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Truecaller Hits 200 Million Users ( 21

Truecaller, one of the world's largest caller-identification service providers, has amassed 200 million monthly active users and is increasingly proving that it can turn a profit, it said Tuesday. The company also noted that India is its largest market with 150 million active users. From a report: Reaching the 200 million milestone gives the Swedish firm a significant lead over its Seattle-based rival Hiya, which had about 100 million users as of October last year. But unlike its rivals, Truecaller has expanded beyond its caller ID and spam monitoring service. In recent years, it has added messaging and payments services in some markets. Both of these are gaining adoption, said Truecaller co-founder and chief executive Alan Mamedi (pictured above) in an interview with TechCrunch. The payments service, currently available only in India, would soon be expanded to some African markets, said Mamedi. In India, Truecaller plans to offer lending service in a few weeks, he said.
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Truecaller Hits 200 Million Users

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  • The link is to a "Chrome patch gap" article.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Caveat: if you install TrueCaller, you will be spied on, you will get notifications which you cannot disable, and once you are fed up with it and uninstall it, you get tens of spam calls every day because of the scraping that went on.

      And the scraping that continues to go on because everyone who has your number uploaded his contact list.
  • by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Tuesday February 04, 2020 @01:36PM (#59689698)

    The Telecom Companies implementation of Caller ID is what needs to be changed.
    It is too easily forged, and spoofed.
    I hear people say it is impossible to fix, but I call bogus on that. If the phone company knows who to bill for the call, they know where the call came from. Even if it means that Caller ID systems on our phones may need to be updated, or replaced. The problem with caller ID is out of control.

    • I hear people say it is impossible to fix

      Who? This is the point of STIR/SHAKEN which is to be deployed on or before 9/30/2020.

      Pai told the telcos to get it done or he'd force them to. Congress decided to mandate it anyway (by a deadline well after the industry's self-imposed deadline) and Trump signed that bill a couple months ago.

    • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

      If the phone company knows who to bill for the call, they know where the call came from.

      You see, there is half the problem. The phone companies have a financial interest in completing a call, no matter what the contents of the call are.

      • by satsuke ( 263225 )

        OzPeter: In the US, the tariff rates to connect a call are near zero, and most people either aren't on limited buckets of minutes, or they have more than they could really use.

        Put another way, there's no money in basic voice service .. in many cases it costs more to deliver a bill than it does to provide the service.

        So no, there's no incentive to complete a call.

    • I agree it is annoying and should be fixed, but is it really that big a problem?

      I mean, I assumed most everyone treated calls like I do...if it is from a number I don't know, I don't answer it and let it go to voice mail.

      If it is spam, usually never a message and if it is important, they'll leave a message.

      I know I"m a bit older and grew up back before cell phone and you had landlines and answering machines, and you just screened calls with the answering machine.

      I assumed a similar process had followed

      • Well, that is the problem.
        I would like to have the volume on my phone. If my wife calls me for an emergency, I would like to know. vs me just letting it go to voice mail. Heck, I told my wife to call me twice if it is an emergency.
        The onslaught of Spam calls has numbed us to voice calls Back in the olden days we still had annoying telemarkets but that may be one call around dinner time once a week. Now we get 2-4 calls a day, that we just ignore.
        When I am looking to change jobs and post my resumes to pot

        • If my wife calls me for an emergency, I would like to know.

          All call filtering systems allow you to specify certain numbers
          (like your wife's) to go right through along
          with a special ring tone.

  • half of my incoming calls come from from 'Scam Likely'

    Seems like a nice guy, really wants to buy my house

    • Odd, I get more calls about Auto Extended Warranties, for a Pontiac Aztek non the less (A car I never owned, nor was really a popular model)

    • by deKernel ( 65640 )

      Think he is the cousin to "Fraud Risk" who keeps calling me over and over and over about helping me either health insurance or my car warranty?

    • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

      half of my incoming calls come from from 'Scam Likely'

      My phone company (T-Mobile) already does this for me without me having to install an app. I vaguely remember hearing a while ago that phone companies were moving into this segment, so I expect that other than T-Mobile is doing this.

    • by bob4u2c ( 73467 )
      Kim keeps calling to refund me for some software support license now that the company has gone out of business.

      All I need to do to get refunded is buy five $500 Best Buy cards and send her the numbers so she can deposit the funds on them.

      She called back about 15 minutes later to make sure my computer was working. She seemed upset about my answer to her question of what I saw on the screen; "I see icons, lots of icons!" She then hung up on me, hasn't called back since.

      I am getting another call warnin
  • Another company proving it can make profits while deeply in debt it can never pay off. Only good times ahead!

  • Their name made me think of the song True Colors [] (originally sung by Cyndi Lauper). Wonder if that occurred to their advertising team?

If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent it.
