Ricochet May Go Away; Metricom Files Chapter 11 115
friday2k writes: "As seen on news.com Metricom finally files for chapter 11. This is too sad. Anyone know of good alternatives out there?" Nooooo! Don't do this to me! The story says, "the company intends to keep the wireless Internet service up and running for the time being," so perhaps all is not lost. Even though it's a little pricey at ~$70/month, and only works in a few cities, Metricom's Ricochet is absolutely the best wireless Internet service I've ever used. Their coverage maps have been accurate and they have always treated Linux users decently (unlike this sorry bunch). I hope a decent company buys Metricom, figures out a way to make money with the system, and bring it to the rest of the U.S., even the rest of the world. Meanwhile, all I can do is plaintively echo friday2k's question: Anyone know of good alternatives out there? (Even 19.2KBPS would be okay with me if the service is Linux-friendly and has good nationwide coverage.)
damn (Score:1)
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:2)
I finally gave up on both Novatel and Verizon.
I guess I'll try Sprint PCS next. Supposedly the Kyocera phones they offer will handle straight AT commands through the serial port, so they ought to work with Linux fairly easily.
- Robin
Re:My Plan for Metricom (Score:2)
Buy those wireless modems fast. (Score:2)
Tie a bunch of them together over a wide range, and you can use them to leapfrog all the way back to your own bandwidth.
For me, this will work just fine. I live a block away from my office, where I have good bandwidth, and I won't have much difficulty getting the local coffeeshops to let me set up a wireless modem or two to act as node relays back to the home base...
Yeah, though. It is a shame Ricochet is going belly-up. They provided a really, really good service. I can't work out how they managed to lose out - their service rocks, and I'm perfectly happy paying $79.95 a month for it
Better than I can say for the average ISP, I'd imagine...
Re:Nooooooooo! (Score:2)
Re:Jerry Pournelle is going to be pissed. :) (Score:2)
Jerry Pournelle is going to be pissed. :) (Score:3)
Bandwidth wants to be free! Really, it does. :)
Wow... (Score:2)
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:2)
I had Ricochet service in DC, but my application was fairly mobile (in a vehicle), and the cell hand-off always seemed to fail. In downtown San Francisco, coverage was dense enough that this was less of a problem, but in suburban DC I would have to re-connect every minute or so while driving.
I went to Verizon CDPD with the Sierra Aircard 300. It's firmware looks like a NIC to the PC, so the connection is more solid...it reconnects automagically so you don't have to.
I found CDPD coverage to be much better than Ricochet, and did though CDPD was a little bit slower, I prefered CDPD...especially on the Amtrak going from DC to New York.
That said, I was hoping that the new high-speed Ricochet would come to DC. The DC suburbs are home to many Net-head early adopters (think MAE East, AOL, etc.)
Glad I didn't buy that stock (Score:2)
Even so, it's painful to see it finally happening. I believe in Metricom, and think that someone else will buy them out of bankruptcy, a la Iridium. That'll be the company to invest in.
Yours truly,
Mr. X
...humming Another One Bites the Dust...
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:3)
where can I get ricochet hardware? (Score:2)
I want the hardware... It's cool. and too bad they are dying.. they could have done well if they would have expanded past california or the "select few".. the service never was available for 98% of the geek population.
Re:Ricochet is still signing up subscribers in CA. (Score:1)
Re:Using my ricochet right now! (Score:1)
the novatel card does seem to perform noticably better than the sierra card on the systems under windows, but still only gets about 300kbps on those systems. Under macos9 on a powerbook g4, I usually get 400-500kbps.
Fear not? (Score:1)
Re:The problem (Score:1)
Bawah, I've heard enough (Score:2)
Pretty much the only way to cost-effectively enter a market with wireless *BROADBAND* internet access is by being a small company with knowledge of the economic climate and physical characteristics of a region. Trying to develop a business plan that encompasses offering wireless service on the rolling, treeless hills of Southern California and also the dense brush of New England is virtually impossible.
If you want information about the ISPs who are offering wireless broadband service using 802.11 and other technologies (personally, I think wireless ATM would make a lot more sense than wireless Ethernet, but that's a topic for another day), go to where the WISPs talk about it themselves... ISP Planet's isp-wireless mailing list (and associated archives) at www.isp-wireless.com.
...More Powerful than Otto Preminger...
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:1)
From the Sprint Wireless Web Connection FAQ [sprintpcs.com]:
How does my Sprint PCS Phone differ from a standard external modem?
Aside from the obvious difference that it's wireless, the biggest difference between your Sprint PCS Phone and an ordinary modem is that there's no modem in your Sprint PCS Phone, PC, or laptop - the modem actually resides within the Sprint PCS Nationwide Network. However, to your computer, your phone looks the same as an ordinary 14400 bps external serial modem. To you, the important difference is that your connection is wireless.
Altough I never had much luck with Sprint's (optional) compression/proxy software.
Re:Novatel (OmniSky/GoAmerica, etc) has 19kbps PPP (Score:1)
Unlimited Omnkisky service is as cheap as $29/month.
I use it with my Visor, and it's a little slow but still usable.
Re:19.2k access (Score:1)
Re:Way to make money (Score:1)
Re:Nooooooooo! (Score:1)
... well, no, there's also Sprint Broadband [sprintbbd.com], which is a fixed wireless antenna with 1.5 Mbps throughput for almost half the price ($40/month) of Ricochet. I've been quite happy with it -- feel free to read other reviews on DSLReports [dslreports.com].
Re:damn (Score:2)
Cell Modem (Score:1)
Re:WWC (Score:1)
> florida and back -- even if you are on the west coast?
1 90 ms 331 ms 100 ms NRP1-ge-0-0-0.TK.ESR.SJO.intnet.net []
2 90 ms 141 ms 80 ms
3 170 ms 171 ms 70 ms
4 100 ms 80 ms 70 ms
5 90 ms 90 ms 151 ms POS11-0-0.GW2.SFO4.ALTER.NET []
6 120 ms 170 ms 201 ms 129.ATM3-0.XR1.SFO4.ALTER.NET []
7 161 ms 140 ms 160 ms 291.at-1-0-0.XR1.SAC1.ALTER.NET []
8 91 ms 180 ms 100 ms 0.so-0-0-0.XL1.SAC1.ALTER.NET []
9 160 ms 130 ms 170 ms POS6-0.BR6.SAC1.ALTER.NET []
10 150 ms 141 ms 110 ms
11 160 ms 170 ms 141 ms core3-core5-oc48.sjc2.above.net []
12 541 ms 250 ms 210 ms core5-sjc2-oc48-2.sjc1.above.net []
13 280 ms 851 ms 1172 ms main1-core6-oc12.sjc1.above.net []
14 240 ms 791 ms 731 ms www.above.net []
Re:Ricochet (Score:1)
They may have fixed some of those problems since then, I don't know.
The modems themselves were somewhat inconvenient, although I think I've seen pcmcia form factor cards at Fry's - they should've had those from the start - it would've made it a lot easier to carry around.
As I recall, the ricochet modems can operate point-to-point, so it would be possible to take a few of these things and create some sort of private net with it. How useful that would be, I can't say. Especially since wireless ethernet came out recently.
Not in South Atlanta. (Score:1)
They never stretched far enough south of Atlanta for me to consider putting our techs onto the system.
$70 a month for mobile isdn speeds was VERY reasonable.
Do it yourself... (Score:2)
According to him there's a single configuration bit in the modems (at least the ones available several years ago) that switches it between being a portable leaf node and a base station. By flipping a user could donate bandwidth from his high-speed connection to his neighborhood. (Of course he'd have to run it through ipmasq on his firewall...)
Don't know the details. Perhaps somebody from the company could verify and expand, or deny, this story.
xargs (Score:2)
Define "a decent company" nowadays companies are just trying to stay afloat. What does using Linux have anything to do with an ISP anyhow? I have FreeBSD running over Earthlink, Level3, and two other ISP's and have never had a problem using any ISP. I've even set my brother up over AOL so he could tinker with Linux.
There are plenty of other compsnies to choose from regarding Internet services, and anyone who counts on an Internet related company nowadays is a fool considering dozens go kaboom on a daily basis.
Using my ricochet right now! (Score:5)
Not many people know this but the Ricochet can actually handle 256k. I have a patched Linux 2.4.5 kernel and run it over USB (serial can't handle > 128k) and I get 240 throughput often.
It would be a REAL shame if this goes away.
All this dotcom stuff is really going to set back technology. The stupid VC have invested in dump companies (Eazel) and inflated the economy and now smart/cool companies have to pay the price (Ricochet).
BroadBand2Wireless out of business too! (Score:2)
Quite sad given the enthusiasm of the slashdot crowd in the earlier referenced article.
Jeffrey Katz (curious) has his comments on the service here. [airora.com]
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:2)
I pay $70 per month for unlimited access, and I connect at 480kbs here in North Hollywood. I haven't tried it anywhere else yet, but I hear the LA network is the newest (only came up last January or February) so I was told to expect to be faster here than elsewhere for the time being. 480kbs is faster than my last DSL was. It is a great, great service. I also had a phone briefly that had "Wireless Web" and it was a piece of shit. Besides the fact that the phone couldn't find the network all the time, the content and UI was garbage. It's not worth paying for, which is why most people don't pay for it. Ricochet works great, though
Better than ricochet (Score:1)
I would LOVE to find investors to do a Ricochet replacement only at speeds of about 1Mbps and better.. Wouldnt take much to start up.. Problem is finding an investor who wants his capital to go to startups in several cities at once...
I had a small wireless station myself where a few friends and I shared a T1 line.. it was very nice and very fast.. and the startup wasnt that much.. its the tower fees that will kill you
Tower owners want wireless broadband to pay as much as cellular customers.. which means up to $25k/month in high population areas... Tower ownership eats profits.
that being said.. Ricochet came out too soon with too low bandwidth for too much money. I can offer 1Mbps speeds for the same amount with simple equipment thats very reliable and works with Windows/Mac/Linux/BSD/Solaris.
Re:You have no clue.. do i? (Score:1)
see what i posted before "Tower owners want wireless broadband to pay as much as cellular customers.. which means up to $25k/month in high population areas... Tower ownership eats profits"
Please READ then post. so you wont look quite so idiotic.
you sure??? (Score:1)
so.. yes i DO know the details
These guys are just starting up... (Score:2)
After seeing how effectively the telcos managed to do in the CLECs, I'm thinking wireless may be the only hope of a competitive solution if you want an internet provider other than @home.
Nooooooooo! (Score:4)
An example is southern Los Altos, California, near the Foothill Expressway/CA 280 intersection. Not exactly an undeveloped area!
My Ricochet connection I have is not a convenience that I use when I just go travel -- it is MY PRIMARY BROADBAND CONNECTION.
Besides Ricochet, the only other option is satellite, which is just as expensive, but with horrible latency problems to boot, making them almost useless for anything interactive like telnet/ssh.
Poor Ricochet.. (Score:1)
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:1)
Hmm... (Score:1)
There goes my net connection.... (Score:1)
No, you don't know the details (Score:1)
Re:Jerry Pournelle is going to be pissed. :) (Score:2)
Re:The problem (Score:2)
Metricom has been around since 1985, and has been offering Ricochet service since the early 1990s. Much build-out has already been done. But they can't get enough people to sign up to make money on it.
The problem (Score:3)
Novatel (OmniSky/GoAmerica, etc) has 19kbps PPP (Score:1)
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:1)
AOL on *nix? (Score:1)
OK, I gotta ask: Assuming you don't just mean getting AOL to run on Wine, how did you do this? I could never get them to give me ANY information on what protocols they used, what the adresses of any of their servers were, or, in general, anything else I needed to get internet access through them on my Linux box (When I first started playing, I didn't want to pay for access twice, anf my wife did not want to give up her AOL). At this point, I am merely curious (I have DSL now), but I would like to know how you pulled this off.
19.2kb/sec alternative works great with Linux. (Score:1)
It works just like the Ricochet - i.e., you use it via pppd scripts. I just signed up for the #@!^ing Ricochet, though, because I thought their
latest big marketing push meant that they were
finally starting to do alright!
More the fool me, heh. At least you can use the CDPD whilst moving, whereas the Ricochet doesn't
like that very much.
The future of the Internet (Score:1)
Well there are good sides and bad sides to this. As someone pointed out the good side of this is that some people may be able to get there hands on some nice wireless equipment rather cheap. and i think this is more important than having a comercial wireless provider. Having wireless is nice but if it relies on a single company that can disapear as quickly as this one there is a problem. Currently almost everyones internet access relies on a comercial provider, well actually multiple providers, with large areas being reliant on a single low level provider (a baby bell or a cable company, well actually both in many cases). If one of these companies systems goes down communication goes down, your internet goes down. and to most people this is acceptable, it will eventually come back up, because they make money off of it. but what if all of the sudden one of these low level providers decided to charge a whole lot more for internet access than they currently do, then everyone has to pay more, making the internet unavailable to everyone but the upper classes. If you think about it it is already causing division, there are many people who still cant afford the internet, who cant pay a monthly fee because they have to spend all the money they have trying to feed their family. Well what if the Internet was free? Of course you are thinking that free internet isnt possible, because someone has to pay for the lines, someone has to pay for the bandwidth, someone has to pay for the resources to keep it up. But why is this? The bandwidth is all around us. You may not be able to see it but it is there, it is free, and wireless technology lets you use it. And if everyone who wants the internet instead of having a modem had a wireless card of some kind of any kind and were in range of a few other machines with wireless, and they all knew how to route then it would be free, everyone would be able to use it, there would be no need to pay a monthly fee, because there would be no company in charge of it. Yes there are some technical problems that need to be worked out for this to work as i have described, and it may take a little bit for the speed of the type of wireless necesary to catch up with the speed of current wired conections, but if people start working on it, and setting up what they can, setting up wireless everywere they can and making it available to the public, share your internet connection, get enough people interested, and enough equipment out there and then we can work on the software, and the hardware, and teach the wireless points to talk to each other and not just through the wired network. and then it will be free, everyone will be able to communicate, everyone will have open access to information. okay enough rambling. the technology is out there, 802.11, ax25, etc.. its there, use it, and share it.
They're not going out of business... (Score:1)
Re:Hughes DirecPC going 100% wireless satellite (Score:1)
Ricochet is MOBILE.
Try humping that satellite dish setup down to the park or to a client's office.
Surplus Hardware! Woohoo! (Score:1)
Buyout? (Score:2)
Re:Jerry Pournelle is going to be pissed. :) (Score:2)
Slashdot to the rescue (Score:2)
Ricochet is still signing up subscribers in CA... (Score:1)
I was so tempted to sign up for the service even though it's a little pricey (but when the only service I can get is IDSL at $99/mo... ah well). This would be mainly for the 505FX running Linux only, and the guy said it does not support Linux. I'm sure with some patch, I could make it work, but hey, I WANT the provider to give me this out of the box.
The Linux user population is getting larger and larger everyday, I think service providers and manufacturers should view this segment of the market as a profit-making market. Why? because Linux users tend to cost less for them for support, as Linux users are more technical.
"Linux-friendly" (Score:2)
Re:19.2kb/sec alternative works great with Linux. (Score:1)
Oh, is that all they have to do... (Score:1)
2) Extend service to the rest of the world
3) Offend no existing users.
I can't see why no company has jumped on this juicy opportunity yet.
Re:will someone explain dumping on Eazel? (Score:1)
You'll note you mentioned nothing about finding a successful wait to make money. No money == no company. That's way they are looked upon with disdain. They just lept aboard the Linux train and hoped to find a way to pay everyone who was producing the software.
Re:Jerry Pournelle is going to be pissed. :) (Score:1)
www.catalog.com/hopkins/text/pourne-smut.html [catalog.com]
802.11 Wide Area (Score:1)
It isn't mobile like Ricochet, no checking email on BART or a bus, but for the DSL and Cable less I think it's a good replacement. Service is great, though at $200 its a little pricey to setup when compared to Earthlink's DSL setup charges.
Dont worry (Score:2)
Re:Using my ricochet right now! (Score:1)
With apologies to Paul Simon: (Score:2)
Mama don't take my Ricochet
Mama don't take my Ricochet away
Wireless access out in the sticks (Score:1)
don't panic (Score:1)
Look at the bright side.... (Score:2)
damn shame (Score:1)
I wrote, called, and begged them to bring that pricing to the Los Angeles and Orange County market. They just won't do it.
There are people here, waiting to sign up, but not at $70 a month when most of us are already paying for DSL. At $44.95 it could replace DSL for everyone I know, not to mention it's portable! I don't know why they never lowered their prices.
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:1)
Ricochet also uses some flavor of PPP dialup I believe, so they are also based on some sort of standard at least.
Re:Way to make money (Score:1)
$40, now you're talking... but they won't lower their prices.
Re:GSM/GPRS in Europe (Score:1)
Re:damn shame (Score:1)
Re:Buy those wireless modems fast. (Score:2)
I know one problem - no one knew about the service! When they launched in Los Angeles, DSL was starting to have many problems... it would have been an ideal alternative. They should have been pitching it to people who lost their Zyan DSL - but if you asked, most people, even techies, had never heard of it.
Had my Earthlink Ricochet 2 weeks now (Score:1)
The end of the article said
"In addition, many new mobile phones are growing increasingly complex, reducing the need for wireless Net access via laptop. "
Cell phones with wireless web suck my butt and do not reduce the need for fast wireless internet access for the zillions of laptop users out there.
I sure hope this service can stay alive.
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:1)
I've never tried to use Verizon's wireless stuff, but from the looks of the link, they give you the hardware and the Windows or Mac drivers. That's a bit more than just "what's your nameserver?"
Perhaps not supported, but Verizon just uses CDPD, like AT&T. Doesn't the old IBM (I think) CDPD modem work under Linux?
Care about freedom?
Re:Using my ricochet right now! (Score:1)
Way to make money (Score:1)
I hope a decent company buys Metricom, figures out a way to make money with the system...
Attention Metricom customers:
In order to provide you with a better service, we have decided to improve our pricing from the previous $70/month. We will now generously give you a choice between two pricing policies, so you can pick the policy that best fits your needs. The options are:
1) $100/month, plus $3.95/hour after the first hour. No longer will you have to be billed extra for hours you don't spend on-line!
2) $500/month flat fee. Unlimited time!
My Plan for Metricom (Score:1)
That would be the cool thing to do.
Re:Nooooooooo! (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:"Linux-friendly" (Score:1)
Re:They're not going out of business... (Score:1)
Re:Iridium all over again (Score:1)
Not enough geeks to make it fly (Score:1)
Ricochet (Score:1)
oh, and "linux-friendly" (Score:1)
Obsolete, perhaps? (Score:1)
Ricochet's primary appeal is internet access on the go. As 802.11 gets more pervasive at homes and businesses, proprietary wireless networks like Ricochet don't make a lot of sense. A few people will still want coverage everywhere, but as Iridium proved, that's a pretty darn small market.
Think about it. Where do people usually use their laptops? Home, work, coffee shops, the park, the airport, etc. I imagine all of those places will have 802.11 connectivity within the next five years. AirPort access is already widely available at coffee shops in the Bay Area [examiner.com], and Starbucks is working to add wireless networking [feedmag.com] to all of their shops.
In the meantime though, this is really a shame. I have friends whose primary connection is Ricochet because they can't get DSL or cable. They're going to be pissed if they have to go back to dialup.
PCS (Score:1)
It's not as fast as ricochet, but better than trying to check mail using a "wireless web" browser.
Re:PCS (Score:1)
Many of the other Sprint phones require you to buy a $100 internet connection kit, and some of them need special software. Not sure the exact capabilities of the phones, but I'm pretty sure the software is all for windows.
Re:Iridium all over again (Score:1)
Still, Metricom has a lot in common with Iridium: they both developed genuinely innovative technology that worked well, but the high costs of deployment them meant that they had to charge more than most potential customers were willing to pay.
Bankruptcy actually led to cheaper services for Iridium users, because the company that took over the system didn't have to pay for its construction. It could mean the same for Ricochet.
Iridium all over again (Score:3)
Metricom's partners share some of the blame (Score:1)
The employee got a new neighbor, a new Deputy Attorney General for his state government. Within 24 hours, DSL and cable modem were available in the neighborhood, eliminating the need for a Metricom box.
I tried to tell this to Metricom via email. They don't have "support@" or "root@" or "president@". I looked up their President's name and tried sending email to him directly. That also bounced with a "no such user." Fine. Juno screws up, Metricom doesn't want to talk with customers. We took our business to the DSL provider. Too bad--if it had worked, we would have acquired several more Metricom modems.
Why people dump on Eazel (Score:1)
Re:Using my ricochet right now! (Score:3)
The actual number that appears in the connection setup is something like 410 kbps. When I first got Ricochet, I could get occasional ftp xfers (under Windows) of over 320 kbps. Since then, they've obviously fiddled some configs (which fixed some disastrous problems, so I'm not complaining) that have brought the nominal top end down to 150k. There might be a few 250k+ seconds here and there, but I don't check it much anymore.
Someone almost certainly will be able to buy and bail this out. Those Rico & Chet commercials must've cost a bundle, but the Chapter can write that off. And there's still no viable competition for the market segment: 100kbps at 70mph.
Well, what did you expect from a wireless company? (Score:3)
Two witches watch two watches.
What? (Score:2)
Well, damn. Now I've got nothing to whine about, and I might actually have to read the article and post something meaningful.
I wouldn't expect to see anyone replace this service anytime soon. The big boys don't want the competition, and I doubt any of them are smart enough to capitalize on the existing network, rather than try to build one from the ground up.
From a Metricom Subscriber... (Score:3)
I was in Bethesda, MD last year and the service was top-notch although they did not claim coverage outside the DC area. When I stated this to a company rep they stated that they had wider coverage of Denver than advertised and that they didn't officially launch a coverage zone until it was thoroughly tested.
Perhaps this may be why it did not catch on so fast? Everyone I know who had one loved it.