Opera Facing Losses While Firefox Usage Grows 760
An anonymous reader submits "Opera, the sometimes forgotten #3 web browser, reported a third quarter loss that tripled that of last year's third quarter despite a seven-fold increase in revenue. Opera is blaming a weaker dollar for the losses, and say they're spending money on marketing and new ventures like teaming with IBM to use their ViaVoice technology. Opera's future seems uncertain as Firefox's growing popularity may hurt Opera by stealing potential customers. With Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari all free, is there room for a non-free browser in the market?"
Misleading (Score:5, Informative)
It seems Opera is growing, and they are doing it by aggressively promoting their products, even goes as far as teaming up with IBM's ViaVoice to allow users execute commands by talking to their computers. These are licensed-features that free browsers will find it hard to justify paying for.
So maybe Opera is just investing 25% of its yearly profit into marketing, and hopes a better year. Even FireFox wants to advertise on NYTimes.
We shall be alarmed if they moved to a penthouse office and every employee drives a Ferrari.
Re:Misleading (Score:3, Insightful)
IE? Free? Since when? Just because it comes with the OS (which, might I add, you pay $$$ for) doesn't mean it's free.
Furthermore, what about all the adware, spyware (and for some, viruses) that people have to clear off their harddrive? That takes time, and, "Time is money." And with all the time I've spent doing that with IE..., let's just say with IE, you won't have any "Free time"
Re:Misleading (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Misleading (Score:5, Informative)
Sorry, "included in the package" still does not mean "free" as long as the package costs money, no matter how much the Microsoft monopoly wants you to believe otherwise.
Note that it's against IE's license (which is conveniently unavailable from the Microsoft website and in the application directory; you only get to see it when you run the installer) to run IE on anything but a properly licensed Windows system. To wit:
E.g. running it under WINE would be illegal, at least if you don't own (e.g. have paid for) a Windows license, but the above language could also be interpreted to mean that you can only run it under Windows even if you do own a Windows license. In neither case it is anywhere near "free" though.
Re:Misleading (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Misleading (Score:4, Insightful)
I suppose when you buy a car, you are only paying for the engine too right? The pedals, steering wheel, transmission and all the other stuff that makes it work (face it, MS has enbedded IE so far into the OS it "makes Windows work") are all free, right?
Also, read the IE liscense agreement, it is most definately not free, you just assume it is, because you are a pirate (not that I haven't done it too, but at least I admit it). Does this sound stupid to you?
"I got a free car! All I had to do was steal it. But it was still completely free!"
Because that is essentially what you are doing.
Please grow a brain before placing your opinions which I will group in the same category as my trash and try not to clutter the internet even more.
Re:Misleading (Score:4, Informative)
The GPL is not an EULA, by definition. The GPL covers distribution only, not use, while an EULA is explicitly an "End User License Agreement." You can reject the GPL and still use GPL software any way you please, as long as you don't redistribute it. Since by definition End Users don't distribute anything, the GPL has no effect on them (except indirectly by allowing the software to be written in the first place).
Re:Misleading (Score:3, Informative)
Installing IE6 via WINE. [gentoo.org]
Re:Misleading (Score:4, Insightful)
Illegal if you don't have a Windows license (Score:3, Interesting)
note: if you do not have a valid eula for any "os product" (including, without limitation, microsoft windows 9
Re:Illegal if you don't have a Windows license (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Misleading (Score:3, Insightful)
Silence! (Score:5, Insightful)
that's not true (Score:3, Informative)
The latest version of IE supports all versions of Windows from 98 on. It is a free download in all cases. Therefore, what you are saying is inaccurate.
IE6 SP1 system requirements [microsoft.com]
Note: I use Mozilla on OpenBSD and Linux, I use Camino on MacOS. I don't use Windows or IE at all.
Re:Misleading (Score:5, Insightful)
I can get Opera in 120K for embedded uses. there is no embedded IE that is worth a damn, and the Gecko engine is not designed for embedded uses.
Opera is cleaning up in the embedded market, I see it in many tiny net enabled places almost every day.
Re:Misleading (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Misleading (Score:4, Insightful)
And they say: The primary focus of Minimo to date has been system with ~32-64 MB of RAM, running Linux and using the GTK toolkit.
Not to belittle their efforts, but 32-64MB of RAM is more than your average palm top device, and GTK is a memory hog. Something that fits in 2-4MB RAM is more like what a portable device needs.
Still, it's a good start.
But you're not missing anything. (Score:3, Interesting)
Safari just adds some extra features that provide integration into OSX and promote a consistent iLook-and-iFeel... it sort of doesn't mean much unless you _already_ have OSX.
Re:Misleading (Score:3, Informative)
The reason open source browsers don't have voice-guided browsing is because it's a useless gimmick. If there was any kind of demand for it, there are multiple open source speech recognition systems that it could be ba
Re:Misleading (Score:3, Interesting)
It makes sense with voice recognition on embedded platforms (PDAs, cell phones), which happens to be Opera's main market.
Google embraces Firefox (Score:3, Informative)
Homepage (Score:3, Informative)
This has been covered quite extensively in the tradepress due to the possible financial benefits to Firefox.
Google embraces Internet Explorer (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Google embraces Internet Explorer (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Google embraces Internet Explorer (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Google embraces Internet Explorer (Score:3)
Re:Google embraces Firefox (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Google embraces Firefox (Score:5, Insightful)
Like releasing an IE-only version of their toolbar, and having their desktop search tool refuse to search any browser cache that isn't IE.. is that how they're decreasing IE's userbase?
zzzz... (Score:4, Insightful)
It's not like Google favours one browser over another. And, even if it did, so what? I don't know about you, but I don't pick what weh browser I use based on the recommendations of one website or another, I pick what web browser I used based upon more tangible and relevant criteria, such as its feature set, speed, user interface, ease of use, etc.
For me that means Opera 7.54 (although I'll soon be installing the second beta of version 7.60). And, yes, I have tried all the alternatives, including Firefox.
Re:zzzz... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Google embraces Firefox (Score:5, Informative)
have you tried:
Re:Google embraces Firefox (Score:4, Informative)
3. Profit! (Score:5, Funny)
Probably not... (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't think anybody has any reason to pay for some unknown web browser, unless it has some amazing features.
Re:Probably not... (Score:4, Funny)
Have you ever considered that maybe Opera users are smart enough to avoid your services?
Re:Probably not... (Score:4, Funny)
Maybe they can't afford a computer technician on account they just paid for a web browser.
Re:Probably not... (Score:3, Informative)
I personally quite like the Opera interface, and have grown quite accustomed to it. I use the free version with the ad on top, which I find pretty benign (though not as good as no ads at all).
Re:Probably not... (Score:5, Insightful)
Except for the people who helped Opera achieve a 700% revenue increase.
Re:Probably not... (Score:5, Interesting)
As for not having any reason to pay for some "unknown" web browser unless it has some amazing features, well, have you considered that the very reason that people do pay for Opera, when there are plenty of free alternatives available, is because it does what it does amazingly well?
Re:Probably not... (Score:4, Interesting)
I hope your post was a deliberate attempt at trolling because, quite frankly, you're an idiot if you believe even one of those is true.
People buy Opera licences because they like the software, they consider it to be of benefit and they consider the $39 cost of a licence money well spent. It's that simple.
Take Firefox's top ten most raved about features. I guarantee you at least half, if not almost all of them, were Opera innovations: tabbed browsing, mouse gestures, pop-up blocking, etc all were developed by Opera first and copied by others later. And, if you want these features in a fast, tightly integrated packaged, Opera still wipes the floor with Firefox, Mozilla, Safari, MSIE and any other browser you care to name.
Re:Probably not... (Score:3, Interesting)
To give you a general overview, Opera does not support the DOM, which means that you can't use javascript to access or manipulate pages very well with it - you can't expect
Re:Probably not... (Score:3, Interesting)
Amazing features is _exactly_ what Opera has:
Re:Probably not... (Score:4, Informative)
They are also the only truly innovative people in the browser market. Without detracting from Mozilla, most of it's killer features have been in Opera for quite some time now.
As well as the notable tabbed browsing and gesture-based browsing, Opera introduced many smaller things that have proven invaluable in my work as a (non-designer) web developer:
Also, the following innovations have definately added to my browsing 'experience'
Finally, anybody who responds to MS bullshit by releasing [opera.com] a Swedish Chef "Bork Bork" edition is a good guy to me.
There are problems - they only recently added the capability to view an SSL cert, and the Java support on FreeBSD is difficult to get working (although that is more a problem with java on FreeBSD than with Opera).
The OSS community needs companies like Opera - how else will we ever get decent gaming
Re:Probably not... (Score:3, Interesting)
Don't get me wrong, Firefox is a great browser still. I recommend it to people, and I have it installed. But I primarily use Opera.
Re:Probably not... (Score:3, Informative)
You should give a free browser and a free extension a try, instead of having a constant banner ad while looking for information or entertainment.
I see enough advertising on tv.
Re:Probably not... (Score:3, Insightful)
The overall message has been, I think, that Internet Explorer isn't the source of the pop-up ads -- it's just the vehicle for the pop-u
Re:Probably not... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Probably not... (Score:4, Interesting)
Misleading FUD. (Score:4, Informative)
It passes the URL on to Google so it can send back relevant ads, that's it. It is not used to track surfing or create a user profile or anything like that. Read the privacy policy.
Some will obviously argue that "Google could be doing this anyway!". Well, so could your ISP in that case. But you aren't being as paranoid about your ISP as you are with Google, are you?
Very minor and infrequent nuisance (Score:3, Informative)
Once in a while, an animated one slips through. When they become aware of it, they will get it stopped (AFIK, the ads are served by advertising.com). I've seen animated ads on maybe 3 occasions in the last 12 months (I average 4 hours on line each day). They never last more than a day and even then the ads get changed out several times an hour. If an ad is distracting, I just create a little window with notepad, and place it over
Re:Probably not... (Score:3, Insightful)
Which is slower and not as easy as Adblock. Most JoeUsers won't know how to modify their hosts file or setup a blocking proxy server, so that is not a very good option. Also, for developers like myself that run a local web server, the local host file would cause 404's instead of actually blocking the ad. Second, a blocking proxy or hosts file will result in _BROKEN_ image links vs. Adblock which _REMOVES_ the image and colapses the HTML a
SEVEN FOLD GROWTH??? (Score:5, Interesting)
Short answer: No. (Score:3, Interesting)
bork bork! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Short answer: No. (Score:4, Insightful)
Not meaning to flame you or anything, but your comment is typical of many that I see any time Opera is mentioned on Slashdot: "I tried Opera x many years ago and it didn't do y properly or I didn't like the way it does z". In almost every case, I find that y and z were either something trivial that a quick change in the preferences could have fixed or something that was changed several versions ago.
You wouldn't try to talk about the Mac platform in an informed manner if you'd used nothing more current than System 7, so why do the same with Opera?
Seriously, I think I could count the number of valid issues that people actually have with Opera's current feature set or user interface with the fingers of one hand after I'd had four of them shot off...
Re:Short answer: No. (Score:5, Interesting)
However, it crashed about once a day on my Redhat workstation and no amount of back and forth with tech support could uncover the problem.
Meanwhile, Mozilla appeared on the scene and got better and better. I would say that today, the Mozilla/Firefox family surpasses Opera in enough ways that Opera doesn't really have a niche like it used to.
I still like some of Opera's UI aspects best, but good old Moz is so stable now that it's a toss-up. Firefox has finally stabilized to where it doesn't crash on me 2-3 times a session, and I'm evaluating it as a replacement for Mozilla. Its font handling seems not as good as Mozilla though. I do dearly miss Opera's style sheet extension that lets you force word wrap on any web page with a simple keystroke.
One thing about Opera that bothered me was that they had a cut-off for owners of the previous version; you had to pay to upgrade. At that I drew the line and see no reason to put any more $ into that product, though I still appreciate their alternativeness and wish them well in their fight against the Microsoft titan.
Re:Short answer: No. (Score:3, Informative)
Well, in that case, use it for 30 days without the banner.
Then, at the end of the 30 days, pay for it if you actually like it.
Re:Short answer: No. (Score:4, Insightful)
CSS support is excellent. Here's there spec sheet:
Feel free to compare that with Firefox and report back to us.
6 one way: "plugins were a hassle"
What plugins are you referring to exactly? You want a hassle? Trying to get a uniform experience out of Firefox. Firefox has let 'extensions' go too far, letting several things that should be in the core application,and UI tested, be thrown to the dogs. You can let extensions change the behavior if you want, but don't make the user jump through hoops on every freaking install.
Let's take the issue of 'tabbed browsing'. Opera brought it to the browser, and it's evolved naturally. It looked like Firefox was going to follow suit, but somehow completely lost sight of what makes it work. I install Firefox at work. Tabs (MDI) is logical. But there is no built-in contsruct to save the tabs as groups (or god-forbid in the unlikely event Firefox crashes the state of the tabs be automatically saved -- standard behavior in Opera). That's an important thing when you allow a user to interact with dozens of information sources under one instance of an application. So now I need an extension. I go trudging off and nothing exists for Firefox 1.0 that seems to fit this bill. Advantage, Opera. But I can live with that... but what about re-arranging tabs? Same problem. I need an extension. Can't find one. P.S: Mozdev? How about a 'Search' button?
NOTE: *I* know these extensions exist, but are they actually compatible from 0.9? And what about those people who don't know they exist? And what about those extensions that actually overlap (and hence, contradict) features?
And finally, let's say I somehow get Firefox behaving logically with respect to tabs and I'm happy. Until I sit down at my co-workers machine and he's got completely different extensions doing similar, but ultimately confusing things.
Sometimes, it's worth a few dollars to have someone else just get it right. Yeah, that's an opinion. Everyone's got one.
Re:Short answer: No. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Short answer: No. (Score:5, Informative)
Actually, there is.
Re: Is there room for a commercial browser (Score:5, Funny)
Still an Opera user... (Score:3, Interesting)
Opera is MUCH faster than Mozilla and FireFox (Score:5, Interesting)
Opera was several times faster than Mozilla. Firefox was about the same as Mozilla. A page that took 10 in Mozilla and Firefox.
All tests were done with local files.
Re:Opera is MUCH faster than Mozilla and FireFox (Score:3, Insightful)
I've got nothing against Firefox, but Opera's responsiveness is worth the money to me.
Re:Opera is MUCH faster than Mozilla and FireFox (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm working on a P3 450MHz PC a lot of the time (running Debian), although I have a 1.8GHz next to it, I do most of my work on here. I try and try Firefox but I just can't live with it, it feels horribly slow compared to Opera.
Definitely with software, there's an aspect of "tricking" the user into thinking the software's fast. I remember reading somewhere about loading times of Linux vs. Windows machines and that there actually wasn't much in it simply because of the
Room for non-free browser on the market (Score:5, Interesting)
Room for a non-free browser? Sure... (Score:5, Interesting)
There's room in the "small embedded" market, such as cell-phones and PDAs, and some vendors that bundle software may prefer a commercial vendor with paid support, especially for things like home-entertainment boxes.
I don't see your typical computer maker shipping a paid-for browser unless they get a REALLY GOOD DEAL, but I do see them shipping a mozilla-based browser.
Yes of course (Score:5, Insightful)
Rivers, lakes and rain are all free. Bottled water is a $5 billion industry.
Re:Yes of course (Score:4, Interesting)
Some of us like our water clean.
So, you'll instead have BOTTLED tapwater?
Check out those little notices with 2 pt font on the bottles...more than a few of them say somewhere "Water source: Municipal water plant of Detroit".
Actually, there are multiple results on various research projects that state that your standard tapwater is usually better than any of those bottled ones. Some study stated that the municipal tap water of New York was cleaner (fewer bacteria, fewer toxins) than something like 95% of the bottled water products...
Also, check out the Penn&Teller's Bullshit [amazon.com] episode on bottled water.
Re:Yes of course (Score:3, Informative)
That is hardly a fair comparison considering New York has the best water in of any city in the entire world. Engineers from around the world travel to New York each year to learn how New York created their system and it is the benchmark that all other city's water is measured from.
Re:Yes of course (Score:3, Insightful)
uhmmm... WRONG ! [washingtonpost.com] or did I miss the joke?
Ok (Score:4, Funny)
is there room for a non-free browser in the market?
If not, what are they selling? Office furniture on eBay?
From an Opera user's perspective (Score:5, Interesting)
At some point I'd used it enough that I figured it was worth paying some back, so I registered it (ironically, it looked wierd at first without the single ad block). Best $40 I've spent on software.
I haven't had to pay for an upgrade since then, and I've installed it on my computer at work, my laptop, and my new desktop. At some point I may have to kick down again and I'll probably do it, just like I bought Doom I after playing the hell out of it.
I've used Mozilla a little bit, but it was back when it was way more kludgy than I hear firefox is. I know that I could get a gesture patch and all, but I guess I'm happy with the way Opera handles just about everything (though I still have to load ol' IE to get at my bank's web page and my work's exchange server).
I appreciate the benefits of open source, and at some point I'll probably migrate to Firefox (at the very least it's good to know that if Opera goes under I have a great alternative). But for now, that's one for-profit organization that is building a very good piece of software and has brought some serious innovation to the browser world - I, for one, hope they are able to stick around...
Re:From an Opera user's perspective (Score:3, Insightful)
People say that iTMS is worth paying for because, while you could *find* the same music for "free," it's nice to be able to go and download stuff that just works, sounds good, etc. Opera is the same thing.
I've seen on this discussion already three extensions I would need to get to make Firefox have features that Opera a
Re:From an Opera user's perspective (Score:3, Insightful)
It is quite ironic, then, that Opera is actually a smaller download than Firefox, even with all these features (including mail, chat, rss and newsgroups!) included... ;)
And Opera isn't slow at all, even with all these features! On slow systems, it is very noticeable. Opera is much faster and more responsive than other browsers.
As an Opera user (Score:3, Insightful)
Once FF has extensions for it all, then, yeah, Opera is probably toast. However, until then, as another user pointed out, Opera will be like bottled water to the lakes, rivers, etc of IE, FF, et al.
Re:As an Opera user (Score:3, Insightful)
Mouse gestures? Put into the browser first by Opera. Tabs? Likewise. Extensive keyboard navigation? Oh, what a surprise. Revolutionary email sorting system? Opera, of course. Code that rewrites pages so they work better on small screens? Opera. Pop-up ad supression? Opera.
Opera's still my favorite (Score:5, Interesting)
I recently tried Firefox 1.0 and I still like Opera better. Firefox has tabs, but I couldn't put them at the bottom of the screen. And with Opera I can have two sites open -- one with pictures on and one with pictures off -- at the same time.
And there's a buttom on every window (or "tab") that lets me switch between "author" mode and "user" mode. That means if I come across a website that has say yellow text on a white background I can press this button and it'll change to black text on a white background.
I expect firefox will increase Opera usage (Score:3, Insightful)
As firefox gains in popularity, web developers will have to start writing compatable HTML/JS/etc. and as a result life will become easier for the opera users out there.
Opera is the best , but I recently swtiched to FF (Score:5, Informative)
Opera is the slickest browser out there. The interface is great and the features have lots of little subtle twists that make them much better than plugins in Firefox.
Opera also has killer caching that provides instant forward/back ( I mean INSTANT ) through recently visted pages.
But I recently switched to Firefox. So my bet is Opera is toast.
Why did I switch? Compatability. More pages take Mox/FF into account. Like my Bank and Gmail for 2 that are important to me.
Talk to an Opera Zealot or Opera developer and the answer has always been the same. The site is serving bad pages to Opera. And this is generally true. Using a proxy tool to spoof firefox in Opera many of the pages did indeed work, but this is a clumsy solution. Unfortunately the Opera line remains the same. Users should fight to change the bad pages.
Where in my view a true firefox emulation/spoofing mode would go a long way to making Opera more workable.
But I have finally conluded that this is not going to happen. And that Firefox is finally there with the features and compatability intersection that makes it my current browser choice. It is compatible enough, and has features enough.
Opera is now Toast for me.
RIP Opera. I really wish they could have made more effort to handle errant pages than simply telling users to change the world. I will miss the Opera way.
Re:Opera is the best , but I recently swtiched to (Score:3, Informative)
Almost all browser sniffing ignores Operas spoof light and queries to find out it is in fact Opera.
"With all due respect, you really haven't got a clue how hard this is until you try and do it yourself. It's not a case of handling HTML"
If clues were shoes... Well shoeless Joe. I never said this was a solution to every page. But for my browsing I never use IE. Firefox now handles every page I visit. Opera doesn't.
Here is
Re:There is no such thing as "compatible with oper (Score:3, Informative)
You have to have a lot of expertise and/or great brains to code XSLT really good.
Mobile devices (Score:5, Informative)
Firefox doesn't run on mobile phones yet, so I figure Opera has a niche there.
Alternatively, I will buy the first phone to ship with the Gecko rendering engine in its web browser.
Opera Still Rules (Score:5, Interesting)
And let's not forget that Opera pioneered many of the features we've come to love, and apparently continues to do so.
Re:Best CSS support? (Score:3, Interesting)
In Opera, the sections are numbered. In Firefox, they are not.
Opera is Like BeOS (Score:5, Interesting)
Opera (Score:3, Informative)
A lot of people claim Opera's problem is they can't complete with Free. Well, I use Opera's free version. Whats the problem? Opera's customizable interface blows Firefox away. In UI, Firefox is no competition to Opera. Speed? Nope, Opera is still far better.
Don't get me wrong, I love Firefox too, but Opera in my opinion has a far superior usability. Firefox just renders more websites. Every product has it's pluses and minuses. I use both, but if it renders in Opera, then I use Opera.
Using it... (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, have adds, yes, have some compatibility problems, dont have the extensions that Firefox/Mozilla have, yes, is not open source (to differenciate with "free", as you can get it without spending money).
In the other hand, is pretty stable (well, using 7.6 beta 2, i can leave some room for problems), it displays slashdot pretty well (with firefox, sometimes the content move to the black area on the right, a problem that had also Tikiwiki as explained here [tikiwiki.org]), it loads FAST and is pretty compact, the ads are text based (bit dependant on content like gmail ones, and i could re-register if want them off), have a good mail client, it have even a good rss reader integrated, and surely have some other nice features that i dont explored yet. Uh, and of course, gmail works with it pretty well.
Why that last switch? Installed firefox 1.0 RPM from SuSE [suse.com] and started to have problems (well, the right col bug problem was there from some time), firefox sometimes dont load (have to kill the task to retry), sometimes load, but don't display anything on browser's window (seems to work, just not show) and sometimes works. Of course, had to reinstall most themes/extensions, and somewhat between 1.0rc and 1.0 decided to disable the open of new windows from web pages.
I could had try to install another/newer rpm or from other format, clean configurations and try without extensions/themes, and so on... but too i can play a bit more with Opera and leave that test for later.
About opera's "market share", well, that seem to run well in the embedded market. Being small, with low requirements, fast and multiplataform enough are good advantages there and where hardware is not at the top. And for normal desktops still is a good alternative.
Opera Loss vs. Firefox Growth? (Score:4, Informative)
Opera's main income is from the embedded market, and Firefox is nowhere to be seen there. Besides, Opera's losses are due to hiring more people to keep up with demand. They recently started porting Opera to Windows Mobile.
In conclusion, Opera's losses are expected since they have to hire to keep up with demand, and Firefox is largely irrelevant since it is not available for mobile phones.
Based on the US Markets 90 day approach (Score:5, Informative)
Company is European. (Nordic if I remember correctly). Typically European businesses, in particular German companies (I studied International Business and German in collge) tend to have an out look of 15 years. If there are a couple off quaters or even off years finicailly because of marketing or R&D expenses, then typically that is expected and over the long term one should come out ahead. Classic example: European Steel industry putting in efficent plants and equipement. Hell of an up front cost, but here 30 years later when energy prices have increased, put a hurt on the inneffecient US steel industry.
Boeing usually goes to Japan to finace projects like the 777 because Japan has almost a life time "Where do we want to be in 50 years" approach.
Not to say all good/bad/indeffierent, but too often US companies slash marketing and R&D to improve quarterly or yearly numbers and find themselves out of business 5 or 10 years down the road because someone else with forsight developed the better mouse trap or marketing trap.
Browsername spoofing (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Browsername spoofing (Score:3, Insightful)
opera is the better porn browser (Score:3, Insightful)
i'm really not trying to insult anyone, but i have two good reasons why i use opera for porn surfing.
1) opera has this cool feature called "next". if you go to a gallery with a bunch of photos, you can just hit space bar or click "next" to automagically go to the next hot pic. this avoids the complexity of maneuvering the mouse, hitting the "back" button, and clicking on the next thumbnail. when you spend time looking at a whole lot of porn, this really speeds things up.
2) no-one ever looks at your opera cache/history for porn.
A little perspective. (Score:5, Interesting)
Oh boy. twenty different object orientated frameworks and and and. About 1 million lines of code. (I know that's an underestimate).
Never thought anybody would be crazy enough to actually pick up that stuff and run with it.
Too much of a coward myself.
It's a *lot* harder to tear down something and keep it sane than to rewrite. But the firefox crew
(much to my great admiration) managed to do just that. We know it's tough guys. You did a great job. Hope you manage to resurrect composer too...
It's nice to know that great software engineering is alive and well. (Guess what browser I'm using).
Sorry to the Opera people, but the honest truth is that when you insisted on advertising in your browser we all instinctively thought spyware, malware other stuff. You should have reacted to how the world has changed if you wanted to stay in the running...
Re:A little perspective. (Score:3, Informative)
Composer is actually being worked on by Daniel Glazman [glazman.org] as a standalone product called Nvu [nvu.com].
Paying for software is fine (Score:3, Interesting)
Firefox and IE's achilles heel (Score:4, Informative)
Damn. (Score:3, Insightful)
Everyone has been mentioning the superior featureset of Opera, saying its innovative, listing things like good CSS support, the instant back/forward caching, but they forgot one!
Auto-refresh! This is the best feature EVER you can set a page to refresh every N seconds, do you know how useful that is for forum whores and the like?
Re:it's worth something (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Room for a non-free browser? No. (Score:3, Interesting)