Scientific American's Sci/Tech Gifts for 2003 240
Rick DeBay writes "Scientific American has come out with their Sci/Tech gift list for 2003. I think they did a good job, even the selections in the under $25 category are quite tasteful and dignified. And what Sophisticated Lady wouldn't be overjoyed at unwrapping a genuine Swarovski crystal accessory? My personal favorites fall in to those well-worn categories, 'Imprisoning Small Creatures for Amusement' and 'Getting Someone Else to Clean-Up.' The frog and shrimp farms fufill the first, and the domestically-challengeds' favorite Roomba the latter. Seriously, there is a mix of interesting gadgets, products that should never have been made, refugees from Sharper Image, and humorous geek stocking stuffers. It is unlikely that you could go wrong."
Lame (Score:1, Troll)
Howabout the one that no longer has PC PS2 connectors on their computer? (RTFA)
My girlfriend is fairly sophisticated, but if I gave her that, she'd probably question my sexuality.
Re:Lame (Score:2)
Howabout the one that no longer has PC PS2 connectors on their computer? (RTFA)
My girlfriend is fairly sophisticated, but if I gave her that, she'd probably question my sexuality.
I'd insist on buying a wireless version for the lady in my life.
Not because of any superior ergonomic factors, but because Bluetooth would remove the risk of my beloved wrapping the cord around my throat and tightening.
Re:Lame (Score:2, Funny)
Hey, don't knock it before you try it!
Educate your family! (Score:3, Informative)
Shrimp Farm? Big Deal (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Shrimp Farm? Big Deal (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Shrimp Farm? Big Deal (Score:1)
Re:Shrimp Farm? Big Deal (Score:2)
Then they all died.
Exhaustion, I suspect.
Sea monkeys make a nice deterrent to interuptions. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Sea monkeys make a nice deterrent to interuptio (Score:2)
This little guy just paid for your interruption
Oh man... ROFLMFAO!
Re:Sea monkeys make a nice deterrent to interuptio (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Sea monkeys make a nice deterrent to interuptio (Score:2)
No, a TRUE BOFH would not use a wimpy 9 volt battery on shrimp.
A true BOFH would use a 9000 volt cattleprod on the luser interrupting him.
Dear Santa, (Score:3, Funny)
Your's Truly,
Slashdot Website
Santa.. (Score:4, Funny)
Forterss of Insanity []
Blogzine []
Re:Santa.. (Score:2)
Give the gift of llamas! (Score:5, Funny)
For under $25 you can give a gift to a hungry family that will help them sustain themselves for a lifetime. You buy "shares" of animals that the organization then gives to the family.
The gift recipient on your end ( mom, dad, sis, whoever) gets a card detailling your contribution in their name. Great stocking stuffers. Nothing says "I love you" like a share of water buffalo.
Re:Give the gift of llamas! (Score:2)
Instead of buying a feel-good card from some organization, I'd say your charity money could be utilized 100% if you just find a hungry family and buy them some food...
Hell's bells!!! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Hell's bells!!! (Score:2)
Re:Give the gift of llamas! (Score:2)
Economic Leverage Re:Give the gift of llamas! (Score:2)
This is a "teach a man to fish" outfit. They buy livestock -- chicks, pigs, ducks, llamas, whatever -- for poor people. Instead of getting a few meals, they become part of the local economy, becoming producers of meat, fur, eggs, milk, wool, etc.
It's a better deal than just buying food.
And nothing stops you from donating to Heifer (or similar outfits) AND donating to a local food bank.
I did both this year.
Re:Give the gift of llamas! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Give the gift of llamas! (Score:4, Funny)
Yours is fast, but mine is slow.
Oh, where do we get them, I don't know,
But everybody's got a water buffalooooooooooooooo!
I took my buffalo to the store.
Got his head caught in the door.
Spilled some lima beans on the floor.
Oh, everybody's got a --
Asparagus: Stop! Stop this instant! You can't say everybody's got a water buffalo when everyone does *not* have a water buffalo! We're going to get nasty letters in the mail saying, "Where's my water buffalo? Why don't I have a water buffalo?" and are you prepared to deal with that? I don't think so! Just stop being so silly!
Narrator: This has been silly songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing
Larry: Everybody's got a baby kangaroo.
Yours is pink but mine is blue.
Hers was small but --
What Slashdot Wants! (Score:4, Funny)
Please give me a Swiss Army PDA Phone with MP3, GPS, Wireless, and GameBoy emulation all in one. Oh, and please include the linux plug-in adapter as well.
PS. I've been a good little Karma Whore this year.
Re:What Slashdot Wants! (Score:1)
Somebody hasn't been here long... if it's not OGG people will cry. Not me though... I'm one of those silly AAC users.
Here's my list (Score:5, Insightful)
1) Job, so that I can buy these things for myself. Being laid off sucks.
2) Something for my daughter, besides the bare necessities.
3) Something for my wife. She works hard because I'm laid off.
4) December's mortgage payment.
5) November's property tax payment.
6) One night of uninterrupted sleep.
7) A two-month contract, just enough to get through December
8) A month contract, just enough to get through November.
9) A week contract, just enough to pay my phone and electric bill.
10) All the above for my friend, who's worse off than I am.
I stopped dreaming about dual Opterons about six months ago.
Re:Here's my list (Score:2)
his post to me was nothing more than a wake-up call saying "hey shithead reading slashdot on company time, be thankful that you can even afford to get your girlfriend an ipod, things could be much worse."
Re:Here's my list (Score:2, Informative)
I do notice that there's a "Tech Jobs" link in the lower left hand corner of Slashdot. You've probably checked it, but I thought I'd point it out.
Finally, I just wanted to suggest a link of my own for people to look at if they want to help out others. Shelter for Life [] is doing a lot of work in Afghanistan to help people rebuild. The
Re:Here's my list (Score:2)
And though I'm fortunate enough to still have my job, I have plenty of friends who either only recently found jobs or who STILL can't find jobs.
For all the people who think that just anyone can go get a McJob, think again. Being overqualified might just be worse than being underqualified--if you're underqualified, you can move up. A fri
Mod parent up (Score:1)
Re:Here's my list (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Here's my list (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Here's my list (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Welcome to George Bush's America (Score:2)
Strange that so many of the professional economists credit the improving economy to the tax cuts. How does this fit into your rant?
You know how on fighter jets the pilot can turn on the afterburners to get a temporary boost in speed? Those are the tax cuts. Thing is, you burn up fuel faster, and only buy yourself a temporary reprieve. You still have to worry about gravity, or forces which counter your thrust; in this case, that's the huge ($500 billion) trade deficit, the huge budget deficit, increased
Re:Welcome to George Bush's America (Score:2)
You didn't answer my question. PROFESSIONAL economists who don't have an axe to grind seem to think the economy is improving, and instead of addressing that, you site specious arguments.
a) Professional economists rarely agree on anything, b) read this []. It's from that rabidly socialist commie axe-to-grind newsmag the Economist, and even THEY think American fiscal policy has some issues that have not been addressed by the administration. These issues cannot be ignored without consequences. You must pay t
My recommendation: (Score:5, Funny)
Might I suggest 120 laser pointers []?
Re:My recommendation: (Score:1)
They missed the _amazing_ (Score:5, Interesting)
OTOH, they did say science lovers, not topology geeks...
Re:They missed the _amazing_ (Score:2)
das kleinbongen? (Score:2)
Re:They missed the _amazing_ (Score:3, Funny)
Didn't read the FAQ, didja?
refugee from sharper image?? (Score:1)
fugee indeed
See ya! (Score:1)
"Error Occurred While Processing Request...
The most likely cause of this problem is that the server is not currently running. Verify that the server is running and restart it if necessary. "
We toasted it.
Off by one error (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Off by one error (Score:2)
My heart is dark, why shouldn't my chocolate one be too?
Buy Nothing Day (Score:1, Offtopic)
Or "Buy Useful Things And..." (Score:2)
Um, I think I'm mixing up two things there.
But anyway, buy practical gifts. Nothing wrong with that. Why does it have to be junk or nothing? Why always the two extremes?
I know that *I* simply cannot get enough socks.
Re:Buy Nothing Day (Score:2)
Swarovski crystal (Score:2)
And what Sophisticated Lady wouldn't be overjoyed at unwrapping a genuine Swarovski crystal accessory?
While it's interesting looking, I'd rather have a USB mouse that isn't round. I also wonder about how well that finish holds up. And the price is a bit steep for me.
All tech mags turning into catalogs (Score:4, Insightful)
Every day is Christmas in Heaven! (Score:2)
Why, it's that's scientific holiday known as Christmas! :-)
Don't *make* me sing Christmas carols at you!
Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:5, Insightful)
Now, I see christmas gift ideas... "stocking stuffers" on Slashdot.
Yes, this is off topic.
This year, I'm doing my best not to buy anything for the chirstmas shopping season. I don't need an excuse to purchase something for my significant other. I'm not about to spend $20 on little pieces of plastic that will be tired of within a few hours for my niece.
For the past couple years, when people have asked what I wanted for Christmas/birthdays/other occasions, I have said "nothing". I have everything I *need*. I'm well educated, I have a job, and I'm in the process of getting back into physical shape. I also like to think that I have a good life and I'm happy. Do I need the latest games, toys, and distractions? No. If I needed it, I'd buy it myself.
This frustrates a fair number of people. "What do you mean you don't want anything?!? I need to get you something!" No, you don't. Save your money. One day you may need it to visit a dying loved-one. One day, you may not have a job anymore.
A friend and I have an understanding. I never buy anthing for him, he never buys anything for me. It's the only way that we don't feel like we stiffed each other. It's been working quite well for 6 years now.
Anyway, I don't really have a point. Just a collection of ideas I wanted to share. How do you people feel about the chirtmas shopping season?
Beware TPB
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:5, Insightful)
So instead of saying 'nothing', simply say 'just stop by on Christmas for a boardgame or some food'. That'll keep'm all happy
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:2)
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:5, Funny)
I used to say that. "Thank you, but I'm ok." now I just say "Pr0n. And not that crappy domestic stuff either."
They stopped asking me what I want and just send a nice card.
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:4, Interesting)
This year, I've convinced people to make a donation to a charity of their choice in my name, then mail me a card or glossy about the charity as the gift. Seems like people are really into it too.
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:2)
I'm working on my family, slowly. I don't exchange gifts with any friends. I was under the impression that the point of Christmas was to celebrate the birth of Christ. How that translates into hordes of people spending money they don't have on things nobody wants is beyond me.
Christmas shopping season starts the same time! (Score:3, Insightful)
The fact that people perceive it as starting earlier is pretty interesting. I read an article about it once, but I can't find it on the net in 5 minutes, so I'll just claim it emphatically for now!
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:2)
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:2)
Buy Nothing Day [] is the day after Thanksgiving (the 28th).
Also, you might consider printing out a few of these Gift Exemption Vouchers [] to hand out (or mail) at xmas time so that other people might better understand how you feel about the exchange of needless consumer shit.
Don't really care what I get so much but... (Score:2)
However, Christmas is one of the few times my family (distributed around the province) generally all get together, and thus the only time we have to give everyone gifts. There's also a challenge in finding things that will be a geniunely nice surprise for those I'm shopping for.
Yes, for the stores I'm sur
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:2)
You've been reading Slashdot long enough you should remember that they do the Geek Gift Ideas [] every year. There's even a Christmas category [].
Though I agree that the Xmas shopping season has gotten way out of hand. I only exchange gifts with close family, and I usually purchase those throughout the year when I see something I think they'd like, so a shopping season doesn't mean much for me.
As a matter of fact, my church [] observes the season
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:2)
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:2)
Heck, I have that "understanding" with 99.9999998% of the people on the planet!
Re:Come on, it's not even December yet... (Score:2)
Rokenbok (Score:2)
Helluva fun product and something you can do with the kids as well...
Pyrex Mugs Rock! (Score:3, Funny)
Drinking Mug Klein Bottles (Score:2)
my gift to (Score:1, Redundant)
NYT gift guide (Score:4, Informative)
American Science & Surplus (Score:4, Interesting)
The item descriptions are a lot of fun to read as well.
Buy a DVD! (Score:3, Funny)
For all those with a fondness for British humour, 80s TV shows, and jokes about the biggest number, this one's for you.
"Water powered?" (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:"Water powered?" (Score:3, Insightful)
Your point is "where does the electricity come from, and isn't that pollution the same or worse anyway?"
There are non-polluting sources of electricity. Water (dams), wind, and (coming soon) wave power don't produce much power, but they're very clean.
And don't f
Re:"Water powered?" (Score:3, Insightful)
So, while yes, it's useful f
Re:"Water powered?" (Score:2)
My point, albeit a pedantic one, was that the original source of the power is not 'water' as the wording of the article stated.
Anyone else sick of this nonsense? (Score:2, Insightful)
Forget the Swarovski mouse (Score:2)
Re:Forget the Swarovski mouse (Score:3, Informative)
Aside from being a darn good mouse, it's also a striking piece of desktop sculpture/art.
Despite what it says on the website, it is also compatible with Mac OS 8.5 through 9.2.2, even on older Macs with a USB port card in a PCI slot.
For OS 8.5 and 8.6. you do need to download some extra software from Apple, Apple USB Card Support 1.4.1 and GameSprockets 1.7.5.
Both can be found HERE [].
And you really want to get USB Overdrive. Seriously, if you're on a Mac with USB and wa
What about non-geek gifts? (Score:2)
I, for one, have to torment myself every year in order to come up with something remotely thoughtful...
What is the Slashdot crowd planning to get for the non-geek people in their lives?
A spammer (Score:3, Funny)
And some soundproofing foam.
I already have the duct tape, the soldering iron, the needlenose pliers, and the wallplug ending in bare wires.
Re:A spammer (Score:2)
Plush microbes (Score:2)
Wired's geek gifts (Score:2, Informative)
Note to PKD fans: this site contains a slightly disconcerting article about the latest book to movie Paycheck, featuring Uma Thurman and Ben Affleck (or something).
Much geekier than the pyrex beaker mug (Score:2)
The telescope is a waste of money (Score:2)
What a great scientific article!!! (Score:2)
Sigh... I remember when Scientific American actually carried articles about science rather than consumption. Nice meaty ones, too, with pictures of molecules and stars and everything. Of course, you can say the same thing about Communications of the ACM and IEEE Spectrum, too. Of course, that was back in the 60's &
Sharper Image selling The Simpsons: Pinball Party (Score:2)
Only $4,995 for The Simpsons: Pinball Party!
Eco-Sphere Experiences (Score:3, Interesting)
It's that time again... (Score:2)
Re:My gift to Sci Am (Score:3, Funny)
Google hasn't cached it yet.
Re:My gift to Sci Am (Score:1, Redundant)
"Ow! My server!"
Re:a mirror, a mirror, my kingdom for a mirror (Score:5, Informative)
25 great holiday gifts for science lovers of all ages
Who says there's no science to gift giving? Tell that to the geek on your list whose bemused smile at "yet another acrylic turtleneck" is but a thin veil for his real desire for a James Watson Bobble Head doll.
Once again, we have left no stone unturned in ferreting out the very best gifts for the science lovers in your midst. What's under those rocks, you might well ask. Well, the South American Longhorn Beetle Collection for one, mounted quite elegantly in your choice of frames in one of our most attractive present selections. What's more, we've got a one-pound, anatomically correct chocolate brain for hungry minds, an at-home forensics lab for the pint-sized Sherlock, and, at long last, a clever contraption that will help your loved ones to divine their dogs' most profound emotions. For your very nearest and dearest, consider a self-orienting telescope, a Swarovski crystal-studded computer mouse, or Sony's AIBO ERS-7, the latest and most astounding in robotic pet technology.
Scientific stands firm in the belief that there truly is a science to gift giving. We've done the research--now you furnish the results! --The Editors
Special thanks to Melissa Kirsch for her assistance in producing this section
A Crick in His Neck?
Best known for his contributions to the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of the structure of DNA, James D. Watson has never been so memorably depicted as in the form of the Watson Bobble Head. Bearing an uncanny likeness to the scientist himself, the doll's head lolls hither and yon delightfully, perhaps unsteady with the weight of all that knowledge! A mini-model of the famous double-helix clasped in his tiny hands, the figurine is a must-give for the biologists on your gift list.
James Watson Bobble Head $21.95
Not Just for Hydrochloric Acid Anymore One need not be a chemist to enjoy drinking that morning joe from a beaker! These sly Pyrex mugs sport handles, unlike many beakers in the lab, so your loved ones won't burn their hands on the vessels' steaming hot potions. This addition is also useful for science teachers, as students can watch the transfer of liquids without the demonstrator's hand blocking the view. The mugs hold up to 400 milliliters of coffee, tea or corrosive chemicals.
Beaker Mug $10.95 ($59.95 for set of six)
Food for Thought
Studies abound detailing the effects of chocolate on our nervous systems. But we've yet to see a scientific study on the results of consuming a chocolate brain. Now you can find out when you give the gift of an anatomically correct one-pound solid milk chocolate brain to all the neurosurgeons, med students, brainiacs and knuckleheads on your holiday roster. Potential organ donors should note that warm climates require express shipping for their brains.
Chocolate Brain $16.95
The Hypochondriac's Teddy Bear
There's nothing adorable about a sore throat in real life, but when it's magnified a million times, rendered in plush and given a set of button eyes, there's no denying it: this is one cute microbe. Joined by his other stuffed friends The Common Cold, The Flu and Stomach Ache, these pals from the Under the Weather Collection make a wacky gift for kids and adults alike. Each four-inch-tall critter is accompanied by an image of and information on the actual microbe it represents, lest anyone get too cozy with their darling little illnesses. Just as much fun is the Maladies Collection, which includes cuddly Bad Breath. Kissing Disease, Athlete's Foot, and Ulcer.
Plush Microbes $19.95
Quiz Show
For all those budding geniuses, here are endless hours of riddles, number games and word puzzles from the folks at the stratospheric-IQ society, MENSA. Choose from three different sets of elegantly designed quiz cards. At just about the size of your average index card, they're great for long car trips, sleepless nights or a post-dinner parlor game.
MENSA Mindbender Quiz Ca
Re:Ambient Orb (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Ambient Orb (Score:2)
Worth its weight in gold (Score:2)
Gotcha! (Score:4, Funny)
So give it to her right after sex, then, when she wants to "cuddle"?
Re:Gotcha! (Score:3, Funny)
Slow down there, professor. First, we've got to get to the sex part. Then we can figure out what to do after.
Re:U.N. has sold out! (Score:2)
Sadly, it is not "alarmist crap" at all. Portable SAM systems are easy to find, and affordable too. This was true before Sep. 11th, and will be true in the future. You can get them from ex-USSR countries, Ethiopia, Erythrea, Somalia, the Balkans (duh!), among other places. A russian-designed SA 7 Strella missi
Re:U.N. has sold out! (Score:2)
(religious fanatics?)