Planet X Larger Than Pluto? 561
nova_planitia writes "The Minor Planet mailing list is buzzing with the discovery by an amateur astronomer of a 17th magnitude object 51 astronomical units from the Sun, tentatively designated 2003 EL61. For those not versed in astronomical lingo, this is an object several times brighter than Pluto even though it is 25% farther out from the Sun (the orbit vizualised by JPL). This means that barring a strangely reflective surface, this object is larger than Pluto, possibly Mars-sized! The debate whether Pluto is a planet is likely to get rekindled by this discovery."
Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:4, Informative)
The link to the BBC story [] in the summary is broken.
A functioning link can be found here [].
So....the race is on to give this mysterious new planet a proper name! (Planet X is soooo Gen X...)
Please post your ideas below.
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:3, Insightful)
Anyhow, shouldn't the new planet be named after a Roman god or goddess? I mean, let's choose a naming scheme and stick with it, people.
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:4, Funny)
If it's a Cyberplanet... (Score:3, Funny)
Far Out and Beyond All Recovery (Score:3, Funny)
How about naming the planet(-ino)
"foo" and its moon "bar" ?
because cleary it is Far Out and Beyond All Recovery
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:5, Funny)
There can be only one Pluto.
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:3, Funny)
rename Pluto Plutonium and notice its rapid decay from being called a "Planet" to a "big ass rock."
Then name 2003 EL61 as Pluto so it can be the next planet to be renamed Plutonium for its rapid decay to massive frozen rock in the near future.
option b)
define what, exactly, a planet is already.
Well, I don't know about most slashdotters... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:3, Interesting)
I like Persephone for this planet(oid?). Since Persephone is goddess of Hades, the name fits a planet that far out pretty well, plus I've always felt that any planet in our solar system should be named after a Roman god, to keep with the scheme. It kind of bugged me the last time a "10th planet" was discovered, and they named it Sedna? I'm sorry who is that? An Inuit god? I don't think you can get much farther from Rome. Imagine the confusion the breakdown in the naming sys
Abbot/Costello (Score:5, Funny)
Abbot: "Y?"
Costello: "Because"
Abbot: "Because why?"
Costello: "I don't know"
Abbot: "Third Base!"
Re:Abbot/Costello (Score:5, Funny)
Abbot: "Your base!"
Costello: "It's not mine."
Abbot: "are belong to us!"
Costello: "What the he-"
Abbot: "You have no chance to survive. Make your time."
Costello: "OK, I have no idea WTF you're talking about. You hear that? I'm going home, you fscking maroon."
Re:Abbot/Costello (Score:3, Informative)
I've had way too much coffee this morning.
ooh - I know! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:ooh - I know! (Score:4, Funny)
A planet with a nice ring? That'd be Saturn.
Re:ooh - I know! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:5, Funny)
I saw it in a highly-scientific production that was made about 60 years ago.
(Yes, humorless mods, that's a joke. If you don't understand it, you need to watch classic, WB cartoons from the 1940s and 50s.)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:3)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:5, Funny)
After all:
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:4, Informative)
Lord John Whorfin: Where are we going?
Red Lectroids: Planet Ten!
Lord John Whorfin: When?
Red Lectroids: Real soon!!
Re:Broken Link, Naming Contest. (Score:4, Interesting)
call it oid (Score:3, Funny)
That way, the name will be informative, and will help alleviate future pointless debate over whether it is a planet (It is, and it's called Oid) or a planetoid (that's what I said... planet-oid). -nAP
Vulcan was the planet inside Mercury's orbit (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Oh bloody hell, I can hear the republicans alre (Score:3, Funny)
Nah, they'd stick to naming planets after gods...
Planet Jesus.
If Pluto is a planet... (Score:3, Funny)
At the fractal level (Score:5, Funny)
Nothing to see here.. (broke link) (Score:2) []
Pluto is a planet? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Pluto is a planet? (Score:4, Insightful)
Star: Any massive gaseous body emitting more energy due to nuclear fusion then by thermal radiation alone.
Planet: Any body orbiting a star which is roughly spherical due to self-gravitation. (by this definition our solar system has 13 (14 now?) planets including Charon, Ceres, Sedna and Quaoar)
Planetoid: Any body not orbiting a star which is roughly spherical due to self-gravitation. There is conjecture on this one. It once was just a synonym for asteroid, however now many call Ceres, Sedna and Quaoar planitoids or even minor planets, but I don't since they all meet my definition of a planet.
Planetesimal: Any celestial object that does not have suffecient mass to form into a spherical shape. All asteroids and comets are planetesimals.
Protoplanet: Any body in a solar nebula which is roughly spherical due to self-gravitation and does not produce energy by nuclear fusion.
Moon: An object which is roughly spherical due to self-gravitation which orbits a planet. By this definition Phobos and Demos are not moons.
Satellite: An object whose mass is not sufficent to form into a spherical shape which orbits a planet.
Double-Planet: Two Planets of comparable mass orbiting one another in a system orbiting a star, who are both tidally coupled so as to always show the same face to each other in a system with a center of gravity that is not within either body. The center of gravity of the Earth/Moon system is about 2900 km or about 75% of the radius from the center of the Earth. Also, the Earth doesn't always show the same face to the moon. The Earth/Moon system is NOT a double-planet. The Pluto/Charon system is a double planet as they always show the same face to each other and the center of gravity of the Pluto/Charon system does not lay within either body.
Re:Pluto is a planet? (Score:4, Funny)
Could you now please define--with exclusivity--Lake, Pond, Brook, Stream, River, Sea, Gulf, Bay, Ocean, Hill, Mountain and Continent?
Re:Pluto is a planet? (Score:3, Informative)
It is true that Jupiter gives off more energy than it receives from the sun. BUT of the energy emitted is not from fusion.
Jupiter is too small to produce a core temperature high enough to create fusion. It takes about 3 million degrees to start the fusion of hydrogen.
That means Jupiter is definately a planet by my definitions.
Re:Pluto is a planet? (Score:4, Interesting)
Or maybe we should throw out the periodic table of elements and just go back to earth, wind, fire, water? After all, we did categorize things that way at one time.
As we learn more about the universe, we'll learn that our categorizations need and update to be more coherent and inclusive. While the original models might "work," as we add more variables to the system, there becomes the need to modify our system of classification.
It's happened with elements and species, so why not large objects in the universe as well?
New Scientist Coverage (Score:4, Informative)
The New Scientist reports []:
On Thursday a new planet-sized object was found orbiting the Sun at a distance of between 35-51 AU (at different points in its orbit) and an inclination of 28 degrees to the plane of the inner planets. By comparison Pluto orbits at an average distance of 39 AU and an inclination if 17 degrees. (1 Astronomical Unit = the distance between the earth and the sun) If the object has a reflectivity similar to that of other Kuiper-belt bodies, it is approximately twice the size of Pluto. Jose-Luis Ortiz and his colleagues at Spain's Sierra Nevada Observatory discovered the object while reviewing data from 2003. The International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center (MPC) in Cambridge, Massachusetts verified the obsevations and designated the object 2003 EL61.
Re:New Scientist Coverage (Score:2, Informative)
Re:New Scientist Coverage (Score:5, Funny)
With a uid so low, you should know better than that.
Re:New Scientist Coverage (Score:3, Funny)
Re:New Scientist Coverage (Score:3, Funny)
Damn kids keep interrupting my nap.
Re:New Scientist Coverage (Score:3, Informative)
Re:New Scientist Coverage (Score:3, Insightful)
there's no angle!
good luck next time
Well, in that case, here's my journal entry on it! (Score:3, Informative)
Essentially, European astronomers have found something they call 2003 EL61 [] and what American astronomers call K40506A [].
There are questions on how reflective the object is, which means we don't have that much information on how big it is or how far away it is. The guesses by astronomers, at this
Re:New Scientist Coverage (Score:3, Interesting)
Obligatory quote (Score:2)
assembled Red Lectroids: PLANET TEN!
LJW: When?
Of our Solar System? (Score:3, Interesting)
Maybe I will move my telescope from being pointed at the neighbors shower and point it towards the sky.
What I love about space, is that the more we discover, the more we have to learn.
The reason Pluto was considered a planet (Score:4, Informative)
Pluto was once thought to be much more massive than it is currently known to be. When I was in high school, prevailing theories had it as being slightly larger than Mercury. Furthermore, it was first discovered due to its supposed perturbation on the planet Uranus (those perturbations were, in fact, due to incorrect calculations, IIRC). Additionally, we had very little information on other objects of similar ilk. So, why wouldn't it have been considered a planet?
The flip side of the question is, "should we change its status now?" I don't really care much, but I don't see why its so important whether its a planet or a KBO, from a labeling point of view.
Some might argue that it makes teaching about the Solar System easier, but I think the exceptions can help to make the system more interesting, and, hence, easier to learn about.
Re:Pluto is no planet (Score:3, Informative)
It's not just the orbit of the inner planets (which would be Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) on that plane. All planets except Pluto fit on there.
The Sun rotates. Furthermore, it rotates along the same plane as the planets' orbits. (Again, you can confirm this yourself if you have Celestia. Just go to the Sun
Simple answer. (Score:5, Funny)
It's Friday afternoon, and 5pm looks a LOOOONG way away. Can you tell?
Could this be (Score:2)
I for one (Score:4, Funny)
Sorry...I've never gotten to do one of those before.
Name for it: (Score:5, Funny)
Bacchus [] - the party planet! Party all night - and it's ALWAYS night!
Perfect Name (Score:4, Interesting)
(a) In a more eccentric orbit than any other planet.
(b) In a longer orbit than any other planet.
(c) In a more inclined orbit than any other planet.
So it's more eccentric, lazier, and tipsier than any other planet. Bacchus is therefore a perfect name for it.
Oh, and since it's so cold there should be plenty of ice for the alcholic beverages.
Re:Name for it: (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Name for it: (Score:4, Informative)
joking aside, Lesbos was a Greek island and had nothing to do with Roman gods (which our planets are named after). The island got its reputation from Sappho, the poet (also the synonym sapphic is derived from her, though rare to see these days).
Incidentally, Sappho was married and if she did munch the rug it would make her bisexual, which makes the association incorrect, anyway.
Now that I've shot that option down, I need to catch the first shuttle to Bacchus
Interesting (Score:2, Funny)
That's no moon, It's a discoball!
*cue imperial march*
Oh man, those poor astrologers (Score:2)
Anyone get the feeling this solar system is getting a mite crowded?
On the other hand, the repeat business can't be so shabby - just think how many of their best customers will need their charts recalculating...
Amateur astronomer? (Score:3, Insightful)
Never noticed it before? (Score:2, Interesting)
If the object is as big as the story says (With orbit that JPL predicted for it) why haven't we noticed it before? Given its (apparent) proximity to Pluto's orbit, wouldn't we have detected some sort of gravitational interaction?
Re:Never noticed it before? (Score:5, Informative)
1) Although it is roughly the same distance from the Sun as Pluto the inclination is about 10 degrees off so they are actually not close at all.
2) Even if they were close, becuase the orbits are so slow at that distance (Pluto takes a few hundred years to orbit the sun) it would take a long time to notice pertubances in the orbit of Pluto.
3) Even though this planet is twice the size of Pluto, it is still really really small. Pluto is smaller then our moon so at the distances we are talking here the interactions are going to be so small as to be completely unnoticable with our current technology.
Re:Never noticed it before? (Score:4, Funny)
Pluto takes a few hundred years to orbit the sun
here in pluto we orbit the sun in one pluto year, you insensitive clod!
Re:Never noticed it before? (Score:3, Insightful)
The orbital periods are long, and generally it takes at least one orbit of observations to say much about whether you have unwanted perturbations. Pluto has an orbital period of 248 years, and about a century of observations, so it's a bit too soon to say much about perturbations yet. Come back in a century.
Plus, Plut
Someone call Duck Dodgers (Score:3, Funny)
Old versus new (Score:3, Funny)
Planet X: The new hotness!
Here's the text of the message... (Score:5, Informative)
Hello MPML,
Jose Luis Ortiz of Sierra Nevada Observatory asked me to forward his message. Actually he sent it to MPML today but it looks as if he is moderated and so his message is delayed. As this is pretty urgent, to give anyone interested the chance to do science on it, I hope my message gets relayed faster!
Hi there,
We found a very slowly moving object while carrying out a checking of some of our oldest images from the modest TNO survey that we started in 2002. []
The object was very bright in our images (m_V~17.6!!) so we were able to precover it, and also recover it.
According to our best orbit fit and using regular assumptions on phase angle correction, the H value es around 0.3. Unfortunately we do not know the geometric albedo but if below 0.25 (which is the case of all TNOs for which an albedo has been measured except Pluto), the object would be larger than Pluto. However, it may well happen that this object is abnormally bright (with a very high albedo), like Pluto. So, depending on the albedo, this object might be sort of a Pluto's brother or Pluto's father...
This object is beyond Pluto and almost reachable by most amateurs, which is the reason why we write here!. It is observable right after sunset for a while at a reasonable elevation. Maybe some decent science can still come out of your observations.
Enjoy it!.
Our findings have been sent to the MPC, but the object has not received a provisional designation yet. Some ephemeris are given here:
Ephems (geocentric) [Date, RA, Dec, r, delta, elongation, mag]:
20050728.00000 13 21 50.208 +20 7 53.62 51.605 51.239 68.32 17.47
20050729.00000 13 21 51.856 +20 7 14.56 51.619 51.239 67.49 17.47
20050730.00000 13 21 53.576 +20 6 35.29 51.632 51.239 66.66 17.47
20050731.00000 13 21 55.369 +20 5 55.81 51.646 51.238 65.84 17.47
20050801.00000 13 21 57.233 +20 5 16.13 51.659 51.238 65.01 17.47
20050802.00000 13 21 59.169 +20 4 36.26 51.672 51.238 64.19 17.47
20050803.00000 13 22 1.176 +20 3 56.23 51.685 51.238 63.37 17.47
20050804.00000 13 22 3.253 +20 3 16.02 51.698 51.238 62.55 17.47
20050805.00000 13 22 5.401 +20 2 35.67 51.711 51.238 61.73 17.47
20050806.00000 13 22 7.619 +20 1 55.17 51.723 51.238 60.92 17.47
20050807.00000 13 22 9.906 +20 1 14.54 51.736 51.238 60.11 17.47
20050808.00000 13 22 12.261 +20 0 33.79 51.748 51.238 59.29 17.47
20050809.00000 13 22 14.685 +19 59 52.93 51.760 51.238 58.49 17.47
20050810.00000 13 22 17.176 +19 59 11.97 51.772 51.237 57.68 17.47
20050811.00000 13 22 19.734 +19 58 30.93 51.784 51.237 56.88 17.47
The orbital elements are:
OSNT11 Epoch 2005 July 29.0 TT = JDT 2453580.5
M 197.97485 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.00345428 Peri. 239.53682 +0.91285785 -0.07597426
a 43.3408541 Node 121.89008 +0.13526717 +0.98332108
e 0.1887862 Incl. 28.19395 -0.38521856 +0.16524998
P 285.33 H 0.2 G 0.15 U 2
Jose-Luis Ortiz
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC
P.O.Box 3004. 18080 Granada. Spain.
Jaime Nomen
620 OAM
Re:Here's the text of the message... (Score:3, Informative)
Hah (Score:3, Funny)
"Speaking of size, what about Uranus?"
"How can be possible comment on this new planet when we still have yet to send a probe to Uranus?"
Some wise astronomers have tried to change the speech from "your anus" to "urine us" or "you're in us". Unfortunately the planet seems to just be plain doomed as far as American English pronounciation goes.
Doesn't add up (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Doesn't add up (Score:4, Informative)
You are thinking of the absolute magnitude. Typically, absolute mangitude is refered to as such while the visual magnitude is refered to as magnitude.
I'm waiting... (Score:3, Funny)
Trick to Finding This Object (Score:5, Interesting)
Since this was found so easily, one has to wonder just how many of them there are out there. This might be only the first of many.
This, by the way, is an excellent reason to call these things TNOs (Trans-Neptunian Objects). Who wants to memorize the 85 planets of our solar system?
Re:Trick to Finding This Object (Score:5, Funny)
Worse, think of all the styrofoam balls and toothpicks you'll need to complete your model
Strangely reflectant surface??? (Score:3, Funny)
Ok, the other possibility: Independence day...
And the last option: It is a cloacked deathstar!
Not Planet X (Score:3, Informative)
New Name? (Score:4, Funny)
I mean, why not. It's frigid and inaccessible to those who want to "study" it most!
2003 EL61 is not a planet (Score:3, Funny)
Pioneer (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Pioneer (Score:4, Informative)
Both Pioneer Spacecraft (as well as Voyager) measure the anomaly, and they are moving away from the Sun in different directions. A distant object has been ruled out as a potential source of the effect, since to produce a slowing of all the spacecraft you need a force acting towards the sun. Whatever is causing them to slow down, it's not a solar system body too far out for us to see.
Perhaps a New King of the Kuiper Belt (Score:5, Informative)
What we have here is one that could be larger than Pluto. This is not unexpected, but has been predicted ever since we started discovering KBOs in serious numbers. There is always a distribution of sizes, and Pluto lies near the upper end, but it is unlikely that it is the largest, and even less likely that it would be distinctly larger than the rest of the population.
To call Pluto a planet is to create a category of "ice planets" which contains only one object. That is scientifically silly. To call it a Kuiper Belt Object fits it in with a family of other objects whose characteristics in composition, orbit size, orbit shape, orbit inclination, companions, etc are shared amongst the group. That is a scientific classification.
The solar system does not contain "the Sun and
9 planets" as so many of us incorrectly learned. Rather, it contains 6 families: a star, the rocky planets, the asteroid belt, the gas giant planets, the Kuiper belt, and the Oort cloud. Each of these families shares common characteristics that are the basis for this classification. Pluto, and this new discovery,
fit squarely in the Kuiper belt.
Now for the truth about planets. The IAU, which
governs these things, has no official definition of what constitutes a planet. There is a reasonable upper limit in mass (i.e., not so larger as to create fusion at it core), but there is no lower limit. Most astronomers would say that a reasonable idea would be large enough for gravity to make it spherical (or close to, like Earth). However, then other KBOs and asteroids qualify as planets. You simply can't come up with a rigorous definition that includes Pluto and excludes the others unless you work customize your definition in a manner that is not scientific.
This will not be the last big KBO. There will be several more. These are exciting times as we discover more and more about our own backyard.
Re:Perhaps a New King of the Kuiper Belt (Score:3, Interesting)
Can't remember who it was first said it, but the best classification I ever read was:
"The Solar System contains the Sun, Jupiter, and assorted debris."
Re:Perhaps a New King of the Kuiper Belt (Score:3, Informative)
More info at (Score:4, Informative)
Actually, its fainter than Pluto (Score:3, Informative)
Rupert! (Score:3, Funny)
Pluto and 2003 EL61 (Score:4, Interesting)
There does seem to be a point where Pluto's and EL61's orbits get rather close. I wonder if this could point to a potential common origin? Maybe Something Else (tm) passed by and flung 2003 El61 out of the little triad. (I would doubt Pluto and Charon would be the ones tossed because the odds of them staying together would be low) The distance between the orbits might be explained by precession.
Unfortunately the Java app only covers from Jan 1, 1600-2200 so I couldn't test this theory. Can someone else play with the app and look into the distant past for a near miss?
Not Planet X, no demotion (Score:3, Informative)
Planet X was thought to be a very large planet, responsible for causing apparent perturbations we were seeing in the orbit of Uranus and Neptune. When Voyager II flew by these planets and got refined measurements of their masses, the discrepancies went away. We now know that the revised data shows no perturbations, putting severe limits on very large objects to very great distances. That is, there is no Planet X, and there never was.
There are likely all sorts of Pluto-sized objects out there, though. So finding another one is not surprising. There's nothing special about the mass of Pluto, and so some Kuiperoids will be around the same mass, and some will be more (though probably not too many). Thus, this discovery is nothing very surprising. You'd expect to find Kuiperoids more massive than Pluto out there.
As for reigniting the "controversy" about Pluto's planetary status, probably not. There's really not much controversy here. The IAU does not have and never has had an objective definition of the word planet that Pluto succeeds or fails in meeting the criteria for. A planet is literally what we point to and say, "That's a planet." The terms are made up by us, after all; do you think Pluto cares what it's called? Do you think that somehow further enhances the study of it, knowing that it's in this classification bin but not this one?
There have been a few serious astronomers suggesting conferring dual classification -- as both a planet and an asteroid/Kuiperoid -- to Pluto. The official proposal was never about demotion. Talk at length about removing planetary status from Pluto has largely been taking place in the popular press and by amateurs. Most actual astronomers don't care, because it doesn't matter what name you give something.
Another one... (Score:5, Informative) [] []
Even more interesting... (Score:5, Informative)
However, there's an even more interesting thing that Mike Brown has on his page, called 2003 UB313 [] (a.k.a. "Lila").
Re:It's all a conspiracy (Score:5, Funny)
Thats what they want you to think. We really have a super secret base on the moon. And Pluto is really our version of the Deathstar perched on the edge of the solar system in case any of the aliens on Mars get too far out of control.
Obligatory freaky objects mention (Score:3, Interesting)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:RTFA before you post an article to slashdot! (Score:5, Insightful)
from TFA: "The same team that found Sedna have designated it [the new discovery] K40506A after it was picked up by the Gemini telescope and one of the twin Keck telescopes in Hawaii."
Re:RTFA before you post an article to slashdot! (Score:2, Informative)
Re:RTFA before you post an article to slashdot! (Score:2)
Sedna was discovered back in 2004. It's just an object of similar size in a similar area. This object is not Sedna.
Re:Water? (Score:4, Informative)
There could still be free-flowing water under the ice with life swimming around in it.
Highly unlikely...scientists believe that there may be liquid water under the ice of Europa (I assume that's the parallel you're attempting to draw here) because of the heating caused by the tidal action of Jupiter's gravity (don't take my word for's an informative link []).
As far out from the Sun as this planet is, it is certain that it recieves an insufficient supply of either radiation or tidal friction to warm water ice to the melting point.
Re:Pluto is not a planet (Score:3, Insightful)
You left out the most important thing:
It doesn't matter at all whether it is a planet or not.
Besides, there is no consensus on what the definition