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Comment Re: Rules for thee but not for me (Score 3, Insightful) 26

"This is the taboo question that no none is allowed to ask, because everyone already knows the answer, and the answer is not the evil racist white man."

In fact that often IS the answer. Nations were destroyed with colonialism, and racism was literally invented to excuse it. Many have also been deliberately suppressed since through various foul means including sanctions, backing coups, and outright assassination. That answer is the real taboo, especially if you ask the governments responsible.

Comment Changing Behavior is Quicker and Cheaper (Score 1) 131

Superman is not coming.

Every time someone promises a technological solution to a human behavior issue, we get farther from solving the problem. If we decide that 45,000 road deaths per year is too high a cost for the 3.19 trillion vehicle miles traveled per year, then we can:

1. Require actual driver training, education, and certification prior to granting driving privileges.
2. Be more strict on major road crimes: criminal speeding, driving without a valid driver licenses, drunk driving, etc.
3. Require licensure re-testing every 10 years until age 65 at which point testing should be required every 5 years.
4. Invest more in local transit so that the reduced number of of people without drivers licenses have improved transportation options.

But the tech may not pan out. Or it may not be affordable. Or it may not be financially feasible (one company taking on the liability of multiple deaths per year probably won't survive).

So ya... we need to assume that Superman isn't coming and apply the solutions we know would work.

Comment Re:Is the IGN article drawing the wrong conclusion (Score 1) 41

The other thing not mentioned is that Hell Diver 2 was originally supposed to have the PSN requirement. However, it was way more popular than Sony anticipated at launch and their PSN infrastructure could not handle the amount of players interfacing with Steam. So they removed the requirement temporarily while they worked on their infrastructure.

A major issue is that Steam is in more countries than PSN. A major complaint is that some players will not be able to play the game anymore as their country currently does not have PSN. This should have been addressed somehow. The other issue is that people do not like to login twice. This is more of an inconvenience though.

Comment Re:Why do people bash Worldcoin? (Score 1) 52

There was at least one during a trial. They stopped it, but I can't currently find the story and there are many substitute stories which seem to be covering it in the search engines.

However, here's a real example from Malaysia for a car.

Comment Re:Why do people bash Worldcoin? (Score 1) 52

The people who don't like Worldcoin are either people who don't understand it, or people who don't like the fact that the average Joe can make money in cryptocurrency,.

Biometric IDs have been tried in South America. During a previous try in Mexico, using fingerprints to verify cash machine access, a fair number of people ended up losing their fingers or hands to thieves who took them during muggings hoping to use them together with their stolen credit cards. Perhaps some of us have some experience in the field, remember things like this and don't want to find out where this type of thing can end.

Generally, never use something that cannot be updated and/or replaced or given away as an identifier for access to money.

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