Comment Re:The usual "Microsoft feature" question (Score 1) 241
Do I grievously misremember, or did this sig once say:
SJW, n: "Someone I don't like, and by the way I'm a fuckwit" - AC
Google ads don't hog bandwidth or CPU. They're reasonably sized static images or text content.
So, no, there's no exception for Google ads. But it wouldn't change anything if there were
This was true in 2005. It is no longer so.
And I think we're there.
You think we're there? What cringeworthy, random, flailing act on the part of this administration can you possibly point to to make that claim? Contact tracing depends upon one very important datum - knowing exactly where the disease is and is not at any given point in time. Given that the goal thus far has been to block access to testing in order to keep the confirmed case count down, how could you possibly assert that it's even possible to know this?
And even if you managed to get that far, all you'd do is meaningfully establish where the starting blocks are. To characterize anything Trump has done as an effort comparable to the Apollo or Mahatten(sic) projects is an exaggeration on par with Caligula claiming to have conquered England after some legionaries whacked some reeds with their swords.
has anyone proposed landing a nuclear powered SUV sized probe?
You literally just described the Curiosity rover.
Bolsonaro is the elected head-of-state of a sovereign nation.
So is Trump. What's your point?
No one ever believed smoking was good for you. NO one. EVER.
We must believe that it is the darkest before the dawn of a beautiful new world. We will see it when we believe it. -- Saul Alinsky