Comment So, we're just going to keep doing this I guess? (Score 1) 62
So, we're just going to keep doing this I guess?
So, we're just going to keep doing this I guess?
I haven't posted here in years, but I signed in to tell you how absolutely ridiculous your opinion is. ANYTHING can be used for evil. All of the vulnerability scanning tools are just as popular with criminals as they are IT professionals. Your opinion isn't just flat wrong; it's dangerous. It's the kind of clueless hysterical fear-mongering that you see when politicians say we need to ban encryption to stop crimes.
No dipshit his girlfriend was texting a person she thought was him. It turned out to be a 12-year old girl and her parents were (understandably) upset about the content of the messages.
Thanks for jumping to conclusions though.
This "bug" almost got my buddy arrested. Apple needs to take this problem seriously before the courts do.
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.