
Comment Re:Just think if Nazi Germany had an game like tha (Score 1) 96

the Nazis only murdered around 10 million people, the Chinese starved 40 million people to death in just one incident.

To be fair, the Nazis intentionally killed 10 million people, while the ~40 million Chinese mostly died from economic incompetence.

Comment Re:This is why... (Score 1) 188

Fukishima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island slump down in their seats while Admiral Rickover laughs manically from the back of the room.

Yeah, but do remember that those three accidents, collectively, caused fewer deaths than the last airliner crash. Or the last year's worth of people dying while having sex....

And yes, the Navy's training system could, and should, be extended to civilian nuclear power plant workers....

User Journal

Journal Journal: Small Business Branding Strategy

Effectively Brand Your Small Business Branding a small business is a must if you want to succeed in a competitive world. The importance of branding a business disregarding its size is based on not only real benefits, products and services that your business possesses, but also an image concept that all businesses should keep in [] https://lurnprofit.com/small-business-branding-strategy/

Submission + - yesmechanic categories - Exhaust (yesmechanic.com)

yesmechanic10 writes: yesmechanic — Free consumer reviews and directory listings for the automotive industry. Our mission is to deliver exceptional experiences for everyone....

Comment Re:"Alpha waves"? Really? (Score 2) 188

would not confuse "alpha waves" with alpha particles.

What's really sad is that alpha particles are one of the things that you can protect yourself from by holding a piece of paper between you and the source. Alpha particles won't even penetrate the outer layer of your skin....

Submission + - SPAM: Tech-Bankrolled Code.org Deputized Universities to Push CS Into K-12 Schools

theodp writes: With its Regional Partner Program, tech-bankrolled Code.org explains, it is selecting U.S.-based organizations as partners to help spread K-12 computer science, including the training of 100,000+ new "CS teachers" ("Our training isn’t to teach you how to become a computer science teacher," explained Code.org CEO Hadi Partovi when asked how its Professional Development program produces CS teachers in a matter of days. "It’s enough to teach you how to teach Code.org's curriculum."). Selected partners — which include private and public universities — are provided with "appropriate levels of Code.org funding needed for the first year of partnership," but partners are expected to "establish and implement an annual fundraising plan and goals to ensure program is fully funded locally by June 2020 through any combination of state or federal funding, cost recovery (fee-for-service), and grants or sponsorships."

Sacred Heart University, for instance, announced last November that it had "become the official partner of Code.org in Connecticut, joining a nationwide network that supports efforts to expand access to computer science in K-12 schools." Through the partnership, SHU explained it would provide professional development to educators throughout Connecticut, with the help of "a funding commitment of over $200,000" from Code.org to provide scholarships for eligible teachers through 2020. This November, Sacred Heart announced it had scored federal funds totaling $3.8 million from the U.S. Dept. of Education with an application touting its partnership with Code.org. In an accompanying abstract, SHU noted it will be partnering on Project {FUTURE} with Code.org (who will be kicking in an additional $1.3 million), as well as Code.org regional partner Marquette University.

Code.org reported that it also won a $4 million award from the Education Innovation and Research (EIR) grant program. Funding of the EIR awards was credited to adviser to the president Ivanka Trump, who Microsoft President (and Code.org Board member) Brad Smith said agreed to work to secure $1 billion of Federal support for K-12 STEM/CS education after Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Facebook each pledged to commit $50 million to K-12 computer science education.

Feed Google News Sci Tech: The 5 big 2020 stories of the week, ranked - CNN (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Seahawks rookie DK Metcalf partners with coffee company to sell 'Decaf Metcalf' - ESPN (google.com)

Submission + - Era Of Gothic Dress Culture (weddingbee.com)

butaneairbus89 writes: MM: Whoa! Favorite food, that's difficult. I feel differently finished, get the on a few things i want to nosh on, but one staple that is still after my whirlwind attacks of different foods we like is Mexican food, burritos especially! My favorite cocktail is really a no muss no fuss Bacardi & Diet.Sleeves were tight giving more focus to the forearm general vicinity. It was followed by some lesser trimmings on those outfits. Away from that, the dresses were long having deep necklines. However, things changed a bit in the later perhaps the gothic era.You possess a website about clothing and Fas

Submission + - Effective tips Why Leadership Training is Necessary (slideshare.net)

yatharthmk writes: Leader, Leaders are the persons who are the backbone of the company or a firm. Taking about leaders is necessary because if there are no leaders there will not be anyone who leads the staff of the firm and the staff might not work. To know more about Leadership Training Program in detail visit, https://www.yatharthmarketing....

Source: https://www.slideshare.net/yat...

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Journal Journal: DC vs Marvel Most Grossing Movie 1990-2019

DC vs Marvel Most Grossing Movie 1990-2019


Hi friends, I hope you enjoy this video comparing all the DC and Marvel movies. What is yours?


Submission + - How To Purchase Your Own personalized Bags (webgarden.cz)

spearpantry94 writes: A marketing idea carry bag is a green bag. Utilize a business that offers bags that are made from recycled materials. You throw like a business with the environment can help reach an audience that will remain devoted customers for your business for life. This is the finest kind of consumers in the market today. All you need to do is put your logo in one hassle-free bag. In general, the color of this bag ought to constantly be neutral green.When providing out promotional bags for the year-end, you can be sure that you get advertising for your business in methods you might not all imagine. Sever

Comment Re:c'mon (Score 1) 188

> it is possible the man will be criminally charged with inducing a panic

To be fair, he called 911, and the situation was sorted out. He was not running up and down the street screaming "run away chain reaction!" Sounds like he needs general mental health help, of the non-violent nature.

He has been posting here for some and has quite a reputation for his nuclear advocacy. If he gets out today I'm sure he will post in this thread.

Submission + - The History Of Mold Growth Humidity (huduser.gov)

abethiurlv writes: So, it is incredibly vital to search for a everlasting resolution and consider to adopt it sooner. Afterwards, you can ask your insurance business for a full image of what could be covered.

Comment Who thought it was a nuclear reactor? (Score 1) 188

Its not clear who it was who said it was a nuclear reactor. They said "his description of the device suggested he was working on a small nuclear reactor and included references to a particle accelerator and alpha waves" - but did he claim it was a reactor or did the police just assume it was a sciencey thing and might be a reactor?

Submission + - What is Better for Business — Facebook or LinkedIn? (medium.com)

Digital Freak 01 writes: When you first consider potential channels for your company’s social media marketing, the options can seem overwhelming. It can be tempting to over-reach and try them all — or to even back off the idea completely. A leading digital marketing company will recommend that you look at the pros and cons of different platforms and choose the one that best suits your business, so you get the best results without stretching your budget too thin. Here are some insights into two giants — Facebook and LinkedIn — from digital marketing specialists.

Comment Re:Oh, Debian is a Democracy now? (Score 1, Insightful) 225

The people who actually have the brains to maintain the packages disagree with you. Maybe they know something you don't?

If they had any business maintaining packages, they'd be able to write a shell script. Shell scripting is a central Unix feature, not a drawback. Before Unix, you had to learn special languages for automation, and they were very limited. systemd is not moving forwards, it's moving backwards.

Comment Re:Systemd is a security nightmare (Score 2) 225

Do you really think all these coders are such idiots, yet still want to use their software?

No, I don't want to use the software from the idiot coders, like Lennart — who ignores bug reports, and published standards. And I don't want to use GNOME 3 either, they can stick that garbage where the sun don't shine. So why do I need systemd? To make some package maintainers lives easier? People too dumb to write init scripts are too dumb to be package maintainers.

Submission + - SPAM: What Can Home Care Services Do For You?

walariocr9 writes: Look through and discover which caregivers serve your location and then ask for a free consultation from every one of the final care giving services you are interested in. Patience, persistence, and preparation
Link to Original Source

Comment Re:This is absolutely amazing ... (Score 4, Insightful) 110

Not a simple question. I believe that if you solve for the gravitational field of a black hole when a large object falls in (including another black hole) there are some fluctuations as the object gets close to the event horizon - and that energy is dissipated as gravity waves quite rapidly) . The resulting gravitational field rapidly settles down to look like that of a black hold of the combined mass (minus any emitted gravity waves). (rapidly is milliseconds for stellar mass black holes)

As viewed from the outside an object falling in takes forever to reach the center - but it becomes invisible (amount of light decreases exponentially near the horizon) so it is effectively invisible.

Its not clear it makes sense to talk about what happens to the object inside of the black hole because that is in theory not observable.

Makes my head hurt.

Submission + - The Complete Guide to Crack ICAR AIEEA UG agriculture exam 2020. (agrishiksha.in)

Tawang writes: The icar ug 2020 exam notification has been released and the exam going to be held on the 1st June 2020 so in this post, I am sharing some tips on how to crack this exam in the last few months by the study in a good manner. I have given information on how to prepare for agriculture, physics, and chemistry

Comment Re:Alternatives are required. (Score 3, Insightful) 225

With changing hardware, you have to remove no longer used services and start new ones on the fly.

Most reconfiguration for hardware is handled by udev, not by the init system. We had udev before systemd.

With changing hardware, you have to remove no longer used services and start new ones on the fly. With SysV init, you only have 5 different states.

So what? You run an init script to stop a service, A file in /etc/default gets twiddled, and you run the init script again. If the service is disabled in its /etc/default file, it doesn't run. If it's enabled, it does.

and you want to have them without the need of a reboot.

They don't require a reboot with init scripts. It doesn't look like you know what you're talking about.

The problem with SysV init and similar systems is that they don't really support flexibility.

You have way more flexibility with init scripts than you do with systemd unit files.

Every hardware change requires manual changes in the booting process.

No, it only requires changes in files in /etc/default.

You really don't understand how sysvinit works.

Submission + - 5 Safety Tips To Consider Before Your Next Flight (cheapfareguru.com)

cheapfareguru123 writes: Whenever we have a flight to catch, the things that we always keep in mind and at times perform multiple checks to be double sure are rechecking of our important documents such as passport, visa, photo ID, etc. Never mind if you are a first time or a seasoned traveler, apart from these considerations there are a few more things you must be prepared for before getting into the excitement of catching a flight. Visit at cheapfareguru for best flight deals.

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