Comment Re: Nuclear fission inside of the earths core. (Score 1) 83
So the proper name is "cold fission".
So the proper name is "cold fission".
Our asses sit on a massive nuclear fission reactor. This one is at least shielded by a decent amount of rock. But, there's worse: someone irresponsible put a much bigger, completely unshielded fusion reactor mere 8 light minutes from here! It emits deadly radiation: while fortunately at least on our side there are two weak shields: one magnetic, one oxygen, the shields are inadequate, causing numerous fatalities due to radiation-caused cancers. Even worse: when that reactor malfunctions, it's expected that it will engulf our piece of rock, killing everyone who doesn't evacuate. Whoever made this bad design should lose his engineering license!
SNES Doom is a quite different game, that utilizes textures and most of the levels of Doom. It uses a different engine that lacks a lot of graphics features (flats, transparent textures), has monster textures for only one side rather than eight, lacks most of monster AI, etc. And even with that limitations, it shows only a small window with halved resolution.
CNN, which had historically been a reputable news source, has quit the news business in 2016, being only a spin factory since then.
That you hate side X, doesn't mean that everyone on your side is honest or sane.
Compare to Germany which had a good base of clean energy, yet switched to coal and gas for political reasons.
just stay away from Russia and any of her allies (i.e. Iran) and you'll probably be fine.
Well, about that... Quote from an official speech: "American aggressor interferes in the internal matters of the Soviet Union on the whole world".
And what do you think will happen if Ukraine surrenders? Making Muscovitian the official language of Ukraine is one of Putin's demands. Puppet government will care of the rest.
And if the war is frozen into a truce, Putin will invade again in 5 or 10 years. We had seen enough of this in Chechnya, Syria, Georgia, Ukraine.
You do realize that this is exactly what America (and Britain, and Russia itself) committed themselves to in return for Ukraine destroying their nuclear weapons, right?
Uhm, what? National Socialism is socialism. Most of original members of NSDAP were communists initially, and they kept the socialism part better than the reds. They allocated the vileness differently: reds went Orwellian and made their rule a hellhole for everyone, while browns went hard against those not perceived as a part of their nation.
Real tenets of communism:
1. the Dear Leader is always right
2. every layer of the Party is always right where it doesn't contradict current whims of those above
3. everyone has to work, the work doesn't need to make sense
4. the all-pervasive propaganda is 100% lies, and pointing out contradictions is treason
Real tenet of nazism:
1. non-germans have no rights
2. true germans deserve meaningful employment, and if they do the work, they get decent rewards. Not being able to do the work is no excuse.
3. those who disagree with the system: see non-germans
4. lies are kept consistent, the propaganda is tailored into a cohesive narrative
I see you fail to remember that only ~10% of kills by socialism were done by the brown variant, the rest by the reds.
It's disgusting to see both sides of the US politics water this down by calling everyone they even slightly disagree with "nazi" or "commie" (by the "D" or "R" parties respectively). Sorry but that alt-right crazy next thread is not a nazi: he doesn't follow Adolf's "ideals", and is neither nationalist (alt-right doesn't hate any country as long as it's white) nor a socialist. And neither that alt-lefter who's a part of the 53 genders cult is a communist (all communist countries I can think of were anti-gay; here in Poland they put gays into concentration camps right after the war, and persecuted them even in my time).
On Slashdot -- and more intensely on places like Imgur -- we're told that communism is a good thing. By people who had no family members sent to gulag to work in -50 degree cold with inadequate clothes (my maternal great-grandpa; his "crime" was being used by Germans for slave work) nor jailed for being a "senior worker" (ie, a worker who got promoted in recognition of skills exhibited during work (as opposed to formal training) -- this was enough to be declared an "enemy of the People") nor were jailed and had their means of work confiscated (the other maternal great-grandpa owned a small bakery thus was a "capitalist").
Thus, please don't equalize tens or so of individuals falsely accused with a totalitarian system where not cheering loudly enough can get you "taken". Vietnam is a communist country -- they do things like in China or North Korea.
I was working at IBM on various occasions during my freeter youth
I suppose you were working on the Dehomag project, grandpa?
No, you're not hoarding wealth, you're hoarding money. Doing so doesn't deprive the society of a valuable asset -- to the contrary, taking some money out of circulation effectively increases the value of all other money.
At this time, it's nothing but malware. And I'm not just maliciously joking:
Back in the '00s, malware was usually defined as "adware or spyware". When you had "utilities" like Bonzi Buddy send your data to the mothership, display ads, and annoy you with tacky images as well, it was something considered by users to be a major problem. Today, Windows, Apple, and Android have such functionality baked into the very OS...
Trying to skirt the law isn't supposed to be looked at kindly by the courts.
Remember the trick they pulled on ISO with MSOOXML? With 100+ country delegations bribed (some had investigations but the vast majority were dismissed or ended with a slap on the wrist), ISO then having problems with quorum as most of these newly joined delegations had no interest in other topics?
Microsoft accusing others of a shadow campaign is kind of a coal miner's kettle accusing others utensils of being dirty.
Today's scientific question is: What in the world is electricity? And where does it go after it leaves the toaster? -- Dave Barry, "What is Electricity?"