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Comment Re:And here I am about to ditch Chrome... (Score 1) 102

I scroll through an RSS reader and middle-click on links to open them in a new tab for reading later. When I've read it I close the tab and move on. The reason for this behaviour is that I have long file saves at work and I keep myself entertained for roughly 90 seconds at a time. Sometimes I read what I got, sometimes I find new stuft. Basically it's what you do except I don't get enough time to go through them all. I have a few tabs that have been open for over two months. Sooner or later I'll find a half hour to read that whole thing.

Comment Re:This could never happen with global warming... (Score 1) 260

As I originally stated, you claimed that someone else's opinion was wrong. Yet the opinion was never expressed by someone else, only imagined by you. This is the very definition of a straw man argument.

Nah. It was attacking a supporting argument to his spoken point.

That is, there is no consensus at all that global warming needs to be 'solved' or even how to 'solve' it if it does need to be solved. There's no consensus that it's a problem, which was implicit in that guy's response.

His point was that science journalists and scientists never could be fooled by similar claims, but they already post silly claims all the time related to AGW, like this one by a scientist, which was widely reported before being debunked by other scientists (and soon by time as well).

Comment Re:Until Google closes it... (Score 1) 175

When had Google ever shut down a service with little or no warning? They always give you plenty of time, typically a year, to move somewhere else. It's annoying, for sure, but it's not like a HDD dying and taking all your bits with it.

I have maybe 100GB of photos. I could upload that lot in a couple of nights, or less than one day. As it happens I don't rely on Google to back my photos up, but if the encrypted cloud service I do use went down it wouldn't be a problem to move to a different one. It's only crazy to rely on the cloud if you somehow manage to get yourself into a situation where the cloud has unique files you don't have locally, which in the case of a backup clearly isn't the case, or if you are somehow unable to switch to another service.

Comment Re:I don't really buy it (Score 1) 422

Well, bankruptcy ALWAYS is the result of somebody demanding something they think is owed them under the law. In fact that's pretty much what bankruptcy is: when you can't raise enough cash to pay people what they're legally owed. If your company can't pay the rent you don't go around saying, "We'd still be in business if the landlord hadn't sued us." People would laugh at you. But for some reason if you say "We'd still be in business of the employees hadn't sued us," then people somehow act as if that isn't equally ridiculous.

It's the same attitude where companies raid the employee pension fund to pay for current expenses: that somehow employees ought to pay for the mistakes of management.

Comment Re:Boondoggle (Score 1) 53

Really? Soooo.... after you get sick, you will happily reject the results of all that money spent on health research over the years? It was someone else's money, you have no right to it given the pittance you paid in taxes.

Come to think of it, all that money pissed off on quantum physics over the years that allowed you to type your silly thought was useless as well, take it back.

And all that money the Swiss patent office pissed off on Einstein when he was supposed to be working instead of working out a theory of gravity, money down the drain that...or at least down a drain we can locate via GPS.

Science is a tax. It is a tax on current generations so that future generations can live better. This used to be considered a human virtue, now the dumbinati consider it money wasted because they didn't immediately see their cut of progress.

Comment Re:It's 1930s retro! (Score 1) 184

It is sad.

Sourceforge used to be a pillar of the community. It seemed something more than what github is now. I'm not sure precisely what caused the demise, but I remember it going downhill since before github was really, really big.

Apparently they decided GIMP-Win was "abandoned". It was after a fashion---the distributor decided to stop using sourceforce and instead goes through the main GIMP site. Naturally the thing to do here is for sourceforge to take over the reigns and start putting the latest GIMP releases in it's place for the 6 or 7 remaining people who still use sourceforge. That in itself is not terrible, but it's the way they hijacked the installer which stinks.

But it's all OK since the account owner never knew^Wobjected.

Here's the delightful corporate weasel wording:

But it's not "obnoxious shitware" it's "easy to decline third party offers". Right.

Now Dice: grow a spine and let this article on the front page. You fucked up, everyone knows you fucked up now own it.

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