Kill Bill, IBM vs Microsoft 560
theodp writes "Though IBM did not invent Linux, does not distribute it and earns nary a penny on it, the computer giant is spending billions in a crusade to make Linux the world's most popular operating system. All told, more than 12,000 IBMers today devote at least part of their time to Linux. To hear IBMers tell it, all this effort is a matter of giving more choices to customers tired of the Microsoft monopoly. But according to Forbes, IBM has a broader agenda--undermining Bill Gates' company in the battle for a new $21 billion market for Web-linked software."
Eureka! Endorsements! (Score:5, Funny)
Maybe that's what Linux needs to cross over as a mainstream desktop OS? Celebrity endorsements!
Imagine ads featuring Colin Farrell beating up his Windows PC and putting out cigarettes on the keyboard! A Dawson's Creek ripoff where Katie Holmes's "private, amateur photography" gets lifted off her computer through because she happened to be running an unpatched IIS, part of the default Windows 2000 installation.
Or, best of all, Snoop Dogg chillin' with a bunch of penguins in his own language resource center, showing them all kinds of shizzle on his Thinkpad laptop running KDE.
Re:Eureka! Endorsements! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Eureka! Endorsements! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Eureka! Endorsements! (Score:5, Funny)
He could be a national icon, like mickey mouse or toucan sam.
The question is, what kind of voice would he have? A swedish accent? bork bork bork?
Re:Eureka! Endorsements! (Score:5, Interesting)
No, really. Somebody find a link (bonus points if you can find an MP3 of the song).
Re:Eureka! Endorsements! (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Eureka! Endorsements! (Score:4, Informative)
You can use swfextract from swftools [quiss.org] to extract the audio track from a flash file.
Re:Eureka! Endorsements! (Score:5, Informative)
Both Flash and Real are available for Linux, if you don't want to use them, don't complain because the option is there
*Linux versions of these players are available. Get the free Linux plug-ins for Macromedia Flash [macromedia.com] and RealPlayer [real.com].
Marketing genius (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Marketing genius (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Marketing genius (Score:5, Interesting)
OS/2 actually IS pretty dead now, but it's not because it was technically inferior. Up to 1999, it still was better than anything MS could put out. Serenity Systems puts out a nice variant that blows Warp 4 and e-Business out of the water, but a little company can only do so much. The PowerPC port eliminated what little technical difficulties OS/2 Warp had. It was exceptional. Therefore, IBM simply had to kill it.
Fortunately, even IBM couldn't kill Linux singlehandedly. They could kill their own Linux business, but Linux will go on. God knows why IBM hasn't gone the way of DEC yet. I guess it's their advertising budget.
IBM survival explained (Score:5, Insightful)
Sure OS/2 has now lost. Simplest reason? It became isolated, just try to find a programmer for OS/2.
But their hardware continues to be very very good. Maybe not the best maybe not the fastest but simply good. Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM is still true. Sure people do get fired for going over budget and buying IBM is a sure way of doing that but there are still enough places that can afford IBM's prices.
They also supply one thing nobody else does. A world wide total solution provider. If you have something to do with computers were ever you are IBM can help you.
And here this IBM ad ends.
Re:IBM survival explained (Score:4, Insightful)
But, maybe the marketing was a failure, even IBM did not realise at first how ruthless Sir Bill can be. The same thing will of course happen to Sun, when the time is right. Anyone who does business with the Criminal Monopoly, bearing in mind their consistent past history, will get what they deserve for being so stupid. The Criminal Monopoly will turn on Sun, and attempt to destroy them, as part of their plan to destroy Unix. They will of course also turn on the SCOundrel when his task is complete, or more likely when he fails to complete it.
The only complaint I had about OS/2 was the installation, from a huge pile of floppies, but that was simply because most PCs did not have a CD-ROM drive at that time. It was rock solid, and noticeably faster than Windoze 3.1, DOS compatability excellent. I did notice that OS/2 appeared to know how to use a SCSI drive properly, Windoze never did, until maybe 2000.
But, the Monopolist, who already at that time was flouting the law, decided to sabotage IBM's efforts. I am surprised that there was no legal action they could take at the time, maybe breach of contract.
Re:Marketing genius (Score:4, Interesting)
I wonder if they can get certified in Nevada, which is much more stringent.
Re:Marketing genius (Score:4, Interesting)
I agree with your first statement, however, OS/2 had much more going for it than being an SNA gateway. It was robust from 91 onward, hardly ever crashing, unlike the ubiquitous BSOD for windows users of all stripes (except for NT 3.1, which was relatively rock-stable, but had no apps). I had uptimes on the order of 9 months, the longest I remember, because I had an update to the kernel to address a specific issue with X-windows client software I was running. This machine ran a variety of services, and for all intents and purposes was much like any unix system of its time, perhaps better than most, certainly for the money.
The last thing I should mention is that after about 3 years of running the os as a mail server, ftp server, and running many large scale models on it (it had 2GB of hard drive space, incredibly large in those days, not even sufficient to load XP these days): a defrag utility came out for OS/2. I remember running it on the data drive, sure the 1GB partition would be fragged to hell and back. After all, my NT 3.5x and NT 4 running colleagues defragged weekly at least on the same hardware! Imagine my surprise when the report came back < 4% fragmentation. HPFS was a great file system. Ahhh, the memories.
Do it while their backs are turned! (Score:5, Interesting)
Best quote from the article... "While IBM's products run on Windows, it wants its customers to see how nicely they would run on Linux as well, using the free operating system as a lure. "[It's] Like getting free bread in a restaurant," says Irving Wladawsky-Berger, vice president of technology and strategy at IBM.."
Re:Do it while their backs are turned! (Score:5, Funny)
I think he means free beer in a bar!
Re:Do it while their backs are turned! (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Do it while their backs are turned! (Score:4, Interesting)
MS wanted to sell more OSes so they shot their partner IBM in the back by openly supporting the clone companies in their dos and windows products. But in order for MS to make any money they had to keep x86 software commodity or risk facing the same troubles as Apple does. So in the end all the hardware makers are sharecroppers to MS OS.
Now that all that hardware is out there, cheap designed to basically run one program it's time to replace the most expensive single part--MS Windows!!! MS took the PC market away from IBM and they've basically given up. They make hardware, not OSes...MS took that market away. So their OS vendor can be anybody now!!! Given the sizable sales of IBM and how much power they have over the server room it's surprising this hasnt' happened sooner!
IBM is in perfect position... they alone have the equal monopolistic power to fight MS at it's own game and walk away unscathed...after all, PC sales are only a small part of IBM's overall business. Changes to MS licensing can't hurt them very much....and IBM has the lawyers to PUNISH any retaliation by MS because IBM is just 1 customer and MS is a monopoly they can't fight back!!!
Re:Do it while their backs are turned! (Score:3, Funny)
Hence free bread in a restaurant.
Re:Do it while their backs are turned! (Score:3, Insightful)
Similarly, when you buy an IBM product, you are paying for linux, because they are working on linux and it's just part of IBM's overhead. Even if you buy an RS6k with AIX :)
Re:Do it while their backs are turned! (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Do it while their backs are turned! (Score:4, Informative)
Oh, and tone down the damn caps already It's so 80s.
Re:Do it while their backs are turned! (Score:5, Insightful)
Bzzzt! Sorry, thanks for playing. All of RedHat's software is released under the GPL. What you are bitching about is the support contract.
Go IBM (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Go IBM (Score:5, Informative)
Now the tables have turned, IBM is looking to take down MS, thus correcting my blindness, and it's the primary reason I'm an IBM fan now. I don't know if IBM has *really* changed their ways but they walk the walk and talk the talk so I'll back them. That said, there's a big difference between IBM and MS, IBM was *NEVER* actually convicted of being a monopolist, the DOJ dropped the case in the 80s.
Re:Go IBM (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Go IBM (Score:5, Interesting)
I liked OS/2. Hell, I *loved* it. After messing around with Windows 3.1s slIP support, and the mess that it was, OS/2 was like a dream. The shell was replaceable, and as easy to swap as renaming the file. The PPP support was excellent, and the TCPIP stack was a hell of a lot more robust than the kludgy win3.1.
But it was shit with games. You had to hope for ports or use tricks to make them run.
That didn't bother me a heck of a lot, but it make being an OS/2 evangelist hard. IBMs lack of support didn't help either.
But now they see the chance to give the bully in the playground the proverbial wedgie, and they're building up a force of little guys to help them.
And from the looks of it, they're doing a bang up job. Go IBM! For tomorrow we will scorn you for your success!
Re:Go IBM (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Go IBM (Score:4, Insightful)
Unfortunately Sir Bill demonstrates on a daily basis that he is incapable of learning anything, it will take at least a jail sentence before he mends his ways.
It is unfortunate that US law appears not to have the necessary power, if the Monopoly trial had been in the UK, Bill would never have become a Sir, because he, and several others, would have gone to jail for perjury and contempt of court, and maybe some conspiracy charges also.
Re:Why Slashdotters like IBM (Score:4, Insightful)
IBM did not need Linux (Score:4, Insightful)
Nowhere else to turn? IBM had its own robust well respected and trusted version of Unix called AIX. IBM did not need Linux, IBM merely found Linux convenient. Just like the majority of Linux users, they are not motivated by a hatred of Microsoft, they just want a low-cost Unix box and find Linux convenient.
Re:Why Slashdotters like IBM (Score:5, Insightful)
As someone else has pointed out, IBM has figured out that software commoditization is well underway and that soon there won't be any money to be made from COTS--a fact that Microsoft seems either to be oblivious to or afraid to acknowledge. So of course IBM embracing F/OSS is mostly a pragmatic move on their part. I don't see anyone here posting that they think IBM is doing it out of the goodness of their heart.
Most people that I've seen are glad that IBM is supporting F/OSS, but that doesn't mean that they implicitly trust them. Get real.
Re:Go IBM (Score:3, Insightful)
They gave the PC OS market away to Bill Gates. They gave the PC to anyone who wanted to clone it. How much would a PC cost today if it wasnt for IBM deciding that releasing the PC instead of drag in court for years?
I like IBM and i dont know why there are so many people whining about them. They have handled their position on the top eons better than MS have done.
Re:Go IBM (Score:4, Informative)
IIRC, they wanted the basic components of the PC to be mass produced by anyone and therefore dirt cheap, but wanted to retain control of the architecture through the copyright they held on the BIOS.
Worked well until Compaq reverse engineered a legitimate version of the BIOS, and others like Phoenix followed.
(ps. A quick Google to check my memory reveals that a company called Columbia Data Products produced a clean room version of the BIOS shortly before Compaq in '82).
Re:Go IBM (Score:3, Insightful)
The reason IBM decided not to press charges against the clones was the fact that they wore under close scrutiny by the DOJ. Pretty much the same situation where MS decided to thumb their nose at them and integrate even more things into MS Windows.
If anything IBM have been much less snea
Absofuckinglutly (Score:5, Funny)
I prefer my evil to come from a company with a long history of evil. IBM got the history. Would you trust some tiny little upstart or a company that is now in its 3rd century of spreading Fear, Uncertainty and Denial? MS is still learning Slight-anxiety, Bit-of-doubt and Feeble-counter-argument.
Also the penguin logo is so much cooler. You can make him cute and cuddly or a fearsome killer penguin.
MS got some four colored thingy and a butterfly. Tsk. Might as well use a fruit and really show what kinda customers you expect to attract.
Anyone else find it humorous that MS logo is a bug?
What evil hardware monopoly? (Score:4, Interesting)
Now the dominant archtecture is the one that IBM pretty much gave away (yes, I remember there were lawsuits). Apple is hanging on, and the others are gone. The final blow to IBM dominance was when they tried a closed architecture with the self-administered nut-job of the PS/2 bus. (I owned a Model 50.) IBM is a lot of things, but hardware monopolist isn't it.
Off course they're making money (Score:5, Interesting)
They sell a lot that makes money off linux (Score:3, Interesting)
They also have a powerful operating system to use with putting not nearly the effort needed for their own proprietary OS with that kind of power.
Re:Off course they're making money (Score:5, Insightful)
The article points out that this is a high-risk gamble because IBM's agressive feeding of the OSS movement may be sowing the seeds of their failure. MySQL and JBoss are two excellent examples of how OSS can undercut IBM's own or partners' products. Although only the really large firms can afford in-house experts to boot-strap them in these technologies, those are excatly the cash cows IBM would like to benefit from under this strategy. Are they looking more downmarket?
At the end of the day, succeed or fail, IBM has done a world of good for the anti-MS, pro OSS, pro-Linux movements. I consider that a Good Thing(tm). It would be nice if it worked out for IBM too but, hey as someone who works in those areas, I'll win either way.
Re:Off course they're making money (Score:3, Insightful)
does this mean.. (Score:3, Interesting)
News? (Score:5, Funny)
What? You say IBM has an agenda? They don't support Linux just to spread peace and love and free software? Quick, stop the presses!!!
Re:News? (Score:3, Insightful)
Market "Standards" (Score:5, Interesting)
Wrong. (Score:3, Funny)
IBM Web Apps vs. Microsoft .NET (Score:5, Insightful)
If IBM wanted to kill windows (Score:5, Insightful)
Microsoft still gets most of its strength from vendor lock based on windows.
Give people an alternative desktop that asks no sacarfice on their part and you kill the giant.
IBM has the resources to do this.
Re:If IBM wanted to kill windows (Score:5, Interesting)
1. Microsoft still weilds power through vendor lock based on windows in the government and enterprise level businesses.
2. If IBM reduces Microsoft's power by reducing
the use of Windows then Microsoft has less
power/resources to compete with them in
the server/networking/government/business
The beauty of it is that IBM doesn't have to build an entire operating system or even an entire desktop.
They can build a few miscellaneous apps and release them under the GPL.
Microsoft could try to punish them, but once the apps were out under the GPL MS would not be able to get rid of them.
more to it (Score:3, Interesting)
2 of the computer industry giants are squaring off, I wonder who will win if they get in to a no hold back fight, could be fun to watch.
In 2004.... (Score:5, Funny)
The fifth ad campaign by Quentin Tarantino.
Starring David Carradine [imdb.com] as Bill Gates
Michael Madsen [imdb.com] as Steve Ballmer
Uma Thurman [imdb.com] as The Bride (Tove Torvalds, avenging her dead husband Linus, her reign of bloody revenge sponsored by IBM)
and Chiaki Kuriyama [imdb.com] as Gogo NT, the prototype Microsoft Killing App. (because really, when you're dealing with this stuff, you need a killer android, preferably Japanese in a schoolgirl outfit, for the sheer surrealism factor.)
pretty decent article (Score:5, Insightful)
Sounds like IBM's ROI could be higher if their marketing were smarter. Then again, does it matter to OS if HP gets more Linux business than IBM does?
Re:pretty decent article (Score:5, Insightful)
That's a bit of an artifical segment though, isn't it? IBM do heavy virtualisation in their OS390 range (err...z series or whatever badge they want to slap on it today), then there's the AS/400s and the POWER range of chips and servers...much more to IBM's push than knocking out dual-Opteron web servers.
I'm not at all surprised the cheaper x86 box shifters sell more than IBM do. Cheap box shifting isn't what IBM is about.
Cheer now.. cry later (Score:5, Insightful)
They are not doing this out of kindness, and if IBM can take advantage of the situation down the road, they will.
Just be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
Kill Bill (Score:5, Funny)
(Apologies to Tarantino)
Free as in beer (Score:5, Interesting)
+ Even if it gets 99% marketshare: no anti-monopoly lawsuits.
+ Total control: build in whatever feature you need for your business.
+ Cheap: concentrate on what YOU need, let somebody else write a driver for that USB toothbrush.
Re:Free as in beer (Score:4, Funny)
Honestly, I thought you had to be kidding with that one...
Both Sides (Score:5, Insightful)
If and until IBM adopts Linux across the board themselves, it appears that they're talking out of both sides of their mouth. This came up before, and a number of IBMers said that it was impossible to get off of Microsoft entirely, mostly due to Windows specific apps (such as MS Project)--that may be so, but then how do you reasonably expect the rest of the world to adopt Linux?
And it's bullshit anyways--I understand IBM to have more than a few of their own coders. With enough will, you could rewrite the apps that you need, and then release them back to the OSS community, and the world will indeed thank you for making a migration from MS possible, for themselves as well.
Frankly, it'd be like going to Apple and finding that they all use Vaios. Hint: they don't. They do use MS applications, but they do so on Macs, like Office. And those that don't work on Macs--like the POS system for their retail stores--they port so that they do. What do you think would happen to sales of Macs if the you walked in and saw an IBM POS at the checkout counter at the Apple Store?
IBM has the opportunity and the resources to make their migration from Windows to OSS fodder for whitepapers and PR for decades to come. It's illustrative that they haven't yet, and I think it's a cautionary tale for any other company considering the same move.
Re:Both Sides (Score:3, Interesting)
If they and everyone else adopt Linux across the board, we'd just have another monopoly (albeit a much better one IMHO). IBM is promoting Linux as a matter of choice -- users should not be monopolized by one company; they should be able to choose what software they want to run.
Lots of reasons IBM is pushing this (Score:5, Interesting)
Federal: for years Sun, SGI, MS and select other companies (including IBM) have had a hold on the federal sector. IBM wants a much bigger piece of that pie as they see $$$$ there. They see their WebSphere and DB2 pillars as major ROI in this sector to the point that they are practically giving the HW away for free if you go the WAS/DB2
Commericial/Corp: MS on the desktop and probably a heterogeous backend network. Does IBM think they can surplant MS on the corporate desktop? Not if they continue to use Lotus notes, et. al. IMHO. MS has them beat there, but could there be a major rework or even junking of those tools with existing OSS projects? I don't know the answer here, but by at least getting Linux in the backend, they protect themselves against a full corporate MS monopoly.
Plus there has always been an uneasy interaction between some of the IBM products and the MS OS. I remember that patching Windows 2000 with a hotfix actually did something to the Windows kernel that prevented IHS (IBM's repackaging of apache) server from running smoothly. IBM would them have to patch IHS to get it working again. I suspect that they didn't really care for those types of tug-a-wars, intentional or not.
"makes nary a penny"? (Score:5, Insightful)
Has IBM ever made money on an operating system? I thought it was generally understood that IBM's business was selling "solutions"; the whole kit - hardware, services, support, customization, consulting.
Does OS400 run on an IBM AS390 mainframe? (serious question!)
An operating system is just part of the package for IBM - they obviously like Linux for small/medium business environments; people are probably less scared of Linux than AIX/OS400/etc, since there is probably more (and cheaper) non-IBM support for Linux based solutions. I guess in that sense, Linux is the Windows of the Unix world as far as support goes - everyone and their dog knows it.
Whether it's running Linux or not, you're still going to pay through the nose for an IBM kit. I honestly can't see how spending money/resources on Linux could be directly aimed at Microsoft any more than if they spent it on AIX. Perhaps Linux just gives them more bang for buck and makes business sense?
no shit, sherlock (Score:5, Insightful)
But according to Forbes, IBM has a broader agenda...
Yes. This is because IBM is what we call a "company" which exists to make money. Obviously there's a profit motive. This isn't some dark secret.
I'll say this about the article, though, it's pretty good for a Lyons piece. Looks like he finally was able to dig his head out of his ass.
Register Device Drivers (Score:5, Interesting)
It really wouldn't make a dent in IBM's Linux budget to provide drivers for the most common peripherals attached to their registers. They need to do it now, or Embedded XP (which is not a bad product) is going to become entrenched, and so continue Microsoft's rise in the POS operating system space.
Re:Register Device Drivers (Score:5, Funny)
Doesn't MS already have the lead in the Piece O' Sh*t operating system space?
Oh you mean Point Of Sale... oops my bad.
Re:Register Device Drivers (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Register Device Drivers (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Register Device Drivers (Score:3, Informative)
Handheld scanner
Flatbed scanner
2x20 customer display
Cash drawer
PIN pad
You're right. Many of these are serial devices. But most retailers and most ISVs have gone down the path of allowing the hardware supplier to write the drivers (OPOS, or JavaPOS, or other) with the result that if such drivers don't exist, the retailers and ISVs no longer have the expertise in house to write them.
IBM does have such expertise, and while it may be harder for them to write a driver for a Sym
I could be wrong but... (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually, none of this was new to me except that I didn't realized all of this was happening on such a grand scale! I've seen the TV ads but it just didn't register to me that it was costing them loads of money... (of course it does... I just don't think about it)
I agree that Microsoft should be taken down to the point that they actually have to work and toil to make a good product but it makes me wonder if IBM thinks it can control Linux. Could they be that stupid?
So IBM doesn't care what platform it runs its wares and services on. They make loads of money on their service contracts. I should hope that their business model doesn't change. If it doesn't then the Linux community has nothing to fear at all in my opinion.
Still, it would be interesting to know what portion of this effort stems from simple and pure hatred of Microsoft. Microsoft screwed IBM more than once in the past...
IBM, HP and DELL (Score:5, Insightful)
IBM are pro Linux whereas DELL and HP are selling Linux just to keep certain customers happy but are ultimately MS puppies.
"HP recommends Microsoft Windows XP for business" is all too often in adverts for their hardware and they couldn't be more in each other's pockets (HP and MS). But this is business and HP and DELL will do whatever it is that makes them the most money without putting themselves in 'jeopardy'.
Whereas IBM has a history of conflict with MS and are in no way trying to keep in the MS good books. Linux is the perfect vehicle for them to sell services and at the same time disrupt the MS server (and soon desktop) monopoly.
When a company advertises Linux on TV you know they are serious about it.
Good for them.
Re:IBM, HP and DELL (Score:3, Funny)
IBM's next commercial:
May I have your attention please?
Will the real Linus Torvalds please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Linus Torvalds please stand up?
We're gonna have a problem here...
Canopus Research? (Score:4, Insightful)
"IBM's Linux pitch is either stupid or insincere. I think it's a little bit of both. It's not a sensible strategy for IBM in the long run," Zachmann says.
I wonder if we can see any biases in Canopus [canopusresearch.com] research?
Please dont feed the troll that is Forbes/Lyons (Score:5, Interesting)
Daniel Lyons of Frobes is up there with Laura Didio and Rob Enderle when it comes to having a clue about anything. These people are mostly pens for hire who will do or say anything to make a buck. I would highly encourage the Slashdot editors to put these people on ignore.
Nary a penny? (Score:5, Insightful)
Linux moving to replace AIX (Score:5, Informative)
I am not so sure about that. In 2001 Thomas Schenk's article compared Linux with AIX [ibm.com] and found it wanting in terms of enterprise support. Clearly Linux has come a long way since then.
In 2003, Steve Mills, senior vice president of IBM's Software Group said Linux is the logical successor to AIX [com.com]
For the customers, it sure would be nice not to have to pay AIX licensing fees.
WTF? IBM is making billions from Linux (Score:3, Informative)
All technology eventually becomes a commodity (Score:5, Interesting)
Of cource, thats all in the article... but I like the way I said it better. I've been reading about successfully manageing business in a changing market, by understanding the process in which a new technology becomes a commodity.
Psst. Hey, IBM! It is already a Windows World. (Score:4, Insightful)
Web-linked software? Linked to what? Probably XAML and Avalon, thats what. IBM's got 50 customers like Munich? They would need 50,000 like that to make Redmond sweat. I know that Microsoft is hated here, but SOMEBODY is spending that money on them. (best quarter ever)
Sooner or later, some smart company is going to understand how Microsoft makes all that damn money, and stop telling themselves that they can win by just changing the rules.
The rules are:
Own the desktop
Provide the best-of-breed apps for that desktop
Own the developers who support that desktop
Own the contracts with those who supply those desktops
Leverage the desktop in every other market
Club competitors over the head with your 50+billion until they run to new markets and stop competing in yours.
Die Rich.
What really scares M$... (Score:4, Interesting)
Laszlo has it working now, and the apps run in 98% of the computers and devices hooked to the internet today. All IBM needs to do is add the final piece of the software stack together with DB/2, WebSphere, Linux and the client (Laszlo) then both
Evil Redux (Score:5, Insightful)
People want to get rid of Microsoft, or at least greatly decrease their power, so much so (and to a large extent for good reason) that you can't see that IBM will take their place in a heartbeat if they can.
Many of you may be too young to remember the days when "no one ever got fired for buying IBM" because IBM ruled the computing world, flat out. Hell, *I* don't even remember those days personally, but I've heard the stories from people that were there, and IBM was in most ways just as bad as Microsoft. They used pressure sales tactics, made deals with companies that weren't in anyones' best interests but their own, and generally didn't play fair in many instances. They'll pull the same tactics out of their hate and monopolize the world just as surely as Microsoft has, first chance they get.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. IBM is setting themselves up to again prove that cliche true, and so many people don't have a problem with it because Microsoft is the defeated other party.
Be careful what you ask for folks... you just might get it.
Re:Evil Redux (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, If I think that IBM is getting too big for its britches I can go talk to HP, Dell, or for that matter Red Hat or Suse. To be a dictator you have to have absolute power. With Linux no one can ever have absolute power. I will always have choices, up to and including rolling my own distro if need be. The only way now to give someone like IBM absolute power is to sign your company's life away with a comprehensive support contract, and no one is forcing you to do that.
Re:Evil Redux (Score:3, Insightful)
IBM can't put the GPL genie back in the bottle. Sure, after eveyone's on Linux, they might roll out their own unix that runs DB2 better, but they're only aiming for the corporate users. At that point we have already broken free of MS in the home.
"Windows: Your assurance of quality" (Score:5, Insightful)
It's good IBM is spending the resources to make Linux a more viable competitor to M$. Go IBM Go!
That said, what is it that keeps "Windows" synonymous with "computer" in the minds of the important people (CIOs, managers, grandmas)? Marketing. Remember, it's not Outlook, it's *Microsoft* Outlook. It's not Exchange2003, it's *Microsoft* Exchange2003. Microsoft made an important decision to have their products be inseperable from the Microsoft brand. It's all Microsoft, regardless of what you're using. Got a PC? Unless you built it yourself, you probably have (or had) a "Designed for Windows" sticker on there somewhere. And notice that on those dark cases that Dell, IBM, etc. are using now, what do you see? A big dark box with a colorful sticker. It's like the seal of quality, an assurance that you're getting something easy and familar (actual experience may differ from promise).
What we need, and what IBM's endorsement has not yet brought, is that same "promise of quality" that can be readily understood by anyone and *trusted* by everyone. Face it, with Windows, you know what you're getting, for good or ill. Linux just doesn't have that yet. Maybe it's the fragmentation of distros (Suse likes KDE, Redhat likes Gnome, etc.) As we can see over and over again, people don't buy the superior product, they buy the product they have been convinced into buying.
As an analogy, I offer this from my own life: I was in the store buying groceries. I needed peanut butter for sandwiches. I've been a lifelong JIF user, but JIF is kind of expensive. So I'm checking out the generics and store brands. All a bit cheaper, but not too much, and frankly, I don't know anything about them. They could taste better than JIF, but I don't want to be stuck with an open jar of crap peanut butter if it doesn't. The price isn't much different, so I suck it up and buy the JIF; I just don't want to run the risk of being disappointed. In my mind, JIF is the gold standard and until I am convinced otherwise *by external forces* I am probably not going to change. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I am afraid of being disappointed and out some $ for a failed experiment.
Thus, I believe we need something, someone, to create that buzz that will usurp the idea that Windows is the good, safe choice. If I can get my grandma to ask for a pc and know that she wants Linux, and not Windows, then I think we will truly have succeeded.
Start by releasing specs for their own hardware (Score:5, Interesting)
The system is basically an accelerometer which monitor the movements of the laptop, and spins down the HD when there is a risk of impact. I would like to write a Linux driver for it, but I refuse to reverse engineer the windows driver. More info here [anandtech.com]
OS/400 is dead, long live Linux/400 (Score:4, Insightful)
My current employer [ise-indy.com] used to make loads off of AS/400 and System/36 work, but lately everyone has come to the realization that cheaper hardware and OS'es can do things better, faster and just as reliably. Four years ago the mantra was that "you know an AS/400 will never go down!" But after the latest rounds of PTFs, services packs and OS upgrades have wrecked havoc on working installations people have taken a second glance at that opinion.
The AS/400 is a great piece of hardware, no doubt. Their RAID controllers, massive RISCs and reliable hardware are fantastic for stable servers with 24/7 uptime. But OS/400 just can't take advantage of it. If you want to have hardware abstraction to the point that Sys/36 code from 1960 can still run you just aren't going to milk all the performance points you can out of the hardware.
One of the first things IBM did was get Linux running on an AS/400 (now eSeries). And I'm sure it wasn't a hobby project. They've got the hardcore hardware, now they need to get the industry behind a new common OS so they can sweep their OS/400 legacy under the rug. And good riddance, too.
there's a reason for this (Score:5, Insightful)
This may seem a surprising thing to do, but in fact it makes good sense to commoditize the products that complement your own [joelonsoftware.com]. For IBM, a hardware vendor, that's the OS. For Microsoft, an OS vendor, that's hardware.
For the last twenty years, Microsoft has been extraordinarily successful in commoditizing PC hardware. This has not been good news for IBM (though most of IBM's problems over that time have more to do with a misperception of where the market was going). Now IBM is turning the tables on Microsoft by commoditizing Linux, which if successful, will drive down the price of Windows and make it more affordable to buy computer hardware.
We've been here before, 15 years ago (Score:3, Insightful)
I wonder what lessons both sides learned from the previous round, OS/2 vs Windows?
The perfect IBM commercial on Linux! (Score:3, Funny)
Show various users with BSOD, virus warnings that say they cannot clean the virus, spyware/adware pop-ups, systems that cannot reboot because they say they are missing a file, a system lockup, Windows error reporting happening one after the other, Missing or Invalid DLL errors, a slow moving Windows system, etc.
Then near the end stop the music, show someone running Linux with no problems, then show a message "Can't get any satisfaction, try a Linux solution by IBM and get some satisfaction!"
Genius! Brilliant! I am not just saying that because I thought it up!
IBM's revenge (Score:3, Funny)
ruining their world domination plans (http://www.ibm.com/software/os/warp/)?
Come on, they've gotta be a bit pissed.
The Long View (Score:4, Insightful)
OS/2's Death was a simple case of smothering the baby because their hands were tied
IBM is basically focusing on what the industry would look like in 10 years time. In the long term, the software is essentially free, consumer hardware is sold at cost (it practically is nowadays) and all the money to be made is in consulting and customizing the software.
The major benefit of something like Linux is a single architecture which works on a wide range of hardware... from simple embedded low-power systems to high performance clusters. It makes it attractive as the skills are the same on all of them - simply the hardware may be tuned easily for the application.
When IBM looks at Linux, they see it as a platform which they can launch themselves from. This was how they treated OS/2 - as a vehicle to sell their consultancy. The retail sales of OS/2 never justified it's development costs. However, the retail "public" presence of OS/2 was important: It's very difficult to sell services on top of a system which the customer has not heard of before.
In many ways, for IBM, Linux is better than OS/2... They do not need to spend so much effort to market it. It already has a penetration into the minds of the public and generally the public perception is "It's free; it's fast; it's secure... sometimes difficult to understand" but the last bit is not a bad hurdle - it just means that the customer already expects to hire someone to put it all together.
I am pretty sure that IBM makes a lot of its profits in consultancy and custom programming. Ok, their mainframe deals can be pretty sweet for the revenue - but such big iron costs big bucks in the first place. The software front, IBM knows that it can be painful to move faster than the smaller guys (think of IBM as some kind of dancing elephant)... They are using the nimbleness of the FOSS movement to develop the foundation
Hmm... Like any long posts, I kinda forgot what my original point was...
Re:IBM's LINUX Commitment (Score:3, Insightful)
That's not a conflict of interest (Score:3, Informative)
IBM is committed to Linux because it makes good business sense to them. Offering products that will lose them money, like PowerPC laptops, is not a good business
Re:That's not a conflict of interest (Score:4, Interesting)
Or, if they ask their partner Apple nicely, perhaps Mac OS X!
HP branded iPods, IBM branded Powerbooks!
Re:That's not a conflict of interest (Score:3, Interesting)
Or without asking, NextStep. IBM licensed it from Next back in 1988 to use on their RS/6000s. If they had delivered, IBM would have been marketing essentially a PowerPC* OS X** machine back in the 80s, though probably in a more expensive form than your $1299 iMac.
*Yes, I know.
**Yes, I know.
Re:IBM's LINUX Commitment (Score:3, Informative)
Re:IBM's LINUX Commitment (Score:3, Interesting)
How about an PowerPC Apple powerook with Linux installed?
Here [terrasoftsolutions.com]
Re:IBM's LINUX Commitment (Score:4, Informative)
There are more people working on x86, so it's generally better supported. My PowerBook doesn't have any sleep mode under linux, the AirPort doesn't work, the backlit keyboard I paid extra for doesn't work, and many apps have to be recompiled under PPC with fixes made to the code beforehand.
All in all, if you buy a Mac, you WILL end up using it ONLY for OS X. The barriers to Linux on that platform are too great for 99/100 users. And you are one of them. Trust me.
If you want to run Linux, or are considering running linux, do NOT buy a Mac. I've been there, done that, and it's a royal pain in the ass for the quality of the results. Nice computers overall, but designed for OS X, and very unfriendly to anything but.
I've already decided; my next computer will be an IBM ThinkPad running Debian. Doc Searls has mentioned a rumor about IBM releasing Linux-only ThinkPads which have the G5 as their processor. If this arrives, I'm selling my PowerBook and all associated accessories PDQ.
Re:IBM's LINUX Commitment (Score:3, Insightful)
I was just about to post something regarding PowerPC, which, I think, IBM probably has in mind as a possible periferal benefit to pushing Linux forward to consumers.
To begin with, IBM has been focusing more on back-end servers and such, and not just providing the server and software, but the service. All those E-commerce commercials that you see, that the average person has no idea what's being sold? They're working. So IBM will sell you the server, they'll install the software, they'll customize it to
Re:IBM's LINUX Commitment (Score:5, Funny)
I found a small company that makes machines just like this! They have a web page here [apple.com].
IBM has always been about services (Score:3, Interesting)
In fact if you think about it the most evil pairing of all time, wintel, occured when IBM outsourced something it could have done in house.