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Comment Re: Wow, that's a surprise (Score 2) 93

When there is no gravity, what direction is âoerisesâ?

1). The temperature was not high enough to induce the chemical reaction to âoebakeâ the sugars in the batter in the same time as on earth. What microreaction in the semiliquid batter is influenced by gravity?

2). Heat transfer through the baked portion to the interior batter is apparently worse in space.

3). The air flow was limited due to lack of forced convection (no fan), and we learn natural convection isnâ(TM)t so great in space. What does a less dense gas do relative to cooler gas when there is no down? It probably expands nearest to the heating elements, forcing the cooler air towards the center.

Sounds like a successful experiment to me!

Comment Socialism never worked, works or will work (Score 0) 899

Why is AI and robotics expected to dominate? Because costs are reducing vs gov has made it too expensive to hire labor. Minimum wage hikes have accelerated this. The Obamacare disaster has made health insurance impossibly expensive. So, why hire a human when a kiosk is more efficient. Adding UBI or work requirements will accelerate this trend to reduce labor.

Without capital, who can buy the goods that robots create? Why bother creating things if there are no buyers? There will be a natural cap on the extent of AI, but mucking around with income levels will encourage higher rates of robots, as more goods are consumable per customer.

Basic Universal Income must come from somewhere, via wealth redistributuon (taxes) or inflation. If you get a free $1000/mo, are you bringing price controls too? Why bother cutting costs when the market has free capital to spend? A business will have to raise prices to cover the taxes to support UBI, which will balance at a new higher price for everything. When everyone has money, money is worthless.

But not everyone is going to get money, just citizens of the government. So you are incentivizing immigration. Since every new entry is added cost of UBI, legal immigration will cease, births should be taxed, and end of life exit encouraged. Illegal immigration would go insane, as people try to enter the system by any means.

So a job guarantee is the better choice, but just as bad. An individual would be guided into a career that the central gov will choose for them, based on skill and demand. Field labor, infrastructure, mining, utilities is hard work. Someone must gather materials to make new robots. Not the cushy desk jobs or art programs that everyone expects. If everyone works, then there is the same demand for entertainment not more, and there are enough unemployed artists already. So you go into a career or you are forever returning to academics for retraining to find one you like. That costs money too, so expect lock in period requirements to stick with a job, and reductions in personal freedom.

And when a job is given, how is it taken away? Exit protection in Germany today makes it near impossible to fire a bad worker, so businesses are very reluctant to add workers, which leads to extremely high entry requirements. This pushes overqualified people into easy jobs, and displaced the average citizen. So expect total control of everything, since the gov will need to allocate labor better than the individual. You will be told where to work, so donâ(TM)t expect to like it.

Historically, every time these top down practices are tried, the people eventually try to escape it for other countries with more freedoms. Or they are crushed. What is the value of a life when everything about it is an expense?

Comment Re: Pension (Score -1) 493

How? Because he is less of a moron than Hillary Clinton was.

Trump didn't hide classified emails on a private server. Trump didn't violate a subpoena when the server backups were found. Trump didn't use the DOJ to direct the FBI to gloss over the investigation during an election cycle. Trump didn't make Huma Abedin save all of her classified emails to her pedophile husband's laptop, including those sent from Clinton's private server, where they could be discovered by the NY AG. Trump didn't make the FBI lie about their investigation and be forced to reopen the case. Trump didn't make Clinton be so overconfident in her polling that she skipped campaigning in key "blue" states. Trump didn't make Clinton verbally insult her voters.

And to answer your question, Amazon pays for zone injection shipping at the same rate that everyone else does. The zone injection rate year-over-year change is capped by law, and has not kept pace with the increase in actual costs. So yes, everyone gets the same rate, and the USPS loses money (the $1.50/package figure) on every zone injection parcel delivery. The problem is not Amazon, it is the USPS. And the President has the legal authority to audit the USPS and find out why this happened.

Comment So, did they or didn't they? (Score 4, Informative) 78

Two days later, CBS is now reporting that the Trump Campaign only used the CA data for a targeted online advertising and a single TV ad buy during the primaries, because they were playing the CA data off of the RNC, in case the RNC pulled a "resistance" and didn't want to share with the Trump campaign. They ended up not using the CA data for the general election because they didn't trust it coming from Facebook.

Comment Be careful what you click (Score 3, Informative) 137

“This was unequivocally not a data breach,” tweeted Andrew Bosworth, a Facebook executive. “No systems were infiltrated, no passwords or information were stolen or hacked.”

So, what really happened is that a bunch of people installed a bunch of Facebook apps, and the users authorized their personal data to be used by the app. What happened after that was standard Facebook Business Model stuff, they sell your eyeballs to advertisers and take a 30% share of sales. It's how all social media stays in business, by passively collecting data about you, where you eat, your income levels, what you buy, etc. All in the name of "targeted advertising", which we as users frankly embrace. We love seeing ads for things that may interest us, companies like the opportunity of us buying stuff, FB loves collecting data and giving it to the govern.... I mean collecting data.

So, if we the public are clicking Accept every time we want to do a survey, or use a service, or install an app.... the horse is out of the barn. Then we get to Cambridge Analytica, who is accused of using personality quiz apps to gather information.. yeah, which is pretty much the whole purpose of those little quizzes to find your interests. The user answers a bazillion personal questions, and it spits out "Your Medieval Name Would Be Patsy", but what do you think happens to all that data after you click Commit? They aren't even building a profile of you, because Facebook already did that work by getting you to fill it out yourself. CA figured out, like Obama did in 2012. What do you think "big data" is really all about? Joining all these little data sets, like purchased this here, travelled there, likes flying, hates TSA, lives here, people that live here tend to earn this much, people that travel there and live here tend to vote this way, so hook them up with some targeted political ads and bam, you've increased your probability of an election win.

Comment An actual climatologist told me ... (Score 5, Informative) 219

So, our company contracts long-term weather forecasts from DTN, which is a company that produces weather outlook for industrial utilities and agriculture in the US and Europe. They use a variety of information to estimate future weather (monthly to decade scale), and in the process, comment on how current year weather matches historical weather. They look at multi-decade trends, and point out how this season is very similar to the 1950s, etc.

The comment in last quarter's winter forecast had to do with the "polar vortex" event that is leading to the "extreme" cold snaps across the US over the last 4 years or so. There are two factors at stake here, one being the "tightness" of the high-altitude wind currents around the arctic, and a secondary "rotation" effect. Imagine that there is an oval above the arctic that oscillates short and wide, mostly centered over the pole. The boundary is like a ripple that we see as wind currents. When it is circular, cold air is trapped up by the pole, and we have mild winters in the northern continents. However, over time, the polar winds oscillate north and south, which leads to daily oscillations in weather over the winter. What we see as large temperature swings are just the wind currents oscillating past.

If the oval becomes elongated, it allows the cold air to be pulled farther south, what we call the "polar vortex" with "abnormally" colder weather than average. Cold air is pulled down from the north, then hot air is pulled up from the south, and the intersection results in more winter storms than average, depending on humidity. But that dip pattern is also not stationary, it rotates on a multi-decade-long scale. In the 1990s, the polar vortex was over Russia / East Asia, and they observed the temperature swings. The North Americans (in our short-sightedness) think that if it didn't happen here, it didn't happen. But now two decades later, the elongation has rotated over us, and suddenly we're all freaking out about catastrophic weather changes.

The forecaster's point was all of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.

Comment Yes, there was Russian Collusion (Score 2, Informative) 263

First, sorry for this guy getting smacked for going off message. He should have known that Facebook Ad campaigns are serious money makers for FB and Twitter, and the business of "selling influence for cash" is what keeps social media alive. If we admit that a single Russian company of maybe 90 employees can sway a US election, well, then EVERYONE will want to buy more FB ad campaigns so THEY can sway the next election.

Second, it's about time that we admit that the Democrafts colluded with the Russians to sway the election against Trump. It was the DNC that paid Perkins Coie, as a shell company to pay Fusion GPS (ex-CIA opposition researchers), who contracted Christopher Steele and Nellie Ohr to complete the "dossier". Nellie Ohr (member of the CIA Open Source Group) worked with Christopher Steele (ex-MI6 Orbis Ltd) to procure information from Russian diplomats to form the "dossier", then fed that information back through her husband Brian Ohr (DOJ) to the FBI. It was the FBI that used the "dossier" to open the FISA 702 Title 1 on Carter Page (former FBI informant against Russia Gazprom), and it was the Clinton-allied team in the FBI that spied on the Trump campaign headquarters. and we're only beginning to find out now how they used that information. That is the group that used Russian mis-information to try to sway the election, broke dozens of laws, and frankly should be in jail already.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 4, Informative) 279

When the colonists first came to the Americas, the coastal areas were overflowing with Lobsters, with stories of 100s washing up on the shore at a time. By the late 1700s, lobsters were considered "prison food", because there was so many of them. Lobsters begin to rot almost immediately when killed which is why they are cooked alive in the pot, and the shells horribly stink... in a culture without refrigeration and modern sanitation, these would quickly turn into a strong negative.

After the US Civil war (1860s), canning was invented and cooked lobster would last for a long time. With the expansion of the railroads, the interior and west coast of the US began to demand canned lobster for its high-protein value. Then they realized that it tastes even better live, and with refrigeration, lobsters began to ship live all over the country. After that, the demand for lobsters skyrocketed, and we have the high prices we see today.

Since the 1990s, apparently the Maine lobster crops have been booming, some say proportional to the rising sea temperatures, combined with sustainability policies restricting farming of female (only chicks that have not yet spawned, male or female, are allowed to be legally caught). Also, humans have overfished the cod stocks in the northeast, which have been known to eat lobster for food. By killing the predators, we've turned lobsters into the chickens of the sea.

Comment Re:I don't get it. (Score 1, Redundant) 875

Are you insane? This is to clean out the EXACT people who have no regard for the Constitution, who will actively use the intel apparatus to violate the 4th amendment rights of citizens, who will withhold information from judges, who openly conspire with one political party against another political party. These people have corrupted the DOJ and FBI, from the top down, and need to be cleaned out for the good of us citizens.

Comey is the problem, not some poor innocent guy who was pushed out, and has too much free time to tweet out poetry and quips about liberty. He signed the FISA applications knowing that the DNC paid for the dossier, and withheld that information from the FISA court. He used media reports on the dossier as evidence the dossier was true when it was time to renew the FISA application? He misled the congress, those who by constitution are empowered to oversee him. He misled the chief executive, when asked why he didn't work to disavow the Russia investigation (which is alleged by the way).

There's a very good reason why the FBI and DOJ has lost the trust of the people. What proof do we REALLY have that there was any Russia involvement by anyone, other than the word of the same people who openly lied?

And this is just the tip. This openly proves that the FBI was "wiretapping" the Trump Campaign. They sniffed the whole campaign headquarters to get conversations of one person, Carter Page. What did the DOJ do with the results of the FISA 702 evesdropping of the Trump campaign? Inside information says that it went straight to the President's Daily Briefing (PDB) reports, where names were unmasked by the DOJ and fed back to the DNC. Just wait for the next round.

Comment Re:No, it's worse (Score 1) 875

Not just unverifiable rumors, but planted rumors.

The DNC fed Fusion GPS, who fed Steele. Steele met with DOJ Brian Ohr several times. And Brian Ohr's wife Nellie (Russian language specialist) was an employee of Fusion GPS, and there is evidence she got a ham radio license specifically to communicate with Steele. Steele turns around and sends the data back to the FBI, who use it as evidence to spy on Carter Page. Steele then shops the document to the media and the FBI uses the media reports as evidence to renew the Carter Page spying.

The bigger question is what did the FBI do with the information that they retrieved by spying on Trump's campaign? It gets included in the Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) document, where the DOJ is allowed to unmask the names. And it trickles back to the DNC.

Comment Re:I don't get it. (Score 1, Troll) 875

Are you insane? This is to clean out the EXACT people who have no regard for the Constitution, who will actively use the intel apparatus to violate the 4th amendment rights of citizens, who will withhold information from judges, who openly conspire with one political party against another political party. These people have corrupted the DOJ and FBI, from the top down, and need to be cleaned out for the good of us citizens.

Comey is the problem, not some poor innocent guy who was pushed out, and has too much free time to tweet out poetry and quips about liberty. He signed the FISA applications knowing that the DNC paid for the dossier, and withheld that information from the FISA court. He used media reports on the dossier as evidence the dossier was true when it was time to renew the FISA application? He misled the congress, those who by constitution are empowered to oversee him. He misled the chief executive, when asked why he didn't work to disavow the Russia investigation (which is alleged by the way).

There's a very good reason why the FBI and DOJ has lost the trust of the people. What proof do we REALLY have that there was any Russia involvement by anyone, other than the word of the same people who openly lied?

And this is just the tip. This openly proves that the FBI was "wiretapping" the Trump Campaign. They sniffed the whole campaign headquarters to get conversations of one person, Carter Page. What did the DOJ do with the results of the FISA 702 evesdropping of the Trump campaign? Inside information says that it went straight to the President's Daily Briefing (PDB) reports, where names were unmasked by the DOJ and fed back to the DNC. Just wait for the next round.

Comment Re: Stop just stop and jail traitor hillary (Score 1) 358

It has everything to do with Hillaryâ(TM)s unsecured email server. But for the DNC leak, weâ(TM)d never know that the email server existed, or that Stonetear was trying to scrub VIP addresses from his logs, before the server was wiped. We now know President Obama himself emailed at least 20 Special Access Program documents and had his own account. If Hillary goes down, Obama goes down. Therefore everyone has to go into defense mode. A prosecution will expose it, so there canâ(TM)t be a real investigation or even a crime. Thatâ(TM)s why Comey and Strzok scrubbed âoegrossly negligentâ and wrote the result before the first interview (which was conducted by Strzok, the one whoâ(TM)s texts are now being discovered). Thereâ(TM)s your conspiracy and textbook obstruction of justice.

Comment As any DBA knows... (Score 2) 192

Don't index your objects using Natural Keys that are a function of slowly changing values. Yes, the naming convention has a value in identifying location as a function of geographic location, but it's a function of a projected geolocation (magnetic field strength) that turns out to move.

Instead of spending all the money renaming/renumbering the runways, and renumbering them again a couple of decades from now, an engineer would say create a surrogate key that will be constant for all time. Heck, Alpha Beta Gamma, etc would be just as useful in this world of GPS.

Comment Re:So how do we fix this? (Score 1) 218

My armchair solution is risk exposure mitigation.

Drug testing are insanely expensive because if you screw something up, you will be sued to oblivion. So, these niche products never make it to production because the consumers (limited size) cannot absorb that cost. Solution: Create a class of drug licenses that waive the Phase 3 human trial requirements, and allow the patients to sign off on a document that absolves the drug company from liability.

And, we should extend the "treatment of last resort" laws. Phase 4 cancer patients should get immediate access to trials and experimental medicines. I have a friend who's 7yo son died of a brain tumor (DIPG) while on a waiting list for a trial. They should not just cut the red tape, but eliminate it, with government funding backstops proportional to the severity of the illness.

Next you have people who can't afford the cutting edge medicine. This is pretty much pure R&D for the drug companies, which is expensive. For that, there should be a risk pool set up by the government that covers these extremely rare conditions, that will pay for the cost of the development. Like everything else the government touches, this fund would be ripe for abuse, so you may have to link the payments to number of cured patients.

We should also rank drugs / medical solutions by avoided total costs, i.e. if this drug were given, does it displace a cost from another sector? Laser eye surgery means never needing glasses again, so if it is cheap enough, the insurance companies should be paying us to get the laser, not the other way around. If every blind person could be cured by this treatment, how much money could be saved in ADA compliance requirements? That's pie in the sky, but what if there was a diabetes medicine? We need to stop thinking in terms of chronic management (where nothing is ever cured) and think about the total cost.

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