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Comment Re:If you live by the cloud... (Score 1) 82

If you have important files that live only on your computer - especially if they only reside on one computer, then you're an even bigger fool and deserve what you get.

For the most part, cloud providers do a much better job than individual people do. Putting it on Google's servers is generally safer than keeping it only on your own computer.

Also, have you ever tried to back up a Windows host? It's ridiculously complicated! Sure, there are plenty of "easy" solutions, but does that back up SQL Server? That fancy accounting package you spent $4000 for? Where *does* it keep those files?

I found this out recently when I upgraded a hard drive and reloaded the OS onto the new drive. Why would you think it would be so danged difficult to get Quickbooks client files transfered to a new hard drive?


Comment Re:Do users care? (Score 2) 245

Most average users of linux want a system that...

You think you can speak for "most average users"? Because you certainly don't speak for me. I'm a professional Linux developer of 20+ years experience (starting with Red Hat Linux 5.0) and things like systemd are a big deal for me! I'm a programmer and systems admin/engineer.

That said, although I have been somewhat slow to adopt systemd, I'm starting to get used to it and I'm actually starting to like it. Things that used to require hackish software like xinetd are really easy to rewrite under systemd. Barely a simple config file and a tad of Google pounding and... it's done. So much simpler than reinventing everything a la messy, 300 line init scripts in bash.

Comment Re:Windows phones should run windows programs (Score 1) 284

For example, Windows Mobile 6 -> Windows Phone 7 -> Windows Phone 8. Is there any phone that you can run the same mobile software on all three Windows phone platforms? No. Each OS version requires new versions and adherence to new standards and APIs. A WP8 app will not run on a WM6 machine.

And that, my friends, was the fatal flaw in the Windows Ecosystem.

I understood the change from 6 to 7. WinMo 6 was just awful. But the jump from 7 to 8 was a deal breaker for devs, myself included.

Trust was betrayed.

AFTER pushing Windows Phone 7 as the "new, next big thing" with the weight of Microsoft behind it, it was then immediately followed, AT THE NEXT MAJOR RELEASE, with a "new - new next big thing" that completely trashed any investment in WP7.

Sorry, that's psychotic behavior, I'm not down for that.

Comment Re:Doesn't know the difference between PDF & h (Score 1) 371

you should point any users who complain to you back to their browser developers' bug report page, and go have coffee

HA HA HA! Tell that to your boss who couldn't give 1 rat's sh17 about standards or social good or anything other than it doesn't work in Edge and 19% of the users use Edge.

Who pays for your coffee?

Comment Re:Fix it with some careful regulation (Score 1) 340

Let supply and demand function without interference in order to establish a market level price.

In order to let supply and demand function, supply has to function. And that's really a problem in big cities like New York with lots of "quality of life" regulations that make it difficult to create new housing. San Francisco faces this problem, Washington, DC faces this problem. So perhaps it's no surprise that these three cities are the most expensive cities in the United States to live in?

You could, of course, take it as a clear sign that those "quality of life" regulations are working.

Comment Re:A few lousy conjectures, there ... (Score 1) 223


> Linux is more efficient as a server

Doing what, exactly? This is like saying that Volkswagen is more efficient as a vehicle.

> Windows server is most commonly used at the low end of the market

Bwha ha ha ha!! ha ha! Your $35 router and DHCP server runs Linux, which dominates this end of the market. See above.

Comment Money vs none (Score 1) 503

I don't believe that all speech is equal. In particular, any form of paid speech is, by definition, subject to forces that extend well beyond the focus, intent, and nature of the speech itself.

Personally, I don't believe that freedom of speech protections should apply to any form of advertisement or paid political announcements. Any entity endorsed or sponsored by any other entity should not, IMHO, be under freedom of speech protections regards any speech involving the sponsor or original source of funding.

I work for Hapco. Therefore, any speech I make regards Hapco should be subject to reduced protections, IMHO.

Comment Re:Terrible practice. (Score 1) 79

At my company, we use Enterprise Edition OS (CentOS or RHEL) specifically because of the long, long term support. Think: a decade.

For our product, we used RHEL 4 for its entire duration, and then jumped to EL 6, where we are now. We will probably not use EL 7 but go to EL 8 if it's available at or before the EL 6 EOL.

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