Browser Wars Mark II 418
Nigel McFarlane writes "I have no life (humour) other than to write articles about Web technology and open technologies, and the way they mediate, enable and transform our public places and our participation opportunities. Mostly I write about Mozilla and Linux, but my latest effort is an attempted wake-up call over Web standards and the future of the Web." Self-deprecation aside, it's a decent article that summarizes the stakes well.
One browser that deserves mentioning is (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:3, Insightful)
They are mostly games and fancy bloated intros mostly anyway.
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:5, Insightful)
So what? The fact is, people use them, and it's a lot more convenient for them to load up in your browser window than to have to load a new program just to browse a site that someone has written in Flash. The most important thing about a browser to most people isn't stability or even features - it's convenience. If you had to load up a seperate program to see a movie trailer or listen to a song sample, it would annoy people to the extent that most of them wouldn't want to use your browser.
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:2, Troll)
I like to use Links (textbased browser), and when you've got flash menus, you've just cut me off.
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:4, Insightful)
Many people out there who are hard of hearing or seeing use accessibility tools to use their computer. With something like standards complaint HTML, this works just fine. A blind guy can have his computer read the content off a web page. But with something like Flash, such programs just don't work. You haven't cut him off from using your site with his favorite browser, you have cut him off from using your site period.
Do the world a favor and whenever you see a site that relies on flash without an alternative, send an email to the owner of the site informing him that his web designer is an incompetent moron (though you might want word it a bit nicer than that).
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:3, Insightful)
Of course, it takes specialization in about a dozen different areas to make a *good* website. Most people don't have these skills.
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:3, Insightful)
More people need to realize (both on
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:3, Insightful)
It's not about convinience. If it were, we'd all be using Macs. It's about dozens of things including
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:5, Insightful)
There should be a new logical fallacy called "fallacy of false convenience" or something like that. this is where some poster attempts to throw some bullshit by you by starting with reasonable premises and then hoping tht you won't notice the sleight of hand.
Let's look: "good software should be modularized and decentralized." This is a reasonable propositon. but looks at where he goes from there: "a web browser shoud be just that .. a secure configurable and stable HTML viewer."
Im sorry, you conclusions do NOT follow from your premises. You have instead chosen an arbitrary standard that you happen to agree with and more or less declare this to be 'obvious' when it in fact is not.
Why should a web browser be a secure configurable (stable i'll take for granted) viewer when it is clear to anybody that today's web is much more than that? why do you NOT have a problem with your web browser being able to view a myriad of image formats but not a myriad of video formats? is there some fundamental difference? NO! or are you suggesting that maybe image viewing should be shucked out an external program? No? Then why is your line in the sand so 'obvious?' (remember, there are lynx users out there who WOULD say that the image viewing should be shucked out to an external viewer and who used to campaign against any web page containing any non-essential information in graphical format; clearly technology has passed those people by).
For that matter, why shouldn't you have a different program to display each letter of the alphabet, or each color? That's modularized and decentralized, no? While that is of course a silly example, it just goes to show that _your_ definition of "what some AC thinks a web browser should be" is not necessarily what follows from your premises just because "games and fancy bloated intros" don't suit you.
Only on slashdot would your sort of wishful thinking be marked 'insightful.'
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, let's see... Here are some of the most obvious problems with sites that use all or mostly Flash-based content:
I'll admit, the last point is a bit over the top, but it is one of the complaints commonly found on Slashdot. The first three points comprise my main beef with Flash. Flash is a good technology, but it is not a replacement for open, standardized, and accessible formats like HTML, XML, and CSS.
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:3, Insightful)
Accessibility for the blind is available in Flash, most people don't bother though (just like most people don't bother with IMG alt tags and HREF title tags).
A well designed Flash site can give you the option to bookmark, to copy text, and to have access for the blind. It's no fault of Macromedia's if people aren't using their tool "responsibly".
The open standard part, I tend to agree with. However, Macromedia has always seemed to
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:4, Insightful)
All of the web browsers I have used only render HTML and plain graphics formats. Yes, Flash displays, and so does embedded video and music, but that is actually done by external video and audio players like Quicktime, Real, or Windows Media. It's certainly not the browser itself - it's just a container for this stuff.
What do you think plug-ins are all about?
As for the secure bit, well, most browsers could do a much better job of sandboxing plugins.
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:5, Funny)
Actually, this may not be true. Linus, like most Finnish men, probably sits down and pulls both legs up at the same time. Time-honored tradition here.
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:5, Insightful)
While I'm as big a fan of Homestar Runner as the next guy, there's a time and a place for everything. If we're gonna be all idealistic about the very future of the World Wide Web, we've got to seriously question the use of technologies that run counter to basic low level web navigation.
Re:I'm with linus torvalds on this one (Score:3, Interesting)
What's that old saying, there's a rule to every exception, or something like that?
Ahem... (Score:3, Funny)
"Burninate the peasents. Burninate the village. Troooooooooogdor!!!"
Thank you
Getting to be Annoying (Score:5, Insightful)
Simply by NOT USING new MS technology if it alienates anyone on any platform.
It's up to us.
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Getting to be Annoying (Score:4, Interesting)
The answer is: develop our own technologies, and ship them before Microsoft ships theirs. Make a lot of noise to get people to notice. By the time Microsoft gets its technology out, me must have established a solid userbase. Then, we just hope we can stay ahead.
Re:Getting to be Annoying (Score:2, Insightful)
Wasn't that the Netscape business model?
Re:Getting to be Annoying (Score:3, Informative)
Netscape was trying to rush new technologies out, no matter whether it broke standards or stability. This was to compete against Microsoft and others. Because of the feature set, it did attract many.
Microsoft, in the other corner, saw Netscape getting popular in the earlier years, and scrambled to get something that WORKED out. They then bundled it with Windows - it was a whole lot easier to use IE, which you already had, than Netscape. It was lac
Start Selling (Score:5, Interesting)
1) Put up a site where people can "order" Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, et al
2) Charge a reasonable fee (e.g. $5-15 USD, not $50-150 USD and not $0)
3) Take the proceeds and pay for as many ads as you can afford, all clicks pointing back to the web site
5) Do not profit -- put all proceeds towards more ads
With a machine like this, you will blow away all competition.
Re:Start Selling (Score:3, Interesting)
*wild tangent, but related*, maybe we could use some of that money to start centralizing Linux and its related software. Pull all of the smaller open source companies into one conglomerant, run everything *sourceforge, bugzilla databases, mailing lists, yawn, etc* off of one ser
Re:Getting to be Annoying (Score:3, Interesting)
By breaking IE. As content providers and web"masters" we have control of the web. My website intentionally renders very poorly in IE. I use PNGs with alpha transparency. I delay serving pages on the server side to people using IE. IE is a second rate browser, and as a result my website gives it second hand treatment.
If Apache shipped with a module that fed pages to IE slower than W3C
Re: By using Standards (Score:3, Interesting)
What every single web developer should do is code *exactly* to XHTML/CSS (and preferably Accessibility) standards. The code should show up fine. The second part is detecting browsers that aren't standards-compliant (all IE, NS6 and so on) and display this text:
This website is built according to Web Standards.
[Link to XHTML, CSS, 505 and AAA]
Unfortunately, your browser does not fully support these standards. You're free to continue browsing, but be aware that you
Konqueror is KHTML not gecko (Score:5, Informative)
I was under the impression that Konqueror used KHTML and not gecko...
Microsoft will win this round as well. (Score:3, Insightful)
Microsoft wants you to use the MS Internet(trademark pending), and will make certain that HTML and XML become irrelevant. Windows.Forms is the future, unfortunately, and because they control the specs, they will win the next round of browser wars.
It doesn't have to be that way (Score:2)
It will be more than a year and a half ere Longhorn comes out. Until then, we are unlikely to see any groud-breaking new technologies from Microsoft. Let's jump in that hole! We know what needs to happen:
1. The web provides a lacking user experience, because web forms are hardly interac
Re:Well... It's up to us... again. (Score:2)
As both an open source proponent and .net developer, I can honestly say .net has ALOT of very nice features. development time for many projects can be cut down, .net has alot of power to it.
Re:Well... It's up to us... again. (Score:2, Redundant)
I like webstandards. I like what they were ment to achieve. I don't like people directly opposing that.
The day I meet a website saying "Requiring .NET" I will put that site as a hosts entry, but that's probably just me.
Someone might call it an overreaction, but wtf. See if I care.
Re:Well... It's up to us... again. (Score:5, Insightful)
Have you ever tried removing something from someone's machine? They complain enough if you get rid of their Bonzi Buddy or Comet Cursor, let alone their browser.
Seriously though, removing their programs is not the way to go, and will just make people annoyed. The reaction you get if you introduce them to Firefox or Opera as a 'cool new browser' is totally different to what you get for lecturing them with your tinfoil hat on. If you give people a better alternative, they will (probably) use it, but if you try to preach about W3C standards they'll just ignore you.
Not like that it's not... (Score:4, Interesting)
My mum and dad would like to know why on-line banking doesn't work any more, please. Apparently their bank's web site has turned into some sort of marriage counselling service and warned them that they were "incompatible clients" or something.
No, please don't. The word "preach" almost implies fanaticism, and you are clearly a fanatic, in the same way RMS is clearly a fanatic. I have nothing against you or your right to believe passionately in your cause, but please understand that ultimately you are doing more harm than good, because you are burying your head in the sand. Fanatics rarely convert people long term, and they alienate far more people than they bring in.
If you want to help, then don't preach, but educate. Install Firefox or whatever alongside IE, and explain that they can use either program to surf the web, but that Firefox is safer. Make sure they know how to find IE if they come across a site that's "broken" so it doesn't work with Mozilla. But be objective, and don't stop them doing what they want to do. Evangelism is the #1 way to make smart but uninformed people think you're talking crap, and those are exactly the people you need to convert first.
Re:Microsoft will win this round as well. (Score:3, Interesting)
From Miguel's Netcraft [netcraft.com] interview (also linked on Slashdot [slashdot.org]):
Q. What do you see as the greatest danger to the continuing adoption and progress of open source?
A. Microsoft realises today that Linux is competing for some of the green pastures that it's been enjoying for so long; I think that Longhorn is a big attempt to take back what they owned before. Longhorn has kind of a scary technology called Avalon, which when compounded with another technology
Konqueror/Mozilla (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Konqueror/Mozilla (Score:5, Interesting)
css3 support in Mozilla (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:css3 support in Mozilla (Score:2)
Betamax versus VHS easily explained (Score:5, Interesting)
http://reason.com/9606/Fe.QWERTY.shtml [reason.com]
In summary, the main reason why VHS succeeded was that it was superior because it had longer recording times. Betamax was crippled because the original tapes could not hold a whole movie.
Quotes about the Urban Legend (Score:2, Informative)
OT: Dvorak (Score:5, Insightful)
In terms of the cost of switching to Dvorak then Qwerty probably has the advantage. Replaceing all those keyboards and retraining typeists would be a huge expence for little economic gain. I am suspecious of any study that shows a huge productivity gain from switching to Dvorak. Dvorak users may type faster, but most keyboard users I know are not limited by their typeing speed.
Certain economists like those who wrote the Qwerty article above hate the Dvorak keyboard. Dvorak shows that the market does not always choose the most advanced (high tech) products. There are some theories of a free market economy that rely on the market always chooseing the best. Unfortunately the Dvorak keyboard delivers quite a blow to these theories. If these economists were scientists they would rework their theories.
The Dvorak and Qwerty keyboards can be added to a list of technologies that show that a partial solution that is out first will have an advantage over a perfect solution. It is an example of The Rise of "Worse is Better" [jwz.org]. Backwards compatibility is part of the same picture.
Re:OT: Dvorak (Score:2)
Says who? Mr Dvorak himself? You make this claim, but provide no evidence to back up your claim. Who should we believe, you who makes an unsubstantiated claim, or the article which quotes an IBM Research Laboratory study about the ergonomics?
"Ergonomic studies also confirm that the advantages of Dvorak are either small or nonexistent. For example, A. Miller and J Thomas, two researchers at the IBM Research Laboratory,
WTF? (Score:2, Insightful)
I stopped reading here. Well a bit down there's this
Non-Mozilla browsers such as Safari and Opera
Re:WTF? (Score:3, Informative)
2.- The kdebindings3-mozilla package description that comes with my distribution states that "The Mozilla WEB browser can used inside of the Konqueror. Usually the KHTML class is used to browse the WEB."
Haven't tried the 2nd since i like Konqueror/KHTML more than Mozilla...
Re:WTF? (Score:4, Interesting)
The author makes the usual MS are trying to take over the world but provides no proof or indication of how this will actually happen so I take it as (based on the article) a highly biased guess.
Lastly by harping on about current standards the author clearly shows he does not have the faintest idea about where the web and desktop applications are going.
He does inadvertently raise one interesting point though. A two tier web might not actually be a bad idea. A 'commercial' one tied into useful services with rich clients delivered by XUL/XAML and another 'information' (I think information is batter than his hippie description) type web where you can use the browser of your choice. But as for saying
the new browser war is a fight for the survival of the web itself
what a load of sensationalist bull.
Re:WTF? (Score:2)
simple (Score:5, Interesting)
a) Support 3WC standards to the max
b) Have a separate and intelligent module for rendering badly coded websites that dont follow specs
c) Use the philosphy that the user gets the final say in what happens on their computer - if they dont want extra windows opening etc then thats their choice.
oh and d) not be full of really stupid security holes.
but of course the general public dont want that..
Re:simple (Score:5, Insightful)
The reasoning is that Microsoft hates the web, because its openness makes it hard or impossible to extract money from it. Therefore, they will develop proprietary extensions to it which will provide more convenience and a better user experience. These extensions will only work with Microsoft software, but will be adopted by developers, safe in the knowledge that virtually everyone uses or can use that software anyway. The traditional, open web will die, because all the hot stuff is happening in the MS-controlled sector.
AOL (Score:4, Interesting)
Microsoft tried to lure people into their own private Internet called MSN, but eventually gave in and made MSN fully interoperable with the Real Internet.
Now that MS has established itself on the Internet and attracted a large number of both consumers (MSN Messenger, Hotmail) and providers (ASP, Windows Media), they can think about locking in again.
Re:AOL (Score:3, Insightful)
I remember when either you were an AOLer, or
Single page version (Score:5, Informative)
Do your bit... (Score:5, Insightful)
So far every person I have shown firefox to has installed it and started to use it, even my cousin's kids. The older one even thinks that Linux is cool, which came as a bit of a shock to me
Re:Do your bit... (Score:3, Interesting)
Each one teach one.
Re:Do your bit... (Score:3, Funny)
Unsurprising, linux has three things going for it:
- an X in the name (you can't have a cool product without an X in the name, even microsoft realized that)
- Tux, a penguin who sits on his ass all day long and smokes weed (where else does that dopey expression come from?). He's sort of the ideal of what kids hope to be, looking cool while sitting on their ass getting high as a kite.
- Linus. Women think he's a sex god, men
technology only has to be good ENOUGH (Score:5, Insightful)
And on a practical level Mozilla is far slower on older machines which is a huge disadvantage.
The next disadvantage is that you have to DO SOMETHING, e.g install it - you geeks would be amazed what a huge problem that is for 99% of mankind.
Konqueror a Gecko? No, thats Geico! (Score:2)
Beyond the Foundation are many other Mozilla-enabled browsers such as Konqueror and K-Meleon
then proceded to say that Safari is a non-Mozilla browser (Which it is, but it is based off the Konqueror rendering engine which he named as a Gecko browser)
Non-Mozilla browsers such as Safari and Opera ensure that the web has not yet been reduced to a two-horse race between Microsoft and Mozilla
Re:Konqueror a Gecko? No, thats Geico! (Score:2)
All in all, an article void of interesting content.
Nobody cares which browser is better... (Score:5, Insightful)
For some reason I don't seem to be able to get away from IE. Whatever the reason there are still many (important) sites out there that still just don't work (properly) with non-IE browsers.
In general though, I will use Opera on win32, Safari on OS X and Fire on Linux as my preferred browsers.
That does not not mean that I don't ALWAYS try and use IE (on OS X and win32) when I find that the others still don't quite make the grade in site compatibility.
Same as the silly Beta vs. VHS war. The one that wins is the one that has the most support, and is therefore the better (out of a consumer point of view) browser.
And I think that's all that really needs saying.
PS: In my opinion, the best browsers are:
1) Safari (much faster than Opera on any platform)
2) Opera
3) Mozilla
4) IE (If it had tabbed browsing, it would be better than Mozilla!)
Re:Nobody cares which browser is better... (Score:2)
Re:Nobody cares which browser is better... (Score:2)
I still have some minor problems with my bank's internet, although all the serious ones were fixed now (since I kept complaining...) The thing is that my entire company is at that bank, and it would be too much of a pain to move banks.
The second one is the booking system of basically the only booking company in my country ( http://www.computicket.com/ )
The third is one of the largest software and hardware shops in the country : (Incredible Connection) - But I don't like them
Comment removed (Score:4, Interesting)
You haven't tried (Score:2)
Yeah, there's a reason for that. It's because you haven't tried. I work for a pretty decent sized company as the IT Manager. I have installed Firefox on several of the more skilled users machines and every personal machine I've worked on. I know how it works. People don't want to change because they like IE.
But it takes about one day's use to break the habit. Teach them about tabs, show them popup blocking without a third party application,
Re:Nobody cares which browser is better... (Score:3)
If there's an alternative, I suggest switching to the alternative and then mailing the site informaing them of the reason you switched. If there isn't an alternative, go to bugzilla.mozilla.org and file an evangelism bug explaining what the site is that doesn't work and how it is broken.
IE (If it had tabbed browsing, it would be better than Mozilla!)
What features is it specif
Re:Nobody cares which browser is better... (Score:2)
(Not defending IE, I hate the damn thing and use Firefox as my primary browser, but if you're going to be designing user-friendly websites, you need to know these sorts of things)
Summary (Score:5, Insightful)
Microsoft's Internet Explorer is too old. Features that almost every other browser has, like tabbed browsing, skins, etc. are not included, and there are so many holes it's like Swiss cheese.
Microsoft isn't pursuing it because there's no money in the browser market. As the article says, Apache is free, HTTP is free, most browsers are free, PHP, Perl, HTML, MySQL, and almost everything Internet-related is completly free (not always as in speech, but free nonetheless). Microsoft has no motivation to make an amazing browser, because it doesn't get them anything but a name (which they already have).
Over the next few years, the only good browsers will be coming from groups like Mozilla who aren't in a money-making business at all and only want to have a great, stable, secure, fast, and standards-compliant browser. They don't want to necessarily dominate the browser market (though I'm sure they'd love that) - they just want to make a good product.
That is why the browser wars are over. The good browsers will rise, the bad ones will fall - and the good browsers will only come from developers who are in it for "the cause" and not the money.
Re:Summary (Score:5, Insightful)
The good browsers will rise, the bad ones will fall
Unfortunately, no. The browser that comes as default on 90+% of the world's desktops will stay where it is. MS will do the easy things like add tabbed browsing and maybe even tighten up security a bit. As the article implies, MS is after control of the content of the net. There was never a lot of money in the browser market per se. It's an issue of power. Unless the vast majority of people who simply use whatever's there find a reason to change (and they already have plenty) they're going to stay as they are.
Heck, how many people even realise that there are other Internet Explorers out there?
You missed the point! (Score:2)
"Smoke, Mirrors and Silence"? (Score:3, Funny)
Hysteria (Score:5, Insightful)
It's the presence of standardized data in web content--whether current standards such as XHTML or some yet-unknown future standards, perhaps based on XUL--guaranteeing that the web will remain a global commons, an information highway, and a free marketplace.
XHTML is a reformulation of HTML in XML; XUL is an XML-based language that describes a computer application's graphical user interface. Not the same thing. But anyway, onto the larger pointof hysteria:
Make no mistake: Microsoft really hates the web.
Microsoft doesn't hate the Web. The Web has created a huge market for Microsoft in personal computers. Tons of PC sales are rooted in people wanting a computer to examine the "Internet" and "Web" things they've been hearing so much about. PC sales = Windows sales = Office sales. Microsoft doesn't hate the Web.
When Microsoft tempts these organizations and communities to Longhorn, the web suffers the death of a thousand cuts. Over here will be the standards-based web, with a gradually shrinking set of web sites.
This statement assumes the basic workflow:
Step 1: Develop Longhorn with Web-tainting features
Step 2: Release Longhorn
Step 3: ??????
Step 4: Profit! (and dominate Web)
No. First, you have to ensure that people will upgrade. Longhorn will be coming off the longest active life cycle of a Windows product ever; Microsoft will have to demonstrate in spades that Longhorn is worth the upgrade price, elsewise it will take at least 3-4 years of OEMs shipping Longhorn on all new PCs before it starts to attain ubiquity. Given the current ~2006 release date for Longhorn, that's 2009-2010. A lot can happen technologically during that time. Second, this assumes that the Web won't adapt to Longhorn-specific features, which it almost certainly will (and has adapted to hostile technologies every time before, often by marginalizing them). Third, it assumes that the same disparity between IE and all other browsers will remain basically static. Macs continue to sell well. Mozilla/Firefox/Camino continue to grow in popularity. XML continues to grow in popularity (which IE has significant problems with). Etc. Oh, and likely Longhorn-specific Web stuff will require server-side support; not likely to be included in Apache, which is the majority web server by a significant margin.
So I really don't buy the author's arguments here. I have no doubt MS will continue to taint the Web with MS-specific features, and I have no doubt that the Web will shrug it off. That's okay - Microsoft has other businesses. They're not now (and never have) put all their eggs in one basket.
Re:Hysteria (Score:2)
No, not Web-tainting, but Web-replacing features.
The taint *giggle* has traditionally been their tactic. But if you substitute the verb 'replace' then re-examine your main paragraph, a lot of those assumptions can change.
Of course, that's assuming they can pull it off. They failed with the whole Hailstorm thing, so there's still hope...
Re:Hysteria (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually, Microsoft may not hate the web, but they certainly view it as a threat to their business model. Microsoft's business model is based on owning the underlying platform. If the platform is commoditized, then they would have to compete on quality, something they've not historically been very good at.
The web is heading in the direction of becoming a commodity platform for building, distributing and running all software. That is something microsoft wants to avoid at all costs, because without the control their proprietary edge gives them, they couldn't keep up their profit margins. Microsoft has tried to kill every attempt at providing that web-based standardised platform. They've tried and mostly succeeded at killing desktop java. They've tried and mostly succeeded at killing any progress on web standards to the point they're actually useful for building complex apps. They're trying to move to longhorn, a new wholly proprietary web architecture, which doesn't just add to the web, but replaces it.
Microsoft's business model is based on monopoly pricing. If they couldn't price like a monopoly, their stock value would collapse. They MUST have control over the desktop market. It is imperative from a business point of view. That's why they're so ruthless in destroying anything that threatens to replace their platform. And that's why the author said microsoft hates the web. It's not that they hate it, it's that they fear it.
WARNING: Paranoia fluff (Score:2, Interesting)
Seriously, that was way too much reading, just to hear the anti-Microsoft banter at the end of the article. I wholly agree that Microsoft has done their fair share of "loo
Oh for fuck's sake.. [READ THIS SUBMITTER] (Score:5, Insightful)
I run firebird and IE, and while i use firebird in some cases and it *does* have a number of neat features and IE *does* have a number of annoyances; i could just as easily reverse the terms "firebird" and "IE" in the beginning half of this sentence and I'd be just as accurate.
IE, by the way, is massively more sophisticated than firebird from a developer's perspective. I can embed IE inside of a windows program transparently. This provides a great many USEFUL features that mozilla can't even dream of as yet.
but no, what are mere facts compared to your baldfaced assertions.
Dood, it's called FIREFOX (Score:5, Informative)
How does .Net make a separate web? (Score:2)
Not a troll... just genuinely curious. Have I missed something really obvious?
Re:How does .Net make a separate web? (Score:2)
I'm not so blind that I can't see M$ would LIKE to control the web. I just don't understand HOW that might be even remotely possible.
So, why would anyone shell out cash to Microsoft to get access to their data that's on the web? What could they offer that open-source can't?
Buried alive (Score:5, Funny)
Start digging.
A plain fact? (Score:5, Insightful)
Of course that is not a 'plain fact'. IE does a lot of things that Mozilla doesn't (form entry isn't broken, for example). On the other hand I'm sure everyone here can name plenty things Mozilla does that IE doesn't. Mozilla may be better in the opinion of the author, and it may be better at the things that matter more to the author, but to state it's superiority as fact is a perfect example of ignorance.
The fact that the author can't spot the difference between KHTML and Gecko shows he is no position to be comparing browsers.
Who to blame? (Score:3, Insightful)
IE 7 or whatever (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:IE 7 or whatever (Score:3, Insightful)
I came across this site showcasing graphic design with simple, standards-compliant CSS. [slashdot.org] Just thought it might be of interest.
Warning, the Emergency Rant Sequence has been initiated...
Lemme also throw my .02 in here (and this is not in response to anything in the parent post) to say that I would love to see every browser conform to a set of common standards because I don't have any idea what I'm doing.
I'm sure it'
Re:IE 7 or whatever (Score:3, Funny)
Case in point that I don't know what I'm doing.
This is the relevant link. [csszengarden.com]
The Dalai LLama
... but at least it will look good in all browsers...
Feedback (Score:2, Insightful)
I remember, back in the 90's, shaking my head even at the term 'browser war'. It seemed ludicrous, if only because the idea that there could ONLY BE ONE BROWSER FOR EVERYONE was childish. This isn't Dune spice, folks.
The author certainly has a point, regarding the upcoming fig
One problem with the article (Score:4, Interesting)
I don't think that's quite true. I think there is still plenty of room for commercial PHP development apps - providing they are good ones. So if Microsoft developed a really great tool I might consider buying it - well that would depend on whether it was a truly exceptional tool or another abomination like Front Page.
There is room to make money based off of free languages - you just can't force people to pay money for your tools anymore!
Add option in Firefox: "Open this page in IE" (Score:2, Insightful)
more pages doesn't render (like my employeers intranet... sigh).
For the mozilla project it would be a trivial technical solution to implement (on Windows
ofcourse) but it would make the browser experience so much nicer. A page that doesn't render? Open in IE.
Actually, when I think of it, its probably fully possible to embedd IE's renderwidget inside a
Mozilla/Firefox window (advantage: all bookmarks are kept in th
I'm sure this is an excellent article... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)
The war has been going on for some time. (Score:3, Insightful)
Web standards are the last thing the MS wants. If every browser worked the same that would not give MS an advantage. If the web pages that your business relies on works only with IE and under Windows what will your business have to use to get its work done? This fact has not been lost on Microsoft and day after day many sites are becoming MS only sites where you need IE or IE and Windows to make use of the services the page offers.
Microsoft only needs to add more MS only features to its content creation and delivery tools to shut out the competition. Next time you are on a Mac or surfing with Linux or using Mozilla under Windows and you cannot access a site do not blame the web designer for bad site design. More than likely MS will be involved with that site in one way or another. They have already done a proof of concept when they torpedoed Opera browsers on their own site before Opera exposed them.
micro-browsers (Score:3, Informative)
mark "and the market-droids who decided I
wanted a Web browser on my cell phone
will make a great telescope - a lens
in either ear, and hard vacuum in
between, just like Bush & co...."
Correction (Score:3, Informative)
Konqueror [konqueror.org] is based on KHTML, not Mozilla.
Ain't Gonna Happen! (Score:4, Interesting)
The author is probably right about Microsoft hating the web, and he might even be right in his assertion that Longhorn is their attempt to replace it with their own thing, but he's wrong in assuming they even have a chance.
There are two reasons.
Firstly, the web is about small voices. It's not a medium for selling stuff or issuing press releases (although some people have made money doing that), it's about ordinary people saying stuff.
Remember how the web used to be, before VCs with their carpet bags full of money turned great swaths of it into a cheap version of UHF TV? Doesn't the thought of all the weasels switching to MS-Internet and going away bring a smile to your face?
Alas, it will not be, for the second reason the Longhorn Strategy will fail. Because breaking web compatibility means turning away customers and that's just not good for businesses.
Notice that all the commercial websites still around will work, at least mostly, on all sorts of browsers? Coincidence? I think not! Amazon tests their sites using Netscape 1.x! (Or they used to for a long time anyway--I don't know what their baseline is now.) That way, they know that their site will work on practically every browser out there, right out of the box.
Of course, some of the bigger e-business folks may start supporting Longhorn, but they'll stay compatible with the established standards because they don't want to lose their customers.
At this point, everyone has W3C-compliant (more or less) browsers and servers. They can all talk to each other. As soon as someone switches, they can't talk to the rest anymore and their setup becomes useless. This is why, for example, nobody has been able to replace SMTP, despite the whole spam problem.
I predict that we'll remain stuck with HTML, CSS and HTTP for a long time. The MS extensions will be a kewl technological blip that nobody will use but, if it's good, may well be lamented by future web developers as something that could have been.
Re:I stopped reading this when... (Score:4, Insightful)
This is as good an example of a non sequitur as I have ever seen. No doubt you would be appalled if I said that your comment was not worth discussing because you don't know the difference between "its" and "it's".
Re:I stopped reading this when... (Score:2)
The statement is:
If the author doesn't understand why famous Technology Product A won its market then it is a good bet he doesn't understand why Technology Product B will win its market.
Do you also consider this a non sequitur:
If I can't understand road maps of Sydney, it is a good bet I can't understand road maps of other cities.
How about:
If I failed calculus in high school, it's a good bet I'll fail calcul
Re:I stopped reading this when... (Score:2)
This is nonsense, unless Product A and B are similar. But the point is that the author of the article believes an urban myth about a technology which was introduced 25 years ago. That doesn't preclude him from talking about the future of the web. For all we know, he is an expert on the technologies on which the web is based, even if he do
Re:I stopped reading this when... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I stopped reading this when... (Score:2, Interesting)
The originator of this thread (tkrotchko) was not super polite, but nevertheless he is correct in saying that "the author displays an ignorance of why VHS won" -- it is NOT a non sequitur. For those that are interested in learning why, I have posted some quotes about the Betamax vs VHS Urban Legend over in this thread [slashdot.org].
Re:I stopped reading this when... (Score:2)
Re:Resistance is futile (Score:2, Insightful)
Granted, I realize how difficult it can be to follow that simple directive and still make money as a web developer. I was one from 1998 to 2000. The Browser Wars are exactly why I got out of it. But if you want to stay in that career and make money, your two choices are to do what you know to be right, or be an asshat (see above).
You almost certainly don't need to know. (Score:4, Insightful)
Doesn't bloody work because half the site is written in javascript which attempts to detect my web browser, because the version number is below 4, I'm apparently not allowed to see their site and I've chosen one of their competitors instead.