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Comment Re:a microscopic black hole won't hurt you (Score 1) 148

Yes, it would be much lower. But that "much lower" would still be expected to be well above escape velocity. I mean the difference between 0.999...c (say 290,000 km/s) and 12 km/s is HUGE. (And I rounded the speed of the particle down, and escape velocity up.)
Even a 99.99% cancellation of velocities would still be well above escape velocity. It's true, though, a 99.999% cancellation would be below escape velocity. That kind of efficiency after a collision seems (to me) unlikely.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 94

If that isn't the case then its a broken business model.

That simply is not true.

The viability of the business model isn't how many servers you have to buy to be a cloud ... it's how much you can gouge your customers for it.

Gouge enough, and it's profitable. Don't gouge enough, and then it's a broken business model.

Pretty much like anything hired as a service.

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