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Star Wars 3D And TV 311

Master_of_Tumbleweeds writes "Rick McCallum, co-producer of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, appeared at a press conference in Japan earlier today. He spoke about the future of Star Wars, specifically about the 3D updates of all six films and the upcoming TV series. McCallum said that the 3D films would be released within two to three years, and that the TV shows would take place during the 20 year time period between Episode III and IV. He also mentioned that one of the shows would follow the adventures of a young Luke Skywalker, and reveal how certain characters ended up together. The show starts production next year."
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Star Wars 3D And TV

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  • by 77Punker ( 673758 ) <spencr04.highpoint@edu> on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:22PM (#12853070)
    He promised to make Star Wars get even worse than he managed to do the last three times. How will he do this?

    He'll do it weekly with a TV series!
    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:27PM (#12853092)
      On the other hand, if Lucas makes it show in three dimensions, maybe it will give the characters some depth.

      Or maybe not.
    • by reporter ( 666905 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @06:06PM (#12853273) Homepage
      "Stars Wars" (SW) is quickly morphing into the sort of downward spiral that marked the end of "Star Trek" (ST). ST saturated the airwaves, and eventually the plots became so shallow that they lost most of their audience. One problem is that plots begin to repeat themselves.

      Another problem is inconsistency.

      The first sign of trouble is inconsistency in the storylines. An example is the fact that, in the original SW trilogy, the Force is available to anyone willing to commit herself to the ideals of the Jedi. Obi-wan Kenobi offers to teach Han Solo how to master the Force, but the swashbuckler declines, preferring a good pistol. Then, in the new trilogy, the Force is available only to those with the blood stocked with midichlorians.

      By the way, epics come along only once in a great while. Trying to generate new and wonderful ideas each week for a TV series is extremely difficult; hence most shows (e.g. ST) end before about 7 seasons. Such a conclusion leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth, and once devoted fans permanently ignore the franchise.

      SW will most assuredly meet such a fate -- unless George Lucas deflates his ego and terminates the television series before they even begin.

      • Very well stated. I can only hope they don't fuck up as bad with the upcoming Indiana Jones movie. If they make the ass-kickingest hero ever look bad, cinema itself will finally be robbed of its last bit of glory.
      • by xoboots ( 683791 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @06:56PM (#12853508) Journal
        I find your lack of faith -- disturbing.

        As for the midichlorians, perhaps there is more to it than your apparently limited insight allow for. First of all, it is well known in the SW universe that the force permeates every living thing (with one notable exception, but they aren't discovered until after ROTJ so we will ignore them here). If midichlorians act as the mediation for that interaction than the implication is that everyone has at least SOME midichlorian in them (whatever it is) but that some folks have more than others. Just as some people are naturally more gifted athletes or mathematicians or more suited to contemplative, spiritual paths so too are some beings more likely to be adept at bearing the Force. The importance of "introducing" midichlorians is that it allowed Lucas to tell us that Anakin was off the chart when it came to natural Force adeptness. So your argument is rather unsophisticated.

        Furthermore, you have to account for the fact that just because a "sage" says something doesn't mean that it is the whole truth or even true at all. It is simply their belief or understanding. Note how both Yoda and Obi-Wan (whom we would assume should know better) are both bent on getting Luke to destroy Darth. Obi-Wan never fails in this persuit even though Padame's dying words to him were insistant that there was still good in Anakin. It takes young Luke (who is apparently the "real" chosen one and thus has great insight) to realize that one of the characteristics of the Force is that redemption is possible for all -- even Anakin. This is the real moral of Star Wars and it is somewhat hidden behind everything else that goes on so it is not surprising that you don't see it (again, neither did Yoda nor Obi-Wan). If you allow yourself to sucked in to the "realness" of the scenes that Lucas presents you miss things like that and it suggests that you are only doing a surface read. Yes its a big budget action movie but if you take a moment to NOT be wowed by what is happening, there is stuff there that acts at a deeper level.

        Asides from all that -- who the fuck cares if you are unhappy about these films or the direction that Lucas is taking the franchise? Just because you don't get it doesn't mean that you get to trash it. A lot of people DO enjoy SW and will continue to do so long into the future. As your ability to deconstruct appears somewhat lacking (don't worry, not everyone has great reserves of that talent) it is likely that your judgements on the matter will leave much to be desired. You talk about Lucas' ego and yet it is you who are suffering from delusions. I think Lucas has earned the right to set the direction for SW. You: not so much.
        • by clem ( 5683 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @10:05PM (#12854286) Homepage
          Asides from all that -- who the fuck cares if you are unhappy about these films or the direction that Lucas is taking the franchise? Just because you don't get it doesn't mean that you get to trash it.

          Actually, the grandparent poster can say anything they damn well feel like about these films. On Slashdot, it's generally accepted that you can post anything you wish as long as you can accept the effects this will have on your karma.

          This allows people to *gasp* criticize movies. Just like it allows you to play the shameless apologist for lukewarm (pun intended) cinema. Are you really objecting that a movie review was based on someone's opinion? Were you expecting objective, empirical evidence?

          Your personal set of taboos don't play a part in these forums.
        • Wrong. Anakin IS the chosen one. In the end it was Vader's decision to threw the emperor over the ledge to restore balance in the Force. Do you honestly thing that Yoda and Obiwan thought Luke had even snowballs chance in hell to beat both Vader and the Emperor? Did you see the pathetic Jedi training Luke got in the swamp? Yoda and Obiwan sent Luke in there as an "Jedi Master" because they thought he could change Vader's mind. The whole series is all about Anakin not Luke.
          • WRONG! Did you actually see Star Wars? Luke is the one who rebalanced the force, not Anakin. Yes, the series is about Anakin, but that doesn't mean who was the chosen one. As I've already said, the great sages were wrong and just because obi-wan thought Anakin was the chosen one doesn't make it so.
      • An example is the fact that, in the original SW trilogy, the Force is available to anyone willing to commit herself to the ideals of the Jedi. Obi-wan Kenobi offers to teach Han Solo how to master the Force,

        Just because David Brin said it in Salon doesn't mean it's true.

        You are invited to sit down with the laser discs, video tapes, or DVDs, and study them thouroughly. As soon as you find the line where Obi-Wan offers to train Han, post it exactly here, along with the preceeding and following lines fro
      • Never mind Wedge Antilles, the leader of Rogue Squadron, appears as 20-odd in Episode III, then in the original trilogy (A New Hope) appears to be 30-odd, then , then he's 28 years after RoTJ in the Rogue Squadron books. Talk about inconsistency...
        • IIRC, Wedge Antilles != Capt. Antilles of the Tantive IV...hell, I think one of the EU things even makes that clear.
        • Captain Antilles, commanding officer of the Tantive IV, appeared in Episode III when he was given the droids, and was killed by Darth Vader holding him up by his throat and crushing it early in Episode IV. C-3PO mentions to Luke in Episode IV that his most recent owner was Captain Antilles. He is called Captain Colton in the novelization of Episode IV.

          Wedge Antilles of Rogue Squadron, who appeared as a fighter pilot in the Battle of Yavin in Episode IV, the Battle of Hoth in Episode V, and the Battle of
  • be good, please be good, please be good.

    That would be a nice change.
  • by TooMuchEspressoGuy ( 763203 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:24PM (#12853076)
    Finally, my chance to actually realistically attempt to strangle Jar Jar Binks!
  • Why? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bcmm ( 768152 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:25PM (#12853080)
    Is there a good reason to keep the franchise going, other than money?

    Millions will watch it; fans will get more annoyed and alienated; non-fans will find it increasingly hard to believe the fans' claims that it used to be good and it will all be hugely profitable. Nothing new.
    • Re:Why? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jfengel ( 409917 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:36PM (#12853141) Homepage Journal
      George Lucas is apprently putting what he wants to see on film. He's been monkeying with his old films to make them look more like what he wanted (or at least, what he wants now).

      So if you're looking for an artistic rather than fiscal reason, that's it: George Lucas gets to make the movies he wants to make. He's writing and directing them, despite pleas from the fans to let somebody else do it. Supposedly that's what a real artist does: make the art his way, and critics, fans, and profits be damned.

      He happens to get the profits anyway. But if you're asking him to stop making movies his way and make them the way you want to see them, he'll tell you what any artist would tell you: go make your own movie.
      • Re: Why? (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Black Parrot ( 19622 )

        > So if you're looking for an artistic rather than fiscal reason, that's it: George Lucas gets to make the movies he wants to make. He's writing and directing them, despite pleas from the fans to let somebody else do it. Supposedly that's what a real artist does: make the art his way, and critics, fans, and profits be damned.

        And Lucas just happens to think action figures are an art form.

      • But if you're asking him to stop making movies his way and make them the way you want to see them, he'll tell you what any artist would tell you: go make your own movie.

        Whenever SlashDot posts a "Star Wars" (SW) topic in this forum, participants soon push the number of submitted articles to about 1000. There are many fans who are committed to the original myth in original SW trilogy, not the new myth in the new trilogy.

        I would also bet that, among those devoted fans, are some rich folks who have the

        • To those fans I'd say that the words "go make your own movie" should be followed by "from scratch".

          Seriously, it's his "stuff". His characters, his situations, his stories, and his ideas. It plays out the way he wants it and just because a bunch of people like it a lot doesn't mean they get to choose what happens or how things are done. For that they need to go create their own "stuff".
      • I think it's pretty obvious Lucas stopped being an artist a long time ago. Now he's just like Todd McFarlane (or should I say, McFarlane is just like him)... a really good businessman with no creative soul.
      • He's been monkeying with his old films to make them look more like what he wanted (or at least, what he wants now).

        Look on the bright side: He hasn't changed any dialogue.

        He still understands that there is a subtle difference between, "Luke, I am your father", and, "Luke, who's your daddy?"

    • Re:Why? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by jangobongo ( 812593 )

      Is there a good reason to keep the franchise going, other than money?

      Millions will watch it...

      You just answered your own question - millions will watch it. They'll watch it at least as long as it takes to find out if it's good or horrible.

      It could be good. The 'Clone Wars' cartoons seem to be well liked, though it may not have reached a very large audience.

      If they get it right, it could be as successful as 'Smallville' or some of the 'Star Trek' series. I thought 'The Young Indiana Jones' TV

    • Sounds just like Star Trek, aside from the whole "profit" thing.
  • by orangeguru ( 411012 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:25PM (#12853081) Homepage
    Every additional Star Wars remake, rerelease, addition, TV series, book, comic, condom, game WITHIN the movies time frame will make the MYTH only WEAKER. Damnit.
    • the MYTH that it was good in the first place?

      okay, so it might have been fantastic the first time around, but it has got to be one of the most overrated series ever.

      even if nothing was done after the first three films so it was as "pure" as possible, imo once the people old enough to have seen it on release die it would have been completely forgotten. after ROTS (which I think was okay to good but mostly just due to Ewan's enthusiasm) I tried watching the first film again. I got about 10 mins in before I
      • > okay, so it might have been fantastic the first time around, but it has got to be one of the most overrated series ever.

        With possible competition from The Matrix and the LotR books.

        > even if nothing was done after the first three films so it was as "pure" as possible, imo once the people old enough to have seen it on release die it would have been completely forgotten.

        IMO eIV wasn't great, but at least it was fun. Somewhere along the way Lucas lost his way, first by trying to take it too serio

        • Given that the hype engine was about equal for Star Wars, The Matrix, and LotR, LotR was the only one that delivered.

          At least I've yet to see someone start foaming at the mouth while describing how much it hurt them.

    • And there are so many pre and post-movie stories contained in the various comics and novels that would make excellent television or movies.

      Why don't they make a TV series from the book "I, Jedi", the Jedi Academy trilogy, or best of all - the Thrawn Trilogy? They could make one badass mini-series with Thrawn. There are many good story arcs in the Star Wars universe, and most lie outside the existing movies. I'm partial to those after the original trilogy, but there are good stories from before the prequel
    • "Every additional Star Wars remake, rerelease, addition, TV series, book, comic, condom, game WITHIN the movies time frame will make the MYTH only WEAKER. Damnit."

      Kind of reminds me when Enterprise 'explained' the smooth headed Klingons. I was one of the few that enjoyed that show, but I really despised the sterilization of that detail. I had a lot of fun imagining what would cause that. "We do not discuss it with outsiders."

      I see your point, man.
  • Hmm. (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:26PM (#12853084)
    In related news, George Lucas continues to shit diamonds...
  • by NightWulf ( 672561 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:26PM (#12853085)
    I'll just go to the zoo and taunt the monkeys. Eventually they'll throw some feces at my face, and I already have the same effect of the new Star Wars flying at me in 3D.
  • Hope they don't trash the mythos established in the old Brian Daley 'Han Solo' novels when the do their interstitial TV series.
    • Re:Sigh (Score:4, Insightful)

      by buddachile ( 115746 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:51PM (#12853212)
      from TFA: Do you really want to see a young Luke, Han, etc. interacting?

      in episode 4 han and luke interacted in a fashion that suggested that was the first time they had met. how would it make sense for them to interact in the TV series when the time frame is the 20 years between episodes 3 & 4?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I am SO excited about this, I'm sure it will have the quality of other tv shows based on movies such as "Stargate Atlantis".

    I'm so excited, I gotta pee...

    • Spot on - well, apart from the teeny, tiny fact that Stargate: Atlantis wasn't based on a movie.

      Atlantis is a spin-off of SG1, which *was* based on a movie and, having lasted 9 series, can't be doing too badly.
  • certain characters? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by cei ( 107343 )
    ...reveal how certain characters ended up together

    Isn't the main unknown in that gap between III and IV how Han met Chewie? All the other Ep IV relationships are fairly well accounted for...
    • by jspoon ( 585173 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @05:37PM (#12853144)
      Isn't the main unknown in that gap between III and IV how Han met Chewie? All the other Ep IV relationships are fairly well accounted for...

      Including so many that no one cared about. Such as: Why Yoda and Chewbacca are such good friends. And: Why Baba Fett has a grudge against Obi Wan.

      • by Anonymous Coward
        Chewie and Yoda (Jedi Übermaster) fought together at the end of the clone war. Chewie meets Han. Chewie and Han meet Luke and Obiwan. Han says he has no reason to believe in the force.
        The story in between Ep 3 and 4 could be about why Chewie and Han don't communicate. Perhaps they see a marriage councilor (Lando???). Endless possibilities!
      • Baba Fett? Boba's long lost identical twin sister who is also strong in Bounty Hunting, like their father (Jango)?

        Not to be confused with cousin Baby Fett, or any of the clone warriors.
    • Isn't the main unknown in that gap between III and IV how Han met Chewie? All the other Ep IV relationships are fairly well accounted for...

      It's been covered in Brian Daley's Han Solo books [amazon.com] already. The short [ndo.co.uk] version [jediknights.co.uk] is that Han (who was an Imperial officer at the time) happened to be stationed at the slave camp that Chewie was in. He saved Chewie from being killed by some other Imperials for rebelling against his captors, and in return Chewie swore a life debt to Han.

  • Didn't they already learn that EP1 sucked most, and once they inserted some major Jedi Ass Kicking (EP2 and EP3), someone finally got interested.

    Nobody is interested in how luke grew up to be such a brat that he is at the start of EP4. Star Wars is all about epic (and maybe not so epic) battles, not about the growing pains of a twit.

    I wish they'd make X-Wing TV-series. The book series, while somewhat uneven, would instantly provide couple of seasons worth of interesting story. And even if they'd just rip
    • Nobody is interested in how luke grew up to be such a brat that he is at the start of EP4. Star Wars is all about epic (and maybe not so epic) battles, not about the growing pains of a twit.

      It's a story *for* children. They're supposed to watch the various episodes as they grow older. That's why Anakin is a child in Ep1.

      Complaining about Lucas' target audience for Star Wars is like getting upset that the Prydain books are typeset with an oversized font and relatively short.
      • It's a story *for* children. They're supposed to watch the various episodes as they grow older.

        Which explains why Episode 3 is much more disturbing than 4-6...oh, no it doesn't. Please show where George Lucas has said that his target audience is children.

        • Here you go:

          http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/394542.s t m [bbc.co.uk]

          He said the allegations said more about the people making the claims than they did about his film.

          "There is a group of fans for the films that doesn't like comic sidekicks. They want the films to be tough like Terminator, and they get very upset and opinionated about anything that has anything to do with being childlike.

          "The movies are for children but they don't want to admit that. In the first film they absolutely hated R2 and C3-PO. I
    • What would truly be awesome is if they made a Star TV Series or new Movie Series based on Knights of The Old Republic.... man o man that would definetly rock =)
  • I'm a Star Wars fan. I have no existence without Star Wars. My life is meaningless without Star Wars (except Jar Jar, may he die in the TV sereis). I want to give up Star Wars. Please help me... :P
  • Prequels... (Score:2, Insightful)

    Is the whole concept of "prequels" flawed?

    I found that all the Star Wars prequels focused on acting out things which we already knew the result of, showing younger versions of characters or parents of characters, and ruining our personal concept of what went before.

    Are there any instances where "prequels" were successful and expanded the narrative?

    • Yep, you've very succinctly explained why I hate prequels, and also why Episode III is by far the best of them. It the one that actually SHOWS us the story we wanted to see. One and Two were filler.

      Prequels leave the audience expecting so much that they hardly ever pay off. Enterprise, anyone?
    • >>Are there any instances where "prequels" were successful and expanded the narrative?

      2 words:
      The Godfather.

      • 2 words:
        The Godfather.

        You probably mean The Godfather: Part II, in reference to the depiction of the early years of Vito Corleone (as portrayed by De Niro) before he became Don Corleone. That story was told alongside another narrative within a single film.

        The Godfather, on the other hand, was a straightforward tale and not a prequel of any kind.

    • ### Is the whole concept of "prequels" flawed?

      I wouldn't say so, "Batman Begins" seems to be quite good, some of "Animatrix" was great, "Escape From Butcher Bay" seems to be pretty good, watching the first few minutes of Indy3 was fun and Buffy/Angel also had a bunch of going back in time over the whole series that is pretty good as well and there is also "Knights of the old Repulic". Ok, some of this are actually games, not movies, but it shows that one can do plenty of interesting stuff with story happen
      • Batman Begins isn't really a prequel at all, as I understand it. It's just a restart of the movie continuity (and a badly needed one at that). I have little doubt that there will be sequels which cover similar ground as the previous Batman movies (such as the origin of the Joker) which will likely be quite different than those other movies.
    • "Batman Begins"? I haven't seen it yet, but others I know loved it. I'm hard pressed to think of any I've seen myself. Certainly not "Dumb and Dumberer"
    • Foudation did a pretty good job of it. Generally with prequels you aren't presumed to read in chronological order, rather in the order they're written. SW screwed this up by numbering the episodes, a good gimic when 4 came out, but not so fun when they actually tried to fill in the gaps. I won't say what I thought he should've done though, I know my skill level at writing screenplays. (hint: it's less than 1 and not negative.. at least i think it's not negative)
  • What kind of 3d technology will it use? Please god don't let it be those red/blue glasses.
    • Hopefully better tech than what was used in Ep III. That thing kept screaming at me "I'M COMPUTER GENERATED!!!!" at 24 frames per second. Most of the runs, flips, and similar action sequences would switch to the CGI, then switch back like nothing happened. ARGH!!!!! Ruin the film, why don't you? More practice Lucas needs. See Final Flight of the Osirus, he must. Completely forget it was computer generated, I did. Good animation it was.
    • You may or may not be aware of this, but they also have polarized glasses [3dglasses.net] for 3D movies. If you've ever been to a 3D show at a theme park, this [3dglasses.net] is what they use.
  • Who cares about another rehash? I want him to tell us when we'll get 3D TV, like in Star Wars teleconferences. And whether the real thing will actually be watchable, or the kind of "can you see/hear me now?" crap in the movie.
  • by Kaimelar ( 121741 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @06:22PM (#12853337) Homepage

    He also mentioned that one of the shows would follow the adventures of a young Luke Skywalker . . .

    I don't see why so many people are negative about this prospect. I mean, how could this possibly go wrong? ;-) [penny-arcade.com]

    • Um, didn't Luke not really have any adventures? I thought the point was he had a boring and hard life farming and then out of nowhere, he gets taken up in a great adventure and has to save the universe?
  • Trailer (Score:2, Informative)

    by jrivar59 ( 146428 )
    A trailer for the upcoming TV series (Young Darth) can be found here. [keltechandjohnnyb.com]
  • Star {Wars,Trek} (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @06:25PM (#12853354)

    It seems that Star Trek isn't the only over-exploited franchise that needs to take a rest for a decade or two.

  • Adventures? (Score:2, Insightful)

    I thought that episode IV kind of established that Luke's life up to that point had been really boring...

    How can you make a tv series that needs 20-24 interesting things to happen each year out of that?

    • > I thought that episode IV kind of established that Luke's life up to that point had been really boring...

      Now that is a story line that Lucas is qualified to do right.

  • Why don't they just make up new characters but have it set in the SW universe. yeah the occasional cameo of chewie or the droids, would be fine. And of course Jimmy Smits as bail organa would be great, and probably neccessary since I figure he would be the major player in the rebellion.

    But do we really need to know how Jabba met that pale dude with that snake thing on his head? Or am I the only one that found the appearance of the original series character so tacked on?

  • ...that I will be able to see this [leiasmetalbikini.com] in 3D?
  • by Stormwatch ( 703920 ) <rodrigogirao&hotmail,com> on Saturday June 18, 2005 @06:47PM (#12853461) Homepage
    Depending on the angle you watch it from, either Han or Greedo can shoot first!
  • by thesandtiger ( 819476 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @06:49PM (#12853477)
    I thought the whole point of him whining about life on Tatooine was because the only adventures he was having involved "zeroing" womp rats.

    The problem with such Superboy-esque things is that they just can't do too much with them - we know he can't die, can't suffer any real loss or develop at all as a character (after all, the Luke we first met was hardly heroic - he whines a lot and builds model shuttles. Wow!)

    Show me Han Solo's earlier life. Show me Leia's life - she at least seems to have been doing things for the rebellion. Show me anything, but god, please, don't show me 10 episodes of "Luke and his old pal Wompy get in trouble with Uncle Owen when they get sand in tender spots."
  • by fishlet ( 93611 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @07:33PM (#12853644)
    Reading the comments to this story makes me sad. I just went to see Episode III for the 3rd time today and I'm even more impressed this time around. Then I come to slashdot and all I read is how you all hated this film and everything since the original series has been crap. What I see is that Mr Lucas has really taken a sincere effort to improve... and theres evidence that he listens to his fans (how many lines of Jar Jar dialog were there in this one?). Though not without some flaws, this film has certainly recaptured the magic for me....

    but then again- why should I care as I increasingly believe that the dominant crowd here is wrong about a great many things. IE: Not all software should be free, Linux is not superior to Windows (anymore), The RIAA is not evil for pursuing sharers of copyrighted work, oh... and the latest start wars was pretty damn good.

    • Now, now... please don't taunt the communists.
    • This post is mostly totally OT but I don't give a fuck.

      I also LOVED the new star wars, so you're not alone :)

      Linux is not superior to Windows

      About this, I'm actually thinking that the time for me to switch to using linux full-time (I mostly use linux for programming only right now) is approaching, because of Microsoft's stupid Trusted Computing initiatives... Depending on how successfull they are with that, I'll make my decision (though a problem will be convincing my family with our common PC... linux
  • Dual Lens for 3D? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by arbi ( 704462 ) on Saturday June 18, 2005 @07:35PM (#12853662)
    Wouldn't 3D versions of the movie require that the original footage be shot using dual lenses that are spaced about 3 inches apart?
  • Does anyone else think that Smallville in space might be a bad idea? Especially without any super powers?

    No, wait -- perhaps Luke can discover his Force-powers, and then forget them all just before the droids arrive.

    Wow, this is going to be so great. Luke with his Force-powers, young Han and Leia hanging out with him in Mos Eisley. C3P0 and R2D2 can serve drinks or something, right before they have their memories erased again.

    George Lucas is really onto a winning formula here!
  • Excellent! Now we can spend a whole episode watching Luke go to Toshi [mobz.org] station to pick up the power converters. Another episode watching Luke lust after Camie [mobz.org]. We will finally know how Windy [mobz.org] got his name! (It is interesting that this footage was present on one of the Star Wars CD-ROMS (Behind The Magic) but not included on the DVD) Of course every year we also get a very special Christmas Episode on Luke! 90210.
  • His "Clone Wars" shorts wound up being better than all three of the prequels.
  • "I felt a great distrubance in the force; a great number of voices cried out, and were suddenly silenced..."

    So maybe I don't have the quotation perfect, but I have yet to meet a fan that thinks the tv show is a good idea.
  • You: Hey, I just saw "The Phantom Menace" in glorious 3D!
    Me: Really? Did it still suck?
    • Star Wars VHS Letterbox Edition
    • Star Wars DVD with Extra CGI Scenes Edition
    • Star Wars 3D Film with Polarized Glasses Edition.
    • Star Wars HDTV Edition.
    • Star Wars Enhanced Resolution 72FPS 1080p HDTV Edition.
    • Star Wars 3D HDTV with Shutter Glasses Edition.
    • Star Wars IMAX Edition
    • Star Wars Cell Phone Screen Edition.
  • by kahei ( 466208 ) on Sunday June 19, 2005 @04:00AM (#12855291) Homepage

    A tv show depicting the life of young Luke, eh? How nice. I'm betting the content will be as follows:

    --Luke faces many challenges and trials, but overcomes them with the support of his friends and family.
    --Luke has a band of about 4 multiracial, telegenic friends each with their own particular mannerism and area of expertise.
    --Comic relief is provided by a small robot or alien critter. Ha ha!m
    --Sometimes Luke feels lonely or insecure but by the end of the episode he has recovered his self worth, thanks to teamwork, sharing, and staying true to himself.
    --Serious themes (social injustice, the pain of being dumped) are sometimes raised, but at the end of each half-hour, a few wise words from Luke's aunt and uncle set it all to rights.

    This is an absolute must-see! There's never been TV like this before! What a splendid use of the SW franchise!

    Haven't they heard about diluting a brand?



"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." -- Karl, as he stepped behind the computer to reboot it, during a FAT
