I Suspect M$ That Has Broken The GPL 177
Doug writes "With all this recent heat from Microsoft about the validity of the GPL, I am drawn to wonder if they have if fact broken the GNU General Public License by stealing code from GNU software? You all know about how the thief always returns to the scene of the crime. If they hadn't done anything wrong this wouldn't be an issue. I wonder what it was that they horked..."
Blackdown (Score:1)
What HAVEN'T they stolen? (Score:1)
i've ever seen because they know no rules whatsoever.
Re:Microsoft, the GPL, and the stock market. (Score:1)
Re:Link please (Score:1)
No it's not a goatse link. Besides, anybody who knows how to use a text editor has entered that site and compugeek in thier hosts file anyways..
Windows was ripped off! (Score:1)
OK, so I used to work there... (Score:4)
Hard as it may be for Slashdotters to believe, there are too many people (and managers) with real, bona fide moral fiber for something like that to happen.
And even if there weren't people with morals, there are plenty of people there who are tired of Microsoft's legal troubles. The fear of most VPs is having a product recalled for legal reasons.
Doing something as stupid as using GPL code in a Microsoft product would, in Microspeak, be a serious CLM (Career Limiting Move) for a developer.
Furthermore, from a cultural standpoint, most Microsofties hold such disdain for GPL software that it would be too big a blow to their (rather large) egos to even consider using it in a Microsoft product.
Now, back to your regular April Fool's programming. Anyone listen to NPR's piece on Moon advertising?
Re:Microsoft driven bt morals too. (Score:3)
Taking a job isn't about ethics. It's about making a transaction whereby someone pays you do spend your time doing what they need to have done.
A company's actions don't reflect the ethical approaches of its employees. Haven't you ever been an employee?
It is NOT "perfectly OK" to spread FUD! That's just an unethical, immoral approach, on which we have lost the moral perspective because so many business majors have been taught otherwise.
It is NOT "perfectly OK" to embrace and extend. Standards depend entirely on the good will and cooperation of the developers. Crushing the standard in order to gain a better position for yourself is the moral equivalent of poisoning a stream to get rid of your waste.
Saying something is "true, as far as I can ascertain" is basically to nullify the statement. Ethics is clearly not the driving force of any company. You'll find out when you go to work for one.
If this is a 4/1 joke, you should know that making your joke realistic enough that it is not clearly a joke to a majority makes for a poor joke. If the majority are going to take your post seriously, then it demands a serious and studied reply anyway.
You clearly do not understand the GPL (Score:5)
You only need a license to *redistribute* the software.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it.
Re:Microsoft driven bt morals too. (Score:3)
Another reason is that if it would become public knowledge that they actually used the stuff they have been bad-mouthing, and that they thought it worth breaking the law to do so, it would be such a public relations nightmare that they dare not risk even the smallest chance of it happening. If you think the government's already in a good position to do to them now what they've been doing to customers for years, imagine the extra leverage to be gained if the federal courts caught them plagarizing outside code.
Discoveries: Re:Sue them! (Score:1)
must be (Score:3)
Slashdot's idea of an April fools joke... one inane story after another with no links...
Mozilla? (Score:1)
I "think" ? (Score:3)
But who cares what I think... ?? Anyone ??
But it seems slashdot cares when someone points fingers at Microsoft....
I think this is an april Fools joke...
We should be able to moderate EVERYTHING... (Score:1)
Re:I think that Windows XP has probably... (Score:1)
there is plenty of _idea theft_, but no code
theft. And the ideas that are being stolen
are from neither KDE nor GNOME, but BeOS.
How many times do people have to bang their
heads against the fact you can't really sell
Linux not just because it's under the GPL, but
because OS's have no intrinsic value to the end
user? OS's enable applications, applications get
a task done, and what you really want to sell
is a black box for doing something (or several
Microsoft is acutely aware of this. You might
even notice this from several facts, like that
Microsoft generally charges users only for OS
upgrades, and that OEM's of prepackaged systems
are the ones generally paying "The Microsoft tax"
and adding it into the prices of systems. The
second part of this is that for all the talk of
operating systems going on, the only real thing
people are noticing is the middleware, if even
on that low of a level. I have yet to see anyone
here mention one whit of actual kernel
functionality in their "OS discussions". Instead
it's all GUI toolkits and perhaps even specific
If you want to challenge Microsoft (and I'd be
more than happy to see this happen), doing so
on the kernel level is the wrong way to go. In
fact, GNOME and KDE seem to have more to do with
that than Linux itself. Create the applications.
Make them look sexy. Make them run well. And
that isn't even the hard part. For example, what
would you have to do to get a Quicken or an
equivalent on Linux? There is still more to
consider here than writing good code.
April fools used to be an event around here... (Score:1)
What happened two years ago? Some site shut down entirely. Was it Freshmeat? That was funny.
Re:Microsoft driven bt[sic] morals too. (Score:2)
Bt morals? Is that like Bt Corn or Cotton?
Are you implying that Microsoft employees are products of recombinant DNA experiments, and they now produce their own natural insecticide?
Microsoft must be really desperate to find a way to deal with all of the bugs in their software if this is true...
"They have strategic air commands, nuclear submarines, and John Wayne. We have this"
I suspect that Microsoft pH34rz the GPL (Score:2)
I have a somewhat different theory about the Microsoft attitude to the GPL. I think they fear the GPL because they fear that they will be trapped by it someday. Microsoft's culture is an extremely proprietary one: they guard their intellectual property with the covetousness of a dragon guarding its treasure hoard. I think they fear that someday some careless employee will incorporate tainted GPL code into a program, and they may then be obliged to share some of their treasure. Horrors! The old dragon wants to keep all of its treasure and acquire more at every opportunity, and the idea that this GPL code is out there with the intention of making them part with it is anathema to them.
I think that RMS is operating under a misapprehension if he sincerely thinks that the GPL is any realistic kind of defence against Microsoft. Given that it can't defend against embrace and extend, then what exactly does it defend against? Stallman uses the GPL as a tool of obstruction, not defence. (The GPL can be used in a defensive mode, but Stallman doesn't use it that way.) He wants the GPL to be a stumbling block to Microsoft: if they won't play by his rules, he wants it to be hard for them to gain any benefit from his code. Microsoft isn't intimidated by such defences, really, but they are appalled that a tool like the GPL can exist at all -- a tool the intent of which is to force them to share their hoard.
This, I think, is what Allchin meant when he called the GPL "un-American". Allchin is living in the Gordon Gekko Wall Street [imdb.com] world of "greed is good". If greed is good, then Microsoft is a saint and the GPL is a tool of the devil, since its raison d'être is to enforce sharing, not selfishness. I think that Allchin was being entirely sincere, and that the concept of sharing intellectual property (as a good in its own right, as opposed to a means to the end of acquiring more property) evokes revulsion in members of the Microsoft subculture. The concept of being under a legal obligation to share, as the GPL would have it, must grate against every virtual fibre of their corporate being.
To put it another way, the "American way" (as I imagine Allchin sees it) is to be able to do as one damn well pleases with one's own property; to have an inalienable right to be selfish, or not, as one chooses. The GPL would take that choice from you (for the greater good). Microsoft have no problem with people choosing to give away their property if they want to do that, but the concept of revoking their divine right to be selfish with their own property, as and when they please, is appalling.
[The original log entry is currently hosted at a temporary URL [nutters.org]. I realise that this story is probably just another case of April Fool irony, but I thought I'd make a serious comment anyhow since I had a ready-rolled post.]
Re:M$ probably ripped Linux (Score:1)
Really? You never used GNOME 1.0, didya?
this is bad (Score:1)
as i recall, this "joke" has been said long before today.
Before od accusing Microsoft... (Score:1)
But I digress.
I would be taking a look at Apple horking FreeBSD for OSX before accusing Microsoft.
Re:Actuallty, Microsoft has broken the GPL (Score:2)
Interix as related to Windows 2000 [microsoft.com]
The FTP site. [microsoft.com]
The main Interix site. [microsoft.com]
Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
DBA, SysAdmin
Link please (Score:1)
uhh what? (Score:1)
I still have a demo copy of it from 1996 or so. it was really cool, but MS has leveraged it as a way to help people migrate from unix to NT, rather than as a way to help make NT boxen useful. that's life when a huge corporation has unlimited money to crush opponents
MY GOD IT IS TRUE!!! (Score:3)
[nwhitehe@ip18] /mnt/cdrom/win95$ strings *.* | grep -i gpl | wc -l
9 !!!!!1!!??/!!!???!!!1
We need to come together as a community and tell Micro$oft what GPL is all about. Down with stealing intellectual property! Down with illegal copying! Except MP3's. And old DOS games. Those are cool. I played Leisure Suit Larry the other day, it was fun. I scored with a prostitute.
MICRO$HAFT IS 3V17!!!!!!!!1
April Fools? But where's the joke? (Score:3)
But this is just boring. For some reason Slashdot has decided to flood us with inane crap all day. Not funny inane crap, just inane. Is anybody amused or laughing yet?
I'm kind of wondering if this is perhaps building to something. Maybe this is all part of a larger joke, a bigger better joke just waiting to burst from the seems of this site.
But I don't think so, I think they just think this is funny. It's not.
throughput management (Score:2)
M$ Chess == GNU Chess (Score:1)
Re:A formal plea... (Score:1)
Except... BillG owns the government, and therefore also the FBI, and by extension the Witness Protection Program.....
(note, the above depends on your having seen the movie The Usual Suspects [imdb.com])
Re:So? (Score:1)
"The lady dost protest too much, methinks."
So because I say that the law against selling horsemeat is a bad law, you know that I am a horsemeat marketer?
Incidentally, have you stopped beating your wife?
God damn it! (Score:2)
Take your pick
Re:April Fools (Score:1)
Re:OK, so I used to work there... (Score:2)
not (Open Source -> GPL).
You can reuse code covered under some "Open Source" licenses in proprietary and closed products.
Re:April Fools? But where's the joke? (Score:1)
Re:April Fools? But where's the joke? (Score:1)
plural ironies
1.a. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. b. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning. c. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See synonyms at wit1.
2.a. Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: "Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated" (Richard Kain). b. An occurrence, a result, or a circumstance notable for such incongruity. See Usage Note at ironic.
3.Dramatic irony.
4.Socratic irony.
[French ironie, from Old French, from Latin ìronìa, from Greek eironeia, feigned ignorance, from eiron, dissembler, probably from eirein, to say.]
Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.
Re:April Fools (Score:1)
Re:Short answer: NO. (Score:2)
Re:Microsoft driven bt morals too. (Score:2)
MS is a corporation it's driven by greed and an imperitive to make money. Aside from that they are the one of the most unethical companies on the planet.
They stole code from stack and got sued and lost.
They stole from apple and got sued and settled.
They stole code and emplyees from borland and settled.
They stole from corel and settled.
Your ethical compass is way out of whack if you look at MS as being an example of how to run an ethical business.
Re:Short answer: NO. (Score:2)
Short answer: NO. (Score:4)
Bill Gates is the Antichrist:
If Bill Gates is the Antichrist, then don't you think he's read the Evil Overlords list? And somewhere on that Evil Overlords list, shouldn't there be I will be very careful to make sure all of the IP for my company's flagship products is on extraordinarily firm legal footing? If Bill Gates is the Antichrist, then you have to admit: he's a smart, wily, ruthless Antichrist.
The Devil doesn't need to break the rules. He's already the best in the world at cheating within the rules.
If you believe this, then you have enough intelligence and reason to see how utterly absurd the question is in the first place. Bill Gates is terrified of the GPL; the company, as evidenced by Allchin's testimony, thinks it's unamerican, dangerous, and--worst of all--"stifling to innovation". Would Bill Gates really let any employee of his put anything in Microsoft code which "stifled" his company's ability to "innovate"?
... Good grief. I can't believe such a stupid question qualified for a Slashdot story. I'll just write it down to an April Fool's thing, but really, I don't see what the joke is.
Re:....uh..... Right. (Score:1)
Obvious (Score:1)
Now take a look at the feature set for Win2k's new admin tools, which oddly enough were announced a couple months after the source for BO2K was released under the GPL.
Draw your own conclusions.
Excuse my French but.... (Score:2)
And my apologies to all you non-Parisian frogs who actually aren't all that bad.
Re:Windows was ripped off! (Score:1)
cheap & clean code of course (Score:1)
Re:GPL not legally binding (Score:1)
Right, and when Digital Convergence does it, we call it a "click-wrap" license and shit all over them.
DC claimed that there was a license to use a piece of hardware, something which cannot be copyrighted. To make matters worse (for DC), they had sent these items to a large group of people unsolicited. The rest had been given away at Radio Shack.
There's a big difference between a simple piece of hardware and a copyrighted program.
how does this shit get posted??? (Score:1)
Hey, Slashdot, I think Aliens are controlling my mind through my cable box, so I won't reveal the secret of who really killed Kennedy, that I discovered while stumbling around their mothership, the last time I was abducted, and ran into Elvis, who told me tha @#%@@NO CARRIER
Re:April Fools (Score:1)
Re:GPL not legally binding (Score:2)
I suspect that Microsoft is developing nukes. (Score:3)
Re:....uh..... Right. (Score:1)
In the case of the NT utilities, most (but not all) of the IP taken from GNU sources was not simply inserted verbatim - it was "paraphrased". I actually don't know of the legality of that.
...and as for april 1st pranks, they're only valid until noon.
....uh..... Right. (Score:3)
Re:must be (Score:1)
Re:Um, hello, grammar? (Score:1)
Sorry, couldn't stop myself.
Re:You clearly do not understand the GPL (Score:1)
Re:Link please (Score:1)
Probably a lot (Score:2)
Re:4/1 troll theory (Score:2)
Penguin Porn! (Score:1)
WARNING: Humor impaired parent -nt- (Score:1)
Re:A formal plea... (Score:2)
IIRC, To do anything with OSS/GPL code, you need VP level approval, and it has to be okay'd by the legal team (theres an "OSS issues" team within the MS legal group)
In fact, microsoft employees aren't supposed to contribute to completely unrelated OSS/GPL projects at home either.
Unlike the average slashdot weenie, there are lawyers at MS who sit down and think about what the GPL and other OSS license mean under different contexts all day long. They are aware of what the GPL says and how ambiguous it is and they're (rightfully) scared shitless of in any possible dimension being construed as in violation.
At any rate, the places where GPL'd code in an MS product make sense are few and far between. If you can think of any peice of GPL'd software that is shipping "secretly" in an MS product, i'd be curious to hear about it. Frankly, theres not much thats GPL'd thats "best of breed" software, or where there is, its not something MS has any (current) interest in shipping. For example, someone once posted here about how win2k had stolen the scheduler from the linux kernel.
Amusing, to say the least. I trust I wont have to make a list of why "theres no fucking way".
*sigh* (Score:1)
What was that screaming noise? Oh, right, journalistic integrity.
WHAT YOU SAY??? (Score:3)
A formal plea... (Score:2)
Spelling by m-w.com [m-w.com].
I Suspect /. That Has Bad April Fools Joke (Score:3)
Hey! Jamie!
1. Read the submission.
2. Follow the provided links. Read what those links point to. No links? Put it in the circular file. Or
3. Read the submission again, checking for correct grammar and spelling. (Note that Commander "can't spell" Taco is not permitted to be in the room during this step).
4. If, after reading the submission, you don't wish you ended your life five minutes ago, then post.
That's all there is to it. I would have a real hard time bringing myself to post crap like this unless I had a 5% blood alcohol level and were in the middle of recieving oral sex. And I know nothing like that is going on in your geek compound.
Give both of our sets of eyes a rest. Don't post crap like this unless you plan to apologize profusely afterwards. God knows you'd demand an apology from Microsoft if they accused GPL projects of stealing code.
43rd Law of Computing: Anything that can go wr
Not quite... (Score:1)
A little bit orwellian (Score:1)
I suspect that M$ has broken the GPl... (Score:1)
Ceci n'est pas un April Fool's Joke (Score:1)
I mean, c'mon, the "lossy zip file compression" wasn't a bad attempt, but this one isn't even funny. It's like a bad attempt at a troll.
Re:OK, so I used to work there... (Score:4)
¹Microsoft's policy: Don't Read GPL'd Code (Score:2)
I doubt they would make it a corperate policy to steal GPL code
In fact, Microsoft has a strict policy against this: Microsoft employees may NOT read code licensed under a copyleft license.
Re:April Fools (Score:2)
Nathaniel P. Wilkerson
Domain Names for $13
Re:And? (Score:2)
Upon examination of Microsoft programs, it is revealed that they are, in fact, only simple sequences of ones and zeros. Through proof of prior art (ones and zeros have been used for many things throughout history), the court has determined that Microsoft may no longer continue to assert ownership of their products.
april fools day just isn't what it used to be
Re:April Fools? But where's the joke? (Score:2)
1) This is a parody of the typical MS-bashing story they post, and you actually have to read the whole thing before you're sure it's not real, because this is
2) A lot of people actually DO think it's serious, which scares the hell out of me. But it's still funny. For example, this post [slashdot.org].
Re:Probably a lot (Score:2)
Let'em have it. (Score:2)
So let them use GPL software. Maybe it will ease it's acceptance within the company and help close the gaps. Then one day the truth will come out and we'll all be better off. You think it will really help M$ be competitive. They don't need it. They have clueless IT managers snowed several times over.
Let'em have it. Can't fight it any more than they can stop the whole OSS movement anyway. It's only a matter of time.
MS (I hate them because they suck) (Score:3)
Re:must be (Score:2)
Re:April Fools? But where's the joke? (Score:2)
Ahem... unfounded rumors that bash Microsoft or other enemies of the Open Source state
There, better now?
Re:April Fools (Score:2)
Re:April Fools (Score:2)
Re:Penguin Porn! (Score:2)
April Fools (Score:3)
Re: (Score:2)
ping (Score:2)
So? (Score:2)
This isn't news for anyone, and it doesn't matter.
Um, hello, grammar? (Score:5)
That's about as grammatically correct as "Somebody set up us the bomb."
Re:Slashdot, how low can you go? (Score:2)
how low can you go...
how low can you go...
how low can you go...
how low can you go...
...sorry. hehe
Is this an April Fool's joke? (Score:4)
You know, back in my day, when we wanted to make up a false conspiracy theory, we did it the hard and right way, and fabricated evidence. Jamie, I'm sorry, but you lose.
Re:April Fools? But where's the joke? (Score:2)
Does anyone remember what happened last year on April fools day? Was it really this bad? For a bunch of nerds (readers included) with nothing better to do, I was hoping for something better than my own lame excuses for April fools jokes.
By God, even MIT (those nerds) [mit.edu] had pretty funny stuff on their front page. Most hilarious pictures (and article) ever. [mit.edu]
The ethics of Capitalism?? (Score:4)
There is one ultimate good, which is the life-blood of any business. It is called currency. Now many of you might be thinking I mean currency of information (i.e. making sure that your information is current) but I mean the old fashioned kind of currency-- profits. The greatest good is attained by attaining the largest sum of that ultimate Good (i.e. Money).
Not that this is a bad thing in and of itself. Money allows you to pay your employees so that they have time to help you change the world.
However, there is a problem that exists when companies are willing to leverage undue influence not to extend their profits but rather to crush competitors. This is an action which appears ethical when indeed it is not. For such behavior causes customers to begin to resent the "success" of the company which is not living up to its responisibility for fair play and look for alternatives. Hence the overall profit of the company is reduced in the long run.
And? (Score:2)
4/1 troll theory (Score:5)
2) If I troll the story, am I trolling the story and being trolled?
Too confusing.. must go smoke a joint.
The Dark Side of the Force (Score:3)
Cue Star Wars Scene:
Darth Gates: *wheezing noises* I am your father *more wheezing*
Tux Skyswimmer: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
You get the idea
Why I don't use the GPL (Score:2)
All the large computer companies have read the GPL and are aware of the implications. I have had the 'we can't use that code' discussion with folk from IBM, Microsoft and several other companies. That is why all the Web code from CERN was made public domain it was never at any time GPL.
I know RMS, I have shared a building with him. He is by anyone's definition 'high maintenance'. You can agree that 'open software is good' without accepting the premise that 'RMS and only RMS is the keeper of the true flame'.
Not all of the successful Web projects are GPL. Apache in particular is not GPL.
What GPL boils down to is 'I am going to force you to do everything my way'. I don't think that is a very 'Open Source' type notion.
Unlike RMS I am not out to prevent anyone making money from selling software. Unlike RMS I believe money has a social value (albeit disputing the GOP belief in money as an absolute good in its own right). For the past fifteen years RMS has lived in his office in 545 Tech square, I don't believe that programmers should be forced to aspire to live like hippies. I don't think Richard's utopia is scalable.
Re:Microsoft driven bt morals too. (Score:2)
The complaints tend to be about embracing and extending your business partners.
Mind you it is amazing how many folk can get themselves whipped up into an indignant lather about the evil empire snuffing out some startup outfit by buying it up for several hundred million.
I met the ex-CEO of one such company, he said that the decision to sell had been one of the hardest he had been forced to make that day (the hardest being the choice of the Jaguar XK8 available immediately or waiting 6 to 12 months for the supercharged XKR version, he bought both).
Sue them! (Score:2)
Even if we lose, we win!
On a more serious note, it's going to need more than speculation to do so. And the GPL was never tested on court, losing such a case (and MS has *way* more money the FSF) will result in GPL being null & void.
Hopefully, so will MS' EULA.
M$ breaks GPL (Score:3)
Microsoft driven bt morals too. (Score:4)
The reason for this is that MS is nothing more than the sum of its employees, being an Intellectual Property company.
The reason we all take jobs and the reason we all do anything at all is because of ethics. Its about duty, honour and responsibility.
The ethics of the MS employees will be expressed by the company as a whole at an emergent level.
I would hazard as follows: It is perfectly ok to spread FUD, to embrace and extend one's competitors, because that is what one's competitors would do to you. However, the GPL is an Ethical step too far, even for MS. Despite the fact that the GPL is itself designed to embrace and extend, MS is not about to start using GPL'ed code, not just because it is legally shady, but because it is wrong.
I have studied many organisations, commercial and otherwise, and what I say is true, as far as I can ascertain. Ethics is the driving force of any company, and though those ethicvs may leave much to be desired, they are still present.
Stealing the GPL is too much for MS.
Microsoft, the GPL, and the stock market. (Score:2)
I don't know whether it's a joke or not, but it really doesn't matter. Sooner or later Microsoft is going to be forced to release their code under the GPL (GNU Public License) or another Open Source license if they want to be able to compete against Linux. They will probably be very resistant to doing this at first, and they may not do it in time to save their company, but in the end they won't have any other options.
My friends often come to me for advice on investing, since they regard me as something of an expert. I always tell them to get rid of any Microsoft stock that they own. In a couple of years it will be valueless. Why? Their chief product is competing with an Open Source OS that people can get for free. Sooner or later investors are going to realize this and the stock price is going to collapse.
I also advise them to stay away from any mutual funds that have in invested in Microsoft. Not just because of the immediate danger of MS's stock price falling, but because I wouldn't trust any fund manager who hasn't realized what a house of cards that company is.