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Comment Re:Yay! (Score 1) 37

Thats not entirely true. To update an old ios app to be uploadable into the store is significant amount of work due to apple themselves deprecating stuff and requiring you use a newer xcode. You can't just "update the api call" and expect it to be publishable.

Comment Re:This will just encourage more hacking (Score 5, Insightful) 73

You can only download, put it on the device and read it as long as they decide that they and by extension you have the right to read the book.

You're just renting an access to the book with the drm. Under terms that aren't clear to you since you don't know these dates and contracts that they have with the creator and publisher.

Comment it's just new software. (Score 3, Interesting) 82

Rolling out a new version for "reasons" is way too common nowadays without the new version having feature parity with the old version.

Often just for a design refresh that could have been done on the old one just as well! And the new versions supposed to then be easier to maintain, but has some architecture that actually makes it hard to do the missing features due to choosing an architecture thats in fashion rather than an architecture for the codebase that suits the application being made, a non-architecture if you will.

Would you consider that a rendering engine, a git client, a bank app and a drawing app all should have the same structure and philosophy in regards of data and interface code? Probably not but thats the world we're living in. I'm sure they got tests for checking that the network codes middle classes though so it has yk be working correctly (that parse the data into an object that gets converted with a converter class to an object that gets used for the data for the ui).

So it's not that it feels like legacy software, it feels like new software!

Comment Re: windows (Score 2) 94

They got people who have to fight in internal politics to get something in and nobody with clear vision steering the ship. They need to fight for that to not get their funding cut so they're highly motivated and would need a wrangler, a captain.

They can't agree how the start would open up from the side so you need to patch 11 to get a movable taskbar etc, the default start is seen(fought for) just as an advertisement space for user attention.

Underneath things have gotten better all along mostly, but the ui layer is dominated by bozos who don't understand that you could configure windows 3.1 into "night mode" if one wanted, that you could theme windows 2k to look like beos etc. It does not need to be one size fits all users.

I bet the designers don't even use windows.

Further examples are that you still do actually need the old control panel and thats why its still there.

This rot affects all applications outside of windows itself as well where design refreshes done for no reason at all often omit features of the previous design.

Back when windows phone was relevant their developer ambassador had the gall to say "you don't need that feature" when asked when a feature would be available we had to have to port that companys app i was working for. Said ambassadors presentation btw was doing simplest game you can think of.. By using ui widgets. If you asked him how to display arbitrary pixels he wouldn't have known. But they gave us a bunch of devices and food etc still, complete waste of time and use of money in the wrong things.

Another good example of this is copilot. They had cortana already, but for some reason need this new branding and the reason is just internal funding funnels. They also push it to be used without figuring it out what for. They already had desktop widgets ages ago but need new branding for that too. They force enable lock screen widgets because then they get user statistics that show they're being used but frankly i don't want them. Whats most ridiculous is that they don't explain where you would get lockscreen widgets that you might actually care about! How about a rss ticker? No can't have that have to reinvent something because the designers don't know what that even means.

Osx isn't much better, but a bit better in this sense - have you lately tried to find screensavers that still actually work for osx? Good luck with that.

(Anyway if you need to use win11 "explorer patcher" is the patch to get a movable taskbar, o&o shutup is easiest app to turn off a bunch of stuff and openshell makes the start button behave however you want)

Comment Re: Stuff posted in public (Score 4, Insightful) 136

Robots.txt isn't some law thing.

They don't even know if you had the rights to have the stuff on your site. Like just because the gamepass servers don't have a robot txt on the protocol doesn't make them somehow free for some other dude to use and make copies of.

Their cd's that float around without a shrinkwrap don't have robots txt glued on the cd either etc. The ai boss is just making an exception because it fits what he needs. The really really dumb thing he did was to admit to it publicly, but then again ms's hiring and promotion has been seriously flawed for 25 years.

Comment Re: Business (Score 1) 86

The way the whole industry is setup is a big source of overall ineffeciencies, while efficency of individual corpos taking a fee on the chain has gone up.

They don't make the planes, they don't even own the planes. They don't own airports. They don't have their own IT. A lot of them don't even have their own staff.

The amount of workers on the chain has gone down, while the amount of owners and management in the chain has gone up.

Comment look it'll break anyway and not hard to replace (Score 1) 142

Don't worry about it too much, if you just use the middle thats better but the battery is like the cheapest thing to replace. On cheaper samsungs you just need a fingernail and a small screwdriver that comes with the set anyway to replace and it'll hold up for 5 years if it doesn't have a flaw in the battery. And if you bought a 1000 bucks samsung use it to the full to get the moneys worth.

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