
Feed Google News Sci Tech: Students swarm field at Harvard-Yale football game, chant ‘Okay, boomer’ in climate change protest - The Washington Post (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Benjamin Netanyahu faces corruption charges - CBS News (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: NFL odds, picks, lines, spreads for Week 12: Proven computer model shares best predictions - CBS Sports (google.com)

Submission + - How do you use vintage computing hardware on modern displays?

50000BTU_barbecue writes: I like using computers from the 1980s and early 1990s "in the flesh" as it were. Real hardware with all the weirdness that goes with it. We still use the same electrical plugs and keyboards and joysticks are still similar-looking but display devices have become these enormous high-resolution devices with fewer and fewer analog inputs. Old CRTs are starting to lose sharpness and brightness and may get tossed or damaged when moving.
The solution is to use some sort of video upscaler. There are many devices offered from cheap Chinese units for about 10$ to old professional studio scalers from 10-20 years ago. The Chinese units have no controls and are quite variable in the results obtained. But they're cheap. The old scalers would deliver professional results but are not guaranteed to work with consumer monitors or lock onto the non-standard timings of the non-interlaced "240p" video common on 8-bit computers.
What device do you use?

Comment Re:Sorry (Score 4, Informative) 124

What are you smoking because I could totally use some of that? If you actually went to the Tesla website for their used inventory, none of the vehicles list remaining battery capacity or "half" the range. Maybe you're confused by the earlier Model S 60 with their 210 miles range vs a current Model S 100.

Comment Re:Hungarian Academy of Sciences... (Score 5, Insightful) 86

Hint: it's not defined as all forms of right-wing government that a modern snowflake would not like.

He didn't say that it was. However:
"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition."

Anyway. Orban is many things, but not a Fascist.

Oh, please do tell me how he fails to meet any of those criteria. I'm breathless with anticipation.

Comment Re:Step #1: (Score -1) 260

Well blame the traditionalists for poisoning the baby boomers with lead, the statistics are right there, right in everyone's face. The boomers, the generation poisoned by lead, brain damaged, less thoughtful and less moral. When the lead poisoning was reduced, not stopped because Amerika, so the crime rate dropped and who used lead the most and had the highest crime rate. Lead in fuels, lead water pipes (for fucksake WTF Amerika) and lead fired at firing ranges, gun nutz and not nutz for no reason at all, they were mainlining lead, vaporising it and snorting it, actually sticking their idiot noses at the end of the barrel and inhaling, well, I suppose lead poisoning in it's insane will promote more lead poisoning.

The boomers are lead addled fuckwits eating the USA alive with corruption but not their fault, the traditionalist in the idiot greed did it to them, it made them that way. Until the boomers are gone from the USA administration, government and corporate, you seppos are in deep shite, really deep. It should be pretty fucking obvious by now, regardless of corporate main stream media propaganda, controlled by the lead poisoned.

Boomer thinking, lead head thinking, it is just the way it is, the lead heads, no thought and no morals, the Epstein and Clinton crowd, Hollywood (the smog, the loss of public transport, the insanity, the immorality, Los Angeles, the immoral city that lead poisoning created).

Comment Oh kid... (Score 2) 260

That is one of the oldest Microsoft tactics: Delivering your equivalent for free until the competition is starved to death, and you got a quasi-monopoly.
It is the precursor to Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

It is the main reason Microsoft has been a convicted criminal many many times in the past.

Not that I disagree with the rest and Slack is not a bunch of total pieces of iShit.
(What's the name for this generation of moron software developers that re-invent all the things, badly, and want to webify and appify everything too?)

Comment Re:Sigh: At least it's not another FTL (Score 1) 86

I remember monopoles as well. IIRC there were one or two never replicated events. Anyway It's always something that can be pitched to legislatures for funding. Remember the hype about the island of stability for high atomic number elements ? Higgs Boson I don't include in that. There had to be a particle responsible for mass. So either way looking for it works out well. If it was found you learn more about the 4 fundamental forces, if it doesn't exist there's something really really wrong with the basic model of physics.. Really a no lose search.

Submission + - Criminal Defense Attorney in Israel (hatenablog.com)

c5zpnih545 writes: It performed a brilliant Monday morning, and also our company had actually all mosted likely to function as well as other to university. In the evening, when we satisfied for supper, my mum enjoys to run our minds

An Alarming Discovery In an Astronaut's Bloodstream (theatlantic.com) 90

Thelasko shared this article from the Atlantic about a surprising medical observation on the International Space Station: An astronaut was carrying out an ultrasound on their own body as part of a new study, guided in real time by a specialist on the ground. A similar test before the astronaut launched to space had come back normal. But now the scan showed a clump of blood...

Before the astronauts launched, researchers measured blood flow in their jugular vein in seated, supine, and tilted positions. The readings looked normal. The researchers had the astronauts repeat the ultrasounds during their missions on the ISS. Scans showed that blood flow in the vein stalled in five of the 11 astronauts. "Sometimes it was sloshing back and forth a bit, but there was no net-forward movement," Marshall-Goebel says. Seeing stagnant blood flow in this kind of vein is rare, she says; the condition usually occurs in the legs, such as when people sit still for hours on a plane...

All the astronauts were considered to be in good health before they launched. And when they came home, the conditions vanished in nearly all of them. When the researchers analyzed the data, they found that a second astronaut may have developed a blood clot no one had seen while they were in orbit. But no one experienced any health troubles. "None of the crew members actually had any negative clinical outcomes," Marshall-Goebel says.

An associate professor of space medicine at the International Space University in France tells the Atlantic that the findings were compelling. "I think we need to understand this before we embark on long-duration missions where the astronaut would be so far away that we wouldn't be able to help them in the case of a medical emergency."

Comment We aren't upset. You misunderstood. (Score 0) 260

We simply point at how pathetic of a failure your entire generation is, and laugh.

Doug Stanhope said it best. This is the first generation that is *less* rebellious and crazy than their parents. Your biggest outrage is the equivalent of Justin Bieber peeing in a bucket. A star trashing a hotel room with a hole in the wall and the TV down the balcony, while doing cocaine off a titty is what we called an average Thursday.

We looked forward. All you do is nostalgically look backwards to our time, and consume our art, badly recycledy in a cargo cult fashion.

I look forward to the generation that will rebel against YOU with such giddyness, as only Standartenführer Hans Landa can express.

Submission + - Waris QQ (warisqq.club)

warissqq writes: WarisQQ situs agen poker online dan dominoqq, situsqq, bandarqq, pokerqq, pkv games terpercaya dan teraman dengan selalu memberikan pelayanan profesional yang ramah dan terbaik 24 jam online.

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted to hospital after chills and a fever - CNN (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Navy Secretary Spencer denies reports he’ll resign over Trump’s SEAL meddling - Vox.com (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says - The New York Times (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: The Harvard-Yale football game was delayed after students and alumni stormed the field to protest climate change - CNN (google.com)

Feed Google News Sci Tech: College football scores, top 25 rankings, schedule, NCAA games today: LSU, Oklahoma, Oregon in action - CBSSports.com (google.com)

Submission + - The Only Time We've Had to FIRE a Customer (knowyourmeme.com)

Flanagan44Fabricius writes: The just time we've "discharged" a consumer took place a little over 6 months ago. While this was a difficult decision to make, it was essential for the wellness as well as safety and security of our various other consumers. Not every household is going to share our approaches or really feel obligated to abide by our plans, so we have found it is simpler to let those customers go as well as concentrate on the clients that do love as well as regard our area and our guidelines.Speaking of rules, we at Climbing Vines Cafe & Play are large advocates of black-and-white guidelines with NO grey locat

Comment Re:"Ok Slack" (Score 1) 260

Fossils are simply people who survived youth, and eventually, happenstance. Don't get me wrong... aging has a point of diminishing return, but up to that point it is a wonderful experience if you're open to it. If you're fortunate, it's where you are headed.

Oh, and starting in 38.25 days, millenials can be 40.

Comment Re:Slack? Enjoy? (Score 1) 260

Teams seems ok. Calls and sharing works a bit better than in Skype, but it's a heavier app with all sorts of crap bolted on. It's getting rolled out here now, though I don't have to use it for anything yet so the experience is pretty limited admittedly.

But anyway, Slack is gonna get rolled so hard, it's won't even be funny. So they should probably have their fun while they still can.

Submission + - Slashdot Poll Suggestion

iLloyd writes: Most endearing cat property or method:
- purring
- chattering at birds
- whiskers
- kneading
- self-cleaning
- bum wiggle pounce calibration

Submission + - Interesting activities for children (playground-arcade.com)

Ferguson89Ferguson writes: Parents all intend to take their youngsters to some parks and also delight in a satisfied time with each other, yet it will certainly come to be really uninteresting after they go to there for a very long time. So parents need to find an activity that is much more fascinating for children. The indoor play ground we provide should be an excellent location for you children. We would certainly like to provide you some extra selections. Please keep reading for some suggestions of intriguing tasks for your youngsters!The beach Investing a day at the beach is a great choice to invest cost-

Comment Re:"OK boomer" is amusing (Score 1) 260

Here you have this hyper-politically-correct generation that screams various perceived -isms at every opportunity. Yet the biggest meme they can come up with is one of pure discrimination, discrimination on the sole basis of something people have no influence over: their age.

It's so full of delicious hypocrisy. For that alone it makes me chuckle.

You do realize "OK boomer" is an ironic response to the constant barrage of "millenials are lazy" and "millenials are spending all their money on avocado toasts" nonsense coming from out of touch people, right?

No, you probably don't, otherwise you wouldn't have posted that. But that's OK, boomer.

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