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Mambo Changes its Name to Joomla! 235

Phil Shapiro writes "The popular open source content management system named Mambo has changed its name to Joomla! -- released under the GNU Public License. Some of the reasons for the name change are explained at Joomla! is used by a very wide array of organizations and companies."
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Mambo Changes its Name to Joomla!

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  • by Deltaspectre ( 796409 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @11:50AM (#13470983)
    I thought it was pretty bad telling my friends I used Mambo...

    Now I have to say I use Joomla!, which is almost as ridiculous as saying Yahoo! out loud...
  • Awesome (Score:5, Funny)

    by cnerd2025 ( 903423 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @11:51AM (#13470985)
    Soon, with Ubuntu and Joomba, we'll be experts in Swahili! ;-) That'd be kind of cool though.
    • []...

      thought it fit the mood... =)
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @11:51AM (#13470987) Homepage
    You can only use a stupid name if you have a really big advertising budget.
  • The real reason they changed to Joomla! is that it is just more fun to say.
  • by glitch13 ( 227412 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @11:55AM (#13471009) Homepage
    First P. Diddy, now Mambo? The Humanity!
  • GNU Public License?! (Score:4, Informative)

    by chris_eineke ( 634570 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @11:56AM (#13471016) Homepage Journal
    The first letter in GPL is not GNU. It's the General Public License.
  • I thought that the bursting of the bubble got rid of stupid names and branding, guess I was wrong. I blame it on the pharmaceutical companies. If they hadn't started inventing words for their drugs we wouldn't have tech companies following suit. At some point we are all going to have to learn that native African language with the Clicking noises. Ung Tcosk Klick Kluck Uunnnau
    • No it's domain squatters. Try and get any name that makes sense anymore and it belongs to a squatter. No combination of any two English words is unregistered. So now lots of nonsense words are being manufactured.

      Thankfully most people have enough sense not to buy from squatters, so these squatters have to try to derive revenue by posting lame "search" pages on the domain spaces they occupy. But I guess once in a while someone stupid enough to buy does so and pays their registry bills.

      I guess after this ther
      • No combination of any two English words is unregistered.

        Surprisingly there are still some "" domains out there. I got one a couple of months ago but had to use a thesaurus and some associative brainstorming to find one related to my desired topic.

        Also I found some surprising .info and .us domains available. I actually got my name's .us domain in May and my first and last names are quite common.

        Also a lot of the squatters' registrations expire and registrars are auctioning them off as they expire b
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Should have changed it to []. Anything is possible!
  • Is it, or isn't it? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Corvaith ( 538529 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @12:00PM (#13471039) Homepage
    I don't think I'd call it 'changing their name'. I somehow suspect that we'll still be seeing releases as Mambo from the group still affiliated with the original company, and releases of this Joomla! from this group.

    And I'm extremely wary about downloading anything put out by people who can't spell or form cohesive sentences. From the announcement:

    "Mambo has changed it's name to Joomla! today. After the develpers of the award wining content management system Mambo has left the rights holder of Mambo, the australian company Miro, they established a new website and will release the first version of Joomla!, which will be version 1.0.0, soon."

    To which I say... huh? Somebody needs to remember things like tenses, capitalization of proper nouns, and the difference between it's and its.
    • by AEton ( 654737 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @04:47PM (#13472748)
      And I'm extremely wary about downloading anything put out by people who can't spell or form cohesive sentences.

      What are you doing on Slashdot?
  • by bushboy ( 112290 ) <> on Saturday September 03, 2005 @12:02PM (#13471050) Homepage
    me Auntie Joomla, eerie ?
    Dem Mambo boys am batty wid dis namin ting.

  • by Andy_R ( 114137 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @12:06PM (#13471074) Homepage Journal
    mumbo jumbo to me!
  • by Spy Handler ( 822350 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @12:09PM (#13471092) Homepage Journal
    the preferred CMS of Jar Jar
  • by HisMother ( 413313 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @12:15PM (#13471121)

    Why would anyone change the name of their product from a semi-reasonable English word, to a nonsense word that any adult would feel embarrassed to say out loud? I can't imagine a better way to scare off potential new users.

    Not that the company had a good business idea, or anything, but this is exactly the thing that made sure "" was DOA.

  • I'm so excited! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Matt Perry ( 793115 ) <perry,matt54&yahoo,com> on Saturday September 03, 2005 @12:29PM (#13471204)
    Wow! A! new! name! that! conveys! excitement! Way! to! go! Joomla! developers! I'm! looking! forward! to! checking! out! the! 1.0! release!

    On a serious note, I'm wondering what this will mean for Miro and Mambo. If Mambo has a lot of mind share then it will take some work for the Joomla people to communicate that they are the new development branch. Since Joomla is GPL then there is nothing stopping Miro from taking Joomla, renaming it to Mambo, and continuing to market it. In that case it'd be both perfectly legal and the original developers would still be writing code for Miro. Miro could continue to keep the mind share that they have invested in Mambo. I wonder how the Joomla developers plan to counteract that and market their product.

  • Wow, that's even harder to remember than my own domain name (which is fine by me). I keep thinking JamLoo! or Roomba! -- besides, exlamation mark names mess up my punctuation!. Ah, well.
  • by teneighty ( 671401 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @12:43PM (#13471270)

    This is an unfortunate example of why most geeks shouldn't be allowed to name things.

    Naming things is tough in this day of domain name squatters, which makes it very tempting to go with meaningless invented names (or names that sound that way to most people - e.g. "Ogg Vorbis"). Weird names are fine for things that don't require much investment to sample them -- but for the case where it does represent a significant investment (in either time, money, or risk) then a weird name can be a severe handicap to the adoption of that product.

    • This is an unfortunate example of why most geeks shouldn't be allowed to name things.

      Or maybe just as much, not daring to use any normal name for the fear of C&Ds from everyone with a remotely similar name or running a completely differnet business. Remember Phoeni... Firebir... Firefox? Most OSS projects will consider that a complete waste of time. All the developers and those "in the know" will know it, and that is enough. And the rest will just have to figure out that "Linux" is a kernel, "Apache" a
    • Tell that to Kodak, Albertsons, Google, Cisco, Viagra, etc.

      It's not the name... It's the lack of exposure. If someone is familiar with a name, they will have positive feelings about it and will feel more comfortable with the application / company. But most companies spend as much on advertising as they do on development. When was the last time you saw a 20-person open source development team with 20 full-time promoters?

      Pick a dumb name, stick to it, and batter people with it like there is no tomorrow.
    • Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Do you have any idea how hard it is to recommend programs with names like Firefox, Thunderbird, and worst of all, GIMP? People think that you messing with them, and others see a program with a name like that installed, and cause quite a commotion.

      They're all good programs, and I do recommend them to people, but it's making adoption quite difficult for some of them.

      Here are a few other programs that *really* should rename themselves: GRUB, Slackware, LyX, LaTeX, and
  • I saw "Mambo" and "joomba" and for some reason my mind went immediately to

  • Bias? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by saterdaies ( 842986 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @01:17PM (#13471450)
    Am I the only one who things this article is incredibly biased? I mean, Mambo isn't changing it's name. There will still be a Mambo. Joomla! is a project created based off of Mambo by a lot of the Mambo developers, but it isn't the new name of Mambo.

    Wait. . .this just in Red Hat Linux changes its name to SUSE (insofar as SUSE was based off RH and so clearly it is just a name change and whatever that Red Hat company continues to do isn't real).

    Now, there is a VERY strong argument that Joomla! is where all the big Mambo developers are moving and that it will be more Mambo than Mambo, but the post is libelous because Mambo isn't changing it's name. Mambo is staying around with the Mambo name.
    • It's not a bias. It's realism. Development of Mambo in Miro seems to be non-existent and this project hardly has any future... Look at this:

      Due to the recent departure of the old dev team, the programming team at Miro will continue with the development of Mambo in the interim period. We are actively recruiting for members of the community who would like to contribute as developers and moderators, and all other areas of Mambo. Should you be interested, please email"

      source: []
      • > It's realism. Development of Mambo in Miro seems

        How is it reality when you yourself use the word "seems"?

        > Due to the recent departure of the old dev team, the programming team at Miro will continue with the development of Mambo in the interim period.

        It doesn't matter. It's the Jumbo folks who forked, so Mambo is still Mambo, and these new bozos are Jambo or whatever.
        It's like when Samba developers forked off Samba TNG (which subsequently got marginalized, which is quite hitful as to what's going t
        • What constitutes a project? People working on it? Or trademark? If entire team changes the name of the project for some legal reason - that doesn't constitute a fork. If entire team decides to break relationship with some smaller or bigger corporation - that also doesn't constitute a fork.
          Names and business relations are important, they help gaining marketshare. But word "fork" is not about marketshare, it's about different technical decisions. Here we got the very same, entire team of developers, so this d
  • I think it is very stupid to include punctuation marks other than hyphens and apostrophes in trade marks. It not only looks like a childish Yahoo rip-off but is an obvious trick to make people end every single sentence including such a trade mark with an exclamation mark or otherwise risk having misleading punctuation in the middle of a sentence where it certainly does not belong. I hope they will change the name to just Joomla because I refuse to use marks of admiration in my writing when it doesn't reflec
    • I agree completely. Exclamation points are typographical symbols, not letters you can use in an English word. Punctuation symbols are governed by linguistic convention, not by trademark registrations. The exclamation point may be part of Yahoo's logo, but it's not part of their name any more than red capitalized letters are. I certainly make no attempt to pronounce it when I speak.
  • JoMamma
  • by dankelley ( 573611 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @01:56PM (#13471694)
    I'm looking for a CMS and I'd like to compare. As folks are saying here, it's not easy keeping the names of various alternatives in mind. I went to the site of this CMS, looking for screenshots, but saw none. Anybody care to post some?

    Confession: I wrote the site of this CMS above, since I had forgotten the name of the site in the time it took to come back to /. to post this. So that's a sign that either (a) this new name has little sticking power or (b) um, what was I talking about?

  • I had a list of names posted. It was the first suggestion in the forums that had more than one entry. (I'm good at making names - better than most nerds that is). One guy did a summary of all names posted and completely ignored/overlooked mine. Half of those had some sort of branding quality, as at least a third in the forums were very good.

    The problem with Joomla! is the lack of speech rythym. If you have a chance to use a fantasy name - and most OSS projects couldn't care less if the name is known and spe
  • Jumla may be Swahili, but it is derived from the Arabic word of the same name. So, they're trying to broaden their market.

    Miro will also have to change their name now, since Miro and Mambo had the same beginning syllable. So, I look forward to seeing the founding of a new company: Jiro!
  • The real reason for the name change was because was already taken: [].
  • by XO ( 250276 )
    Why does every move of a CMS interest Slashdot?

    Isn't Slashdot a CMS?


  • Trademark the fucking name before you get in bed with companies who you might need to fork from.

    See, Linus was smart. Which is why we call it Linux, and not Joomix or SCOnix.
  • by sidney ( 95068 ) on Saturday September 03, 2005 @04:57PM (#13472806) Homepage
    Yahoo! has the patent [] on using punctuation in trademarks as a business method to create simulated excitement in otherwise independent reviews wherever they mention the name of the product being reviewd.
  • The core developers of Mambo have decided to continue the codebase under a new name. Mambo Foundation still owns Mambo and will continue development. You can argue about which one is the fork all you want, but the fact remains that there's still a fork. That's not good for open source adoption in business.

The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it. -- Franklin P. Jones
