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Comment Re:Mainstream news vs cutting edge news (Score 1) 92

I love how outdated this mainstream news summation is already.

Not really? Solid-state batteries are going to be the next generation of batteries, but they're at best 3-4 years away from mass production. Realistically, we can expect them to become a factor for cheap EVs only around 2030. Meanwhile, the LFP technology is available right now.

Another interesting technology is sodium-ion batteries. They are even cheaper, so they're really well-suited for energy storage and very cheap EVs.

Comment Re:Its not just salaries ... (Score 1) 205

This all despite multiple expensive attempts over the years at some form of automation, the Post reported. As of 2014, multiple administrations had already spent at least $100 million over 30 years in automating efforts.

Yup, brainectomy, as I said. It's not that the government does not want to automate it, it's because the retirement processing is complicated. I wonder how many billions in claims are going to be lost once lawsuits from retirees hit the government.

Comment Re:Its not just salaries ... (Score 0) 205

For example the person who decided that federal retiree paperwork needs to literally be paper and stored in a salt mine.

Does becoming a government hater require a brain amputation? Because it seems like it. Anti-government types seem to eat all kinds of crap without a basic fact-checking.

Heck, would you believe that Musk eats children for breakfast?

Comment Re:Follow the Losses. (Score 1) 64

Where am I supposed to save all the "if I die" stuff?

If it's a serious question, then the answer is: NOT in a safe deposit box. Because they are not particularly safe. Read your agreement, the bank's liability is limited to 1 year of subscription fees. So around $1000.

If you want to store valuables, there are safe storage companies that can provide insurance up to $1m. The Seattle area has only 2 of them, and they are expensive.

If you want to store documents, then leave them with an estate lawyer.

Comment Re:Follow the Losses. (Score 1) 64

The daily withdrawals from a typical bank branch are now less than $10k (not counting the ATM transactions). If you want a larger amount, you actually need to order it in advance. A lot of branches are now not even bothering to build the vaults and safe deposit box rooms altogether.

That's because pretty much nobody is doing large transactions in cash. Even drug dealers switched to Bitcoin these days.

Comment Re:Bullshit! (Score 1) 62

just don't believe that you can leach out enough of anything from polypropylene with water

Raw polypropylene and polyethylene, especially high-density ones? Sure. They're probably safe. However, flexible plastic containers are _not_ made of just raw PET or PEX, they have plasticizers that make them more, well, plasticy. These plasticizers themselves can leach (see: BPA), and they make plastics less mechanically stable.

Comment Re: Dangerous Distraction Ignored By Corruption (Score 2) 68

What is amazing to me is the lack of commensurate safety data. Death rates per either vehicle or miles driven have not meaningfully changed since the 80s despite four decades of piling on of new technology at considerable cost.

Lie. It fell around 2x: https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/mo... - from 2.5 to 1.3

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