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Comment Point it at Second Life geometry (Score 1) 21

Yeah, it' still around.
SL has probably the largest unified collection of 3D geometry ever created.
Microsoft should point it at SL, use SL geometry as low-res hints, and use MS AI as the renderer.
Why decode video when the geometry has better metadata, especially on interiors?
It's so much more information richlooking at the data itself, instead of pure interpretation.
Second Life really doesn't have a point, other than being there, so it's a good fit for this.
And it doesn't have to reanimate avatars, just use who/what's there.

The thing SL doesn't have is a modern render engine,
but SL could supply all of the modeling, and the MS AI could be the renderer.
Not quite Ready Player One, but Second Life already has customers in-world
that are already familiar with a metaverse environment and are willing to pay for it.

We can't model and texture our way to the metaverse. This is how to do it.

Comment Jobs wouldn't have put this out (Score 4, Insightful) 30

He said
"You've got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology.
You can't start with the technology and try to figure out where you're going to try and sell it."

Apple may have done this better than some, but their implementation still smells of reactive desperation.

Comment How would it work? (Score 1) 168

In a simple case, a line that displays the current inventory of widgets.
What does it say?
Widgets: 10
10 Widgets
You have 10 widgets

How will it handle the 1 case?
Widgets: 1
1 Widgets
1 Widget
You have 1 widgets
You have 1 Widget(s)
You have one widget

How and where are the rules defined? Are they kept somewhere with the resulting code?
How does "Make it bigger and move it to the left a little more, No, not so much." work?
And this is a simple case.

Sounds like investor bait.

Comment I didn't get one either, but they did good work (Score 1) 130

It's not everyone's everything yet,
but Apple brought some better ideas to the VR face huggers.

Meta treated it like a phone. Run an app, exit, go dark, run another.
Apple had the idea to always keep you in a coherent environment.
Not throw you in the dark void when you switch tasks.
That's an important step in making these things work,
and other VR devices missed that, and it's difficult to do right.

What Apple needs to "succeed" is a shared realtime generative AI environment.
We can't model and texture and mocap our way to the metaverse.
That's the missing VR piece. It's a bit too soon, but close.

Apple's showing some capable hardware and now have some user field experience.
If somebody could make a continual, cohesive AI generated world,
even if it starts out looking not that great, not that big, hallucinations and all,
there will be many people that will pay and never leave.

Comment Caravan of Fools (Score 2, Insightful) 31

These captains of industry are lining up thinking that this time they will be the ones that will get the better of the insane sociopathic thief.
The joke will be on them when he launches his revenge nukes because he can't be King of the World. I give it to about the third week of February.

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