Gator Will Replace Ads On Sites 323
Bill Dimm writes "This CNet article says that a new version of Gator, a browser plug-in for managing passwords that also can display pop-up ads for competing products when you visit web sites, is being developed that will launch its own ads over top of the banner ads on the sites you visit. The software achieves wide distribution by bundling (much like TopText) with file-sharing utilities, with over 18 million installations of the current version claimed on their web site."
This is flat out awesome! (Score:1)
Re:This is flat out awesome! (Score:4, Interesting)
Gator? Heh. In this respect, you do have a valid point. If all the advertisers decide Unix users are too few to be worth the effort, and start designing ad technologies that only work in Windows/MacOS, maybe we will get ad-free web surfing by default. I already get it to some extent, i.e. I don't see Flash ads since I haven't bothered to install the plugin. Now if only some advertiser organization would do us a favor and declare Flash the standard for web ads...
Re:This is flat out awesome! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:This is flat out awesome! (Score:2, Insightful)
You're quite right, advertisers don't understand linux (yet). But the closer it gets to attracting non-technical users (the folks who wouldn't dream of editing
Re:This is flat out awesome! (Score:2, Offtopic)
Seriously, why does every single story on Slashdot have to turn into a Linux and Microsoft discussion? Right now there are less than 10 comments and already both Linux and Microsoft have been mentioned.
Re:This is flat out awesome! (Score:5, Interesting)
Firstly, I use Mozilla on both OSes. I configure it to ask permission before loading images, and remember the choice. This quickly populates the database of junk image sites. Same is done with cookies, of course. Animated GIFs are set to never loop.
Secondly, I use Squid + Junkbuster chain on another computer. It acts as a caching/filtering proxy to block ads and cookies that slipped through Mozilla.
Thirdly, the firewall is configured to direct all traffic to/from known Evil Sites (tm) to where it belongs. Input packets are denied, outgoing are rejected. Doubleclick and friends are all there, as well as some "legitimate" Web sites that have questionable privacy policies (like Real). This blocks a spyware traffic from apps like RealPlayer - which require 15 minutes to properly set up, otherwise they send everything they can to an unknown 3rd party.
Fourthly, though I haven't done that yet, you can disable outgoing traffic through your firewall, except the proxy server. This makes the whole Web accessible only through your proxy.
If you want to "sponsor" some Web site and give it an ad image request without actually seeing the ad, you can use Mozilla's CSS hacks. Then the image will be downloaded but not displayed. This is also necessary in SSL mode because the proxy becomes transparent and can't block images for you; then only Mozilla itself can help.
Re:This is flat out awesome! (Score:2, Troll)
Just out of curiosity, wouldn't it be easier to simply not visit sites that have ads? Since you are breaking the implicit contract of getting the content in exchange for viewing ads, you are basically stealing content from the site.
I have to admit I find it really offensive when people look for a free ride.
If you really dislike ads that much, and if you have any ethics at all, then don't visit sites with ads rather than block them.
Re:This is flat out awesome! (Score:2)
Re:That just seems like a lot of work... (Score:2)
I used to do, its infeasable now though, as these pages load instantly. I have to deny them now. I still need javascript popups for some applications (internet banking for one), so I cant stop that.
Yeah... (Score:1)
Gator (Score:2, Funny)
So that explains (Score:1)
Nothing wrong about it. (Score:4, Insightful)
As long a the user knows what's happening when he's intalling the software, the competitors have nothing to say.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:5, Interesting)
The problem is that the users don't know what's being installed. Gator is a program that silently piggybacks itself on other popular programs like Gozilla. It doesn't bring up its own screen saying "Now installing Gator." The only indications that Gator is installed is a blurb buried deep in the fine print of the twenty page click-thru license agreement, and Gator showing up in the Add/Remove Programs dialog. Worse, when you try uninstalling Gator, a piece of it still remains that continues to perform stealth advertisement hijacking until you uninstall it as well. Most non-computer-geeks won't have the time or inclination to figure this out.
Gator is almost virus-like in its attempts to conceal itself from the user, do things without their consent, and spread itself to more machines. It includes only the bare minimum required to make a paper-thin claim of ethical behavior. With Junkbuster, the user knows exactly what's going on. Gator does its best to make sure the user doesn't know it's working.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:5, Insightful)
Gator does its best to make sure the user doesn't know it's working
There's an obvious reason for this type of behaviour. Consider: if users were informed of exactly what they are installing and exactly what it does, and then given a choice about whether to install it or not, how many users would willingly install it? My guess, none, whatsoever. Thats why they have to try hide their behaviour. If this alone doesn't make it glaringly obvious that such software should not exist (i.e. exactly 0% of users would ever willingly choose to use it), then nothing will.
Its sad how much the computer industry relies specifically on the lack of user education amongst its client base. Software companies and hardware companies thrive on it. The success of Microsofts business is built on it. "Keep the users in the dark ..". All you see in the computer industry these days is companies attempting to trick their customers, lying to their customers, fooling their customers, suckering their customers, all relying on lack of user education. Its all around. I saw a banner ad today "if this ad is flickering, you've won! click here to claim your prize". Its an animated GIF, if its not flickering it means your browser doesn't support animated gifs .. but its just another case of relying on the cluelessness of your own client base. If a company NEEDS its users to be clueless in order to survive, it shouldn't be allowed to survive, period.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:4, Insightful)
I think that in real life very few consumers fit this mold. The majority are angry and scared at the way their computers and the web seem to be fighting them. I think that the ideal of the 'passive consumer' does not come from experience, but from sick fantasy.
This is acted out constantly in meetings. We have a piece of Windows software that is installed with "InstallSheild Wizard". The marketing guy was complaining that it's too intimidating - we should just quietly install the software with hardly any notification to the user. Of course the programmers say "If that happened to me, I'd be mad." And the marketing guy says, "You're not normal. Normal people don't want to see a blue screen and bunch of steps of installation."
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
If they had a disclamer which read in bold letters "Gator will attempt to drive out of business the free websites you most frequently visit by damaging their revenue stream from adversing, yet making you still look at other ads, do you want to do this?" just about everyone would say no.
There is no question here. This is Just Plain Wrong, and must be stopped. Same thing with smart links. It shouldn't even be an option.
Unfortunately, it seems like this is going to come up again and again. The best solution I can think of is a HTML meta tag or HTTP header like "HTTP-Dont-Fuck-With: yes". Adding or replacing content on such a page would be prohibited, and doing so would be considered fraudulent.
Now, I have no problem with something that doesn't affect the display of the page being viewed. If MS wants to add a button to the toolbar that serves the same function as smart links, or if Gator wants to add something to the system tray, or whatever, that is fine. But altering the content of a web page for comercial gain should be considered, as mentioned in the article, the same as cliping and replacing ads in a print magazine before you reveive it in the mail.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2, Insightful)
What if I build a device for TV sets that, when activated by remote, mutes the TV and blanks out the screen for exactly 30 seconds? Perfect for commercial breaks, and if they are longer than 30 seconds they likely come in 30-second increments so just push the button a couple times. It could even replace the image with a countdown of time remaining.
Is this ilegal? I'm modifying the content of TV programming! I think that since the end user is aware and wants it modified, its still ok.
If an ISP blocked major ad servers, that would probably be lawsuit material (since neither the content provider or content comsumer agreed to it). But with a properly worded member agreement, I bet an ISP could even get away with it.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:5, Insightful)
I would say there is a difference between removing something (ie, adding a 30 second skip or allowing me to fast forward through ads) and replacing it with different content that is represented as the original.
Like I said, I wouldn't have a problem if the popped up ads were clearly seperate from the original content, such as in the task bar, or the toolbar of your browser, nor would I object to software that allowed the user to block out some or all ads. That is merely allowing the consumer to choose what parts of a webpage they view. Replacing content is fraudulent. End of story.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:3, Insightful)
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE">
I have this in the template for my website [dyndns.org], so it appears on all my pages. I also just added in this little blurb to go along with the copyright notice at the bottom:
You might consider something similar for your own websites, especially if yours is ad-free by design (one of the joys of hosting your site on your own server on a cable-modem connectionRe:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
Best of all would be an opt-in system instead of an opt-out system, but I think it will be easier to get all parties to agree on an opt-out system.
I don't personally have any websites. I just am upset by this because I regularly visit a large number of ad-supported sites, many of which are in financial trouble right now. It really pisses me off when companies try to steal what little revenue these sites generate.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
Such defacement is a violation of copyright,
Absolutely false. I can deface your site all day long, as long as it's for my own personal use. That is exactly what fair use is all about. That I choose to use an outside service is irrelevent -- just like I could hire people to come over and modify web pages before I see them, I can use any software any time I want to do anything to your site, including accusing you of being a child molester. The only control you have is redistrubution. I can change anything, but I can't redistribute it without your permission.
To be honest, I really wish people would clue into this simple concept. What I do within my own browser as absolutely, positively none of your business.
If you believe in fair use, then you'll delete that tag. If you don't, and you believe in fair use, then you are a hypocrite.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
As for your sig WRT ad-blocking...if I didn't have to worry about third parties following my every click, maybe I'd consider shutting down Squid. When I go to fubar.com, I've consented for fubar.com to send content (including potentially harmful scripts) to my computer. That consent doesn't extend to DoubleClick, Aureate, or other third parties (note the previous remark about usually not blocking ads served up by a website's server...if fubar.com has its own banner, it'll usually get through). Also, what about the people who use Lynx...do you consider them to be without scruples because their browser will never display that inane "punch the monkey" banner?
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
From what part of the fair-use doctrine do you get the idea that hijackware is in any way legitimate? [...] and editing for personal use (as in doing your own remix) is accepted.
Exactly. I choose whether to install this software into my browser. If you want to argue that this software is not being consented to, then that's a totally separate issue from my right to run software of this nature that modifies your web site.
Even if 99% of everyone did not consent to this software, that still gives the absolute unfettered right for someone who willingly wants to run it modify your web site in any way they choose. The issue is that it's none of your business how I choose to view pages in MY browser.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
Oh, and one more thing:
Let me guess...you never hit fast-forward or mute when an ad comes up on TV. If you do, then please explain how running an ad filter is any different.Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
There's a huge difference between sometimes fast-forwarding ads with my TiVo and having a device which automatically removes every advertisement. I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to realize this.
That being said, I don't have anything at all against ad-blocking software. Nor do I have anything against ad-modifying software as a concept. You can't be for one and against the other.
The issue at hand isn't whether it's legal to modify ads in the browser. Sure it is, and I hope to hell it stays that way. The issue at hand is one company's unethical manner of getting users to install their product.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
Actually, I think it is indeed copyright violation (or some other illegal act), unless the software makes it completely clear what content was put there by the author, and what content came from a different source.
This is especially true when the "alteration" is an advertisment, or could be construed as endorsment of a product or service by the original author, or is in anyway for commercial gain on the part of the software author.
If MS wants to do something that provides links to additional content, they should do something like the netscape "What's related" or the mozilla sidebar (neither of which I use), or even put an item on the context menu for a link, rather than editing the page.
There is no real evidence to support the claim that users are made aware of what they are installing. Certainly if SmartTags are ever enabled by default, and installed on new computers, the user cannot be reasonable expected to know they have software editing the webpages they view. I can't imagine anyone who understood what Gator does actually wanting it, so I conclude that most users did not knowingly install it.
But the relevent point here is actually your tagline:
It's unethical to block ads. Don't like them? Don't visit sites that use them. Else, you are stealing.
Bottom line is, what Gator does is stealing. They are stealing the ad revenue from web authors.
I am not completely convinced that personal ad filters are stealing, though I don't use them because I think it is unethical. HTML makes no explicit guarantees on if or how something will be displayed. It is certainly not stealing to browse with Lynx, or disable automatic image loading, so I don't know that using junkbuster or another ad proxy is really theft. I could probably be convinced either way.
In any case, I stand by my claim that adding or altering content and representing it as the work of the site's author is a much more serious offence than removing content the user wishes not to see.
If you believe in fair use, then you'll delete that tag. If you don't, and you believe in fair use, then you are a hypocrite.
Not really. I don't think it is at all a violation of fair use to request that a web site not be automatically altered. It isn't like he encrypted his webpage and requires a signed executable to decrypt it.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
Actually, I think it is indeed copyright violation (or some other illegal act), unless the software makes it completely clear what content was put there by the author, and what content came from a different source.
Nope. Just as I can hire people to come over to my house and modify web pages before I view them, they don't have to mark what is changed and what isn't. The only relevent issue is whether the user makes an active choice as to whether they want to run the software or not.
I don't think it is at all a violation of fair use to request that a web site not be automatically altered.
If you are interfering with my right to use software within my own browser to view a site, then you are interfering with my fair use rights. I can do ANYTHING I want to your web site, as long as I don't redistribute the work.
Re:Nothing wrong about it. (Score:2)
Actually, I am not sure you can do this, either. The fair use doctrine only applies to the "owner" of copyrighted material. In this case, that would be the person viewing the webpage. Nobody else can modify that page without the consent of the copyright owner.
This has been repeatedly validated in courts. The ruling against myMP3.com's internet jukebox said that the service was illegal because only the owner of a CD can make a copy. MP3.com could not make a copy, even if specifically requested by the user.
Similarly, it would be illegal for a digial cable company to implement TiVo-like PVR functionality into the cable subscription, unless they got permission from the copyright holders.
There are two issues remaining here. First, I won't say it is entirely clear that this interpretation of fair use is what it should be, but it is the way the legal system is now.
Second, it isn't clear who is making changes to a webpage when you view it with these plugins installed. If the software were entirely standalone, I would say that the end user was doing it: he had installed a tool that made modifications to web pages. This is analogous to me downloading cdparanoia and ripping a CD. It was me, not the authors of cdparanoia who made the copy. On the other hand, if I have software that uses information from an outside server to decide what changes to make, it is a little more ambigious. In the case of smartlinks (not to pick on MS, but it is an example most people are familiar with), it certainly sounds like MS is the one doing the altering.
Finally, I still say that if the changes made by said software misrepresent the original author, while it may not be copyright violation, it could certainly be fraud or libel (depending on what was changed, and to what end). If smartlinks, for instance, puts a link on the FSF homepage that says "Use Windows, we love it", and the web user viewing that believed it represented the FSF, that would definately be libelous--the FSF's credibility would have suffered measureably from a seeming endorement of Windows.
This is an extreme example, but much more subtle things are possible. Howabout something that detects "Now" buttons (Linux NOW!/Apache NOW!/Netscape NOW!...) and adds one that says W2K NOW!
If you would get upset at a newspaper misquoting you (or making something up entirely), you should be upset if people alter your webpage in a way that looks like you said something you didn't.
It's times like this... (Score:1, Troll)
I never have to deal with any of the following:
200k flash pages
java madness
half page ad boxes
And none of that distracting pr0n.
It has its down sides but over all its faster and more efficiant than putting up with all of those things.
Re:It's times like this... (Score:2)
There's a name for that crime... (Score:1)
...and it's call theft. If Slashdot is using banner ads as a revenue stream and Gator's ads pre-epmt these then the person paying for the original banner ad loses. That's theft or fraud or something far more concrete than what happened here [slashdot.org].
Re: (Score:2)
Re:There's a name for that crime... (Score:2)
Competition is theft too! (Score:2)
and anything that stands in the way of that
is theft!
two words: 'proxy filter' (Score:2)
thought it kinda strikes me funny: the staunch hatred for spam out there, yet there doesn't seem to be as much disgust for the banner ads that consume (x)k in download. and with gator you'll now be getting 2*(x)k in bandwidth wasted* in the ads you both do and don't see.
* for wasted == "shit I could care less about and simply clutters up my browser viewing space."
Re:two words: 'proxy filter' (Score:2)
Ads are a necessary evil under the current content-creation paradigm. Spam has no positive side effects.
Re:two words: 'proxy filter' (Score:2)
Spammers, on the other hand, deserve no such protection. When I pay my $46/mo for my internet connection, nowhere on my check do I write "Please send me offers for pr0n, MMF, and degrees at prestigious non-accredited universities!" Spammers are wasting bandwidth I paid for, without my permission. If and when Mass. passes a spam law, I'll take 'em to court myself.
A never ending spiral? (Score:2, Insightful)
The only way i see to make money is subscription based services. However, we've had years of the web giving us free things (news, p0rn, warez, linux, whatever) I dont think most people will take too well to paying for content
IMHO, the only effectave ad's would be those that took over a users computer for a period of time (like an ad on tv) But, I for one would not stand for that...When i use a computer, i do more than one thing at once, and i dont like ads telling me where to look....
Banners, I can stand...popups/popunders I'll get used...The only reason I dont block them is to send a message to the people who buy the ads "I'll look, but I wont click"
Gator wars? (Score:4, Interesting)
Web sited that make their money through banner advertising have got to be unhappy about this development. Which leads me to wonder: what are they going to do to ensure to their customers (read: advertisers) that their banner ads will not be gator-substituted?
Blocking web browsers that are Gator-enabled? Probably not the best idea, but if enough important sites band together, this could put Gator out of business.
Lawsuits against Gator? This might not be a bad idea, although I have no idea how it would go through.
Hacking Gator to get around banner-ad substitution?
Offering text-and-hyperlink-only ads, Google style?
What I'm really hoping to see is Gator offer a "subscription service" to web sites..."pay up or we'll substitute your ads." That would lead to a most interesting fight indeed. And to a lot of lawyers making a lot of money.
I don't know (Score:2)
Of course, this may change. I could see sites requiring you to run a small plug-in, or analyzing your traffic to make sure you actually downloaded their banner ads.. When you agree to the terms of service, you'd be agreeing to view all the ads, and only the ads, that the site indended for you to view.
Companies like Yahoo will probably make a stink about this software, but I don't think there's any law supporting them. Even if Gator released software that redirected you (say if you went to Amazon.com, bn.com would come up instead) I doubt it would be illegal.
Overall, what Gator's doing is irresponsible. There is plenty of crap advertising, but as little as it may pay, sites depend on it. With software like Gator out there, ad rates will only drop even lower.
Selling Privacy (Score:5, Interesting)
Also, with IE and Mozilla/Netscape now offering password management, is Gator relevant anymore?
Re:Selling Privacy (Score:2)
And.... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:And.... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:And.... (Score:2)
Gee, that joke isn't funny at all...
Re:And.... (Score:2)
Re:And.... (Score:2)
Re:YA reason to browse with OS != Windows (Score:2)
You could trivially do the same thing with an RPM. Hell, you could make the post-uninstall script run a quick dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda1 bs=512 count=1, thus leaving the linux box without a working MBR.
Additionally, if you watch carefully a LOT of RPMs don't have the package list specified properly, and do leave crufy around when you undelete.
Not everything evil is because of Microsoft.
Re:And.... (Score:2)
I should care about this because...? (Score:2)
2) I run Junkbuster with the transparent GIF patches. I don't see ANY ads.
Will people really care that the banner ads they normally see are replaced by other banner ads?
- A.P.
Re:I should care about this because...? (Score:2)
If I don't allow an image to load, they don't get credit for me loading that page.
Sure, I know all the tricks to stop ad banners, and I do for some really annoying ones (ie., x10) but it just doesn't feel right to me. Who cares if there is an ad banner at the top of the page? I waste more bandwidth downloading a crappy mp3 that I immediately delete than I waste on banner ads in a week.
I even make sure I click-thru every now and then if I see something interesting. Ad impressions aren't what they used to be.
Don't get me wrong, I'm totally opposed to programs like this that change the intended content of a page without the owners permission. But I think I'll bear with the legitimate ads.
Re:I should care about this because...? (Score:2)
- A.P.
How far *will* they go? (Score:3, Informative)
But everyday another marketing gimmick pops into creation that pushes the line a bit far, going from mearly attention-getting, and into outright annoying and alienating potential customers.
What's it going to take until these marketing people get the fact that annoying customers is not the way to make a successful company? Will it be the first marketeer killed by a slightly unhinged web surfer who gets pushed too far by these constant advertising attacks on our lives?
Re:How far *will* they go? (Score:2)
I've emailed them to voice my opion on their intrusive pop up windows, but got no reply. I know you can go to their site and they will set a cookie to disable the ads for a month, but that's just ridiculous.
I guess you kind of expect this behaviour from porn sites or other disreputable vendors, but X10 is (was) cool.
Re:How far *will* they go? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:How far *will* they go? (Score:2)
Remember what pays for that content! (Score:5, Insightful)
Gator, on the other hand is a complete and total leach. They are selling advertising on other peoples content without compensation.
Unblock ads for sites you support (Score:2)
You know the old economic vote.
I won't get into how sites dependant on only ad revenue are doomed anyways. But look at fark.com, they cant get any ads so they just asked for money. Next thing you know theres more than a few grand to buy the new server they wanted. I'm not jumping on the "micropayment is the future" non-sense but when used correctly a donation or pay-for service blows banner ads away. Especially the pop under/top variety.
Re:Remember what pays for that content! (Score:2)
Personally, this whole thing stinks of extortion to me -- you have to pay Gator an additional fee to get your ad in their circulation, or your ad gets covered up.
Gator's pitch to advertisers (Score:2, Informative)
Recent customers include Dell, Enterprise Rental Cars, ESPN, Priceline.com, FTD.com, People magazine, Intuit, Sears, Foot Locker, H&R Block, Eddie Bauer and Earthlink. Just in case you want to know who's behind these shenanigans.
Remember what pays for that ad! (Score:2)
Re:Remember what pays for that content! (Score:2)
- text based internet would be plenty fast w/56k modem
- WWW was used for a) me & cat pages b) utilitarian purposes, i.e. the original intent, physists sharing data. Most people ignored the former and used the latter if that was their thing. And if it wasn't? Then they used the *other* 99.99% of the internet that had nothing to do with www-anything.
Corporate Greed (Score:2, Interesting)
And as a legitimate website owner, how would you like to have to spend time, money, bandwidth, hardware, just so gator can STEAL all of your ad spaces? This is trespassing of the worst kind. You don't even know about it!
It's guys like Gator that give business and capitalism a bad name. What they're doing might be legally ok, but it's MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE.
SpyWare is Evil (Score:2, Interesting)
Worried if you have SpyWare? Get ad-aware from LavaSoft [lavasoftusa.com] - it's free and reliable.
Or you can just check your programs here [spychecker.com] - just enter the name of the software...
Or Steve Gibson's (grc.com) OptOut [grc.com]
Don't use SpyWare!
Gator - a legal virus? (Score:5, Interesting)
In my opinion, Gator is a virus. It is attached to the software installations for other products, and it usually installs itself on user's systems without their permission. When you try to remove it, it creates a copy of itself so it is not deleted.
It also interferes with the running of your computer. When I go to a website, I want to see that website, and view the ads that paid for that website. Gator changes that, and thus in effect is altering content without my permission. It uses up my computer's cycles and bandwidth to alter the contents of my computer's memory.
So is Gator only legal because it is a company, and has corporates paying them? Gator does appear to be a protection racket as well - pay us money, or we will take away your business (by showing competitor's ads on your page).
Christ, someone set the FBI onto this company. IMHO, of course.
Re:Gator - a legal virus? (Score:2)
A trojan horse is the most it could possibly be - a program that masquerades or hides inside of something else to take action without your knowledge. Gator could be considered a trojan horse if it does indeed get installed without permission (as you claim), but all instances of Gator bundling I've seen do not fall into this category. Invariably there is an option to "install Gator," which while checked by default can easily be unchecked. When someone clearly sees an "install Gator" checkbox, and clicks OK while leaving that box checked, I'd hardly call that "without permission."
Re:Gator - a legal virus? (Score:2)
So, how do we convince the virus scanners to put signatures for Webhancer, Gator, etc., into their products? I imagine if *that* were to happen, and these comapnes get FLOODED with corporate MIS departments demanding to know how their virus got on their systems, and how to remove it...well, that would end the problem pretty darned quick.
There truly needs to be better protection laws against software companies, and this is a good place to start fighting back. Go to McAffee, look at their definitions of a Virus, and if this fits, harras them to include it.
Hell, it might even work.
Re:Gator - a legal virus? (Score:3, Funny)
Get used to it... the 'ad cold war' is coming... (Score:4, Insightful)
The truth is that I am *amazed* it has taken this long to happen. About 2.5 years ago I was working for a company that implemented this. It would have been a great ad revenue stream. Unfortunately the company was fucked and nothing ever happened.
The only way for companies to combat this is to deploy an 'electronic warfare' counter-attack against gator.
The sites would deploy a plugin which would detect gator modifications an remove them.
Of course this means that gator would detect it's detectors and remove them too.
The result would be an 'ad cold war' which would only leave users as victims.
This is similar to the toner wars from Diamond Age. If you don't abide by the rules expect to get into a fight...
Re:Get used to it... the 'ad cold war' is coming.. (Score:2)
Another thing is, that the typical Linux/UNIX user is less inclined to have the control over his box wrested away by the OS or some stupid application as most windows users who are used to giving up control over their computer when installing the OS.
My reason to use Mozilla.... (Score:2)
Adding this line to your prefs.js:
will get rid of those popups forever! However, clicking a link that opens a new window still works (taget=_BLANK still works fine).
Most banners are fine and I sometimes click on them to show my apprecitation for certain websites. But when there are REALLY annoying ones, just hit right-mouse->Block Images From Server, and you'll never see a single image from that specific server again.
If I could do that in IE, I might start to use it again, since I don't really care about the differences otherwise. Both IE and Mozilla are great browsers, but IE just doesn't have all the functionality I want at this moment....
Customer Profiling (Score:3, Insightful)
I'll be going off on a tangent here, but it's relavent in regards to advertising in general. Here's what I want to see as a consumer and I think the increased benefits for both the consumer and advertiser make it worth the while.
I'd like a way to fill out a universal advertisement interest topic list. It would consist of thing such as the following:
Ok, so that's my list . I'm sure we all would have our own, and they'd change from time to time. In addition to this sort of thing, I wouldn't mind having the sites I visit / shows I watch known. Of course, you'd better have a clue as to what that means. I may visit a site and see it's crap and close it, and if anything, that should count as a *negative* viewing, not a "hit". Same with TV. I'd love it if real 99% accurate ratings were known.
My point with this isn't that I want ads. However, at this point, they appear to be a necessary evil for both TV and websites. If I have to see them, I'd prefer seeing things that interest me. I wouldn't even mind having my interest/info shared with my mailing address (although, without my name), as that costs the advertiser money and I usually sort through it on my way driving so it's lost time anyway.
Re:Unseen Effect of Ads (Score:2)
Quoting the parent:
... I don't ever want to see...
... Feminin protection products... Birth control and/or pregnancy tests... vasectomy... Credit cards... I love my Linuxfund Penguin card... The Chase Toys 'R' Us card is great... Caravan... Toyota Tercel... The Legend of Beggar Vance... Constipation / Depends / Hemeroids / Atheletes foot... Bail bond... UPN... Voyager... M*A*S*H... I hate... MS, SBC... Home/garden stuff... pokemon...
It seems that the advertising world has got you in its deadly embrace, my friend. You can rattle off trademark after trademark, they're ingrained into your brain. You misspelled the generic terms but spelled the trademarks with high accuracy. You form your opinions around brands jsut as much as around generic types of products. Not that I'm any different, but it just goes to show how powerful advertising is, in our lives.
Re:Unseen Effect of Ads (Score:3, Funny)
I formulate my opinions without any outside influence, while I am enjoying a cool, refreshing Coca-Cola.
It's the pause that refreshes!
I actually do think that Gator has a legal leg.... (Score:2, Interesting)
Think about it. This is fair use. Yes, the Gator people are using it rather mischeviously. But you did (either knowingly or unknowingly) install Gator. It was in a click through, somewhere or other. But do we want it to be illegal to modify content once it has been downloaded. Gator does not go around an hack IIS/Apache to provide modifiyed pages. Rather, it modifies pages that the end user has already recieved. Much like Smart Tages. Much like Junk Buster.
Sure, get rid of these things, on your own system. But I want my right to use these things.
Everyone seems to posit this as some conflict 'over the internet'. That is simply not the case. Its a conflict over the software you have upon your computer. You download Netzero, you have to use their stupid banner thing. You download Gator?* All your ads are belong to them. You download JunkBuster? All your ads are belong to you. Simply enough, I think.
*I Realize that not everyone installs Gator knowingly. So it goes with ad-ware. Blame the companies who package their software with Gator. Don't decry software that modifies end-user content illegal/unethical.
Getting rid of banner ads... (Score:2, Informative)
How I get rid of them is by creating a Windows HOSTS file in the windows directory. That is just a file called HOSTS (no extension). There is a hosts.sam file that you can open in notepad, to get an idea of what to do but remember, this is just a sample file (*.sam, get it?).
Most of these banner sites run using a special server for their ads that serves the ads to the public, which is what this HOSTS file will be set up to ban. And you want to kill the image host and the link host so remember they are sometimes the same but sometimes different.
First get the DNS of the host you want to ban by reading the page source which can be done if you save the page (for all those lame javascript page source blockers) or by right clicking --> view source.
Then add the host to the HOSTS file in your windows directory and set the IP to be that of (which is your localhost IP, thus causing banners to not work), like so:
# blah banner banning stuff goes here
# ie:
# www.flowgo.com
# here are some samples from my HOSTS file localhost www.flowgo.com 207-87-18-203.wsmg.digex.net Garden.ngadcenter.net Ogilvy.ngadcenter.net ResponseMedia-ad.flycast.com Suissa-ad.flycast.com UGO.eu-adcenter.net VNU.eu-adcenter.net a32.g.a.yimg.com ad-adex3.flycast.com ad.adsmart.net ad.ca.doubleclick.net ad.de.doubleclick.net ad.doubleclick.net ad.fr.doubleclick.net ad.jp.doubleclick.net ad.linkexchange.com ad.linksynergy.com ad.nl.doubleclick.net ad.no.doubleclick.net ad.preferences.com ad.sma.punto.net ad.uk.doubleclick.net ad.webprovider.com ad08.focalink.com adcontroller.unicast.com adcreatives.imaginemedia.com adex3.flycast.com adforce.ads.imgis.com adforce.imgis.com adfu.blockstackers.com adimage.blm.net adimages.earthweb.com adimg.egroups.com admedia.xoom.com adpick.switchboard.com adremote.pathfinder.com ads.admaximize.com ads.bfast.com ads.clickhouse.com ads.enliven.com ads.fairfax.com.au ads.fool.com ads.freshmeat.net ads.hollywood.com ads.i33.com ads.infi.net ads.jwtt3.com ads.link4ads.com ads.lycos.com ads.madison.com ads.mediaodyssey.com ads.msn.com ads.ninemsn.com.au ads.seattletimes.com ads.smartclicks.com ads.smartclicks.net ads.sptimes.com ads.tripod.com ads.web.aol.com ads.x10.com ads.xtra.co.nz ads.zdnet.com ads01.focalink.com ads02.focalink.com ads03.focalink.com ads04.focalink.com ads05.focalink.com ads06.focalink.com ads08.focalink.com ads09.focalink.com ads1.activeagent.at ads10.focalink.com ads11.focalink.com ads12.focalink.com ads14.focalink.com ads16.focalink.com ads17.focalink.com ads18.focalink.com ads19.focalink.com ads2.zdnet.com ads20.focalink.com ads21.focalink.com ads22.focalink.com ads23.focalink.com ads24.focalink.com ads25.focalink.com ads3.zdnet.com ads.admonitor.net ads3.zdnet.com adserver.ugo.com ads5.gamecity.net adserv.iafrica.com adserv.quality-channel.de adserver.dbusiness.com adserver.garden.com adserver.janes.com adserver.merc.com adserver.monster.com adserver.track-star.com adserver1.ogilvy-interactive.de adtegrity.spinbox.net antfarm-ad.flycast.com au.ads.link4ads.com banner.media-system.de banner.orb.net banner.relcom.ru banners.easydns.com banners.looksmart.com banners.wunderground.com barnesandnoble.bfast.com beseenad.looksmart.com bizad.nikkeibp.co.jp bn.bfast.com c3.xxxcounter.com califia.imaginemedia.com cds.mediaplex.com click.avenuea.com click.go2net.com click.linksynergy.com cookies.cmpnet.com cornflakes.pathfinder.com counter.hitbox.com crux.songline.com erie.smartage.com etad.telegraph.co.uk fp.valueclick.com gadgeteer.pdamart.com gm.preferences.com gp.dejanews.com hg1.hitbox.com image.click2net.com image.eimg.com images2.nytimes.com jobkeys.ngadcenter.net kansas.valueclick.com leader.linkexchange.com liquidad.narrowcastmedia.com ln.doubleclick.net m.doubleclick.net macaddictads.snv.futurenet.com maximumpcads.imaginemedia.com media.preferences.com mercury.rmuk.co.uk mojofarm.sjc.mediaplex.com nbc.adbureau.net newads.cmpnet.com ng3.ads.warnerbros.com ngads.smartage.com nsads.hotwired.com ntbanner.digitalriver.com ph-ad05.focalink.com ph-ad07.focalink.com ph-ad16.focalink.com ph-ad17.focalink.com ph-ad18.focalink.com rd.yahoo.com realads.realmedia.com redherring.ngadcenter.net redirect.click2net.com regio.adlink.de retaildirect.realmedia.com s2.focalink.com sh4sure-images.adbureau.net spin.spinbox.net static.admaximize.com stats.superstats.com sview.avenuea.com thinknyc.eu-adcenter.net tracker.clicktrade.com tsms-ad.tsms.com v0.extreme-dm.com v1.extreme-dm.com van.ads.link4ads.com view.accendo.com view.avenuea.com w113.hitbox.com w25.hitbox.com web2.deja.com webads.bizservers.com www.PostMasterBannerNet.com www.ad-up.com www.admex.com www.alladvantage.com www.burstnet.com www.commission-junction.com www.eads.com www.freestats.com www.imaginemedia.com www.netdirect.nl www.oneandonlynetwork.com www.targetshop.com www.teknosurf2.com www.teknosurf3.com www.valueclick.com www.websitefinancing.com www2.burstnet.com www4.trix.net www80.valueclick.com z.extreme-dm.com z0.extreme-dm.com z1.extreme-dm.com www.popuptraffic.com www.popuptraffic.org www.popuptraffic.net www.qksrv.net usads.futurenet.com www.weatherbug.com ww2.weatherbug.com www.commission-junction.com servedby.advertising.com ads.fortunecity.com www.avenuea.com www.admonitor.net ads.link4ads.com www.focalink.com www.fastclick.net gm.preferences.com hg1.hitbox.com www.linksynergy.com adserver.ign.com www.karasxxx.com www.mcdonalds.com adclick.gamespy.com www.adultpop.de www.xxxteenclub.de www.hardcorepornos.org www.xxxexchange.de www.megatipp.de dialercenter.com www.erotic-ad.com www.allsexmovies.tv connect.247media.ads.link4ads.com www.qualitywarez.com www.easywarez.com www.found404.com www.sexybase.com popup.found404.com www.teenframe.com www.edirectdownload.com www.warezframe.net courier.karelia.ru www.yellowonline.com www.warezheat.com www.cumxxxdaily.com www.warezfounder.com www.penilesecrets.com www1.cp1.campoints.net www.clickxchange.com www.gaming-shop.com www.clickheretofind.com www.actionsplash.com www.geocities.com www.excite.com www.aol.com www.cangetit.com ads.popupsponsor.com ads.mircx.com www.freeonline.com a97.g.akamaitech.net www.getmusic.com www.netbroadcaster.com adcontent.gamespy.com ads.gamespy.com ads.xoasis.com affiliate.aol.com www4.cp1.campoints.net www3.cp1.campoints.net www2.cp1.campoints.net www.cp1.campoints.net www.charge.com adfarm.mediaplex.com www.erotik-portal.com ads.tucows.com banner.linkexchange.com ad.linksynergy.com banners.nextcard.com adserver.arttoday.com www.onResponse.com www.gozing.com www.dotmusic.com
Gentlemen Call Your Lawyers (Score:2)
This is probably legal (Score:2, Interesting)
As proof, CBS and other major networks have been doing this for some time on live network broadcasts?
Did anyone see the obviously fake sign around turn 4 of the Indy this year and last? What about the broadcasts from Times Square on New Years? Did you notice the suspicious CBS logo where some background advertising on billboards and stuff was? I've even seen it in use on network broadcasts of baseball games. Ads appearing, disappearing and changing on the base of the backstop behind the batter. Real enough looking that Joe Average probably doesn't even notice.
Slashdot even had a story on this technology somewhere, though I'm too lazy too look for it at the moment. Add a reply if you find it.
If this kind of real-time replacement of ads on TV is kosher, I can't imagine how the same would not be extended to websites.
Not that I -like- this or anything. I think it's downright scummy, but then again, so are most Marketing folks.
The promise of the internet (Score:2)
Uh ... who promised that? The only thing I knew of the internet to promise was easier access to more information, not some ability for assholes to get in my face. This is the kind of stuff that makes me so glad I use Linux (same would go if I used BSD).
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Not as bad as "webhancer" (Score:3, Insightful)
Go for it in small claims court. They'll have to send somebody, and just hearing them explain it to the judge would be worth it.
use the beast on this one (Score:2, Interesting)
Pain in the ass but easy to remove (Score:2)
Thats what "add/remove" programs in the contro panel is for.
An advertising-free Internet can be yours. (Score:2)
I don't understand why they do it... (Score:2, Interesting)
Which brings it down to two separate issues; One of the issues deals with the software itself, it's ad manipulation & pop-upping. The other issues deals with the untrustworthy software that installs Gator for you. The second issue can't entirely be blamed on Gator, even though they've provided the incentives, they're not directly responsible.
But, until deceptive software like this starts getting the kind of mainstream media attention that other virii get, I don't see anything changing much. I hate to say it, but, perhaps somebody should come up with a simple, detailed "Evils of Gator, and how to remove the scourge" type message and spam it to a few million ppl, start a chain-letter, or whatnot.
A hypothetical.... (Score:2)
with my copyrighted web content? My graphical
designers sometimes recommend guidlines for
me to pass on to advertisors for what will/won't
look good on the site. If gator messes with that
don't I have some say in the matter? It's my
freaking page, after all.
Re:A hypothetical.... (Score:2)
meant as a serious question....
Put a click-through license on the website? (Score:2, Interesting)
website: "Each page of this site is to be viewed
in its entirely, without filtering." If a website
user can opt in to a device that filters
and modifies content of the
site, then a website owner should be able to opt
out of that. Symmetry. It takes two to tango.
block it all (Score:2)
I don't want any of the ads, so I use Bugnosis [bugnosis.com] to detect the web bugs and the free WebWasher [webwasher.com] proxy with IE to scrub out the cruft, which is somehow available for free on Linux, though I'm told that Squid [squid-cache.org] and Junkbusters [junkbusters.com] can do the same. AdSubtract [adsubtract.com] is another alternative that comes packages with the ZoneAlarm [zonealarm.com] firewall these days, but I found it to not be as flexible as WebWasher. Unfortunately there are a few sites that do not work with WebWasher, most notably EBay [ebay.com] and no matter how I tell it not to touch EBay's cookies and content, it still blocks something that keeps that site from working.
What is needed is some sort of plugin that works directly with the browser, sets all pages and cookies to be filtered out by default, and which lets you just right click on a page to tell it this site is OK to not filter and remember to let these cookies through. All browsers have the cookie feature, but management is usually a pain with what they provide and often left up to third party tools like all of the above. Sounds like Mozilla [mozilla.org] has some of this built it, so I'll give it a try...it may be time to make a switch. IE6 is supposed to have some of this cookie control, though I'm not sure if it's to that level of convenience.
I haven't seen an ad or a web bug on pages since I've made that change. I look forward to being popup/under and ad free in the future.
A Lot of Odious Shit gets Installed in Windows (Score:2)
There need to be laws wrt. what's being installed on your system. For instance, the "default install" should have to say something along the lines of "Click this to install our product plus several pieces of annoying shit that will make your computing experience much less enjoyable and suck up so much extra bandwidth that your already pathetically slow dial-up connection will become unbearable."
Actually, I'd like to see laws demanding that truth be told in a lot more situations. Like, my boss the other day feeding me this line of crap about how the economy sucks and so there won't be raises or bonusses this year. How about "We don't have to worry about our programmers defecting to another company anymore so fuck you!" Or those adverts on TV, "For only 4 easy payments of $49.99, you can get this bizarrely shaped metal whatzit that you will use once and never touch again."
But I digress...
Anyway, it should be absolutely required of software like this that it at the very least modify the HTML headers so that site operators know it's running. That way we can pop up a page saying "Sorry, your browser is running extensions that we don't like. Disable them or PISS OFF!"
Re:I don't understand why people complain... (Score:1)
Re:I don't understand why people complain... (Score:2)
Re:I don't understand why people complain... (Score:1)
It's never done that to me. Perhaps you just accidentally clicked the ad at the top. Or perhaps it just had a momentary bug. I'm using version 5.12, and I can say that that has never occurred. I don't think Opera would be that stupid.
Re:Now here's a service I would pay for (Score:2)
Re:Solution? Don't Use Gator (Score:2)
Actually, you can, from the client side. Most of these spyware/adware programs HAVE an EULA that gives the program permission to do it's thing. Most people never read EULA's.
So, legally, it's the USER, not the company behind this program that is "replacing" ad content with Gator's. Which, I suppose, they have just as much right to do as they do to use Mozilla and other tools to block ads in the first place.
What worries me is that the large media sites (owned by large media companies that depend on ad revenue) will go to Congress and get a "Digital Millenium Marketing Act" passed that makes it illegal to manufacture or use any "anti marketing circumvention" devices that allows you to bypass advertising...
I know that sounds crazy, but it's BEEN DONE before...
Re:I see a problem (Score:2)
I am deeply concerned that this attitude could lead to horrible legislation to "protect" people from their own stupidity. The only solution that ever works is for people to be responsible for their own actions. In the case of software, that means that users are going to have to be more aware of what their computers are going, check reputations of software authors prior to trusting them, and if they're tech-heads, examining the source code (if available) prior to compiling and running it, and wondering why the source code is a secret, if it's not available.
Re:This cannot last very long. (Score:2)
This software doesn't mess with anyone else's web site. It runs on the viewer's computer.
It's not like putting posters up on top of someone else's. It's more like handing out special glasses that make the wearer see your poster when they look at someone else's. Maybe instead of blaming they guy who makes the glasses, you should ask people why they wear them.
Heh, I just got a funny idea for an adblocker. Instead of replacing banners with blank space or broken images, replace them with the slogans from They Live [imdb.com], such as "Obey", "Marry and Reproduce", etc.