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Comment Re: Rules for thee but not for me (Score 2) 26

"This is the taboo question that no none is allowed to ask, because everyone already knows the answer, and the answer is not the evil racist white man."

In fact that often IS the answer. Nations were destroyed with colonialism, and racism was literally invented to excuse it. Many have also been deliberately suppressed since through various foul means including sanctions, backing coups, and outright assassination. That answer is the real taboo, especially if you ask the governments responsible.

Comment Re: Sure, self driving cars. (Score 1) 129

Are others seeing the same thing elsewhere?

Yes. Cops have been told to "lay low" and minimize their visibility to the public. Because their presence could be emotionally triggering to certain people*. So they stay out of donut shops and lunchtime restaurants. And they don't "walk beats" anymore. Or do as much bicycle patrolling. They used to come in to my favorite coffee shop and sit down for a break. Not any more. Now, it 's come in, grab the coffee and get out.

*Usually, triggering refers to the activation of past traumatic memories in an individual. But there is a decreasing ability among some people to differentiate between their actual experiences and what they absorb through social and mainstream media. They all think they were there, watching George Floyd or Manny Ellis.

Comment Re: Why do people bash Worldcoin? (Score 1) 49

lol "the only true capitalists are trust fund kids and their drug-dealers!â

you are right though, in that poor libertarians and rich libertarians have all of about zero anything in common and would absolutely loathe each other if they ever met.

they both demonize the government but they both hate the government mostly for not getting out of the way and "letting them" (lol) destroy the other group and thereby magically fix everything.

this magical belief persists even in the face of facts. for example, even when ROONNNNNNNN PAAAAUUUULLLLLL (pbuh!) said "IP is good for capitalism and society. Microsoft and Apple are pinnacles of achievement!", slashdot poorbertarians went on thinking he would abolish statist IP regulations and the UN. they kept believing this after he had the UN confiscate his supportersâ(TM) website for breaching his trademark!

eh, whatcha gonna do? but, if you have an ideology prioritizing private capital and you're poor, someone is probably taking advantage of you. on the plus side, you're poor so it probably doesn't matter anyway.

Comment Re:The solution no one will implement (Score 0) 37

Here's the obvious solution that none of these companies will implement. Don't create an AI that purports to know anything. They don't. Instead, make one that can explain it's answers or reasoning and doesn't pretend to understand anything.

Nobody knows how to do that, at least not for a model of useful size. It would have to be reasoning in order to explain, but they aren't doing that.

Comment Re:I prefer to be in charge of my vehicle's brakin (Score 1) 272

The speed sensitive cruise control systems should not permit you to choose a following distance which is so excessively close.

They don't. That is one of the chief complaints about adaptive cruise control systems by people

The systems do in fact allow you to choose less than 3 seconds' following distance. People are literally complaining that the system won't let them drive unsafely.

The more space you have between cars the faster you can safely move on the road in question which also means the higher the road capacity.

The faster you go, the more space you need between cars to maintain safe following distance. If I have a safe following distance between me and the car ahead, if someone merges into that space then I no longer have safe following distance, so now we need even more space. At commute times there is not enough road available for all the cars to have safe following distance at speed. This is what happens on any overutilized road. If you wait for that much distance to appear then traffic backs up at the point of entry.

Comment Re:Hypocrits (Score 1) 37

but also making sure that we are building and supporting the great work of our creators

That casual phrasing stuck out like a sore thumb for me. The idea that everyone who actually creates new material for the web is somehow doing it just to help out Microsoft seems like peak arrogance, except that with most Big Tech companies I'm sure they'll find a new way to be even more arrogant next week.

Unfortunately this is the logical endgame of "information wants to be free". If you contribute new information then you are simply feeding the huge players and may never get any sort of reward or even credit for your contribution. With the ways that IP laws are currently being interpreted, that includes content you put on a personal website even if you don't choose to grant a liberal licence permitting reuse elsewhere.

The answer, of course, is that training on other people's data without consent should be prohibited, certainly for commercial use. Blocking this form of exploitation might be the closest act to the original spirit and purpose of copyright that we've encountered in many years. Failing to do this will just result in a vicious circle of low-quality, mass-produced content designed purely to game the system and probably itself written by AI and then the big players training their huge predictive models on an ever worsening data set. Anyone actually doing anything useful and creative will be systematically deterred from sharing that work.

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