The Overtime Buck Stops Here 152
Ant (and others) sent in a link to this Salon story that talks about grueling overtime hours in Silicon Valley and how the traditional tech-haus 80 hour work week may conflict with assorted labor laws, especially a new bill that made its way through the California Legislature late last week. A more recent Wired piece claims California Governor Grey Davis is expected to sign the legislation into law later this week, and has a link to the full text of the bill. Will this mean fewer high-tech start-ups in California and more in places like Virginia, where there are hardly any labor laws? Or will Silicon Valley people take life a little easier now, and take a few hours each week to spend some of the money they're making? Or will labor lawyers make all the money? Hard to tell.
Re:doesn't sound bizarre to me (Score:1)
I don't due what I do so I can pinch every dollar I can out of the company I work for. I don't due it because some nebulous "they" has me chained to my desk eight hours a day. I do it because I want to. Sure, the pay's nice (and don't get me wrong -- it's important), but doing half-assed work or leaving work unfinished just to keep from donating my time to the company just isn't my style.
Re:But how is LIFE there? (Note: $$$ != living wel (Score:1)
I live in the S.F. Bay Area and make a good salary (even for this area). I also see how hard it can be for someone (many who live here) who earns substantially less than I (mainly housing costs).
I *also* see how I could have a higher standard of living elsewhere for less...
Excellent living == adaptability + knowing thyself
Overtime can be abused, too ... (Score:2)
Here in the UK, there's an anomalous overtime regulation which is exploited by various hospitals. Y'see, doctors are paid overtime for being "on call", i.e. present in the hospital and available to be called in event of an emergency.
"On call" was originally intended to be just that -- an emergency capability. But you tend to get junior doctors working 70-110 hour weeks in British hospitals, of which 40 hours are salaried and the rest are paid the on-call overtime rate. Why?
Because "on call" wages are paid at half the standard hourly rate. Not time-plus-half, but half. So it is in the hospital administration's financial interests to work their junior doctors until they drop (regardless of the likelihood of accidents occuring, due to the peculiar insurance situation in the UK). And there's a lot of inertia in the medical establishment (from older GPs and consultants, who should know better than to think that "on call" duty today is the same as it was thirty or forty years ago).
I saw this at first hand some years ago, when working in a variety of NHS hospitals. (The NHS is the biggest culprit -- tight budgets and no insurance whatsoever because it's so huge it can settle up in cash for just about any legal action.) Junior doctors who are zombies, falling asleep over patients and making mistakes because they've had 4 hours sleep in the past 96 hours.
Seems to me that the Californian legislation simply doesn't address the problem unless it explicitly mandates that overtime rates of pay must be higher than standard rates of pay, to give the employers a financial incentive to avoid this kind of slave-driving.
Re:new meaning of flextime (Score:1)
Where I am - for example (Score:2)
My employer takes a pretty unconventional approach of actually discouraging OT. After 40 hours/week, you DO NOT GET PAID AT ALL for the first 5 hours. Then it's back to the standard hourly rate.
We all make the best of our 40 hours, and then go home to our families.
Re:This applies only to secretaries and clerks (Score:1)
Oops. My bad. Apparently (if the author is correct) it could be applied to anybody who doesn't have advanced degrees under various circumstances, whether in or out of California. Pretty interesting. The author is right though, the culture of start-ups tends to favor people not really being that worried about overtime.
Re:whine whine whine (Score:1)
Re:The Swiss Solution... (Score:1)
This is undoubtedly true; however has anyone considered the following: for a new, startup company, this is actually a good environment: it's easy to lure away disgruntled workers from other companies. Then you overwork them for a few months while you produce enough of a product to keep the investors happy. By the time those workers go somewhere else, you've gotten what you want out of them.
Re:"grueling" hours? (Score:1)
An issue of workers, not laws. (Score:1)
Ever consider not taking a job unless the terms of overtime that you want are met? It's really simple to lay out an employment contract that states your criteria for overtime. Any expressed contract willingly supported by both sides will override these passive laws.
If you want something done, do it.
If you want something changed, change it.
If you want to sit and gripe, don't let me hear you.
I don't ask for overtime pay (Score:1)
Re:whine whine whine (Score:1)
EU Labour laws (Score:1)
A company in France just got fined very heavily for having its employees exceed the 48 hour time limit.
So *that's* why... (Score:1)
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Re:EU Labour laws (Score:1)
Hmm... (Score:1)
Re:None of you people make any $$ (Score:1)
If I was still working 80hr/week, I'd LOVE to be on the clock at $27.50/hr!
Figure it out: 80hr/week = 40hrs straight time + (40hrs * 1.5) = 100hrs billable
50 weeks a year (Figure 2 weeks vacation)
+ 2 weeks @ 40hrs/week
Folks, that's $139,700/year.
Not shabby right?
Let's do some math:
Rate: 27.50/hr - 2 weeks Vacation Paid at 40/week
hrs/wk Annual Pay
40 $57200
45 $67512
50 $77825
55 $88137 (already above industry average pay)
60 $98450
65 $108762
70 $119075
75 $129387
80 $139700
Now, also remember, that NON-Exempt employees are entitled to one 24 hour period off (without interuption) after each 6 day period worked. In addition MOST companies pay 2x (Not 1.5x) for Sundays, and Holidays are usually paid at 1.5x for the hours worked + your holiday pay.
Do yourself a favor, figure out how much you REALLY earn per hour! I know I left my last job, which was demanding more that 55 hours/week average (Including "vacation weeks"), for a job that paid $5000 less, but now I work about 45hrs/week. Not a bad deal
The other big advantage to this is: If you WANT to work the OT, you do, and your Co-workers who DON'T, don't have to.
I used to be a wage slave - Technically, it was one of the best jobs I ever had! I ran a lab that did electrical and mechanical testing. I got to design the electronics, the hardware test fixtures, BUILD the electronics, machine the fixtures, and then design and write the programs to run it all. Of course, then the cold war ended, and military contractors went bust everywhere.
Re:You have all missed the boat. (Score:1)
You also can quit moaning and get another job.
ISTR I was first interviewed for a job doing a 6hr week for £9000/yr in a crappy internet-hosting sort of startup. I can't say I'm all that sorry to have not had a completely compatible skill-set, given that I'm now on of that
Overtime (Score:1)
Unions, Professional Organizations, etc. (Score:2)
[Disclaimer: My father was his union's president for 1 1/2 years and is still active. Both of my parents come from blue-collar labor families. I'm biased. *grin*]
Good idea if done right, horrible idea if not.
The principle behind unions was, and is, a good one. The execution sometimes sucks. And unfortunately, the fact that the execution sucks quite frequently in recent years gives people who really ought to know better an excuse to go screaming "Unions BAD!"
My father's a professor at a community college. He's been there for 22 years. He has ALWAYS worked his ass off for them.
Contract negotiations go beyond simple issues of "how much are we getting paid?" or "how can we make sure we don't get fired unless we do something illegal or are completely inept at our jobs?" While Dad was union president, aside from the issue of contracts that take so long to negotiate that they make the NYS budget look timely, there were several other things that needed consideration. The two specific big issues I remember were the question of domestic-partner benefits, and the issue of how to properly compensate a professor for a class that has regular and distance-learning attendees.
Especially that second issue is something that management is utterly clueless about there. Which brings me to why I think some sort of union or professional association is a damn good idea: People IN the profession know the most about how it's supposed to work. People who aren't doing the work get really silly ideas on the subject. (Like the idea that an essentially doubled class isn't going to create ANY extra work at all and should not be compensated.)
This is sort of similar to the industry-standards argument. And I know that getting programmers to agree on things and to organize is going to be like herding cats. But programmers need to remember that they're still building the cyber-infrastructure, just as surely as the people who built highways in the 1930s were building an infrastructure. Once things are in place, demand for that sort of work is likely to go down, and jobs won't be "there for the taking" anymore. They'll still be THERE, just like we still need construction workers, but the current situation's not going to last.
Once the computing boom is over (which will happen -- it may be 5 months or 50 years form now, but it WILL happen), the industry is going to be screwed if it doesn't have some guidelines in place.
Silicon Valley still "the" place (Score:2)
We're Professinoals, Dammit! (Score:1)
Looks like some other "professionals" weren't too happy either! [cnn.com]
High Tech Labour in BC (Score:2)
And the politicians wonder why we have brain drain...
Re:We're Professinoals, Dammit! (Score:1)
Death of flextime... (Score:1)
Re:You have all missed the boat. (Score:1)
>I was wrong. Oh well. All I can do at this point is quietly hunt for new work.
Which is what I'm doing. I am hunting for work, but due to age discrimination, I'm having a *very* hard time finding any. Just thought I'd clear that up for all of you.
-RISCy Business | Rabid System Administrator and BOFH
The Swiss Solution... (Score:2)
I think it's actually in the employer's interest to help their employees be reasonably happy, and that might include protecting them from overwork: if people change jobs, that's very expensive for employers.
Some Swiss companies seem to have found a good solution: after the cleaning crews have gone through, the lights go out and the doors get locked in the early evening.
Re:But how is LIFE there? (Note: $$$ != living wel (Score:1)
earns substantially less than I (mainly housing costs).
I *also* see how I could have a higher standard of living elsewhere for less...
It sure cost a lot to live here.
Re:austin (Score:2)
overtime/salary/comp (Score:1)
That being said... I'm on salary. For each paycheck, I get 1/26th of my total salary. I can work 60 hours in a week and still get 1/26th. I'll get paid less if I work under 160 hours for the pay period. If I work more than 160 hours in a pay period, I can build up comp time. I have 253 hours of comp time coming to me this year alone, yet I'm not allowed to use it.
However, I like my job. Despite the fact that if I work 60 hours, I'm only making $33.34, while if I work 40, I get $50/hr. The yearly bonuses are even substandard. Yet I stick around.
Despite some of the working conditions here, they keep me happy. Yes, I'm making $50/hr ($104,000 yearly). Yes, I pull hellish hours. Yes, I go to the bar for a stiff drink after work. Yes, I pull my hair out... On the bad days. The good days totally outnumber the bad days, yet the bad days are more memorable.
They treat me well. They'll buy me lunch or dinner out of the blue. They'll buy me a 12 pack after a long week. They'll do the extras that make everything worthwhile.
I could be making more (at a different company) but I refuse. I'm happier working for lower money than being disgruntled making more money.
ANy of this make sense?
Re:whine whine whine (Score:1)
Re:I don't ask for overtime pay (Score:1)
Of course, the easiest solution doesn't always come out as the most fulfilling. If you really feel that your situation needs to change, you'd need to stand your ground.
"Either work me overtime and pay the expense of my overtime, or don't work me overtime. No other options are available."
Re:I don't ask for overtime pay (Score:1)
Sure it's kind of a bastard thing to do, but hey
the people you are working for are taking advantage of you.
Re:Laws? What laws? (Score:1)
Heh heh. How many hours a day do each of us spend reading
Re:Labor regulations, and why: (Score:1)
Most companies are more willing to pay overtime because it's cheaper for them to do so than to pay another benefits-deservin' person their benefits... but then there's that Salary thing, too...
So, what could happen? Company decides that it will only pay benefits to employees working 3/4 time or higher, and all the geeks get their hours cut back to under 30 hrs/wk. So they hire more geeks, but they pay much less in benefits, and no more overtime to boot.
Re:whine whine whine (Score:1)
Re:NC Law (Score:1)
Another nice thing about NC: way way cheaper than Silly Valley for cost of living, and the Triangle area is still growing by leaps and bounds.
And the hockey is better.
RTP not very Silicon-ish (Score:2)
The biggest difference is in the realm of venture capital. Note that VA Research got lots of venture capital from Silicon Valley based firms, while Red Hat's venture capital all had to come from outside the state of North Carolina. If your business plan calls for venture capital, Silicon Valley makes sense in those terms alone.
As for why I'm not in RTP -- I'm in Phoenix, Arizona! Think of it as Sandberg's Chicago re-incarnated in the desert....
Activity != Productivity (Score:2)
History has shown that great leaders inspire ordinary people to achieve the extraordinary. Natural people skills are just as rare (or even more so) as creative programming skills. One shortcut is the zealotry of religion or enforced groupthink (can we say mindless corporate culture here?). However, this is self-defeating as there is a limit to people suspectible to self-delusion (no flames on actual religion please, this is just a comment on the number of gullible idiots out there). In the long-term, only bottom-up grassroots activities have any chance of sustainability as successful thoughts/habits become engrained into mainstream.
Unforunately we don't have good measures of soft factors such as human creativity and coding productivity. Absolute hours worked is not always useful as quantity != quality hours. All companies can really do is create a framework and culture that encourages the results that is desired and leave it up to individual talent and capabilities (while somehow eliminating obstructive PHBs).
Re:Exemptions.... (Score:1)
(You use NT? That's 50% extra on the pay scale, Mr. CIO.)
Re:doesn't sound bizarre to me (Score:1)
It's not a big deal to me. I'd rather feel proud of my work and leave late than get some extra personal time by leaving early. I know I'm not alone in this, either, since most of the other techies I know and work with put in as much time as I do, and almost none of them are paid overtime.
Don't get me wrong -- money's nice, and I'm definitely not a cheap hire. But when a company hires me, they're getting a guy who's not afraid to put in a lot of uncompensated time, if necessary, to make sure the job's done right.
As long as they keep the fridge stocked. If they stop supplying me with Cokes (and God knows that's costing 'em -- got a really nasty caffeine habit to support), I might reconsider.
Re:Hmm... (Score:1)
BTW, it was an ISP so I guess you could call it "High-Tech".
Re:Silicon Valley still "the" place (Score:1)
I think this should be changed to read: "easy access to generally inept employees who will threaten to walk everytime you ask them to do anything involving 'thinking' or 'working'."
I work and live in Portland, but have to work for and with companies in San Jose. I've never met a shittier bunch of engineers in my life. Everytime we go to a manager and ask why they seem to hire 1980's CS rejects and they all say that silicon valley engineers are "different."
As far as I can see the only reason a good engineer would remain in silicon valley is:
a) The gravy train atmosphere rewards anyone with a modicum of ability since most engineers are crappy and actually wanna be PHBs.
b) They got lucky and found a tiny company that actually managed to hire decent engineers.
c) They like paying outrageous sums of money to live within 3 feet of their unfriendly neighbors and drive 10 miles in 4 hours to their campus every morning. Where they are surrounded by "c-experts" asking what malloc does and "unix gurus" who have never heard of shared memory (exotic technology that it is). Or "telephony experts" who think that a single signalling link is fine for a switch (who needs redundancy)... AHHHH I hate this job!
we like 'em smart yet gullible (Score:1)
Oops, excuse me, bad question.
Back to GLADEing...
Who will win (Score:1)
Re:Silicon Valley still "the" place (Score:1)
i can't even believe the crap about "this creates a union-type environment". what the hell is wrong with that? what we NEED is stronger unions or else everyone isgoing to continue to be f*&cked over on a weekly basis.
Overwork causes bad code (Score:2)
No, I don't have a study to back me up, only about 200 years of experience sitting around the thanksgiving table all agreeing on this.
There are two problems, I think. One is the myth of the programmer as a teenager with no life who has nothing better to do with his (ever notice how the archtype programmer is always male?) time than sit and code. The other is that, as programming teams get larger, and ever increasing amount of time is spend communicating rather than programming (see Fred Brooks' "The Mythical Man Month"). I've known of programmers who had fifty hours of meetings per week- they were already ten hours into overtime and hadn't done anything yet.
The solution is for us to not put up with that cr*p. It's easy for programmers to find new jobs (especially if you live in SanFran or Boston, where you can't hardly swing a cat without whacking three tech companies). Also, employeers need to recognize that overworking their employees is dumb.
This is not to say that occasional periods of OT are not part of the job- they are. It is the pattern of regular massive OT that is destructive and stupid.
Re:You have all missed the boat. (Score:2)
In my case, the boat ran me over. I got keelhauled. I'm a system administrator for an internet startup run by complete and total morons. In my job description *LITERALLY* is 'maintainer of the entire internet.' And I make less than a McDonald's manager.
I'm working 70 hours a week. And I'm salaried. No benefits. No 401k. And I was the 4th person within the company. Part of it is age discrimination; it always is. But that's not the point I'm here to make.
You people whine about your 50 and 60 hour weeks. Quit whining. Now. And listen good.
System Administrators typically work more hours than you could possibly hope to comprehend. Hell, I'm pulling 70 to 80 hours at the office, and another 20 hours working from home at least. That's roughly 90 to 100 hours working a week. I consider myself lucky if I get more than 4 hours of sleep.
Now, that's not typical system administrator, no. But let's take into account being on call. You may as well not bother going to bed if you work for a startup. Things will break constantly as you work out the bugs. And they have a tendency to break at 2am.
Example. The other week, the power went out. I get a page from our CEO at freaking 2:11a. Now, were this something big, I'd have no problems. But NO. I call him up, and he's all panicking because servers are down. Because they're freaking ATX PCs without the vital BIOS option 'restore to last known state' *OR* a UPS. And they're mission critical. So I ended up freaking driving an hour out to the office, turning on two freaking machines, and just crashing at my desk because I was too tired to drive home. My boss wakes me up at 9 when he gets in and starts bitching me out because his PC's UPS didn't last through the power outage, and I installed it.
You don't want to know how many programmers I've heard whine about pressure and stress and long hours. And then they whine that they're only making $18/hr. Now, excuse me, but I'm not even making *HALF* that, and I'm pulling not only more hours, but putting up with constant abuse from everyone because they won't let me purchase necessary equipment.
I don't get overtime. I'm salaried, like I said before. They act as though I should be grateful with what I'm getting, even though I turned down MANY offers that would gleefully pay me *DOUBLE* what I'm getting there, because I thought it would be a good job, with nice people.
I was wrong. Oh well. All I can do at this point is quietly hunt for new work.
Many of us, we're afraid to demand, much less ASK for overtime. It's the environment. You should take what you get and be happy with it. Nevermind the fact that you have bills the same as everyone else. Nevermind the fact that you spend more hours slaving over their silly little projects to find out how many people have clicked the 'partners' link on your webpage than they spend doing their own work.
When I die, at this rate, it's going to be very soon and very unhappily.
-RISCy Business | Rabid System Administrator and BOFH
Re:whine whine whine (Score:1)
Fine, you're entitled to bitch, but bitch at your employer instead of doing it in public. It's the McDonalds guys who have to cry to the government for minimum wages, labor laws, etc, because they can't negotiate with their employers. Why? Because they're expendable and replacable as workers. That isn't true with geeks. If you're as good as you're implying, then you're in the driver's seat, not your employer. So tell him to ease off. If he doesn't listen, then find one who will. Or go indy and laugh at him next year when he comes to you asking for a job. :-)
Geeks have every right to play hardball with the suits. (e.g. "I'll work 40 hours unless I'm convinced you're having a temporary emergency.") But the power we have also makes us look like spoiled babies when we cry in public about not getting what we want, and ask for the government to pass laws so that we don't have to negotiate. It's sickening, and it's embarrassing for all of us when that happens. Do you want to be as disrespected and despised as the union workers? Gee, maybe we should just vote Communist...
I lived in SV ... (Score:1)
I was lucky though; real estate in that area is ridiculously expensive. Also the traffic is just unbelievable. I got married in Palo Alto a few weeks ago and for the three weeks I was in the bay area I experienced more motor vehicle traffic than I have experienced in the 1.5 years I have been living here in Westchester County, NY. The number of cars, and of ugly cheaply constructed strip mall acreage, is just disgusting.
Silicon Valley is nice in alot of ways - the computer culture there can't be beat. I would *kill* for a Fry's in NYC. But I really don't think that the computer culture and the mild weather is worth the sacrifices you have to make to live comfortably there. Also I found that all of the friends I had when I lived there seem to be getting more and more materialistic as time goes on - the valley seems to be all about showing money these days. I can do without that also.
Just my humble opinions
I'm still looking for the ideal place to live. I think I might try NC next
Re: Contract wokers? (Score:1)
Uh... I'm a contract worker. I make $45,000 before taxes. I get time and a half for all hours over 8 in one day, or over 40 in one week...
Either my employer (Intel) is very nice to contract workers (direct employees are salaried; no OT even if they never leave the office for a week,) or there is a law somewhere that helps me out.
I guess it's an Oregon law. Oregon does have lots of very worker-friendly laws (such as a $7.00/hr minimum wage,) so it wouldn't surprise me.
Re:doesn't sound bizarre to me (Score:1)
Oh come off it with the altruistic "we just do it for the fun" melarchy.
Tech workers are slaves to the myth that if you work real hard you'll be rich one day. It's for the money, not for the fun. If you think otherwise you're bullsh!tting yourself, too.
In reality (you know, statistically speaking, using some of the math we learned in school), you'll have better luck with the lottery than you'll ever have of striking it big. And if you think working 80 hours a week and getting fat is fun, well, we don't even want to go there...
*Average* executive compensation in the valley was up 26% last year alone. Average wages were NOT.
Snap out of it.
Re:whine whine whine (Score:2)
worked *really* hard jobs. I've worked shrimp boats, pulled oyster tongs, worked on oil platforms, played army, been a paramedic, worked
on under ground teams putting in fiber optic cable, and a few other jobs. I have *no* complaints now, working in the IT industry and being able to telecommute. Its like heaven even if I do put in 80 hour weeks at times.
You have all missed the boat. (Score:1)
Nobody works for money. Oh sure, we all need money to stay afloat, to pay the mortgage and bills, to fund that ski trip, etc.
But once we hit the point where we have enough money to survive and to thrive, we pick and choose our jobs based upon other factors. I know that this is true in my case. The last time I switched jobs, I had several offers. And I deliberately chose to take a 40% pay cut.
I am fully aware that I could be earning two to three times my salary. But those jobs tend to come with a lot of stress, insane hours, a number of managerial duties outside of writing code, and a large number of absolutely clueless coworkers.
When I die, I know that I will not be the one with the most toys. But I will have enjoyed my life.
Re:austin (Score:1)
SV Rent. (Score:1)
Labor laws are intrusive and unnescessary (Score:1)
If I want to work more than 40 hours and accept a flat rate, what business does the government have to stop me. If I want more money, I can ask for it. And if they turn me down, I can leave. Emplouees are not helpless children. The government needs to stop coddling them.
Ask your manager. (Score:1)
Because, even at OT wages, I was cheap.
As an intern, you are slave labor compared to the regular full-time employees. There's no reason for them to be stingy with your overtime pay because it's not a big deal. They should be happy you work extra hours at very cheap (time + 1/2) rates.
My suggestion is this: Go to your first-line manager, and talk with him about it, rather than HR. He probably understands what a deal you are, and would be more likely to be able to get what you want out of HR than by talking directly to Catbert.
Re:Daily overtime is a pain (Score:1)
intellectual, managerial, or creative, and which requires exercise of
discretion and independent judgment and the employee receives
compensation of not less than a specified amount per month.
Hmm let's see. Is software development intellectual and creative? Is discretion required? Independent judgment? Do the vast majority of us make more than 2 time the state minimum?
Nahhh. We're covered, I'm sure.
Excuse me? (Score:1)
Overtime and Software labor "Shortages" (Score:1)
"So if a plumber, trashman, electrician, or
a autoworker works my hours, and get paid over time. He gets $11,650 more a year. Without a college degree, and probably a hell of a lot less stress."
Right on- someone actually does the math!
My buddy and I figured out (on my first job out of school) that working 90 hours/week on 40 hours salary (but the 50 hours over WAS billed to the government, via a cool trick known as "total-time-accounting"), we literally would make more money working those same hours at McDonalds, if we had been paid straight hours.
The name of the company is BTG. Ed Bersoff, the President, said it did not stand for Bersoff Technical Group. He's right. It stood for Bilk the Government.
NOW, the same companies are begging for an increase in H-1 Visa's because of the "Labor Shortage". Companies like the one I used to work for ( San Diego's biggest employer). That's funny. Didn't this company just lay off a couple of thousand employees? But now it's trying to tell the Feds that it's having a hard time _finding_ employees, and therefore wants Congress to increase the allowed Visa's so they can get more cheap labor.
You do the math.
Re:Death of flextime... (Score:1)
Yup, I do too, especially when my boss is off during the Fridays I do work...so it's almost like having *2* Fridays off. =)
Re:You have all missed the boat. (Score:1)
Quit your damn job, already!
Your whining about everyone else whining does not give me any more sympathy for your situation. You make your own bed. Either lie in it, or get the hell up.
(Honestly, people -- the folks who comment here that everyone needs to raise the bar for themselves... more compensation, fewer hours, better benefits, anything you can grab
Re:Where I am - for example (Score:1)
Daily overtime is a pain (Score:2)
I work with payroll software and with the exception of a few states like CA, overtime is based on the weekly total. This was reversed a year or so ago in CA...more changes, yay.
Now concerning salaried workers, I doubt programmers/engineers will be covered:
This bill would authorize the Industrial Welfare Commission to establish exemptions, with specified limitations, from the requirement that premium pay be paid for overtime work for executive, administrative, and professional employees, provided that the employee is primarily engaged in the duties which meet the test of the exemption and the employee earns a monthly salary equivalent to no less than 2 times the state minimum wage for full-time employment.
Laws? What laws? (Score:3)
I have to admit to being slightly amused at the idea of laws changing the workplace much, 'specially in "new media" et. al. I work in Germany, where the labor laws make things in America look downright sweatshoppish...yet it's also quite normal for people in new media to work ungodly hours and get no overtime pay (the Voice of Experience(TM)).
The point is that the law is very near totally ineffective until someone actually decides to complain, thus pretty much ensuring that the job will go bye-bye (or thus creating a rather hostile working atmosphere), regardless of the legal restrictions. So no one says anything, which in effect implies consent. In a small shop--which most new media places are, i.e. less than 30 people total--there is almost no chance of anyone sticking out their necks.
This is why I got fed up and decided to go indie. At least I have a better chance of setting my own hours...and get PAID for the time I put in. Amazing how much more fun it is.
Re:Death of flextime... (Score:2)
Exemption clause for professionals (Score:1)
The Industrial Welfare Commission may establish exemptions from the requirement that an overtime rate of compensation be paid pursuant to Sections 510 and 511 for executive, administrative, and professional employees...
I serious doubt anything will change for professionals.
Re:Salaried Workers (Score:2)
Existing wage orders of the commission provide that no person employed in an administrative, executive, or professional capacity is required by those wage orders to be compensated for overtime work. Those existing wage orders define an employee as employed in an administrative, executive, or professional capacity if, among other things, the employee is engaged in work that is primarily intellectual, managerial, or creative, and which requires exercise of discretion and independent judgment and the employee receives compensation of not less than a specified amount per month.
This bill would authorize the Industrial Welfare Commission to establish exemptions, with specified limitations, from the requirement that premium pay be paid for overtime work for executive,administrative, and professional employees, provided that the employee is primarily engaged in the duties which meet the test of the exemption and the employee earns a monthly salary equivalent to no less than 2 times the state minimum wage for full-time employment.
Re:Death of flextime... (Score:1)
what about 9/80 or 4/40 work weeks?
I like working 9 hours to get every other Friday off.
Exempt employees... (Score:2)
So basically, this law will not apply to most high tech workers since we're well over the 2X minimum wages, and we're definately doing "work that is primarily intellectual, managerial, or creative." I, however, sometimes question the "discretion and independent judgment" part.
California? Ha. (Score:3)
I work in New Jersey, just outside Manhattan. (In fact, I can see the Lincoln Tunnel from one of the windows in the building.) I'm a contractor. As the result of Federal law, I don't GET overtime pay.
That's right. Instead of overtime, I get straight time. So, the fact I came in this weekend and worked for six hours on Saturday means I get 46 hours at straight time. No OT pay. No time-and-a-half. None of it.
If you look at that article, it mentions the federal laws that deal with overtime. Those are the ones that gut you. I make $35,000 before taxes. That exceeds the cap for contract workers, and makes your employer exempt from having to pay you for overtime.
We don't need to change the California laws, we need to change the FEDERAL laws.
Overtime (Score:1)
like garbage,and even if you find a cool job.
Do you want to pay 1500$ a month rent for a single room apartment
Don't do it (Score:1)
So I don't work it.
There's a general lack of technically skilled workers, so they can't fire me. I do my job and then I go home.
On the way past, I laugh at hte people working for free.
Re:Salaried Workers (Score:1)
Re:austin (Score:1)
I did have someone call me once to interview for a position as senior system administrator in a Unix shop after they saw my Austin ISP address in a c.o.l.* post where I had answered a mere Newbie-II level Linux question. That company, at least, was pretty desperate.
BTW, if you do interview for Austin, demand flex hours so you can stay off the roads during rush hour.
Re:SV Rent. (Score:1)
Although I'm still working in the city, it is only a 30 minute train commute. Plus if I wanted to, I'm more accessible to Lucent, or Tellabs or one of the other tech places out here, in the event I want to change jobs.
Ever since I've become a computer techie with a degree (Ct.D.), I've tried my darndest to stay away from California. I hear gas prices are also a bit on the high side just like everything else.
I'm not going to say everyone in the SV is brainwashed, but there are great jobs with excellent pay elsewhere in the US and other countries. You don't even have to look hard for them, but most people have the mentality that if it's not SV it's garbage, which is just not true. There are more job openings in Chicago and the SP than there are people as well. It was not uncommon for me to get 10 phone calls a day for three months from HR departments wanting me to come for an interview. Actual companies, not consulting companies.
Well, maybe SV has the weather going for it, but since you're working 200 hours a week, you're not outside anyway, so what's the difference.
Labour laws? (Score:1)
Re:In Japan...and IMHO (Score:1)
My company is a mix of entertainment 'biz' and high-tech. I work for a computer graphics studio. I used to work in LA for special effects studios and the overtime was a BIG BIG issue. Everyone got paid for it, (pending approval of your producer) including staff sys admins and software engineers.
My current employer in Japan is fairly flexible about work hours, core time is 11am to 5pm and you have to be there at this time and anything more is up to you.
However most Japanese companies still have crazy hours and commute times for Japanese are increasing as more people are making more money, they still can't afford housing 'in Tokyo' so they buy houses out in the outer suburbs or neighboring prefectures, its crazy here.I have some co-workers
that takes them about 2 hours or MORE to get
to work. My commute is about 50 minutes, but
that's usually reading time on the train.
Since my entire career has been in the entertainment industry I don't work ANY overtime
without some sort of compensation, either days
off or over time pay. I love my work and I
do the absolute best job to my ability and I'm
very dedicated to the projects that I work on.
However I'm not a sucker and I make sure I'm
properly compensated for my work.
I think everyone should make sure they don't get
screwed in the end, and are properly compensated
either in bennies, overtime pay, stock options,
, profit sharing or whatever, as long as your
happy. The high-tech sector and other businesses
rely so heavily on technology workers, that
you don't have to put up with shit. Especially
when your company is making cash hand over fist
and a group of morons with 'executive' titles
make obscene amounts of money and don't do
Re:Salaried Workers (Score:1)
In some states, you can be salaried as a gas station attendant. Work 80 hours a week, and get no overtime.
Other states have laws that say you must be paid overtime if you work over 40 hours in a week.
Still others say if you work over 10 hours in a day or 40 hours a week you get overtime.
Re:whine whine whine (Score:1)
Amen to that! I spent one summer working 12 hour shifts in a plastics factory and alternating 3 and 4 days a week. Work now is much nicer.
Also, this bill does nothing for the people who have to work multiple jobs to support their families. If a person works 35 hours a week at job A, 10 at job B and another 35 at job C, they are entitled to no overtime pay.
Re:Daily overtime is a pain but not new. (Score:3)
For the reasons you mentioned, most engineers or software developers will not be subject to these overtime laws. These positions are are probably salaried and I would hope pay more than 2x minimum wage. This law is primarly aimed at hourly workers.
Remember, this is something that is not new. CA had a similar law just a couple years ago that was replaced with a more standard overtime definition (ie. anything over 40 is 1.5x the pay rate). It wasn't just anything over 8 hours a day either. If you worked for 6 days or more straight, anything over 30 hours for the entire week was overtime as long as one didn't work more than a certain amount in any one given day. This was just for hourly workers. However, CA is beginning to put a 40 hour restriction on salaried workers in some industries such as retail operations.
The other states that have similar but, not as strict laws are Nevada, Alaska, and Colorado. NV and AK start calculating OT after 8 hours and CO starts calculating it after 12 hrs for a single day. While I don't live in California, this irks me because I maintain the payroll software my company uses. Before we opened a CA location, I had to rework all the software to take advantage of this. Then the law as repealed, so my changes weren't needed. Now it looks like I'll have to fold those changes back in with the Y2K version. Thank you Dale R. Worley for the emerge functions in emacs!
The other wierd things about CA: If a person quits or is fired, they have to be paid on the spot what they are owed for the current payroll period including any vacation time. Also, the paycheck has to be drawn from an account in CA bank. I guess payback to the CA bankers lobby.
Re:Where I am - for example (Score:1)
Uh, but I think someone in the legal department of your company had better check the laws in your state. I'm pretty sure that is illegal. Overtime calculations aren't arbitrary formulas that an employer can just make up. Every state has a set of mininum requirements that must be followed. So unless they want to keep themselves open to a lawsuit and/or a fine, they better check up on it.
Re:austin (Score:1)
If this was an hourly position, I would like to know what loophole they found to get away with this. Every state has a set of minimum requirements for determining overtime pay. Off the top of my head, in TX, it's probably anything over 40hrs is 1.5x pay. I'm sure the Texas Dept of Labor would be interested in this formula too.
Labor regulations, and why: (Score:3)
Yeah, they can be a pain. But it all comes down to money, in the end. Fortunately, some things that save the company money also save you hassles.
Overtime pay is time and a half. If you ARE regularly working 80-hour weeks, it's probably likely to be more cost-effective to hire another person and let both of you work 40 hours. Either that or you're underpaid to begin with.
Besides the expense of paying for overtime, there's also the issue of increased time on the job = increased fatigue = increased likelihood of injuries. True, this was developed for hard-labor jobs, but does anyone here REALLY want carpal tunnel syndrome?
Injuries mean workers' comp claims, health insurance costs going up, loss of time from employees -- and eventually, a company that nobody wants to work for.
It is kind of sad that good business practice actually has to be regulated
When I worked at the library I did... (Score:1)
Re:California? Ha. (Score:1)
The law as I know it, the cut-off is $27.50 an hour. $27.51 an hour and you're straight pay.
I was making above the cut-off as a contractor (still am) and got paid overtime (1.5x) for the weeks I worked my magical 60,70,80,90 or even the ball-busting 130 hour week, out of town, travelling every week.
Now I have a new position, a raise, and work 40 hours a week. It doesn't come close to what I was pulling in, but if you ask enough you can get it.
For every hour you work, you put money in their pockets. If you don't work (or work for a company that will give you 1.5x OT) for them, they get zero. It's almost clearly in their best interest to give you what you want as long as their profit does not go down.
austin (Score:1)
(i dont' know about any where else but no one works at a job they don't like in austin
Exemptions.... (Score:1)
I remember a while back while we were all discussing the "To Union or Not To Union?" topic. Personally, I am against Unionization of any kind - it makes me look like I'm just a wage-slave (at least in my view). But in this case, I would have to say that a Union would have helped. A Union could have stayed abreast of something like this and possibly thwarted it.
I don't want to start a flame war about Unions and such, but in this case, it's almost positive that, at the very least, a large group petitioning senators or other politicians could have stopped this from happening?
- Shaheen Gandhi
new meaning of flextime (Score:1)
You can stay as late as you want, so long as you're here by 8 in the morning.
New law won't apply to many, if any, techs. (Score:1)
Re:Labor regulations, and why: (Score:1)
Re:You have all missed the boat. (Score:1)
I looked at your resume.. you mean you are getting $9 an hour for what you do? WHY? I mean the only black mark I could find was your education, but that really shouldn't be that big of a factor in this industry.
If they won't pay you a realisitic wage, quit and get a real job that doesn't require 80 hour weeks.
This applies only to secretaries and clerks (Score:1)
If you look carefully, professional people and executives are still exempt; they just need to be making twice minimum wage. So it's really not all that meaningful; Silicon valley firms tend to be heavy on professional and executive and light on clerical anyway....