Skin Sensing Table Saw 471
killabrew writes "Check out this article from Design News about a new skin sensing table saw technology that is on the verge of becoming a mandatory piece of hardware on every table saw. For years inventor Stephen Gass persevered in the face of legal, corporate and technical foes, he is forcing society to rethink its acceptance of saw blade accidents."
Dupe from 30-Jun-04 (Score:2, Informative)
Which was probably duped again earlier.
Quick, go steal some +5 comments from that one!
"Saw III" (Score:5, Funny)
Re:"Saw III" (Score:5, Funny)
Re:"Saw III" (Score:3, Insightful)
I think he means "rated G, for 'Garbage'." :-)
Re:"Saw III" (Score:2, Funny)
Re:"Saw III" (Score:4, Informative)
Interesting Technology (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:2)
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:2)
Just watch "Naked Gun" for video proof!
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:3, Funny)
Then I'd say it's probably safe for you to pet my dog.
Otherwise, however, I'd be very, very careful.
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:3, Insightful)
The most obvious reason is cost. If a company hasn't been hit by an accident in the past, then if (like a lot of companies) they're purely looking at their bottom line, why would they pay more for this saw than the one they've already got...
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:5, Insightful)
There is always going to be some level of safety below which people will say, "forget it, it's not worth it, I'd rather just take the cash than make myself 1 in a million less likely to die". For example, would you take a 20% pay cut to halve your risk of death on the job?
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:3, Insightful)
Although I think your first two are options as well, you forget that not only do employers pay higher cost, if someone does get injured, they pay for the medical expenses related to the injury, likely for the life of the employee.
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:2, Interesting)
Having worked as RN in a large factory which had Lost Time Injuries approximately every 3 days.... and which could have saved a fortune if modest changes had been made, I have discussed this with management.
The motivation of the management who makes the decisions is one of control and temper. It really does make sense to make things safer. This factory could have saved about $100,000 a week had it improved safety. They just didn't want to do it. You see a worker was only paid about $50,000 a year and as
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:5, Insightful)
The motivation of the management who makes the decisions is one of control and temper. It really does make sense to make things safer. This factory could have saved about $100,000 a week had it improved safety. They just didn't want to do it. You see a worker was only paid about $50,000 a year and as such these people didn't cost management enough to be worth anything to them.
I watched the expensive management employees get protected while the workers got nothing. This was a tire factory. They made $1,350,000 a day even with this injury expense. It may be strange to some but actually the workers were too cheap to be worth anything. The loss of a life about every year or so was an acceptable cost to management. So what if you pay off the family with a damage claim of $500,000 or so. Blow it off. These people are worthless in the eyes of management...
Saving $5,200,000 a year simply didn't enter their mind as worth that much effort. I proposed that we use the medical data to extract which machines should be fixed. I offered to observe the machines and look at what was going on. They had no interest. One major loss to them was hearing losses. The addition of a few minor changes could have nearly silenced the factory. They couldn't care less. Another major loss was loss of hands and fingers and intermittently a person in a machine. Simple design changes in jobs would have improved production and saved lifes. They didn't care because it might "bother" their situation. It was an attitude that the "Free Trade" advocates refuse to recognize. Burried in the true motivations of many rich persons is a hatred of other social classes and a view that they are property not people. This is why they will not embrace safety technology.
Your numbers don't make sense - $100,00 is about 1% of a weeks take (per your numbers) which is usually enough to get a company take notice; which is why I doubt your numbers. Either they are wrong or the required changes were so expensive as to be unaffordable - so when you say:
One major loss to them was hearing losses. The addition of a few minor changes could have nearly silenced the factory.
I have to wonder - silencing an industrial environment is not easy nor cheap - which is why wearing proper hearing protection is generally the best fix (and enforceable as well).
Then again, your last paragraph shows where you are coming from - I sense you had an agenda that was not well received and probably not realistic nor practical.
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:3, Interesting)
When I was working at a storage systems facility owned by a large company, which it later sold to another large company, there was an on-site accident that landed an employee in the hospital.
Suddenly, we were policed for over-the-top compliance on every perceived OSHA requirement, greatly slowing down our productivity. For example, even though it wasn't policy, we were no longer allowed in the cleanroom without steel-toes shoes, etc.
Then we finally found out the
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:3, Insightful)
Same reason safety is an afterthought in many industries: expense. New technology is always a bit expensive. They need to make this cheap for it to be widely adopted. Otherwise it will only makes its way into the high-end equipment.
Hopefully they will be able to sell a critical mass quantity to bring the price down and make it available to every tool maker.
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:4, Insightful)
or it gets by passed because people are lazy and management looks the other way. For example the meat slicer at a restaurant/deli. I heard horror stories from my friends that started part time jobs in HS before me about how dangerous the slicer was they'd show me the cuts and the missing tips of fingers that would end up in tonight's bread pudding. So when I got a job that required me to use the meat slicer I was very careful and I found that if you would just keep your hand on the grip and behind the "shield" you were ok. I never cut myself or came close to it. So my point is even if the safety device is simple and it doesn't get in the way of proper use people will still find ways to hurt themselves in efforts to expedite their tasks.
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:2)
I would think that it would remove a very painful consequence to carelessness around the machine shop. Unless a saw is defective by design, many of these kinds of accidents are caused by human error. If you rely on a safety mechanism to keep your fingers rather than dilligence and common sense, accidents could increase if bad habits developed by a reliance on these devices are applied to the older machinery in the shop or a faulty safety mechan
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:2)
Conspiracy theory: (Score:2)
This device was designed to kill the hotdog cutting business. All "safety" benefits of this product are masking the true intention.
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:2)
Just to make it clear, I'm all for making things safer where theres a way. I think 'fair trade' should include provisions to make products more expensive if they are made in countries that do not have similar safety and workers rights law. Unfortunately we'll likely have to end up giving everythi
Re:Interesting Technology (Score:2)
The rather outrageous licensing fees (8%) the guy was wanting for every saw produced with the technology couldn't have helped,
I tried to buy one. (Score:5, Interesting)
So, when I finally had a reason to go buy a tablesaw for my business, and I saw the horrible cost of insurance, I tried to buy the auto-shut-off table saw. Of course, I searched the web. Then I called the big saw distribution importers and distributors. It took some effort, but I finally got an answer why they were not, and probably would never be available.
It's not a perfect product. It is still possible to get your fingers cut off, and it is possible to have it "jam" on plain old wood too. When it jams, you have to replace the blade and the whole blade jamming mechanism- it can take most of a day to do that, if you have the parts, and it's expensive. It can cost as much as a whole new table saw each time it goes off.
All those things are solveable, but I was also told that the insurance companies hate the thing. It sounds counter-intuitive, but you know that a table saw is dangerous. If you believe that it's less dangerous, then you might be more careless too. The car companies had a similar argument against seat belts back in the 1960s.
There are better solutions in industry. CNC automated machines are used where lots of similar parts need to be made. There are very few, if any, one-off parts in manufacturing environments. So the only real market for this machine is the hobbyist or general contractor and cabinet maker, and the professionals have really good stafety rules anyway (at least the ones where I worked did).
But, as it stands, nobody has a case if he tries to sue the manufacturer because he cut off his finger. But put an auto-brake on the saw, and every time it fails the manufacturer and insurance company have a dismemberment case to settle.
Use your table saw today! Get catapult and trebuchet kit plans at []
Need a "good samaritan" exemption (Score:4, Interesting)
An well-said, although unfortunate, point.
It's seemed to me for a while that we need -- if we can't actually accomplish all-over tort reform -- some sort of a "good samaritan" law for corporations as well as individuals.
There shouldn't be any liability reasons for not putting a safety device like this on your equipment. But the system as it stands doesn't encourage it, for exactly the reasons you mention. Without a safety device, and as long as they're not "expected," when someone takes their finger off, it's just their own damn fault. But with the safety device, they'll be a massive lawsuit whenever it doesn't work perfectly -- even though it might work very well most of the time.
This reminds me of the situation in many states prior to the introduction of "good samaritan" liability laws. You'd have doctors and off-duty paramedics driving past the scene of an accident and not stopping, because nobody wanted to risk getting sued. It was only after some pretty ridiculous and unfortunate situations, where it became clear that as a society, we shouldn't be encouraging people to leave their fellows bleeding to death in a ditch because of fear of being sued later, that many states have changed the law.
A company which makes it's products safer than the norm shouldn't be liable for suits when the safety mechanism fails, if the result of the failure is that the product is only as dangerous as the device would normally be expected to be (assuming the manufacturer has not advertised it as being much safer, or that less precautions are necessary).
Any time you have the law encouraging the creation of more-dangerous products for perceived liability reasons, you have a problem. The goal of the law should be to encourage and reward productive behavior, not discourage and punish it.
Re:Need a "good samaritan" exemption (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Need a "good samaritan" exemption (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:I tried to buy one. (Score:3, Interesting)
That's because "splitters", as implemented on 99% of table saws sold in the US, are utter and total crap which should be banned. They don't work that well, they don't rise and fall with the blade, and worst of all, they're a pain to remove and re-install, in case you need to make a dado or other
Good product (Score:5, Informative)
Here [] is a writeup of the saw's debut at the International Woodworking Machinery & Furniture Supply Fair (2000). I remember reading this back in 2000 thinking "great idea, but I wonder if it'll ever get adopted". Glad to see it's gaining traction - the table saw is the only piece of equipment in my shop that I'm nervous around.
Now if they can solve kick-back, I'll be a tablesaw fiend.
Re:Good product (Score:3, Informative)
As far as kickback, a s
Re:Good product (Score:2)
Re:Good product (Score:3, Informative)
Solution... (Score:2)
Keep your blades sharp and don't allow that cut measure to sit angled on the table, causing blade binding when you use it as a cutting guide.
Re:Good product (Score:3, Insightful)
Oh, the humanity! (Score:5, Funny)
> corporate and technical foes, he is forcing society to rethink
> its acceptance of saw blade accidents."
Proof of why this technology is needed: the above sentence was horribly, tragically mangled in a comma splicing accident.
Transfering the momentum (Score:3, Funny)
Whooops... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Whooops... (Score:2)
End of an era. (Score:5, Funny)
Hey! (Score:2)
And scary enough, I'm not kidding (about the fingers)
Re:Hey! (Score:2)
Re:Hey! (Score:2)
Umm, I think that was the essence of the OP's joke - the woodshop teacher has too few fingers to count to five on one hand.
Re:End of an era. (Score:2)
But what if I want to cut meat on my table saw? (Score:3, Funny)
Bad memories (Score:5, Funny)
In the basement.
The finished basement.
After all was said and done, walls and ceiling were covered in fine salmon shavings. Gross. Mom was less than thrilled.
re: cutting frozen meat (Score:4, Informative)
Much of it had to be thrown out due to all the bone chips.
How does it work??? (Score:2)
Does it stop spinning once it tastes human blood?
Does it stop spinning once it encounters less resistance?
And what about slasher films? Are Jason, Freddie et al, going to have to look for vintage saws for their work?
I dont get it, please somebody explain
Change in Electrical Conductivity and Capacitance (Score:2)
Re:How does it work??? (Score:3, Informative)
always two sides to every story (Score:5, Informative)
The second issue was that the product had great difficulty distinguishing the change in capacitance due to human flesh from that due to very wet lumber. This has undoubtedly been improved over the past few years, but people would have been somewhat unhappy to have false triggers that required them to a) replace the safety cartridge and b) their saw blade, which is consumed when the system triggers. Not to mention having the bejeesus scared out them when the system fires in error.
To talk about the inventor persevering in the face of corporate pressure is silly. This isn't a David vs. Goliath story. The inventor was a patent attorney that tried to bludgeon power tool companies with a 250+ page patent, and he could have sold his concept on day one if he hadn't been quite as greedy. There was no shortage of companies looking for competitive advantage in the power tool industry, which has been pretty stagnant of late.
Re:always two sides to every story (Score:5, Insightful)
Yeah, this is more of a Beavis vs Butthead story, and is fairly typical of the way new technology is introduced.
Part 1: Clever, arrogant guy gets brilliant idea and develops it to the point where he is convinced it'll change the world. That's the science and tech part. Now it's all done, ok? There is no more science or technology in this story after this point. Only politics and monkey psychology.
Part 2: Clever, arrogant guy tries to change the course of history in a year or so, and cash in hugely in the process, by selling his idea or some instantiation thereof to established industry players. He pisses off everyone in the industry in the processes, which is easy to do because they are at least as arrogant and far less clever than he is.
Part 3: A messy, improbably stupid battle of wills ensues as the industry tries to do an end-run around the inventor and the inventor tries to harrass the industry in to buying his tech. This can go on for as long as decades, but if anyone "gave in" it would be a matter of "losing face", and "face" is extremely important to monkeys. If a monkey loses face, he will be demoted in the hierarchy of the troop, and that has all kinds of costs associated with it, including potential mating opportunities. So evolution has pretty much tuned monkeys up to act like arrogant assholes in these situations, because arrogant assholes are what female monkeys are most interested in, because arrogant assholes can command a greater fraction of the troop's resources.
Epilogue: Many years later, the technology is widely adopted and all concerned are hailed for their forward-looking stance and innovative thinking. Companies that fought the tech tooth and nail now tout themselves as early adopters (which they may well be, relative to other companies.) The original inventor, ignoring all the progress that has been made in making his original prototype a practical, manufacturable device, is hailed as a great innovator.
The amazing thing about modern social democratic market societies is that we are actually the most efficient innovators in history, and not by a small fraction.
This has been around for years (Score:5, Insightful)
After the saw manufactures refused to pay his unreasonable licensing free (3-8% of the saw sale price)for his patented tchnology he moved on to lobbying for a law to make it mandetory (and still pay his licensing fee)
I have to agree the idea is cool but I don't like having it forced down my throat.
He did go on to start his own saw company and makes one of the best saws on the market...
Re:Link to web site (Score:3, Informative) []
Re:This has been around for years (Score:3, Informative)
Yes! (Score:3, Funny)
No big deal. (Score:5, Insightful)
Honestly, you're not a carpenter unless you have a few battle scars to show off.
Re:No big deal. (Score:3, Informative)
All they have to do is turn the key on the side of the unit that "disables" the safety feature.
It comes standard on the saw.
Some friends of mine own a Scene Shop that makes sets for Stage Productions and they bought a pair of these a couple of years ago.
Being a Scene Shop, they don't just use the saws to cut wood, they also cut Acrylic and Aluminum.
They HAVE to disa
I wanted to give it too thumbs up... (Score:2, Funny)
NPR Covered This in 2004 (Score:2, Flamebait)
The interesting thing is that the power tool industry refused the technology because it was too safe. They were afraid anybody without the technology would get sued for unsafe products, so they they collectively embargoed the technology.
From the NPR write up:
Re:NPR Covered This in 2004 (Score:3, Insightful)
Basically, it would have been like the guy who invented seatbelts requiring a licensing fee of $500 for each car they're installed in (back in the 50s).
I've got no problem with this except... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I've got no problem with this except... (Score:4, Insightful)
This seems to be the new religion - at least in the US. 'The market' isn't some magical cure-all that is going to sort everything out and make the world a better place. Experience shows that free-market capitalism doesn't exist, among other things because every time restrictions are removed from businesses, we get monopolies, kartels and all the other diseases of extreme capitalism; thus, even if there are no restrictions imposed by the state, the free market will quickly be killed off by predatorial companies.
Instead of this pipe-dream about the holy and divine 'free market' there should be simple and clear restrictions in place that would favour the small to medium sized businesses; the bigger companies are simply extremely inefficient in a number of areas; in a small company each employee often has a big stake in the success of the company and will work harder and not waste resources. A big company will tend to extract money from society into some form af passive storage, possibly overseas, whereas in small companies the money tends to get spent in the local area to the benefit of everybody.
So let's put this silly, religious free-market mantra to one side; it won't benefit you or me (unless you happen to be a multibillionaire).
Table Saw Safety (Score:5, Insightful)
I was cutting a piece of wood that was way too small for a table saw to cut safely and it got my index finger. An avulsion laceration about 1/8" wide, right across the fleshy pad of the finger, down but not quite to the bone.
My fault, I know. I didn't sue anyone, and wouldn't have thought to even if it took my hand. [For a cut that small and precise, I should have walked out to the workshop and used a band saw or built a jig. But I was lazy...]
This is a great idea, but like another poster said it has to be cheap, and it has to be non-obtrusive. The safety of the device is a trade off against its utility. If the saw stops working because of a faulty safety switch, the safety switch will get removed. If it's expensive to replace, it will probably not be replaced.
For example, my table saw has a kick-guard that goes over and behind the blade. It's an incredible pain in the ass because gets in the way, it's hard to see around, and makes some cuts damned-near impossible. It was removed.
Make it cheap and make it reliable, and then it'll actually save some fingers.
Just call me Butterfingers! (Score:4, Funny)
This has been around for years (Score:5, Informative)
All of them turned it down due to legal implications, as well as adding to the cost per unit price.
Leagally, if a power tool manufacturer added this to their existing line of table saws, it *COULD* be taken as an admission of guilt that their previous models were not safe, any accident cases (no matter how stupid) would then have another chance at a successful suit.
Also, the inventor has been lobbying for *YEARS* to get his invention as a required component of table saws. He hasn't even had success in California - the most liberal state for passing stuff like this - let alone elsewhere.
I'm not knocking his invention, I've seen it pitched first hand
Destroying the blade of course. which
Another reason this hasn't been adopted yet is that pressure treated wood also tends to cause the brakes to fire off
Re:This has been around for years (Score:2)
Another example of patent BS (Score:2)
- The inventor wants to extort 8% of the price of each saw
- This opens the door for all sorts of product liability lawsuits
Its interesting that this idea gets universal acclaim, while software inventions covered by patent are almost universally reviled. The reason that you're hearing about this at all is that the inventory is a savvy patent attorney who is going to eventually use government regulation as a club to make a huge amount of money.
The pro
This has been out for *years*. (Score:5, Informative)
The "Sawstop" modifies the electrical potential of the blade, and can thus detect when skin hits the blade. Of course it also triggers if you cut metal, so it has a disable switch. Apparently wet wood doesn't trigger it.
When it detects flesh, it has an explosive charge that rams a chunk of aluminum into the blade stopping it within ~3ms. I saw it demoed in person at a wood show. The demonstrator slid a hot dog into the blade at a fair speed and there was a large bang. The hot dog had been cut into maybe 1/32" or so (a bit under a millimetre).
The main problem is that the inventor wanted huge royalties from existing tool companies, and tried to force through legislation making it mandatory to include the device on *all* table saws in the US. As you can imagine, people were less than impressed about having it rammed down their throats. Even now, the saw that incorporates this is a very nice saw, but they still charge about 30% more than for other comparable saws.
Wow, but needs work. (Score:2)
Not so great (Score:5, Insightful)
You can't cut green wood (wood that hasn't sat around long enough to get down to 10% water). I've gotten construction grade lumber that would easily have tripped this.
Most accidents on the TS aren't from people accidentally putting their hand in the path of the blade, it's from them either slipping (in which case they are essentially slapping the blade, and will still get a very serious cut), or from kickback. I believe (though I don't have a source) that most accidents are from kickback.
Also, many people take the blade guard that is included with their saw off becuase they think it gets in the way (which I've never really understood). If you were to look at the number of accidents on the TS, I would be willing to bet that most accidents involve a TS without a blade guard.
Most damning though, is that when this unit does go off, your saw blade (that you pay $100 a pop for) is rotated down into a block of aluminum, and gets welded there from the heat. Even if you can extracate the blade from that block, it wouldn't be safe to use it again, so you have to buy a new blade, and a new cartridge.
Table saws have been around for at least 100 years in their various forms and most woodworkers can still count to 10.
"Do you expect me to talk?" (Score:3)
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to get a 1mm cut and ruin my blade..."
work safetly (Score:5, Funny)
Macho Men (Score:3, Insightful)
I hope that every time a worker loses fingers to a traditional table saw, their employer gets hit with a big lawsuit. Endangering yourself in your home workshop is your choice, but you shouldn't be able to impose that decision on your employees. I have an Uncle who was almost killed by a poorly maintained saw at his workplace. He lost part of one hand. It was pure luck that it didn't cut him in half.
You can't assume that the equipment is in good working condition, and that the operators are properly trained and alert. You have to take active steps to regularly inspect the equipment for problems, perform preventive maintenance, train the operators on how to safely operate it, and make sure that everyone is actually following the safety rules. Any machine that relies solely on operator alertness to prevent an accident is an accident waiting to happen. Real people get distracted and have off days.
Safety aside..... (Score:5, Informative)
Outside of those items, the SawStop is also very well balanced, it has almost no vibration, even less that most other Cabinet Saws. The trunions are solid and move the blade into position with little effort from the user. It also has a magnetic cutoff switch positioned right above the users knee for quick shutdown. It also includes a Biesemeyer style fence. Its only real drawback is that it is very expensive at $2800 for the basic saw. Options can run well over $5000. While I still like it, that money could be better spent on a European Combination Machine such as the Laguna or a Delta Unisaw with alot of money left over for other tools.
Power tool injuries (Score:3, Insightful)
I was very lucky, I did not cut any bone and I only lost a strip of tissue about an inch long, maybe 3/8's of an inch deep and 3/32's of an inch wide out of my thumb. Still it was a sobering experience that left a piece of expensive oak ruined (not to mention the blood rushing out of my thumb). What happened is that I was making numerous identical cuts and I got a bit bored and for just a moment I didn't think.
I try not to be stupid around power tools; I am not a professional, just a hobbyist and am very aware of my relationship to my tools. While I have learned to trust them, I have also learned to distrust them and always try to be as safe as possible. I think that the table saw is probably one of the more dangerous tools in the typical wood shop simply because there are so many times when you have to work with this guard removed or you are tempted to make a fine adjustment with the power on.
I am frankly a bit offended by the industries lack of enthusiasm for this kind of product (although on the flip side, I also understand that it would make every new saw much more expensive). The power tool industry is very aware that their products can cause serious injury (up to and including the loss of life). When they have an opportunity to make their products cheaper, they are morally obliged to do so. While this high-tech solution my have some shortfalls, it is obviously a step in the right direction. I suspect that the industry can find ways of making similar safety devices that work in different ways if they want to or are "encouraged" to. .
Re:Whats the problem? (Score:5, Insightful)
It works really well for none conductive materials (uses skin capacitance to make a circuit, then when made retracts the blade), however if your cutting up things which trigger it randomly you will disable the feature (yes its not all the time).
Each time it is triggered the blade is ruined and needs replacing, better make sure the wood you are sawing isn't damp or you will either remove the safety feature (to save money) or get pissed off because you have to spend 10 minutes to change the blade every few planks.
It would be better to concentrate whilst working than making silly mistakes every day, may be good to replace machines with this and for those silly enough to trigger it more than once disable the feature and let them learn a valuable lesson.....
Re:Whats the problem? (Score:3, Insightful)
This may have a brighter future in heavy industry and the assembly-line type of stuff, where the material going in is fairly standard and conductive things aren't normally involved, making more sense for the machine to crap itself when something finger-like does find its way in.
Re:Whats the problem? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Whats the problem? (Score:5, Funny)
A mate told me about such a machine - ie must be pressing two buttons before the machine will operate so you MUST have your hands clear - but some bozo figured out you could save a bunch of time by wedging in one of the buttons with cardboard so you only have to press one button.
However much we try to make things idiot proof, nature can always counter with a better idiot!
Re:Whats the problem? (Score:4, Informative)
This is a good summary of the issues:
Re:Whats the problem? (Score:2)
Re:Whats the problem? (Score:5, Insightful)
Why don't you drive without a seatbelt, and with a sharp metal spike sticking out from your steering wheel instead of an airbag? That'll definitely help your concentration won't it?
People make mistakes all the time. And sometimes it's you who suffers for someone else's mistake.
As for learning lessons, people still get cut by this saw - just look at the testimonials on their site. Wouldn't it be better that people learn their lessons from a painful nick and the cost of fixing the saw than losing an entire finger (or more)?
The problem I see is lobbying for a law that requires people to license patented technology AND making the license fee expensive. Of course if I hear wrong and it's a reasonable fee, then the saw industry people are the greedy selfish ones.
Butcher Re:Whats the problem? (Score:3, Interesting)
Lets add a tempreture sensor so it knows cold, dead meat from the live kind your hand is made of.
To clarify []
Re:Butcher Re:Whats the problem? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Whats the problem? (Score:3, Informative)
An interesting guess but wet wood (which you REALLY shouln'd be curtting) isn't going to have the same electrical properties as wet salty flesh which is MUCH more conductive.
Mmmmm... wet salty flesh...
Re:Whats the problem? (Go here) (Score:3, Informative) []
Re:Whats the problem? (Go here) (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Whats the problem? (Go here) (Score:3, Interesting)
Riving knives protect from most types of kick-back, and yet the saw-stop is one of the few US saws to have them.
Re:Who do you sue... (Score:2)
You're more likely to wake up and find that you need a new sawblade, fuse, and blade-stopping assembly than you are to have it fail in some sort of finger-mangling way.
testing with hands (Score:3, Insightful)
Dunno about wet wood.
Re:Who do you sue... (Score:2)
If you look at the movie, you'll see that there is a little cut on the hot dog. It stops the saw from cutting right through, but I'm sure the guy doesn't want to sit there taking small chunks off of his hand every 30 mins.
they never show wet wood. We have to cut wet lumber sometimes. Does that make any difference with this mechanism?
Probably not - the article states that the mechanism looks for specific changes
Re:Who do you sue... (Score:3)
Re:Who do you sue... (Score:5, Insightful)
And if it is so great and reliable, why are they using hot dogs and not this guys hand?
That's a little like asking why they don't use live people instead of dummies in automobile crash tests. Don't they have any faith in their products?
Anybody with a realistic sense of safety and security understands that even if your safety system is 99.9% reliable, you still don't press it into service UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Why have a 99.9% chance of being okay when you can have a 100% chance of being okay? When using a table saw, your PRIMARY line of safety is not putting your fingers in the fricking saw, NOT some fancy electronic capacitance gizmo. It's great to have that around in case you decide to be an idiot one day, but relying totally on it as an excuse to be a dumbshit is stupid, and if you lose a finger you get what you deserve.
In rock climbing, great pains are taken to make sure the climbers have SOLID ANCHORS to the rock face -- attachments that you could hang a Chevy from. That still doesn't mean you're going to deliberately fall on your protection!