Comment Entertainment vs art? (Score 1) 93
I liked it enough from a viewpoint of being entertained. Would I consider it something "great" or worth watching again? No.
I liked it enough from a viewpoint of being entertained. Would I consider it something "great" or worth watching again? No.
Same here.
Nobody ever points out the drastic differences between private and public 4 year colleges.
Yes, unfortunately there is a minority of workers who are not self-motivated and the only way to get shit you need from them is to walk over and hover by their desks. But working remote makes it more likely these jerks get fired making life better for everyone....
That minority is the majority in some places which should bring up a discussion about corporate culture, hiring the wrong types of people, etc.etc. Probably a pointless discussion since these kinds of things are never a leadership issue.
People don't read emails anymore either. These things in combination point to potentially larger issues for an organization.
As soon as these things started showing up in meetings it made me think of this scene from Real Genius (80s movie).
Is this what AI is leading us to?
In high school they offered a "Computer math" class. The room had a dozen or more TRS-80 Model III computers. The class was just learning to do simple programs in BASIC. I think the teacher was staying a chapter ahead since she did not seem to know much more than whatever we were covering. A couple of us that had already learned some BASIC programming on our own easily impressed the teacher and we were left to do our own thing.
The issue is too many people (in the US) focus on quantity instead of quality. They want to spend less on more food instead. If they focused on buying and eating better foods they might have be in better health. Yes I know better food typically costs more but most I know aren't willing to even try. When Whole Foods opened up in my town, coworkers all complained how expensive it was
Obligatory -
I suspect it is another attempt by these universities to get access to the principle. Many of these endowments have restrictions that prevent the schools from touching the principle.
For the same reason we pay for a lot of things we may not ever use. It was put there for there for everyone based on a need for some people. Schools and roads are good examples. Some folks never have kids but they pay for schools. People pay for road taxes but they don't drive on most of them.
The idea is that we all pay for things that are deemed for the majority or the greater good. You may not need (or want) them now but they are there if and when you need them.
Not surprising since adult entertainment (porn and online gambling) is usually the first to adopt new tech. I have very little remorse for the "influencers" being displaced since many (probably most) are really just outsourced salespeople showing off "amazing" things for you to buy.
My first thought too
A lifetime discounts for you!
It is all about the cost and seen as too expensive for what it provides in the short run.
Regulations, standards, etc come to exist because when to many organizations won't do the right thing without being forced.
Force needed to accelerate 2.2lbs of cookies = 1 Fig-newton to 1 meter per second