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Retailers Swing DMCA To Stop "Black Friday" Sale Info 792

zoid.com writes "It looks like a few of the big retailers have sent out DMCA notices to a few of the consumer deal sites. So now they are claiming that sale prices are covered under the DMCA. I would like to know what part of the DMCA states that you can not share the price of merchandise. Also, why would they want to stop this free advertising?"
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Retailers Swing DMCA To Stop "Black Friday" Sale Info

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:07PM (#4716879)
    why the DMCA is WAY TOO broad in its scope. And another reason lawyers need to educated themselves on technology.
    • by SexyLinuxMan ( 541640 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:10PM (#4716926)
      I don't think lawyers needed to be educated, it is supposed to be broad. the broader the damn law the more they can say what is covered or not covered by a law. This is a growing trend in alot of new laws that are being passed in the US. A broad law allows a company to save their own asses when shit hits the fan or come down on people when the law does not really apply to them.
      • by coryboehne ( 244614 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:52PM (#4717360)
        Just a quick heads up for everyone, Ron Lieber with the Wall Street Journal is writing an article on this story, I just got off the phone with him and he seems very likely to do a good job of writing the story.

        Hopefully more journalists will follow suit and make the public-at-large more aware of what I think is a fine example of bad legislation at it's best.

        If anyone wants to give Ron a quick call to comment on this and maybe help a bit with his article, his number is 212-416-4974 although I was able to reach him by playing phone maze with 1-800-369-2834. Just be prepaired for the worst voice recognition program ever.... He's gonna be done with it in about an hour so if you have something to say you better hurry.
    • Why would a lawyer need to be "educated"? The broader the scope, the more chances for litigation. More money for he lawyer. Seems to me that from a lawyer's point of view, this is great in it's current form
      • by matrim99 ( 123693 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @05:22PM (#4719316) Homepage
        So let me see if I have this business decision down, then:

        a) Plan a massive sale on Black Friday in order to get customers to spend money at a specific retailer.
        b) Spend major $$ advertising the sale.
        c) Spend more major $$ on lawyers' fees and litigation costs when online consumer deals sites attempt to advertise the sale AT NO COST TO THE RETAILER. Cite the DMCA as your legal basis, because it's so broad that it must cover *any* type of content litigation, including actions against anyone who gives companies free advertising.
        d) Either PROFIT after the Christmas season is over and give everyone a pat on the back, or NO PROFIT and blame 9/11 and those "evil" consumer websites who ruined your sales by giving you free advertising.

        A bit of sarcasm in there, but point c) is what worries me. The *only* reason I can possible see for these retail companies wanting to NOT have their sales mentioned on these sites (for free) is that they fear a sales slowdown in the few weeks prior to the Black Monday sales kick-off, due to the large discounts offered then. But a sales slowdown prior to any advertised sales period is the norm in any retail industry, and is always accounted for well ahead of time. So this reason makes no sense.

        This tactic sounds like it would benefit the mentioned retailer's *competitors* more than the retailers who are threatening the "offending" websites with legal action. Well, and benefits the lawyers on all sides as well. That said, just *who's* lawyers sent the threats to the consumer websites in order to stop the free advertising?
    • "And another reason lawyers need to educated themselves on technology."

      That's the LAST thing we need in America. More educated Lawyers. Sheesh.
    • by thomas.galvin ( 551471 ) <slashdot@thomas- ... m ['alv' in gap]> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:34PM (#4717188) Homepage
      Yet another reason why the DMCA is WAY TOO broad in its scope. And another reason lawyers need to educated themselves on technology.

      I don't think so; the DMCA is overly broad, but I don't think the DMCA actually applies in this case. The problem with this is the fact that, even though the operators of bigfatwallet.com may be right, they cannot afford to prove it in a court of law. The real problem in this case is not the scope of the DMCA, but the fact that "justice" has a cover charge; if you can't afford the lwayers, you don't get in the door.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:57PM (#4717398)
        The DMCA can apply. Why does everyone think the DMCA is only about encryption? It applies anywhere there are copyrights. The question is "can unreleased pricing information be copyrighted?".

        While the answer _should_ be no, the way things are going a court might just say yes. Companies have been able to copyright collections of facts like phone numbers so why not?
        • by Rick the Red ( 307103 ) <Rick@The@Red.gmail@com> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:11PM (#4717535) Journal
          Why does everyone think the DMCA is only about encryption?
          Because the DMCA is about circumventing copyright protection technology, which usually means encryption. Please explain what copyright protection technology the retailers employed on their copyrighted sales prices, and how exactly these web site circumvented it.

          For that matter, please show me the copyright notice on a sales price. For extra credit, please explain how I'm supposed to know the sales price has a copyright notice without looking at it, which requires violating the copyright? Talk about Catch-22! "If you are reading this copyright notice you are violating it."

          • by 4of12 ( 97621 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:52PM (#4717909) Homepage Journal

            For that matter, please show me the copyright notice on a sales price.

            In a jiffy:

            "This Slashdot posting has a price of $0.02" Copyright (c) 2002 by 4of12. Reproduction without prior permission is prohibited. The FBI investigates felonies like the one you're contemplating and will whack you with a $250,000 fine. Fortunately for me, the penal code is not copyrighted, so I can tell you exactly how badly you're going to get whacked without violating any copyright on the $250,000 price for unauthorized viewing.

            I agree it's ridiculous. It sure doesn't bode well for a free and informed marketplace that is purported to be a cornerstone of capitalism. It points to yet another misconception upon which the DMCA was based. I hope the DMCA is eventually just flushed entirely.

          • by Tetsujin28 ( 156148 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @04:26PM (#4718796) Homepage
            Because the DMCA is about circumventing copyright protection technology, which usually means encryption.

            No, it's not. Copyright protection technology and circumvention is only one part of the DMCA -- the one that gets the most coverage on Slashdot, naturally. There are other provisions of the DMCA, such as those dealing with the liability of online service providers for the dissemination of infringing material.

          • by yerricde ( 125198 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @04:43PM (#4718973) Homepage Journal

            Because the DMCA is about circumventing copyright protection technology, which usually means encryption. Please explain what copyright protection technology the retailers employed on their copyrighted sales prices, and how exactly these web site circumvented it.

            The DMCA had two main provisions, a circumvention ban and a takedown notice procedure, with numerous riders. This case invokes section 512(c) [cornell.edu] about takedown notices. If an ISP doesn't respond to a takedown notice, it becomes liable for everything sent over its network.

    • by FreeUser ( 11483 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:41PM (#4717255)
      ... to boycott Black Friday and not buy anything from these fucks.

      Let them stay in the red through the new year, and then some. Instead, shop elsewhere (on a day other than black friday), or better yet, go to a crafts store, buy materials, and make a personalized gift for those you care about.

      They may buy our congress, they may bribe our president, they may walk with impunity over us with their Jack Boots, but in the end it is our money they consume, our money which feeds them, our money which gives them life. Cut it off and they die.

      And before some bleeding heart capitalist cries "what about the poor (quite literally) workers they pay sub-poverty wages to (and even those more well paid)?" my answer is they can go find work for a company that does not trample the rights and liberties of the people, or they can starve. Either solution is better than letting this nonsense continue, and it appears the only power we have left is to cut off those portions of their funds we provide.
      • by fobbman ( 131816 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:58PM (#4717403) Homepage
        Good point on the "poor" workers. One of 38 class action lawsuits againt Wal-Mart and their penchant for making employees work overtime without pay opened in Oregon yesterday. The story is ,a href="http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/ind ex.ssf?/xml/story.ssf/html_standard.xsl?/base/fron t_page/1037797043130520.xml">here.

        As if anyone needed any more reasons not to shop at Wal-Mart.

    • by rolfwind ( 528248 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:06PM (#4717482)
      In place of prices for these complaining companies, put in a relative rating scale for the expense of the product compare to other vendors (1-5) where 5 equals Way More Expensive Than Competitors. Simple as that, it bites these companies in the ass w/o violating this pain-in-the-ass law. It would be a simple algorithm to implement, and in fact I think they should selectively show products from these vendors where they are much more expensive than the competition, just to spite them. There are more ways to fight legally, than in the court system.
  • by program21 ( 469995 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:08PM (#4716889) Homepage Journal
    It seems that prices are copyrighted. It's just a matter of time before someone like Walmart sues anyone whose prices end in .99.
    • by bwt ( 68845 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:34PM (#4717187)
      Prices are facts and cannot be copyrighted because they are not original works of authorship. See the Feist case, where an alphabetical listing of phone numbers was unanimously ruled to not be copyrightable.

      However, a price sheet may involve some originality in selection, layout, graphics, descriptions, etc... and thus an exact reproduction of this might be infringing.

      The interesting DMCA question is whether an access TPM to a copyrighted price sheet could be circumvented if the only thing extracted was the price data. I actually think the DMCA as written says such access IS illegal but that Congress has no Constutitional authority to pass such a law.

      Then again, I think the 2nd Circuit's opinion upholding the DMCA was deeply flawed.
    • by stinky wizzleteats ( 552063 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:03PM (#4717449) Homepage Journal

      It's just a matter of time before someone like Walmart sues anyone whose prices end in .99.

      Former Wal-Mart department manager - Actually, no prices in a Wal-Mart should ever end in .99. The default ending for a price is .97. If the item is on in-store sale, it should end in .94. Clearance is fair game, but these usually wind up being even dollar figures.

      The reason they are doing this is to prevent each other from knowing the prices they use in their ads until the last minute. Retailers are very cutthroat about their Black Friday deals, and want to keep each other off balance. As demonstrated, however, they don't want to go TOO low to accomplish this. Therefore, this is an issue of price fixing as well as free speech.

      Yay Capitalism!

  • Sorry (Score:4, Funny)

    by JohnHegarty ( 453016 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:09PM (#4716899) Homepage
    "I would like to know what part of the DMCA states that you can not share the price of merchandise. "

    Sorry , I would show you but that would volatile the DMCA....
  • copyright? (Score:5, Informative)

    by dirvish ( 574948 ) <dirvish@NoSPaM.foundnews.com> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:09PM (#4716907) Homepage Journal
    I am really confused as to how this is a copyright violation. Clearly, this is just another example of the DMCA being a stupid law that is out of control.

    We have been given DMCA notices regarding the posting of "Black Friday" sale prices from the following companies: Wal*Mart Target Best Buy Staples While we believe that sale prices are facts and can not be copyrighted, We have made the business decision to comply with the dmca notifications. Our reasoning for this is very simple - Our mission is to serve consumers - If we were to choose to fight this battle, It would require more resources than are available - and we would no longer be able to serve consumers. I fully expect this story to be making news sites as early as today. Part of the DMCA Safe Harbor provisions state that in order to qualify for safe harbor protection, we must have no knowledge of the infringing activity. If we become aware of the removed content being reposted on our site, We have no choice but to remove the content, or forfeit our safe harbor provision. I respectfully ask your cooperation on this matter. On a further note - We have been, and will be in further contact with the EFF, as well as ChillingEffects.org.

    I am glad to see they are going to get the EFF [eff.org] involved. Hopefully they will be able to knock some sense into these corporations.
    • Re:copyright? (Score:5, Informative)

      by TheGreenLantern ( 537864 ) <thegreenlntrn@yahoo.com> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:17PM (#4717006) Homepage Journal
      If I'm understanding this correctly, the problem the companies seem to be having is that sites like this FatWallet are getting the holiday sale prices in advance of the so-called "Black Friday" (Friday after Thanksgiving). Presumably the retailers are not only worried about losing sales in the sort term to people who will wait for the sale prices, but they're worried about competitors finding out this information and undercutting them on the items in question.

      Of course this begs the question "How does this information get out in the first place", the answer to which is of course "Greedy employees giving their friends/relatives a heads up". Easier to wave some lawyerin papers at a few web sites than to take care of the problem internally I'd guess.
      • by InitZero ( 14837 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @03:25PM (#4718231) Homepage

        How does this information get out in the first place

        I work at a newspaper where it is just about
        impossible to get fired -- I know, I've tried.

        The quickest way to get the boot is to remove
        copies of ads from the building before the public
        gets a hold of them. The ad inserts (those glossy
        sheets usally wrapped inside the classified
        section which you throw away so you can read the
        paper without all that crap) that go in, for
        example, Sunday's newspaper are often printed
        days or weeks in advance. Removing even one
        Sears/BestBuy/grocery store circular from the
        building is grounds for termination.

        Businesses (especially grocery stores) operate
        on very tight margins. Losing folks because the
        price of bananas is two cents less a pound is
        painful. And, of course, the newspapers are faced
        with very strict penalties if we are found to have
        let the sort of information leak.

        And yet, those advertising circulars are one
        of the ways information leaks.


    • by djembe2k ( 604598 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:22PM (#4717062)
      The issue in this case isn't the DMCA at all -- that's just an enforcement mechanism here for the redistribution of something to which somebody is claiming a copyright. The issue is whether or not the claim of a copyright is valid. Even if the DMCA didn't exist, another mechanism could probably be found for enforcing this particular copyright claim.

      Probably the copyright claim is bogus itself, but it is common practice for the big corporations to use the threat of legal action to make small fries do what they want, even if they know they would lose. And that isn't a DMCA issue either -- that's a problem with the way capitalism leverages the legal system.

      I'm not sticking up for the DMCA, but this case is really, ultimately, about something else.

      • I disagree. It is the problem of the DMCA. Specifically the "Safe Harbor" provision.

        For all practical purposes the "Safe Harbor" provision forces the presumption guilt upon act of the filing the complaint. That means that prior to any court cases, etc., the remedy the company filing the complaint desires already has taken place. The material is squelched.

        Couple that with the deep-pockets vs small-operators problem of fighting a court case and the DMCA stiffles just about anything a company wants to stiffle, regardless of the merit of their complaint.

        At the very least the "Safe Harbor" mechanism should be reworked. The company/person filing the complaint should have to go to court to get an injuction to get the offending material removed. If they couldn't even get an injunction, it is unlikely they would pursue the matter much farther. I think that would stop a lot of these thugish tactics.

        Obligatory - IANAL.

        • by John Hasler ( 414242 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @04:22PM (#4718756) Homepage
          > The company/person filing the complaint should
          > have to go to court to get an injuction to get
          > the offending material removed.

          They _do_ have to go to court to force the material to be removed. It's just that under the DMCA they can't sue you if you voluntarily remove it upon receipt of the cease and desist letter. In the absence of the DMCA "safe harbor" provision they could sue you for having put it up even if you did take it down as soon as they complained.
  • by nesneros ( 214571 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:09PM (#4716909) Homepage
    I can understand FatWallet not wanting to fight this, but I sure wish somebody would. Until there is enough momentum from the accused, we won't see any real progress on seeing the DMCA changed or overthrown.
    • by Sancho ( 17056 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:41PM (#4717262) Homepage
      People /want/ to fight it, they just can't. Try going up against Wal Mart, Best Buy, Target...you can't. You don't have the money. They can tie you up in court until your financing runs out, then your lawyer says "buh-bye" and you effectively lose.

      That's how laws like this stay in effect, and it shows a massive flaw in the court system in America. For civil suits, you have a huge advantage if you have money to burn, and enforcing laws like this are only to the corporation's benefit.
      • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:54PM (#4717381) Homepage
        sorry but ANY time you enter a court the one who has the most money to throw at it wins.

        I've done it myself. if you have enough money you can make anyone look like a lowlife to the judge and just simply run out the clock.
      • How to fight it (Score:5, Interesting)

        by EccentricAnomaly ( 451326 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:07PM (#4717499) Homepage
        People /want/ to fight it, they just can't. Try going up against Wal Mart, Best Buy, Target...you can't. You don't have the money. They can tie you up in court until your financing runs out, then your lawyer says "buh-bye" and you effectively lose.

        There's a fun and easy way to fight it...

        Here are the stores that sent the DMCA threats: Wal*Mart, Target, Best Buy, Staples

        Some of you may be screaming boycott... but that won't work. There aren't enough people who even know what the DMCA is to make a dent in the sales of these companies... besides, they would just chalk it up to the bad economy and ask for a government bail-out.

        I think guerrilla protests are the best way... especially since most of us have the friday after thanksgiving off... Just get a few friends together and have fun...

        a few ideas:

        1. Go to a store and cover up their prices with red tape. This would be especially effective at stores where the prices are on the shelves and not on the items.

        2. Go to a store and have customers sign a non-disclosure agreement before they look at the prices. Explain that the prices are copyrighted and they can't tell anyone else what they paid for what they buy. After the store kicks you out go outside in the parking lot. After the cops ask you to leave go to another store.

        3. Guerrilla theater. Perform mini DMCA plays in the offending stores... this one can be a lot of fun.

        Be sure to have fliers explaining the DMCA and what these stores did and hand them out to the curious. Be creative.

        Don't worry about getting arrested... just leave when they ask you to leave and go on to another store. It doesn't matter if your mini-protest lasts only five minutes before they kick you out... the store manager will still tell his district manager about your stunt, and maybe the store might change its policy.

        Too bad there isn't a geeky activist group to organize such a thing. If this were organized to be across several cities, small groups of five or six people in each city would be very effective.

        I did a few protests back in college :) You'd be suprised at how effective small groups of people can be once they get noticed by the higher managment of these places. If your stunt has entertainment value, local papers and tv stations will probably cover it if you tell them ahead of time... there's not much news on a holiday weekend anyway.
  • by haplo21112 ( 184264 ) <haplo@@@epithna...com> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:09PM (#4716913) Homepage
    Could someone fill me in on what this is all about...I am not sure what's meant by "Black Friday" sale info?
    • by Nidhogg ( 161640 ) <shr.thanatos@gma ... m minus caffeine> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:13PM (#4716958) Journal
      The Friday after the U.S. Thanksgiving. Traditionally the biggest shopping day in the States.
    • Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving in the U.S. It's seen as the beginning of the Christmas Shopping season. The retailers see it as their best retail day of the year.

      I tend to stay away from Malls and shooping centers on that day. Those places are like zoos.

      Sean D.

      • Buy Nothing Day (Score:4, Informative)

        by JKnowledge ( 458196 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:32PM (#4717179)
        Adbusters [adbusters.org] sponsors Buy Nothing Day on Black Friday. They raise money to buy ad space on a major cable channel to promote it. I think it is a small step towards curbing maddened consumerism, but it will take much, much more.
        • Re:Buy Nothing Day (Score:4, Insightful)

          by LostCluster ( 625375 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:26PM (#4717668)
          Buy Nothing Day is an outright failure. Friday-after-Thanksgiving remains the largest shopping day of the year despite their efforts. Furthermore, the sales that are offered on that day are often the lowest prices of the year on the targetted blow-out items. Therefore, not shopping on that day causes the people to buy things on a day when the price is higher, putting more money in the store's wallets. It'd be more effective if AdBusters advocated not buying things on any day in the holiday season, but who'd go along with that?
        • Re:Buy Nothing Day (Score:4, Insightful)

          by DavittJPotter ( 160113 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @04:24PM (#4718781) Homepage Journal
          The largest problem with this, however, is that by "buying nothing!" you're not helping the weak economy in our country. We need to stimulate the economy so people have more confidence in buying items, and helping to climb out of recession. Everyone sitting on their cash isn't helping, contrary to what you may think. I'm not advocating blowing your entire check, but by all means, do your Christmas/holiday shopping. We all cry about how we can't find jobs, and how pitiful the economy is, but these little protests aren't helping the situation any.

          The comments about 'maddened consumerism' and 'rampant consumption' are strongly worded and designed to elicit an emotional response - and yet you claim the *retailers* play dirty? Wow.

          Seriously. Our economy is dependent on the buying and selling of goods. Or, as a wiser man once said, "You've got to spend money to make money."
    • by Orne ( 144925 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:25PM (#4717079) Homepage
      The Thanksgiving holiday (a United States holiday dedictated to giving thanks for the harvest) occurs every year on the last Thursday in November. The following day (Friday) is normally a work holiday, so that workers can have a 4 day weekend. So, having that friday as a holiday means a lot of people have the day off with nothing to do, so they go out shopping.

      In the past, that was also the day when stores would bring out their Christmas merchandise; that is why Santa rides in the Thanksgiving parades, to symbolize the arrival of the Chrismas season. Of course today, Chrismas shopping begins October 14th, don't ask me why.

      On top of that, stores now offer many sales that day, so it draws out more people to go shopping. When people shop, they buy, which means earnings for the stores. When a business is balancing their accounting, the term "in the red" means that they are losing money, and "in the black" indicates that the business is profitable. Over this weekend, many department stores do so much business they go from losses to profit, thus they are now "in the black", which results in the name ... Black Friday.
  • Why? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Bish.dk ( 547663 ) <haas@NOsPam.itu.dk> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:10PM (#4716923) Homepage
    Also, why would they want to stop this free advertising?

    Why? Because their prices are not competitive of course. In that case it's not advertisement on such a site.
  • Black Friday (Score:5, Informative)

    by flogger ( 524072 ) <non@nonegiven> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:11PM (#4716933) Journal
    For those that don't know...

    "For those who aren't thoroughly familiar with the "Black Friday" phenomenon (the name of the Friday after Thanksgiving, so called because many retailers operate in the red until the holiday shopping season, which starts that Friday, kicks them into the black)"

    This was of course stolen from some random search on google.
  • by runenfool ( 503 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:12PM (#4716940)
    These foolish abuses of the DMCA by companies around the country will be the downfall of the law as they show its amazing potential for abuse.

    When its something geeky like DeCSS its a little more abstract for customers than 'hey, what can't I find out about the sales?'.

    Sometimes things have to hit rock bottom before people do anything about them.
  • Black what? (Score:4, Informative)

    by Greedo ( 304385 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:12PM (#4716947) Homepage Journal
    For all the non-US folks here (or at least those of them who are ignorant of this fact), Black Friday is the shopping day after the American Thanksgiving holiday. Biggest shopping day of the year for retailers.
    • Re:Black what? (Score:3, Informative)

      by dietz ( 553239 )
      Black Friday is the shopping day after the American Thanksgiving holiday. Biggest shopping day of the year for retailers.

      That's actually a common misconception [snopes.com]. It's the "official" start of the Christmas shopping season, but the busiest days of the year are almost always the weekend before Christmas.
  • by eples ( 239989 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:12PM (#4716952)
    While we believe that sale prices are facts and can not be copyrighted, We have made the business decision to comply with the dmca notifications.

    But then again, you have to realize that the first newspapers in this country were nothing more than prices of goods and services each day - they were called "price currents".

    With that in mind, it's clearly not copyrightable.

    • by LostCluster ( 625375 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:30PM (#4717700)
      Published facts cannot be copyrighted. That's correct.

      The problem is, these sales have not yet been published. There are no ads touting these sales yet, that won't happen until next week.

      These sites are getting this infomation from people who are preparing the ads that haven't yet been released, all of whom are under non-disclosure agreements to not tell what's in the ads that they're working on.

      If these sites post the same infomation once the ads ads published, they're in the clear. But again, these ads are at this moment trade secrets.
  • loss-leaders (Score:4, Interesting)

    by dirvish ( 574948 ) <dirvish@NoSPaM.foundnews.com> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:12PM (#4716953) Homepage Journal
    Are they doing this to prevent massive sales of loss-leaders? Is that what FatWallet does...find all the loss-leaders?
    • Re:loss-leaders (Score:3, Insightful)

      by GigsVT ( 208848 )
      So what? Loss leaders need to be sold to be effective... That's the whole point, you advertise your loss leaders like crazy, then push people to buy more profitable items once they are in your store/on your site.

    • Re:loss-leaders (Score:3, Interesting)

      by weeeee ( 196575 )
      I don't think their intention is really to prevent loss-leaders. The loss-leaders are going to be sold regardless of if FatWallet members know or not. I think they are trying to prevent what many FatWalleter's (including myself) did last year. Last year, BestBuy ads were leaked ahead of time. Many went out and bought the items listed on the pages and came back on the day of the sale and price-matched to get the money back. That way they avoided standing on a long line early in the morning but the problem is, it depleted the stock of the sale items and people who were standing on the line weren't all too happy.
  • by jockm ( 233372 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:12PM (#4716955) Homepage
    The issue here may be if the prices were general knowlege or not. If they were leaked prior to publication, then that might fall under the relm of copyright violation.

    If the prices were published, then I have trouble seeing how it could constitute a violation

    • IANAL, but I think in my jurisdiction, if they were not published, then it would not be copyright violation, but trade secret law that comes into play, or something like that. Copyright is for something that is published.
  • by gorillasoft ( 463718 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:13PM (#4716957)
    Whenever I check out the price comparison sites, I won't bother looking into a vendor that isn't listed or won't let itself be listed. Most people have a general idea of how much the item they are looking for will cost anyway. Based on that, you can usually find a great price from multiple people, so why bother looking up the prices of the few who won't be listed? It seems that they may lose sales from people like me who won't spend the extra time it would take to look them up individually.

    As for how the DMCA relates to this, it's obviously just a way for the companies to make an excuse for delisting their prices. They think that not having the prices public will help them stay out of price wars or other competitive practices, but it's not like this would stop secret shoppers [secretshopper.com] or anything.
  • which? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by faded1 ( 520891 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:13PM (#4716966) Homepage
    I am sorry but with all of this recent new found blind patriotism in this country it makes it really difficult for me to understand how exactly we have "freedom" anymore... which countries do not recognize the DMCA again? Anyone want to sponsor a refugee seeking political asylum?
  • Fair use (Score:5, Informative)

    by mmarlett ( 520340 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:15PM (#4716977)
    It's called "fair use" and journalists use it all the time. If you say something in public, I can quote you as saying it. You can quote me. If you have a corporate name, I can use it in my publication to identify you. If you have a logo, the same. If you say the sky is red and someone else says it's yellow and a third says it's blue, I can quote and identify them all. These companies, of course, aren't interested in "fair use." They are interested in making it as hard as possible for consumers to compair prices. Too bad they don't have a leg to stand on.
    • Re:Fair use (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Jhon ( 241832 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:29PM (#4717135) Homepage Journal
      Too bad they don't have a leg to stand on.
      Maybe they don't have a "legal" leg to stand on, but I tell you, that "bionic corporate money" leg seems to be working nicely.

      Follow the link in the article. Fat Wallet says they are going to pull the price listings as demanded because they can't afford a legal battle.

      "Rights", "fair use" or whatever don't really mean anything if wont be exercised out of fear of a costly legal battle.

  • Hip, Hip, Hooray! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Rayonic ( 462789 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:15PM (#4716980) Homepage Journal
    Three cheers for the retailers involved in this legal action. This is exactly the kind of absurd example we need to get that crappy old DMCA repealed once and for all.

    Seriously, anyone else as jazzed about this as I am?
    • by octalgirl ( 580949 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:26PM (#4717666) Journal
      Well, the Library of Congress pretty much squashed anything to do with DeCSS in the last round, lets see how they like this. The second anticircumvention rulemaking requests written comments [copyright.gov]from all interested parties (Nov 19 - Dec 18). We'd like to see the law go away - they only want exemptions. I'm not sure if this fits, because they keep asking for a 'technological measure', but maybe this is some of the ammo we've been looking for.

      The purpose of this proceeding is to determine whether there are particular classes of works as to which users are, or are likely to be, adversely affected in their ability to make noninfringing uses due to the prohibition on circumvention.

      Format is important. Know what they are looking for and how they want it presented.

      First, a proponent must identify the technological measure that is the ultimate source of the alleged problem, and the technological measure must effectively control access to a copyrighted work.

      Second, a proponent must specifically explain what noninfringing activity the prohibition on circumvention is preventing.

      Third, a proponent must establish that the prevented activity is, in fact, a noninfringing use under current law. The nature of the Librarian's inquiry is further delineated by the statutory areas to be examined:
      (i) The availability for use of copyrighted works;
      (ii) The availability for use of works for nonprofit archival, preservation, and educational purposes;
      (iii) The impact that the prohibition on the circumvention of technological measures applied to copyrighted works has on criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research;
      (iv) The effect of circumvention of technological measures on the market for or value of copyrighted works; and
      (v) Such other factors as the Librarian considers appropriate.
  • Boycott!! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Col. Panic ( 90528 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:17PM (#4716999) Homepage Journal
    We have been given DMCA notices regarding the posting of "Black Friday" sale prices from the following companies:

    Best Buy

    SCRRAATCH!! off the shopping list. Looks like everyone is getting a thinkgeek tshirt [thinkgeek.com] for Xmas this year.

    Grandma would look pretty cool look with </geek> on the back :)
  • Because... (Score:3, Funny)

    by di0s ( 582680 ) <cabbot917NO@SPAMgmail.com> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:17PM (#4717003) Homepage Journal
    I would like to know what part of the DMCA states that you can not share the price of merchandise.
    Because the prices are encrypted, see...

    $2.99 at Wally-world is actually

    !Ðy*ëùB~`ß½f÷û-- >a3^Úæn--OE&"æÝ5?v|ç(TM)ÍgNÊùÜ6Õgoó
    The land of the lawyers,
    The home of the DMCA

    We should change the land of opportunity to read: "We'll see you in court".

  • by TheWanderingHermit ( 513872 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:17PM (#4717007)
    At a particularly low period in my life, employment wise, I had to to market survey research. A lot of this consisted of going into stores and counting products and recording advertising info for different products. I also would have to go into stores like K-Mart and fill in reports about what items they stocked that fell under certain categories. This including counting the items on the shelves, marking the variations (for example, 12,24, & 36 exposure rolls of the same film), and, of course, recording prices.

    K-Mart was not too thrilled with the situation, especially about the prices being recorded. Although I don't remember the name of the case now, there had just recently been a case where a manager of a competing store had gone into K-Mart and recorded a number of their prices on his own list. K-Mart evicted him from the site and he sued. The court ruled for him, saying K-Mart, as a retail store, was inviting the public into their store. They could not invite some people and not others. They may not like what he was doing, but he had the same right of access as any customer who might be comparing prices.

    It seems the same would apply here -- they are publishing the prices for public consumption and comparison. That means for ALL the public. It doesn't seem right that they can say some people can print the prices out and share with friends or compare with other sites and othe people can't.
  • Their Loss (Score:4, Informative)

    by tezzery ( 549213 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:19PM (#4717025)
    I use cnet price comparison as well as pricewatch.com very often.. any store not wanting another site publishing their prices clearly isn't competitive to begin with.. I say it's their loss.
  • Dear Sir, (Score:5, Funny)

    by shortbus mutiny ( 615608 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:19PM (#4717030)
    We regret to inform you, that on the course of our investigations we noticed that you were using the number "49.95" on your website. As you well now by now, this is also the price of the new exciting action game, "School Shooting 2". Our sales prices are our intellectual property and thus protected by the DMCA. We request that you remove all references to our sale price from your website and send a reply stating that you have done so. You may however, change the number to 49.96, as we have nothing for sale at that price. You may not use the number 49.94 however, as that is the new sale price for the game "Sweatshop Tycoon". We look forward to your compliance, and don't think about posting this letter to the web, as it's copyrighted and protected under the DMCA as well.
  • by weeeee ( 196575 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:19PM (#4717032) Homepage

    Locked DVD Talk Black Friday Thread [dvdtalk.com]

    In this case Target was the company that sent the DMCA notice and the thread was shut down im ediately.

    • by WEFUNK ( 471506 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:55PM (#4717383) Homepage
      Here's part of the relevant post by the founder of DVDtalk that shut down the thread. The quote is apparently from a lawyer representing Target:

      "...This is a notification pursuant to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

      I am an attorney representing Target Corporation and its Target Stores
      division ("Target). I am duly authorized to act on Target's behalf in this

      This is a notice of Target's belief that posting of Target information as
      part of the "Black Friday" thread at
      http://www.dvdtalk.com/forum/showth...250539in frin ges
      infringes Target's copyright in a newspaper-insert advertising circular
      intended to be distributed on Thanksgiving Day, 2002. It is Target's good
      faith belief that the use of Target's copyrighted material in the "Black
      Friday" posting is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or by
      operation of the law.

      The information in this notification is accurate, and, under penalty of
      perjury, I am authorized to act on behalf of Target Corporation, the owner
      of the copyright in the material at issue.

      Please confirm by return e-mail as soon as possible that you have removed
      the Target information from the "Black Friday" posting..."

      It appears from the excerpt above that they are objecting to the release of trade secrets, which is not really copyright infringement. Does this in any way fall under the DMCA or are they just using it to evoke fear?

      And if they are knowingly abusing the law can Target be sued for using SLAPP tactics (for instance) and can the lawyer be disciplined for making legally unjustified claims/threats?

      I also wonder if marketing is even aware of these threats or if this is another case of lawyers acting in the "best interest of their clients" (and charging top dollar for it) even if it creates a backlash amongst consumers.
  • by Zech Harvey ( 604609 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:24PM (#4717075)

    ...security related? I mean, I don't want to sound like I'm pro-DMCA, I'm not. But couldn't companies use the DMCA to control their information so there won't be dangerously large crowds that will show up on the busiest shopping day of the year? If the masses get too hyped about what is coming out, then riots may be a result. They might not want to release any information until the last minute and cause uncontrollable masses to drive up profit. If this was their intent, it would be better, if instead of using the DMCA, they were to cooperate with each other and public forums to release information, strategically plot and coordinate sales over a longer period of time, and discourage mass/riotous consumer behavior. Then again, sometimes I think that human decency cuts into their bottom-line.

    I know it sounds a bit unbelievable, but considering I worked at McDonald's (I seem to work for all the unpopular zaibatsus, heh) during the huge Beanie Baby frenzy and saw little old ladies get knocked over, nothing surprises me when it comes to consumer greed.

  • Courts wait (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Shadow Wrought ( 586631 ) <<shadow.wrought> <at> <gmail.com>> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:25PM (#4717078) Homepage Journal
    I think that this will help the eventual court case against DMCA. The more ludicrous uses that it is put to the more exhibits that can be brought to bear in getting it overturned.

    Till that day happens, of course, it will continue to suck.

  • by Junior J. Junior III ( 192702 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:26PM (#4717106) Homepage
    If the site were serving scanned images of advertizing flyers, they might be in violation of copyright law, but if they're just reporting pricing facts, how can it be a violation?

    The advertising copy from some flyer containing a blurb-type phrase might be copyrightable, but the fact that some store at some address is selling some item for some price is not copyrightable.
  • by iceT ( 68610 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:27PM (#4717115)
    How do these sites GET their news? I figured that the companies themselves 'leaked' a lot of this information..

    Individual things here and there are typically reported by the individual.. but where do they get the BIG news from companies like Dell, or Best Buy?

  • by SoCalChris ( 573049 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:28PM (#4717129) Journal
    From the article...

    "Hi, Ron Lieber from the Wall St Journal here

    I'm working on a story about the use of the DMCA to crack down on consumers swapping Black Friday sales data on web sites. If anyone would like to air their feelings on the subject, please call me at 212-416-4974 or send me an email with your phone number and I'll call you.

    Thanks, Ron"
  • by thomas.galvin ( 551471 ) <slashdot@thomas- ... m ['alv' in gap]> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:30PM (#4717145) Homepage
    From the link:

    While we believe that sale prices are facts and can not be copyrighted, We have made the business decision to comply with the dmca notifications.

    Our reasoning for this is very simple - Our mission is to serve consumers - If we were to choose to fight this battle, It would require more resources than are available - and we would no longer be able to serve consumers.

    This speaks more to the flaws in the legal system itself than it does to the DMCA. The legal system has esentially become a means of controling people with significantly less money than you. Time and time again, we hear some variant of "we believe we are right, but we don't have the resources to prove it."

    The system no longer provides equal protection to all; "justice," as it were, can be purchased. Witness PanIP's [panip.com] attempts [slashdot.org] to bully [slashdot.org] web merchants [slashdot.org], or the OJ Simpson case.

    The DMCA is bad; nearly all of us believe so. In the end, however, it is simply one item from the overly-expensive toolchest that is the american legal system. The average American can afford a hammer, but the mega-companies all have power tools. The legal system is designed to see who has the better legal case, but the sad fact is that many cases never actually get to that point; the entry level is simply to high. Joe Blow running his web site from his basement may have the best legal argument in the world for why he should be allowed to print the sale prices of items, but he cannot afford the cadre of lawyers to ensure that that aregument gets heard. Joe Blow might be right, but that doesn't matter; the company that opposes him can simply drag out the legal preceedings long enough to bankrupt him.

    Ideally, when something like this happens, the defendant would be able to go before a judge and say "All I'm doing is reporting the facts," and the judge would say "case dismissed." Instead, they go before the judge and say "All I'm doing is reporting the facts," and the claiment says "that's not what my stable of lawyers say..."

    The really depressing thing is that, even though I can see the system is broken, I really have no idea what to do about it. The system needs to be reformed, but I'm not entierly sure where to start.
  • by Apro+im ( 241275 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:36PM (#4717206) Homepage
    Black Friday is a field day for stores... they essentially thrive on making people make rush purchases - this is why so many sales end at noon or early afternoon. The trick is, while everybody is slashing prices - sometimes to below cost, make your store the priority store to go to... now when you give people maybe one or two days to figure out all the deals, they're less likely to systematically plan and take advantage of the best deals, after all - the best deals aren't why they want you at their store - they want you to make periheral purchases, which are worse deals - ones which make them profit. However, if you can plan your shopping much in advance knowing all the prices, you are more likely to buy the cheapest stuff from store A, the cheapest stuff from store B, etc, without bothering to even look around very much at the other deals, since you already know all the prices.

    It isn't that these stores aren't competetively priced, as some have suggested, it's simply that the competetive pricing is only a lure - giving all the prices for hot items makes that lure nearly worthless.
  • by sittius ( 227744 ) <cradh@ix.netcom.com> on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @01:55PM (#4717387) Homepage
    Okay. Mod me down to old and stupid, but while this article may be true, so far I haven't seen anything (other than the URL referenced in the summary ) confirming this. Sure, there's a link in this ( the Slashdot ) thread to a DVD discussion group, but has anyone researched this? It seems to be a mighty thin basis on which to be posting an article?

  • by The AtomicPunk ( 450829 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:16PM (#4717578)
    "There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws." - Ayn Rand
  • by ReelOddeeo ( 115880 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:18PM (#4717592)
    Write to them to complain instead of writing on Shashdot. Are you unhappy about this misuse of an already existing law? Sale prices are facts, not copyrighted material. Courts have already ruled that facts devoid of any creativity (such as telephone books) can be copied.


    From main web site, click Help (at top). Click Company Information (bottom). Click Contact Stores and Home Office Customer Service (bottom left).

    Contact [walmart.com]


    From main web site, click Help (way bottom). Click either Contact Us About Online Services (left middle), or Contact Us About Target (left further down).

    Target [target.com]

    Target [target.com]

    Best Buy

    From main web site, click Contact Us (left bar, bottom). Click General Questions about BestBuy.com.

    Best Buy [bestbuy.com]


    From main web site, click Help (top right). Click Contact Us. Click Something Else.

    Staples [staples.com]

    These pages have a SUBMIT button for a reason. (because they want you to submit to them.)

    If you don't write, then I'll assume you are perhaps happy about this.
  • by jokerghost ( 467848 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @02:59PM (#4717983)
    So, if the DMCA is the worst thing to happen ever, why don't you folks get off your asses and do something! Seriously, a lot of the people here seem to spend time decrying the DMCA, while still living under its rule... "WAAAAH, but I can't do anything" is what I hear. That's bull. The DMCA is currently under review! Why not post your comments?

    It's a lot easier to say that a law should be abolished than to actually get up and try to abolish it. Hell, even the most recent slashdot poll shows how little you people are really willing to comit to ending this law: 51% of people chose a form of the "No" option, and 31% chose the CowboyNeal option. A relavent state motto comes to mind: "Live free or DIE!" In other words, either do what needs to be done, or suffer the consequences... I have no sympathy for those who don't vote, only to bitch about the current administration, and I don't have any sympathy for those who bitch about laws, yet never take any action to end those laws.

    Oh, so this comment won't be *entirely* a -1 Troll, check this link out sometime: http://www.copyright.gov/1201/comment_forms/index. html [copyright.gov] Want to change the law? Want to get your voice heard? Do it! Just remember to be polite, your leters will be taken much more seriously.

    Live free or DIE!
  • by Starship Trooper ( 523907 ) on Wednesday November 20, 2002 @03:26PM (#4718234) Homepage Journal
    (from http://www.bofhweb.org/, please ignore the XxXxXes as they are just to get around the lameness filter)

    Black Friday List XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx X XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Best Buy XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Lexmark X73 multifunction printer (less than $100) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kodak Digital Camera (i think $100, not sure of model) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Monsters Inc., Beauty & The Beast, Grease DVD $12.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Shania Twain Up, 8 Mile Soundtrack, Eminem The Eminem Show, 3 Doors XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Down, U2 The XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Best Of 1990-2000 CD $8.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Panasonic 45 sec No Skip CD Player(SLSX388) $39.99-$10 IR-$5 BB MIRX $24.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Precision CDR Discs 40x 80 Min 2 pack 150 total Disc bundle (5770075) $26-$26 MIR XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    _ FREE XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Curtis 3 CD Shelf System (RCD855) $37.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    DVD/CD Player [model may vary by store] (CH-DVD 402/2110) $69.99-$30 MIR_ $39.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ALL Wireless phones regularly $149.99 and below are FREE (after MIR) with new XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    activation XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    75GB 7200 WD (WD750BBRTL)/KByte 256MB PC133 RAM (6432ZZGSEM) BUNDLE XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    $219.98-$60 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    IR-$109.99 Bundle MIR_ $49.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    AVorcent 48x12x48x CDRW (RWJ-481S) $59.99-$30 MIR-$20 MIR_ $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kodak EasyShare 2 Megapixel Digital Camera (CX4200) $99.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Daewoo 25" Stereo TV (DTQ25S3FC) $159.99-$10 MIR_ $149.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    KLH 160 Watt Home Theater System (HA7000/HA9000) $159.99-$30 MIRX $129.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    eMachines Celeron 2.0Ghz Computer 256MB DDR SDRAM, 40GB HDD, 40x CDRW, 6 USB 2.0 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ports (T2040) $549.99-$250 MIR _ $299.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    SAME MACHINE AS ABOVE + 15" Samsung LCD Monitor (151V) $919.98-$250 MIR-$100 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    MIR-$70 Samsung MIR_ $499.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Staples: XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Black Friday 7AM â 10AM. Remember they have 14 days price guarantee. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Should have info on non 7AM-10AM soon. Good luck. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    499667, 499449 scanner $79.98 - $63 mir _ $16.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    493300 Ezonics PC Camera 2pk $59.98 - $25 is - $25 mir _ $9.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    496430 30gb 7200 rpm HD $79.98 - $50 mir _ $29.98 Ã isn't there XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    another valid XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    rebate? XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    488960 cendyne 40x12x48 burner $59.98 - $50 mir _ $9.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    457057 Palm m500 $144.99 - $15 is _ $129.99 plus get 484854 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    accessory kit $39.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    - $15 is - $25 mir _ FREE plus get 499648 Austin Powers Pinball game XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    $2.99 - XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    $2.99 is _ FREE XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    466913 HP PSC950 $199.98 - $50 mir _ $149.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    493000 HP 940 remanufactured $79.98 - $10 is - $30 mir _ $39.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    469920 HP 318 $139.98 - $10 is - $50 mir _ $79.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    463438, 480124 Sandisk 128 CF or smart media $69.98 - $32 is - $10 mir _ $27.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    478328 PNY 512 ram $129.98 - $80 is - $20 mir _ $29.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    473998 Zline Corner Desk $49.94 (after 50% savings) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    490583 Envision 775e $164.98 - $87 mir _ $77.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    450433 Envision 15" LCD $359.98 - $60 is - $100 mir _ $199.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    496731 100pk cdr $37.98 - $18 is - $20 mir _ FREE XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    489577 25pk jewel cases $9.98 - $6 is - $4 mir _ FREE XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    498449 5 sheet shredder $13.94 - $5 mir _ $8.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Some other items good Fri & Sat. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    430251 HP G85 $199.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    047298 Sharp AL800 $199.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    443412 ATP3 Speakers $79.98 - $20 is - $30 mir XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    496442 Cendyne DVDr/rw $299.99 - $50 is - $50 mir _ $199.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    479814 DVD rom $79.98 - $20 is - $20 mir _ $39.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    496741 2pk 4-port USB hub $29.98 - $10 is - $10 mir _ $9.94 Ã guessing USB 1 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    457395 PNY 256 $69.98 - $45 is - $15 mir _ $9.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    491698 Cobra 104 $49.99 - $20 is - $10 mir _ $19.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    425803 Scotch tape dispenser $3.29 - $3.29 mir _ FREE XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    water 2 cases for $9 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    450431 Envision 19" $199.98 - $100 mir _ $99.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    $150 mire desktop pc package or laptop XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    $100 is on most bto pc & monitor package XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    $200 is on bto desktop or laptop XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx X XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Office Max XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    HP G85 $200 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Cendyne (ltd-163) dvd FAR (free after rebate) 2 mir's, around $30 each. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Verbatim 48x cd-rw $20 AR XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Hi-Val 100pk cdr and Khypermedia (trash) 100pk cdr FAR XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    100pk slim jewel cases FAR XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Go Video DVD/VHS player $100 The box didn't say video cd capable, but I think this is the link XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    0223-5986 HP G85 $200 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2014-8190 16x dvd FAR 20mir/25mir XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2021-6375/2021-3895/2018-2491 48x12x48 cd-rw $20, 30 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2014-6496 dvd-r/rw $170, 50 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2021-9194/2021-9201 2.1megapixel camera 100 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    0223-7387 FRS 110 $15, 10/10 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2013-2660 5 piece speakers Altec Lansing $20, 10 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2022-5203 Phonemate 2.4ghz phone $10, 10 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2003-9156 Palm m500 $120, 25 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2008-6256 Kingston pc133 128mb FAR, 15/5 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2021-9210,2022--8344,1426-7633,2022-6729 Argus 2.1 camera, 64cf, cf reader and epson c42 $200, 30/20 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2021-3886 personal cd player $15, 10 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2022-7087 Go video dual deck vhs/dvd (4300 I think) $100, 30/15 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2006-8800/2006-8784 Hi-Val 100pk cd-r FAR, 20 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2018-7245 Khypermedia 100pk cd-r FAR, 20 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2016-1502 100pk Jewel case FAR, 5/5 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    The rest are all FAR with rebates under $15: XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Passive speakers, Keyboard(2003-9316), IBM 2 button mouse, HI-Val modem, Belkin XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    pci nic, Cyber Acoustics Microphone ("be careful with that mic-clutch) Sunburst XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    pen, rca vhs tape, belkin 8 outlet surge protector, 10pk floppy, 32 cd wallet(2002-1924/2020-1880) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx X XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kmart XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Okay I'm almost afraid to post after the last time LOL! Anyway this again is taken from another board. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    5am - 11am only: XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    twin,full,queen comforters 12.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ladies basic edition holiday fleece buy one get one free XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    buy one get one 50% off trim a home 100 ct fauceted bulb, 100 ct heavy duty or 140 ct. mini light set XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    hershey's mars and nestle holdiday candy buy one get one free XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    men's lambskin leather jacket 49.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    knighstbridge boxers buy one get one free XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    4 pack cootie games 9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    diva starz 9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    bob the builder or wendy talking plush 5.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    tool source 120 pc home repair or 128 pc tool set 17.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    lasonic dvd/cd/mp3 68.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    hamilton beach 6 slice toaster oven 29.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    george forman party grill with bonus george forman grill 37.77 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    hanes or jerzee fleece buy one get one free XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    14 kt gold earrings reg. 59.99 $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    10kt 3mm rope earrings,ring or bracelets reg.59.99 13.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    supersize pillows 2 for 5.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    swivel-glider recliner with ottoman 89.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    barbie pose me pets funky trunk 12.49 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    lovemates slippers 2.49 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    buy one get one 50% off all legos XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    free martha stewart holiday baking magazine with any purchase limited to first 300 customers XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    receive a $10 reward valid thruy 12-8-02 for spending $50. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    friday and saturday lowest prices of the season on: XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    polly pocket world park 16.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    disney uno 6.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    hot wheels turbo jet city 34.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    power rangers goggles 8.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    tonka force vehicle 4.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    buy one get one free all nascar die cast vehicles XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    thunder spring horse 46.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    thomas the tank 78.86 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    hot wheels monster truck 7.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    tyco humvee 14.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    hot wheels 5 pack cars 2.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    buy one get one 50% all radio control batteries XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    buy one get one free boys basic edition ribbed tops or cargo will pants XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    mens yarn dyed flannel shirts 4.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    buy one get one free all basic edition socks XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ladies holiday sweaters 19.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    buy one get one 50% off bath and body and fragrance sets XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    19.99 jewelry boxes are 9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    martha stewart 3 star pillows, evertday towels, bath accessories are buy one get one 50% off XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    all family collection towels buy one get one 50% off XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    all single or multiroll holiday wrapping paper buy one get one 50% off XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    sharp microwave 46.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    lexmark printer 49.99 (with bonus cable software and paper) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    memorex 30 pack data cd-r 6.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    30 pack memorex music cd-r 9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    monsters inc vhs 10.95 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    certain holiday vhs 88cents or dvd's 2.50 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    13" tv/vcr combo 124.99 curtis mathis XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    boys 12" uproar or girls 12" dream bikes 19.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    16" pretty lady or boys gauntlet bikes 39.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    20" malibu or busted bikes 59.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Thanksgiving Day XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    buy one get one free all hasbro, bradley or parker board games XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    buy one get one 50% all ornaments and lights XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    20" apex tv 99.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ritz, cheese nips buy one get one free XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    miracle whip or mayo 99cents XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    barbie pose me pets 4.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    bratz doll 9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    power ranger figures buy one get one free XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    tabletop relaxation fountain 7.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    girls, boys 20" or men's 24" or 26" bikes 59.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    mega bloks wave racer or blue thunder 9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    galileo or wireless thermometer 9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx X XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    sears XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Ok and the ad states Nov 29-30th. again there is no mention of these XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    deals being XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    available online. I'll put item #s in case anyone wants to compare XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    current price XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    online. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Save 50% off: XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #34251 craftsman 251 pc mechanic's tool set 149.99 sale pr XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #33963 craftsman 63 pc mechanic's tool set 29.99 sale pr XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #34551 craftsman 2 pc socket accessory set 19.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #30385 companion 101 pc automotive repair set 24.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #30567 companion 67 pc tool set 17.49 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #31484 craftsman bar clamp 9.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #49032 craftsman deep read stud finder 9.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #82082 craftsman digital multi meter 9.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #17711 craftsman 1.5 peak HP, 2 gal wet/dry vac 19.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #10173 craftsman 3/8 in drill 19.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #11412 craftsman 7.2 volt drill 19.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #40411 craftsman large mouth tool bag 9.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #73915 cord reel with 100w worklight 9.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #34553&34554 3/8 in drive rachet w/9 sockets 9.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Plus: XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #42000&42001 gear wrench 7 pc wrench set 39.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #33975 craftsman 75 pc mechanic's tool set 49.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #46935&46936 craftsman 26 pc wrench set 49.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #33122 craftsman 122 pc mechanic's tool set 79.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #42406&42407 craftsman 7 pc ratcheting wrench set 89.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #50523 craftsman 2 1/4 ton jack w/case 29.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #53975 craftsman 1/2 HP garage door opener 149.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    (159.99 on sears.com now) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #50190 craftsman motorcycle jack 99.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #65904,65905,65120 craftsman 13 drawer storage combo XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    279.99 when you buy all 3 plus free 3 drawer chest XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #59975 craftsman 5 drawer premium tool center 77.00 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    FREE air tools 139$ value when you buy either air compressor XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #16553 craftsman air compressor 30 gal vertical 299.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #16554 craftsman air compressor 33 gal horizontal 299.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #41816 craftsman 18 pc screwdriver set 19.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #41819 craftsman 24 pc screwdriver set 29.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #44664 craftsman 3pc adj wrench set 19.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #45713 craftsman 3pc locking pliers set 29.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #45243 craftsman 3 pc pliers set 19.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #37310 craftsman prof accu-cut 19.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #43278 craftsman 3pc pry bar set 29.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #42303 craftsman 2pc clench wrench set 29.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #47000&47001 craftsman 9pc wrench set 19.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #65482 Keter rolling tool cart 29.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #65432 craftsman 20 in tool box 9.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #59338 craftsman 3 drawer chest 39.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #65796 craftsman adj height clamping table 49.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #65204 craftsman 5 drawer proj ctr 88.00 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #17777 craftsman wet/dry vac 79.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #15210 craftsman oil-lubed compressor 99.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #16528&16529 craftsman compressor combo kit 199.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #10850 craftsman 7 1/4 in circular saw 29.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #11680 craftsman mouse sander w/case 39.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #11501 craftsman 4 in grinder kit w/case 39.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #61097 craftsman var speed rotary tool kit w/carry bag 39.99 sal XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #26946 craftsman prof 3/8 in drill w/case 39.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #11415 craftsman 16.8 volt drill w/hand vac kit XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    w/case 69.88 closeout XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #25755 drill doctor drill bit sharpener 79.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #26185 craftsman 85 pc speedlok set 89.99 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #24888 craftsman 10in bench-top table saw w/stand 199.00 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #21250 craftsman 10in compound aluminum miter saw w/laser XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Trac cutting guide 199.00 sale XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #26466 craftsman prof router table 89.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #11715 craftsman 3x21 in belt sander 59.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #17574 craftsman 8 amp router 59.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #23223 tradesman 10 in miter saw 88.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #21409 craftsman 9 in band saw 119.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #21610 craftsman 16 in variable speed scroll saw 119.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    #21830 craftsman 10 in jobsite table saw 349.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Have fun all you Tim the tool man Taylors XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Appliances XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Samsung Microwave #70012 sale priced 29.99 (after 15$ sav & 10$ mail XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    in rebate) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Samsung Microwave #70212 sale priced 64.99 after 10$ savings & 10$ XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    mail in XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    rebate) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore Microwave/toaster combo #62292 sale priced 119.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Friday only 0% financing on all home appliances XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore super capacity washer #22422 sale 277.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore extra large capacity dryer #64202 sale 269.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Maytag Oversized Capacity Plus washer #37642 sale 469.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Maytag Oversized Capacity Plus dryer #47642 sale 399.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore High-efficiency washer #43042 sale 649.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore xtra large cap dryer #83042 sale 399.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore Extra large cap washer #13202 sale 249.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore xtra large cap dryer #63112 closeout sale 239.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore Sup Cap washer #23812 sale 399.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore Sup Cap dryer #62612 closeout sale 299.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore fridge #71822 18.2 cu ft sale 449.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Frigidaire fridge #88892 18.2 cu ft sale 399.88 closeout XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore fridge #52572 25.2 cu ft sale 999.88 closeout XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Whirlpool fridge #36502 25 cu ft sale 899.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore fridge #62822 18.5 cu ft sale 649.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore dishwasher #17502 sale 399.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore dishwasher #16121 sale 188.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore dishwasher #16522 sale 277.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore range #95212 sale 359.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore gas range #72112 sale 299.88 closeout XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore electr range #93751 sale 399.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kenmore gas range #75751 sale 499.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ****Remembersearsdoes price match so compare to other Black Friday ads at HHGregg & other places.searsdoes tend to run high in my experience but they do price XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    match and have brands other than kenmore, barely, listed here. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    WAL MART : XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    These items are only on sale from 6 am till 11 AM XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Symphonic 27 in TV 148.62 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Symphonic dvd/vcr 98.87 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Apex DVD player 48.76 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kodak CX4300 Digital camera .2 megapixel, 2X digital zoom amd 16 MD internal XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    memory Dock n go cradle compatiable.154.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    hotwheels , matchbox, tonka, or GI joe 20 pack vehicle assortment 10.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    HP computerw/monitor,printer CD writer/DVD combo drive 698.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    (Computer info: XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Intel celeron processor 2.0 Ghz, 256MB DDR SDRAM memory, Integrated Intel extreme graphics with up to 64MB shared video memory, 60MB hard drive, Built in CD_WRITER/DVD combo drive, v.90 K%^flex data/fax modem, 10/100 baseT network interface, HP pavilion 17 inch color monitor, HP Deskjet 3320V photo quality color printer USB cable included) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    game boy advance with screen protector 49.68 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Roadmaster 300 watt speaker system 14.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Symphonic tv vcr combo 13in 89.74 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Quasar camcorder 208.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Eureka boss vacuum 35.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Black and decker 4 pack tool, screwdriver,sander,jigsaw,drill 49.96 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    regal 22 piece cookware 28.36 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    30 Quart turkey fryer 29.97 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    4 cup coffeemaker, mini chopper, electric knife,1 qt crockpot, sandwich maker 5.00 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Quest boys and girls 12,16,20 in bikes 24.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    mens and ladies 24, 26 in bikes 45.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    power wheels jeep 76.93 (wrangler jeep made for 1) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Nikko radio controlled vehicle 20.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Monopoly or trouble 4.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Purse fun barbie 5.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    barbie playset assortment or hotwheels playset 7.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Lego bionicles 5.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    scooter Samantha 10.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    250 mega blocks, Jake the snake radio controlled 10.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    pop out skates 15.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ladies leather boots 10.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    mens and youths hiking boots 10.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mens and ladies fleece 4.36 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    girls and boys fleece 3.36 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    toddler and infants fleece 2.86 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    boys rustler jeans 6.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    infants and toddler jeans 5. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    girls boot cut jeans 6. XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ladies and mens faded glory jeans 7.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    basketball goal 56.43 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    special basketball 2.96 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    20in 14kt rope chain 19.97 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    25 count light set 3.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    singer sewing machine 88.67 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    6.5 pre lit Christmas tree 39.74 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    mens and ladies assortment watches 2 for 5.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Walmart Ad November 29 - December 5th XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Leap frog Quantum pad 39.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    My Scene barbie 13,67 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    10 pack barbie fashions 7.96 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    pop sensation Barbie 21.38 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Barbie talking townhouse 48.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Barbie Rapunzel carriage 26.82 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Barbie and ken as Rapunzel adn prince 17.76 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Fisher price sweet magic kitchen 72.84 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    zip n zoom shannen 25.83 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    power wheel jeep wrangler 197.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    barbie power wheel jeep 197.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    little tikes home improvement workshop 29.83 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    little tikes kitchen or workshop 25.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    hasbro magic start crawl and stand activity center 10.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    play doh safari playset 7.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Tonka spiderman web cycle with figure 6.00 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Candy land, toy story, memory, chutes and ladders, cootie , ants in XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    pants, 4.82 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    harry potter twin size sheets 14.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    guess who, twister,operation, bop it 10.96 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    casio full size keyboard 88.72 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    memorex karaoke machine 59.73 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    lenoxx personal CD player 17.77 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    venturer 5 cd stereo with remote 48.84 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XBOX woth 3 games, jetset radio future,sega gt 2002, and amped XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    199.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Toddler snoopy table and chairs 29.46 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    14 foot trampoline 128.23 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Ozark trail 3 piece set 18.86 tent, sleeping bag, chair XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Stanley rolling tool chest 134.83 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Black and decker 14.4 cordless drill driver set 39.96 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Grab it go mop 23.74 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Eureka bagless Upright vacuum cleaner 86.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Gibson 116 piece dinnerware set 26.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx Xx XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Audiovox 5-Cd music system - $48 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    GoVideo dual-deck DVD/VCR - $138 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Monsters Inc, Beauty & The Beast, The Santa Clause, The Rookie - $11.97 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Phillips CD/DVD player $88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Playstation 2 Games (Street, Spy Hunter, Tony Hawk's ProSkater 3, Virtua Fighter) - $15 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Sit n Spin by Playschool - $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Daewoo 13" TV/VRC $111 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Vivitar PZ3115 DB 35mm camera - $59 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Bop It Extreme 2 - $12 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Geaorge Foreman The Champ Grill - $14.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    25ct. G30 or G40 globe lights - $5.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Prologue by Moderna 3pc luggage set - $19 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Holiday jar and votive candles - $4.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ProSpirit brushed fleece 1/4 zip pullover - $8.88(adults) $10.88 (mens xxl) $5.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    (boys and girls) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Take Along Thomas &Friends Work and play roundhouse - $17.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Take along Thomas & Friends travel tote - $11.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Lego building gift sets (Creator table w/172 pieces or baby gift set with 40 big ones) - $12.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Pink & Purple leap pad interacive learning system - $39.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Additional leap pad learning books - $14.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Electronic hand held games (Simon, Connect Four, Boggle, Classic football 2, Hangman, Yahtzee, Battlehip or Classic baseball) - $7.33 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Fisher-Price intelli-table - $39 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    MicroPets - $6.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Hotwheels vehicles - $.49 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Fisher-Price Rescue Heroes - $5.77 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Air Hogs R/C flying vehicles - $44.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Hot Wheels turbo jet city play set - $32.22 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Lincoln Logs 2-pk (Lonesome pine cabin & Maple woods trading post) - $9.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Lite-Brite - $7.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Micro-Bratz - 2 for $5 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Diva Starz play sets - $7.67 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Fisher-Price Loving family home and stable dollhouse - $36.74 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Fisher-Price Volkswagon new beetle - $9.74 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Fisher-Price Loving family sweet streets (beach or country house) - $10 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Polly Pocket play sets - $6.74 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Baby Annabell doll - $29.74 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Additional baby annabell clothing - $9.74 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    G.I. Joe Night attack chopper - $23.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    12" G.I. Joe action figures - $4.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Power Rangers Megazord action figure or Red Wild warrior - $21.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Power Rangers Deluxe 6 1/2" figures $7.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Polly Pockets snacktime scooter - $5.13 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Barbie (Sroll n play or mermaid fantasy) - $8.87 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Palm beach barbie and friends - $2.92 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Huggable toys (Hug me scooby doo, eye popping spongebob or babbling spongebob) - $12.94 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2-pk Barbie sets - $8.98 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Popular Games (Taboo, The Simpsons Clue, G.I. Joe Commando Attack, Opperation Brain Surgery, Barbie Says, Screwy Looey, Throw Me a Bone, Electronic Super Kerplunk, The Worst Case Scenario game and Silly6Pins) - $17 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Action-packed games (Uno Deluxe, Ker Plunk, Pet Rescue Game, XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Monopoly, Lets Go Fishin, Scrabble Junior, Pooh Candy Land, Yellow Brick Road Game and charades for kids) $8 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Candyland or Chutes and Ladders - $4 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Uno Attack- $14 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Hello Kitty Accent lamp, wall mirror, hair dryer, rechargable toothbrush or lighted make-up mirror - $15 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Bean bag chair - $16 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Novelty lights (Ball of lite, Martini neon light or bubble lite with fish) - $13.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Photo frames in merry-go-round, triple gear, revolving wheel, spoke wheel and more styles - $9.77 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Wine and party accesories (beaded bottle cover, 4-ct napkin rings, place card holders or bottle stoppers) - $5.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Norelco MicroAction Plus corded razor - $29.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Braun Flex XP rechargable shaver - $49.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Norelco Quadra Action cordless rechargeable razor - $69.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Norelco advantage cordless rechargeable shaver - $94.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Braun Syncro system with cleaning unit and automatic charger - $109.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Norelco Spectra cordless rechargeable shaver - $114.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Revlon Messager w/ infrared heat - $14.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Conair bath mat w/ heated bubbles - $29.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Conair foot bath w/ heat and bubbles - $14.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Braun Oral-B 3D Excel - %4.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Sonicare Personal - $69.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2-pk Sonicare brush heads - $19.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Emerson 1000-watt microwave oven - $48.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Shark canister vac - $78.49 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Dirt Devil Extra light bagless 12-amp vac - $78.49 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Black and Decker 12 cup coffee maker, 2-speed blender, mini food processor, sandwich maker or individual coffeemaker with stainless steel mug - $14.88 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Black and Decker toaster oven - $22.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Melitta Mill & Brew coffee maker - $56.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Bissell Spot lifter compact cordless deep cleaner - $19.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Dirt Devil hand vac - $19.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Quick Chop - $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    14x17" polysafe cutting board - $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Trent 1.5 qt. teakettle from Copco - $8.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    10% off all other copco tea kettles XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    14-pc anchor glass bakeware set - $16.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    10% off other selected Anchor Hocking bakeware XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Stovetop popcorn popper by Back to Basics - $18.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    10% off all Back to Basics popcorn accesories XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Chefmate roaster with rack - $14.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    14pc Mirro easy-clean cookset - $39.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    11pc meat fondue set or 16pc cheese and chocolate fondue set - $22.22 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    20-pc Holiday Charm dinnerware set - $8 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    5.4 gal stainless steel step can with bonus 10" step can by Home - $14.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    20% off all other Home trash cans XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Samsung Diginax 350S digital camera - $248.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Lexar 64Mb card - $38 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    15% off all other Lexar digital media XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Concord digital/web cam - $44.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    SureShot 105 35mm zoom camera - $98.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Kodak Advantix T700 APS camera - $79.77 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Samsung Hi8 camcorder - $249.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    TDK Hi8 camcorder tapes 4-pk - $13.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Photosmart 320 digital camera - $149.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Palm M125 8MB handheld PC - $129.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Audiovox DVD/CD home theater system - $139.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Canon S200 color inkjet printer - $34.77 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Hello Kitty CD boombox - $39.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Phillips personal CD player w/ remote control - $39.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Jensen CD shower radio - $39.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Panasonic 220-watt music system - $148.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Motorola 2.4 GHz Caller ID cordless phone - $44.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Motorola 2.4 GHz digital answering system and caller ID phone - $64.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Sony 4-head hi-fi VCR - $89.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Sony DVD/CD player - $129.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Sony DVD/VCR space saver - $249.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mixman DM2 digital music mixer - $39.97 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Sony 12-pk T-120 vhs tapes - $9.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Sony 8-pk T-160 vhs tapes - $9.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Memorex 30-pk CD-R discs - $9.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Memorex 25-pk Cool colors CD-R discs - $9.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Black Knight, Behing Enemy Lines, Shallow Hal, Don't Say a Word, From Hell or Joyride DVDs - $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets computer game - $29.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Treasue Planet Battle of Procyon comp. game - $24.76 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Medal of Honor Spearhead comp. game - $24.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    The Sims deluxe edition comp. game - $32.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Backyard baseball or basketball comp. game - $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Disney coaster comp game - $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Skateboard park tycoon - $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Gamecube limited edition bundle w/ super smash bros. melee - $149.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Gamecube games (Metroaid Prime, Mario Party 4, Harry Potter) - $49.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Gamecube game Sonic Mega Collection - $39.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    X-Box games (Tony Hawks Proskater 4, Dead to Rights, Reign of Fire, Turok evolution) - $37.88 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    X-Box games Conflict: Desert Storm ($44.88), Time Splitters 2 ($49.99), NHL 2003 ($49.99), Lord of The Rings ($49.99) Playstation 2 game system - $199.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Playstation 2 games - NBA live ($49.99), Grand Theft Auto Vice City XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    ($49.99), XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Shrek Super Party ($34.88), Suikoden ($39.99), Shinobi ($49.99), XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Contra ($44.99), XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Spyro Enter the dragonfly ($44.88), Minority Report Everybody Runs ($39.88) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Playstation 2 games (Fishermans Bass Club or Hard Hitter Tennis) - $9 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Gameboy Advance games (Frogger's Adventures, Madden 2003 or Lego Racers 2) - $9 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Playstation games (Putter Golf, RC Helicopter or Chess) - $5 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Leatherman Juice Multitools (C2 or S2) - $32 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Leatherman Juice Multitools (CS4 or KF4) - $37 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    2-pk Thermos travel tumblers - $7 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Queen-size Comfort-Rest airbed and pump - $25 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Greatland captain's chair - $6 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    eTrex global positioning systems by Garmin - $89 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Ear grips ear warmers - $10 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Skates (VFX Gear boys Galaxyin-line skates, girls twilight in-line skates, Fireball quad roller skates or Urban Rider roller shoes) - $13 pair XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    26" spacesaucer snow sled - 2 for $5 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Electronic dart boards (Mach 1 or Challenger DX2500) - $13 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Fisher-Price 10" bikes (School bus bike and tricycle) - $15 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Activity Sports Sets (3-pk mini sport balls, 2-pk playground balls, or boys or girls bike accesory gift sets) - $5 each XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Nickelodeon Rocket Power skateboard - $15 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    20% off all other skateboards XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Build and Paint craft kits - $8.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Armor All gift box - $20 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Taylor body fat analyzer and scale - $35 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    95-pc Durabuilt mechanics tool set - $17.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Restore and Restyle kids storage organizers w/ removable bins - $45 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    VersaPak 3-tool cordless combo kit - $45 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Black and Decker 14.4V cordless reversible drill - $45 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Black and Decker power tools (Variable speed rotary saw, 3.4-amp XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Navigator-powered handsaw or Mega Mouse 4-in-1 sander/polisher) - $59.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    5-position drill/driver - $49.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    85th anniversary Black and Decker 14.4 cordless drill/driver kit - $99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    more target XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Infants and toddlers Tykes thermals (Union suit or 2-pc long john set) - $3.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Infants and toddlers sweaters (Infants and toddlers Girls circo chenille or acrylic styles and toddler boys cherokee acrylic and cotton styles) - $6.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Infants and toddlers girls circo leggings - $3.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Girls 4-16 boot-cut pants - $5.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Boys and girls 4-14 circo long underwear sets - $5.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Girls 4-16 Cherokee sweater (Ribber cotton crewneck or turtleneck) - $6.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Girls 4-16 circo pants (Denim jeans or cordoroys) - $7.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Boys and girls 4-16 Circo flannel sleep pants or tees - $5.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Boys 4-16 Cherokee sweater (Cotton crewneck with raglan sleeves or solid color mock turtleneck) - $6.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Boys 4-16 Legendary Gold Jeans - $7.44 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mens Cherokee long sleeve cotton tee - $5.99 (XXL- $7.99) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mens Cherokee cotton flannel pants - $7.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mens Cherokee 5-pocket cotton denim jeans, carpenter jeans or carpenter pants - $9.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mens character boxer shorts - $5.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mens Cherokee Mock turtleneck in solid colors - $7.99 (XXL - $9.99) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mens Therma Thins lightweight thermals (Top or pants) - $5.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mens Cherokee pique polo in solid colors - 7.99 (extended sizes - $9.99) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Mens pro-spirit brushed fleece pants - $9.99 (XXL- $9.99) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Womens Cherokee cotton interlock turtleneck - $4.88 (Sizes x-3x $6.88) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Womens Cherokee cotton interlock tee with long sleeves - $5.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Womens Cherokee cotton/rayon tee with long sleeves - $5.88 (X-3X $7.88) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Womens Cherokee knit cardigan - $7.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Matching short-sleeve crewneck - $5.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Womens Cherokee jeans (5-pocket or carpenter) - $9.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Womens Cherokee cotton jersey tee (v-neck or crewneck with long sleeves) - $5.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xhilaration chenille robes - $18.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xhilaration Knit pajamas - $9.88 (XXL - $11.88) XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Xhiliration slipper socks - $4.88 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Womens plush sluppers - $4 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Childrens character sock-top slippers - $5 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Adults gift box slippers - $15 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Chenille hat or gloves - 2 for $4 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Girls and toddler girls dress shoes - $7.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    Womens dress shoes - $14.99 XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    FREE GIFT with fine jewelry purchase - A marcasite with genuine garnet necklace and earring set is your gift when you purchase $29 or more in 10k gold, 14k gold, sterling silver or gold-over-sterling silver jewelry. A $29.99 value XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
    XxXxX XxXxX XxXxX
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To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
