
Submission + - Keep Your Back Healthy - Methods For Preventing Ba (justpaste.it)

TherkelsenNeal58 writes: Having stinky breath can will have the consequence of giving others a poor impression individuals and can be very harmful for potential accomplishments. Dates are like job interviews in that they both can take a turn for the worse. Bacteria can cause overwhelming halitosis after a spicy meal (that's decreased or come up). The steps below will an individual fast and immediate breath freshening.The answers may not absolutely show up in approach or at the time you expected — just let go of resisting what shows up and give it time to guide a person a healthier response. Positive results may surpas

Comment Re:Nicely sums up the problems with science-report (Score 1) 91

Nope. Academia is set up to produce *lots* of competent scientists, mostly because grad students and postdocs are cheap, highly skilled labor. About 1% of those get a faculty job somewhere. Some others marry someone with a good enough job that they can entertain their academic habit as a research associate or equivalent. Most of the rest head off to industry, often doing things that are tangentially, or not at all related to their training. But quite a few try to become science popularizers, writing blogs, making YouTube videos, etc. Hire some of them as your science journalists.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A Comprehensive Guide to Twitter Marketing

Do you want to start Twitter marketing for your business?

This complete guide to Twitter marketing can have you tweeting like a pro marketer in moments! https://www.mikemarko.com/comprehensive-guide-twitter-marketing/

Comment Old joke (Score 4, Funny) 318

Suddenly a joke from the space race era gets new merits:

"What if the Russians get to the moon first?"
"They'll probably paint it red."
"So we have to hurry!"
"Relax. If they do, just send up a crew with loads of white paint and have them write "Coca Cola" across"

Feed Google News Sci Tech: iOS 13: Dark Mode, detachable panels, Safari and Mail upgrades, undo gesture, volume HUD, more - 9to5Mac (9to5mac.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Report: Fresh disc-less Xbox One S leaks suggests pricing shake up - Gamasutra (gamasutra.com)

Comment Re:Marketing hand jobs (Score 1) 228

Seriously? They named it "ROOMZZ"? That sounds like a cell phone from 15 years ago or a sound my daughter would make to imitate a car noise.

And? That's better worse than what? The most popular electric car in Europe is named Zoe. From the same company that brought you the Twizzy and the Twingo. A popular city car is called ForFour, and ForTwo depending on how many seats it has. That's to say nothing of American ingenuity naming their car "Ka". Hell some car companies openly mock themselves in their own ads like the quite popular Dacia Duster. In Germany they are running the advert: "What car does you father drive?" "Dass da!" (German for "this one"). "Which one?" "DUSTER".

Shitty names are par for the course for car companies.

Submission + - Today's harsh economy made choosing a task hard. I (cannainsiders.com)

StageStage21 writes: Head over to university. Often it is essential to learn new skills so that you can terrain a fresh career. Therefore, you should find out everything you can about a variety of issues so that you can territory a great job. A great deal of personal-guided review options really exist that may be built all around your routine.In no way put on robust scents if you are out trying to find a career. Even if you discover the aroma being very pleasurable, there exists a opportunity how the hiring manager could have allergy symptoms or perhaps aversion on the odor. It is best to odor like cleansing soap

Feed Google News Sci Tech: LizQuen enjoys Coachella; Fil-Am HER, Ariana Grande, NSYNC perform - Philippine Star (philstar.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: See Star Wars Galaxys Edge Merchandise from the Droid Depot - /FILM (slashfilm.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Draft's middle rounds could be full of the weapons Vikings need on offense - SKOR North (skornorth.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: 2019 NFL Mock Draft: Russell Wilson traded to Giants for crazy haul, Seahawks land Kyler Murray - CBS Sports (cbssports.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Seven Takeaways From the 2019 NBA Playoffs’ Opening Weekend - The Ringer (theringer.com)

Submission + - Masonry Contractor Tucson (tucsonblockfence.com)

deanpegal writes: Tucson Block Fence takes pride in repairing concrete block walls and their installations. Our services are extended to commercial, domestic and industrial areas, and that is the reason we are the priority for the people of Tucson, AZ.

Comment Re:No. Just no. - astronomers beware! (Score 1) 318

Billboards are illegal in my state - outlawed back in the 1970's. How will these laws stand up against the out-law space region?

This is the ultimate in light pollution preventing astronomers from seeing the night sky. As a person with a small backyard telescope it might be interesting to view them. But for those multi-hour images I just hope these don't drift into my view. It'd be like that annoying mime at the park who keep trying to photo-bomb.

Submission + - Yogurt As A Body Acne Treatment (photoshopcreative.co.uk)

TherkelsenNeal58 writes: So, locations to fly down to Cannes this vacation. Suddenly, you recognize you haven't much booked an accommodation? May you do now? Needn't worry as Rentals Cannes is easy to find all during the year no matter which part of the year you pay a visit to. Looking for housing in Cannes is not that tough as companies have been thinking. Whether you possess a large budget or limited you can be assured acquire the best accommodation possessing to search here right now there. This city recently been gaining popularity as one of the most sought after tourist destinations all the actual world.Plus, it

Comment Re:"stuff you're allowed to do to compete" (Score 1) 68

Heck, here in the US even a convicted abusive monopoly like Microsoft can get away with it. Grease the right palms and nobody will make an issue of it - or at worst "punish" you with a fine far smaller than the excess profits your anti-competitive behavior is generating so that it's just a cost of doing business.

Which brings us to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Microsoft was found by the USDoJ to have abused its effective monopoly position in the marketplace in essentially every way possible. Then Ashcroft (under Bush) declared that penalizing Microsoft would not be in the best interests of the nation. Then Bill put his money into his so-called charitable trust, where it can't be taxed, and it's much harder to take away. And there are a variety of ways to get the money back out as needed; there's more in there than he can spend, anyway.

So my question is, what deals did Billy G cut with TPTB behind the scenes? I have no suggestions as to what they might have been at this time, but I've been wondering about it ever since it happened. Was it simple palm-greasing, or are there greater plans afoot? I don't spend a lot of time speculating about it, I don't have a manifesto or anything, but the subject comes up frequently enough that I think it might be kind of important.

Submission + - Don't Be Scared To Learn To Play Instrument! (melodica.ae)

FrantzenCraig59 writes: Perhaps you have wished to learn to play the acoustic guitar but have not definitely recognized how to start? Effectively, it's time that you just figured that aspect out, and it's time to get the first task. This post provides you with some terrific suggestions regarding how to begin discovering your preferred music device.If you want to learn how to play the instrument, you will need an instrument that may be not very expensive to exercise on. As you grow the dangle of points, and you decide that this really is the instrument for you personally, you may improve. If you locate the electric gu

Submission + - Comprehensive Hardwood Floor Selection Guide (ezinestack.com)

imjohnbrown86 writes: You can enhance the décor of your home and office using the best hardwood flooring. You can get it from the best flooring companies in Utah. All you have to do is take in consideration the construction type, the species, installation type, color, and style. You also have to decide whether you need a prefinished wood or unfinished wood. Here is the comprehensive guide to select the best hardwood floor for your space.

Comment Re:Success! (Score 1) 228

Look, I'm on my second Zoe since 2015, and I love it. It's a fantastic car. It demonstrates affordability in a way that the Model 3 doesn't. But this isn't a zero sum game: Tesla has obviously been hugely influential for the German car makers in particular. Yes, eGolf, but it's MEB that matters, and that was clearly more prodded along by Tesla than Renault. What Nissan/Renault did was change things in Europe, especially in creating some pull for public infrastructure and policy. I doubt we'd have the Kia et al without Nissan/Renault. And hopefully Zoe 2 will be a further significant shift along. What I'm saying is there's plenty of credit to go round, and I'm glad that both established carmakers like Renault and newbies like Tesla have dented this particular universe.

Comment If it means better product then go Socialism (Score 1) 611

As someone who plays video games I'm often told that micro-transactions and DLC are needed to help feed the developers who make the games, where in reality those people get fired as soon as a project is finished. If game designers actually got paid based on the success of their product then they can better decide what makes a fun game instead of what profits the few on top. I'm sick and tired of the disconnect there is between the consumer and the designer.

Comment Re:I have some questions (Score 1) 293

This analogy might prove interesting to you.

Another system that is incredibly complex in terms of a lot of moving bodies is a liquid. One cubic centimetre of water (the size of a sugar cube?) will have on the order of 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 molecules in it, crashing into each other billions of times every second.

And yet single-molecule condensed phase spectroscopy has been a thing for at least 20 years: https://doi.org/10.1146/annure.... Heck, people can make movies of individual chemical reactions happening at the femtosecond timescale!

M.P. Minitti, J.M. Budarz, A. Kirrander, J.S. Robinson, D. Ratner, T.J. Lane, D. Zhu, J.M. Glownia, M. Kozina, H.T. Lemke, M. Sikorski, Y. Feng, S. Nelson, K. Saita, B. Stankus, T. Northey, J.B. Hastings, and P.M. Weber. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 255501 – Published 22 June 2015

I am not saying that M87 is similar to a box of water in terms of the challenges it presents. But I am saying that the combined amount of human knowledge surrounding some of these problems can make complex things doable.

Submission + - Just how to Win the Lottery: 9 Strategy that Actua (thienha.bet)

burnfly9 writes: If you review publications or browse the internet for how to win the lotto, you'll find a lot of tips that do not work. Lottery regularity systems (every number has an equal possibility of winning, despite how recently it was attracted), software application that's expected to be much better at selecting numbers, and also other forms of wishful thinking are plentiful.There is no way to forecast the numbers that will certainly show up in the lotto game. The drawings are entirely arbitrary, so the most effective you can do is try to choose uncommon numbers so you will not need to split in case t

Comment Re:This sounds awfully familiar..... (Score 1) 68

At the time, folks around Slashdot were all like, "haw, haw, haw, karma's a bitch, eh there Billy?" Which is, of course, the easy and fun thing to say because of a predisposed hatred of Microsoft.

That's one way to put it. Another way is that it's because of our personal experiences with a long history of abuse by Microsoft. Mozilla may be squandering millions of dollars in donations on things users don't want (e.g. Pocket) but lacking a dominant position in the marketplace, they're at least not spending the money making computing worse for other players, if only because they can't. Microsoft and Google both appear to be doing things which are harming Firefox, if not due to actual malice, then at least through negligence.

Microsoft was found in federal court to have abused its dominant market position (and effective monopoly) in basically every way possible, setting computing back possibly as much as ten years in the process. You can't simply dismiss that as "predisposed hatred", however technically accurate that phrase might be. Microsoft earned it.

Now we see that Google has persistently been sabotaging Firefox as well. So maybe the problem wasn't Edge, after all.....

It's not now, there have been signs all along. And Edge (And Aieeee! before it) can be part of the problem, and Chrome can be another part.

Submission + - Back Pain Relief Topeka Ks (nyasianoutcall.com)

CarlsenChristopherse writes: Losing the head of hair may be traumatic, although with the newest technologies constantly emerging, there is not any need to feel so disheartened. Possibilities some simple things you could potentially not previously considered. Losing hair won't be necessarily must be permanent. The subsequent article offers suggestions and tips will assist you accomplish a little knowledge to combat your the hair thinning.It entirely possible that many husbands and wives will overlook to correspond. Lack of communication including quarrelling, not talking will create misunderstandings, making couples develo

Comment Re:definition of terms first (Score -1, Offtopic) 611

>Note all the idiots who keep repeating that Nazis were socialists, not because they learned this in a history book but because those are the talking points they're told to repeat. Nazi's were certainly more socialist in terms of economic policies than say, the Democratic or Republican Parties of 1933 were.

Heck, it's almost like you are trying to ignore the fact that NAZI is a contraction of National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Submission + - Graphics for Trucks (customgraphics.com.au)

customgraphics writes: If you use your truck for work, custom graphics are a brilliant way to promote your business. Discover best Truck Graphics images and ideas here at our site.

Submission + - Organic Juices Online In USA (satyajuice.com)

satyajuice writes: Satya Juice offers 100% Cold Pressed, Healthy and Organic Juices online in the US, made from fresh fruits and green veggies full of complete nutrition. Buy now!

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