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Journal Journal: Had a great election night 2

In no particular order:

  • After a 16 hour day, the poll was closed; results reported; materials returned to the county; I was home. My party got wrecked locally, but that's how it does with a homo bureaucratus infestation as far as the eye can see. Still, an excellent experience serving the community.
  • It's not terribly clear why we bother polling, given the fact that the media seems more interested in shaping opinion than reporting it. I may have answered myself there.
  • I've always been ambivalent about Trump, never being totally sure which is true: (a) he's 76 going on 7, or (b) his mercurial act is about keeping opponents guessing. Tending toward (a) at the moment. Conservative blogs are calling for his ouster. Unfortunately, the weaponization of law enforcement by Democrats against conservatives means that Trump has to run to argue for Hillary's "Candidate Pass": "Any efforts to investigate are politically driven, so neener, neener, neener."
  • In any case, one is willing to [arnold voice] Let him go [/arnold voice] as part of a "Cancel all Boomers" rule. GenX is tired of the old farts.
  • Finally, mail-in ballots are the end off the republic. You either care about election integrity and voter privacy while marking a ballot, or you turn Election Day into the god-forsaken, mokey-fighting travesty we see playing out in a couple of states.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Class Warfare, Conservative Style 69

There Really Is No Middle Class Any Longer

The reality is that middle-class America continues to shrink as the rich-get-richer and poor-get-poorer. The rich can invest, save, and use very little debt to sustain their living standard, while the poor rely on debt, making long-term prosperity an impossible goal.
Furthermore, as the peasants demand "more free stuff: from the government, such requires more debt and higher taxes. Those demands then divert more capital away from productive investment leading to slower economic growth. As growth slows, businesses shift to the lowest labor costs or automation, lowering income growth for domestic workers. Such leads to more demands for "free stuff" from the government, and the cycle intensifies, pushing more of the middle class downward.

Anecdotally, we maintain the same lifestyle we have for 20 years, with the money we used to waste on travel and dining out going to kids' tuition. I guess technically I'm supposed to be doing well, but you wouldn't know it, as my two vehicles have an average age of 14yrs and 200k miles each. Wife also plays https://www.youneedabudget.com/ like a video game and has us buffered for ~half a year.

It wasn't always this way with us. We didn't worry much in prosperous times. So, the discipline has only come with children. We started with https://www.ramseysolutions.com/ramseyplus/financial-peace, which is precisely where I'd point anyone in a tough spot. It is a simple, proven financial triage for anyone in need of a do-over.

User Journal

Journal Journal: From the purely intellectual viewpoint, I'm an extra-special-pleader 28

It would be intellectually dishonest to say otherwise (formatting added):

special pleading, often to rescue a proposition in deep rhetorical trouble (e.g., How can a merciful God condemn future generations to torment because, against orders, one woman induced one man to eat an apple?
Special plead: you donâ(TM)t understand the subtle Doctrine of Free Will.
Or: How can there be an equally godlike Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in the same Person?
Special plead: You donâ(TM)t understand the Divine Mystery of the Trinity.
Or: How could God permit the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam â" each in their own way enjoined to heroic measures of loving kindness and compassion â" to have perpetrated so much cruelty for so long?
Special plead: You donâ(TM)t understand Free Will again. And anyway, God moves in mysterious ways.)

My response is that the insistence on requiring rigorous, physical-style proof for meta-physical questions, itself , seems akin to a special pleading. External philosophy and ethics of the mind have yet to deliver any sort of final answer for the internal faith and the soul.

The 3D body/mind/soul model that I peddle isn't true in any "intellectually objective" sense, either. I accept its futility straight up. I do submit that it has some explanatory capability. There is no "divine revelation" on offer. However, if we can differentiate between those arguments that are provable in some rigorous way, vs. the internal, subject, faith-based arguments that lack such closed-form solutions, then we can be more efficient in discussion.

My co-religionists are continuous offenders of this idea. When we take our internal affirmations and try to externalize them with "YU'V GOT TA BUH-LEEV" statements, Newton's Third Law of the Human Soul kicks in, and we achieve the opposite result. (I have summarized ~half of the Roman Epistle here.) We cannot collapse the model from three to two dimensions without crushing humanity.

Conversely, politics has attempted to collapse from the mind to the soul, essentially going the other direction with the Woke Faith. Scientists are not priests, St. Fauci was full of hooey, and the State is no source of any kind of salvation. People are not livestock, whatever the WEF thinks it can achieve via propaganda.

In summary: two cheers for Sagan, and a commitment to play it clear and straight.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Today on: "Political Party, or Zombie Apocalypse?" 43

John Fetterman's Debate Was Much Worse Than Expected, and Three Moments Perfectly Illustrate That

The debate between John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz is in the book, and Iâ(TM)m going to make the most non-hyperbolic statement ever made on this site. That debate was the worst, most disturbing thing Iâ(TM)ve ever seen in politics.

It was that bad, and if you didnâ(TM)t watch it, you canâ(TM)t possibly understand just how bad it was. I mean that sincerely. If you are only reading quotes or watching clips, you will never grasp the full scale of the disaster that unfolded.

We don't have to respect or admire anyone in public office. Indeed, H8ing The Man is nearly an American requirement. But a political party that foists unfit candidates like Fetterman or Zombie Joe on voters merits being put down like a metaphorical rabid dog.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Busy with the PhD 43

Finally convinced the advisor that I need an ESRI server license to take the approach he recommended. Figured out how to do a distance raster in https://gdal.org/. Bite me, Jack Dangermond!

Politically, props to damn_registrars for recommending DailyKos for my RSS. Unlike the BablylonBee, DK is unconsciously funny. News to the loons about J6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjqR_rcucRE

Anyway, do participate in the election next month. You're a paying customer. Choose wisely to minimize cost.
User Journal

Journal Journal: I almost never share from twitter

User Journal

Journal Journal: For a more humorous discussion on ESGs 3

Or at least Entertaining to me this Not-the-bee article on Dilbert being canceled, includes all sorts of interesting real world information - like how Tesla got kicked out of ESG ratings entirely because despite the good they're supposedly doing for the environment, Elon Musk being a jerk counts for way more on the SG part of the rating than all the EV work in the world.

User Journal

Journal Journal: "The Strategy of Maoism in the West: Rage and the Radical Left" 20

Book at Amazon
Book review at American Greatness

This sounds like a great explainer for recent decades in this country:

Wokeism is conventionally traced back through progressivism and Marxism to the fake liberalism of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The histories of wokeism have failed to focus on Maoism, even though some observers noticed the similarity between Mao Zedong's cultural revolution of the late 1960s and the West's cultural revolution of the late 2010s.
In 1966, China's students rallied for "rebellion," against "reactionary" teachers and courses, and against Mao's "four olds" (old ideas, old culture, old customs, old habits).
Then came the witch hunts, show trials, groveling apologies for vague crimes, over-compensatory denunciations of the other, oppressors pretending to be oppressed, mobs pretending to be righteous, and the empowered pretending to be victims.
Sound familiar?

Read the whole review, which recommends reading the book's chapters out of order.

This is an interesting theory, which may have a great deal of explanatory power.

d_r will, of course, ritually denounce any deviation from CRT, DEI, or ESG as a "conspiracy" in short order.

fusty will, of course, ritually oscillate between both-sides-ism and same-as-it-ever-was-ery.

In contrast, National Conservatism: A Statement Of Principles offers a coherent worldview and is signed by a who's who of thinkers I esteem. I will need to pore over this in detail.

User Journal

Journal Journal: "threats of violence" 19

It is unclear what these famous threats were, since none were offered, or, AFAICT, implied:

On Wednesday evening, Donald Trump had a chat with right-wing radio person Hugh Hewitt. In that conversation, Trump declared that everything he took to Mar-A-Lago was declassified, and that he has done nothing wrong in connection with alternative slates of electors and cannot be indicted as a result. So there you have it, Trump says that no one can touch Trump. So ⦠case closed. Everyone go on about your business.

But of course, Trump couldnâ(TM)t let it go with only a declaration that he's above the law. He also tossed in a not-so-veiled threat saying that, were he indicted, "I think if it happened, I think you'd have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we've never seen before. I don't think the people of the United States would stand for it. ⦠I think they'd have big problems. Big problems. I just don't think they'd stand for it. They will not sit still and stand for this ultimate of hoaxes.

Trump did stop short of sending out invitations for the Proud Boys to join him for a wild time at the FBI office. For now. However, he also indicated that a little thing like a federal indictment would not stop him from running again.

Hewitt quickly seized on Trumpâ(TM)s threats of violence, not a means of questioning Trump's motivations, but as a means of attacking what the talk radio host (a role that goes back to the 1920s) described as "legacy media." What if, asked Hewitt, that legacy media said Trump was inciting violence? Just because he was delivering exactly the same kind of threats, using the same kind of language, that he employed before Jan. 6?â

I mean, it's the same boring, repetitive pap that we get from Trump. Mar-a-Logorrhea, if you will. Supposedly, it makes Trump "relatable".

What is absolutely not in evidence, nor has ever been, not even a little, is Trump doing much beyond assigning schoolyard adjectives to his foes.

Has there ever been an example directly tying Trump personally to any violence? Anywhere? We joke about Her Majesty and #Arkanicide, but that's all purely circumstantial.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Yet another conversation interrupted by JE closure 30

I still have yet to amass my large amount of admittedly "partisan" evidence against abortion. The only real reason it is partisan is because Democrats have gone off the deep end as far as denying the right to life, a basic right from the Declaration of Independence, to anybody they decide is "unwanted"- to the disabled, to minorities, to the poor.

But an interesting side question was asked, and deserves an answer: What would those of us who believe abortion is murder and genocide replace it with?

The answer is and should be obvious, but apparently it is not: We'd replace it with intergenerational households and an absolute right to private property for everybody.

All rent should be converted to rent-to-own schemes designed to give the previous owner income until they die, after which the renter becomes the owner. All families should, in this way, eventually *OWN* their households. Multiple generations of families can live in a single household, working together to build generational wealth. Divorce should be eliminated, as should the anti-human contraception schemes that keep "the poor" under oppression right now.

In other words, when you eliminate the sexual revolution, what you have left is natural, cisgendered, heteronormative humanity.

THAT is what we'd replace it with, and anybody who would object, may be a progressive, but is an anti-humanist no different than any of the other genocidal regimes of the 20th century.

User Journal

Journal Journal: As Other Fuels Are Exhausted, We'll Still Have d_r For A Gaslight 17

CRT is "so widespread that it's harder to find places where it's not being taught" than places "where it is being taught"

Our CriticalRace.org project continues to receive attention. We have the most comprehensive database of fully-sourced documentation of Critical Race and related training in Higher Ed, Elite Private K-12 Schools, Medical Schools, and Military Academies. It is a major focus of the Legal Insurrection Foundation.

Quick, d_r, rescue us with some arid, nuanced, theoretical denial of the reality besetting us!

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