Uhm, what? National Socialism is socialism. Most of original members of NSDAP were communists initially, and they kept the socialism part better than the reds. They allocated the vileness differently: reds went Orwellian and made their rule a hellhole for everyone, while browns went hard against those not perceived as a part of their nation.
Real tenets of communism:
1. the Dear Leader is always right
2. every layer of the Party is always right where it doesn't contradict current whims of those above
3. everyone has to work, the work doesn't need to make sense
4. the all-pervasive propaganda is 100% lies, and pointing out contradictions is treason
Real tenet of nazism:
1. non-germans have no rights
2. true germans deserve meaningful employment, and if they do the work, they get decent rewards. Not being able to do the work is no excuse.
3. those who disagree with the system: see non-germans
4. lies are kept consistent, the propaganda is tailored into a cohesive narrative