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Comment Actually I think AI is ruining job searches (Score 1) 49

I've noticed that AI is used to filter resumes, but I found the tactic pretty much as bad or worse than many recruiters themselves that do not understand the position or requirements of the job they are searching for candidates for.

I mean I don't put it all on AI. People are terrible and creating resumes. I've met guys who after looking at their resume and them meeting them. It was night and day. (both ways) The resume was awful, but the person was incredible smart and very technical. I mean to the level of Einstein putting his shoes on the wrong foot type terrible resumes. Of course, vise versa also, but those are the people who get a swift exit from the Interview process and their name enter the liars list.

Anyhow. Just like what I consider the Chat Bot AI fail, so is AI resume searching. Good resumes get passed up and bad ones float to the top. This is like asking AI to pick your investment portfolio or worse. Listening to financial media sites for your investment advise. You are going to lose while they make money off your for futile efforts because you thought it was a good idea to listen to them.

The only thing I ever found valuable from LinkedIn is LinkedIn providing a constant source of people trying to sell me IT products or services that I don't want or need. I finally just purged my LinkedIn account. Good riddance.

Comment This isn't a new idea, just a new application (Score 1) 48

Using crypto schemes to create a capital pool is like when Michael Milken started creating junk bonds in the 80s for companies that couldn't secure financing.

You're basically dumping money into something / ***someone*** that you have no knowledge of or understanding of. Might as well be one of those guys who ran to Wall Street Bets subreddit and threw their money into GME and prayed they didn't get screwed. Most of them took it up the rear sideways, but hey. Throw your money into something you don't understand can sometimes play off.

I use the term *sometimes* loosely.

Comment Re:Roll your own server (Score 1) 109

In today's environment of increased cyber attacks, I cannot support this recommendation. Securing Internet facing services is a real issue these days. I've never really been a fan of outsourcing to 3rd parties for these types of services, but there are cases today where I do use them.

Email is definitely one of those cases. Email is one of the most highly attacked services and securing an email server is a full time job and hence why I believe using a high profile email service is a good idea because they have a full-time security staff defending that service.

While I still do host some email servers, they are mainly relay hosts that do not accept incoming mail and SMTP connections.

This is definitely a work smart, not hard situation.

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