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Knoppix v3.4 Hits The Mirrors 408

zxflash writes " reports the latest update to KNOPPIX; the popular Linux based OS has just been released. Version 3.4 includes the version 2.6.5 Linux Kernel and improved hardware detection. It can be downloaded from one of the mirrors listed on the KNOPPIX homepage..." rduke15 adds "Koffice has been dropped for space reasons, as well as LaTex. From the forum: 'Download using bittorrent tracker at Remember: Leave your bittorrent client running after the download is finished!' And this is the complete list of included packages."
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Knoppix v3.4 Hits The Mirrors

Comments Filter:
  • ehe (Score:3, Funny)

    by Carlos Silva ( 773727 ) <carlos,silva&gmail,com> on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:42PM (#9047721) Journal
    As usual I've finished downloading Knoppix 3.3 just last night..
    Oh well..
    • This might be funny, but I read about 3.4 a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't wait, so I left my computer to download the darn thing all night long. Not two weeks pass, and the new version is up.

      Oh well. It's good to have multiple versions of things around.

  • What's New? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by AKAImBatman ( 238306 ) <> on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:45PM (#9047733) Homepage Journal
    Anyone see a list of changes? I'm particularly interested to know if they've integrated the NTFS read/write libraries.

    Dropping KOffice just makes sense. Why add all that extra space when 80% of the user base wants OpenOffice? Although it would be interesting to build a cross platform program (in Java perhaps?) that would allow you to custom-create these disks. Give me a version that will build a FreeBSD/KDE3/OpenOffice/Java CD to my specifications and I'll be in heaven. :-D

    • Re:What's New? (Score:5, Informative)

      by H4x0r Jim Duggan ( 757476 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:01PM (#9047869) Homepage Journal
      You're looking for morphix [] - modular knoppix.
      • Re:What's New? (Score:5, Interesting)

        by AKAImBatman ( 238306 ) <> on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:18PM (#9047977) Homepage Journal
        Morphix is definitely interesting, but it's not for the faint of heart. Building a Morphix ISO is one part education, one part command line voodoo, and one part dumb luck. ;-)

        An integrated program that would build the ISO from a bunch of selected packages would be very cool. Make it Java and you could run it on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, etc. I know there have been times that I've used my iBook to write a quick CD for a PC, or grab some software that I need for some other OS.

        • Re:What's New? (Score:4, Interesting)

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:34PM (#9048066)
          > Morphix is definitely interesting, but it's not for the faint of heart.

          hmm, that doesn't agree with what I've observered.

          I don't have first hand experience building a morphix CD but when I needed a customized CD about 10 days ago, I pointed a friend to and he had a CD ready for me a couple of hours later. It was his first time making a knoppix-like CD and he never mentioned any difficulty. (I pointed him to because I wanted gnome.)

          He later tweaked some of the customisations and burned 35 copies of that iso and no one came back to us with problems.

        • Re:What's New? (Score:4, Informative)

          by bmsleight ( 710084 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @09:31AM (#9050471) Homepage
          Morphix is definitely interesting, but it's not for the faint of heart. Building a Morphix ISO is one part education, one part command line voodoo, and one part dumb luck. ;-)
          For help building a your won Modular Live-CD, have a look at the Morphix [] How Tos [], we have updated them.

          To start off there is how to do simplest morph [], then how to build a Mini-Module [], then how to Add Modules to the Live CD []. Then how to do bigger changes in by changing one of the Main-Modules. []

          The How Tos inlcude all the command line voodoo. It even possible to make a live-cd (image) by using the live-cd. There are different pre-made CD images [] with a whole range of (currently GUI-cantered) software. It also has an easy-to-use installer.

        • No so any more... (Score:3, Informative)

          by gosand ( 234100 )
          Morphix is definitely interesting, but it's not for the faint of heart. Building a Morphix ISO is one part education, one part command line voodoo, and one part dumb luck. ;-)

          Not so any more. I switched my custom Knoppix ISO over to Morphix. There is a nice little perl script that can help you make a minimodule. Download a main module, and whichever minimodules you like, and burn them to a CD. It really has gotten much easier. Easier than building a Knoppix distro (which wasn't too hard either).


    • by greppling ( 601175 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:09PM (#9047918)
      "captive" is mentioned in the package list, so it seems they included it.
    • Anyone see a list of changes? I'm particularly interested to know if they've integrated the NTFS read/write libraries.

      This release contains the 2.6.5 Kerenl. The 2.6 series kernels all are capable of (Non-Dangerous)This release contains the 2.6.5 Kerenl. The 2.6 series kernels all are capable of (Non-Dangerous) NTFS Read/Write support.

      Dropping KOffice just makes sense.

      Reading the traffic on the knoppix news forums [] suggests that "Many" people

    • Re:What's New? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by dotwaffle ( 610149 ) <slashdot&walster,org> on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @03:48AM (#9049123) Homepage
      I wonder if it is possible to create a Jigdo set... Jigdo is the Jigsaw Download program that Debian pushes. Essentially, it downloads individual files off the Debian website, then assembles them in an order suitable for burning onto CD, including the correct boot sector etc... Then it would be very easy to distribute multiple copies of KNOPPIX without having to seed them all. Just an idea...
  • No Koffice? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by moxruby ( 152805 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:45PM (#9047736)
    Despite a few limitations such as no word count (if it's hidden away there, please tell me!), I find Koffice the cleanest the most useable office suite available for linux.
    Abiword comes a close second, but all versions I tried don't highlight selected text! This makes editing a frustrating guessing game.

    Openoffice is too sluggish on my duron 1.3ghz, I'll give them a few more versions to clean it up before I try it again.

    I hand out knoppix cds to many friends, can anyone shed light on why kOffice is no longer indluded?
    • Re:No Koffice? (Score:3, Insightful)

      KOffice is a relatively large package. Why include it when most are going to use OpenOffice, which is included, anyway? It's a waste of space, which is at a serious premium on any LiveCD. I support the decision, though I have nothing against KOffice.
    • Re:No Koffice? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by BladeMelbourne ( 518866 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:18PM (#9047979)
      > OpenOffice is too sluggish on my Duron 1.3GHz

      I find that very interesting. I run OO 1.1.1 (under Fedora Core 1 & Win98) on a PIII 450 MHz with 576 MB RAM. It runs very sweetly.

      With the QuickStarter in the tray keeping part of OO in memory - starting times are quite acceptable.
    • Despite a few limitations such as no word count (if it's hidden away there, please tell me!)

      word count has to be there.
      jon787@tesla:~(0)$ apt-file search bin/wc
      coreutils: usr/bin/wc
      Check the coreutils package
  • check out MAME (Score:5, Informative)

    by Kiro ( 220724 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:45PM (#9047737)
    If you're gonna check out Knoppix then have a look at KnoppiXMAME [] too.
  • Hardware (Score:3, Interesting)

    by The_Mystic_For_Real ( 766020 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:45PM (#9047740)
    I haven't used this new version yet, but past the words "improved hardware detection" are music to my ears. It wasn't awful in previous versions, but there certainly was room for improvement. Otherwise Knoppix has been my choice of distros (mostly because it was my first) since I switched to Linux a while back.
    • I've felt hardware detection was Knoppix's strong point. I've shoved the disc into 10 diffrent makes of computers and around 40 diffrent sets of boards (Total mishmash of Scsi, network, and sound cards in my school), and the only problem I've had is with the sound cards. More hardware detection is never a problme, though. Pretty soon, thanks to knoppix, I'll be able to have my own customised desktop on any computer I wish.
  • DVD Distro? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Robotech_Master ( 14247 ) * on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:46PM (#9047745) Homepage Journal
    Will there ever be a DVD distro of Knoppix or some similar Linux that can be downloaded & burned? With all the extra space available on a DVD, there'd be room to put some really awesome apps on there...sort of a complete Linux machine in a can. And when you consider people are bittorrenting entire seasons of TV shows over on Suprnova and Animesuki, it doesn't seem like size would be that much of a problem...
    • Re:DVD Distro? (Score:5, Informative)

      by MarkWPiper ( 604760 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:09PM (#9047930) Homepage
      I believe there was a DVD distro of version 3.3, that was handed out only at a some various Linux conferences. There were bandwidth concerns, so it was never placed on the official mirrors.

      IIRC, the DVD was given out at Linux-tag, in Germany a few months ago. If you google around, you might be able to find it.

    • Re:DVD Distro? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Sancho ( 17056 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:26PM (#9048031) Homepage
      This is a pretty hot topic on the forums and mailing lists devoted to Knoppix. For DVD is, obviously, space for more programs. Against, we have the fact that not everyone has DVD burners, DVD burners are still much more expensive than CD burners, DVDs cost quite a bit more, and downloading DVD images would suck up even more bandwidth. Some of these would be mitigated by maintaining two images (one DVD, one CD) but then there's the PITA of having two images to maintain!
      What I'd like to see is Knoppix create sort of a framework DVD that you can use to remaster your own DVD. That's sort of the best of both worlds, I think.
      • What I'd like to see is Knoppix create sort of a framework DVD that you can use to remaster your own DVD. That's sort of the best of both worlds, I think.

        Best of all world would be having both available for download. Whether that means multiple followers create their own special DVDs that they make available over BitTorrent (finally a valid use for it ;-), or the more centralized approach where Klaus creates a CD, and a DVD which is the equivalent of that CD with a "few" more packages added.

  • by NamShubCMX ( 595740 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:46PM (#9047747)
    Not just a new kernel:

    KDE 3.2.2
    OpenOffice.Org 1.1.1
    Gimp 2.0

    Im burning right now... but I just wished they wouldn't have removed KOffice :(

  • Custom Knoppix (Score:5, Informative)

    by smiley2billion ( 599641 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:46PM (#9047752) Homepage
    And for those looking for a custom version of Knoppix with a few different tools built in check out this site: []

    From the site:
    STD focuses on information security and network management tools. It is meant to be used by both the novice looking to learn more about information security and the security professional looking for another swiss army knife for their tool kit.
  • Bittorrent (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:51PM (#9047782)
    Please try to atleast have a ratio of 1 before disconnecting your client.

    Have some manners :P

  • by Erris ( 531066 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:53PM (#9047809) Homepage Journal
    No Koffice had me a little worried, so I checked the list. Sure enough, they kept the most impressive KDE "productivity" goodies, kmail, kaddress, kpilot, korganizer, and their container, kontact. They, like Mepis [], are using KDE 3.2.2, which is very nice indeed. Too bad they had to axe KOffice, which is lighter and faster than Open Office. I'm also partial to gnumeric over OO as well. Oh well, Knoppix still rocks.

  • Hit the mirrors? (Score:5, Informative)

    by skogs ( 628589 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @10:58PM (#9047846) Journal
    Not the FTP mirrors...though now that we've slashdoted the damn thing they'll never get updated. Way to go poster dude. The torrents may be out, but the regular ftp/http sites are not synced up yet.

    Guess I'll just have to wait. Tried every server across the globe and saw no version 3.4

    Oh well.

    • by drinkypoo ( 153816 )
      Out of curiosity, why would you want to use anything other than bittorrent? It seems like the best way to download in every way.
      • Re:Hit the mirrors? (Score:5, Informative)

        by user32.ExitWindowsEx ( 250475 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:14PM (#9047958)
        Not all of us have upstream providers that let BT run...and not all of us can change upstream providers either...
      • Re:Hit the mirrors? (Score:2, Informative)

        by blugu64 ( 633729 )
        The university that I'm at doesn't allow us to use bittorrent...blocks it at the router I believe...only way around is a VPN that I've found, though I don't have an outside machine, so the point is moot.
      • All the above are excellent reasons to ftp instead of torrent. Mostly though, on my part, I haven't got it set up. Waiting for an ftp is no big deal. I just set the download and go to bed. Is that so hard? Takes 2 hours or so for a full ISO...Even if its slow its done by morning. :)
      • I'm getting about 1kb/sec right now, after having it on for about an hour. Pretty darn slow, frequently get triple digits per sec when downloading other "things". Is bittorrent suited for slashdot size downloading?
        • Re:Hit the mirrors? (Score:4, Informative)

          by shadowmatter ( 734276 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @12:34AM (#9048432)
          Is bittorrent suited for slashdot size downloading?

          BitTorrent is ideal for Slashdot-size downloading. Typically hordes of users trying to download a file at the same time works against you -- with BitTorrent, it works for you, since everyone downloading the file can also distribute it prior to its completion.

          If your download is slow, I'd first say be patient and see if it improves. If that doesn't work, make sure that ports 6881 - 6999 are open on your firewall/NAT (typically they aren't for DSL/cable users). If they aren't, your firewall/NAT is interfering with normal BitTorrent operation, because can only find new peers to download from by getting their IP addresses from the tracker. If they are open, however, you can find new peers by getting their IP addresses from the tracker and by them connecting to you (since they received your IP address from the tracker). After opening/forwarding these ports, its not uncommon for people to double their download speed.

          - sm
  • by SteelX ( 32194 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:05PM (#9047891)
    Knoppix v3.4 Hits The Mirrors

    I guess that's seven years of bad luck for Knoppix... ;-)
    • haha, whats even worse luck is that i have been trying to find it on the mirroes listed at the knoppix site for around an hour or so now and so far the latest i can find is 3.3.

      The bittorent links seems to be the only way of getting it as of right now. Maybe they arer still transferiong the files to the mirrors and that why i can't find them. too bad my download speed is 1/3 of the upload for some reason. i guess that will soon end..
    • You mean 7 more years of "Is Linux Ready For The Desktop" articles?
  • is adobe acrobat reader GPL'd? is it possible to resdistribute this? i know you canpay a license fee, but there's plenty of good pdf viewers out there. and i wouldn't want knoppix to get hammered due to some license crap.
    • Re:acroread? (Score:5, Informative)

      by mabhatter654 ( 561290 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:19PM (#9047985)
      He's already check out most of the stuff on the disk as redistributable. It's been out for over a year now. Several companies have made exceptions so he can put the stuff on the disk and have it be redistributable. Note, Knoppix isn't about being "pure" OSS. It's meant to work and show off how good Linux can be... not turn everything on the disk into OSS. Klaus has banged on a lot of doors to get cool stuff put on the disk. Hint: Tell your favorite packages [flash, Nvidia drivers, etc] to get on board!!!!
  • Changes in V3.4 (Score:5, Informative)

    by Necroman ( 61604 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:12PM (#9047946)
    These are from the comments on the torrent page for KNOPPIX

    * V3.4-2004-05-03 (experimental)
    - switched from syslinux to isolinux (no emulation) boot method
    - Kernel 2.4.26 (default) and Kernel 2.6.5 (as boot option) with ACPI enabled (use knoppix acpi=off in case of problems, knoppix26 to try Kernel 2.6)
    - New wireless drivers for: ipw2100 ("Centrino"(TM)), madwifi, hostap
    - captive-ntfs installer
    - live-installer by Fabian Franz
    - KDE 3.2.2
    - kdevelop3
    - OpenOffice 1.1.1 (german and english)
    - gimp 2.0
    - Had to remove the entire latex system (101MB) because of space reasons
    - Removed KOffice for the same reason
    - /dev/modem setup tool supporting serial, USB, bluetooth and irda devices
    - gprs connection tool
    - lots of improvements in the hardware detection and new boot options, please check knoppix-cheatcodes.txt.
    • - Had to remove the entire latex system (101MB) because of space reasons
      - Removed KOffice for the same reason

      Why is IBM 3270 terminal emulation still there, then?

    • Re:Changes in V3.4 (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Squideye ( 37826 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:49PM (#9048182) Homepage Journal
      Removal of LaTex is not all that good. Lots of scientific and mathematic users need that for their formula-laden documents. And surprise there are a LOT of Linux users who are sci/mathies. I guess one could argue "then they should just install a distro themselves" but if the portability and applicability of a Linux distribution is a consideration, ie. they're going to use Knoppix on their laptop or a secondary computer, wouldn't it be terribly useful to have a TeX formatting app installed?

      I mean... isn't UNIX originally conceived for scientific and mathematical applications, for which... ack.

      Anyway, I'll just assume that has some kind of TeX-formatting facility which justified LaTeX's removal. Can anyone give us an indication as to whether this is the case?
      • Re:Changes in V3.4 (Score:4, Informative)

        by mst76 ( 629405 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @05:00AM (#9049319)
        You can always burn a TeXLive [] cdr. The demo version is a complete functional TeX distribution that runs from cdrom on win32, linux and macos.
      • \LaTeX Removal (Score:5, Informative)

        by d-Orb ( 551682 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @05:41AM (#9049441) Homepage

        While I tend to use LaTeX for everything, I understand that after all, Knoppix is a distro that enables loads of new users to try Linux for the first time and so on. They are not going to use LaTeX. Otoh, LaTeX (and a flurry of other scientific applications) would benefit from their own liveCD. And you know what? It exists!!!! It's called Quantian [], and hopefully, a new version (based on Knoppix 3.4) will be out soon. Loads of math/engineering programs, TeX, LyX, Texmacs, scipy... Unfortunately, this project is not as visible as Knoppix (it's a derivative, after all).

  • by manganese4 ( 726568 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:14PM (#9047957)
    \hbox to 2 in{\it I hope Plain Tex is at least included}
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I'm running knoppix 3.3 right now. I believe I have bittorrent as part of the distro.

    Can someone supply the command line for grabbing the iso? Include flags if used/recommended?

    Is there an X version of bittorrent on Knoppix 3.3?

    Will running bittorrent open up any security holes? I'm behind a nat device

    Will bittorrent work behind the nat device?

    Thanks from all of us newbies!

  • Harddrive install? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by identity0 ( 77976 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @11:34PM (#9048065) Journal
    Have they changed/improved the HDD installer in Knoppix? I wanted to install a debian setup from Knoppix, but in 3.3, it tries to dump the whole system into one partition, and I did not have the space for that so I ended up using the Debian Sarge installer instead... Have they made the install process more flexible since then?
  • or pick it up tomorrow (Tuesday) in Montreal, Quebec:
    ou venez le ramasser demain (Mardi) à Montréal, Québec: []
  • no latex? (Score:2, Funny)

    by gunix ( 547717 )
    Now that's a distro that you shouldn't let your children use!
  • by ChiralSoftware ( 743411 ) <> on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @12:00AM (#9048258) Homepage
    I use OOo all the time, and find it to be very powerful, more powerful than MS Office in many ways. If it had better KDE integration it would be perfect... fortunately, KDE integration [] is on its way, and it will be fantastic, giving serious competition to anything else (including OSX) on the desktop. It makes sense to drop Koffice from Knoppix, and it will make even more sense once the KDE/OOo integration is ready.

    Create a WAP [] site

  • mono distro (Score:4, Interesting)

    by jon_galloway ( 776727 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @12:26AM (#9048398)
    It'd be nice if there was a Knoppix/Morphix variant with Mono. I know, I know, Mono is evil or something, but it could expand number of crossover developers who code .NET at work and want to get started with Linux in their spare time. If you're already reading and writing .DOC's, it seems like a logical step...
  • by harborpirate ( 267124 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @01:03AM (#9048562)
    When I first grabbed the torrent (English ver), there were a few seeds online and a couple hundred leechers. I got about 50 k/s to start out.

    About an hour later, there were over 120 seeds and thousands of leechers. I was getting over 250 k/s.

    How many other distribution methods can you say actually get FASTER when the bulk of the slashbots arrive on the scene? Bittorrent, my friends, is a beautiful thing.

    Sure, when there aren't many folks on a torrent, its not that fast. And if there aren't any seeders you can't get the whole thing. But when a crowd this size comes into play, Bittorrent just makes sense.

    I'm really surprised to see as many complaints as I saw in this thread. Especially given that bt is free, and that the speed has ramped up to rediculous proportions.

    I managed to download a 696.2 MB file, which was posted on the front page of Slashdot, in 1h 25m. To me, thats absolutely stunning.

    Go Bittorrent! And, if I may say so, thank you slashbots! When else can you say "thank you" for people slashdotting something? (Well, unless its a spammers IP...)
  • No LaTeX? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Quattro Vezina ( 714892 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @01:06AM (#9048576) Journal
    Hmm...I actually use LaTeX far more than I use a regular word processor. That's not good.

    I understand why the Knoppix guys did it on live CDs is a pretty big problem, and I suppose they had no choice if they wanted to upgrade KDE,, GIMP, etc.

    It irks me, but I can live with it. And it's not like Knoppix is my main distro anyway--I mostly just play around with it and use it as an advocacy tool.
  • Shameless Plug (Score:4, Informative)

    by CedgeS ( 159076 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @01:42AM (#9048702) Homepage Journal
    Sigh. I guess it's about time for me to update the Knoppix data rescue guide [] on how to use knoppix to rescue data off dying windows machines.
  • leaving stuff out (Score:5, Insightful)

    by sewagemaster ( 466124 ) <> on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @02:10AM (#9048822) Homepage
    here's what i dont really understand...
    since this is a live CD, why would they take out koffice and latex while leaving development libraries in? sure developers need these things, but they would be compiling their large projects running their OS entirely off a liveCD. this is true too for hdd install - it includes a lot of junk that makes everything slow. i love knoppix and it's excellent hardware, but maybe this is one of the improvements it can make?

    also, it would be great if the hdd installation tool would allow installing over seperate partitions, except everything under one....
    • by Lothsahn ( 221388 ) <Lothsahn@@@SPAM_ ... tardsgooglmailcm> on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @05:55AM (#9049472)
      Well, I'm glad they left the development libraries in. Here's why:

      I tutor inner city kids, of all ages. Some just use knoppix for kids, which removes the development stuff for games and such, while other older kids are actually interested in learning how to use a computer.

      For one of them, I'm actively using G++ to teach him about how to program in C++. Without knoppix, that would have been much more difficult, and I probably would have ended up downloading the free (as in beer) MS compiler.

      Since it's included on knoppix, I can teach him both linux and C++ at the same time.

      That's why it's in there :)
  • No KOffice

    For LiveCD's, I would love to have KOffice. It's good-looking, functional and fast. I understand the political reasons (MSOffice user migration), but would love to see a version with KOffice, LaTeX and possibly other stuff.

    Ideally, someone would set up a server where one can pick and drop whatever modules needed and drop the rest (I don't use GIMP, for one), within the space limitations of your standard ISO. Download ISO, burn, and you have your very own Linux boot CD with the best of both worlds:


    • Misconfiguration impossible
    • Hard drive & HD install not needed
    • No virus
    • Runs on any machine at hand


    • You get to choose the SW packages

    Heck, I'd even pay to have such a CD beside my SuSE install.

  • running it now (Score:4, Informative)

    by sewagemaster ( 466124 ) <> on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @05:10AM (#9049355) Homepage
    i'm running this right now off the CD. boot times might be a tad slower than v3.3, but all the apps run really fast. perhaps it's the newer version of kde it's using... but i'm guessing it's because of kernel 2.6.5 that it's using. (i've tried installing kernel 2.6.x before and i just got a bit tired of recompiling and recompiling. in the end i always end up with some bloated kernel that makes my system slower than before with kernel 2.4)...

    one glitch when detecting SCSIs on my comp. got a seg fault during the detection... setting noscsi in lilo resolved this problem.

    one thing i noticed is missing is the hard drive hdd install script/program that used to be there in all the older versions.

    the c't preview version didnt have it either and google shows this link for a script for that version

    anyone had any luck installing the new 3.4 on their comps?

    • Re:running it now (Score:3, Informative)

      by bfree ( 113420 )
      The installer on Knoppix 3.4 is called "knoppix-installer" and not "knx-hdinstall". The old installer has indeed been removed, and replaced.
  • by ktulu1115 ( 567549 ) on Tuesday May 04, 2004 @10:45AM (#9051281)
    This is great... Knoppix with 2.6.

    I just used Knoppix the other day for the first time to save my FC2 test install (accidently removed wrong package). Thanks guys.

    I can't wait till they have full boot-from-CDROM support [] for coLinux... Then I can always have a 2.6 kernel running on practically any machine I use.

"What if" is a trademark of Hewlett Packard, so stop using it in your sentences without permission, or risk being sued.
