to increase his personal power is to increase the size and importance of his domain of power -- which, as we've seen, is based upon "solving" some problem that the people have.
The best method they've found so far is to create the problem with one hand while solving it with the other. Move more responsibility from the people to the government, and justify more work. Create more complications and loopholes in the tax codes, and work harder to bust tax evaders. Make more things illegal, and make law enforcement look good. It's a justification to do more, to take more of your money for your own good. It is evil. It's a million acts of small, petty evil in the guises of kindness and service.
As to the bit about the Republicans -- it's been said before that the US is run by two parties: the party of Evil and the party of Stupidity. I agree with that assessment, but I think that the roles change day-to-day. Neither one is any better than the other.
Re:Coming to America (Score:4, Informative)
An office of the Justice department was ordered to do a paper on that and what would be required to delay the popular vote by a week or two at the most. It came down to that congress would have to approve the delay,the constitution does not place a date it is a federal law done by Congress and the President. Then a whole bunch of state laws would have to be changed, such as Florida's state law that says the vote has to be in place by a certain date in December.
Overall a smart idea to have it research, but from the research it was quickly determined that it was impractical to do anything about, and just hope and pray that some attack did not prevent a large number of people from participating in the election.
The information on that paper is easy to find and was publicly available at the time it was made a big thing in the press. So are you just using it as a non-issue to spew your hate speech or did you not care about the issue enough to do anything besides read about it at some kookie conspiracy web site?
So... (Score:4, Funny)
Health implications (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Health implications (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Health implications (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Health implications (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Health implications (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Health implications (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Health implications (Score:5, Informative)
All cells have a fundamental shock response to heating as well as to UV and other stimuli. They produce various repair enzymes that wander around doing useful stuff like refolding damaged proteins and relinking damaged DNA.
The problem is they sometimes get it wrong leading to mutations or regulation imbalances. Heating also changes the shape of proteins. Go higher than 42C for many animal proteins and they cease to work properly, in some cases permanently until they are replaced (there is a natural turnover).
Now since proteins are involved in genetic switchgear and regulation I can easily see the possibility of one delicate subsystem going out of whack: growth factors, receptors, messengers, polymerase initiation factors, repressors etc. If one or more of these go wrong you _can_ have unregulated cell growth. aka Cancer.
This would be particularly true for children or individuals with a pre-existing disposition.
Numbers are hard for me to take a stab at without data and mammalian heat-shock isnt my field (although my degree in molecular biology is a good start).
However, and as most people would suspect, unnatural stimuli given often enough to a large enough sample will eventually throw up something bad in individual cases at a rate higher than a control group. Its a statistical certainty.
What "how often", "eventually" and "large enough" and "something bad" mean in relation to the weapon are anyone's guess. And I think thats a problem. You can find all this out for Aspirin, so why not the weapon?
On balance, if you get tagged by this thing once due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time then the chances are it's not going to harm you long term. That said, I would really, really steer clear of it. It sounds like a nightmare.
Speaking from a social viewpoint, I personally think its a dangerous escalation. If the authorities start firing this at people then it can surely only be a matter of time until they start firing back.
Re:Health implications (Score:4, Insightful)
Mod parent up. That's the point. Shooting at people with stun guns and CS gas causes them to throw stones at you (not to take sides, it also works the other way round: If you start throwing stones, don't be surprised if a CS grenade comes back).
So why should this be any different? It will be a shock and probably disperse the crowd the first few times around. After that, it'll incite violent reactions. Since it is a most natural reaction to eliminate the source of your pain, I wouldn't want to be the cop who's holding the gun.
Re:Health implications (Score:3, Interesting)
"non" lethal? (Score:5, Interesting)
feel like they're being burned alive (Score:4, Insightful)
Better than teargas? (Score:3, Insightful)
Of course, someone will sue the inventor, the user, his boss, the bosses boss, the company, the government and some guy named Joe - because their cousin's niece's daughter's friend's cat got nuked by that thing...
Wow this is stupid (Score:5, Insightful)
In real life obviously there are going to be people wearing lenses or carrying metal objects so what gives???
Is Iraq just the guinea pig for our experiments now?
While I certainly support non-lethal weapons in use of riot dispersion, this does not seem safe at all (and certainly, I do not want to be aimed at with microwaves!)
Re:Wow this is stupid (Score:3, Insightful)
Little Waves in an Ocean of Hate (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Little Waves in an Ocean of Hate (Score:3, Interesting)
After which, they can still go home to their spouses and children, which is far more than they could say under the Old Regime [kdp.pp.se]. Of course, this won't stop them from strapping explosives around their waists and blowing up children [cnn.com].
Re:Little Waves in an Ocean of Hate (Score:5, Insightful)
Now that Bush Jr is in front of the camera, they're not making any of those mistakes again. Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense who "lost Vietnam" by officiating over the fall of Saigon, has been sure not to let any bodies get counted, let alone televised. President Vice President Cheney learned, while on Nixon's staff, to stay in the privacy of the president's shadow, letting him speak whatever the political genius whispers in his earbuds.
But it's all so similar to Vietnam, which was so mostly successful for the Republicans, with such clearly identifiable mistakes. This time, though, the press knows they can grab the limelight like Woodward and Bernstein, and turn minor careers into popular myths, guaranteed lifetimes of selling books and being hailed as geniuses. That's why they're howling for Rove now, after 5, 25 years of watching that reptile get away with literal murder (or accessory to).
Personally, I remember Watergate, and I really remember Iran/Contra. It's not an echo: it's the same creeps, with the same playbook, updated from their Superbowl losses to work with some new blood. Blood all over their hands.
Re:Little Waves in an Ocean of Hate (Score:5, Interesting)
Think about the Republican Eisenhower/Nixon plan for the liberation of Communist Cuba, AKA the Bay of Pigs Fiasco that "failed" because Democrat JFK wouldn't furnish "air support". The Republicans have made use of Cuban-American expatriates in covert operations ever since that time, including terrorist bombings and air piracy against Cuban civilian aircraft. They played a part in repeated attempts to assassinate Castro, which may have been a direct cause of JFK's death. The Cuban-Americans were also part of the CREEP "team" that buglarized the Watergate offices of the DNC. They were called upon again as part of the "tiger teams" that got directly involved in the war against the Sandanistas. And it was a Cuban-American on the IT staff of the Senate Republicans that "broke into" the Senate Democrats' fileservers, and then released damaging emails and "position papers" to the press in 2002.
So, it really is all the same players, and with similar but updated playbooks, but the same dirty tricks. With brother Jeb Bush as the governator of Florida , is it any wonder that President George Bush has promised amnesty and SS benefits to illegal aliens who have increasingly flooded across our still unsecured after 9/11/2001 southern border. The Cuban-Americans have proven to be capable and willing covert partners of neo-Con(artist) Republicans. No doubt Dubya&Co. expect similar support from the illegal Mexicans.
Re:Little Waves in an Ocean of Hate (Score:5, Insightful)
Picture 20 or 30 thousand less American troops in Iraq in 2006, replaced with remote controlled DARPA challenge robots with these microwave "rayguns" mounted aboard. Along with the already effective and deadly remotely piloted UAVs riding "shotgun" overhead. All being controlled by US military (or contractors) in nicely air conditioned facilities in Qatar. Everything from "crowd control" to "riot dispersal" to killing insurgents, all without the loss of American solder's lives protested in silent memorial on PBS.
Considering the penchant for the Dubya regime to "cookie cutter" patch the same problems in different venues, I would expect this very same technology to be applied to the control of domestic American insurg^H^H^H^H^H^Hprotestors in the same time-frame.
Commute (Score:3, Funny)
That's a relief (Score:5, Insightful)
Wouldn't this be foiled (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Wouldn't this be foiled (Score:5, Insightful)
The trick will be to incorporate the foil into some unobtusive clothing, dress up like a woman in head-to-toe covering (otherwise it will look strange if you are in full head covering). Or maybe a member of the Klan with some sun-glasses on. That'd be unobtrusive (not). Any kind of full body covering will do. Cow costume..., Scuba gear, ummm....
Of course the fact that you are not running away screaming might still be a bit of a clue.
Probably won't do much for improvised explosives though.
So many questions (Score:5, Insightful)
Wait, isn't that terrorism? Using this thing could increase terrorism? Fucking wonderful.
"Nonlethal" at the sandia article (Score:5, Insightful)
The term they should have used (and what law enforcement uses now, after more than a few wrongful death lawsuits, is the term of "Less lethal". Did any of the Kirtland Air Force Base participants have a pre existing heart condition? I bet they didnt let pregnant women participate.
Im so glad that when every time one of these proportedly nonlethal weapons pops up its run under a FULL and accurate barrage of labratory and set up tests, which almost never reveal the compounding issues that lead to death in real world enviroments.
The news.com article asks a few of the many lurking questions to this system. We all know this device is going to Iraq to go through real world testing before its used here in the US. Someone is counting on all the "little kinks" that are more than likely deadly will be ironed out under the public eye.
I find it highly ironic that our testing of this indescriminant weapon will be used in our even more indescriminant war.
Terrorists dont use large crowds as weapons, if you stop and think at why this weapon would be needed, its ultimately crowd control on our home front. Now why would we need that? Lakers winning again? I highly doubt it. Someone had a plan when they initated and funded the development of this, and it doesnt look like a good one.
Iam certain (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm surprised they haven't deployed water cannons over there - those would seem to be infinitely less lethal than machine-guns or even this microwave laser they're proposing. However, given the heatwaves and lack of electricity for cooling, there's a danger people would riot just to cool down.
Of course, a lot of the dissaffection is as a result of a lack of amenities in an extremely unforgiving climate. On that basis, it would probably be much more cost-effective simply to give every household their own generator and supply them with fuel until the power situation has been stabilized. Probably kill a whole lot fewer people, too. Might even win a few friends.
For the safer parts of the country, they could even run a water delivery service. Drop off a 20 or 50 gallon tank in the morning at the front door, picking up the empties in the process. No different than what a million milkmen do every day in England - except the getting shot at part, and the size of the bottles.
That wouldn't eliminate problems, but it would reduce a LOT of the tension. And if you reduce the tension, you reduce the risk of riots and other violent protest. Containment is better done by meeting legitimate complaints, rather than suppressing them. Suppressing them only risks building the tension up more, which increases the risk of massive confrontation.
Things are bad enough, over there, why go out of our way to make things worse, when it is cheaper, easier and quicker (not to mention more ethical) NOT to?
We have lost the war on Iraq (Score:4, Insightful)
Why is it ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
Freedom Ray (Score:5, Funny)
they've used this in Miami (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:they've used this in Miami (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:they've used this in Miami (Score:5, Informative)
It's been known for quite some time now that using waves of sound can do all kinds of things to the human body. Using stereo-separated soundwaves of differing frequencies, you can create a harmonic that your brain respods to. This has been shown to make people sick, or make them feel better and give relief from a headache. It's also shown to be possible to make people hallucinate, put them to sleep, pep them up, and more. Our skulls and brains respond rather well to nice resonating frequencies. Kudos for you bringing this up. Makes me wish I could post and mod at the same time.
Technology to Defeat The Corporate Police State? (Score:3, Insightful)
Okay, so this crowd control of the lower classes is one thing.
But where are the tech research projects to defeat the techno-millitant industrial corporate police? Do you really think the world is safe breeding such corporations, capable of producing devices like this for the purpose of MASS CONTROL?
Weapons-manufacturers are the ones who create wars to sell their products. The U.S. Gov't has proven time and again that it cannot be trusted to keep its despotic fingers out of the mass-control pie. Why should we be 'grateful' that 'non-lethal weapons' are now being created out of electronics, when electronics have been governing the masses for decades now?
Show me a hand-held device that defeats television. Show me a device which will de-fuse a rabid neo-con. Show me a tool that can be used to bring religions together in peace.
Too many times I've seen Defense-industry nazi's get their rocks off on their latest weapons designs. I think its about time the people of the world revolted against the weapon makers
everything's back to front now (Score:4, Interesting)
Too many people protesting outside parliament? Don't find out why they're so angry, just make it illegal for anyone to protest, peacefully or otherwise, within 1km of parliament.
Too many corrupt middle-eastern regimes? Don't try to help get rid of the corruption, just invade one and hope for the best!
Too many terrorist attacks? Don't try to figure out why so many people are willing to die to hurt you, just find a convenient country to blame and invade it!
Too many underage criminals active at night? Make it illegal for *any* children to be on the streets at night, whether they're doing anything wrong or not.
Too many riots and violent protests? Don't worry about it, just develop new and ever more sophisticated ways of punishing those who take part, or even those who are in the same place at the same time.
What's next? Too many people thinking Bad Things? Don't worry...
The whole mindset of the people in control at the moment is skewed - they're not solving problems, they're just hiding symptoms (or, increasingly, brutally suppressing them).
Testing "intolerable heat" - in NEW MEXICO? (Score:5, Funny)
They tested a system to find out whether people were experiencing intolerable heat in New Mexico?
Surely in New Mexico, all you have to do is just stand in the sun?
Iraquee Guinea pigs (Score:3, Insightful)
This once again looks like the US is doing weapon-experiments on humans they'd shoot otherwise. As they did in the Gulf and any other 'war'.
It's disturbing really. I imagine this might be used domesticly as well when they see most Iraquee civilians don't end up dead or heavily mutilated and the ray proves 'humaine enough'.
More of these internet vids from kids being overrun by the riot-police and beaten up for voicing their discontentment using peacefull protest to come. nNow with added rays!
Nice thought (Score:4, Interesting)
Isn't it nice we have all these backward countries to test our toys with and send our kids to to teach them some geography?
This reaction surprises me (Score:4, Insightful)
I was at the Force Protection Equipment Demonstation [fped5.org] this year where I talked to some of the Marines at the Joint Non-Lethal Warfighting Lab about this exact product. We as Marines are looking at this tool as a lifesaver (literally). If we can roll through a place like Fallujah and use this tool to incapacitate the bad guys in front of us, then that saves their lives and puts less risk on our Marines. We want to and are doing everything we can to improve our non-lethal and less-than-lethal capabilities so that we have more options when we're faced with an enemy.
More importantly, the general vibe that I got from these responses is that you all think that we're a bunch of indiscriminent killers! Guess what...we're not! We don't want to kill if we don't have to. However, when someone is pointing a gun at us, we're not going to sit there and wait them out. For example, we have Marines coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan who are messed up psychologically because they had to shoot a kid who was shooting at them. They had no choice. They did the right thing, but now they're fucked up in the head. The only reason they're fucked up though is because they believe that it's morally wrong to shoot a child. But when that child puts themselves into a situation where they become a combatant, the only response we have right now is to shoot them.
Back to this less-than-lethal ray gun, if that Marine could've incapacitated that child instead of killing him, then the Marine can go home knowing that he completed his mission and didn't have to shoot a child, and that child can go home alive.
I'm really dissapointed in this crowd. I've been a slashdot reader for the last 8 years and I've been pretty impressed with most of the comments up until now. Have a little faith in the people serving on the front lines. We're professionals, just like you try to be at work. We care about honor, courage, commitment, etc. Frankly, if I can use this ray gun to help make my Marines safer and bring them home to my families, then as a commander, I'm all for it.
Re:This reaction surprises me (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:This reaction surprises me (Score:4, Insightful)
If someone is pointing a gun at you, you probably do have to shoot them. Not too much interpretation there. But governments around the world, including the US govt., have a history of misusing power and classifying protesters as "rioters" or worse. We have seen many examples of police and soldiers overreacting to situations. Kent State and all that kind of stuff. Although, perhaps this microwave thingy would have helped in that situation.
Basically, I hold our men and women in uniform in high regard, but I don't trust our civilian leadership one bit. And I know how clashes between citizens and the authorities can get out of control. Anyway, thanks again for your perspective. And thanks for doing the job you do. I hope, in the future, our government has better reasons for sending people like you into harm's way.
slashdot - predictable (Score:4, Insightful)
1) Do you people understand what a Riot IS? This is not a bunch of grungy stoners standing around peacably smoking hemp before they are brutalized by the jackbooted police thugs. I've BEEN in a riot, and they are characterized by VIOLENCE. Violence and damage to property, as well as against other people standing around. Many posters have said something about the indiscriminate use of these weapons. Hey dumbass: the point of RIOT CONTROL cops is not to beat your sorry ass down (as much as you may deserve it) it's to DISPERSE the rioters, because people are far less likely to be (rioting) assholes when not protected by the anonymity of the herd around them. If you're a spectator, you're part of the fscking problem. For all the sympathy we're supposed to have for 'innocent bystanders' accidentally caught in this weapon's area of effect, I don't see a SINGLE post suggesting sympathy for the people whose businesses, cars, property, and yes, even LIVES are threatened/damaged/ruined by the rioters.
But then again, why should they get sympathy? They're working a job, running a local business, making a living, supporting a family...you know, all those things that the "anti-globalization protestors" (really fancy way of saying unemployed vandals) are supposedly "protecting"...
2) It's great we're in Iraq, we're accomplishing good things in the majority of the country where the psychotic terrorists aren't an everyday event. And yes, it's JUST as irrelevant for me to make that point as it is to make yours that "we shouldn't be there".
Re:Talked about earlier... (Score:5, Interesting)
Seriously, from a practical standpoint, what will happen the first time we fire this thing into. say, one of al-Sadr's regular 10k+ angry-mob protests? Everyone with glasses risks going blind; everyone with metal on them gets burns. Everyone with a pacemaker risks getting their heart stopped. It'd be almost a guaranteed new Sadrist revolt, plus easily increasing other Shia and widespread Sunni insurgency recruiting, while not killing any insurgents. Of course, the effects don't apply just to the crowd; beams keep on going.
But lets take this further than the obvious anger that the US using some sci-fi style technology on a country that has no ability to resist it would inspire. Everyone who gets cancer within a few months of such a usage within half a dozen blocks of the site will blame it on the US's new "pain-ray". Everyone who miscarries? The same. Everyone who gets a headache, who has a heart attach, who comes down with a nasty disease... it'll all get blamed on the device.
Strategically, this is an awful decision.
Re:Talked about earlier... (Score:3, Insightful)
But at least it's consistent with all the other strategically awful decisions.
Napalm is not used anymore (Score:3, Insightful)
To my knowlege, the Mk-77 has not been used inside the US. But apparently 500 of them were used by the marines in the last gulf war.
Please get your facts straight.
Re:Totally Inappropriate Slashdot Article (Score:5, Insightful)
Yeah! tell me about Quake, and Doom, and Half Life, and Counter Strike, and Halo, and Unreal...
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Totally Inappropriate Slashdot Article (Score:5, Insightful)
You misspelled apathetic.
Seriously, this attitude is why crappy patents and laws like the DMCA are passed uncontested. It's all very nice living with blinkers on your eyes, ignoring the real world, but don't go crying when that world rudely intrudes on your own life.
If you really were a pacifist, then you should be extremely interested in the ways states have of hurting dissenters, since this thing could be used against you or your fellow humans (but not while you're locked in your bedroom playing Everquest)
Not to mention that inhumane weaponry like this is the best propaganda tool for those opposing war.
Re:Hearts and Minds (Score:4, Funny)
No, it's the battle for cooking them up with Worcestershire sauce.
Re:Potentially lethal? (Score:5, Informative)
The real question is, can we trust the weapon operators to use this responsibly?
Probably not. Last year the police in the US managed to shoot one of their pepper-spray paintballs through an bystanding girl's eye, killing her [boston.com]. And that's a "non-lethal" weapon you can aim!
The thing in the article covers an entire area. Do you think the operator is going to check and make sure that nobody in the crowd is wearing glasses, jewelry, or contacts? That's impossible!
Even in theory, this isn't a non-lethal weapon at all... It's quite obvious that this is intended as a means of disarming (have we forgotten that guns/knives are metal?) and/or killing large groups of people immediately without collateral damage; just like a neutron bomb [wikipedia.org], only more controllable and cheaper.
Re:Why bother? (Score:3, Insightful)
Those $1,000,000 per laser guided bombs have absolutely nothing to do with 'avoiding killing innocents'. They're about making sure that bomb hits the target it's aimed at, so's not to have to drop a dozen $100,000 ones. That avoidance of 'collateral damage' is just polite lip-service given to mollify the easily led on the home front. I mean, look at how uppity they got with My Lai... better put a PR spin on that, pronto.
And the reason you're hated is that the innocents die anyways. L
Re:This WILL cause lots of nice CANCER. (Score:5, Informative)
True, but the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency. E = hf, where h is Planck's constant. That's why hard ultraviolet light (~1 PHz or 1,000,000GHz) has enough energy to knock electrons out of orbit and cause mutations in DNA, while 95 GHz microwaves do not have enough energy to do so, no matter how many photons you crank out.