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An anonymous reader writes "This groups combined some people from CERN, an old SAAB 900 Classic 5-door and a common desire to have a sauna."
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  • by fozzy(pro) ( 267441 ) on Thursday January 16, 2003 @11:54PM (#5099998)
    Well that great Saunas are coll and all, but it would be much more impressive if it was tricked out with some ground effects, a large spoiler, and of course wifi. Not to mention if it had an engine in it so you coul saun in fornt of the Arc De Triumph, the Whitehouse, Stone Henge

    "I'f a brick didn't know hoow to sit on a wall no more; What would you aks it?" -ODB
    • by Anonymous Coward
      There are even smaller ones, and you can drive those:
      (take a look at the second picture, it's a bad photo, but anyways) It's a sauna on a moped.

      "The jolly club [Halavatun Papat] soon caught the attention of the media, with stunts like setting the unofficial world record - 29,5 hours - for bathing in a moped sauna. Welding a small cart into the shortened chassis of a moped created the basis of the moped sauna with a one-person sauna built on the cart."
  • Hmmm.... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Gary Franczyk ( 7387 ) on Thursday January 16, 2003 @11:54PM (#5100001)
    This is what you get when you have a high-unemployment rate in the tech business...

    3 or 4 years ago, this would have had several million dollars of venture capital behind it!
  • Heh (Score:3, Funny)

    by nizcolas ( 597301 ) on Thursday January 16, 2003 @11:56PM (#5100010) Homepage Journal
    This looks like something you would see at the state fair. At least in Oklahoma anyway ;D
  • From the article:

    On this page you will find a little story about some (crazy?) nordic people, an old SAAB 900 Classic 5-door and a common desire to have a sauna. This is not the first sauna in a SAAB, I know of at least one SAAB 96 made into a sauna in Finland. However, this is probably the only sauna built into a Classic 900...

    This combines almost everything the stereotypical Scandinavian is known for ... SAAB, sauna ... they're missing a Volvo, but who wants a square, boxy sauna?

    Not to mention the "bouncing Swedish funbags" (whatever they are!)

    Seriously, though, in an icy-cold climate this takes car-heating to the MAX - kinda like case-modding with l33t h4x0rs. What next from the crazy Nordic fold? I'm almost scared to find out (but I think it'll involve rally-driving saunas)

    • (but I think it'll involve rally-driving saunas)

      I can see it now...tracks like that old NES game "Off-Road," were the goal is to get there first and have the most water left in your tub.

      Tactics might include muddying up a corner so the guys behind you slide into the wall.

      I'd hate to be in a collision, though. All that water would seriously add to the mass of the vehicle. Since the mass moves, it would be a really odd collission...the cars hit--but don't bounce apart until a few seconds later.
  • by dannyweb ( 321535 ) <danny AT dannyweb DOT com> on Thursday January 16, 2003 @11:58PM (#5100020) Homepage
    . . . Don't Come a'knockin!
  • Karma whoring... (Score:4, Informative)

    by TheAngryArmadillo ( 158896 ) on Thursday January 16, 2003 @11:58PM (#5100021)
    Get yer mirror here [nowhere.nu].
    • by zerocircle ( 559005 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @12:46AM (#5100193)

      we should have a sauna in the space shuttle

      Space sauna? Think: a big, hot, wobbly sphere of water. No, wait, that's a space hot tub -- a space sauna would be a zero-g steam cloud. Oh, man, those cockpit windows are gonna fog like a bitch.

  • CERN, an old SAAB 900 Classic 5-door and a common desire to have a sauna...

    ... not to mention a thoroughly /.'ed server, nach.

  • by Sophrosyne ( 630428 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @12:05AM (#5100056) Homepage
    Ive always wanted to be able to sit around naked with a bunch of my best male friends and cook big sauasages.. If only I could drive around in my Sauna-mobile too.. wow I'd be the coolest kid in the universe *sarcasam*
  • now thats what i'd like to see in my neighbourhood! naked nordic babes in SAAB's
  • Down South (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    In Alabama, you could make a beowulf cluster of these in your front yard...ha..ha....well maybe not SAABs.
  • To quote:

    This is not the first sauna in a SAAB, I know of at least one SAAB 96 made into a sauna in Finland.

  • by Tuxinatorium ( 463682 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @12:11AM (#5100080) Homepage
    Who wants a sauna, honestly? You might as well just get a car without air conditioning.
    • They're from Finland. For them, summer is the three months out of the year when it's not below zero degrees. I guess you could just blast the heater, but it's a dry heat. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go finish fitting the new wooden bench into my old volvo....
      • by 4ntifa ( 458466 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @01:09AM (#5100255)
        Weather today...

        Southern Finland: -6 to -2 Centigrades, sunny (as soon as the sun comes up... only to disappear in a couple of hours... now, at 8AM, it's still pitch black out there)
        Northern Finland: -23 to -7 Centigrades, half-cloudy (and there's no such thing as the sun, people expect to catch a glimpse of it somewhere around March).
        (source: Finnish Meteorology Institute / http://www.fmi.fi)

        I consider the weather nice and warm. Just last week it was frequently below -20 Centigrades, here in _southern_ Finland. No wonder Hell of the Nordic tales ("Ragnaroek") does freeze over! (not that the Norse mythology was a Finnish thing, we've cooked our own mythos, "Kalevala", which is highly recommendable reading to every Tolkien fan)
    • Finally we have an answer to the age old question.

      Q: Why are no black cars in Arizona?

      A: There are if you're Swedish.

    • Well, you can put a drum inside. Drill two holes on it and plug hoses to the hole. Make sure it won't leak. Then, to simulate the stream, connect the hoses to...

      The car's radiator... of course... ;-)

    • Who wants a sauna, honestly? You might as well just get a car without air conditioning.

      Actually, since air-conditioning is not standard
      equipment on cars sold in Scandinavia (duh!) having AC has become a bit of a status symbol..

      "Look, I have so much money I even spend it on AC for my car, which I have the pleasure of using two days a year."

      Given that anything that can even remotely be construed as bragging is frowned upon in these countries,
      that's about as extravagant as people get.
  • First they rip apart a saab, but that's not the entirely too much money comment ...

    the last picture, is that not a bottle of Dom?? Wow, enough money to drink dom in a sauna car.

    And as usual, here's my opinion, I think turning a car into a sauna is stupid. Since I have made an ontopic post that has a negative not so funny undertone, I will automatically be troll/flaimbait.

  • heh.. (Score:5, Funny)

    by Suppafly ( 179830 ) <(slashdot) (at) (suppafly.net)> on Friday January 17, 2003 @12:18AM (#5100097)
    I did the same thing with a dodge aries, except it was a lot cheaper as all i had to do was drive it around during the summer.
    • Yours probably had such niceties as a functional combustion engine, a steering wheel and brakes. Apparently, this one only has a parking brake.

      Yes. It really IS a sauna... Note the Valmet sauna thermometer and the working handbrake on the left side of the stove.
      I hope they at least remembered to turn the wheels in towards the curb if they're parked on a hill! It would definately ruin the party if the sauna started rolling down the block (pretty hard to explain too!).
  • Mirror... (Score:1, Informative)

    by lhaeh ( 463179 )

    Have Fun!

  • by Gorilla_Man ( 222813 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @12:23AM (#5100120) Journal
    MONSTER GARAGE!! [discovery.com]
  • if only they incorporated some of that anti-matter they make at CERN... that would be one efficient sauna.
  • Another one (Score:3, Insightful)

    by jonman_d ( 465049 ) <nemilar&optonline,net> on Friday January 17, 2003 @12:34AM (#5100147) Homepage Journal
    http://www.eskimo.com/~juha/mobile.html - These things seem to be pretty common, actually...ok, maybe not. But more common than one would most likely expect.
  • You'll want to be damn careful you don't touch the ignition key ;)
  • by cyber_rigger ( 527103 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @12:38AM (#5100162) Homepage Journal

    This Sauna Heated by the Slashdot Effect
  • by deglr6328 ( 150198 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @12:43AM (#5100183)
    ..only a matter of time until an ANTI-SAUNABB is built in order to be smashed into the SAUNABB.
  • wierd but nice (Score:5, Interesting)

    by presearch ( 214913 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @12:45AM (#5100187)
    It's wierd and all but the woodwork is very nice.
    I especially like the roof. For most of us writing
    software all day, it's nice to see things crafted
    out of steel and wood. Something real, not made
    from bits that are on the road to being obsolete
    and forgotten as soon as it's built.

    I don't think I'd have carpentry skills but I'm considering
    getting out of programming and doing something with
    atoms. Glassblowing seems like it would be fun and
    rewarding. Certainly more fun than declaring my two
    millionth variable....

    Nice work guys.
    • For most of us writing
      software all day, it's nice to see things crafted
      out of steel and wood. Something real, not made
      from bits that are on the road to being obsolete
      and forgotten as soon as it's built.

      Damn, you really put your finger on something I have been feeling a lot lately. I finally finished my CS education and started working. My boyfriend is an engineer and spends most his free time tinkering and building things. Cars, engines, boats, electronics, houses... I discovered it feels much more satisfying when you are finished and have something you can touch, something that you can show to others and have the quality of the thing appreciated. It's also more fun to move around and do more physical work instead of just staring at a screen all day.

      I have a huge gap in my education here, I'm have spent most my life studying and doing theoretical things, I really have my thumb in the middle of my hand when it comes to handicrafts, but I'm slowly learning...

      • No kidding. I spend all day doing systems admin ( 6 years at the same company now) and programming. On the weekends and after work, all I can think of is crafting. Something. Anything. So right now I'm restoring a 75 Stingray Corvette, and turning a Corvair Monza into a Corvair GTO.

        It's really weird. I don't see why it is that so many "computer professionals" spend so much time crafting, but they sure do. I don't know why I do it either.


  • Culture Shock (Score:5, Interesting)

    by istartedi ( 132515 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @01:05AM (#5100243) Journal

    In Sweden they sit around in artificial steamy heat indoors then plunge into the Winter cold. In Washington DC we walk around in steamy Summer heat and then plunge into artificial cold.

    Actually, there is no reason for most Americans (in the South anyway) to have a complex about not being as tech savvy as Swedes because we already have the artificial cold built into the car, and we can drive them.

    If the AC isn't cold enough to give small children headaches and fog up your glasses, it's not cold enough, d#$@% it.

    Actually, I'm poking good-natured fun at both cultures here. Frankly, the Summer ice-box mentality here in the US is something that I've come to dislike. Not only does it waste a lot of energy, but I've heard some theories that kidney disease has increased because we don't sweat as much as we used to--all the stuff that used to get sweated out gets taken care of by the kidneys and puts more stress on them. I haven't seen any studies to back that up though.

    The hot to cold transition that Swedes practice is something I don't think I could tolerate. I've tried turning the shower nozzle to cold, and I could just feel myself starting to go into shock. I guess if I had been doing it from the time I was a little boy that wouldn't happen.

    Do most Swedes dunk in ice-cold water after a sauna, or are there some people who can't tolerate it? I think if I went there, I could handle the nudity part, but then I'd have to pass on the cold water which might actually be more embarrassing if everybody else is doing it.

    • Re:Culture Shock (Score:4, Informative)

      by mni12 ( 451821 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @01:19AM (#5100279) Homepage
      Not all people jump into ice-cold water after sauna. But there is a small minority who practise that every day. They claim that it is good for your health and in general they tend to avoid flu and cold better compared to folks who don't do it.
      There is some information about "avantounti" in here [cankar.org]. "Avantouinti" is the Finnish word for swimming in ice-cold water (through a hole in the ice).
      • by Idarubicin ( 579475 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @09:30AM (#5101438) Journal
        Not all people jump into ice-cold water after sauna. But there is a small minority who practise that every day. They claim that it is good for your health and in general they tend to avoid flu and cold better compared to folks who don't do it.

        They tend to better resist colds and the flue because all the weak ones were killed by this treatment a long time ago.

    • Do most Swedes dunk in ice-cold water after a sauna, or are there some people who can't tolerate it?

      Ever hear about Darwin? The people who couldn't hack the sauna stuff in Sweden thousands of years ago didn't reproduce :-)

    • In Sweden they sit around in artificial steamy heat indoors then plunge into the Winter cold.

      I think that's done more in Finland than in Sweden. After all, sauna is a primarily a finnish phenomena.

      Ah, first hot and steamy sauna, then roll around naked in the snow. Then back to sauna again. It's quite... refreshing.
    • Re:Culture Shock (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      As a finn I must comment before 99% of Slashdot readers think that Sauna is from Sweden and swedish are the "sauna people" of scandinavia.

      Sauna is originally from Finland and the sauna density in Finland is the highest in the whole universe. (not sure but maybe 1 sauna for every 3 habitants?)

      Also in most saunas outside of Finland (in which I've been) the temperature is too low (under 80 degrees C) with some pleasant exceptions of course. In some saunas abroad it's not even allowed to throw water on the stow (thats löyly).

      The Sauna culture is really a bit more than just "lets heat up this room and get swetty".

      you can read more from http://www.sauna.fi/pages/traditi.htm

      • Re:Culture Shock (Score:2, Informative)

        by mijok ( 603178 )
        More about that: "Sauna" is the only Finnish word that has become a common loan word in other languages. The Swedish word for it, "bastu", makes more sense though since it's derived from "bad-stuga" (in ancient Nordic-speak), which translates roughly to "bath cabin". And about saunas in cars: I know two more of these in Finland and they can be driven - a nice way to travel ;)
    • Re:Culture Shock (Score:5, Informative)

      by tuoppi ( 415801 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @02:41AM (#5100529)
      Actually, swedes don't know much about Sauna. I've seen horrible examples of this when visiting sweden. Some "saunas" in there are only mildly warm, like +40C only - and people just sit there and read newspapers.
      Some swe-saunas have air exchange ventilation into room next door, which whill definately cause problems with moisture if the sauna is used properly.
      Generally it seems, that in those houses that have sauna in sweden, they use it for drying clothes. Drainage has seldom taken care of.

      In Finland, we have long traditions of using sauna as a place to sweat the dirt and stress out and wash up.
      The idea is not to punish and abuse ones body, just to sweat, relax and get clean.


      1. Heat up the sauna up to +70C..+100C (up to you)
      2. Undress, wash up
      3. Climb up to the seats on the sauna (feet above the level of stones in stove)
      4. Toss some clean, warm water onto stones. Control the amount of steam up to your liking by tossing more or less water into stove. Keep the moisture up!
      5. Sweat for a while, if you feel too hot, step down from the seats and wash the sweat off. Chill down for a while. (Don't go into cold water or snow straight away. Might be bad if you have a heart condition hiding.)
      6. When you feel like it, repeat steps 3-5.
      7. When you feel that you are ready, wash up well.
      8. Dry yourself, take some time relaxing and cooling down before dressing up.

      Remember to drink alot of water to replace the water you lost by sweating!

      And for you who live in hot climate: after sauna, that heat outside doesn't feel that hot anymore.
      • After reading this post, I just couldn't help myself from answering.

        Actually, swedes don't know much about Sauna.

        Why do I get the feeling you are finnish? :)
        If you haven't realized it yet, people from finland don't really like swedes, and the same goes the other way around.

        I think this goes for a lot of neighbouring countries though. The US is the fifth canadian territory, right? :)

        Anyways, the point is that saunas in Sweden are not bad. The bad examples you gave is something I have never come across, and I lived in Sweden for over 18 years. There is even a sauna in my dad's house back in Sweden, and we always heat it to about +80C.
      • Actually, swedes don't know much about Sauna.

        Unfortunately I have to agree...at least public saunas at gyms and so on. You usually have to pour a bucket of water over them (a little bit at a time) and wait half an hour for the element to reheat to get a decent warmth.

        Other things not hot enough in Sweden for me are the summers...and Thai food!

    • It can, and does, exceed 40 degrees celcius (104 degrees farenheit) almost every year and has been know to climb as high as 47 degrees. In Phoenix (just north of here) it has reached 50 degrees before. I think you can see why airconditioning might be rahter essential. If noithng else, computers will die in that kind of heat.
    • Re:Culture Shock (Score:3, Interesting)

      by ayjay29 ( 144994 )
      I live in Sweden, and a Swede was trying to explain the Sauna tradition, he asked:

      "What's the English word for the hole in the ice that you jump through after you have been in the Sauna?"

    • Do most Swedes dunk in ice-cold water after a sauna, or are there some people who can't tolerate it? I think if I went there, I could handle the nudity part, but then I'd have to pass on the cold water which might actually be more embarrassing if everybody else is doing it.

      I got used to sauna's when staying (for a change) at a great hotel week after week years ago. I'd work out a bit at night (they had a huge gym) and after I'd messed myself up a bit, hired one of their trainers a few times to get some routines that wouldn't bother a pulled muscle. He suggested the sauna as well. (Finnish? Swede? I don't know, he came with the accent, but I don't know which one.) No cold lake with ice, but ice cold shower afterwards. (actually, alternating showers afterward but first was ice cold). The nudity wasn't a bid deal but the ice cold shower. That DID take some getting used to. But that's the one time I missed a place when the assignment was done after spending about six months there. I never had a period of time where I'd slept better (being the insomnia type usually) and also had more energy during the day.

  • The fools! I don't need a modification on my car to cook food on it!
  • by carpe_noctem ( 457178 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @01:31AM (#5100310) Homepage Journal
    http://www.molestedcars.com [molestedcars.com]. Jah.
  • A car with (Score:5, Interesting)

    by phorm ( 591458 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @01:45AM (#5100345) Journal
    a) A lot of steam...
    b) An engine hot enough to cook food

    I could thing of a couple of other cars that almost come equipped like this anyways... perhaps a kia?

    In all seriousness though, what can you do with a trashed out rusty car... other than sticking it in a junkyard to be made into a trash-compacted cube? A sauna sounds like a pretty cool idea... makes me wonder what other things one could do with a car. Perhaps if they had a convertible... a hot-tub?
    For some old vehicles which have suffered accidents... you have a body which is slightly mangled (maybe not drivable) but not too bad, and a working engine. The engine can be a power source... a heat source... whatever.
    When not moving, many cars can run for hours while using very little gas... many around here become portable entertainment centers (big stereos) for bush parties, etc.
    Sooooo... how many people can think of alternate uses for these cars. If it's not too crazy, be inventive, and we've got a lot of ingenious people out there. I've got an old '88 Toyota that still runs quite well, although the body is shite. I might consider donating it if it doesn't sell and somebody can think of something cool for it?
    • I always thought Kias were come-in-a-box-and-build-it-yourself. I do know a few DAEWHOAs and modded imports that do that (some only have stickers, but by default, these stickers offer hotter, faster, speedier and ricier performance).

      I aint ingenious, but maybe you could change it to:
      a) Home Entertainment Center (DVDs and the works), fun and great for dates (includes backseats)
      b) a speed boat, I saw someone do that before
      c) Fireplace
      d) huge, rolling, disco ball
  • by bahwi ( 43111 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @02:25AM (#5100474)
    I left some sprite in the car, and I LIVE IN TEXAS.
  • that's my idea of fun... a bunch of drunk sweaty men crammed shoulder-to-shoulder in a tiny-ass car munching on sausages :-/
  • There you go! (Score:5, Informative)

    by MagLub ( 642272 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @04:02AM (#5100706)
    Well, I'm one of the proud builders. We, who built the SAUNAAB live far, far, far away from the nordic countries. At least almost 2000km (more than 1000 miles) away at least. So, since we miss our saunas soooo much, we just had to build one. The reason for it to end up in a SAAB is that one of the guys own more than 20 SAAB's already and one was up for the scrap yard (as Nordics we usually take care of this, not leaving it for coming generations in the back yard. ;=) ). We kind of thought of it as a cool idea. All work was done late evenings and week ends. No unemployment here... We have to take care of those anti matter particles daytime, you know. Well, the SAUNA experience in the SAAB is very good. The steam hits you harder in the small volume the SAAB offers than in bigger saunas. Anyone nearby Geneva is welcome to have a look. ;=) //magnus
  • Sauna games (Score:5, Funny)

    by Jayman2 ( 150729 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @04:10AM (#5100728) Homepage Journal
    It reminds me of the sauna-game "Jokka". You take 6 people and a case of vodka, pour the vodka on the sauna - and wait a while. Afterwards someone leaves the sauna and the rest has to guess who!

    This game can be played by two players as well, but it requires more vokda!
  • by bobdotorg ( 598873 ) on Friday January 17, 2003 @04:11AM (#5100730)
    Ahhhhh.... Makes me yearn for the days when I was a professor in Finland.

    I had a sauna in my apartment, and my students taught me an old Finnish custom - turn the sauna up to about 105 (that's C), and stay in until you can't stand it any more. Then run outside and flop in the snow until you can't stand it any more. Then return to the sauna. Repeat as necessary.
    • I now think I have a better understand of why Linux came to be. :)
    • > old Finnish custom - turn the sauna up to about 105 (that's C), and stay in until you can't stand it any more. Then run outside and flop in the snow until you can't stand it any more. Then return to the sauna. Repeat as necessary.

      "Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen a angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they had."

      - Linus Torvalds

      This explains a lot, really.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Hello everyone,

    I am glad to see that most of you like what I and my friends built! It is actually a quite good SAUNA. We wanted a SAUNA and I had an "extra SAAB" available. Add some imagination and there you go... :-)

    Have a nice day all!

    -One of the constructors of the SAUNAAB.
  • This just confirms that Finnish people are mad. But especially about saunas. I worked in Finland for nearly a year. When I was looking round for a flat to rent, only about half of them had baths, but they all had saunas. One flat even had two saunas.
    But then, the offical figures are 1,500,000 saunas in a country of 4,500,000 people, so that's at least one per household.
    Where I worked, the main meeting room had a sauna next to it.
    You can even get saunas with full video conferencing or internet facilities now, for the executive who always needs to stay in touch (http://www.mediatampere.fi/sauna/).
  • ... or would that only come in litres?
  • Google Cache (Score:2, Informative)

    by skwog ( 101252 )
    is here [] [google.com [google.com]]
  • ... this is the best use of a SAAB I have ever seen.

  • This page reminded me of a joke I read in Readers Digest many moons ago:

    A man buys a nice sports car and peels out of the lot. Driving along he comes to a red light, where he's sitting next to another guy in a nice sports car. The first guy leans out his window and says, "Hey, I've got a GPS Map display in here."

    The other guy is wholely unimpressed. "Yes, I have one of those."

    "Well, I've also got a DVD player and satelight TV."

    "I have those as well. But do you have a double bed in the back of yours?"

    The man was dumbfounded. Just then the light turned green, and the two cars peeled off. The man went straight back to his dealer.

    A couple weeks later he was driving along when he saw the other sports car pulled over along side the road. He pulled behind it and got out. As he approached the other car, he noticed steam rolling out and the windows all fogged up. He knocked on the window. No response. He knocked again and waited. Finally the other driver opened the door, clad only in a towel. The guy said, "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I got a double bed installed in my car."

    The other driver replied, "You got me out of the shower to tell me that?"

  • suggest this to Monster Garage.

The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
