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AI China

Beijing's New AI Academy is Aiming For Breakthroughs and Ethical Controls (wired.com) 22

An anonymous reader writes: China produces as many artificial intelligence researchers as the US, but it lags in fundamental research. The government hopes to make up ground with a new AI lab in Beijing that brings together top researchers from AI and industry to focus on things like the mathematical foundations of machine learning and neuroscience-inspired AI. But as WIRED reports, it also suggests that even the Chinese government has concerns about the ethical challenges raised by AI.

Among the first projects that the government is funding: a Chinese version of GPT-3 for government use. From the article: Noam Yuchtman, a professor at the London School of Economics, has published work that uses evidence from China to suggest that AI benefits uniquely from state intervention, because algorithms are so hungry for data and computer power that governments have access to. But he adds that such a fast-moving and unpredictable technology may also pose problems for governments. "Innovation by its very nature is sort of uncertain, and perhaps nowhere more so than in AI," he says.

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Beijing's New AI Academy is Aiming For Breakthroughs and Ethical Controls

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  • Ethical concerns (Score:5, Insightful)

    by alvinrod ( 889928 ) on Thursday January 21, 2021 @02:11PM (#60974526)
    I'm not sure that "ethical concerns" means the same thing to a country that is running giant internment camps [wikipedia.org] for their population of religious minorities.
    • At least you can tweak that (next few strips) [dilbert.com] in heuristics and training when it comes to AIs. Doing that with people requires more extensive social media influence.

    • Han AIs just have too many Uighur Sub-AIs you mean?

    • Their "ethical" concerns is that the A.I's step outside of the CCCP's party line.
    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      I'm not sure that "ethical concerns" means the same thing to a country that is running giant internment camps [wikipedia.org] for their population of religious minorities.

      You are perfectly correct. The term "ethics" is malleable. It just means "moral principle" with the religious connotations removed. Well, originally with the religious connotations removed, because "morals" has no connection to religion as well. Religions just like to select specific moral principles to keep their followers under control. Some are blatant empty marketing phrases ("I am the Lord thy God", pretty much the same as "the one true [insert product]"), some are indirect marketing ("no adultery" is

    • IKR? Did they go like "What's that thing westerners always praise... "ethnics"? Oh, no, I think it's "ethics"! Let's use that buzzword!"
    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      This is a story about China not Israel, does China bomb cities like Israel does, well, what does the USA say about Israel, it cheers them on because brown people dying, racist is as racist does.

      The best work for AI when it comes to ethics, is of course auto translation services, translating the internet to cover the main languages, so people can communicate from all over.

      Also ethical bug brains, predatory electronic bugs that hunt down and eliminate bugs that damage crops, one at a time, 24/7/365. In fact

  • China is concerned with AI and "Ethics"!!! "Ethical Controls" my ass! After all this is coming from China, a bunch of CCP thugs.
  • "...evidence from China to suggest that AI benefits uniquely from state intervention, because algorithms are so hungry for data and computer power that governments have access to."

    That is interesting because in the US it's the reverse, companies have far outstripped the government in mass data collection and computing power. Yes the government has some exclusive valuable data (like tax and police records), and has the legal right to obtain any information with a warrant, but that is targeted, not a natio

  • ... it helps identify those parts of AI to be ignored

  • by 140Mandak262Jamuna ( 970587 ) on Thursday January 21, 2021 @03:30PM (#60974976) Journal
    Spokesman for Chinese Ministry of Truth and Culture, Mr Lais R Tru, clarified the meaning of the term: Ethical Control.

    Contrary to the popular understanding of the term in the West, "Ethical Control" does not mean the controller is bound by any ethical norms. It actually means controlling what is considered ethical for the controlees.

  • In China, I think that means do what your told.

  • We'll have the same thing in the US and Europe soon enough. It'll simply be repackaged and endorsed by celebrities.

  • China will produce superior ai because they are not handicapped by USA leftism.
  • They have to have better AIs with their own "flavor" of CCP approved ethics, so the AIs can properly provide everyone a "CCP approved" social credit score. You don't want to leave that to fallible humans!
    • > You don't want to leave that to fallible humans!

      so what do you do, in a competitive trade market, if the AI actually does a better job? just suck it up and live with less money? of course not! we can't afford an AI surveillance and pleb-control gap!

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