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Comment Re:Additional Equally Banal Comment (Score 1) 172

The key to this is that Mooney is "transforming" Prince's "work" in exactly the same way he "transformed" hers. If her use is infringing, so is his. The "transformation" of simply making a large printout isn't going to fly. Copyright doesn't depend on the size or transmission method.

I don't think that argument is going to fly, because you could argue the same about landscape photography. Nature isn't copyrighted and you could have been at the same place at the same time choosing to capture the same image. Yet that particular image is copyrighted. I think the argument will be that even though it's transformational, it is also part original. Imagine for example a news article, even though it may quote pieces of a book for context, it clearly also contains a lot of the journalist's original thoughts.

This isn't actually new ground, it's been thoroughly reviewed with songs and compilation albums, photographs and photobooks and many other situations. The selection, structure and composition may give rise to a new copyright on making that particular arrangement. I can license all the songs of one of the "Absolute hits" CDs, yet I can't make the exact same compilation CD. Then again, I think you'd have a strong case for a "fair use" defense of anyone using your work in a "fair use" way.

Comment Re:Except... (Score 1) 101

User error. Also the mobile notifications link in with existing apps so you not only get the same info, but also related information like navigation and map links, traffic predictions etc.

As for not wanting to take a smartphone overseas because of experience... what were you doing with it, deflecting bullets in Iran? Your smartphone isn't magically more frail overseas, and if you're that worried/clumsy then just buy a rugged phone. There are many smartphones on the market more durable than your 3310.

Comment That would work great (Score 1) 218

if stopping terrorists wasn't generally trivial. We know about 9/11. We knew about the Boston Marathon Bombers. The only terrorists we've ever really had a problem with are the home grown ones (Unabomber and what all). You see, there's this thing called an Ocean that separates us from them. It's why our country is as stable and powerful as it is...

Comment Flash Drives and Ephemera (Score 0) 73

Embedded within each semi-translucent copy is a flash drive with Allahyari's research about the artifacts, and an online version is coming.

And within an archaeologically insignificant moment of time, each flash drive will contain nothing but noise, the trapped charges within each cell having leaked and degraded into noise. Typically, thumb drive manufacturers target an expected retention time of no more than about a decade.

Comment Re:An anonymous reader writes... (Score 1) 175

"It's a bit creepy to see all the photos that Google still has on tap, including many that I've since deleted on my phone."

If you think that's creepy, wait until someone breaks into your account and begins blackmailing you; threatening to publish your photos of that long forgotten 'incident' which seemed like harmless fun at the time.

FWIW, Google Photos changes this behavior by default. I think there's a way to override it, but in general if you delete a photo in one place now, it gets deleted from all of them. There are some very prominent warnings trying to make people understand that. This doesn't apply if you've shared it, though; the shared copies still exist.

Comment Re:An anonymous reader writes... (Score 2) 175

Since when has Google started deleting data?

Google has long allowed you to request that your data be deleted. See the Google dashboard. And, yes, it really does get deleted, permanently. I think sometimes it may survive for a while on tape backups, but eventually those get deleted, too.

Comment Re:Correct, but silly (Score 1) 172

That's not the way fair use works. If I write a review that includes quotes from your novel, I have created a new work that makes fair use of your material. You are NOT now a joint owner of my review. If you choose to reproduce my review, even if it contains your content, you are infringing. (Unless of course you can make a fair use argument yourself).

That's not even close to what happened in this case.

Comment Re:Correct, but silly (Score 2) 172

TFS mentioned that adding the comment was unlikely to be the basis of transformation. It is transformative because of the radical context change which creates a commentary on the medium in the same way Marcel Duchamp transformed a porcelain urinal into art by placing it in a gallery and titling it "Fountain."

Andy Warhol using an image of a Campbell's Soup can in his art did not mean Campbell's had to change their can or stop selling soup.

I don't believe there's any case against Mahoney using the image she made. I'd like to see it go to court.

Comment Re:What? (Score 5, Insightful) 133

He bought something he doesn't know what ELSE to do with. But fine, be a jackass.

I've seen some idiotic "Ask Slashdot" stories, but this one probably takes the cake. To use the ever-popular car analogy, it's like asking "I just realized my car has a 12 volt electrical receptacle in the dashboard, what sort of things can I plug in?"

Yet another "Ask Slashdot" that can easily be solved by Google.

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