NIST Proposes Abandoning DES 205
Mr. Manometer writes "With little fan-fare, NIST proposed yesterday to withdraw the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) for the Data Encryption Standard (DES) with a Federal Register notice (pdf). NIST is encouraging federal agencies to use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) instead since they feel that DES is 'now vulnerable to key exhaustion using massive parallel computations.' We all knew this day would come as computers got faster & cheaper... and this should put more pressure on folks to use stronger encryption techniques with is a good thing." Some would argue that DES has been insufficient for some time now.
NIST endorsement of DES (Score:5, Informative)
In '76 Lucifer was adopted and renamed "DES". Of course as computers became faster and more powerful, it was recognized that a 56-bit key was simply not large enough for high security applications. As a result of these and other serious flaws, NIST abandoned their official endorsement of DES in 1997 and began work on a replacement, to be called the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). And so the story continues...
DES3 (Score:3)
Not that I'm saying we should cling to DES for the next hundred years. I'm all about AES.
Re:DES3 (Score:5, Informative)
In other words 2-DES is not significantly more secure than DES, but 3-DES makes the meet in the middle attack more difficult. You can no longer meet exactly in the middle, but you could meet with 1 cipher on one side and 2 ciphers on the other side. That way you have to brute force the 2 ciphers and that way 3-DES presumably give you the security of a 112 bit key. This is also why you normally only use two different keys for 3-DES. The third key would add no extra security.
But 3-DES have inherited one of the weaknesses of DES. The block size is still only 64 bits. That makes you vulnurable to birthday attacks. For this reason I always advice against using the same 3-DES key for more than 512KB of data. With a 128 bit block like AES uses, a key can be safe for use for longer time, I would say 64GB should be secure.
Re:DES3 (Score:3, Informative)
Encryption is a litle more than just using a cipher. You need some mode of operation. ECB mode where you just split your message into 64 bit blocks and apply the cipher to each is weak. The problem is, that an attacker can easilly see which blocks contains the same cleartext, because they will all result in the same ciphertext. I once saw this illustrated by encrypting some black and white image where each 8x8 pixels where encrypted using DES in ECB mode. In
Re:DES3 (Score:2)
Triple DES is simply another mode of DES operation. It takes three 64-bit keys, for an overall key length of 192 bits.
I'm not sure if they are misunderstanding it but that's where I got the 192 number from.
Re:DES3 (Score:5, Informative)
now, to really mess it up - the effective key length of 3DES is 112 bits, because only 2 keys are actually used, key A and B. Encrypt with A, then B, then A.
Re:DES3 (Score:3)
Sorry, you are thinking of DES2. DES2 uses two keys, and works like this Encrypt with A, decrypt with B, Encrypt with A. I'm not sure on the specifics, but using three encryptions makes it possible to exhaustivly search for A and B on their own, while using a decrypt (As far as is known) requires all combonations of A||B to be exhausted.
DES3 does, in fact, use 3 keys, and is encrypt with A, encrypt with B, encrypt with C.
Re:DES3 (Score:2)
Further clarification (Score:3, Informative)
However, using 3 keys with any cipher only squares the time to key recovery, regardless of whether the first key and the last key are equal. Assuming you know both the plaintext P and ciphertext C for a given message, compute a table of all possible results of encrypting P with keys 1 and 2, and a table of all po
Re:DES3 (Score:2)
Re:DES3 (Score:2)
Re:NIST endorsement of DES (Score:2)
Coppersmith maintains that the NSA had no hand in designing DES, and all the secret design features turned out to be there to make it stronger (eg against DC, which the IBM team kept secret).
Re:NIST endorsement of DES (Score:5, Informative)
Re:NIST endorsement of DES (Score:2)
arrggghh... (Score:5, Funny)
.... I was going to write a long, well thought out reply to this story but the IT colour scheme is causing acid flashbacks.
The horror... the horror...
As a self-appointed representative of ... (Score:5, Funny)
I'm not one to point fingers, but if they do have to be pointed, they should be pointed at Mushrooms or toad licking. Not acid.
Re:arrggghh... (Score:5, Insightful)
I seriously thought the sarcasm about the crappy color scheme was going to get old after a while, but actually it still seems appropriate. For Vishnu's sake, change the friggen colors!
Re:arrggghh... (Score:2)
Now I'm going to have to go back to ... (Score:5, Funny)
Wait, ...ugh..., I didn't write that and more importantly, you didn't read it. It never happened. Nothing to see here. Just move on now.
Re:Now I'm going to have to go back to ... (Score:3, Funny)
It was bound to happen eventually. (Score:5, Insightful)
Which is why... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Which is why... (Score:5, Funny)
You mean a one time pad []?
Re:Which is why... (Score:5, Informative)
You mean a one time pad?
You cannot use a one time pad forever. The name should be a pretty good hint about that. Unfortunately reusing a one time pad is suggested again and again by people not fully understanding what it is all about. In many cases a one time pad is unrealistic because you have to exchange new keys over a secure channel. And usually you want to use the one time pad because you don't have a secure channel. But actually some secure channels exists that can be used to exchange the key, but cannot be used for the data transfer. One such example is seen in quantum cryptography.
However though a one time pad is unconditionally secure, it only guarantees secrecy. Integrity is an interely different matter. Luckily there also exist unconditionally secure MACs for that, and they are a lot more realistic than a one time pad, because the key is smaller and most of the key can be reused. This is very important because without integrity over a clasical channel, even quantum cryptography would have been vulnurable to a man in the midle attack.
But quantum cryptography is not the only way to exchange a one time pad. Other unrealistic ways to exchange a one time pad is using either noisy channels or assumptions about memory bounded adversaries. I call them unrealistic because they are both based on somewhat unrealistic assumptions and require extreme amounts of data to be transfered to create a small one time pad. The most realistic way to exchange a one time pad probably still is to do it in advance. In some cases the exchange in advance makes a lot of sense. Think for example wireless equipment. You'd consider a wire to be secure, but it is inconvenient. But you still have to connect a wire occationally to recharge your battery, at the same time a one time pad could be tranfered over a faster and more secure wired link.
Re:Which is why... (Score:2)
That's not what I said, I said you can use the one time pad encryption scheme forever. Please read all the words next time.
This is very important because without integrity over a clasical channel, even quantum cryptography would have been vulnurable to a man in the midle attack.
Quantum crypto key exchange is invulnerable to a man in the middle attack because in QM making a measurement disturbs the state of the system that is then detectable by the true receiver, i
Re:Which is why... (Score:2)
That is exactly where the integrity is required. Without the integrity between the two communicating parties, quantum cryptography is obviously vulnurable. A man in the middle could simply perform two completely independent instances of the quantum protocol to exchange the key. Neither party would realize, that they were talking with an adversary rather than the intended peer. In the end they would have two differe
Re:Which is why... (Score:2)
Re:Which is why... (Score:2)
I have an incredibly hard time believing any claims of encryption being unbreakable solely
Re:Which is why... (Score:2)
What you've just described is precisely what quantum cryptography makes impossible. You assume you can "restransmit a copy." However, it is impossible to clone a quantum state without destroying it.
Hence, as soon
Re:Which is why... (Score:2)
Re:Which is why... (Score:2)
That is because you don't understand why a one time pad is secure. As soon as you understand the proof, you don't have to worry no more. A one time pad is unconditionally secure. Formally that means an adversary learns no information about the message by seeing the encryption.
Before seeing the encryption the adversary could make some guess about the contents of the message. Not all messages are equially likely, we assume the adversary know some probability distribution over possible messages. N
Re:Which is why... (Score:2)
It doesn't work that way, exactly.
A true one-time pad is unconditionally secure because there is no way to determine when your proposed powerful computer has
Re:It was bound to happen eventually. (Score:2)
Untill of course someone finds a better way to factor numbers, or finds a diffrent attack on RSA.
Computation power?? (Score:5, Insightful)
It is interesting to note that they recommend using a faster algorithm.
Of course us, of the tin-foil-hat, brigade know that the government has a very secure algorithm (gotten from area 51), but they never tell us about, just so we use an algorithm that we think is secure, but they have their own back-door.
Re:Computation power?? (Score:2)
I'm disappointed they didn't recommend my favourite, triple-ROT13.
Virtually unbreakable...
Re:Computation power?? (Score:2)
Now that's just being unrealistic. How could anyone ever decrypt something like that?
Re:Computation power?? (Score:2)
Not one time pads [], although they are unpractical, and quantum cryptography [] which is (currently) expensive, and also distance limited since repeaters can't be used.
Re:Computation power?? (Score:2)
Re:Computation power?? (Score:2)
Moore's "law" will stop eventually.
It might take 200 years, but eventually you hit speed of light limits, Heisenberg limits on distance, and quantum limits on energy usage.
(Of course, non-fundamental limits are likely to put a stop to Moore's law first.)
56 bits isn't enough to prevent brute forcing, but 512 bits certainly is.
At 256 bits, it's easier
Re:Computation power?? (Score:2)
Actually, as key sizes get larger, the required effort to crack by brute force gets pretty silly.
According to Bruce Schneier's "Applied Cryptography" , I paraphrase:
With an ideal computer using the entire energy output of the sun for 32 years, you could cause a 192 bit counter to cycle through all it's possible values.
And, an actual quote:
Man, they are cruel (Score:5, Funny)
Let's hope we'll never see ICQ and Windows ME on that list.
YES!!! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:YES!!! (Score:3, Funny)
In a related story, a mysterious female named "Alotta Patootie" was detained at a northern border crossing on suspicion of ill intent. Formal charges have not been anounced, but the woman did try to seduce four CBP (Customs and Border Protection) agents and succeeded in kicking a fifth in the tallywhacker.
NIST already said DES isn't sufficient (Score:2, Informative)
It will be AES's time before long anyways, with quantum computing these algorithms become fairly useless.
What about triple DES (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:What about triple DES (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:What about triple DES (Score:2, Insightful)
Say what you will about DES, but please ... (Score:3, Funny)
Whenever this is any doubt about the structural integrity of any item (from little glass figurine to 18 wheeler transporting corrosive chemicals), slap some duct tape on it. And then a little bit more. You'll be gla
Re:Say what you will about DES, but please ... (Score:3, Funny)
But, hey, get with the program dude, you forgot to mention the plastic.
And don't forget, WD-40 has a role also.
If you replace the pipe, the terrorists have won. (Score:2)
If America's Duct Tape Manufacturers falter, the impact to the American economy
could be catastrophic! And no patriotic American wants that. So be patriotic! Buy more patriotic American duct tape, and shore up the patriotic American economy, so all of our American children can grow up safe, strong, and patriotically American in good old patriotic American America!
Re:What about triple DES (Score:3, Insightful)
1) DES has been around a long time. People have attacked it for years, with every new and old technique of cryptanalysis. DES was created by IBM with help (no, really!) from NSA -- it was NSA that proposed adjustements in the S-Boxes that made DES more resistant to differential cryptanalysis. DES has proven to be secure, except for the obvious key-length problem, in the very best way you can prove an algorithm secure -- by having the best minds on the plane
Re:What about triple DES (Score:3, Insightful)
Indeed. It is one thing for NIST to recommend that everyone using software implementations of DES should change to something else (although it appears that they are actually only recommending it to government users). It is a very different thing to deal with the millions of consumer devices out there with hardware DES which would have to be replaced.
Re:What about triple DES (Score:3, Interesting)
When the S-box attacks came out in the 90s or so, people thought DES might be vaunerable to it -- but the adjustments the NSA had made decades before to the standard prevented its vaunerability.
That's impressive. Did they know, or was it just lucky.
Re:What about triple DES (Score:4, Informative)
Re:What about triple DES (Score:3, Informative)
Re:What about triple DES (Score:2)
Re:What about triple DES (Score:2, Informative)
Triple DES actually has a key complexity of around 112 bits, but more importantly is signifigantly slower then AES due to the need for three sequential passes with three (or more often two) seperate keys.
As a result AES has more key complexity and runs faster, which is why it makes sense to drop DES/3DES.
Re:What about triple DES (Score:3, Informative)
If you could try one key at every clock cycle, which would be amazing in and of itself, it would take you 54,844,652,936,586,090.5 years of computation on a 3 GHz machine to try every key. If you take half
Re:What about triple DES (Score:2)
Effective strength of 3DES: about 90 bits (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Effective strength of 3DES: about 90 bits (Score:2)
Re:Effective strength of 3DES: about 90 bits (Score:2)
In addition, you have to consider "key collision attacks". Under some circumstances your attacker can arrange for the same text to be encrypted many times with many different keys. They can then attempt a brute force attack where they can efficiently test each guess against any of the keys
Re:Effective strength of 3DES: about 90 bits (Score:2)
That means that if you gave everyone in the world a million modern computers, it would take a little under 9 hours.
The problem is, "modern computers" can be replaced with "dedicated processors" and "everyone in the world" can be replaced with "each slot in the cracking array", so:
If you gave each slot in the 7 billion slot cracking array a million dedicated processors,
This should clear things up... I hope (Score:2)
Triple Data Encryption Algorithm or ''TDEA.'' TDEA encrypts each block three times with the DES algorithm, using either two or three different 56-bit keys. This approach yields effective key lengths of 112 or 168 bits. TDEA is considered a very strong algorithm. The original 56-bit DES algorithm can be modified to be interoperable with TDEA.
Are you more of an expert than those at NIST?
I nominate this for understatement of the day (Score:5, Insightful)
Yeah, like since the day I first heard about it, back in 1995.
Re:I nominate this for understatement of the day (Score:2)
But of course back in 1972 around the time it was first developed, things where different, eh?
Re:I nominate this for understatement of the day (Score:2)
True, there's always been the rumor that the NSA had a back door to DES- but that was never proven AFAIK.
Or since 1972 when it was first proposed (Score:2)
zerg (Score:2)
Isufficient for what? (Score:4, Insightful)
Insufficient for what? I hate to play semantics, and I'm no cryptographer, but as I understand it, the inadequacies of an encryption algorithm are primarily defined by the implementation and the reason for it [application]. OK, it's a weak cipher, but in certain instances, it may still be useful. Right?
Re:Isufficient for what? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Isufficient for what? (Score:2)
Re:Isufficient for what? (Score:3, Insightful)
Insufficient for what?
What it boils down to is that DES has a fixed key length of 56 bits. Sure, you can 3DES it but you've also tripled the number of computations you have to do for every block of data. So while DES's key size has remained fixed, computing power is expanding at Moore's law. So, inevitably, computing power will overwhelm DES's practicality. It's just a matter of time (read: now). While AES, on the other hand, allows you to expand the key size from 128-bits by 64-bit blocks. So we
Good! (Score:4, Funny)
I've been using AES-256 on all my projects that deal with sensitive data since ohhh -- 2001.
Considering that DES has been relegated to hack toy status for some time now and triple-DES is only marginally better since it's just DES encryption done threefold I think this is a very wise but belated move.
And when Hollywood even makes fun of an encryption grade by showing a guy breaking it in 60 seconds while getting a BLOWJOB, you KNOW it's time to stop using it!
Re:Good! (Score:2)
Re:Good! (Score:2)
And as long as I've ever used AES I've been under the distinct impression that the AES (rijndael) algorithm uses three cipher key strengths: 128, 192, or 256-bit encryption key.
So feed me some links that show me I'm wrong here people.
Re:Good! (Score:2)
Re:Good! (Score:3, Informative)
Triple DES AES (Score:2, Informative)
Triple DES extends the key length to something acceptable and there isn't any serious cryptanalytic attack on it -- after decades of people hammering at it. Today we even know that the NSA did a good job choosing the S-boxes (although we could do a little better today.)
AES wasn't really designed to be secure,
AES is *much* stronger than 3DES (Score:3, Insightful)
In addition, you are clearly unaware of Stefan Lucks's attacks on 3DES, which take it down to about 72 bits of security - far from the 112 it promises. You might as well just use DESX, which is about as strong but three times faster.
90 bits, not 72 bits (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Triple DES AES (Score:5, Informative)
Terrible, terrible, HORRIBLE analogy.
Cryptography rounds are not like walls... It's not like a wall, where defeating each one removes strenghth. In cryptography, even if you can break up to 127-bits, that last 1-bit stll means it's just as strong as ever.
A good example (besides AES) is skipjack... NSA's own. There would have been a vulnerability if it used one less round, but since it uses 1 more, it's still perfectly safe, and hasn't been broken yet...
In other words, find a new analogy, and don't tell people that AES is insecure. It's gone through detailed analysis to make sure it's secure... The same process that approved of DES years ago.
If you trust 3-DES, you should trust AES, too.
Personally, I use blowfish whenever possible, but I haven't seen any crypto hardware with blowfish built-in so I doubt it'll get more widespread anytime soon.
Disallowed for .se use for a while (Score:3, Interesting)
Critics proven right (Score:4, Informative)
Diffie is probably best renowned for his methodology known as knapsack encryption. This was alternative to RSA which was computationally prohibitive in the early 1980s.
I remember my having difficulty in my old college days in obtaining a copy of RSA. My school had to obtain a copy of their paper from MIT through inter-library loan. I had not realized that RSA would gain such widespread adoption because ITAR would prevent international implementation for any US-based company.
Slight correction (Score:2, Informative)
Also, Whitfield Diffie is certainly best renowned for the Diffie-Hellman algorithm for key exchange.
Corrections to the above history (Score:4, Informative)
There were no ITAR limits on key length. The law simply stated that you needed a license to export products that included cryptography; strictly interpreted that would have included a Secret Decoder Ring. It wasn't until Lotus wanted to export Notes with crypto built in that the NSA got involved in the process of making it possible for products that used crypto to be granted export licenses by demanding features such as CDWF, which made it easy for the NSA to break messages while keeping it hard for everyone else.
Lucifer was vulnerable to a differential cryptanalytic attack that reduced the effective key strength to around 56 bits. However, IBM and the NSA kept their knowledge of DC secret until Biham and Shamir rediscovered it in 89.
RSA was invented later. It was never prohibitively slow, though of course it's got much faster over the years.
If you wanted a description of RSA, why didn't you just buy a copy of Scientific American, where it was first published in Martin Gardener's "Mathematical Games" column?
Re:Critics proven right (Score:3, Informative)
I would think that he is known for Diffie-Hellman key exchange [], especially since Hellman created the knapsack encryption
Diffie-Hellman key exchange is done every day when one makes a ssl or ssh connection.
But who wants a totally secure system? (Score:5, Interesting)
This is actually a valid point about intelligence. Although it's obvious that there are places where uncrackable encryption should be used if at all possible, there are many others where disinformation can be used to great effect. An example is where a message crackable in finite time is allowed to be intercepted because by the time it is decrypted it is too late to take action, the object being to build up the credibility of an information source prior to shovelling out a great load of disinformation. I believe this technique was used ahead of the D-Day landings as part of the plan to persuade the Germans that the invasion would actually be in the Pas de Calais.
For this reason I would have thought it was unwise for official bodies to make statements about the use of different forms of encryption - unless it's a double bluff and DES will continue to be used for short-life messages.
Tinfoil hat? Stress-relieved oxygen-free copper plated mumetal in my case.
Cracking yesterday's secrets? (Score:4, Insightful)
To future-proof secrets, you'd have to encrypt at a level that not only would be ridiculously expensive to crack today, but as long as you need to keep them, well, secret. Imagine some of the files from the time of the UNSC's Iraq debates a year-and-a-half ago getting cracked today or before the next US presidential election.
Quantum Computing (Score:2)
Re:Quantum Computing (Score:2)
Patents? (Score:2)
Re:Patents? (Score:2)
of course DES should be abandoned (Score:2, Funny)
Diethylstilbestrol is, like most hormones, a hazard to those who handle it, and there's precious few excuses for using it anymore; its use as an anti-abortive was based on faulty evidence.
Don't Forget FIPS Validation! (Score:2, Informative)
More information about the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (the current standard for encryption is FIPS 140-2) can be found here: []
Also, here's a group which has both Windows and Linux versions of a FIPS 140-2 AES implementation, if you want to know what it looks like in ac
Re:Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem... (Score:5, Informative)
DES and AES are symmetric ciphers, where you use the same key for both operations.
The two forms of crypto have different uses, and ECC isn't all that useful as a replacement for DES. That's what AES is for.
As an aside, Diffie-Hellman is a method of key agreement, and is not a cipher in itself, but rather it is used in conjunction with other crypto systems. (IPsec, for instance, uses DH, I believe.)
Re:Perhaps instead of AES... (Score:2, Interesting)
From the India Today article:
This sounds like yet another one-time pad scheme. One-time pads are provably unbreakable, but the problem is the key distribution and storage. The article c
Re:Perhaps instead of AES... (Score:2)
Patents (Score:2)
RC5, however, does use techniques covered by patents. You'll find that some GNU/Linux distributions, such as Red Hat, don't even include the OpenSSL support for it for that reason. (RH7x also left out IDEA, but unfortunately I don't know about more recent releases.) And I kn