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Submission + - "Mr. Sulu" George Takei Goes Racist: Justice Thomas 'a clown in blackface' (

An anonymous reader writes: The Washington Times reports, "Gay rights activist and former “Star Trek” star George Takei recently told a local Fox affiliate in Arizona that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is a “clown in blackface.” Mr. Takei told a Phoenix station that the justice was “a disgrace to America” over his Obergefell v. Hodges dissent. The 5-4 ruling prohibits states from banning same-sex marriage. “Human dignity has long been understood in this country to be innate. When the Framers proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence that ‘all men are created equal’ and ‘endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,’ they referred to a vision of mankind in which all humans are created in the image of God and therefore of inherent worth. That vision is the foundation upon which this Nation was built,” Justice Thomas wrote in his dissent ... "... The government cannot bestow dignity, and it cannot take it away,” the justice continued."

Comment Re:Why talk? (Score 1) 184

But, really, there has to be a degree of cognitive dissonance between the hope you'll do well and be super rich ... and the actual reality that, it's a tough slog, you might not get there, and you might have to trade away some equity to someone else to get there ... in which case your payout might not be as big as you hoped.

The difference between con-man and entrepreneur can be a thin line.

I've known a few people who fancied themselves the latter, but had worked themselves into such a feverish pitch trying to get there ended up as the former.

Sometimes people convince themselves things really are going to work out OK, even when completely unfounded. The human brain doesn't always like lying to itself.

Comment Re:I can see it now (Score 1) 44

In Live Free of Die, humanity buys a replication device and some older weapon plans from some advanced aliens for war against other, less-advanced aliens.

They divide its time between producing cool stuff and cloning itself. Very RTS-like strategizing.

Of course with enough replications, you can have an army of replicators spitting out ships like the Starforge, no Force assist needed.

Submission + - What happens when it's suddenly illegal to move money out of your country?

schwit1 writes: Basic Internet services disappear.

Just as individual Greeks are losing access to Apple's iCloud, as the Athens staff of Bloomberg News recently discovered, so companies are finding themselves cut off from services critical to their ongoing operations.

The problem demonstrates a hidden risk in today's otherwise efficient vertical disintegration. Taking for granted the easy flow of money across borders, system designers never foresaw a situation in which companies with adequate funds would find that they couldn't pay foreign vendors.

"Greek companies are not able at this moment to pay for hosting (Amazon), storage (Dropbox), email services (MailChimp) and many other services," says Jon Vlachogiannis, a Bay Area entrepreneur, in an email. Without these services, otherwise viable businesses are in trouble.

Vlachogiannis and other expats are stepping up to pay the bills from California, rescuing companies with astonishingly small amounts.

Comment Re:Oh get over it. (Score 2) 188

One needs to "starve the beast" the beast being our own tendencies to vote to lavish on ourselves, with disproportionately wasteful government super-markup.

It is voracious, and always spends as much as it can get, and is always chronically short, needing to borrow. Actually, most borrowing is viewed as income to spend -- they can get away with borrowing X percent of GDP. It has nothing to do with need and everything to do with more money to spend.

Starve that beast. Shut off new inventions of income.

Comment Re:It's the end of the world as we know it! (Score 1) 307

Of course they probably could have just done it much, much simpler by making a dotted quad a dotted quint:

But that would have resulted in a strange number of bits of addressing, and actually made everything much more complicated, so they skipped it. It really had to be a multiple of 32 bits, and obviously, they went big.

Comment Most of their apps are annoying anyway (Score 2) 110

They keep boning the interface for maps, someone could seriously make a buck just skinning it and giving easy access to the offline caching feature and so on. And googles, why for you no have keywords? I just wind up going to the web interface for image searches. So there's an extra step.

Inbox is pretty nice, I guess. I didn't get the impression that there was much competition in that space. Am I wrong?

Comment Re:The addresses are there... but still... (Score 1) 307



Good (IBM) politically correct message though.

I haven't worked there for years and years, and I didn't even work for IBM proper; I worked for Tivoli, which hadn't yet been fully subsumed into the IBM culture. I did, however, have access to the 9 net, and there really is a whole little world in there. It's part of how IBM keeps people on the reservation.

Comment Re:Assumptions are the mother of all ... (Score 1) 172

And should I also put the bigger screen, full size keyboard and mouse in my bag and carry it with me every time I visit a client on-site?

Taking a portable computer with a big screen with me is better than taking a portable computer with a small screen with me, for exactly the same reasons that having a big screen (or more than one) on my desktop is better than having a small screen on my desktop. Yes, it's balanced out modestly by weight and power issues, but carrying a bag that weighs an extra pound from the train/car to the client's office/facility is hardly a burden for any reasonably fit adult.

Comment Re:Is this true? (Score 1) 172

That is, once you convert to Win 10, if you don't like it you can't reinstall Win 7. Is this true? I hope not.

Yes and no. Yes, they're going to convert your license, so the original license will be invalidated. No, you will still be able to install Windows 7. What you won't be able to do is legally re-validate it. But seriously, if you use an activation tool to go back to Windows 7, you think Microsoft will knock on your door and sue you?

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