
Submission + - SELL YOUR OLD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS–Lessused.com (lessused.com)

Lessused writes: We specialize in buying, selling and trading used musical equipment all day, every day. You will find a huge variety of cool, used gear in our stores and online. To ensure that we are providing the best customer experience in our industry, our used gear is inspected, cleaned, and prepped so the used gear you’re buying is always in great working condition. We have specialized in buying, selling and trading used musical equipment .Distinguished pawn shop; you can be assured that our professional appraisers will offer you the highest cash payout possible when you sell musical instruments to us. Whether it’s a guitar, amp, or violin, a quality musical instrument can be worth a lot of money. Sell musical instruments to us, and you could get away with the cash you need the very same day. Our professional appraisers know their business! We guarantee you’ll be offered the best possible price for your piece when you sell musical instruments here. We do everything we can to make your life easier when it comes to selling your musical equipment. We understand that sometimes parting with an instrument is like parting with an old friend, so we will do our level best to keep to the following promises.
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Totally hassle free Selling musical equipment can be both lucrative and satisfying. Whether you’re looking to sell music equipment you’ve outgrown or liquidate instruments that have been collecting dust in your home, you can allow someone else to enjoy them while also making some extra money. You’ll also free up space in your home or practice studio. Musical instruments can be deeply personal to the owner. If you felt a connection with a piece and have any personal or special stories to share about the instrument, why not include it in the description? Tell the story about the time you played this guitar for 400 people at an impromptu performance at a wedding two hundred miles from home, or talk about how you played this guitar when you first met your future spouse. Genuine passion and emotion has a far stronger effect than just dry facts and statistics. It can also help to drive a faster sale at a higher price.
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Comment Re: Most Slashdot readers are hypocrites (Score 4, Informative) 207

Rightwingers always dismiss anything they don't agree with as 'leftwing' as if that makes it false, and thus remain idiots. The article DID in fact give you the full details on the study it reports from, and a mere few minutes of googling would confirm that the FBI does consider rightwing christian militias the biggest terror threat in the USA from multiple sources - including the FBI's own website.

None of which will convince you since your beliefs are based on personal prejudice rather than any concern for correlation with reality.

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Amazon Echo $130 Today Only - PCMag (google.com)


Amazon Echo $130 Today Only
The smart speaker wars are heating up with all the major consumer tech companies beginning to compete. And competition means price cuts, which is exactly what Amazon is offering today. The Amazon Echo usually costs $179.99, but The Verge noticed that...
Amazon's surprise one-day Echo discount brings the speaker down to its lowest price everBusiness Insider
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Feed Google News Sci Tech: Gmail to end ad-targeting email scans - BBC News (google.com)

BBC News

Gmail to end ad-targeting email scans
BBC News
Google's decision to stop scanning Gmail users' emails in order to target them with personalised adverts has been given a qualified welcome by privacy campaigners. The tech firm revealed the change in a blog at the end of last week. Google promised to...
Gmail update - Google dropping this controversial feature from YOUR email accountExpress.co.uk
Google will stop scanning content of personal emailsThe Guardian
Google will no longer read your personal emailsWired.co.uk
WABC-TV-The Mac Observer-The SEM Post-Telegraph.co.uk
all 108 news articles

Feed Techdirt: To Keep The Skies Safe, The TSA Wants To Know What You're Reading (techdirt.com)

The TSA continues to expand the intrusiveness of its searches, supposedly justified by an increased threat to air travel that doesn't seem to have materialized. In fact, the TSA has admitted attacks on airplanes are the threat voted Least Likely To Occur. One only needs to look at the recent string of terrorist attacks to see there are far more efficient ways to attack the populace than purchasing a ticket and making your way past security.

Nevertheless, the charade continues, only with more of it as often as possible. Fliers are now being asked to stow explosive batteries in the cargo hold and liquid limits are still being enforced to ensure dangerous things like medication and breast milk aren't brought on board.

Now, the TSA wants to know what you're reading. As airlines have increased rates for checked bags, travellers are packing more and more into their carry-on luggage. This is causing problems for the TSA's X-ray machines, which are having more trouble discerning what's actually being carried in passengers' bags. The densest materials are the hardest to "see" through, so TSA agents will now be demanding access to reading materials travelers are carrying.

The TSA is testing new requirements that passengers remove books and other paper goods from their carry-on baggage when going through airline security. Given the sensitivity of our reading choices, this raises privacy concerns.

Tests of the policy are underway in some small airports around the country, and DHS Secretary John Kelly recently said that “we might, and likely will” apply the policy nationwide. “What we’re doing now is working out the tactics, techniques, and procedures, if you will, in a few airports, to find out exactly how to do that with the least amount of inconvenience to the traveler,” he told Fox News. The policy may also apply to food items.

There's no good reason for the government to know what you're reading. In fact, as the ACLU points out in this post, there are protections in place to prevent the government from obtaining that information.

[T]here is a long history of special legal protection for the privacy of one’s reading habits in the United States, not only through numerous Supreme Court and other court decisions, but also through state laws that criminalize the violation of public library reading privacy or require a warrant to obtain book sales, rental, or lending records.

But, as government lawyers have reminded citizens, travelling via air is a privilege, not a right, even in a country where someone's destination might be 3,000 miles away. (Travelling by car has its own set of Fourth Amendment problems. It's also far more dangerous. Deciding to drive not only takes longer, but subjects people to a whole new set of issues.) The decision to fly means allowing the government to do whatever it wants to make flying secure, even if nearly everything it does has zero effect on curbing terrorist activity.

There are plenty of reasons people might not want to share their reading habits with other fliers in eyesight of the examination are, much less a bunch of government employees with the power to detain people for almost any reason. It's not just about hiding trashy novels from TSA agents. It's about any number of reading materials that could subject to additional scrutiny by the government.

For example, in 2010 the ACLU sued on behalf of a man who was abusively interrogated, handcuffed, and detained for nearly five hours because he was carrying a set of Arabic-language flash cards and a book critical of U.S. foreign policy. We also know that the DHS database known as the “Automated Targeting System,” which tracks information on international travelers, has included notations in travelers’ permanent files about controversial books in their possession.

Since the searches aren't limited to books, but any set of papers flagged by scanners, lawyers carrying privileged legal documents might find themselves having to these over to TSA agents to page through. Reading anything about national security and/or terrorism is likely to result in enhanced screening efforts and (possibly) missed flights. The government has no right to know what you're reading, but it has the right to make you hand over everything you're hoping to carry onboard to do with it what it pleases. This includes adding travellers to secret lists that are almost impossible to be removed from or simply asking a bunch of irrelevant questions based on the incredibly faulty premise that terrorists would read certain materials when engaged in acts of terrorism.

The ACLU suggests two things the TSA can do to minimize privacy violations. One would be strict policies and new training procedures to better ensure travelers' privacy and to prevent the additional search from becoming a handy way to increase detentions and add travelers to secret lists.

The second thing would be more along the privacy lines voluntarily adopted by companies selling and shipping sensitive goods: the plain brown packaging program. Travellers should be allowed to use plain book covers to obscure titles and other sensitive information while still allowing agents to verify the books are just books and not, say, sheets of explosives or hollowed-out weapons containers. The TSA should only be interested in ensuring a book is a book. It should have zero interest in the title or content of travellers' reading materials.

X-ray machines are supposed to minimize intrusiveness by allowing travellers to keep their bags closed. The TSA is undoing this small privacy protection step-by-step, with books and other papers following electronic devices onto X-ray belts and into the hands of TSA agents. If the TSA is honest about its reasons for examining books separately, the lack of exterior identifying information shouldn't pose a problem. If it does, the TSA (or the agent performing the search) has ulterior motives and should be prevented from stripping away yet another layer of personal privacy at security checkpoints.

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Comment Re:Apocryphal .... (Score 1) 135

A microcode patch is included with the BIOS image and is loaded by BIOS at startup. This isn't the only way to do it -- it is also possible to load a patch from the O/S. But for most users the best solution is for BIOS to do this, and that means updating the BIOS image. So the article is correct.

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Journal Journal: How To Have An Efficient Work Ethic To Be Successful

Learn how to have an efficient code of ethics to become more successful and get better core values at work and in life. http://digitalbloggers.com/business/how-to-have-an-efficient-work-ethic-to-be-successful

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Journal Journal: Ireland and Afghanistan Granted Test Match status by ICC

International Cricket Council (ICC) conferred Test match status on Ireland and Afghanistan , thereby taking the number of test-playing nations to 12.Both countries were confirmed as full members after a unanimous vote at an International Cricket Council (ICC) meeting during its annual conference in London.The Ireland and Afghanistan’s men’s teams will now be eligible to play five-day Test cricket, widely regarded as the sport’s supreme format.Bangladesh was the last country

Comment Re:I think I should create a macro (Score 1) 195

.If you have any evidence that a crime is being (or has been) committed, convince a judge to issue a search warrantHowever,

You might be able to convince a judge to give you a warrant, but if you can't tap the communications you're still back at square one.

If you have intelligence that The People's Front is going to blow up an elementary school, and you get a warrant to tap their comms, you still need access to those comms. This is what law enforcement is going on about - They're not upset about needing to get a warrant, they're upset about the fact it no longer helps.

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Comment Bored by life (Score 1) 74

If you leave out the reusable rockets we've been shooting satellites into orbit for 60 years.

Yes and what is your point? It's still cool as shit. If you think it isn't cool as shit I have to wonder why you are posting someplace like slashdot.

And not to piss on SpaceX's parade, but even this rocket's unlaunched big brother isn't nearly as big as the Saturn Vs they launched in the 60s.

Again so what? Just because something has been done before doesn't mean it is no longer interesting.

The day Musk tries to land on Mars instead of Earth then I'll be glued to my seat.

Oh so you're just being a hard to impress hipster. I get it. So sorry you are so bored by life.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Kuldeep Yadav : First Male Chinaman Bowler to Represent India in ODIs

Kuldeep Yadav has become first male Chinaman bowler to represent India in One Day Internationals (ODI).He made a debut in ODI against West Indies on June 23, 2017.He made his Test debut against Australia in March 2017.He was also a part of the Indian team at the 2014 ICC U-19 World Cup.About Chinaman BowlersThe origin of term can be traced back to Ellis Achong , the West Indies, left arm orthodox spinner (left-arm spin that turns from leg to off) who played in 1933.Ellis Achong was of Chinese

Comment Re:Remember the law of unintended consequences (Score 1) 193

And do we really want a solution that requires constant intervention?

Yes, we do -- because the fact that it requires constant intervention invalidates all of your fears.

And who will pay for the constant production of the huge amount of aerosols and delivery system needed to constantly alter the planet's average temperature?

Submission + - Business Consulting Service Bhopal, IT Service | Awzpact (awzpact.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Information Technology is rapidly changing the era of global economic business development To be ahead in the competition, constant advancements have created challenges for most IT business consulting services bhopal, management consulting firms
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Journal Journal: Small business SEO: Your questions answered

Are you a small business owner looking to get started with SEO? Columnist Marcus Miller has written up this starter guide for beginners outlining what you need to know. The post Small business SEO: Your questions answered appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article. http://feeds.searchengineland.com/~r/searchengineland/~3/1tiZ-owXWfA/small-business-seo-questions-answered-276500

Comment It's the Jobs Stupid! (Score 1) 263

"Compared to the United States there are quite a few more high school students in Russia who choose to specialize in information technology subjects."

Because of the jobs. When you see people being showed the door because their IT job is being filled by H1B Visa holders, you tend not to want to gravitate to their professions.

It has nothing, repeat nothing to do with education. It's about choice about professional career and right now IT is being ravaged by H1B Visa holders. So why on earth would you pursue it.

FYI a Microsoft sponsored study does not ad weight to your argument.

Submission + - Tulsa Motorcycle Accident Attorneys | Tulsa Injury Attorneys | Work Injury Attor (tumblr.com)

tulsapersonalinjury writes: You find the great benefit of hiring Tulsa Motorcycle Accident Attorneys is that at the early times, while before to the claim being done, what they expect the result of the claim would be, it is exactly a based on their good experience of alike cases they managed in the precedent. Phone:- (918) 379-4096

Comment Re:Turn the power off (Score 5, Interesting) 213

Exactly. ... but how would you install an emergency breaking system on a (contactless!) Maglev system without seriously restricting the the directions in which this can move? (diagonally...)

Because of the shoddy writing in the article and the summary, I can understand why you would think it's contactless. But it isn't. The similarity with maglev trains and the hyperloop is the fact that it uses a linear motor to move along the track. The elevator car is still affixed to a track/rail and does not levitate. When it needs to go sideways, it does so at specially located switchpoints where it traverses a horizontal track. This would be obvious from reading the articles or, for the short-attention-spanned, watching the embedded videos.

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Journal Journal: How to Choose a Forex Broker

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Comment Re:Most Slashdot readers are hypocrites (Score 2) 207

cheers. religion is the root of all war, genocide, and above all else hypocrisy. it also has the power to help people find solace in ignorance, coddling the fears of death and wrong doing with a rag of ether. to "hell" with donald trump, religious zealots of all varieties, and the rambling liars that stand behind their deceit in cowardice.

Comment Happens all the time (Score 0) 292

Funny because I have an extensive black family that doesn't have that problem. You do not get pulled over for being black, you get pulled over because there was cause,

That's just bullshit and there is copious evidence to prove it. People get pulled over routinely because of the color of their skin. This isn't a debate. It happens and if you deny it happens you are either lying or delusional. Happens to black people and latinos so often it borders on cliche. Perhaps you live in a location where it is relatively uncommon. Those do exist. But to pretend it doesn't happen is to have your head in the sand at best.

not to mention it's very hard to see race when someone is speeding past you at 60mph, from an angle in the dark.

There are PLENTY of times when it is trivial to note the ethnicity of the driver/occupants.

I'm white and I've been pulled over many times, oftentimes without receiving a ticket.

Ahh, we have an answer.

Comment Re:The cost of the elevator is the floor space (Score 2) 213

The primary benefit is not the sideways thing.

I could imagine that the sideways thing could be the main benefit.

Imagine a ten story building with two lift shafts and 10 cars. In a quiescent state there's one car parked on each floor.

During light times, someone gets into a lift, the cars above or below move out of the way and then it travels to the required floor. The cars it has passed simultaneously shuffle up or down one floor and you're back to the quiescent state. In busy times there can be one up and one down shaft - but there doesn't need to be the same wait time, indeed the lifts could be positioned every other floor.

Biggest issue with this I can see is the loading/unloading time. Ideally you'd want to do something similar to the way some London underground stations work where people leaving the lift go out through a different door to those entering the lift. Which may defeat any space savings from having fewer lift shafts.

What I'm not sure about is whether the lift can safely move sideways while people are in it. Feels to me as though trying to stand in such a lift would be like trying to stand on a train or boat where the sideways forces require significant strength and coordination to remain standing unsupported.

If the cars have multiple doors then you could have four lift shafts in a square array and every car would have four available directions to move.

Of course, what you could do is open the doors and then rapidly move the lift sideways, ejecting the people out of the door (a-la pulling the table cloth off the table without disturbing what is on the table) and readying the lift for the next load ;-)

Submission + - Kids Music Lessons and Dance Classes | Children Drama & Martial arts activit (under1roofkids.com)

Under1RoofKids writes: Our smart classes & Lessons like drama classes, music classes, dance classes & Martial arts classes as well as various activities make your kids and children's smart and active. Under 1 Roof provides inspirational space, equipment and subject specialists for primary schools. With a custom made theatre, music studio, art room, gymnasium, sensory room and therapy room we deliver outstanding, curriculum focussed education in the Creative Arts and Physical Education for EYFS, KS1, KS2 and groups with Special Education Needs.

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Submission + - What is new for 2017 Honda Ridgeline? (blogspot.com)

hondaofparis writes: Honda has been a popular choice among the car enthusiasts since a long time. The Japanese automakers have always launched the most economical and affordable Honda cars for sale in Paris TX and across the world.

Comment Re:Turn the power off (Score 4, Informative) 213

Both would be difficult to put in place on a Maglev system.

The maglev part is kind of a misnomer. It's not using magnetic levitation, per se, but rather using linear motors to move around. Yes, maglev trains use that technology to travel, but so do a number of launched roller coasters out there. Any it's being used as a replacement for the steam catapult in the latest U.S. aircraft carrier.

The elevator car is still in contact with a track, for mechanical and electrical reasons. It almost certainly has track brakes that require energy to release. That is, in the event of power loss, they are spring-loaded to engage automatically.

Additionally, since we are talking about a motor, you can do dynamic braking: short the stator windings together, and the back-emf created by the passing magnets will create a substantial drag force. Want to try at home? Drop a neodymium magnet down a copper pipe and see how long it takes. Or take an ordinary DC motor, short the leads together, then try to backdrive it.

Comment Is Netflix down? (Score 4, Insightful) 26

Last time I checked there were back episodes of MST3K on Netflix.

MST3K is also some of the easiest stuff to torrent or even find on YouTube. I've never not been able to pull up clips or whole episodes to show my kids what we watched back in the day.

Overall, Twitch seems a little lost with this gimmick. There IS a market for gaming liveplay. (I watch it myself at work when I get sick of podcasts and streaming music.) Why not continue to invest in it, especially as ESPN and its sports have finally jumped the shark?

Submission + - Use Amino for Best Weight Gain Supplements (biggnutrition.com)

biggnutrition writes: Do you know? Proteins are made of amino acids and it plays a very important role to make a effective weight gain supplements. Athletes use the group of three amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine, called Branched-chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). Active bodybuilders buy supplements online from biggnutrition at genuine price with 100% surety of genuine product.

Submission + - Zawiadomienie – warsztaty z wiedzy o spoleczenstwie

charytatywne54 writes: Ocena przy pomocy modelu HERMIN efektu makroekonomicznego wplywu srodkow EFRR wraz ze srodkami wspolfinansowania, na gospodarke Wielkopolski, w ramach WRPO na lata 2007-2013 (Raport nr 2) http://www.szkolenia-sprzedaz.com.pl/blog/baza-wiedzy-symulacyjne-cwiczenia-strategiczne/ Celem impulsu szkolenia zlokalizowany implementacja plonow roboty B+R uwienczonych za sprawa wnioskodawce samodzielnie prowadzacych az do przedstawienia na rynek nowego owocu: ukladu mocujacego rozrusznika opartego o innowac. czesc skladowa bimetalowy – srube bimetalowa. Kolejna technol. produkcji bimetalowych srub znajdujacy sie innowac. na swiecie natomiast pokutowala wypracowana przez GZPS. Sposob mieszczacy sie rezultatem posady B+R zas objete zlokalizowany zgloszeniem patentowym nr P.407642 Sruba natomiast metoda jej generowania sposrod dnia 24 marca 2014r. Technika niebiezaca nie byla zupelnie wykorzystywana i umieszczony wiescia technolog. Sfera szkicu szkolenia otacza zakup prac zas budulcow budowl., nastepnych srodkow ondulacyj, publikacje przyszlosciowego zas uslugi konsultacyjnego. W zamiaru postepu i szkolenia przedsiebiorstwa biznes potrzebuje zalozyc nowy zaklad przemyslowy tudziez wtajemniczyc na gielda dziewiczy artykul poprzez inwestycje w budowe smialej hali, kupno smialych urzadzen natomiast zastosowanie nowoczesnej technol. produkcji srub wyjatkowych z innowac. fragmentem bimetalowym. W skutku adaptacji schematu szkolenia pokutowanie wprowadzony na gielda dziewiczy artykul (unowoczesnienie produktowa):architektura mocujacy rozrusznika opartego o pionierski skladowa bimetalowy oraz wynalazek procesowa – pionierska technologia niskoodpadowego systemu fabrykacji srub rozpoznawalnych sposrod scalakiem bimetalowym – BiMetalTechnology (BMT). Technol. fabrykacji bimetalowych srub wpisuje sie w powszechny ruch pracy komponentow metalicznych w oschlych seriach sposrod wyeksploatowaniem najswiezszych wyjsc w pulapie obrobki metali na mroz. Nastepna technologia bazuje na wyeksploatowaniu smialej struktury wyrobu oraz ponadprogramowej technologii zestawienia skladnikow. Wizja wlasna wzoru szkolenia umozliwi Wnioskodawcy na ukontentowanie potyczek oraz oczekiwan zbytu, oraz tym tymiz wzmocni jego poze rynkowa zas postapi oferte konkurencyjna a wszechstronna. Interes bedzie zmajstrowana az do realizacji najbardziej wieloaspektowych zobowiazan rowniez w celu kontrahentow polskich kiedy tudziez cudzoziemskich. Implementacja racjonalizacji obwaruje rezolutny przyspieszenie i szkolenia spolki zas dywersyfikacje przychodow jednostce. SA 42799(2015/X), art.13,18,25 rozp.651/2014

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