
Comment Re:I'd seriously think about a dedicated router (Score 1) 104

If you like Ubiquiti you could look at their Edgerouter Lite. I'm real happy with mine. $100 and it'll outperform monowall and pfsense on way more expensive hardware. With a basic NAT setup, plus SPI firewall (the basic "permit established and related, drop others" rules) I've measured it at over 500mbps throughput. It probably would do faster, it's CPU wasn't fully loaded, that is just as fast a test server as I could easily get to.

Now of course it is more on the routing, less on the firewall n' such so if you need powerful firewall config, it isn't as much your thing (and won't get as good performance). If you load it down with too much stuff it'll slow way down, particularly since part of its speed is derived from hardware acceleration on its chip, so if tons of stuff is hitting the software it won't be as fast.

Just another option to look at.

In terms of the realtek chips, ya it sucks but it is what you get for the price. Intel NICs are expensive, because Intel knows they are worth it. They charge more for their chips than other vendors by a good bit, so you don't see them in cheap solutions.

Comment Re:Never forget where you came from (Score 1) 390

I actually do have almost 200 hours in community service, but almost all between high school and grad school. I volunteered at hospitals, homeless shelters, and habitat for humanity. Since becoming a professional, though, I have little time for that now. What's most disturbing is that I've now become more libertarian, i.e. disgusted that I have to pay so much tax for socialist services after having spent the entirety of my 20s in CS degree programs.

Comment Re:So - who's in love with the government again? (Score 2) 397

You might want to add, "I am not an economist but..." before you write these things. "which may mean lower profits, leading to reduced employment" is as ridiculous as saying that adding a powered usb port will draw less power from your CPU and speed computation.

We have no idea what this will do for employment, there's simply too much going on. Increasing beer prices ever so slightly (I doubt this adds more than a cent or two per can, but whatever) would decrease beer consumption (also ever so slightly) and might increase productivity in other industries. Also, increasing food safety could decrease time off economy wide. It's impossible to know. But I doubt any effect would be large.

Submission + - A Nice List of iPhone Apps (appstoredownload.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Found this on Twitter. A nice blog post with a list of the Best iPhone Apps. Check out the QuickNotes and Never Have I Ever app.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 348

Wow, it sounds like you are about to cry. Don't worry, you still are an idiot who's racist hatred has usurped reality leading you to validation of your own concocted feelings.

As I said, the issue of citizenship was brought up by hillary supporters in the primaries. McCain, who by your own admission, went straight to the front disclosing everything possible and his citizenship question (which has been questioned before and vetted) was settled quickly. Obama on the other hand, attempted to fight releasing anything substantial and put up this "its because I'm black" front and it continues to this day with useful idiots like you running around saying it's because he is black.

If Obama would have acted like McCain and simply released everything in the beginning, the entire birther movement would never have surfaced and you wouldn't have anything to cry about right now. You say that there was no serious inquiring into McCain, but the fact of the matter was that McCain released everything so there was no time for conspiracies to pop up about why he refused to release any information about his qualifications to be president.

And as for the Hillary supporter, you are correct, a private citizen can do anything they want. But that doesn't detract from the fact that the birther movement was born there with Hillary supporters trying to disqualify Obama from running against Hillary in the primary. Obama could have completely ended the fiasco right then and there by showing his birth certificate like McCain did but he needed the conspiracy to grow in order to create useful idiots like you and the parent poster so that he would have tools running around defending him and yelling racism as if it is a magic word that somehow validates everything you ever knew or thought you knew.

So how does it feel knowing you are a thoughtless tool being puppeteered around by people you think you trust?

Submission + - Gejala Nyeri Sendi dan Pengobatannya (shoppedia.net)

An anonymous reader writes: Banyak orang yang menganggap nyeri sendi sebagai penyakit biasa. Padahal, nyeri sendi yang dibiarkan terus-menerus bisa menimbulkan penyakit yang lebih serius seperti; anemia, osteoporosis, kelumpuhan hingga jantung. Ada baiknya Anda mengetahui gejala nyeri sendi di bawah ini agar lebih waspada.Sebenarnya, nyeri sendi atau arthritis adalah penyakit yang menggangu sistem kekebalan tubuh (autoimun). Penyakit ini ditandai dengan peradangan dan pembengkakan di beberapa bagian tubuh, bisa di sendi tangan atau kaki.Gejala nyeri sendi yang timbul ternyata bermacam-macam. Penyakit ini bisa timbul karena rematik atau asam urat. Namun, jangan terlalu dini menyimpulkan bahwa dua penyakit itulah yang menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya nyeri sendi. Karena bisa saja nyeri sendi yang Anda alami diakibatkan oleh penyakit lain. Berikut kami paparkan beberapa gejala yang kerap menimbulkan nyeri pada sendi:Nyeri Sendi KakiAsam urat dan rematik kerap dituduh sebagai penyebab nyeri pada sendi kaki. Namun, yang perlu Anda ketahui bahwa 90 % asam urat hanya menyerang sendi pangkal ibu jari kaki saja. Selain daerah itu, nyeri sendi kaki yang Anda alami bisa disebabkan penyakit yang lain. Apa sajakah itu?Plantar FascilitisPenyakit yang disebabkan oleh peradangan otot ini mengakibatkan nyeri pada telapak kaki. Rasa sakit biasanya muncul ketika bangun di pagi hari. Namun ketika kaki digerakkan atau berjalan beberapa waktu, rasa nyeri berangsur berkurang. Achilles TendonitisSama seperti Plantar Fascilitis, Achilles Tendonitis diakibatkan peradangan otot kaki. Bedanya, penyakit ini menyerang ujung belakang tumit. Dan hal penting yang perlu Anda ketahui bahwa kedua penyakit ini bukanlah rematik.Nyeri Sendi TanganLagi, kita sering terburu-buru menyimpulkan rematik sebagai penyebab nyeri sendi tangan. Padahal, rematik hampir tidak pernah menimbulkan nyeri hanya pada satu sendi saja. Rematik lebih sering mengenai kedua tangan secara bersamaan atau menyerang lebih dari tiga sendi sekaligus. Jika bukan karena rematik, lalu karena penyakit apa?Trigger FingerTerjadi akibat terjepitnya otot jari-jari di telapak tangan. Gejala khas akibat Trigger Finger adalah nyeri pada pangal jari tangan, terlebih jika jari-jari digunakan untuk menggenggam sesuatu. Jari seperti tengah “tersangkut” saat dilipat dan saat diluruskan pun terasa nyeri.De QuervainPenyakit ini timbul akbat terjepitnya otot ibu jari tangan. Rasa nyeri terjadi di pergelangan tangan sebelah atas pangkal ibu jari. Nyeri muncul saat tangan digunakan untuk menggenggam atau mengangkat sesuatu.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)Penyebab lain nyeri pada tangan adalah CTS. CTS terjadi karena terjepitnya saraf medianus di pergelangan tangan. Gejala yang muncul seperti timbulnya rasa tebal dan kesemutan pada ibu jari, jari tengah, telunjuk, dan jari manis. Sementara kelingking tidak mengalami.Pengobatan Herbal untuk Nyeri SendiSelain berobat ke dokter dan mengonsumsi pengobatan kimiawi, Anda pun bisa mencoba mengobati nyeri sendi yang Anda alami dengan ramuan herbal. Kelebihan yang akan Anda dapatkan selain lebih murah, juga lebih sehat dan jauh dari efek samping. Anda bisa mencoba beberapa obat herbal nyeri sendi berikut ini:Jintan HitamRebus 2 sendok teh jintan hitam dengan 300 ml air. Angkat setelah 200 ml dan minum daalam keadaan dingin. Minum ramuan herbal ini secara rutin menjelang tidur dan saat bangun tidur. Anda pun bisa mengonsumsi jintan hitam yang sudah dikemas dalam bentuk kapsul dan dijual di apotik-apotik.KunyitSiapkan 4 buah kunyit, 1 sendok lada hitam, 1 sendok makan minyak sayur. Lalu parut dan peras kunyit ke dalam gelas. Lada hitam ditumbuk hingga hancur dan halus, kemudian masukkan ke dalam gelas berisi perasan kunyit. Terakhir, tambahkan 1 sendok makan minyak sayur. Konsumsi ramuan tradisonal ini dua hari sekali. Semoga bermanfaat!

Comment Color me a "skeptic" (Score 4, Insightful) 71

Earth has been impacted by asteroids in the past, so there's nothing to worry about. It's just a natural phenomenon. Besides, the people saying we should be looking for asteroids are just greedy for grant money. If it turns out the be a real threat, I'm sure the technology to deal with it will magically appear -- with the economy the way it is we can't afford nonessential projects now.

Remember how silly these arguments sound when applied to other potential problems.

Comment Re:Ultra-frugal cooking (Score 1) 390

What did work out incredibly well for me was moving in with other students. Not only do you get to have some kind of company without "wasting time" on it (and no matter what you might think, you need people to talk to or you go nuts), it also means that you can much more easily stretch the food money. Cooking for 3 is more efficient than cooking for 1. And more fun too (unless you have a weirdo like one of my former roomies who has a ... let's say rather special taste. I still say he only did it 'cause he wanted to avoid cooking duty). It also takes less time if you split the housework.

We still come together every other week, one of us cooks and we chat. It's a nice little reminder of our university years, despite us splitting up and moving apart (still within driving distance, fortunately), one of us having a family now, the others engaged or divorced... it's nice to see people you know develop and it's interesting to see how things turn out.

Seriously, unless you absolutely cannot stand people near you, share an apartment with two or three others. Life gets a LOT cheaper that way and you actually get to stay in touch with humanity despite studying.

Comment Re:Cost breakdown (Score 1) 125

NASA is paying for Dragon missions to the ISS, not just mass to orbit. They're getting a lot more than the launch: delivery of a Dragon loaded with supplies to the ISS, a brand new man-rated spacecraft that people will be working inside while it's at the ISS, return of more payload to Earth than any other option currently available, and operations in orbit and recovery. And probably also various other expenses and extra work involved in working with NASA and the other ISS partners. Their defense launches are also priced higher for the same reason, working with the DOD involves extra work that the customer demanding it has to pay for.

Comment No, you might want to take a closer look (Score 1) 390

In a lot of the EU, students from other EU countries don't have to pay tuition fees. Foreign students? Not so lucky, and language doesn't matter. If you aren't from the EU you pay increased fees. For example in Sweden you pay about 15,000 EUR/year for a science degree. In terms of language, you have to already demonstrate a proficiency in English and Swedish just to be able to get in.

Also all of this assumes you can get a visa and get admitted. People from other EU nations, no problem, you can live and work anywhere in the EU, that is a big part of what the treaty means. Non-EU individuals have to get a student visa, the requirements of which vary.

And of course none of that deals with the cost of food, housing, transport, etc. You are on your own for that, barring a scholarship.

This is a subject I have more than a passing familiarity with, as my sister is currently working on her PhD in Europe (at two universities, one in the EU one outside of it). She got a generous grant that pays all her tuition, living expenses, and even some extra but that isn't what all students get. It wasn't as though she just walked in and said "I'd like to go to school here," and they said "Certainly, please come for free!"

Also she even had an easier in than many: She and I hold Canadian citizenships. Canada is a commonwealth country and England is in the EU so that makes a lot of the visa shit way easier than it would be for an American, not that it wasn't still a big production.

It is exceedingly narrow-minded to suggest that an American should just "Emigrate to an actual civilized country instead of a pretend one," for school, as though such a thing were trivial to do and people only did not out of ignorance (not to mention the misplaced cultural supremacy of the statement). No, it turns out that you can't just graduate from an American highschool and say "Well screw the US, I'm off to Europe!" and walk in and go to school for free.

Comment Re:I'm not sure how common it is... (Score 1) 390

Well, that's the difference between universities in the US and around here in Europe. There, you have to be rich to get through. Over here, you have to be smart, because universities can afford dropout rates around 90-95%.

Tuition is cheap (and if you're halfway intelligent, free) around here. So, as one may assume, the auditorium is packed in the first semesters. I mean literally. Get there early or you won't even get to stand on the stairs (to get a seat, you should be in at least an hour before it gets going). If you want to get into a seminar, camping in front of the place where you get to register might be a good idea. It's not exaggerating too much when I say, the best friend of a new student is his sleeping bag.

That in turn means that tests are brutal for the first few semesters. I do not exaggerate, at least 9 out of 10 students will not even get past the first semesters.

But that also means that everyone, literally EVERYONE who holds a degree from my university is one of the top 5% of the people in the field. Else, he would not have that sheet of paper.

Comment Re:Isn't parody protected in the US? (Score 1) 169

It has nothing to do with being offended. Free speech is restricted all the time

Hate speech, inciting riots, etc.

You're free to say whatever you want. No one will stop you, but you also have to face the consequences of saying those things. It seems like someone doesn't really understand what freedom of speech actually means. That's typical, most people take the self-centered view that free speech means they can say whatever they want without consequence. That's false and has never been true. Free speech only means that you can say it in the first place. You're free to change warcraft to doorcraft and giggle yourself to sleep with how clever you are, but if you infringe on someone's copyright then you have to face the legal consequences of that.

Comment Re:I'm liking how Russia is standing up these days (Score 1) 234

Not being USA-ian...statements that have come out publicly against Obama are not only personally offensive but are against the State: i.e. Treasonous

Agreed, you're clearly not a USA-ian. We don't respect authority, here. And we don't really respect people who suggest that we should respect authority. So, go kiss your king's ...ring. Ya, know, I've lost a lot of respect for my country in the last decade-and-a-half, but thanks for reminding me why this is still the place for me and my treasonous attitudes.

Comment Student Loans (Score 2) 390

Just to clarify, how do student loans work in the US?

In the UK, they're provided by the government, and they don't work like conventional loans. They come directly out of your salary, and only once you start earning a certain amount. Even then, the amount scales depending on how much you earn, to the point where you may never even finish paying it (if you hit age 50 it just gets dropped completely).

Whilst admittedly I still live at home, I can afford a car with literally thousands to spare, and have never met anyone personally who has financial issues relating to being a student.

Based on all of the comments I'm reading here, my assumption is that in the US, student loans work more like conventional bank loans, where repayments are a fixed amount regardless of earnings?

Submission + - Cosmetic Organizer - Making you clutter free (fengshuiorganizers.com)

FengShui Organizers writes: Feng Shui Organizers — Singapore's Online Retail Store for Cosmetics Storage & Organizers, shipping worldwide
Organize your favorite lipsticks or lip moisturizers, brushes and liners, nail polishes & make up accessories with our range of finest material, designed brilliantly to suite all your needs of Cosmetic organizers. Now no more digging through drawers or makeup bags for your lipsticks & cosmetics! Keep them organized.

Let cosmetic organizers partner you for making your looks bliss thru. Be it home dressing countertops of your bathroom and bedroom or long weekend travel, we bring fabulous organizers to holds various shapes and sizes of blushes, compacts, eye shadows, lipsticks, nail polishes, and more. Easy to clean & keeps all your cosmetics organized and at your fingertips.

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Journal Journal: dallas party venues

Contrary to exactly what everybody wishes to think, not all wedding can drain your budget plan. For couples who are strictly following a budget plan, there are inexpensive wedding event locations that are available in Dallas, Texas. Normally, the wedding place is among the biggest expenses so by min ( http://wedding-shower-decorations.com/cost-wedding-venues-dallas-tx-find-affordable-wedding-venue/)

Comment Re:Here's a trick: Don't live in the U.S. (Score 1) 390

The main VAT rate went up from 17.5% to 21% iirc, but food falls under a special VAT rate of 6% that has stayed at the same level afaik. There is a new "packaging tax" which was supposedly introduced to discourage unnecessary packaging material, but I don't think it actually changed anything except the price.

We had something like 5% inflation for several years in a row around 2000. Many people blame this price increase on the switch to the Euro in 2002, but there were significant price increases in the years before that as well. I don't know the reasons behind those increases. In the years after, we had a "supermarket war" where the supermarkets lowered their prices one after another to attract more customers, which has reduced their profit margins significantly. So that's probably not where the high cost is either.

Even so, there are plenty of tasty dishes you can make from cheap ingredients like carrots, onions and cabbage. Meat is the most expensive ingredient, but you need hardly any meat at all from a nutricional point of view (provided you get sufficient proteins from other sources), so if we're talking about starving students then meat is optional.

Comment Re:Well considering that.. (Score 5, Informative) 390

We're far from that. Let's take a look at the Income equality by country.

Let's just take the richest/poorest 10% comparison. The US has a factor of 15.9. Meaning that the richest 10% make about 16 times what the poorest 10% make. With this, they're in the great company of splendid equality paradises like Uganda, Georgia (the country, not the state...) and Iran.

There is not a SINGLE European country with a worse ratio than the US. Granted, the aforementioned Georgia along with Portugal and the UK are coming close to it, but none of them is actually WORSE. Most central European (and let's also lump in the Scandinavian) countries revolve around a disparity factor of about 5-8.

That means that we're looking at about three times more equality in Europe than the US.

Btw, the 20% rich/poor ratio doesn't get much better for the US. It goes down to a "mere" 8.9 times more money in the 20% rich than the 20% poor, but it's still more than twice the ratio of Finland and Sweden.

A look at the Gini map also tells a lot (ok, if you know what the Gini coefficient is), with Europe lighting up in green and the US being in a group with such equal rights beacons like China, Argentina or Iran.

User Journal

Journal Journal: MLM Success Tips | Don Quit

This video labelled mlm success tips put on stopped talks about stopping and why you must not quit and exactly what not stopping can do for you and your business. ( http://youtube.com/watch?v=q67JAlARLuc)

Comment Re:Figures (Score 1) 165

It seems you have forgotten or never heard of the fact the allied Arab governments of the Arab states that attacked Israel in 1947-48 ordered Arabs living in what is now Israel to leave their houses and towns so they could kick out the Yews.

You also seem blind for the recurring fact no Arab government wants to admit these well educated Palestinian refugees in their own country.

This all does not make good the illegal settlements the Israeli's continue to build on what effectively is occupied Jordanian and Syrian land.

Comment Re:Here's a trick: Don't live in the U.S. (Score 1) 390

Most universities in Germany include an unlimited public transport pass in the low semester fee (ca. $300 per semester, the biggest part of that actually is the public transport pass. There is no tuition.) Public transport includes railways, not just buses. You don't need a car. Cycling is common in Germany. Get a bike. It is often the fastest way to get around.

Many US universities also offer free public transportation passes as well. But this typically only works well for urban campuses and in areas with good public transportation, which does not describe most of the united states. The oil companies made sure of that several decades ago.

Most required reading is available at the libraries or you can buy hand-me-downs cheaply. Course based learning materials are also made available online.

Publishers have American students basically by the balls. The cost of textbooks has doubled and even quadrupled in the 20 years since I was an undergraduate. They'll charge you through the nose for a required textbook, then make a few minor changes to the questions at the back of the chapter, pump out a new edition, and use that next semester, so the buyback/used value drops to practically nothing. And if they don't get you that way, it's the extra fee for "online access" and "online homework". I also see more and more students opting for the "international version", which is basically the exact same textbook but not in hardcover -- it's a paperback. Basically, they know that the USA is the wealthiest nation on earth, and companies intended on milking us for every dime they can get.

BTW; Professors don't buy the textbooks. Publishers give professors free complimentary copies of the "instructor's copy". They also like to wine and dine them to make sure their textbook gets selected,. . .

Submission + - Linux Applications Now Run on IPad - Collaborators & Co-Authors Sought (wordpress.com)

chris.kohlhepp writes: There is a new platform to run Linux applications on the Apple IPad. Have you noticed that many stock applications which are free on Linux require payment on the IPhone and IPad? Don’t want to re-implement Linux software on IOS ? QMole is a new desktop system allowing the free operation of software ported from the world of Linux on the IPad. The technology enables retaining a touch screen operation of stock GTK Linux applications without requiring their redesign or reimplementation. Unlike remote desktop solutions that require a network connection, QMole requires none. All “Linux” applications execute locally on iPad, just like native IOS applications.

QMole features a tiling window manager, transparency, virtual desktop support and an initial desktop application bundle combined with support for developing in Lisp, C, C++, Java, Clojure, Lua, Scheme, OCaml, Python, Perl and more.

Are you interested in collaborating on this effort? Please register your interest at the below URL.


Comment Re:Ahh (Score 1) 390

The trouble to learn an unusual language to be able to get free tuition is not worth it, and most of the rest of the ones with the same rules for foreigners have higher fees for foreigners. And none of the languages are common first or second languages, so it would likely take extreme effort to be able to get anything from that "free" education.

Comment Food (Score 1) 390

I went to a small state college for two years that only had a dining hall. The food was horrible. I only had one other option which was delivery from a pizza/fast food joint. I could have gone out but the weather was either freezing cold or snow/ice was everywhere. Lukily I transfered to a bigger school out west where weather wasn't an issue and good food was accessible on/off campus.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Grey Card and White Balance

The right usage of Grey Card is not known in details specially who are new to DSLR Photography or uses Point and Shoot or Mobile Camera.We talked about How To Get The Correct Colors With On Camera White Balance Settings. ( http://bit.ly/RxUjtH)

Comment Re:Isn't parody protected in the US? (Score 1) 169

There is no "balance"; you have no moral right to infringe upon other people's free speech because you're offended, feel your reputation has been damaged, or whatever other lazy excuse you use to justify discarding people's fundamental liberties like they're trash. I don't care if you feel it's "lazy" or whatever other subjective nonsense you want to call it; all that matters is free speech.

Feed Google News Sci Tech: SpaceX achieves controlled landing of Falcon 9 first stage - Spaceflight Now (google.com)

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SpaceX achieves controlled landing of Falcon 9 first stage
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SpaceX says it made two key strides toward the eventual reusability of the Falcon 9 rocket this week with the controlled splashdown of the rocket's first stage in the Atlantic Ocean on Friday and the successful first flight of a booster prototype from the company's...
Americas News Agenda for April 20GlobalPost
NASA's International Space Station humanoid, Robonaut, finally gets its legsCBC.ca
Private rocket launched to Space StationTelegraph.co.uk
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Comment That wouldn't work (Score 1) 127

unless the sensor were much larger. even at fast focal ratios, a cell phone sensor still has close to infinite depth of field if you're focusing on any subject closer than a few inches away. The smaller the sensor size, the shallower the depth of field for a given focal ratio. That's why large and medium format lenses don't have to be as fast as 35mm.

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