The Successor To Popunder Ads? 510
Croaker writes: "So, apparently, is trying out these new ads called "Shoshkeles" (the marketeer who came up with that name was on crack, no doubt). The result is an incredibly annoying experience of having crap run around the page you are reading, along with sound. And you thought banner ads sucked. The company responsible for the technology, United Virtualities says these are 'browser driven, platform agnostic, sound enabled, free moving forms that marry total creative license to a whole new level of effectiveness.' Effective in annoying, I guess." The site says "the ads only appear when using an Internet Explorer browser," though. Darn.
Wired.. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Wired.. (Score:3, Informative)
I agree, the Wired one is highly annoying. They will hopefully get the point when people start spending less than 2 seconds on their site.
Re:Wired.. and (Score:3, Interesting)
We responded by pulling our partnership with As we explained to them, banner ads and pop-up ads are one thing, but anything that literally takes over the users computer will not by tolerated.
marketeers.... (Score:5, Funny)
IE/Mac (Score:2)
Re:IE/Mac (Score:2, Informative)
Re:IE/Mac (Score:2)
Any bets on how long it takes Mozilla to work around this? I say 12.5 seconds.
Re:marketeers.... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:marketeers.... (Score:3, Informative)
"Finally, they are plug-in, browser and platform agnostic and require no action from the users in order to be viewed. "
but they use SWF...
I think that qualifies as out-right lying - but isn't that what advertising is all about?
Re:marketeers.... (Score:5, Insightful)
"platform agnostic" and runs on IE only... those marketeers never fail to amuse me.
Well, the literal meaning of "agnostic" is "in a manner without knowledge." A- gnostic. The dictionary lists "professing ignorance."
Perhaps running on IE only really is being agnostic. :)
Re:marketeers.... (Score:3, Funny)
That settles it. From now on I am an athiest. I will not _admit_ to professing ignorance.
Re:marketeers.... (Score:5, Funny)
origin of "Shoshkele" (Score:5, Funny)
Re:origin of "Shoshkele" (Score:4, Funny)
Re:origin of "Shoshkele" (Score:3, Funny)
That poor girl. And I thought Grizelda was bad.
Re:origin of "Shoshkele" (Score:4, Informative)
Potential for revenge? (Score:3, Funny)
"Shoshkeles, named for the middle daughter of their creator,
Maybe we can get them busted for child abuse?
Amazing (Score:5, Insightful)
At work I don't notice them, but at home on my cruddy 56kbps they cause a significant slow down - the result? Google gets even MORE of my traffic.
IE's Flash player (Score:4, Insightful)
While this "new" form of advertising (I put "new" in quotations, as this kind of thing has been around for almost a year -- though now it's got some ridiculous name) may seem very annoying, the ability to create transparent SWFs in both major browsers is something I have always wanted. Oh well, I doubt that'll ever happen.
So, to be safe, just stick with good ol' Navigator!
It works in Netscape 6.2 (Score:2, Informative)
It's very annoying.
Re:It works in Konqueror 2.2.1 (Score:5, Funny)
They seem to work in Navigator! (Score:2, Informative)
It turns out that the links just open up stand-alone SWFs. It's not the live site you're looking at!
Cheap. And somewhat misleading.
Yes, seen it before (Score:2)
Want to know what else is annoying? The new Microsoft banner ads. Ignoring the fact that they are MS ads, they would still be annoying as hell. They look like one of the large format banners, but if you even accidentally mouse over them for even just a fraction of a second, they blow up into a half page ad, complete with their new Madonna theme song. Can't find a current example (most were for the launch of XP), but they used to be quite heavily on Cnet's and also on, obvoiously, and
I work for an advertiser... (Score:2)
Re:I work for an advertiser... (Score:2)
For those who know some Hebrew - you might want to browse inside Israeli web site with IE - a true joy - flash is the default AD format, and they're jumping WAY ALL OVER - phones, cars, everything right in your face and the close mark is so tiny that you hardly can find it..
OTOH I'm using Konqueror most of the times - so I don't see those stuff anyway
Totally swf driven?! (Score:2)
Since they claim to be the actual ads I'm more than a little puzzled as to what these things really are...
My favourite quote from the press release was "rich media ad format" - in other words here's a pretty advert that will take you too long to download but which is trying to see you broadband.
If i had broadband that ad is unlikely to be of use to me, and if i didn't I would probably be cursing the fact that you have some damned new advert that wastes my meagre modem bandwidth!
Not clickable (Score:2)
Re:Not clickable (Score:5, Insightful)
CLickthroughs are a perverse form of measuring an adds effecity, and adopting this is why Internet advertising revenues have dropped so sharply. Ads are about increasing mindshare, getting word of your product out, and convincing people to try it. They're not suppose dto be "Hey look! Ford sells cars! I'm going to go buy one right NOW!". When was the last time you saw an ad on TV, to immediatly hop in your car and drive to the mall to purshase the item? CHances are, next to never. But maybe later, when you want something in that area, you will remember the ad. This is how advertising is supposed to work. All this clickthrough nonsense as a measure of how effective an ad is is retarded.
Re:Not clickable (Score:3, Informative)
Big companies can afford to run ads that just get you interesting in the brand name, or force you to remember their name whether you like it or not. They plan to be around for years, so they can play the waiting game... aww the waiting game sucks, let's play hungry hungry hippos instead! Smaller companies that rely on selling one little invention or gadget or service can't afford to wait weeks or months for business to start rolling in, they need clicks to their sites now, and if they don't get them, they're going to either start pulling their ads, or finding ways to make their ads more intrusive, so you have no choice but to watch them, and probably will be more likely to click on them (if for no other reason than by mistake cause they're covering up the story you want to read
What will they think of next ? (Score:2, Interesting)
Frankly, I have flash turned off in konqueror on FreeBSD, and hitting sites which make extensive use of flash would only guarantee that i never return again. If you can't create an ad which draws my attention and my interest with just the facts, then so long and thanks for all the fish.
I'm willing to bet that we'd start seeing initiatives within the opensource community to include filters within the opensource browsers (mozilla, konqueror) which automatically blocks 468x60 and 125x125 sized images, replacing them with either an interesting graphic or perhaps a random image from the user's disk. I'd much rather be looking at something I like over something which pops up and hits me right in the face, literally.
Without advertising, the truth is a lot of the free content we get will just not exist. This is a fact of the matter, and for this I tolerate banner ads over the page. However to take it one step further and thrust it into my nose is a little too much. Sites like these will hear the whooshing sound of my browser giving them the pass.
Covering the content (Score:2, Interesting)
It is as if you were trying to watch TV and a guy with a "Buy M&Ms" sign would step in front of the TV while my show is going on.
It'll happen soon enough (Score:2)
Just wait. In a couple of years, when the price of PVRs go down enough so that everyone can afford them, TV stations are going to start doing just that. Shoving advertising on top of regular TV content. Probably taking up portions of the screen like the side/top whatever. Maybe shrinking down the image and filling the borders with advertisements.
Long gone will be the days of bathroom breaks and channel surfing.
Ads work in Mozilla 0.9.3 (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Ads work in Mozilla 0.9.3 (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Ads work in Mozilla 0.9.3 (Score:2)
Re:Ads work in Mozilla 0.9.3 (Score:2)
Re:Ads work in Mozilla 0.9.3 (Score:3, Insightful)
Working in marketing ... (Score:3, Interesting)
All we need is a simple link at the bottom of the page that says "Lots of neat stuff". And when you click the link, you _actually_ get a page with lots of neat stuff. That would be freaking amazing! (:
Waah! I can't see 'em! (Score:2)
I feel so
Re:Waah! I can't see 'em! (Score:2)
Work under Opera 6.0 as well (Score:2)
These really aren't anything new per se; I swear I saw ads that used DHTML on Yahoo before (the one set I remember had birds flying from a small box ad on the lower part of the page up to the top banner ad shortly after loading. I bet that the yahoo ones didn't use sound, of course.
These have been around for a long while... (Score:2)
Microsoft used them to advertise Windows XP a whole lot.
IE won't die, but sites will (Score:5, Interesting)
As much as I would Microsoft to up and go away, well, these ads are not going to kill IE. IE is just too easy to get, runs all the stuff people want, and it comes on their Windows boxes.
However, sites that use these features are likely to lose users. Yeah, they'll keep their techy users who use Mozilla, etc., but their joe-average users will disappear. (Why should I read when I can read and get none of those crappy ads?)
Case in point is that I almost never visit C|Net or ZDNet anymore. The ads are lousy. The content doesn't justify the annoyance. I use to read [] all the time. Now I just visit [] and see where her latest articles are.
Reality is that advertising is only tolerated as long as it's justified. I click on the ads on Slashdot because they're well targetted. I read BBC News because there are no ads. I used to watch Sci-Fi because there were fewer ads. If it really comes down to it, eventually I'll only visit government sites and my paid subscriptions because like many a business user, I don't have time to wait the 5 seconds on a page while checking to see if an article is worth reading.
Re:IE won't die, but sites will (Score:5, Insightful)
I like to think these ads are targeted at my parents. Mom is not going to stop visiting because an ad for allergy medicine dumped a bunch of colored leaves on her web page for a few seconds. In fact, she likes the ad. (If you haven't seen this ad, get on an XP system with IE 6 and watch. It's actually pretty cool.)
While it probably annoys dad, he's not going to go back to watching the weather channel on TV, because the web site gets him the weather instantly compared to waiting for the local forecast on TV. And it would take quite an interruption for him to make him seek out another website for his weather.
Bottom line is that "joe-average users" don't give a shit about ads, and aren't going to alter their media consumption patterns to keep them away from what you may consider "lousy ads." The advertisers know this, and so are keeping up with technology in the name of competition.
(IANAA, but I do have a degree in Advertising.)
Re:IE won't die, but sites will (Score:2, Interesting)
Try to see how not to do it ...
I wanted a list of Ford Dealers to buy a spare part. I cant wait 30 mins for their flash crap to load, I can WALK to a Ford dealer quicker than that!
If someone uses Flash on their site, its a fair bet they DONT WANT CUSTOMERS TO VIEW IT.
A visit to Web Sites That Suck [] is recommended, especially to all car manufactuerers.
Incidentally, will these foolish things hang your PC if you don't have a sound card?
I have set Opera to identify as "Opera" - will that avoid the download time?
Web Ads (Score:2)
The real problem here is that the web is the number one application on the internet. We need to replace the web with a better internet application. Only, I can't think of anything else. Can you?
Re:Web Ads (Score:2)
The real problem here is that the web is the number one application on the internet. We need to replace the web with a better internet application. Only, I can't think of anything else. Can you?
The unfortunate thing is that we're already kind of stuck in this advertising revenue framework. There are better applications. Consider slashdot and other "news" sites. A much better application would be to have the news and messages in rdf or xml format, and then simply have the client display it however it wants. The number one reason why this is not done is because Slashdot wants to protect its ad revenue.
I suggest that VA Software reconsider this model. They're making basically nothing off of ad revenue anyway, and they have maybe 12 months of cash left. Even if they do succeed, it's not going to be because of ad revenue, it's going to be because of software licenses.
So I say to LNUX, as a last ditch effort, offer everything in XML format. The storys, the links, the messages, everything. At the very least you'll go out of business one month earlier. But maybe you won't, and/or maybe you'll be able to start a whole new paradigm in the mean time.
"... no discernable download..."? HA!!! (Score:2, Insightful)
Downloading a regular ad is usually slow through my dial-up connection. The size of the ad usually dwarfs the rest of the page. I definitely do not want to be downloading a flash ad before I can see my content.
Platform-agnositc (Score:2)
Second, how can it be both "platform-agnostic" and yet only show up on IE? It just goes to show that the buzzword list was created in the complete absence of information on the product.
Third, let me say that I am glad this is IE only, as it won't affect my browsing under Mozilla.
Fourth, what is it with marketing people - do they STUDY to learn how to alienate their customers, or to they just come into it naturatlly?
Re: The Successor To Popunder Ads (Score:2, Interesting)
I did see something similar with my old email provider[] - a picture of a cellphone popped up in front of my email message, and started looping crazily around the screen. I changed email providers and haven't visited them since.
However, it can get quite annoying to visit a site (mostly big corporations with "professional" web designers) to see nothing but a blank page... The number of times I've thought a website didn't exist, only to look at the source and see a list of JavaScript calls to display the page.
I'm working on a wrapper for IE5, where you can toggle pictures/popups/javascript/security zone at the touch of a button, so that should sort out most of the problems...
Another way to kill them... (Score:3, Informative)
Well, on IE5 for OS X anyway...
If you control-click (or right click if you have a two-button mouse) the menu that pops up as a bunch of Flash options. Click on "Rewind" (there's no "Stop" option) and the ad goes away and doesn't come back.
I know the obvious solution would be to disable Flash, but my daughter likes playing online games that require it, so that's not an option...
Whats the point? (Score:2, Interesting)
Only problem is, if you go to a pop-stars webpage like 'westlife' and the program says "error: no useful content found"
Works in Mozilla too! (Score:2, Informative)
Great to see Mozilla catching up to Explorer....
No, it's "Shoshkele ™" (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm thinking that sooner or later, people will start ripping off this ad style, and they're not going to call it a "Shoshkele". Unless UV patents this ad method, (and IANAL) I don't see how they can keep others from ripping them off. Besides, I've already seen annoying ads like these on
Now all we need is a filter for this sort of crap in Mozilla and I'll go back to using it.
Re:No, it's "Shoshkele ™" (Score:2)
The more recent, more annoying ads are the reason I've stopped using I like the site, but the ads are just too annoying.
I have no objection to advertisments, but I do have an objection to them if they are annoying. I used to use because they had good local radar graphics. But even their radar graphics aren't worth the annoyance of their advertisments!
Now I exclusively use ADDS [], a government provided service with no advertisments (which has some nice Java tools, too).
Not that annoying IMO (Score:3, Interesting)
The sound part is really obnoxious, though.
Also, this isn't the first time something like this has been tried, although it may be the first time the crap appeared on top of the content you're trying to get, yahoo used something similar a while back on their main page.
As for these only working in IE? Well, that's just because the advertising company didn't bother to spend like 5 minutes getting the implementation to work in Moz, having done DHTML in both IE and Moz, I can say that it's can be a pain, and clutter up your code, to get something that will work in both, it's certainly possible. Oh look, also threw in a pup under, just for fun. Advertising a broken image, apparently.
Re:Not that annoying IMO (Score:2, Informative)
Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that. Plugins in Mozilla are based on the Netscape 4 plugin architecture. This means that they don't support transparency or layering as they do in the Flash ActiveX control. So, the marekting company would have to also contract with Macromedia to develop a "window-less" plugin API for Mozilla for all platforms. Basically, all that they could do now in Mozilla is have a box show up on the screen. You currently cannot get the same effect as you do in IE. And because of that, you more than likely will get agencies to start pushing IE becaus eyou can do crap like this. BTW, window-less plugins are not supported on Mac OS either so it doesn't work there either.
icbw but I think salon is running some of them too (Score:2)
You know, really, I don't mind banner ads all that much, as long as they are reasonably circumspect and don't actively try to annoy me. I've even been know to click on some of them if they looked interesting. However, I've pledged to myself that I will not click on the ads for or buy ANYTHING from companies that use hectic, spasm-inducing animated gifs, super-size flash ads, ads with sound, popunder ads, popup ads, or any other species from the menangerie of ads whose theory seems to be "Let's stick our thumb up the user's butt, and he'll be really pissed off now! Somehow, that'll make him wanna buy our cheap crap! Yeahyeahyeah! Hand me the crack pipe again, bob!".
Could just as well say: (Score:3, Funny)
It gets worse... 'vokens' (Score:2, Interesting)
After research, I found that many of the big compnays are doing this type of advertising but all under different names as if that make the technology proprietary.
So far,,,, are all doing them. You can see an annoying one on
The problem with the technology is great. We found that if we let an external company put a 'voken' on our website with a Javascript Source tag, they could hijack the entire site via the DOM.
A quick presentation to my management with a development box showing how I could, with a voken stored on one of my personal servers, take over our compnay's website and put my own message up stopped our research into the technology.
Do not, under any circumstances put a tag in your code when the source is nto on a trusted server.
It will never work on a Mac or Linux. (Score:2, Informative)
This was never implemented on the Mac, and I don't think Netscape ever bothered to get it working on Linux either (hard to tell seeing how very few developers released plugins for Linux or any other UNIX OS). So, IMHO, this is kind like a huge plug for alternative OS's like OS X and Linux simply because these ads can't work. If I recall correctly, there are plans to eventually include window-less controls in Mozilla. This is a good idea for designers and such but we all know that some marketing schmoe is going to abuse it. Much like they are now.
Yahoo too (Score:2)
These people have to understand how it is going to effect their site! I think it detracts from what the site is really offering, and I'm willing to bet that a lot of viewers won't be inclined to use the site as they had previously. Once this type of advertising demonstrates the damage it can cause to a site's image and readership, then we'll move on the next phase of advertising... how about something that doesn't suck?
Time to edit the hosts file.... (Score:2)
I use to collect my own list, and then I found [] 's site that covers most everything.
Now if I could just figure out how to replace all 1px images with my own transparent gif - damn those web bugs....
Re:Time to edit the hosts file.... (Score:3, Informative)
IMG[height="1"][width="1"], IMG[height="1px"][width="1px"]
{display: none !important;}
This file is in the chrome subdirectory of your person profile. It's a bit of stylesheet that overrides everything else and prevents mozilla from loading any 1x1 image. OK so some pages where webauthors might be using these as spacers might display a bit. Boohoo.
Nothing new - and runs on Netscape (Score:2)
Actually, I like them (Score:5, Insightful)
Ok, they're really annoying, but at least they're creatively made. And let's face it. Ads are the main driving force of all the media. Why should the net be any different? There is no such thing as a 'free lunch' as everyone knows...
Not that I like ads, but I understand sites need to have a way to survive. What I would like to see, though is:
People really should stop being so selfish. I'm starting to believe that the 'geek' title so many people here are proud to use is nothing more than a certificate of insensitiveness, egocentrism and selfishness...
How about... growing up?
That is not the point (Score:3, Insightful)
Take for example. Massive ads for some or other casino every time I visit. Big waste of bandwidth for me - big waste of resources for them. Big waste all round, because I am not interested in gambling at all.
Now, after I have not clicked on an ad for the 700th time, the advertiser should slowly start getting a message. "Hmmm, maybe this guy does not like gambling. How about we try some car adverts on him?" As they have a cookie to track me already, how difficult can this be!?
Re:Actually, I like them (Score:3, Insightful)
Ok, they're really annoying, but at least they're creatively made.
Yeah, and so were banner ads for the first year (tops). If the history of the web is any indication, it won't take long before the uncreative marketing types drown us all in absolute garbage.
People really should stop being so selfish. I'm starting to believe that the 'geek' title so many people here are proud to use is nothing more than a certificate of insensitiveness, egocentrism and selfishness...
Selfish is expecting to be rewarded in any way for putting up some crap site. Because most here are geeks, we do understand what it takes to put a site together and what it is "worth", either in subscription cost or ad annoyance. Far too many sites overvalue their content, and that is why you're never going to see them move to a subscription model, because then reality really comes crashing down on you when you discover that your site is so worthless that people won't pay a bloody buck a month for it.
How about... growing up?
How about getting back to the idea that the web was based on (sharing information) instead of trying to turn everything into a profit making venture?
Re:Actually, I like them (Score:3, Funny)
Anyhoo. The ads are for the suckers. It's just another stupid tax. For those people too stupid to use mozilla, too stupid to use a proxy, too stupid to change their home page, too stupid to do anything but open their mouths wide so that corporations can shovel shit down their throats.
I say let the stupid pay the stupid tax. The rest of us can enjoy ourselves at their expense.
BTW. This kind of thing is exactly why IE invented. IE is not a web browser it's an advertisement delivery device to windows users.
Test market research? (Score:2)
It lasted for less than a week, and I never saw anything like it since. I believe people bitched so loudly at them that they decided to stop running the ads. Now they're using the "redirect" ads for the AV Club section (click on link, get a full-page ad that redirects you to the content after a pause). Very annoying.
I give up: Where do I pay? (Score:2)
Of course this means information will be less available, but I can afford a little expense to have a pleasant online experience.
Where do I sign up for a pre-paid, ad-free Internet?
A great way to LOSE readers and customers. (Score:2)
flash demos (Score:2)
I think it is a bit strange that they arent using the actual html to perform their dog and pony show.
unbelievable (Score:4, Interesting)
Y'know, reading the comments here, I had no idea what I'd been missing. You people have been stuck with ads that are literally taking over your computers, and not in the old-fashioned millions-of-onexit-porn-windows sense, either. And all you can say is "well, that's pretty annoying, so I don't go to that site anymore"?? Wake up!
At least now I know that everyone who crows about how IE is such a superior browser have been just blowing smoke for the last few years - using the supposedly "inferior" Netscape browser, all I seem to miss out on are annoying advertisements. Sure, I'll admit that Netscape has problems, but I can honestly say that nothing about using NS 4.7x over the past few years has ever been as annoying as having an ad take over my whole computer screen the way it's described here.
Face it - for all your IE boosterism, you've been using and applauding a superior marketing platform, nothing more. Considering that Microsoft is basically an advertising business, maybe this shouldn't be as much of a surprise to me... god, I'm about to turn into one of those lynx-using elitists. Ack!
Vote for Mozilla Bug 70805 (Score:2, Interesting)
It sounds like a perfect solution for people who want to keep Flash available while avoiding "Shoshkeles" and the like.
As ever they have it all wrong. (Score:3, Insightful)
OK, I'm an admin at a rather large (5000ish users) messageboard. [] Pray excuse the blatant plug but this is a fairly good case in point. People tend to spend extensive amounts of time on it, and the average users online is somewhere in the region of fifty during busy hours. So, naturally one would expect the company running the banner ads running our site to be thrilled (well, we dont do business with them directly, instead we go via the GSN network). Err, yeah possibly. Now let's examine the demographic for a second here. Check the calendar and some people's profiles and it would appear that most people are around, say, 14-21 years of age, with a lot living in Canada and the united kingdom, as well as the US.
So why the bloody hell do I see ads for god damn anti-baldness cream?! Saw these a while ago. I dont know many teenagers with a hairloss problem. Only, now we see some long-distance offers for as little as 4 cents per hour! wow! I'm ecstatic! please! tell me where to sign up!!!!
Oh, hang on
See, if you resolve my IP, it ends in .uk
So I'm not eligible for the service.
Such a pity they wasted an impression on me.
This shouldnt be happening. Come on, if they stopped using their technical expertise to come up with elaborate systems which send me cookies but don't even sharpen their focus, they might be able to come up with something a bit more clever. Like resolving my IP (I'm gonna view more than one page per site so they can cache it) and serving me an ad based on something that's available in my area. Like an ADSL ISP in the UK with interesting rates - this might actually warrant me to click on it, and considering most people don't suddenly drop everything and tear off to their nearest Volkswagen dealership as soon as they see an ad on TV, that's an impression definately NOT wasted.
Or during the signup process for our site we could supply some information about us. Like the fact that we're a site based around a computer game series, or that most people here arent actually old enough to take out a credit card account with all those wonderful APR incentives. Serve me an ad for where I can get a PS2 or GeForce3 in the UK on the cheap! I'd click that too!
No, let's be big, flashy and patronising. That's always worked, hasnt it. Morons.
BIG QUESTION (Score:4, Insightful)
Do advertisements work? Is there really an increase in sales after a product is advertised? Does everyone run out and buy Vidal Sassoon when the salon advertisement plays? Does GM really sell more "like a rocks" because of their ads?
I understand that at one level, advertisements must work: people won't buy a product if they aren't aware of it.
But beyond making people aware (ie. stating "Hey, this product exists, here's what it can do for you" in the simplest possible form), does advertising work?
Do flashy annoying ads work better than static ads?
Or are businesses being suckered by the world's best conmen?
Here is a good practice for IE users (Score:5, Informative)
It not only kills this kinda crap, it also protects you from the malicious IE/activeX hole of the week.
Now, since all plugins are installed as an activeX control of sometype (including java and flash), you need to say Yes when prompted for those. You'll quickly learn when to say yes and no from practice. You can't make a mistake since you're basically always saying yes by default. If you say No and some page functionality you WANT to see is lost, reload and answer Yes.
full screen windows are a bad idea anyway (Score:3, Insightful)
Umm, folks, wtf? Why is this a problem? (Score:4, Informative)
Tools | Internet Options
Security Tab. Click Custom Level. Select everything under "ActiveX" to "prompt" (or "disable").
Click Ok. Click Apply.
Enjoy your Shoshkele-less surfing.
who is tired of
P.S. Since were so nice about carefully commenting what their HTML does, I should have my "Kill Shoshkeles" rule for the Proxomitron written in about 20 minutes.
Re:Umm, folks, wtf? Why is this a problem? (Score:3, Interesting)
We Have To Pay The Hosting Bills (Score:3, Insightful)
Y'all can't free-ride forever -- these hosting and bandwidth fees have to be paid somehow. Yes, the ads suck, yes, they're poorly-placed, yes, they don't pertain to you, yes, they're intrusive. But that's not our fault. Most of us are just trying to break even so that we can pursue our hobby sites. So suck it up and deal with terrible ads.
-Waldo Jaquith
Why these might succeed (Score:4, Interesting)
Think about it, if you were watching a television and an ad for a new car came up, and you had a button on your remote to stop watching your show and get more information about the car, how many people would hit the button? Zero. That's exactly what banner ads are doing.
Impressions are everything, clicking on a banner ad is unsurprisingly a very rare occasion. Just like the ads on TV, when you have a banner ad you're paying for product exposure and awareness, nothing more. Advertisers shouldn't expect a banner ad to turn directly into profit (ie, user clicks on banner ad, goes to site, immediately buys product. See: affiliate programs) since no other ad model expects this (except maybe those Call Now! TV ads.)
I honestly don't have a problem with these flyover ads. They're in there for the right reason: exposure. Banner ads never really did the job as far as exposure goes, simply because they're very easy to completely avoid glancing over for the trained web user.
These new ads are probably clickable, but I would expect that the exposure element is what you're paying for. You don't have to read the site, so you have no right to bitch. I think this model will end up being the most successful (though yes, the most annoying for anal Slashdot anti-ad centric users.)
Too many people here seem to forget that the ads are not target towards Linux running cookie-avoiding anti-Flash/Glitz/graphics geeks. They're targeted towards the people who look at the web like an interactive up to date television, and for those people, this will probably succeed better than the others. You guys are a speck on the radar, and for all the snickering about "haha platform agnostic my ass!" and "I'll just turn off Flash! I am so smart!" they might be the ones laughing all the way to the bank in the end. I guess we'll just have to see.
Persistent problem with Slashdot (Score:5, Informative)
A lot of the comments have been based on not understanding this. People post "it works in $browser on $OS."
More fundamentally, this is a persistent problem with Slashdot. Neither the story submitter nor the editor takes the two minutes to dig up and answer the most obvious question or confusion that will arise from the provided links. Therefore instead of an informed discussion we get lots of people blundering around in the dark, powered by misconceptions.
Re:ads for IE only... (Score:3, Interesting)
Am I the only mozilla user who clicked on the link anyway, and had the page sit there doing nothing until I got bored?
Re:ads for IE only... (Score:2, Interesting)
I clicked the link, and much to my suprise (dismay?), the ad appeared and worked fine. I then tried the other four ads from link, and they worked also. This is with mozilla nightly with the crossover plugin on x86 Slackware 8. I think moz has gotten a little *too* featureful.
Re:ads for IE only... (Score:2, Informative)
mozilla default settings (Score:3, Informative)
Then, if you want ads, you can just turn them on.
Re:mozilla default settings (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:mozilla default settings (Score:5, Informative)
Re:ads for IE only... (Score:2)
Re:NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! (Score:2)
Yes, you may not get to see all the uber-leet newest flash funnies that you may want without re-enabling it for a few mins, but its better this way.
I had mine enabled until a site I go to has started using flash up the wazoo... Lets say its enough to drive my machine into making it act badly... flash graphics..
Re:NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! (Score:5, Informative)
Spiritual Remains
Re:Good Enough (Score:2, Interesting)
In my hosts file I have
I also have a lot of others like and but it seems to help if you don't use flash for these "new" types of ads
Re:Use Lynx, then you won't have a problem... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:kill them (Score:2)
Your argument could apply to JPG's as well if you see enough 500K imagemap driven pages.
Flash actually has its uses (Score:2)
Re:"Platform agnostic" (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Atleast surfers should be happy that .... (Score:2)
> into advertisements, like on TV.
Wrong. You are missing the point. Noone likes having to watch advertisements on TV. Noone wants the internet to become like TV.
>For those of
>you complaining, I'd recommend spending your
>energies working on a viable micropayment system
>which will allow the webmasters to keep their
>content driven sites open.
No! For those of you complaining, stop going to these websites that "litter" the internet, you have the power!
I've recently gotten "off" of Yahoo! for exactly this reason...and you know what? I'm just as productive with AltaVista and I don't have to wait for the pizzas (read "litter") to get off the screen to use their search engine.
Re:cool! (Score:4, Informative)
This type of ad can be implemented without Flash, using only DHTML and transparent GIF's.
I would be careful before declaring complete immunity. It looks like this particular advertiser chose to target only IE users.
For an intelligent and mostly accurate discussion (with examples)of the technology, called "DHTML Flying Ads", go to the DoubleClick site:
I really like this sentence: "However, because they command so much attention, there is the potential for a negative user reponse -- to help prevent this, campaigns should be run in short flights or with frequency caps."
Judging by the activity level here, they sure got that right.
I have detailed knowledge of the techniques because I am the author of PopUpCop, a shareware add-in for IE 5 and above that can block this type of annoying web site behavior, if the user turns of script timers and Flash autoplay....