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Comment The personal touch! (Score 1) 509

Depends on how long of a future you need to proof against, but I'd imagine jobs requiring human interaction and contact will be among the last to go. PT's, masseuses, and psychologists are probably fairly safe for the next fifty years.

Becoming a physical therapist will be a great way to make a living off all the utopians who are injuring themselves with increasingly bizarre sports, plus you'll get to use the latest and greatest exoskeletons at work.

Comment No. (Score 1) 143

I think 3D printing as we know it today is likely to remain in the realm of the hobbyist for the foreseeable future. BUT... at $300 a pop this new printer's going to open up the process to a lot more hobbyists who might be scared off by a MakerBot's monster price tag.

A printer like the M3D would be put at a price point where it wouldn't be unusual to find one at an elementary school. I could see this becoming a great educational tool.

Comment The Cake: Not A Lie (Score 4, Informative) 81

I could see cake decorations being printed on-demand in your local supermarket. Dad likes Game of Thrones? Print him a cyvasse set and put it on his birthday cake.

3d printing with sugar is well on its way to becoming a mature technology already, so yeah, a few years and I wouldn't be surprised to see it at the bakery.

Comment Neat stuff! Do not want. (Score 4, Interesting) 109

This video is some great gee-whiz showmanship, which gets Joe Sixpack excited about technology and maybe sells a few more Tesla cars a couple years down the road.

But man, I'd hate to try and design anything by holding my hands in the air for six or seven hours a day.

Might be cool for next-generation Kinect-style gaming though.

Comment These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For. (Score 1) 33

I was kind of hoping for an artist that uses robots to creat traditional sculptures, maybe some combination of CNC and sensor data and 3D printing. That would have been a coolburger drenched in awesomesauce.

These are great little sculptures made from high-tech yard waste, but they're not really robots in any meaningful sense of the term.

Comment Re:Patents? (Score 2) 65

I think that FDM printing is going to go the way of the dodo pretty fast. It's slow, imprecise, and prone to messy failures. I say this as someone who owns a Replicator1 and a Printrbot Simple, both FDM printers.

I think it's more likely that this purchase is going to let MakerBot start competing in, and eventually dominate the hobbyist/prosumer stereolithography space, currently being owned by the resin-based FormLabs Form1 printer, with the b9Creator and mUVe1 hot on its heels.

That is, provided Stratasys shares some of its stereolithography knowledge with MakerBot. Enclosing the build space is rearranging deck chairs on a T. Rex while the mammals are evolving thumbs.

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