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Washington State Legalizes NEVs on Public Roads 400

ptorrone writes "Washington State just passed NEV legislation, legalizing them for in-road use. NEVs are neighborhood electric vehicles. This is a big deal with more and more consumers having the choice of a variety of non-car solutions, we'll see charging stations and more people in general considering alternative transportation means. It'll also be fun to geek out some NEVs." From zero to twenty in 9.8 seconds!
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Washington State Legalizes NEVs on Public Roads

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  • I want one (Score:4, Informative)

    by js7a ( 579872 ) * <james@[ ]ik.org ['bov' in gap]> on Sunday May 18, 2003 @02:55PM (#5986699) Homepage Journal
    I've always wanted a NEV... The closest I've ever come was an eBike [ebike.com] but that was only a rental.
    • Originally it was supposed to be all electric with a top speed of 80mph, now instead it's going to be a hybrid, but at 180 miles per gallon fuel economy who cares! E-Cycle.com [ecycle.com]

      That'll be only 78 gallons a year for my daily commute. I burn that now every month.

      • That'll be only 78 gallons a year for my daily commute. I burn that now every month.

        Okay, but I bet you aren't commuting on a MOTORCYCLE now are you? Of course they get better gas mileage, but it's going to take an effecient small car to make much imapact. You aren't going to see soccer-moms on Suzukis.
    • Re:I want one (Score:5, Informative)

      by m_chan ( 95943 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @04:08PM (#5987121) Homepage
      We had a GEM electric car [gemcar.com] for a while. I live in Portland, Oregon, where last year the company I work for got one on loan from Daimler Chrysler for my wife and I to use for several months, ending last May. We drove it downtown a fair amount in running errands for our company. Frequently, we would get asked questions in the middle of traffic, with people giving me a thumbs-up or wanting to know more about the vehicle. In short: I highly recommend this vehicle to anyone who does lots of short-haul commuting or delivery.

      My wife used it to commute to work and deliver product to our downtown loacations from vendors. She was thrilled that it is far easier to park than a regular car or truck.

      Other employees regularly drove it around the Central Eastside Industrial District, which is where our offices are located. Driving it by OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and INdustry) always turns the heads of the large crowds that are omnipresent.

      It has a low-torque mode, called Turf Mode, which you can use if you want to take it on a golf course.

      It has more pick-up than you might think. In the rain, the vehicle does a pretty good job of keeping water off you. There are doors available, similar to what you would see on a Jeep CJ, as an aftermarket accessory.

      Here are answers to some of the common questions:

      Q. What is it?

      A. A GEM electric car, manufactured by Global Electric Motors, a division of DaimlerChrysler Corporation. The specific model is the GEM E825 Utility Vehicle (Short Box).

      Q. Is it street legal?

      In Portland, it is on streets with a speed limit of 35mph or below.

      Q. How fast does it go?

      A. 25 mph.

      Q. How far can you drive it?

      It varies based on the terrain you are driving it on and the ambient temperatures, but I have driven it over 15 miles on a charge. The stated range is 35 miles.

      Q. How do you charge it?

      It charges on household current.

      Q. Stats?

      A. From the GEM website Curb Weight: 1160 lb. with batteries GVW: 1850 lb. (Gross Vehicle Weight) Width: 55 inches Wheelbase: 71.1 inches Length: 116 inches Height: 69.5 inches Turning Radius: 13 feet 7 inches

      Q. Is it fun?

      A. You betcha.

  • TCO and utility (Score:3, Insightful)

    by James_Duncan8181 ( 588316 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @02:56PM (#5986709) Homepage
    I can't help thinking I know why most electric based NEVs have failed when they compare exremely poorly to the utility, reliablity and TCO of a push bike and attachable trailer...
  • This is a good thing. For people that spend almost all their time in a dense neighborhood (like SF), these NEV's offer a more economical and less polluting (air quality and noise) way to transport stuff around the city.

  • by aerojad ( 594561 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @02:58PM (#5986722) Homepage Journal
    For NEVs to be really accepted, there has to be a national set standard on this, not a "well you can drive it here, here, and here... but over there is a $100 fine". It's nationally accepted that bikes on a freeway = no no. It's also accepted that save for emergency vehicles, cars on bike paths = no no. Need some sort of standard like this.
  • The problem with this is that there aren't really any road-capable NEV's or whatever you want to refer to them as.

    The segway hits a top speed of what....11MPH? Do you really want to get stuck behind some yuppie and his $5000 segway inching along the street when you are in a rush to get to the office?

    We already have enough traffic problems with vehicles that CAN do the speed limit, lets not worry about alternative transportation until it can at least keep up with normal means of travel.

    • by toybuilder ( 161045 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:01PM (#5986743)
      This is NOT about Segways. It's about light-weight electric cars. A "car like" golf-carts, I suppose. See some examples here. [yahoo.com]
      • Even if it were Segways it should be fine to drive them on the same roads as everybody else, as long as they keep to the side like all slower-moving transport is supposed to do.

        One thing that annoys me, well, all over the US, is bikes on the street, right next to a good bike path, and people in the street right next to a good sidewalk.
        • by toybuilder ( 161045 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:15PM (#5986818)
          Yeah. Good luck telling that to most Americans!

          When I first came to this country from Japan, one of the first things I marvelled at (less than 1 hour in the country) was the expansive freeway system and how quickly it moved.

          And then I noticed all the drivers weaving between lanes without signaling, and generally not moving over to the right after passing.

          It seems like we like doing things as we damn well please! :)
        • One thing that annoys me, well, all over the US, is bikes on the street, right next to a good bike path, and people in the street right next to a good sidewalk.

          If people they're intended for aren't using them, how "good" can they be? We have a number of paths around Minneapolis that are "multi-use" paths, not bike paths. They get traffic from people strolling, jogging, blading, and biking. If you were a cyclist, you would understand just how fucking dangerous it is to be on such a path going at 15m

          • Unfortunately, riders and pedestrians do all of that in the street here in Northern VA/DC area. The other day I had to negotiate a bike rider, in full "cross country" gear, riding up the wrong way on the exit ramp from a large highway near my place (Fairfax County Parkway, Reston/Baron Cameron northbound exit). Of course, there is a super-wide, multi-use bike/pedesterian "highway" 20' away from him parallel to his path.

            Too bad I have a kind heart and a sharp eye or he would have been the latest edition t
            • That cyclist was definitely in the wrong. I don't think the Fairfax County parkway is a "bike safe" road. Too busy.

              The worst bike accident (in terms of amount of damage caused) I've had WASN'T when I was racing road bikes. It was on the GW Parkway trail in Alexandria, when another cyclist started passing me on the left then cut back over to the right. It destroyed my rear wheel, which meant I had to walk about 3 miles in cleats back to my car. And she didn't offer to pay a dime.

              I'd rather deal with t
        • For NEV, as well as their older and more practical predecessors (bicycles), to become popularized as an alternative transportation method, cities are going to have to start paving bike lanes into their streets. Right now, it's just too frickin' dangerous to ride a bike (or NEV) because most the cars aren't watching for you, many of them try to squeeze around you so close I'm amazed the side-view mirrors don't hit me every time, and a few of them actually swerve to hit (Not exaggerating. Quite a few cyclist
    • "The problem with this is that there aren't really any road-capable NEV's or whatever you want to refer to them as."

      The real problem is that alternative fuel vehicles of every sort, woefully underperform even the most humble gas powered vehicle.

      When there is an electric car that can outrun a souped up honda on a 1/4 mile, everybody will want one. They will no longer be "alternative", they will be the obligatory shiny thing that one Must Have.

      That's what it's going to take. Higher performance than you c
      • The reason these cars don't perform so well is because they are still young. Combustion engines are well over 100 years old. Electric cars are just starting to catch on. Think back to the earlier cars, and how they had cars with V8's and most of todays 4 cylinder POS econo-boxes can out perform them. Just give it time. You gotta get a start somewhere...
      • by mfarver ( 43681 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:35PM (#5986937) Journal

        The real problem is that alternative fuel vehicles of every sort, woefully underperform even the most humble gas powered vehicle

        This is a common misconception spread by people too lazy to think. If you read up, you'll find most alternative fuel (AF) vehicles outperform gasoline. GM's EV1 battery electric was 0-60mph in about 4.9sec, faster than a 5.0L mustang, and a heck of a lot more fun to drive. Check out Nedra.com [nedra.com] for a selection of battery electric drag racers.(Electric drivetrains produce instantanous torque, over a wide range, much more power than gasoline)

        Its true that most prototype AF vehicles have been slugs, alternative fuel vehicles are often designed for efficency, not performance, and the two tend to be mutually exclusive.

        As for NEV's, they have a nitch, but I really don't see a huge market beyond the city center or retirement/closed communities. American's mostly buy cars based on perceived need :

        "I commute to work alone in this monsterous gas guzzling SUV becuase I might buy a boat and need to tow it, or haul the soccer team to Dallas, even though I don't have kids or climb a giant mountain that might spring up in the middle of Nebraska" Advertising encourages this irrational line of thinking.

        "I don't want to drive a clean, fast electric car, becuase I might want to road trip 500 miles to Tijuana on impulse once a year." Ignoring the idea that a rental car works nicely for long trips and is considerable cheaper than owing unused capacity)

        The other problem is that none of the major auto manufactuers are doing anything but dabble in the AF market Its impossible for a new car company to emerge today, safety regs require you crash test quite a few cars before selling, and selling a car for 10-20k$ is nearly impossible unless you sell 100,000 of them. So the automotive newcomers/innovators are tackling the NEV market, which require less units to be profitable, safety requirements are lighter, and margins are larger.

        • Electric vehicles have been banned from the drag strip in my town because some guy rigged together a battery powered car that started out being ridiculously fast compared to all the other cars there, and just kept getting faster every time he refined it.

          The point about efficiency rather than performance is the crux of the situation. The truth is, although many alternative fuel vehicles may be cleaner while you drive them, their energy efficiency tends to be about the same if you make them as fast as a nor
        • If you read up, you'll find most alternative fuel (AF) vehicles outperform gasoline. GM's EV1 battery electric was 0-60mph in about 4.9sec, faster than a 5.0L mustang, and a heck of a lot more fun to drive.

          Acceleration is fine, but I have yet to see an electric vehicle that could drive on the 70MPH freeways around here... And 70 is more the minimum speed to tell you the truth. When the 18 wheelers are going 75MPH (speed limit for trucks is 55MPH), you can bet the cars are going much faster.

          I might want

    • 11MPH? Do you really want to get stuck behind some yuppie...inching along the street when you are in a rush to get to the office?

      dont like it? take a bus.
    • Do you really want to get stuck behind some yuppie and his $5000 segway inching along the street when you are in a rush to get to the office?

      surely you mean some hippy, as if you are in a rush to get to the office, you are clearly a yuppie yourself!

  • Perfect (Score:3, Funny)

    by SparkyLi ( 672730 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:02PM (#5986746)
    Well this is one way to combat gas prices. Not to mention you can always find plugs around in public property ^_^;
  • by kinnell ( 607819 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:02PM (#5986748)
    Have a look at the Ultra [atsltd.co.uk] project for a more creative solution to electric mass transport :-)
  • Now we can have vgolf carts everywhere! I can't wait to get on the freeyway behind a group of 'em!
  • by jstroebele ( 596628 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:06PM (#5986766) Journal
    Why you hate-in on the auto this weekend
    Story 1 [slashdot.org]
    Story 2 [slashdot.org]
    Stroy 3 [slashdot.org]
    I hope it doesn't screw up the paint on my Dually when I start running these things over
    • Having articles on personal transportation, other than articles about SUVs, are not anti-car.

    • Call me flamebait, call me a troll, mod me way down...

      But I gotta say, what is it with the attitude of people that drive large trucks? Now I'm not saying that all people with full size trucks are like this, but notice how this guy has to state how large his truck is. Notice how he thinks that a new product is a threat to what he has and how he has to crush this new small product. I think that he sees it as a threat to the one thing that he has, that is bigger and better (and longer?) than what other people
      • ...what is it with the attitude of people that drive large trucks? Now I'm not saying that all people with full size trucks are like this, but notice how this guy has to state how large his truck is. Notice how he thinks [...] he has to crush this new small product.

        Because big trucks are cool. Stop being a weiner.
  • RUF (Score:4, Interesting)

    by photonic ( 584757 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:14PM (#5986813)
    Anybody knows what happened with RUF [www.ruf.dk]? It is a hybrid system where electrical cars drive on the road for short distances and take a monorail for large distance across the metropole. Has it ever come out of the 'just invented' stage??

    I think it was featured on Slashdot something like a year ago.

  • by aquarian ( 134728 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:16PM (#5986829)
    Myrtle Beach, SC, is the polar opposite of what "new urbanism" preaches. It's a strip-development hell, with nothing but tacky roadside businesses everywhere. Not to mention Bike Week [myrtlebeachbikeweek.com]...

    But ironically, there are more "NEVs" being used here than anywhere else I've been -- people use golf carts to get around their neighborhoods. These are not golf course developments either (those tend to be a little out of town) -- they're the regular, neighborhood grid streets, which branch out from the main highway strip.

  • Comparison (Score:3, Funny)

    by schnits0r ( 633893 ) <`ten.letksas' `ta' `dnnahtan'> on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:20PM (#5986859) Homepage Journal
    $NEV != $SUV
  • just because something doesn't go 100 mph, doesn't mean it should not be allowed on -public- roads, freeways are obviously different, NEVs are not meant for those, read what NEV stands for.

    http://www.humantransport.org/universalaccess/page 2.html [humantransport.org] Principles of Universal Access

    1. Universal Access to Destinations
    All destinations served by the public road system shall be accessible by pedestrians and by drivers of all vehicles (including bicycles), except that vehicle operation may be restricted for reasons of excessive weight, noise or size, or extraordinary potential for damage to the property or person of others.

    2. Equal Rights of Use
    People's right to use that portion of a street designed for travel is not diminished by less weight, less size, or less average speed associated with their travel mode. The adequate accommodation of heavier, larger, faster travel modes by a road's design must not imply its inadequacy for or unintended use by smaller, lighter, or slower modes. Demand-actuated traffic signals must detect and serve a diversity of users including bicycle operators in the roadway and pedestrians using crosswalks.

    3. Integration of Modes
    Travel by different modes shall not be segregated by law or facility design without compelling, objective, scientifically valid evidence of operational advantages of segregation that outweigh the disadvantages. Segregation of pedestrian from vehicle traffic may be warranted on busy roads due to the different maneuverability and nighttime visibility characteristics of pedestrians and vehicles. Segregation of different vehicle types is undesirable, as this segregation almost always creates increased conflicts at junctions, forces users of some vehicle types to use inferior facilities, or stigmatizes users who violate the segregation policy for safety reasons.

    4. Uniformity and Simplicity
    Transportation systems should be simple and intuitive. Designs and regulations should be uniform across facilities. Similar traffic situations should be treated in a similar manner, enabling more rapid and reliable user behavior. Vehicle-type-specific exceptions to the Rules of the Road are undesirable because such exceptions make traffic movements less predictable and traffic negotiation less reliable.

    5. Accessible Surfaces
    To the extent practicable, travel surfaces should accommodate travel on foot with minimal trip hazards and via common assistive devices such as wheelchairs. Roadway surfaces should be as clear as possible of hazards for narrow tires such as bicycle wheels.

    6. Crossable Roadways
    Crossing distances at non-signalized access locations must not exceed the distance that can be covered at walking speed before traffic may arrive from beyond sight distance, or during reasonable gaps in roadway traffic. Refuges provided to reduce crossing distances should be large enough to store assistive devices such as wheelchairs and strollers. Traffic signal timing should provide adequate clearance intervals for safe crossing by pedestrians and slow vehicles.

    7. Appropriate Space for Use
    Adequate space for maneuvering and recovery should be incorporated for all vehicle operators and for pedestrians including wheelchair users. If it is desirable to accommodate faster speeds for some modes while slower modes are present on the same road, the road may be designed to facilitate easier overtaking between modes. Overtaking activities should take place at distances appropriate for the difference in speed, maneuverability of modes, and vulnerability of users.

    • That's great that you can copy and paste. But just because it's a website doesn't make it a good idea. Roads are *not* safe with cars going anywhere from 12 MPH to 80 MPH. People would die. Modern roads are not designed for golf carts. Get over it.
      • It's not the asphalt that's the problem. It's the impatient fucks in their Hondas, SUVs, and Caddies that are the problem.

        In driver's ed you were taught that the road is for bikes as well as cars. By getting a license, you agreed that that standard was okay. If you don't like it, find a different way to get from place to place.

        (note: said because people who act like bikes shouldn't be on the road don't seem to realize that there's no other way for those of us who can't afford cars to get around, either
        • Most bikes I see shouldn't be on the road. They're going the wrong way, running without lights at night (as required by law in NY), disobeying traffic laws crossing intersections or making turns, riding on roads where bikes aren't allowed or otherwise being a hazard on the road.

          There are bicycles on the road who deserve to be there (I biked to work last summer and occasionally ran into others who obeyed traffic laws, like signaling for turns, concept!) but most shouldn't. Those are the ones who create th
  • Electric Cars Suck (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mcrbids ( 148650 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:28PM (#5986897) Journal
    The biggest problem with electric cars is recharging them - it takes hours.

    Instead, I've seen other solutions that provide similar capabilities as electric cars, but without the recharge headache. The one that I find most promising is the air car [theaircar.com].

    It's about the size of a Geo Metro, and goes ~200 miles on $2 worth of electricity, and you can refuel in under 1 minute! It also has a small built-in compressor which takes a few hours, which means that at its worst, it's no worse than an electric vehicle.

    The best part - they are apparently already being manufactured in France and South Africa. If I had the money I'd definitely want to get one.

    No pollution, dirt cheap to operate, and the engine should be more reliable than a gas engine because there's no combustion.
    • Very nice! I wonder what the biggest challenge to this system is -- the pressure containment or system reliability, I'd imagine.
    • Actually in many ways I do agree with you. Electrical indeed does suck for high speed high load applications.

      Personaly I'm for natural gas conversions. For about a $2000 investment you get tanks, an on the fly switchable between traditional petrol / natural gas, and you don't have to worry about pesky issues like achiving free way speeds of 60mph (about 100Km/H)

      But even so, many of my daily rounds can be accomplished "easily" with a vehicel that goes only 25mph. I can fetch my morning latte, a gal of m
      • by op00to ( 219949 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @04:01PM (#5987080)
        If you build neighborhoods correctly, you don't need to rely on any external forces to get you the food you need. My neighborhood has a small grocery store within a 5 minute walk, 3 medium sized ones within a 10 minute walk, and a large supermarket/farm market within a 15 minute walk. Perhaps all those extra taxes us cityfolk pay is worth something...The NEV is a hack to patch together neighborhoods whose design suffers because of people's desire for sprawl and suburbia. While you're puttering around in some car that ultimately pollutes whether it's from an internal combustion engine or a coal burning power plant, my feet are much more "environmentally sound" then any hacky NEV's. I also have the added bonus of actually meeting the people who live in my neighborhood on the street, which discourages crime.
        • suburbs suck (Score:4, Insightful)

          by Cid Highwind ( 9258 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @05:05PM (#5987508) Homepage
          If you build neighborhoods correctly, you don't need to rely on any external forces to get you the food you need.

          Aye, there's one big source of our dependance on the auto. The U.S. has an *enormous* installed base of poorly-designed neighborhoods. Winding streets with no sidewalks, strict segregation of residential and commercial activities, and sprawling development (single-story houses on 3/4 acre lots. gag!) make it almost a requirement to drive to get any sort of outside input! NEVs are a stopgap solution, what we need in the long term is better urban planning. We need more mixed-use development, more compact residential areas, etc. The guiding principle should be to have everything needed on a daily basis within easy walking (or bicycle) distance from every home.
    • Now this air car certainly looks promising. To bad it may be awhile before they are being built in mass though.
    • Just glancing over it this looks like a take off of the Sterling engine [stirlingengine.com].
      I saw mention of heating air and cooling air and other "Sterling like" things..
      I'll read it in full detail over coffee later but it looks really neat. Good link...
  • Read EV World! (Score:3, Informative)

    by aquarian ( 134728 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:43PM (#5986980)
    Slashdot readers interested in this stuff should read EV World [evworld.com] regularly. Support its dedicated editor by purchasing a subscription if possible.
  • by istartedi ( 132515 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @03:47PM (#5986994) Journal

    1. uncouple the regenerator/motor on downhills. My bicycle can go 40+ mph on a downhill. I don't see why a NEV can't, as long as you beef up the brakes for safety.

    2. Lower it and re-do the roof. Most of the NEVs I've seen are built for comfort, not speed. They have high roofs and look like expensive golf carts, which is really what they are. Close those windows too. Plenty of room to reduce wind resistance on these babies.

    3. DIY pulsejets. 'nuff said.

    4. I'm already sick of Monster Garage, but as long as that show's on the air, they might was well stick one of their chromed bike motors in a NEV.

    Of course, these last two suggestions take the E out of NEV, but what they heck.

  • by Parsec ( 1702 )

    What I don't understand, is why most [cityofseattle.net] of them are designed with radiator grills (functional or faux).

  • Electric vehicles are great, BUT, how much fossil fuel must be burned to recharge the batteries??

    If they are charged by solar panels then that it fantastic and I'm totally, 1000% for it.
    But it they are burning oil and even worse, foreign oil, to charge them up, then it seems to defeat the purpose.
    Electricity doesn't grow on tree, unless you burn them for it.
    And it doesn't rain down from the sky either. Oh, wait a minute, it sure does! You just have to use the right collector to catch all that free energy
    • If they are charged by solar panels then that it fantastic and I'm totally, 1000% for it.

      I would like to see the roof of EVERY house and building in the country covered with solar panels and use them to power small collective, community grids.

      Solar Panels are not viable yet, they run at less than 10% efficiency, they require more energy to make them than they can generate in their lifetime, also there are toxic byproducts from the manufacturing process. Wind would be fine if people didn't hate windmills

      • And i cant imagine them making noise or slicing up flcoks of birds like people say

        Well that's just a shame. I'm a strong proponent of tax dollars being spent in the most entertaining ways possible.

        The problem was, early wind prop designs weren't built with birds in mind. The props were too light and too fast for the birds to see. Therefore, they tended to get plastered.

        Modern designs are built for slower, more powerful strokes, so the birds have a better chance of avoiding them.

        Kind of a shame,

    • This country was designed and built in a very energy wasteful manner and still operates under that mindset. We've GOT to change.

      Yes. American's hypergrowth happened, in part, because this country is resource-abundant.

      There are two issues here.

      1) We need more efficient and clean ways to generate energy.

      2) We need more efficient ways of using that energy.

      Ideally, we can do both simultaneously. But making improvements in either category is better than the status quo.
    • But it they are burning oil and even worse, foreign oil, to charge them up, then it seems to defeat the purpose.

      Not entirely. First, these NEVs are much smaller and lighter than traditional, gasoline-powered vehicles. So they use less energy, regardless of the source. Plus they have the advantage of using zero energy when idling.

      Also, if we were able to convert the entire nation's electrical grid over to solar/wind/geothermal/small-children-on-treadmills this instant, it wouldn't change the amo

  • by pschmied ( 5648 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @04:17PM (#5987181) Homepage
    Has anyone driven one of these [go-one.de]? I've been told they are cool. They are only 60lbs, made of a carbon fiber, and look bad ass. I've often thought it looked like the perfect local commuter vehicle.

    There is a distributor in Cali from what I hear.

  • by denovich ( 25859 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @04:21PM (#5987215) Homepage
    For $2k you can buy a Bajaj Scooter [bajajusa.com] that gets 100mpg, is nearly indestructable, is easy to maintain, keeps up with all but freeway traffic, and even has a proper catalytic converter to keep it clean.

    Sure it has an internal combustion engine... but have you considered the enviromental costs of producing all those batteries or solar cells in your electric vehicles? What are their expected life spans? These scooters will still be put-putting along when the apes take over, and they are made from almost all recycled steel and aluminum. The environmental costs over their expected life spans will put almost any electric vehicle to shame.

    I just bought one for my wife New Scooter [denovich.org] and it's an amazing little vehicle.

    The best solution is rarely the highest technology one.


  • by linuxtelephony ( 141049 ) on Sunday May 18, 2003 @04:25PM (#5987249) Homepage
    In 1992 I lived in Peachtree City, GA, just a little south of Atlanta. One of the things that made the city interesting was that all publicly accessable buildings had to be accessable via the golf-cart road system in the city. New sites had to be linked into the golf-cart roads. This was a golfing community, and residents could drive anywhere in town on these little roads. The only city roads you drove on were residential roads to get onto the golf-cart roads.

    It was the only place I know of where KMart sold golf carts and there were used golf-cart lots on the side of the road. :)
  • Lets be realistic, electric motors have a tremendous amount of torque. Anyone who has driven a golf cart knows this. I better the electric cars will go from 0 to 20 in 2 seconds at most.
  • Will there be special lanes, so SUV drivers won't be running everyone over?
  • Be awesome if they can get the room temp super conducting
    to work with NEV's, would make them super efficient .


  • I'm waiting until this nation (us) abandons coal as it's primary energy source. Driving an electric car is not neccesarily any more eco friendly than driving a combustion powered vehicle unless your energy source is renewable and clean. When you plug your electric car into the grid you're probably burning coal.

    Unfortunatly, electric cars will probably not lower our dependance on fossil fuels anytime soon. If anything they may increase them. The important step is the adoption of alternative energy sources

The clothes have no emperor. -- C.A.R. Hoare, commenting on ADA.
