SBC's VoIP End Run 95
Chris Holland writes "Right on the heels of a positive FCC regulation preventing individual U.S. States from levying taxes on VoIP communications, SBC, according to Om Malik, appears to have brought to a quick end the 'lets not pay any termination fees' party that had VoIP upstarts drunk. Jeff Pulver is also sharing his take."
Oh deary me... (Score:2, Insightful)
Nobody is going to charge me termination fees for them are they? Come on, it's like trying to regulate HTTP trafficm it simply cannot be done. The network will find a way round anything it percives as 'damage', and if a certain technology is suddenly being charged for it isn't that hard to find another one.
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:2)
Isn't this what SkypeOut does [skype.net] then?
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:1)
I have Skype running on my palmtop using Bluetooth to get a net connection. If you need me, you can Skype me anywhere in my home for no additional cost.
After re-reading the article twice and finally twigging what was going on I can see that it is just for termination on POTS networks.
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:2)
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:5, Insightful)
So Suppose that I'm calling from long distance to a friend of mine using VOIP, and that friend uses a traditional phone. Then what most VOIP vendors do is provide a sort of central office in each area code, and route the VOIP traffic there, and from the central office make a local phone call to establish connectivity. Traditionally this last hop has been cheap, however (if I understand correctly) SBC wants to charge more for local phone service when it is the last hop of a VOIP call. Since this kind of discriminatory pricing appears to be anticompetitive, I suspect that the govt. may prevent it.
I've heard menbtion of attacks by ISPs that label the packets from their competitors as lower priority, giving their competitors inferior service. I'm uncertain whether the govt. has/will have/will enforce regulations about that.
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:1)
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:1)
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:5, Funny)
"Hello, this is the phone company, is the business with this phone service a VOIP company?"
"Uhhh, no."
"Because we get a whole lot of calls out of your building, and the people gettinng the calls have had a sharp decrease in their use of long-distance service."
"We ummm...are a cult, and we encourage our members to cut off contact with all their friends and relatives."
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:1, Informative)
The scary thing is that there were several people on this committee who saw absolutely no problem with a company doing this. Now I don
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:2)
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:2)
...when you what now?
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:1)
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:2)
Secondly, when the 2nd internet arrives IIRC traffic types will be labelled. At that time it will be easy to regulate VOIP 'traffic'. A bill could instruct any transmitters of live voice audio must tag it with said label so it can be regulated.
Re:Oh deary me... (Score:1)
good (Score:2, Informative)
Great news for the web
Huh? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Huh? (Score:1)
Won't the (free) markets sort this out? (Score:1)
Won't the (free) markets sort this out?-NO (Score:1, Insightful)
And how many markets is that true in? Also monopolies aren't "free market", be it no competition, or lots of government regulations.
somewhat (Score:4, Interesting)
network, but no TV! (they look at me like I have
two heads or something)
It's cheaper this way.
Re:somewhat (Score:1)
This is modded funny (ironic would probably be a better mod if available), but I do the exact same thing. I have a DirectTV w/ Tivo setup and VOIP / internet w/ Comcast. To get the same TV coverage and service w/ Comcast for TV I'd be paying about $15 more per month AND would have to use one of Comcast's horrendous DVRs. I get better service (and picture) for
Re:Won't the (free) markets sort this out? (Score:2)
Bullshit. SBC is using the authority of the FCC---one of those powerful organizations that have the force of law behind them.
Re:Won't the (free) markets sort this out? (Score:2)
I did RTFA, but my excuse is that the article was hard to understand.
Re:Won't the (free) markets sort this out? (Score:2)
Re:Won't the (free) markets sort this out? (Score:1)
How would SBC do this? (Score:4, Interesting)
Say, I have an appliance in my house which connects to the net and sends encrypted traffic to some server somewhere out there using one of the standard protocols and ports (https, or one of vpn protocols). Said appliance happens to me by internet phone, and the encrypted traffic carries voice. The server could be that of Vonage, or Vonage could contract with some big VPN provider or some other third party as well. What is SBC going to do? Trottle down all SSL/https, and all VPN? Unlikely. Figure out which ones are Vonage's? Can be pretty hard, they all look the same, that's the idea.
Now, if Vonage currently does not do it and sends voice unencrypted or using some easilly identifiable dedicated ports or protocols, this is bad ofr many reasons, mostly it's bad for us users, but now it's bad for Vonage too, so may be they will change it to a more secure protocol. That would be good for everyone.
Re:How would SBC do this? (Score:5, Informative)
If I call another VOIP phone the problem doesn't exist, but the vast majority of phones I call are traditional telephones, not VOIP. That means the VOIP companies would either have to a) charge extra for every call I make to a non-VOIP phone, or b) charge extra across the board. Either approach would price them out of the market.
Re:How would SBC do this? (Score:2)
Re:How would SBC do this? (Score:4, Insightful)
And, how does SBC charge this termination fee? Somewhere out there sits a device which receives packets, converts packets into voice, dials a phone, and "speaks into the phone". SBC charges for hooking up that device, right? Seems like the same charge would them apply to wireless and long-distance carriers, no? Also, what would happen if Packet 8 struk a deal with, say, MCI, and hooked up their IP-to-voice converter to MCI's network (which is all IP anyway) and then SBC would just see all calls as long-distance from MCI?
Re:How would SBC do this? (Score:2)
Somewhere out there sits a device which receives packets, converts packets into voice, dials a phone, and "speaks into the phone".
To me, this sounds like an Inverse ISP.
Local independent ISPs with banks of modems and a high speed net connection have all the equipment in place to provide service in the direction opposite to what they started doing.
Regulation (Score:4, Insightful)
Our toothless FCC and SEC will do nothing because they are lead by people who believe that regulation is, in and of itself, a very bad thing. Michael "the Market is my God" Powell is about as likely to stop the Bells from squashing the competition as George Bush is to announce that he's in favor of gay marriage. Naturally there will be people who will claim that this can't stop the bold VOIP companies, but they'll be wrong. If the Bells can charge exhorbinant rates for call termination it'll put Vonage, Packet 8, and the rest out of business in a year.
It is possible that massive public outcry could change things and force even Michael Powell's FCC to stop the Bells. I wouldn't count on it though...
Re:Regulation (Score:4, Insightful)
Get off your hysteria horse-- they can't charge exhorbinant rates for call termination. This part is, and always has been, regulated. Vonnage's connection to the phone network at large is like that of any of the long distance companies. SBC can no more charge Vonnage higher termination rates than they can AT&T and Sprint-MCI. All SBC can do is compete with them on price, which isn't a bad thing.
Re:Regulation-Ask and yea shall receive. (Score:1)
Yes. We live in a time noted for relaxed government regulation/control. If you didn't notice the sarcasm dripping off those words, I feel sorry for you. The FCC just fined a television network over half a million dollars because an aging diva decided to show the crowd at the Super Bowl her nipple ring. How can you *possibly* state that the FCC is relaxed? Also, it is true that the libertarian platform was built
Re:Regulation (Score:2)
Is this the same FCC that imposed extremely unreasonable 911 and wiretapping regulations on VoIP? The same FCC that periodically announces crackdowns on smut with exorbitant fees?
Re:Regulation (Score:2)
Seriously, the FCC is now in charge of regulation of what you say, not how it is transmitted. After all, we have all this great technology [arrl.org] will sort out QRM [fixthemachine.com] and other [aimglobal.org] problems automatically, what with their silicon chips and such. Besides, from a political standpoint, most people don't understand technological issues anymore, and the FCC went from
Re:... OR... (Score:2, Insightful)
Are we returning to the Ma Bell days? Clearchannel is buying all the radio stations, a few companies are competing over the television networks, and SBC is trying to rebuild Ma Bell. Now I'm just waiting for some oil company to gobble the others up, maybe a steel company to
THAT call same. Tarrifs. Last mile. WiMAX. (Score:5, Informative)
That call should be the same - unless/until the local phone company in Turkey does something similar or your VoIP carrier pays for the local cost jump by raising its overall rates.
As I understand what happened:
1) Several decades back, independent long-distance companies were formed (starting with MCI). They took advantage of court decisions and FCC regulations intended to allow attaching telephones and modems manufactured by other companies, rather than renting phones and modems from the phone company at high rates. But they used the equipment they attached to bypass the phone company's long-distance network, selling long-distance at a lower rate. To use it you had to call their local site, enter your user code, and dial the distant number (much like "phonecards" today).
Of course the tellco didn't like this - and the alternative companies wanted to let you opt to use them as your "dial 1" long-distance provider. This went to court, and ended up with a new "tarrif" (set of standards, fees, and requirement that the tellco provide the service) for connecting long distance service to a local tellco.
2) Then the big Bell tellco was broken into AT&T and the Baby Bell local companies (and a few other splinters) to settle an antitrust suit. At this point the Baby Bells (and a few legacy non-bell local tellcos) could provide their own long distance WITHIN their area, but not with their neighbors. All long distance companies BETWEEN the BBs had to go through long-distance players (AT&T, Sprint, MCI, etc.) on an even footing at the special rate.
3) After a number of years of bulldozing it, the courts decided the playing field was level enough, and let the Baby Bells start merging and get back into the long distance game.
4) The VoIP companies have apparently started up getting their termination to PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) phones the same way the early long-distance bypass companies did: Instead of paying the fee for connecting the way long distance companies do, they rented some ordinary phone lines and make their calls on those. This is cheaper. It's also not what was intended by the regulations.
5) The tellcos STILL don't like having their own long-distance service bypassed (and its revenue drained) by an upstart that isn't playing by the rules. The pure long-distance companies couldn't do anything but sue to require the VoIP carriers to connect like other long distance operations and pay that fee. But the local companies didn't like the competition either, and tried to define VoIP companies as phone companies providing local service, thus subjecting them to all the regulations and taxes involved (like the 911 service fee). That finally got settled, just weeks ago. The decisions was "hands off VoIP - the Fed won't regulate 'em and prohibits the states from doing so".
6) Next step would be to try to force them to do their local connect like a long-distance carrier or different local carrier, rather than a local phone customer. (This is actually reasonable. But it might also be slapped down after much expensive fighting.)
So SBC came up with a cute alternaitve: They're making a special new service with a price LOWER than that of connecting as a long-distance carrier but HIGHER than a local phone line. They say it's voluntary, that they're offering the VoIP providers a better deal than they give the traditional long-distance carriers, and that they CAN make this offer because VoIP is an internet service and thus NOT regulated. "We're being good guys!".
But the next step, of course, is to disconnect the local lines, claiming that using them to terminate long-distance service is outside the lines' terms-of-service. Or to tweak the service level actually delivered on those particular lines down to the minimum allowed by the tarrif t
I'm not sure this is what they are up to (Score:3, Interesting)
Prioritizing traffic (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually, it *is* illegal to directly interfere with a competitor's business. SBC would be criminally liable if they tried to prioritize the traffic of their competitors.
Re:Prioritizing traffic (Score:2)
It's his store, so he has the right to interfere in my business, but I have no rig
Re:Prioritizing traffic (Score:2)
If a VOIP company chooses to use SBC's network, what obliges SBC to provide perfect service to the VOIP company, unless their is a contract?
Re:Prioritizing traffic (Score:2)
Contract law depends on good faith -- you are probably (ask a lawyer) breaking good faith if you lower the priority of your competitors' packets vs. your own when that competitor has the right to expect equal service to any other customer.
I've worked in Internet routing for a very long time and on many occasions have been buying bandwidth from direct competitors and I can tell you that I received equal priority to their own servers.
Re:Prioritizing traffic (Score:2)
It is illegal for someone to take your money for a service then purposefully perform that service poorly in a deliberate attempt to harm you. The reason that no one is refuting you thoroughly is because it is absurd to think that acting in bad-faith is a p
Re:Prioritizing traffic (Score:2)
Many ISP's block incoming and outgoing port 25
Your only choice is a port relay service like TZO, or to pay the ISP for their own commercial class mail hosting.
Same thing?
Re:Prioritizing traffic (Score:2)
Or are you just bitching because your ISP blocks you and you are mad?
Re:Prioritizing traffic (Score:1)
they can (and im sure do) whatever they want
That's NOT why any ISP wants prioritization (Score:2)
For the business market, you could really accomplish 90% of the QoS needs by simple egress queuing that gives a lower priority to HTTP, SMTP, and maybe FTP, or a bit more crudely, by
Google Ad (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Google Ad (Score:2)
Play the same game (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Play the same game (Score:2)
Yes, that's a nice idea.
But to do that they have to define themselves as a local phone carrier. Then they've waived their status as an unregulated internet service.
They get hit with the 911 tax, state and federal phone regulations, and have to pay the full interconnect charge rather than this "bargain rate" SBC is offereing on a "voluntary" basis.
SBC is just "protecting" their outdated network (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:SBC is just "protecting" their outdated network (Score:2)
Re:SBC is just "protecting" their outdated network (Score:1)
This is basically the second chapter in "reciprocal compensation", a major screwup by the ILECs following the telecom reform act of 1996. The ILECs (like SBC) set the call termination charges as high as state regulators would allow - but didn't see that ISPs would use CLECs for
Where to apply termination charges (Score:2, Interesting)
Termination charges are good for collecting taxes like the universal service fund. That tax ensures that people in rural areas, where it is much more expensive to deliver service, are subsdidized. IMHO, not all that bad of an idea if done within reason.
But the "right" way to charge termination fees is on the "data" pipe that is used to deliver content. NOT on the services on that
Skype...out ? (Score:1)
Origination / Termination & Carrier Access Bil (Score:1)
This is nothing new. LEC's have been paying each other for access to their networks ( terminating LD calls ) for years. Carrier access billing is a decent profit center in and of itself!
From CarrierAccessBilling.com [carrieraccessbilling.com]:
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandates that all telecommunications carriers whose facilities are used to provide long distance service are entitled to a share of the compensation paid for that service. This revenue helps the local company to provide facilities over which the l
Re:Origination / Termination & Carrier Access (Score:2)
I know at least two people that struck it seriously rich with this as their only real source of revenue - they could sell to their customers at near cost because their customers were the destination for calls from Bell customers.
Ah, if only it were still 1997. :)
Yo Judge Green!!! (Score:4, Interesting)
Big deal. (Score:1)
I got cable/hdtv/broadband modem/telephone all coming into the house on one wire, and all being paid for with one bill. One phone number to call for customer service. Simple, I like it. And I don't have to waste any time checking to see who's lowered their prices or added new feat
Let the invisiable hand solve this (Score:5, Insightful)
Vonage and the likes already have momentum. Asterisk [asterisk.org] and the likes are in position to take over the PBX market. Connect the two automaticly, along with various other networks, and there is enough mass to solve this. Aunt Mary might not understand it now, but when all her relatives tell her to get off SBC because she is the only one in the world(!) they call where they have to pay fees, and she will be forced to listen. Once Aunt Mary realizes that she can call pretty much everyone for less on her VOIP phone, she drops SBC as an extra bill that she doesn't need.
Soon SBC and the like will file for bankruptcy... Not really, they do have DSL, which is a good way to connect. When the notice that customers are switching to Cable internet just to avoid having to pay for an unused voice line, they will drop that all voice/DSL bundling requirements.
As geeks it is our responsibility to socity to make sure it happens. So start your own VOIP expiriment at home, and use it once in a while. Long distance telephone is obsolete, but nobody has realized it yet.
Recipricol Compensation vs. Bill and Keep (Score:3, Informative)
When the Bells were originally forced to open their networks to competition by the '96 telcom act, they lobbied for and recieved a concession called Recipricol Compensation. When the ILECs (SBC, et. al.) and newly created CLECs interconnected with each other's networks, each party would pay the other to terminate calls on the other party's network. This was done so that CLECs could not go after the high volume, profitable, business customers without sending a significant chunk of the profits back to the ILECs in the form of Recipricol Compensation.
Then along came the internet, and all of a sudden the traffic flow to CLECs was completely reversed! Now, instead of making a lot of calls, the largest customers were *recieving* a *lot* of calls, and they were lasting longer (Recip. Comp. is billed by the minute). All of a sudden, SBC decided the old system wasn't fair and that it needed to be changed. They removed the old system from their new InterConnection Agreements (ICAs) with CLECs to the best of their regulatory abilities, and eventually mostly succeded in stopping these payments to CLECs. SBC decided the regulation was no longer fair because it was no longer in its best interest! Now, when the situation has swung the back other way with VoIP, they're trying to change the rules again. It's no surprise they'd try, but what's sad about our political and regulatory systems is that, at least in the medium term, it's probably they'll get their way.
As someone who's facinated by Economics and a big fan of fair and open markets, the current situation with the former Bells seems intolerable. The '96 act has failed to create a truely competitive market in telecommunications because it relied too hevily on the Government's ability to come up with good, fair regulations, and the ILECs good behavior in obeying them. IMHO, what needs to happen is new federal legislation forcing divestment of the ILECs last mile infrastructure and tandem (interconnection) switches from their retail sides. The new entity would retain the monopoly on the physical infrastructure, but be highly regulated- prohibited from selling directly to consumers, price controlled, and would be forced to treat all carriers equally. The retail side would have to compete on a level playing field with everyone else. This situation wouldn't be perfect, but it would be better than what we have today. Look what happened with long distance once the market became competitive! Compare rates 10-15 years ago with those of today. I remember paying $0.25/min for a long distance call of less than 100 miles, and today I can buy *unlimited* local and long distance anywhere in the country for $25/mo through Vonage- less than the local line alone from SBC.
The situation we have now seems to be headed back to a private entity extracting monopoly rents for a vital infrastructure, which IMHO is even worse than state control. Even with all the barriers SBC is throwing up, some CLECs are making it work- but things seem risky. CLECs need a stable, fair, regulatory environment in order to make the investments that will, in the long run, benefit all of us. SBC has managed to virtually eliminate Recip Comp, change other significant terms of interconnection, and eliminate line sharing. If the regulators continue to let the ILECs have their way, the result will be changing rules that bankrupt existing CLECs and discourage new market entrants.
If I could set the interconnect fee structure (Score:1)
The "local telephone switch" would charge fees for anything coming in and coming out. For "shared bandwidth" circuits, which is almost everything but the line to your house, pricing would be based on bit-traffic. In "dedicated-bandwidth" lines like a dedicated copper line to your house, pricing would be based on minutes used and/or bit-traffic, depending on the nature of the switch and whether connection-time or bandwidth was tying u
Some thoughts on competition (Score:2)
One idea is to cut out the PSTN all together. There are large chunks of frequency space that is unregulated. Private lines/Cable lines are a
User taxes are regressive (Score:2)
VoIP terminating in POTS is still wrong (Score:2)
VoIP terminating in POTS is still wrong. Of course you have to do it to be able to call people who are not on VoIP. But eventually most people and businesses will have IP bandwidth sufficient to carry all their voice traffic direct. A great many have that now. Then we migrate to "voice IP to IP" and finally put an end to all the nonsense.
... until the spammers and telemarketers team up.
How P2P can save VoIP (Score:3, Interesting)
No, this isn't specifically a voice over IP to IP idea (though that is the ultimate answer). How the P2P part comes in works like this. End users who have broadband or other high speed connectitivity, and a normal (POTS) phone line (and voice card to connect to it), would sign up for this "service" and run the software. When a VoIP call needs to terminate at some local exchange where such a "customer" is present and idle, the call will be made by connecting to the "termination agent" software that "customer" is running, and the call (local only) is made from that customer's phone line. That customer then gets a credit on their VoIP bill for a percentage of the cost of the call, which can be rolled over to the next month, traded online for goodies, or paid out in cash, depending on what the VoIP company can set up.
This concept, in a store and forward form, was the basis of many earlier networks from FIDO to UUCP. And with direct internet connectivity, many do this now with data calls connecting through an outbound modem. And even in the early 1970's a place I worked at was dynamically rerouting phone calls being placed to other cities via various trunk lines they had to that city (it was unused video trunks at the time) just to avoid the long distance changes (the theory was, why pay the phone company for resources that were not being used, and why not use the resources that are being paid for).
Obligatory Monty Python quote (Score:1)
"Sorry, don't understand your banter."
Boycott? (Score:1)
dial tone (Score:2)
Why did the tone of that article remind me of all the spams I get promoting one stock or another? I rock. You suck. It's just that simple.